#thank you for aski g
beastofmoss · 1 year
Ooh can I ask for the fanfic word thing...hand?
hiiii! hey HIII! Thank you for asking! Just a little tw/cw for a anxiety attack. I wrote this with my own experiences in mind, so I might need to review some of it (wrote it in a trance ya know?)
This is a bit of a scene with José. A flashback of when he meets Frecil, my other oc. Enstar ocs sadly ;(
Panic spreads across him like dandelions seeds blowing in the wind, taking root in hostile soil and leaving him standard with his unstable breathing. It sparks across him like lighting, going deep inside him and planting a kiss on his rapid heart. He couldn’t breath. Hands wrap around his head, face buried into his knees as sobs took over him. It’s too much. Everything is too much. Tears well in his brown eyes, falling down like rain on the window stills, staining into his pant legs. Oh, it was just too much. It repeats over and over in his head, breaking open his skull and leaving him a fumbling mess of a boy. To have your dreams smashed open, exposed to the seagulls as they peak at you, taking you apart with their cruel eyes and harsh beaks.
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What a year June-July will be/has been (Tags have some information as to the general batshittery that is my life)
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boyheros · 4 years
Just saw this in Safeway and thought of you :)
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SONIC FLAVOER GAMER FUEL... ok I will admit the can design is cool
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bd-steelyfam · 5 years
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No, that’s not their gang name. Shut up, don’t laugh.
P: Curious about my gang, huh? Well, here they are!
P: Around a year ago, I accidentally brushed shoulders with Balmain. She demanded me to say sorry, and I refused! My pride’s waaaay higher than that, yannow. We argued, and got our stands out! Ballsmain looked at me like a fuckin’ deer in the headlights (is that the right term???!) and said that I have potential to join her motorbike gang! How can a hot bod like me turn down that offer??!
P: Then we got to a ghetto street, and met these four other girls. Balenciaga is one sassy beast, like whenever I got angry she just comments with this monotone voice, but her smirk!! God, she never got rid of it every time she talks at me. Carla Zampatti is quieter, but really energetic if we are about to tear down the streets. She has these... y’know. Mom vibes?? I don’t know how to decribe it, but she’s really good at talking and persuading other people into doing some stuff for us!
P: Marlene Dior.. jeez. Where can I even start?! She’s always smiling flirtatiously, I mean look at her fashion! Kiss marks everywhere, even her own FUCKING FACE!! To Main, Cia, Carla, and even me! Like she would flung her arms around their neck from behind them, WHO DOES THAT??!! I must admit, she is a pretty awesome motorbiker, though.
P: And then... there’s Atroe. She prefers to be called Foo Fighters, probably because it sounds waaaay cooler than Atroe! Who names their kid Atroe? She is very smart, the smartest in the whole fuckin’ gang. Foo is... uhh.... mysterious? She is so blunt, like when Dior is joking about something stupid, she says that she is stupid (which is true) and has to reevaluate her conversation choices??!! Foo always acts like this “soooo cool awesome loner” girl, but what kind of person exists in a biker gang? A FUCKIN’ BIKER GANG??!! Look, if she really is sooo smart, why is she even in our gang??!! Cooperation is a must in gangs, missy!
P: Also, no burning people! We nearly got arrested last month because we tried to burn down another Sephora!! Marlene says it’s a quicker way for me to acquire the lipsticks, so of course I fuckin’ followed her!! And after all those fiasco, she just kept laughing and smirking and SHIT!!! Ugh, why am I always the unlucky one??!!
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edgepunk · 3 years
☕️ Netflix Geraskier
Some fool will read this and call me a homophobe, but I despise it. There's no proper foundation for their relationship either - Jaskier just latched himself onto Geralt, Geralt punched him, there's yelling and then Jaskier makes a pretty disgusting song about Geralt's trauma that could be used to hate on witchers, who are already constantly faced with xenophobia. Very healthy relationship right there. People compare them to Shrek and Donkey, but at least you can see their relationship growing and Shrek realizes he fucked up and apologizes to Donkey twn has nothing on this cinematic masterpiece Like there's an actual arc here with a properly developing friendship.
And the g/er/aski/er fandom is very. upsetting. It's filled to the brim with cishet women fetishizing an mlm relationship and even dragging p*dophilia into it. Deadass saw a fic where Geralt had s€x with an underage Jaskier. Wow thank you for turning my favorite character into a p*dophile you creep. Though I appreciate the other part of this fandom that uses ductape to fix this terribly written relationship.
Thank you!
send me ☕️ + [topic] and i’ll tell you my opinion on it!
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petrichorical · 6 years
A - If I’m in love.
i’m not
C - How long it’s been since I’ve kissed.
about a good 3 weeks
G - The last person I said ‘I love you’ to.
@droomgedachten i was drunk maar really
R - For me to tell 10 of my curiosities.
this is harder than expected:
guitars, amps, pedals, etc
ancient greek poetry (sappho!!)
intrinsic motivation
nutritional values
communism, it’s a long story
my lack of motivation to study despite all of the above
thanks for askiing :))
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miraculousmumma · 6 years
G adrienette please?
Here you go, sweetie!  I will warn you I haven’t read this through but I have worked on it sporadically all day and wanted to get it out tonight before sleep took me!  I hope it’s okay!
G - Getting Protective with Adrinette
Adrien had been lucky enough to have a rare Saturday with no modelling, no photoshoots, no interviews, and even luckier he had been allowed to go out with his friends.  After meeting at Marinette’s family patisserie for lunch, they went to the afternoon matinee of the latest blockbuster.
‘Thanks for offering to walk me home so Nino and Alya could do date night.’  Marinette said as they walked down the street together.
‘It’s no problem.’  Adrien smiled at her.  ‘I had a really great time.’
‘Me too.  The movie was good.’
‘It was, really good.’
They walked in an awkward silence for some time before Adrien’s eye caught a flash of light across the street, and he narrowed his eyes as he tried to make sense of it, before groaning.  ‘Oh no.’
‘What’s wrong?’  She asked as rested his hand on her elbow and encouraged her to walk a little faster.
‘I think we’ve been spotted by a paparazzi.’
‘Oh no.’  She murmured, remembering all too well the last time it happened.  ‘What do you want to do?’
‘Get you home as quick as possible and call for my car.’  Even as he said it he realised any hope of doing so was dwindling fast, a motorcyclist with a camera around their neck pulling up on the opposite side of the street as two more cars stopped too close to be coincidence.
In just moments they were all but surrounded despite their attempted escape, cameras flashing, people yelling questions, the small group soon attracting the public who were always drawn by such an event.
Adrien put Marinette partially behind him and forced himself to smile while answering as noncommittally as possible; no, this wasn’t a date; no, she wasn’t his girlfriend despite earlier reports; yes, they were friends and went to school together; and a host of others including more personal questions about his father.
Marinette watched as Adrien struggled with the increasingly awkward questions and she felt so sorry for him.  How could they do this to anyone, let alone him?  Well, she was done with it.  She stepped in front of him and glared at the crowd.
‘Excuse me, how dare you?’  She snapped, putting all of the confidence she had as Ladybug into her voice and stance.  ‘Adrien has answered all of your questions regarding where he’s been today and if you want any information on anything else I suggest you go through his father’s press secretary, like you’re supposed to!  Now move out of the way before you are slapped with a Gabriel lawsuit for invasion of privacy.’  She reached behind her and grabbed Adrien’s hand before pushing her way through the crowd and around the corner, but she didn’t stop.  She continued down the street with purpose until she was sure they weren’t being followed when she finally spoke.
‘I’m sorry about that.’  She gave him an apologetic smile.  ‘I just hated that they were making you feel bad.’
Adrien had been pretty much stunned by not only Marinette’s words but actions.  He knew she was capable of standing up for what she believed, knew how passionate she was, but he also knew she still had moments of self doubt, moments where she couldn’t or wouldn’t answer back, and what she had just done was nothing short of Ladybug level bravery.
‘That was incredible.’  He said simply.
‘It really wasn’t.’  She blushed faintly, tucking her hair behind her ear.
‘No, it was.  I’ve been in this business for a long time and I’ve never had anyone stand up for me like that, let alone the fact that they listened.  You’re amazing.’
She shook her head in denial of his praise.  ‘I just did what anyone should have done.’
‘Yeah, but no one ever does.’  They had reached the door of the patisserie and Adrien took out his phone and called for his car.  Sabine gave them a snack while they waited and in just minutes the car pulled up to the curb outside.  ‘I guess that’s my cue to leave.’  Adrien said reluctantly.  ‘I had a really great day, and about what happened with the press, thanks.’  He quickly kissed her cheek in gratitude.  ‘I’ll see you at school on Monday.’  He said with a wave.
‘Yeah, Monday.’  Marinette murmured, unable to think past the fact that Adrien had kissed her.
Thanks for asking!
Headcanony asky thingy!
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bisansastarks · 6 years
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Guys I'm literally floored and I might cry lmao. tHANK YOU. If I didn't get these medications I would literally go through physical withdrawal within twelve hours. I'd enter a maniac stage and tbh I have no clue what id do to myself.
Thank you.
Growing up I learned to never ask for help. I had to help my parents and there was no one to care for me. I almost always end up caring for others and even after seven years of therapy I'm still god awful at aski g for help. Even asking my uncle sends me into a panic attack and I have intense guilt over money.
Special thanks to @spacefloozy @taranoire . Antis are shaking over what us nasty thorkis can do lmao.😂
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blueandgoldoffice · 7 years
Any college au's out there that you could recommend trying to find new fics to read to tie me over til the first episode thanks
Oh my gosh - have you read the new one by @javajunkieao3​? Because it’s wonderful - and right up your asky ally! I’ll link IT and a couple more recent college aus lately too. Only one more day until S2! Enjoy!
Sit In My Corner by @javajunkieao3 (1/1 - G)
I Was Feeling Epic by RemitheDaydreamer (1/1 - M)
So, That’s What FaceTime Is For by bughead_nights (1/1 - E)
all’s fair in love (and war) by @stillscape & @lessoleilscouchants (2/? - T)
Movie Night by @bettyjonescooper (2/2 - G)
(It’s just a few - and with no summaries. You don’t even want to know how many asks we have at the moment that we’re trying to get through. Enjoy!
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jinsa-frank · 5 years
Where do you get your ideas for your moodboards? What do you use to have them in a certain template? Where do you get your pictures that make good additions for your moodboards? Sotry I'm aski g so much, I juat really like your blog and i would like to make some of my own to add them with my fics as a form of visual. 😊
Its not that interesting of a process actually I think of a fic idea and if I like it enough to write about it or at least share with other shippers I look up the trope aesthetic in Pinterest and tumblr and use those images with images of jikook that I like and for the template I like just using tumblr's if I have 9 pictures, if I ever don't have 9 pictures I only use the alpha mobi tech poto collage maker and
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Thank you for saying you like my mood boards! And even calling me a blog lol
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cutefatwitchbitch · 7 years
For the asky thing: Death, The Moon, and The World! Also, I hope you're having a lovely day ^^
First off, thank you! I hope you have a lovely day, as well! Death: Do you believe in or have experience with past lives? I believe in past lives and do a lot of past life work for myself. I've had readings done as well as done readings for others. Because one of my talents is emotional healing, I work extensively with past lives to help heal trauma. The Moon: Favorite thing to do during a full moon? Honestly, anything witchy. When I'm not feeling up to actual spells, I listen to Stevie Nicks. I also always do a shower cleanse on the full moon to help unclog the spiritual gunk I've collected over the moon cycle.The World: What type of witch are you? I'm very eclectic in my craft. I have a natural talent for protection, warding, healing, and divination. I do a lot of energy work, kitchen witchcraft, and storm witchcraft. I'm very drawn to the ocean. I feel a deep connection to mermaids, the fae, and Valkyries. I'm honestly all over the board lol I never really felt the need to fall under one branch, and I'd honestly feel really uncomfortable trying to. When I say that I'm eclectic, I definitely don't mean I'm appropriating from other cultures. I do a lot of research to make sure that I don't tread where I am unwanted. I also want to clarify that, although I don't follow a specific path, there's absolutely nothing wrong with having g a path if it fits you! Your craft is your own, and, as long as you are not hurting anyone, it's your business.
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queer-birb-rights · 7 years
me: haha wow I am not doing well maybe I should talk to someone to help me through this rough patch
literally anyone: hey how's it going? You've been kinda quiet and I was worried about you
me, choking back tears and flipping finger guns: I AM WONDERFUL THANK YOU FOR ASKI G
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