#thai drama screenshots
myromancedramas · 2 years
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NOT ME (2021)
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rythyme · 10 months
not believing that the omegaverse show is real is a privilege, actually. in thailand that shit airs on public television.
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bebemoon · 13 days
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the loyal pin | ep. o2
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fan-fricking-fiction · 8 months
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Pit babe ft. comments (1)
other Pit babe posts <3
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My Stand-In episode 10 was sOooo fucking satisfying to watch
First of all
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Cute. You can tell this poor little puppy never sneaked a guy into his room in his teens and never had a parent walk in on him. He fr thought that was gonna work and Ming just went along with it bc he finds it endearing. This is the episode where we see ming's trUe growth as a character and as a person
Because time after time he keeps STANDING UP FOR JOE. He's asking for forgiveness, he's acknowledging all he did and he's trying to repair the damage. He changed from bossing people around to actually being on the begging end. He's asking, he's making the effort. Yes he pulled contract, but because of TIME, he didn't force anything on Joe violently this time.
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Look at my boy getting angry for Joe and facing the very asshole that had him on a leash for years.
I loooooved how his face changes when he hears he doesn't have the upper hand. Props to Mek for being a great actor but bitch ur making me hate your face... Lots of love still.
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THIS LINE HERE... It's not enough experiencing it.. I need it as drUgs fr. That rich turban daddy KNOWS Tong. He knows his every move and the way he gets human shields for him and takes the credit.. that's why Tong is so afraid of him. He cannot play him... Oh my god seeing Tong fucked up feels so good it should count as p*rn fr.
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She's getting caught up in the mess, I hope she gets out. Because the monster is cornered...
LITERALLY cornered. Look at that fucking coward physically HIDING behind Ming's mom.
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Go grow a pair. He couldn't find a stand in for his bALLS so he didn't even go to Ming's dad.
Step 1: making them think they've won
Step 2: pull the sassiest face in the history of EVER that's fueled by extreme gay rage
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Step 3: fuck em up
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He's literally weaponizing Tong's threat. He doesn't care. He is not only standing up for his BOYFRIEND, but he is standing up for HIMSELF. My man Ming was always manhandled and abused and scared. He's seeing clearer than ever now, and he's all in. FUCK YES MING IM AO GLAD YOU DIDN'T FUCKING LET US DOWN. This is hot. This is what we nEed.
I mean how he passed by his mom and Tong and goes up half the stairs... he is ABOVE THEM now, he cleared that stage.. and now look how far up his dad is physically. This shows how much of a difference in power and importance that man has, and still Ming is facing it alone.
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heretherebedork · 2 months
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I wasn't sure they would truly go through this route but I love that they do. That they let San have grown and have learned that he truly loves Vee no matter who Vee is and that he fell in love with a man, yes, but he still loves him and he will give up so much just for the chance to love him. Including the chance healing and the rest of his life if Vee can't heal him. I love that. I love this.
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But also how it reflects Vee's efforts to steal the stone from San in order to save his grandmother and then coming back to the truth to try to save San and how Wadfah uses the stone to manipulate him instead and to try to take it from him. Vee comes back with the stone and sets aside his own future to know that San is living while Wadfah would chose San's death and agony over being rejected. Vee chose San. Wadfah chose the stone. Of course San loves Vee and of course Vee is the one who can heal him.
Because Vee chose him.
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miss0atae · 3 months
The dark side of nostalgia and how it affects San and his relationships from Century of Love (ep 2):
Hum… so many things happened in this episode. I could also say it’s my random thoughts about the second episode 2. Let’s unpack what I felt about it.
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I think we need to talk about San. It was kinda heartbreaking to see how much pain and suffering he is experiencing every day for the sake of finding his lost love. He is staying young and healthy, but the cost of this semi-immortality seems to be too pricey. His love for Vad / Wat is very strong, but I don’t think he is seeing how many changes the pain has caused on him. San isn’t the same as he was when he first met her. Even if Vad / Wat isn’t Vee, I don’t think she would be able to recognize her lover. You can’t live 100 years of atrocious pain and remains the same. It’s not possible. I’m not even sure San sees how much different he is from who he was when he first met her. He is so focus on his goal that he tends to push everything else into the background. In his quest of finding Vad / Wat, San lost himself. It doesn’t help that all the signs seem to push him into Vee, when he doesn’t want it. He tried very hard during this episode to find reasons not to be attracted to Vee, even if his unconscious was sending him wet dreams. I don’t think the fact that Vee is a man is so much of a problem to him. San is just troubled by how different Vee is from his memory of Vad / Wat. Even if he is graced with semi-immortality, it's not working on his nostalgia.It just helps him to remain young and healthy.
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When people get nostalgic, they are living in the past. San is truly someone who is still stuck in the past where he was loved and he loved his “true love”. In those moments, the past seems rosy, and often as more positive than the present. It's the case for San, as he remembers fondly of the time he was with Vad / Wat. It is even worse because he never really had the chance to live with her. They were separated before. What emotion is San after when he is thinking about the past? Is it a way of finding the positive feelings you get when you're in love? Is he trying to recreate their time together? San has one foot in the past and one in the present, but he is not really rooted in the present. Despite looking for the reincarnation of his love, he can't really feel himself in the present. Is it even possible for him to be rooted in the present and also feel the positive emotions of reminiscing while living in pain every day . No mind is strong enough to be able to endure this. I wonder if it's also a way for him to avoid complex emotions. I may read a bit too much on his behaviors. Sometimes I was feeling really sad for him and some other time I was really annoyed by him. I felt he was too bitter and too angry to really understand that his actions may not be right all the time. Especially when it's about Vee.
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Let's admit how shocking it can be for some people to discover your love is so different. However, the way San was really trying to find fault in every actions of Vee was unkind. He never really tried to understand him for who he is. He always misunderstood him or imagined things worse than what they really are. He made this pure image of Vad / Wat in his mind colored by his love while Vee represents the complete opposite of it. Vee didn't really understand the story he painted to him about waiting for his love. That's because Vee isn't trapped in a past (he doesn't know or doesn't remember). He is living in the present! His own story can explain why he is trying to live the fullest. His grandmother is sick and being in the presence of losing someone, can push you to appreciate life even more. You must enjoy every moment because you never know when you won't have the chance to do it anymore with the person you love. San considers Vee as a thief because of his past and that's make him see him as a deceitful person. He knows some facts about Vee, but he never really tried to discover why Vee had this record. He automatically assumes it's because he needs money and that's it. It fits the image he has about Vee. It works with the narrative he wants to adopt about him because it would prove further more than he can't be the reincarnation of Vad / Wat.
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He doesn't hesitate to call out Vee because he believes he is after the five shades stone. He is a thief, so of course, he would try to steal the most precious item he owns. I don't think San really took the time to think before stating this. He forgot than Vee isn't living in his past and doesn't really care about this. Vee is just interested in San and finds him interesting, maybe attractive. He may have been a thief in the past, but he is not a creature of the past. Vee is rooted in the present. There is also the fact that Vee has no idea about what is the five shades stone or its power. He just wanted to care for San because he saw him being hurt before while trying to escape attacks from unknown people. Vee isn't a bad person. He may have a “dark” past, but he is trying to live rightfully. San is so caught up in what he imagines is right and it prevents him from looking at the bigger picture. Even if Vee ends up not being the reincarnation of Vad / Wat, I don't think San would be able to find her. He isn't really thinking rationally and he is mostly living in the rosy-colored vision of his past induces by the nostalgia. Of course, the present is not nice to San: he is lonely (even if surrounded by the family) and he is suffering each day. Why would he choose the present when the past seems so much better?
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I believe Vee could be the answer if he can help San to see that the present can offer so much more. It won't be an easy task especially now that we know the mysterious attacks are ordered by an old and sick Third who never forgot about San (Is it Trai's descendant and how Trai knew about the stone? So much questions that need answers).
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
The Great Thai Communal Wardrobe Advent Giveaway!
I've currently collected/documented 45 items of clothing (and accessories) that have reappeared in various Thai series over the past four years - these are only the ones that have been discovered, I'm sure there are more.
These 45 items are spread over 38 shows and are worn by 78 different characters (mains, sides, and random extras).
At the most, one item has been worn by 8 different people in 6 series, several have been used 3-5 times, but the majority have only appeared in two different shows (so far!).
There has been one recent show which has featured 15 items of clothing which have been worn in other series! The next highest number is 11 in a show which aired last year. And then the 3rd and 4th spot go to a show from two years ago (with 10 items) and one from this year (with 6).
I have currently ordered all the items by the number of times used and then by air date (with the highest and earliest first), but once I start posting them I will add any new discoveries to the end of the list (from 46 onwards).
And I'd like your involvement to post them!
Between now and Nov 15th send me an ask or a DM with one of the following requests to either have the item dedicated to yourself or you can gift it to another blog. (Anon is also fine but I'd suggest using an obscure emoji so you can identify yourself).
You can request:
A random number in the list (1-45)
The name of a particular show
A specific character or actor
Something funny or stylish or that I think you might like
A specific item (if you have a pretty confident idea of one that exists)
And a specific date you would like your post published if you have one (I'm mainly trying to decide what order to publish them all in)
A point to note: I've already published number 3 and number 6 (although the latter is now wrongly-numbered 😥 so I might consider editing the original post...again).
My plan is to post two a day from Dec 1st in the run up to Christmas, like an advent calendar, so I've set the deadline for requests early enough to give me time to organise the posts (since work does get in the way sometimes).
And if you do spot any more shared clothing across series, do let me know!
Tagging some people in case you're interested and to help me spread the word: @grapejuicegay @celestial-sapphicss @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 @waitmyturtles @respectthepetty @chickenstrangers @ranchthoughts @slayerkitty @colourme-feral @blmpff @telomeke @nothingsbetterthancoffee @lurkingshan @ephemeral-hiraeth @thegalwhorants @hughungrybear @i-got-the-feels @icouldhyperfixatehim @dragonsareawesome123 @sparklyeyedhimbo @first-kanaphan @italianpersonwithashippersheart @shouldiusemyname @gabrielokun @ghoststookournightmares @morathicain @nongnaopat @lamonnaie @natalias-pierogi @mysterygrl20 @nahaluk @callipigio @multifanofmultifandom @dramarec @cangse-sanren @williamrikers @justafriend-ql @heretherebedork @forcebook @non-binarypal7 @aprilblossomgirl @morkofday @brazilian-whalien52
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mikuni14 · 9 months
Tharn: what? being in love with Phaya? couldn't be me lol! 😆
Also Tharn:
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alwayspining · 2 years
PSA when Prapai said this:
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He meant: “bitch (affectionate) are they brown or golden?”
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*gestures broadly*
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myromancedramas · 2 years
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WHY R U? (2020)
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bebemoon · 13 days
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the loyal pin | ep. o2
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lazzarella · 3 months
Going to try to start posting more of my thoughts on shows as I watch or re-watch them because it's my blog and no one can stop me. Anyway! Starting with Hidden Agenda because that's the most recent one I've finished
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My expectations were tempered going in—not because most other people said it was terrible, because I've learnt not to put much stock in others' opinions on media as they often don't line up with mine, but because I didn't care much for JoongDunk's scenes in Sky in My Heart. (Tbf, there weren’t that many.) But I liked the premise (it very vaguely made me think of one of my favourite movies, Plan B, even though it's actually nothing like it—just a connection my brain made) and I saw that AouBoom were the side pairing, so I figured I'd give it a go! Not like I'm marrying it, you know?
Anyway, I ended up having a blast! 
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Look, did I sometimes wonder if I'd blacked out for a minute or two and missed some important scene or piece of exposition because I was lost about how we got somewhere? A few times, for sure. And could some of the acting have been stronger? Probably, but I've seen way worse acting. Like way worse. Way. Worse. Plus it was never unwatchable for me? And my secondhand embarrassment threshold is pretty low. And did it just pile on a bunch of drama (especially toward the end) that sometimes got resolved super quickly even though it probably should have taken longer? Again, yes. But, somehow, it all worked for me?? It did a lot of things that usually bug me, but there was *something* about this show that kept me hooked.
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Like I said, I had a blast! I enjoyed pretty much every minute of it, and I was never bored. I thought Joong and Dunk were super cute together and definitely not shy about the kissing, Aou and Boom may not have had many scenes but I just love them together, I was impressed by both the level and variety of drama they managed to pack in (there's a stalker and both mommy and daddy issues and homophobia, just for starters), and it has some incredibly pretty cinematography! And lots of really good hugs!
I know this is a not a very insightful ‘review’, but I'm a little rusty! But, yeah, genuinely had a great time with this show, it's a solid 8/10 for me! 
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heretherebedork · 2 months
Look, I found screenshots of a show that isn't available with subs anywhere (or, for the most part, at all internationally) but I saw these and just needed to share.
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miss0atae · 2 months
Family ties in the Rebound and how it shaped some of the characters (ep 9 & 10)
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We're almost at the end of the series and I just felt like talking about the family ties in the Rebound. I really appreciate when the series doesn't solely focus on the romance. Don't get me wrong, I love romance. I believe it's something so precious and I appreciate watching or reading about it. However, I find it great when the series takes the time to show you something outside of the main characters' romance. In the Rebound, there are some good friendship representation, but not as good as how it was presented in We Are. The group of friends had many opportunities to be seen together. While, in the Rebound, the characters don't get the chance to do that a lot because there is always something they have to deal with: gangsters shady business, finding money to play their match, working… Their lifestyle is different so I understand why the series can't really focus on letting the characters enjoy more friendship moments. We still get some times where they are eating together or working together, but for me, I don't find the same feeling as in We Are when it's about the friendship. However, I feel the series does a great job at showing family, whether it's your blood relative or a found family.
Among all the characters in the series, there are 4 of them where you can see their family:
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Firstly I'm going to talk about Lin. She was mostly raised by her father. He is an ex basketball player from her school. However, his glorious past as an athlete his far long gone when we meet her for the first time in the series. Nowadays, he is working as a repairman and spend too much time drinking. Life has been tough on him. He also has trouble to make ends meet. Lin's mother died in an accident when she was young and this is a sensitive subject for her father. He seems to be still grieving. In this environment, Lin has to be able to stand her ground to move forward. I believe she had to grow up sometimes alone because her father had to work. Maybe that's why she can be pushy. She also seems to be very independent. It works well when you have to “survive” on your own, but it works less when you want to flirt with your flirt. She was sometimes to pushy to get answer from Ruy, especially when she didn't get the answer she wanted to have. That's the problem of Lin. She never knows when to stop because she lacks boundaries. However, she was loved by her parents and her father, despite being preoccupied, cares about her. It is why she has a big heart. She makes mistakes, but she also learns and knows when to make amend. For example, when she misunderstood the basketball team's actions because of few bad seeds, she tried hard to correct her mistakes. I guess she is still young (I always have to remember they are teenagers) and she will learn with time how to think before acting. Her impulsiveness and eagerness to do things are part of her charm.
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Now, let's see what it is for Zen. We don't see his parents and as far as I can remember we didn't get a lot of flashback of them. We mostly know he was raised by his grandmother. They both have a very tight bond. Zen and his grandmother come from a working class. The series seems to imply it's not always easy for them, but they manage anyway. Zen grew up in a nice environment as they live a pretty big house and he gets to do his favorite sport. Even if he has a part-time job, Zen seems to have a nice life. He is surrounded by people who like and appreciate him. His grandmother raised him to be is a nice guy who is trying to do his best. He knows he can count on his loved one to support him and he can also learn from them. Zen seems to be comfortable in his skin and confident. It shows how positive his grandmother's parenting must have been. Usually in series, when the parents are absent from the child's life it's a way of explaining why the character is lonely or lost. It is often used to portray a character who relies only on himself. Here, it's not the case for Zen. I would say he knows when he has to ask for help. It is displayed in his life too, as he is the captain of his basketball team and he seems to care for the tasks that falls to him with this title. Zen may be young, but he will never back down from what he has to do. Sometimes he can be lost, but it feels just like what any teenagers would get. I also appreciate how they didn't make him question too much his attraction for his best friend. It feels like Zen always knew. There isn't any questioning about his own sexuality.
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Then, we have Ryu. We don’t know exactly what happened, but his parents separated in bad ways. It’s either a divorce, or the father cheated or he died in an accident or maybe he just left her for an unknown reason. Why do I say that? It’s because in the flashback Ryu’s mother reacted pretty badly at the mere mention of anything related to her ex-husband. I guess Ryu couldn’t stand it anymore and left the house he was living with his mom to live in the studio. It’s still unclear how he could pay for all of these. I thought at first it was his street basketball or Q who helped him, but now that he isn’t around Q and stopped doing street basketball how can he afford the room? I know he’s living with Zen now, but it was never properly explained. We know his mom is rich and she’s an alumni of the school/club. I think it’s more the school, because she seems to be furious anytime there is something related to basketball or her ex-husband. She is controlling but kind of lax too because she let her son left the house and just watched him from afar. It’s not like she doesn’t know he was involved in something dangerous. I guess we’ll know more about why she is acting this way in the next episodes. Thanks to Ryu’s flashbacks we are aware she is not happy with him playing this sport because it was her ex-husband who taught basketball to Ryu. Ryu had a tight bond with his father. I believe Ryu suffers from abandonment issues because of his parents. It made him possessive (he doesn’t want to lose his loved-ones), secretive (he can’t be able to enjoy his favorite sport because of his mother) and prompt to escape or anger (he didn’t get someone to just listen to him). He seems to be more at peace now that he is with Zen and lives at his house.
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Finally we have Atom. We didn't get any mention of his mother. She could be absent or dead for all we know. We only saw his father. Let's face it, he's not exactly father of the year. He seems to be this overbearing parents that pressure their kids to be productive. Remember how he lectured Atom to train. Atom is an athlete because it was the dream of his father. He tries very hard to please his father, even though it started to get harder and harder for him as he was losing his passion for basketball. He also seems to have no real friends around him because he was probably forced by his father to spend all his free time on practicing his sport. I feel like Atom's father is the same as Ryu's mother. They don't listen to what their kids want. They only impose their views on them and expect them to obey. If Atom tried to please his father, since he met Zen he decided to be more assertive and to tell his father his will not compromise his values anymore. I really like this kid. He gave us really weird vibes at the beginning of the story, but I think it's because he really needs to work on his social skills. That's why it's so important to let your kid socialize and not push him to be a professional athlete as a young age if it's not something he wants. Atom gets along very well with Zen's grandmother. He probably found in her a real confidant. Someone is finally listening to him. I believe that's also why he fell in love with Zen. Zen was raised by his grandmother so of course he acts the same way as her. Somehow, Zen's grandmother is becoming a mother's figure to Atom. I hope it will help Atom to open up more.
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Zen and Lin are the two characters who have a parent figure that love them and want to be there for them. In contrast, Ryu and Atom have more complicated ties with their family and they found in Zen's household a found family. I would even say, it's also partly why they are both attracted to Zen. We are all influence by our family. Their trauma can have an impact on our life. Ryu and Atom need a space where they can find support and self-compassion. I believe they found it at Zen's house. Lin may have difficulties growing up, but it seems her father is trying hard to mend for his past mistakes and to re-connect with his daughter. Let's see if Ryu's mother and Atom's father will be able to do the same thing.
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five-wow · 5 months
i'm so sorry, but the phrasing of this had me wheezing. danny, on day #603 of "i can't possibly go home, there's mold in my kitchen":
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