#thank you asobimo ??
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khrsecretvalentine · 7 years
Summer Woes
Tsuna sighed in his seat, staring at his phone with a dejected face.
“Man, I died again. This boss is too hard!”
Sighing once again, he checked his character revive at the capital city of Sofya. He clicked his tounge in frustration, checking his items once more before going to the blacksmith. It seems he couldn’t defeat Roshan with his character yet, so he would train his blacksmithing skills in the meantime.
But before that, he’d need materials.
After talking to the NPC, Tsuna went out and started asking other players for extra materials, which he obtained by buying from them. He then checked his blacksmithing skill - 86% which is not that bad.
“Tsu-kun, dinner is ready!”
Tsuna nearly dropped his phone in surprise. It was already 6? Really, he’d been playing that long?
He teleported to his house inside the game and logged out.
- - -
“Yo!” “Good morning, Jyuudaime!”
Tsuna smiled and greeted the two. It was the summer holidays, and his guardians were all but scattered to different places due to training Reborn suggested one time. To his surprise, however, Reborn went away saying he had something to do, leaving Tsuna with no mentor, so he took the chance (really, this is a rare chance) and immersed himself with games.
Ah, right. Before Reborn came, Tsuna was already playing online games - mmorpg’s to be exact - since he gave up trying to study and it interests him. He played numerous games before, but now he’s playing a new game called Toram Online which was made by Asobimo.
He’s not the best at games though, but he seems to always pull through the challenges, so why not?
“Tsuna, you okay?”
The young Vongola blinked and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, just thinking about something.”
This seemed to surprise the two. Gokudera put on his determined face and asked, “Is something bothering you, tenth? I’ll take care of it!”
“No, no! It’s nothing, Gokudera, really!”
“If tenth says so!”
Just then, his cellphone blinked indicating a notification.
- Maintenance at 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM JST (Japanese Standard Time) today! - New map to be explored! New monster and boss will be released! - Main quest will be updated! - Level cap will be raised from 80 to 85! - Fixing bugs about the inventory problem. - Adding new Gacha costumes!
Tsuna can’t help but to be excited. Asobimo seemed to be putting some good updates this time! He didn’t notice his guardians peeking from behind.
“Toram Online?”
“Hiiiieeeee!” Please don’t scare me like that!
"Maa, maa, that game seems interesting.” Takeshi said, fishing out his smartphone.
“Shut up, baseball freak! Sorry about this idiot, tenth!” said his storm guardian, also getting his phone from his pocket.
“Um, what are you guys doing?”
Gokudera beamed at him.
“We’re going to play with you from now on, tenth!”
- - -
As expected, the two we’re good at the game. Gokudera seemed to really liked the games mechanics - where he could pick his own skills and try to wear many costumes. Takeshi, on the other hand, was a casual player at most; where Gokudera was busy leveling his Alchemy skill, Takeshi would go and use the Mercenary system and would sometime hire another player - or Gokuder’s. Most of the time he would sit at Rakau Plains doing nothing, but he’s always with the other two when fighting a boss or completing a hard quest.
Gokudera picked a DPS (damage per second) mage, while Takeshi picked a dual-wielding swordsman. Tsuna himself was a DPS mage, but more of like a tanking-healing one since he really doesn’t like to die (this is why Gokudera’s second character was pure healer and would use it sometimes for support).
They progressed immensely by that time, and their main character were all above level 80 by the time the last two weeks of their summer started to roll.
It wasn’t until the next update for the incoming event happened that problems started to arise.
To begin with, Tsuna doesn’t spend money for in-game purchases, since gacha doesn’t really interest him - but this turned out to be a problem within the latest expansion when a bug targeted players without single purchase from the shop and rendered their currently weapons obsolete, which in turn raises millions of questions and anger from players around the world.
Asobimo released a statement, apologizing for the inconvenience and annound a full day maintenance the next day.
It was fine, really. But Gokudera wasn’t okay with it, so he sent out a full-blown letter demanding the company to fix everything within the day, which in turn they replied with more apologies and a promise they would fix it as soon as possible. They did this three days later, adding the new event, Summer Troubles, with limited time map dedicated for monster and a boss during the event as compensation.
Two days later the event was release - Tsuna was about to cry.
The game was fixed and everything, but another problen arose. The bug was removed but it affected the new map for the event significantly, making the monsters stronger and the boss even more so.
“This is ridiculous!” Gokudera snapped when they were killed yet again. The event boss, Yselenica, was an archangel that had fallen during the Battle of Worlds - meaning the story where the world of the game was created. The boss information also stated that during his long time of being alone, Yselenica’s sadness turned into hate making the once kind angel into something sinister.
For starters, her level was 100 - the cap was still 85, so overpowering her by level is impossible. Additionally, she has an array of attacks where her magic removes every buffs/bonuses a player has - and also instantly killing the entire party upon hitting them. Also, most of her skills were AOE (area of effect), meaning almost all of her skills were wide-ranged, making it hard for tanks and melee fighter to attack; save for one skill.
This skill was a single line attack, but also one of the deadliest. It deals thousands of damage to a player and unless you’re a tank, you should be worried. That’s when another problem comes in - the boss likes to target magic casters - which were already vulnerable as they were. Tsuna’s character for one, is a pure INT meaning most of his skills were for dealing damage rather than protection like tankers does.
Takeshi, who was always acting as a tank, always die first - which is funny, since his character build isn’t really for tanking. He’s a swordsman, damn it. Takeshi’s character is just a proxy tank - which gave them another problem - they don’t have a proper tank. So one day, they’ve decided that Takeshi would make a proper tank.
Once they’ve successfully turned it to lvl 80 (with the help of exp buffing items), they came back to the new boss to challenge it again - in Nightmare mode (because Gokudera wouldn’t want to defeat it in easy mode). The animation starts, and the battle begins.
The swordsman responded by running towards the boss, activating a skill to get it’s attention; Tsuna and Gokudera hitting it with spells in the background. Then they started counting. Bosses, specifically, have predetermined attacks - meaning their attacks were set to a certain order. But if an attack hits it with flinch, it would suddenly get randomized and then its nigh impossible to beat.
“AOE, dodge!”
They ran away from the red circle, almost hugging the edges of the map. After that they continued this for minutes, with Takeshi taking aggro of the monster and the two buffing him and healing.
Until Tsuna’s attack made the boss flinched.
“Shit!” he cursed, running away from the deadly single attack that was suddenly aimed at him. Just when we managed to get his HP down to 8%! He managed to escape, but then got hit by another surprise attack and died. “Oh, come on!” he said as he stared at his dead screen. NO, god dammit, they were going to finish this thing off!!
“Takeshi, continue holding her down, Gokudera, keep healing him. I’ll use my revive this time.”
“Got it!”
“Roger, tenth!”
Tsuna wait for another attack to finish, before reviving his character and running to the other direction. “Takeshi, take her to the other side of the map! I’m going to use my new combo!”
“What, now?!”
“It’s fine! Let’s just hope she’d die before we did!”
Takeshi laughed at this, but obeyed nonetheless. Gokudera gave Tsuna an ATK raising buff and nod at him gratefully. “Right, here I go!”
Tsuna clicked the skill button and his character released a couple of attacks, each one hitting stronger than the last - and one attack managed to hit her too hard and the boss suddenly turned to him. He released another combo this time, and screamed when an attack made a critical hit, dealing 83,674 damage - killing the boss.
Beside him, his guardians were screaming as well. “Good job, Tsuna!”
“No, idiot, tenth is more than good! He’s amazing, the best!”
Just then, something hard hit Tsuna’s head and he screamed in pain. “Having fun, Dame-Tsuna?”
“Reborn, that hurt!”
Reborn’s aura went dark. “Oh?”
“Hieeeeee! Don’t shoot my cellphone, Reborn!!”
- - -
Ryohei was doing his EXTREME jog to Namimori when he saw the trio walking down the road. “Hey, how’s yo- AHHHHHHHHHH!!! WHAT EXTREMELY HAPPENED TO YOU GUYS?!”
Tsuna’s pale, thin face greeted him. Takeshi and Gokudera seemed to be in the same situation. A small, hollow laugh came from the young Vongola, creeping the Sun guardian.
“Reborn punished us.”
Well, he didn’t have anything to say to that.
- - - A/N: Hi, yes, I love games you see. I hoped I didn’t made this one very complex, as that would be detrimental for both of us. I hope you like thia though! The bit part about Yselenica is made up, but Toram Online is very much real and I love that game! Thank you for participating in the event! You can ask me anytime for questions or requests if you do have one! ^^
From @iruiji to @transreborn
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
Switex — NAGA’s decentralized marketplace for virtual goods — has officially rebranded to NAGA VIRTUAL.
NAGA is already one of the most dynamic and exciting blockchain platforms in the blockchain industry today, and the rebranding of Switex to NAGA VIRTUAL only makes the platform’s family of products that much more attention-worthy.
In addition to bringing Switex more in line with the rest of NAGA’s ecosystem — which boasts NAGA TRADER, NAGA WALLET, and NAGA COIN — the renaming to NAGA VIRTUAL follows the rapid growth of the NAGA platform as a whole. Thus, it was a no-brainer to incorporate NAGA TRADER into the wider family.
A Sharp and Sleek Redesign
More than just a simple rebranding, NAGA VIRTUAL now uses the same corporate colors as the rest of the NAGA family — making it instantly recognizable as part of the NAGA ecosystem.
With the updated color scheme and attractive design, NAGA VIRTUAL is now more visually appealing — particularly for investors who don’t identify as gamers. The gamer aesthetic isn’t for everyone, and with plans to become a fully-fledged order-based exchange, the sharpened look better fits the company’s image.
Stacks & Quantity System
NAGA VIRTUAL has also added an exciting new addition to its platform — namely, the ability to stack items. The addition of stackable items will be gradually finalized over the next few days.
Stackable items will afford users the ability to buy and sell multiple virtual goods with just a single click. Furthermore, the differentiation between stackable items and unique items are highlighted with a small stack-symbol on the item-box.
There has also been a price filter added where users can sort by “price per unit.”
The World’s First
NAGA has also announced the newly-launched connection between Asobimo’s Petit Chronicle Online and NAGA VIRTUAL.
This connection is particularly noteworthy in the fact that it makes NAGA VIRTUAL the world’s first independent virtual goods market to connect an external game.
Also exciting is the fact that — this week — users can gain a sneak peek at what NAGA is gradually adding.
Petit Chronicle Online is focused on the Japanese market, but the second game from Asobimo — available in English — is currently slated to be added to NAGA VIRTUAL soon.
Looking Towards the Future
From an objective viewpoint, it is hard to deny that NAGA is advancing and expanding at a rapid pace. With such a wide and effective family of products united under one name and one ecosystem, it’s clear that NAGA has the vision, drive, and capability to succeed — and it plans on doing just that. The company told NewsBTC:
We are very happy with all of the new NAGA VIRTUAL features and its full assimilation into the NAGA Ecosystem. This important rebranding will only have positive implications for the continued growth of the platform and the user experience. We would like to thank our loyal user base for all of your support so far and we hope that you are as excited as we are about what the future holds.
To learn more about NAGA VIRTUAL, visit the official website here.
The post Switex Is Now NAGA VIRTUAL appeared first on NewsBTC.
Switex Is Now NAGA VIRTUAL published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years
Switex Becomes NAGA VIRTUAL
Switex — NAGA’s decentralized marketplace for virtual goods — has officially rebranded to NAGA VIRTUAL.
NAGA, one of the most diverse and exciting blockchain platforms in the industry today, has officially rebranded its virtual goods marketplace from Switex to NAGA VIRTUAL — bringing the product’s name more in line with the rest of the NAGA Ecosystem.
The change has been made following the rapid growth of the NAGA platform as a whole, increasing the importance of associating Switex with the successful brand.
New Design and Sharpened Identity
NAGA VIRTUAL now uses the same corporate colors as the rest of the NAGA family, making it instantly recognizable as part of the NAGA ecosystem.
With the updated color scheme and look, NAGA VIRTUAL is now more visually appealing from an objective standpoint — especially for investors who don’t identify as gamers. With plans to become a fully-fledged order-based exchange, the sharpened look better fits this profile.
Stacks & Quantity System
NAGA VIRTUAL has also added an exciting new addition to its platform — namely, the ability to stack items. The addition of stackable items will be gradually finalized over the next few days.
Stackable items will afford users the ability to buy and sell multiple virtual goods with just a single click. Furthermore, the differentiation between stackable items and unique items are highlighted with a small stack-symbol on the item-box.
There has also been a price filter added where users can sort by “price per unit.”
Petit Chronicle Online
NAGA has also announced the newly-launched connection between Asobimo’s Petit Chronicle Online and NAGA VIRTUAL.
This connection is an absolute first and makes NAGA VIRTUAL the world’s first independent virtual goods market to connect an external game. This week, users can gain a sneak peek at what NAGA is gradually adding.
Petit Chronicle Online is focused on the Japanese market, but a second game from Asobimo — available in English — is currently slated to be added to NAGA VIRTUAL soon.
Looking Ahead
It becomes increasingly more clear, week by week, that NAGA is advancing at a rapid pace. The rebranding of Switex to NAGA VIRTUAL reflects the company’s continued drive to improve by providing users and investors with the best products available. The company told Bitcoinist:
We are very happy with all of the new NAGA VIRTUAL features and its full assimilation into the NAGA Ecosystem. This important rebranding will only have positive implications for the continued growth of the platform and the user experience. We would like to thank our loyal user base for all of your support so far and we hope that you are as excited as we are about what the future holds.
What do you think of Switex’s rebranding to NAGA VIRTUAL? Does NAGA’s ever-evolving ecosystem of crypto-focused products excite you? Let us know in the comments below!
Images courtesy of NAGA
The post Switex Becomes NAGA VIRTUAL appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.
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brettzjacksonblog · 6 years
Switex — NAGA’s decentralized marketplace for virtual goods — has officially rebranded to NAGA VIRTUAL.
NAGA is already one of the most dynamic and exciting blockchain platforms in the blockchain industry today, and the rebranding of Switex to NAGA VIRTUAL only makes the platform’s family of products that much more attention-worthy.
In addition to bringing Switex more in line with the rest of NAGA’s ecosystem — which boasts NAGA TRADER, NAGA WALLET, and NAGA COIN — the renaming to NAGA VIRTUAL follows the rapid growth of the NAGA platform as a whole. Thus, it was a no-brainer to incorporate NAGA TRADER into the wider family.
A Sharp and Sleek Redesign
More than just a simple rebranding, NAGA VIRTUAL now uses the same corporate colors as the rest of the NAGA family — making it instantly recognizable as part of the NAGA ecosystem.
With the updated color scheme and attractive design, NAGA VIRTUAL is now more visually appealing — particularly for investors who don’t identify as gamers. The gamer aesthetic isn’t for everyone, and with plans to become a fully-fledged order-based exchange, the sharpened look better fits the company’s image.
Stacks & Quantity System
NAGA VIRTUAL has also added an exciting new addition to its platform — namely, the ability to stack items. The addition of stackable items will be gradually finalized over the next few days.
Stackable items will afford users the ability to buy and sell multiple virtual goods with just a single click. Furthermore, the differentiation between stackable items and unique items are highlighted with a small stack-symbol on the item-box.
There has also been a price filter added where users can sort by “price per unit.”
The World’s First
NAGA has also announced the newly-launched connection between Asobimo’s Petit Chronicle Online and NAGA VIRTUAL.
This connection is particularly noteworthy in the fact that it makes NAGA VIRTUAL the world’s first independent virtual goods market to connect an external game.
Also exciting is the fact that — this week — users can gain a sneak peek at what NAGA is gradually adding.
Petit Chronicle Online is focused on the Japanese market, but the second game from Asobimo — available in English — is currently slated to be added to NAGA VIRTUAL soon.
Looking Towards the Future
From an objective viewpoint, it is hard to deny that NAGA is advancing and expanding at a rapid pace. With such a wide and effective family of products united under one name and one ecosystem, it’s clear that NAGA has the vision, drive, and capability to succeed — and it plans on doing just that. The company told NewsBTC:
We are very happy with all of the new NAGA VIRTUAL features and its full assimilation into the NAGA Ecosystem. This important rebranding will only have positive implications for the continued growth of the platform and the user experience. We would like to thank our loyal user base for all of your support so far and we hope that you are as excited as we are about what the future holds.
To learn more about NAGA VIRTUAL, visit the official website here.
The post Switex Is Now NAGA VIRTUAL appeared first on NewsBTC.
from CryptoCracken SMFeed https://ift.tt/2sHWleE via IFTTT
0 notes
Switex — NAGA’s decentralized marketplace for virtual goods — has officially rebranded to NAGA VIRTUAL.
NAGA is already one of the most dynamic and exciting blockchain platforms in the blockchain industry today, and the rebranding of Switex to NAGA VIRTUAL only makes the platform’s family of products that much more attention-worthy.
In addition to bringing Switex more in line with the rest of NAGA’s ecosystem — which boasts NAGA TRADER, NAGA WALLET, and NAGA COIN — the renaming to NAGA VIRTUAL follows the rapid growth of the NAGA platform as a whole. Thus, it was a no-brainer to incorporate NAGA TRADER into the wider family.
A Sharp and Sleek Redesign
More than just a simple rebranding, NAGA VIRTUAL now uses the same corporate colors as the rest of the NAGA family — making it instantly recognizable as part of the NAGA ecosystem.
With the updated color scheme and attractive design, NAGA VIRTUAL is now more visually appealing — particularly for investors who don’t identify as gamers. The gamer aesthetic isn’t for everyone, and with plans to become a fully-fledged order-based exchange, the sharpened look better fits the company’s image.
Stacks & Quantity System
NAGA VIRTUAL has also added an exciting new addition to its platform — namely, the ability to stack items. The addition of stackable items will be gradually finalized over the next few days.
Stackable items will afford users the ability to buy and sell multiple virtual goods with just a single click. Furthermore, the differentiation between stackable items and unique items are highlighted with a small stack-symbol on the item-box.
There has also been a price filter added where users can sort by “price per unit.”
The World’s First
NAGA has also announced the newly-launched connection between Asobimo’s Petit Chronicle Online and NAGA VIRTUAL.
This connection is particularly noteworthy in the fact that it makes NAGA VIRTUAL the world’s first independent virtual goods market to connect an external game.
Also exciting is the fact that — this week — users can gain a sneak peek at what NAGA is gradually adding.
Petit Chronicle Online is focused on the Japanese market, but the second game from Asobimo — available in English — is currently slated to be added to NAGA VIRTUAL soon.
Looking Towards the Future
From an objective viewpoint, it is hard to deny that NAGA is advancing and expanding at a rapid pace. With such a wide and effective family of products united under one name and one ecosystem, it’s clear that NAGA has the vision, drive, and capability to succeed — and it plans on doing just that. The company told NewsBTC:
We are very happy with all of the new NAGA VIRTUAL features and its full assimilation into the NAGA Ecosystem. This important rebranding will only have positive implications for the continued growth of the platform and the user experience. We would like to thank our loyal user base for all of your support so far and we hope that you are as excited as we are about what the future holds.
To learn more about NAGA VIRTUAL, visit the official website here.
The post Switex Is Now NAGA VIRTUAL appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken WP https://ift.tt/2sHWleE via IFTTT
0 notes
annsmithblog · 6 years
The ASOBIMO project – profits and risks
Asobimo is the first cryptocurrency project targeting the market of dated products. You can call it a virtual secondhand. It’s not that the idea of selling secondary content is new. It’s that Asobimo is the first ever company that has actually decided to create a fully-functional ecosystem devoted to it.
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Asobino: The largest Japanese IT-company
The company has been operative at the market for 15 years. It’s counting over six hundred employees all over the world. The company includes several major software developers in Asia and Europe. Such are Quantum Games and Xiaoyou Network. The company had received quite some awards from Google Play and Appstore. The company’s apps and games downloads have reached the whopping number of 500000.
The secondary content realization and the main difficulties
The idea of selling secondhand stuff is definitely not new. The lack of vital technological tools prevented it from legal and convenient execution. These were the main difficulties to overcome:
Ease of copying digital content
Pirating is a technically illegal yet popular phenomenon. Pirating results in the developers losing their well-deserved profits. The developers can’t really fight it, and the publishers’ capabilities are limited by their country’s jurisdiction.
Dynamic downloading and uploading
A device’s performance depends on RAM. RAM’s capacity is crucial when it comes to the speed of processing the operations of gameplay. It leads to the necessity of simplifying the app in order for it to work faster and more stable on not top-tier devices.
A large number of budget devices
In order to comfortably play a new popular game, you'll have to purchase a powerful device. Their price is quite higher than of their budget competitors. In most countries, the market is saturated with budget devices. Ignoring the budget devices saturation will result in the loss of profits, and adapting a game to budget devices will result in the quality of the game decreasing.
The Asobimo solution
The Asobimo ecosystem offers a working problem-solver for the market. All thanks to the unique infrastructure, all of the main difficulties of realization of the secondary digital content are taken into account. All of the main problems are being addressed.
Basic components of the infrastructure
ASOBI Market based on the blockchain technology and consists of a number of options providing security and convenience of using it:
The content sharing and search platform - it’s a specialized service designed for searching information or buyers.
The DSS system and the blockchain technologies - basically it’s a kind of security that provides confidentiality.
The project’s library – a huge pool of video, games, books, and music.
In ASOBI Market all the users will be able to buy and sell content from the secondary market. The Asobimo and Switex companies designed a special service for that – NAGA.
This service, or more accurately, this tool will allow you to make deals and share secondary content. Actually, NAGA Virtual is a profit option not only for the content owners but the publishers as well! The tool is designed to make digital content sharing between users and publishers.
The ecosystem’s token
The company is using its own token – ABX. The cryptocurrency is working on the Ethereum ERC 20 standard. The system’s transactions are Peer to Peer and are using the smart contracts. There is one peculiar feature – you can also use your tokens for purchasing all sorts of gaming stuff in the Asobimo.Inc apps.
The Asobimo capabilities
Each year the digital content market’s wideness greatly increases. The company had considered the demands and created the product that will make the usage of the digital content repeatedly possible. Using the platform you’ll be able to do the following:
Selling digital books for the cryptocurrency.
Selling in-game items like rare clothing or weapons.
Selling music files.
This way you’ll be able to sell no longer actual content for cryptocurrency or exchange it for other content.
The developer crew
The company’s headquarters are based in Japan. These qualified specialists are developing the open-source ecosystem:
Justus Perlwitz – ASOBI COIN Co-Founder, Technical Director
Giouse Russo – ASOBI COIN Co-Founder, Full Stack Engineer
Tomohiro Shinbo – ASOBI COIN Co-Founder, CTO
Jiwon Jung – ASOBI COIN Creative, Director
On the development are currently working many engineers, programmers, and marketers. Scientists and outstanding businessmen from USA and Japan are being hired as the advisors.
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The platform’s relevance
The Asobimo blockchain platform is a tool for lowering the number of pirate copies and protecting publishers and customers.
The platform will also be of use to gamers since the struggle of selling no longer actual digital content is a common problem. You’ll be able to sell any loot, books or music for cryptocurrency and buy what you actually need. Since Asobimo is an online-gaming market giant, it’s safe to say the platform will soon be an incredible way of getting profit.
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The project’s official coordinates
Website: https://asobimo.io Twitter: https://twitter.com/AsobiCoin Whitepaper: https://asobimo.io/pdf/white_paper_en.pdf Telegram: https://t.me/AsobiCoin_Official Yellowpaper: https://asobimo.io/pdf/yellow_paper_en.pdf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Asobi-Coin-130436194467568/ Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1688930
0 notes
linabrigette · 6 years
Switex — NAGA’s decentralized marketplace for virtual goods — has officially rebranded to NAGA VIRTUAL.
NAGA is already one of the most dynamic and exciting blockchain platforms in the blockchain industry today, and the rebranding of Switex to NAGA VIRTUAL only makes the platform’s family of products that much more attention-worthy.
In addition to bringing Switex more in line with the rest of NAGA’s ecosystem — which boasts NAGA TRADER, NAGA WALLET, and NAGA COIN — the renaming to NAGA VIRTUAL follows the rapid growth of the NAGA platform as a whole. Thus, it was a no-brainer to incorporate NAGA TRADER into the wider family.
A Sharp and Sleek Redesign
More than just a simple rebranding, NAGA VIRTUAL now uses the same corporate colors as the rest of the NAGA family — making it instantly recognizable as part of the NAGA ecosystem.
With the updated color scheme and attractive design, NAGA VIRTUAL is now more visually appealing — particularly for investors who don’t identify as gamers. The gamer aesthetic isn’t for everyone, and with plans to become a fully-fledged order-based exchange, the sharpened look better fits the company’s image.
Stacks & Quantity System
NAGA VIRTUAL has also added an exciting new addition to its platform — namely, the ability to stack items. The addition of stackable items will be gradually finalized over the next few days.
Stackable items will afford users the ability to buy and sell multiple virtual goods with just a single click. Furthermore, the differentiation between stackable items and unique items are highlighted with a small stack-symbol on the item-box.
There has also been a price filter added where users can sort by “price per unit.”
The World’s First
NAGA has also announced the newly-launched connection between Asobimo’s Petit Chronicle Online and NAGA VIRTUAL.
This connection is particularly noteworthy in the fact that it makes NAGA VIRTUAL the world’s first independent virtual goods market to connect an external game.
Also exciting is the fact that — this week — users can gain a sneak peek at what NAGA is gradually adding.
Petit Chronicle Online is focused on the Japanese market, but the second game from Asobimo — available in English — is currently slated to be added to NAGA VIRTUAL soon.
Looking Towards the Future
From an objective viewpoint, it is hard to deny that NAGA is advancing and expanding at a rapid pace. With such a wide and effective family of products united under one name and one ecosystem, it’s clear that NAGA has the vision, drive, and capability to succeed — and it plans on doing just that. The company told NewsBTC:
We are very happy with all of the new NAGA VIRTUAL features and its full assimilation into the NAGA Ecosystem. This important rebranding will only have positive implications for the continued growth of the platform and the user experience. We would like to thank our loyal user base for all of your support so far and we hope that you are as excited as we are about what the future holds.
To learn more about NAGA VIRTUAL, visit the official website here.
source: https://ift.tt/2sHWleE
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Just what's Happened To The Social Aspects Of MMO Gamings, And Exactly how Is It Transforming The.
Register for our cost-free e-mail e-newsletter to be the very first to find out about the most recent giveaways and also features! We work carefully together with game designers as well as our in-house game studio to always bring you the current totally free online games. But the real gold mine for attackers are the numerous fan websites and online forums that spring up around these video games. Usually, video games will court the masses as well as make the most disgusting, nauseating people really feel welcome. Our strategy video games supply deep critical gameplay, high production worths, immersive settings as well as a big community of dedicated gamers. In a few episodes of Welcome to the N.H.K., Sato ends up being addicted to an MMO game called Ultimate Dream. The first MMO I played was Runescape at the age of 9. Hope that gets rid of things up for you. The Senior Scrolls as well as Last Dream 14 transformed that, yet Guild Battles 2 is still most likely the most effective MMORPG for Mac around. navigate to this website Additionally, it takes a lot of cash to run a web server that is effective enough to hold your MMO. You see, I've mumbled a bit prior to concerning the presence of prejudice in computer game and also just how it aids to produce a hazardous environment. Prices design: This game calls for a month-to-month subscription to play (although you could play it free of charge approximately degree 20). Over a years old and also still one of the most prominent MMO in the world - World of Warcraft is a bit special. Massively multiplayer online battle games are realtime objective, technique and also catch the flag design modes.
So, if you're looking for a solid MMO game to use your Android or iOS smart device, here are five of the best alternatives available. MMO games cover a variety of genres including FPS, RTS, sporting activities simulation as well as RPG. See as the soldiers you have actually trained take down enemy pressures and also communities in this most epic online strategy video game, Warbanner! It's amusing exactly how mobile appears to be the excellent system for 2 game styles to grow, that can't do it anywhere else - laid-back games and room simulators. Wilderness Online might be the initial business one, 14 nonetheless, thus far the majority of the initiatives have been academic research studies. New World doesn't seem half-bad as well as at least it ought to be the 'Three-way A' MMO from a big author - well, beginner however big - that many proclaimed already dead. Kingdom of Loathing: an additional free browser-based MMO (obviously very effective). To ensure that kind tempers the 2016 loss of EverQuest Next, though it's plainly a very long way from ready. Include an intriguing story concerning an alien invasion as well as some amazing equipment as well as leveling choices as well as DCUO is a winning formula, particularly now that it's complimentary to play. I will focus here on method video games like Ogame, Travian, Sparta: Battle of Empires and Imperia Online. MMO categories consist of initial individual shooter, real-time strategy, turn-based approach, sports simulations, role-playing games or even social as well as music video games. People, Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits - the good guys - make up the usable races of Lord of the Rings Online, and also as intruders or hunters or one of the other courses, you'll take place your very own journey, half-following in the footprints of the renowned Fellowship. WoW has more players compared to any one of the other games on this checklist, so it stands to factor that it ought to be right here. This is possibly Asobimo's most prominent MMO with the most content available as well as likely the biggest player base. For example, the space simulation Eve Online uses only one huge collection web server coming to a head at over 60,000 synchronised gamers. Disney Fantasy Online is the initial massive Q version turn-based MMORPG game of Disney worldwide. It is a sort of game, where several players around the globe could play the game with each other online. Moreover, MMO video games commonly showcase a levelling system as well as success, so players can get a feeling of advancement as well as development. ArcheAge is a free-to-play, open-ended MMORPG from XL Gamings and also Trion Globes that seeks to free the player from the predefined paths and progression. The one-sentence pitch for Allods Online is promptly interesting: a dream MMO where gamers could pilot giant custom celestial ships throughout deep space, discovering drifting islands as well as fighting other gamers space-faring vessels. Thanks for visiting's top mmo video games of all-time, a listing of the best videogames, developed from content evaluations on the site. Lastly, I would keep in mind that I am a HUGE advocate for sandbox systems ... but I fear the common absence of factor to consider for how rule-less PvP ruins games. The game is totally free until you reach degree 125 and also determine if you intend to proceed.
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New mq at last!
I’m really liking this one б(>ε<)∂
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years
Switex — NAGA’s decentralized marketplace for virtual goods — has officially rebranded to NAGA VIRTUAL.
NAGA is already one of the most dynamic and exciting blockchain platforms in the blockchain industry today, and the rebranding of Switex to NAGA VIRTUAL only makes the platform’s family of products that much more attention-worthy.
In addition to bringing Switex more in line with the rest of NAGA’s ecosystem — which boasts NAGA TRADER, NAGA WALLET, and NAGA COIN — the renaming to NAGA VIRTUAL follows the rapid growth of the NAGA platform as a whole. Thus, it was a no-brainer to incorporate NAGA TRADER into the wider family.
A Sharp and Sleek Redesign
More than just a simple rebranding, NAGA VIRTUAL now uses the same corporate colors as the rest of the NAGA family — making it instantly recognizable as part of the NAGA ecosystem.
With the updated color scheme and attractive design, NAGA VIRTUAL is now more visually appealing — particularly for investors who don’t identify as gamers. The gamer aesthetic isn’t for everyone, and with plans to become a fully-fledged order-based exchange, the sharpened look better fits the company’s image.
Stacks & Quantity System
NAGA VIRTUAL has also added an exciting new addition to its platform — namely, the ability to stack items. The addition of stackable items will be gradually finalized over the next few days.
Stackable items will afford users the ability to buy and sell multiple virtual goods with just a single click. Furthermore, the differentiation between stackable items and unique items are highlighted with a small stack-symbol on the item-box.
There has also been a price filter added where users can sort by “price per unit.”
The World’s First
NAGA has also announced the newly-launched connection between Asobimo’s Petit Chronicle Online and NAGA VIRTUAL.
This connection is particularly noteworthy in the fact that it makes NAGA VIRTUAL the world’s first independent virtual goods market to connect an external game.
Also exciting is the fact that — this week — users can gain a sneak peek at what NAGA is gradually adding.
Petit Chronicle Online is focused on the Japanese market, but the second game from Asobimo — available in English — is currently slated to be added to NAGA VIRTUAL soon.
Looking Towards the Future
From an objective viewpoint, it is hard to deny that NAGA is advancing and expanding at a rapid pace. With such a wide and effective family of products united under one name and one ecosystem, it’s clear that NAGA has the vision, drive, and capability to succeed — and it plans on doing just that. The company told NewsBTC:
We are very happy with all of the new NAGA VIRTUAL features and its full assimilation into the NAGA Ecosystem. This important rebranding will only have positive implications for the continued growth of the platform and the user experience. We would like to thank our loyal user base for all of your support so far and we hope that you are as excited as we are about what the future holds.
To learn more about NAGA VIRTUAL, visit the official website here.
The post Switex Is Now NAGA VIRTUAL appeared first on NewsBTC.
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