#thank you cucu!
sqwdkllr · 9 months
anon from the Cucu and Watcher ask, I'll use 🐑as an identifier:
And nooo pls don't worry about people not liking to see it. They can block the tags if they don't like it. Feel free to do as you will :)
I personally would be very excited to see more of the definitely only enemies in future, but you do you!
- 🐑
They can do morally inhumane human experimentation together ❤️ trust
I want you to know I listened to “masochism tango” while drawing that req. felt fitting ! Anyways have more just because
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cornucopiagazette · 3 months
Very Important Poll:
We now have the following decision to make:
Upload the twine version of Curious Cuisine once Ch 1 Act 1 is ported thoroughly, wait till Act 1 to 3 are done or wait till Ch 1 in its entirety is done?
Please leave feedback, thank you ❤️
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natureismynature · 1 year
qTina is so... I love her, actually kdhskshsh she just heard the horrors of the Federation from the most haunted man in the Island and she was like "Oohhh, you poor thing. Cucurucho and the Feds sounds like terrible people.." and the moment Cucu and the Feds 'placed their trust on her' she immediately turned around and got happy about it. She has the backbone of a chocolate eclair and would do anything you ask as long as you thank her and place your trust in her <3 she's just a silly guy <3 she can do no wrong <3 (also, everyone does the tasks anyway lmfao, you're doing great Tina, don't stress about it <3)
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
The clip of mike getting shot by Cucurucho for talking about their secret <3
Translation -
Pac: I can't believe this. I can't. I can't believe this (x3)
Pac: No no... Cucu?
Mike: You're judging me, bro, but I have proof...
*shows pic of Pac dancing with Cucurucho as well*
Mike: What's this shit, huh?
Mike, overlapping: WHATS THIS HUH?? WHATS THIS
Mike: I see huh
Pac: Mike why are you showing this it was a secret-
Mike: Damn, dude
Pac, to chat: Yeah! We danced pole dance with Cucurucho, we did that
Mike: It was to thank him for the help with Hide and Seek! We needed to pay back somehow
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drmarune · 19 days
Teen parent Nacht Au (9) Finale?
Morgan is death Nacht’s family is mostly death Ida did run away and all is left of he’s Family is he’s little daughter cucurucho
Nacht did bring Morgan too Josele but josele can’t safe him he’s screaming at her this she doesn’t loved Morgan enough and other bad stuff he is a bad person……….
But again he remembers cucurucho the only person wo is left in he’s Family………..
Nacht:I-I can‘t take care of cucurucho anymore I-I don’t want her…..“Morgan whas my light my other half I did love him……I can’t do it cucurucho will end just like him if I left whit her all I touched get destroyed and dark……I-I can’t do it……….
Josele don’t really understand what he is saying she is full of sorrow and madness right now she doesn’t understand what he is saying she is holding the death body of her fiance and crying
Whit this left Nacht the he’s Home after Morgan’s burial
Cucurucho is crying but stoped as she see her father she smile happy too see him
Cucurucho:dada!! Dada!!! Ba oh ba pa!!!!
Nacht Take cucurucho he looking at her her innocent eyes looking at him back
Nacht is crying : come cucu…..I can’t be whit you I’m sorry for taking you family away from you……….
Cucurucho looking curious at him don’t understanding what he is saying she try to put her toddler hand on Nacht’s face and babbling she at least understand her dada is upset but don’t understand why
At this teleport he too the only one he would know cucurucho would be safe yami……….
Yami whas not sleeping well as he takes a walk because of it as Nacht come out of the shadow and yami know eminently something is wrong especially because Nacht did cry a lot and is holding cucurucho
Yami go fast To Nacht and take cucurucho fast because Nacht looking like to collapse any moment
Yami:Nacht what the hell happened?! You looking shi€ and why have you the rascal whit you?!
Nacht silently:take her………
Nacht going louder and louder as he say:take her take her take her TAKE HER!!!!
Yami:what the hell is wrong whit you?!
Nacht: I can’t Morgan… he did died because of my Ida is nowhere to be found…….all other are death…….
Yami:Morgan death?! What the hell happened Nacht what did happened?!exactly I still don’t understand you?!
Nacht:I-I did kill Morgan I where stupid for trying to………..I’m sorry I’m sorry……….
Yami:I barley believe you did kill him what exactly happened?!
Nacht:just take cucurucho I can’t take her anymore……….
Yami baffled:the hell Nacht I do now come and let’s talk what really happened
Nacht:I-I can’t I kill my family and Ida is away nowhere to be found and I did hurt Josele and left cucurucho whit no one…….I can’t
Yami try to grabbing Nacht but Nacht run in he’s shadow away
Yami just standing there whit cucurucho in he’s arms in shock did he just abandon all? Even he’s own child?what the hell happened?!
Yami:well come we go to your home…rascal taking you father if we are lucky if not take we you stuff and then to Julius ok?
Cucurucho looking at him not understanding what happened but beginning to sleep
Yami:oh fuc€ well thank god you too small for this…………..Now come cucurucho……….
Some day have passed
Josele she seems ok this yami have cucurucho bevor she sealed her heart and left yami taking care of her and cucurucho
Julius helping whit some other of taking care of cucurucho whit him
Yami will protect cucurucho after all cucurucho is just a little child this don’t can’t protect herself and yami wants to protect her white all he can after all cucurucho is the only thing what is left from Nacht…..wo run of too god know as he’s fice captain……..,
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carly404error · 1 year
Saw you saying you wanted something to rant about since you were boread so I come here with two offers for you to rant:
_ your view on Forever, doesn't matter if you watch him or not, I just think it's interesting to see what people think of the little guy
- your favorite headcanond about anyone ate the island, can be personality headcanons or appearance wise, just have fun with this onde <3
That's it <3 you don't have to answer if you don't want to btw, so don't worry
Woooo those are interesting questions I like them.
Let's start with Forever:
I have never heard of him before the QSMP tbh, but my first impression of him was hilarious as I main Phil (I've been a crow since 2021 I think), it was so random to see q!Forever simp for q!Phil I laughed so much as I didn't have any context LMAO. I know him mostly out of other peoples streams, I think I watched the first stream of the cucu pills, but I think he has a very interesting character development and I must say I like him a lot. The cucu pills arc was amazing and terrifying at the same time. Still, his interactions with q!Phil are always one of the best! I like their dynamic a lot whatever it is really.
Now into Headcanons:
For now I only have headcanons for q!Phil, q!Missa and q!Etoiles, so I'll say my favourite of each:
Q!Phil: Tbh I think this is an angsty one. I think, since the eggs disappeared, he spends a lot of time alone in the potato farm, just trying to keep his mind busy yk. He misses his eggs a lot and started self-isolating, that's why when he got caged no one realised he was gone until almost a week went by since it was normal he didn't interact with people that much.
Q!Missa: He is all skeleton except from shoulders above. This is because his clumsy ass fell into a lava pit and all his body like was all fucked and he came back to life thanks to the goddess of death (hehe) and he came back and was a skeleton and his body just runs normally somehow, no one knows he is like a looney toon character he is alive somehow for some reason no one knows but also don't question.
Q!Etoiles: I haven't developed my design to his character that much, but I do have a headcanon. He has like stars floating around him (think about it like the Hanako-Kun floating souls things) that determine his HP depending on how bright the stars are.
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(Those floating things, that's what I mean with the floating stars)
That's all I think, hope you enjoyed it :D
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rarepair-haven · 3 months
Been taking a little trip down memory lane and just wanna say to those modding now, you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work.
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Thank you
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fake-protagonist · 4 months
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Mama, today I showed up for your cucu, Ma. I was first reluctant to go for his art exhibition, but his reaction everytime he sees me made feel grateful, he even said, I love you ucu, thank you for coming today.
No….. it’s thank you, adik.. thank you for allowing me to experience so many things just because ucu belum ada rezeki to be a wife or a mother, thank you for not feeling sad because mama and ayah couldn’t make it to your exhibition, thank you for hugging me while your friends got their parents there with them, while you.. hmmm have me.
I may not be the one who gave birth to you, and though you sometimes couldn’t see me from where I am standing, ucu really hope that you know, in the seas of humans, I will always be there, watching you closely from this distance, and though you may outgrow my lap, know that you’ll always be my first baby.
The first one who taught me that sometimes it’s okay to wear my heart on the sleeves. And though we always fought, be it over minyak telon or even the chopsticks, that the waiter have to give us another sets because he saw us fighting over it, know that I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Mama, your cucu has always been the reason that kept me sane, the another reason that is still keeping me here today and while I have to return you to Allah, the heavens gave me ahloo. To keep me grounded.
Love, Ucu.
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songmingisthighs · 9 months
i gave you my precious cyberpunk sani pc </3
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devilscreekballad · 2 years
It's very much the end of the year, and I want to say thank you to all followers, old and new.
It's been a strange year, for better or worse, and here on the blog it's been no different.
While we haven't seen a new chapter, we have seen some great feedback and character development, some inspiration from unexpected quarters, and some amazing art by fanartists.
There have been downsides in the form of nasty anons and my IRL situation, but in regards to the latter a massive THANK YOU to everyone who donated anything so far. With every donating things get closer to being solved.
Thank you.
There's no concrete plans for 2023. I will do what's in my power to get ch7 and 8 out, as well as the reworked ch1 of CuCu. I hope to get the means to sort out personal stuff (from medical to furniture) and stream again on a regular basis.
So here's hoping 2023 won't be too big a pain in the arse, and maybe it'll be the year the posse makes it to Potter's Springs at least.
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cornucopiagazette · 3 months
I always imagine my characters in IFs to be fat like I am, even though sometimes I have to rewrite the text a little in my mind to make it fit. I'm not sure how much it would come up in CuCu, but I thought I'd mention it as one possible point in character creation!
I also wanted to say thank you for writing (and sharing with us!) this incredible story. I find myself thinking about it every time I ride a train or see a cooking show.
As of now it doesn't come up at all, iirc
If there'd be bits down the line, I think I lack the experience to pull that option off satisfyingly.Though with proper input from people, it should be possible.
Who knows, we'll see :3
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anarchist-bird-dad · 1 year
tip: keep lulah away from cucu in the future unless you want to teach her about panic attacks early
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you."
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juuret · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @ferociouslycreativemystery
✨when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favorite followers✨ (non-obligatory)
Sebalter - Dicono che brucia
We are Domi - Alive
Miki Nuñez - Cucu-pido
Sebalter - Canzone per una bimba lontana
TIX - Hvis Jeg Forlot Verden
Not tagging anyone specifically because current mood is WHAT IF I’M BOTHERING PEOPLE but if you want to do it please do it and let’s pretend I tagged you
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LOL, since gftwd is on topic again, my last user name was similar to the one she had, she messaged me asking me who I was and why I had stolen her user name, literally using that word as If she was the sole owner lmao, I never answered her but I remember the tone she used in those messages and I laugh, her little friends were also a little cucu
Love you blog btw🌛
oh boy.. she accused me of the same exact thing lmfao i guess because ''tea'' is in my username. she also said i was copying her in the way i ''speak''.. i wanted to tell her sweetheart, you simply do not have the range. you do not have the vocabulary to go toe to toe with me.
and thank you so much!
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notsomeloncholy · 2 years
Hypothetically, how much would a commission similar to the Cucu x Tefir art you made for life day cost? I've got some money to spend, and I'd love to be able to commiss some ship art of my SW OCs from you! Thanks ❤️
Awe omg that's so kind of you!!
This has reminded me my commission sheet is in desperate need of a revamp 💀 lmao but for now, a sketch in that style (bust/waistup) would be around $20-30 :>
Thank you for asking 💚💚
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aksaraer · 11 months
About: reviewing in the 46th selected work of Denny Ja: Gathering Ibrahim’s grandchildren
Hello! Thank you for using our service. I am happy to help you in making articles about Denny JA’s selected work entitled Silahturahmi Cucu Ibrahim. The following are the articles that we have made with a maximum length of 1000 words:    [Title: Reviewing In Denny JA’s Selected Work 46: Gathering Ibrahim’s grandson]    In the world of Indonesian literature, the name Denny JA is familiar. As a well -known intellectual, activist, and writer, Denny JA has dedicated his life to enrich the treasury of Indonesian literature. One of his selected works that should be reviewed is the friendship of Ibrahim’s grandchildren.    In this essay poem, Denny Ja invites readers to enter a story full of values of life and relations between humans. The friendship of Ibrahim’s grandchild tells the story of the life journey of a young man named Ibrahim who is trying to build friendship in his family and community.    The story begins with Ibrahim’s simple life in a small village in the interior of Indonesia. He grew up in a family full of love and affection. However, when he was a teenager, Ibrahim began to feel there was a vacancy in his life. He missed a deeper friendship with his extended family.    Denny Ja succeeded in describing Ibrahim’s anxiety and struggle in great detail. Every character in this story feels alive and has a strong influence on Ibrahim’s life journey. In his search, Ibrahim met with new people who helped shape his understanding of the true meaning of the friendship.    Through his life journey, Ibrahim learned that friendship is not only limited to mere physical meetings, but also includes mutual respect, listening, and supporting each other. Denny Ja teaches readers the importance of maintaining good relations with the family, because solid friendship can be a foundation of happiness and harmony in life.    In addition, in the friendship of Ibrahim’s grandchildren, Denny Ja also raised social issues that are relevant to the Indonesian people today. He intelligently slipped critical messages about diversity, tolerance, and equal rights in the context of daily life. Through this essay poem, Denny Ja invites the reader to reflect and strengthen the values in their lives.    Denny Ja’s writing style in this essay poem is so neat and flowing. He is able to create an emotional atmosphere and inspire the reader’s heart. The story that is delivered is also very realistic, making the reader feel tied to the character. Denny Ja succeeded in describing concrete social and cultural conditions, as if we helped feel every struggle and happiness felt by Ibrahim.    Not only that, Denny Ja also enriches the story with a beautiful picture of Indonesia. He in detail describes the landscape, nature, and the richness of Indonesian culture through colorful words. This helps readers feel the beauty and uniqueness of Indonesia, as well as providing a broader introduction to the richness of our nation’s culture.    The friendship of Ibrahim’s grandchildren is one of Denny Ja’s selected works that should not be missed. This essay poem is not only an interesting story, but also contains a strong moral message.
Check more: review in the 46th selected work of Denny Ja: Gathering of Ibrahim’s grandchildren
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