#thank u so much for this ask!!!
sparklingchim · 7 months
um im having some thoughts/opinions about both characters in ylm which is;
i feel like it’s always the man who can neglect their partner bc of their ex (and i could care less if she was polite or not you’re an ex for a reason know your place. women are not stupid) and then proceeded to think they can be forgiven but the moment the woman turns around and does the same she’s desperate or wants attention? i mean if jk can’t prioritize his wife over his ex (again that’s so fucked up like they’re both in the wrong here. he doesn’t even have feelings for his ex bc even if he did he would’ve already left that’s what a man in love would do no?) then yeah he is no „man“ he is a boy who finds it cool to have the attention of two women and bruh i would never let a man walk over me like that. i feel like yeah at some point he has „love“ (lmao) for her but only to get his way which is cliché for every man’s mistakes so i don’t trust him at all. he has a responsibility and so does his ex yes it’s mainly jk‘s fault bc he is the one who’s married but you can’t tell me that his ex is „polite“ and never once thought „yknow what why does he stay so late when he has a wife isn’t this disrespectful he’s married etc etc“ also please even if he told her lies we‘re talking about a woman here we‘re not that stupid to place two and two together.
for oc?
hmm i feel like she’s naive and not brave but i mean what can you expect from a person who gives their all and wants the outcome to be positive so bad by trying multiple times? been there done that. so i feel like she gets manipulated easily which means she is easy (sorry not sorry if jk came home to me and thought he could sleep next to me or with me after showing up late for the past two weeks girl i would’ve been at my moms house not coming back till him and his ex apologized to my face while my whole family would be in the room (would like to see the humiliation on both of their faces)) it’s like she’s too dependent on him. it’s also the little hints you gave us away with „i pretend that i don’t care about the public’s opinion but i do“ n what not so i feel like she was never truly happy or comfortable in their relationship to express her true feelings to her partner without fearing what they would say/do and that’s enough for me to know that he never truly made an effort it was always her. i also feel like age has nothing to do with their relationship i mean you can be very wise from a very young age doesn’t mean you have to be 30 for it because most of these grown ups like jk don’t even know what it takes to be a man he’s the childish one to be honest.
- sorry for writing so much!! 😔 loved the story and you can tell it makes us talk about the what „if‘s“ so thank you again for being so talented and sharing your story with us im exited for the future projects or updates! 💗💗💗
oc is def too dependent on jungkook !! we'll see more of that in future chapters!! she just always had people guiding her through her life n doesn't know how to do things alone n especially being alone, struggles a lot w that actually !!
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
💝 - What's their love language?
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let's talk about romance...!
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💝 - What's their love language?
Zarina uses three interchanging love languages the most: physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time. However, she prioritizes physical touch more often (hand-holding, sitting next to each other, etc).
I mention 'interchangeably' because Zarina approaches her lovers with physical touch first; however, some of her lovers do not enjoy physical touch right away or need to be warmer up to be comfortable with physical touch. Because of that, she remains a more flexible lover but does highly rely on both physical touch and words of affirmation first, then quality time next.
Physical touch is important to her because it's intimate. Physical touch shares warmth and it shares closeness, your own personal space with her. It's trust and her touch shows how she longs to be closer to her lover. She hugs her lover, she kisses them, she holds their hand, she makes sure their hands brush against each other if they don' hold them. Sex is also where physical touch comes in, she enjoys that naked intimacy and being so physically close makes her heart beat, causes her to show through touch how much she loves her lover. Despite her being so cold as winter itself, her kisses and her touches are warm with love and adoration.
Zarina makes sure her lover hears that she loves them. She speaks earnestly and she speaks without any shyness. If her lover may not enjoy physical touch, she'll always make sure to tell them that she loves them, compliment them, and give them good advice whenever she can. She will not hesitate to make sure they hear her, concentrate on her voice, and can hear how much emotion there is in her voice, a voice that's usually either calmer (lazier, more laid-back) or showcases another emotion, but you'd know when she speaks with genuine warmth.
She's also a very busy person, which makes her adore time spent together with her lover. Sometimes, she may be late coming home or vice versa with her lover. Just spending time with them makes her happy because they come back to her, and they stay with her, which is essential to her. They both may make breakfast/lunch/dinner or sit together while watching or reading something. Being together in comfortable silence is also important to her; she basks in that moment of closeness and comfort with her lover, which also becomes another love language she showcases as well.
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phoebestarks · 3 years
Tell us about Fever Dream! What inspired you to make it a screen play instead of a book? Who are the main players?
ngl i was hoping someone would ask ab this buttttt fever dream is actually for my senior capstone! i go to a charter arts school so we have to do capstones at the end of our high school careers to show our improvement and it's not due until like, april 2022 but i'm stupid and decided to make this way harder for myself so i decided to start it now!!!!
it's actually a screenplay because the whole concept for it is what i thought high school was going to be like, hence the "high school's a major FEVER DREAM" tagline. it's also a screenplay bc i am trying to get more confident w this type of these since i'm going to be in honors playwriting (and possibly writing something for my school's theatre department!!!!) and also that means i can get some of theatre friends to help me!!!
anywayss the rest is going under the cut!!
sooo the main players are as follows: sam, harry, gia, aimee, kate, and marina. gia's twin brother and harry's friends isaac & reese are also in it but they're not like the main characters like the others are.
sam carrigan (played by sarah pidgeon) is the ULTIMATE self insert. like she's actually just me. she's also just like the most passive protagonist i've written in a bit? mainly because i feel like high school, in this setting, doesn't really bring any lee-way for me to have like this crazy ass protagonist since it is just a high school comedy.
harry wilson-arreaga (played by froy gutierrez) is one of sam's love interests. he's the one that little me would've been OBSESSED with. like embarassingly obsessed. he's a bit of an airhead and it's apparent but he's not like, rude or anything. just a bit shallow. he's also a football player for another hs (since the school they all go to is a performing arts school) and he's also in the theatre program!! he's like, the lead in everything bc he's only masculine-presenting person truly invested in it. (he wants to go to nyu, like he's that serious.)
gia rogers (played by ryan destiny) is sam's second love interest! she's really popular and they go through a bit of a one-sided enemies to lovers arc (sam is just like...incredibly jealous of gia to the point of no return lmfaoooo and gia's just chill w her and thinks she's funny) and she's the one sam indefinitely ends up with. she's a piano player, and her brother, leo (played by aubrey joseph, who is my beloved) is also a musician! he's a saxophone player and he's in band w sam!!
aimee jackson (played by lovie simone) is one of sam's two best friends! she's dating kate, sam's other best friend and she's honestly an angel. unproblematic and really just trying hard. she's sam's childhood best friend and they're really close. she's also the head of the costume department for the theatre program and just...she's my beloved. she's what bubbles from the powerpuff girls live-action should've been. she's also just really chill and sweet while not being a pushover?? it's great. alsooo she's valedictorian bc aimee is literally perfect.
kate carter (played by mia healey) is sam's other best friend. she's an incredibly passionate actress and it comes off as too much for some people but sam's known kate since middle school and could never part w her. kate's like...u know the meme where it's like, there's two people and one is like "x ordered no pickles?" kate's the one that would say something bc sam and aimee wouldn't want to overstep. she's also in theatre leadership and helps helm all the big projects.
marina kalua (played by auli’i cravalho) is a new transfer kid! she’s doesn’t really know anyone but sam takes an immediate liking to her and they become fast friends. she’s in the visual arts department and is shadowing aimee since she’s two years younger and is set to take over the costume department once aimee graduates!!! she’s super duper sweet and is maybe sorta based off of one of my best friends mj (but we don’t take ab that one lmfaooo) but she’s baby and definitely a much needed bit of optimism in the story!!!
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yugirl-with-dragons · 4 years
Oh wow! now you got many AWESOME aus! and the medival au is so AWESOME too! (I like your human! stardust design
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spareisms · 5 years
"you have pretty eyes!"
Anna beamed at the young man, who seemed like he was genuine, if not a bit shy. She leaned over, just a tad, to nod at him appreciatively. 
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“Thank you so much! I love your freckles!” She gestured to her own face, to her own freckles which she didn’t find so appealing. “I think they make you seem wiser, somehow -- I ’ve always disliked mine, but you pull them off so well! And your eyes are great, too! What’s your name?”
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petiite-abeille · 5 years
would you rather be the ocean, sky or forest?
The sky - fresh air all the time, changing colours, cute little clouds and birds flying! 💓
Plus I‘m kinda afraid of the unexplored parts of the ocean...
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