#thank god my bestie sabin showed up and talked to me so I showed him where Brookes’ table was
dtan0914 · 1 year
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Getting Alex Shelley and Chris Brookes to finally meet in person was SO important after seeing Alex Shelley’s “The Life Of…” on IWTV (please watch it if you haven’t already) where he gushed about Brookes.
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devilbat · 5 years
Spoiled, Pt 3
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Warning: Nothing really, just maybe language
Lunch with your father was always quiet Pleasant. But today's lunch was quite a bit awkward to say the least. Tom and your dad would have these funny tall tails about what happened at work. They talk about work like it was something you knew all about. You were not a business type of girl. Sure you wanted to get into the fashion Industry, only to design. What your father and Tom did was beyond boring. Then there was the awkwardness between you and Tom. Knowing what he had seen, as he sat there acting like nothing happened. Though every once in while through out lunch it felt like Toms eyes were burning your flesh with his intense stare. You tried to hide behind your hair or you glass of water. Your eyes on other things in the elaborate restaurant.
"Honey, have you heard back from any of those business schools we talked about." Your dad looked over at you suddenly. Making Tom turn his full attention on you. Tom smirk never wavered.
"Oh, I um, got accepted into Fashion Institute of Technology." You whispered you knew you father really didn't like the idea of a frivolous study. He wanted you to go into business. Hoping you would take over when he retired. You were his only child. Knowing your dad didn’t approve. You could only Sit there uncomfortably shifting in your set. Not like you hadn't been squirm under Tom's stare.
"Princess, that is not an acceptable career." You father sighed heavily disapprovingly. "You’re -" was about to continue until Tom cleared his throat.
"Eric, I think y/n would do exceedingly well in the industry. She dose have a knack for it. Y/n is always "so well" put together." Tom praised you, putting a little more emphasize on the ‘Well’. Tom's gaze never leaving yours. As a blush spread across your cheek. Did Tom just defend you. "And beside they do still teach them the business aspect of the industry there."
"Well, I still think it's not the best. But if it fails then your going to a business school." You father sighed. You mouth went slack.
"Really? Oh thank you daddy." You squealed in excitement. Throwing your arms around him hugging him. Sure you couldn't believe it. Never thinking he would listen to Tom. He did trusted the man, but still. You looked over at Tom. Mouthing 'thank you,' to him as well. Which he replied back with. 'You're welcome princess.' A smug smile on his face and you swore he winked at you.
To say you were all to happy when lunch was over was an understatement. Your father and Tom headed back to the office. After they made sure you took the town car back home. Before you made it back home your phone buzzed. You could only hope it wasn't who you thought it was. To your relief it was your bestie texting you.
Bestie: Girl, I just passed my exam we're going out for drinks. If convenient
Bestie: if inconvenient, we're going out to get wasted. I know the perfect place. Get that sexy ass moving. We're going to get you laid.. Oh and wear that one outfit, the one that makes me want to have you.
Y/n: which one is that one? You have like twenty of them that you say that too.
Bestie: ugh, be there in ten.
You rolled your eyes as you made your way into the building. You smiled at the door man. Greeting you with a ‘afternoon Miss’. He had been working their for a few years now. He was fairly young and not bad looking. He nodded as he held the door for you. Heading up to your appointment. Which had its own elevator. Ten minutes later your best friend showed up.
"The party has arrived." She announced as he gave you a hug. "All right lets get that sexy ass of your drunk and laid. Though it would be better if it was that tall drink of a British man. But you won't march your ass into his office. So until then." Giggling as she smack your ass. Making you yelp a bit.
"Really. Are you sure he's not seeing someone?" You sighed while your friend dragged you into your large bedroom.
"Hey, I did my research. He's one of New York City sexiest bachelors. And London's as well." She hummed. "Now stop doubting me." She bopped your nose. As she looked through clothes.
"Are you sure about this place?" You questioned your friends sanity. When you both pulled up to a hole in the wall bar. It wasn't like it was in a bad part of town. Just not what you would step foot in. Rock music played, leaking through the wood door. Few people outside smoking. Chatting away until you both headed for the door. Few of the men stopped to stare at you both. You friend decided to give them a little wave before going through the door. "Please don't."
"What? He was cute." She yelled over the music. Pulling your hand along as she made her way through the crowd. Turning heads as you passed. Finding a table in the corner, that was closet to the bar. Leaving you for a moment to get drinks. "So lay it on me, how was lunch with your dad and TTTom." She wiggles her eyebrows. After getting around of shots. So you told her.
"It couldn't have been any more awkward. With that damn smirk, and intense gaze. I felt like I was under interrogation. Then he sided with me on going to fashion school. Like what. Oh and my dad agreed. Like the hell. Ugh. He annoying. Oh and he called me princess! Princess! The way he says it though." You ranted, swiping your tongue along the class of your shot.
"Oh, you soo want to climb that like a tree. I'm telling you, that he so wants to tap that cute ass of yours. We all know you want him too." She teased.
"Oh god, no! He's like 40." You sighed, downing your shot. Feeling the colored liquor burn down your throat.
"38 to be precise." She smirked. "Remember I googled him."
"See he closer to 40. And now I'm going to go get the next round." You stated scooting of the bench before your friend could say any thing more. Weaving in and out of people as you headed towards the bar. Never minding what or who was around you. Finding yourself standing at the bar, waving down the bartender. "Can I get two purple nerpples." You leaned over the bar a bit to tell the her what you wanted. Watching the bubbly blonde make your drinks.
"Dose daddy know your here princess." A familiar deep voice purred near your ear. Making you jump a bit.
Permanent tags:  @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 , @madleiine @teageowen @scorpionchild81 @redlipsinkorea @miraclesoflove @mintzxi @it-jinxed-us @heylals
Tom/Loki Tag's: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 @moonlightprime @youveseen--thebutcher @shockwavee @sabine-leo @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms @vethrvolnir, @darkprincessloki92 @archy3001 @chaoticwithpurpose @paanchu786 @metalheadspider @myownviperroom @arosewithdaisies @jilldsumner @daughterofsunandmoon93 @too-cold-for-youhere @iamverity @sterwild @hiddlefan81 @matczvkv @desimarie12 @loser-alert @cest-le-temps-de-lamour @lucantis @sherlokiholland @kryptonite2116 @justthatfangirloverthere @littleredstarfish @amore-p-siche
Spoiled: @ladybugsfanfics @the--queen-of-hell @alexakeyloveloki @lynnesm @sleepingbytheriver @waywardbella @dreams-in-blxck @skulliebythesea @midnightbarnes97 @marsbars101 @maah-chan @silverlightsaber @lil-mewlingquim07
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miraculousmarinet · 4 years
The Miraculous PA Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Chapter 1. A big interview
It’s 6AM on a Saturday and Marinette is up. If she still lived with her parents her mother might have asked her what she had done to her daughter. Marinette was always late and sleeping in you see. But not today! Today was very important to Marinette. She would put the apron down and move onto the world that she had always dreamed of entering. The world of fashion.
As Marinette brushed her teeth she stared at herself in the mirror. She knew that she had to look extra professional and put together. The fashion house she was interviewing for was the biggest name in Paris, if not the whole of France. An internship at Agreste Fashion House could lead to actual designing gigs and a full time job as a designer at almost any fashion house in the western world.
Marinette spat out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth, giving herself a wide toothy grin in the mirror. Seven years of braces in elementary and middle school had really paid off as her pearly whites were lined up perfectly. She then tied her hair back into a professional ponytail and put on some lipgloss and mascara. Her makeup skills weren’t on the same level as her friends Juleka or Rose and definitely not on the same level as her best friend Alyas.
A quick glance at the clock and Marinette was feeling her nerves get the best of her. Even though she got up this early didn’t mean she would make the interview at 8AM, on the other side of the city. She always seemed to have some bad luck when it came to something important. She had spilled coffee on her application to Paris Fashion Institute a few years back and then a few weeks later her portfolio got rained on as she was just about to send it in. By the grace of God or some other entity she still got in, but she was reminded of her bad luck by the headmistress who seemed to have something against her.
Marinette threw on her coat and rushed outside, hailing a cab and telling the driver to take her to the Agreste headquarters. She fiddled with her fingers and looked out the window, seeing the buildings pass her by with leafy green trees that lined the sidewalks. After a long taxi drive she paid the driver and got off. Everything was going well so far, kind of suspicious. Maybe lady luck was on her side today.
The glistening white building clashed with its surroundings. The Agreste Fashion House was the epitome of modern architecture, with steel accents and big windows that served as mirrors to the pedestrians outside. Marinette took a deep breath in and walked through the big front doors. Everything was bright and white, with potted greenery here and there and a screen that showed the newest photoshoot pictures.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng?” a stern voice said behind her.
“Huh? Oh, yes! I mean, that would be me, Marinette”, Marinette rambled as her eyes settled on the tall woman behind her.
“Nathalie Sancoeur. I am here to take you to be interviewed for the position of…” The woman was cut off by a flash of pink that made her lose focus.
That flash of pink was Alix, who was currently rollerskating in circles in the lobby with security on her tail. Alix made it back to the doors and yelled good luck to Marinette, who was pink in her face.
“Do you know her?” Nathalie asked Marinette who shrunk down.
“Eh… Yes? I mean no! I mean…”, Marinette fumbled, not knowing if this was one of those times when a white lie wouldn’t hurt even though she hated lying.
“Let’s go then, follow me”, Nathalie said, completely ignoring poor Marinette and her inner battle.
Marinette straightened her back and followed Nathalie into the elevator. She watched as the number got higher and higher until it reached the second to the top floor, 7. The two women walked out of the elevator and Nathalie opened the first door to their left.
“Wait here”, Nathalie said and left as soon as Marinette had sat down on one of the designer faux leather chairs.
Marinette didn’t have time to ask Nathalie why she had to wait here alone or why she was brought so high up when the designer level was a few floors down. At least that’s what it said on the floor plan in the elevator. She gazed around and she could see people walking outside, some on their way to work and others on a run. It wasn’t too busy, it was only 7.55 AM on a Saturday after all. Time went by painfully slowly and Marinette started to fear the worst. What if this was all a prank? A cruel prank orchestrated by some rich kids with too much time and money on their hands.
“Are you here for the interview?” A light, melodic voice called out and Marinette jumped up off her chair.
“Yes, Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s the name”, she said and cringed internally. Why did she have to be so nervous.
“Great, you know it’s super hard to find candidates for this job that have such a great resume as you do”, the lady said while looking down at a tablet. “Top student at Collège Francoise Dupont, studied at Paris Fashion Institute and graduated with honors”, she read off her tablet and looked up at Marinette.
“Uh, thank you, miss?” Marinette looked at the woman sheepishly.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t introduce myself! My name is Samantha Melrose”, the supposed interviewer said and extended her hand to Marinette, which she took.
“Now that we got that done, how about we get some coffee and get down to business”, Samantha said and she put her tablet down, smiling at Marinette.
Marinettes nerves seemed to wash away as the interview continued. She got to talk about her fashions, her extracurricular activities that had made her who she is today and her schedule. Totally free, by the way.
When Marinette took the elevator back down she felt relieved and hopeful. Samantha seemed nice and she hoped that they would be working together soon. That is if she got the job. Marinette took out her phone and saw that she had gotten texts from all her friends, wishing her luck and telling her that she would get the job if the employer was smart. She smiled to herself and sent thank you messages back to each and every one of them.
It was now 9.30 AM, the interview had taken longer than what she had initially thought, but she still had time to catch the subway and meet Alya at her parents bakery before 10. Sometimes she was really grateful of the public transport in Paris.
Alya was waiting for Marinette in front of the Dupain-Cheng Boulangerie, with her nose deep in her phone. Marinette mused that she was probably texting her boyfriend Nino or maybe she was reading her favourite superhero comic Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“Hey Alya!” Marinette walked up to her bestie and with her finger she lowered the phone from Alyas face. “You ready for late breakfast?”
“Mari! You won’t believe what I just read”, Alya practically screamed and pushed her phone to Marinettes face.
It took a few seconds for Marinettes eyes to focus on the screen, but the headline immediately caught her attention.
“They are talking about him having a more active role in the business side of things now that he’s 21”, Alya said as she pulled the phone back and put it into her pocket.
“Adriens back from the States?” Marinette asked with excitement in her voice.
“I know he’s your number one celebrity crush so I thought you’d want to know ASAP”, Alya said as she opened the door to Tom and Sabines bakery.
“Adriens back from the States…” Marinette said as she walked inside, completely lost in her thoughts.
“Well hello to you too, Marinette”, Sabine said with a smirk as she put a plate full of fresh pastries down on the corner table that Marinette and Alya frequented.
“Good morning Sabine, Tom”, Alya said cheerily and grabbed a warm ham and cheese filled croissant.
“Good morning Alya, did you get any details about our princesses big interview before she shut down?” Tom boomed from behind the counter as Sabine was ringing down a client.
“Didn’t quite get to it yet. Just wait a few minutes, she won’t stay in the clouds forever”, Alya said as she munched on the croissant.
I have 4 chapters up on AO3 for your reading pleasure. Here’s a link to the work:
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varikasnuori · 4 years
The Miraculous PA Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Chapter 1.
A big interview
As Marinette brushed her teeth she stared at herself in the mirror. She knew that she had to look extra professional and put together. The fashion house she was interviewing for was the biggest name in Paris, if not the whole of France. An internship at Agreste Fashion House could lead to actual designing gigs and a full time job as a designer at almost any fashion house in the western world.
Marinette spat out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth, giving herself a wide toothy grin in the mirror. Seven years of braces in elementary and middle school had really paid off as her pearly whites were lined up perfectly. She then tied her hair back into a professional ponytail and put on some lipgloss and mascara. Her makeup skills weren’t on the same level as her friends Juleka or Rose and definitely not on the same level as her best friend Alyas.
A quick glance at the clock and Marinette was feeling her nerves get the best of her. Even though she got up this early didn’t mean she would make the interview at 8AM, on the other side of the city. She always seemed to have some bad luck when it came to something important. She had spilled coffee on her application to Paris Fashion Institute a few years back and then a few weeks later her portfolio got rained on as she was just about to send it in. By the grace of God or some other entity she still got in, but she was reminded of her bad luck by the headmistress who seemed to have something against her.
Marinette threw on her coat and rushed outside, hailing a cab and telling the driver to take her to the Agreste headquarters. She fiddled with her fingers and looked out the window, seeing the buildings pass her by with leafy green trees that lined the sidewalks. After a long taxi drive she paid the driver and got off. Everything was going well so far, kind of suspicious. Maybe lady luck was on her side today.
The glistening white building clashed with its surroundings. The Agreste Fashion House was the epitome of modern architecture, with steel accents and big windows that served as mirrors to the pedestrians outside. Marinette took a deep breath in and walked through the big front doors. Everything was bright and white, with potted greenery here and there and a screen that showed the newest photoshoot pictures.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng?” a stern voice said behind her.
“Huh? Oh, yes! I mean, that would be me, Marinette”, Marinette rambled as her eyes settled on the tall woman behind her.
“Nathalie Sancoeur. I am here to take you to be interviewed for the position of…” The woman was cut off by a flash of pink that made her lose focus.
That flash of pink was Alix, who was currently rollerskating in circles in the lobby with security on her tail. Alix made it back to the doors and yelled good luck to Marinette, who was pink in her face.
“Do you know her?” Nathalie asked Marinette who shrunk down.
“Eh… Yes? I mean no! I mean…”, Marinette fumbled, not knowing if this was one of those times when a white lie wouldn’t hurt even though she hated lying.
“Let’s go then, follow me”, Nathalie said, completely ignoring poor Marinette and her inner battle.
Marinette straightened her back and followed Nathalie into the elevator. She watched as the number got higher and higher until it reached the second to the top floor, 7. The two women walked out of the elevator and Nathalie opened the first door to their left.
“Wait here”, Nathalie said and left as soon as Marinette had sat down on one of the designer faux leather chairs.
Marinette didn’t have time to ask Nathalie why she had to wait here alone or why she was brought so high up when the designer level was a few floors down. At least that’s what it said on the floor plan in the elevator. She gazed around and she could see people walking outside, some on their way to work and others on a run. It wasn’t too busy, it was only 7.55 AM on a Saturday after all. Time went by painfully slowly and Marinette started to fear the worst. What if this was all a prank? A cruel prank orchestrated by some rich kids with too much time and money on their hands.
“Are you here for the interview?” A light, melodic voice called out and Marinette jumped up off her chair.
“Yes, Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s the name”, she said and cringed internally. Why did she have to be so nervous.
“Great, you know it’s super hard to find candidates for this job that have such a great resume as you do”, the lady said while looking down at a tablet. “Top student at Collège Francoise Dupont, studied at Paris Fashion Institute and graduated with honors”, she read off her tablet and looked up at Marinette.
“Uh, thank you, miss?” Marinette looked at the woman sheepishly.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t introduce myself! My name is Samantha Melrose”, the supposed interviewer said and extended her hand to Marinette, which she took.
“Now that we got that done, how about we get some coffee and get down to business”, Samantha said and she put her tablet down, smiling at Marinette.
Marinettes nerves seemed to wash away as the interview continued. She got to talk about her fashions, her extracurricular activities that had made her who she is today and her schedule. Totally free, by the way.
When Marinette took the elevator back down she felt relieved and hopeful. Samantha seemed nice and she hoped that they would be working together soon. That is if she got the job. Marinette took out her phone and saw that she had gotten texts from all her friends, wishing her luck and telling her that she would get the job if the employer was smart. She smiled to herself and sent thank you messages back to each and every one of them.
It was now 9.30 AM, the interview had taken longer than what she had initially thought, but she still had time to catch the subway and meet Alya at her parents bakery before 10. Sometimes she was really grateful of the public transport in Paris.
Alya was waiting for Marinette in front of the Dupain-Cheng Boulangerie, with her nose deep in her phone. Marinette mused that she was probably texting her boyfriend Nino or maybe she was reading her favourite superhero comic Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“Hey Alya!” Marinette walked up to her bestie and with her finger she lowered the phone from Alyas face. “You ready for late breakfast?”
“Mari! You won’t believe what I just read”, Alya practically screamed and pushed her phone to Marinettes face.
It took a few seconds for Marinettes eyes to focus on the screen, but the headline immediately caught her attention.
“They are talking about him having a more active role in the business side of things now that he’s 21”, Alya said as she pulled the phone back and put it into her pocket.
“Adriens back from the States?” Marinette asked with excitement in her voice.
“I know he’s your number one celebrity crush so I thought you’d want to know ASAP”, Alya said as she opened the door to Tom and Sabines bakery.
“Adriens back from the States…” Marinette said as she walked inside, completely lost in her thoughts.
“Well hello to you too, Marinette”, Sabine said with a smirk as she put a plate full of fresh pastries down on the corner table that Marinette and Alya frequented.
“Good morning Sabine, Tom”, Alya said cheerily and grabbed a warm ham and cheese filled croissant.
“Good morning Alya, did you get any details about our princesses big interview before she shut down?” Tom boomed from behind the counter as Sabine was ringing down a client.
“Didn’t quite get to it yet. Just wait a few minutes, she won’t stay in the clouds forever”, Alya said as she munched on the croissant.
There’s a second chapter up on AO3 and I’ll be releasing new chapters soon. Please take a look is you’re interested to see where the story goes in the future!
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