#thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
wellcollapse · 3 months
and another thing: i don’t think buck was as devastated by eddie calling him exhausting as people think he was, lol….i’d go as far as to say he didn’t give a damn about that and he was ultimately more affected by the fact that eddie and chris were hurt by his absence. Like…he knows eddie was hurt and lashing out and saying things he didn’t mean. he’s not sitting here four years later crying about being called exhausting; he’s not lying awake at night worrying if he’s too much for eddie and chris or if they’ll eventually get tired of him — because the real issue with that lawsuit was that he wasn’t present enough!!! and i know buck knows this too. considering. you know. the way his entire apology in 3x09 centered around him recognizing that eddie and chris needed him (despite eddie’s attempts to brush it off!! he pushed through!! and eddie heard him!!) and from that moment onward buck has Never left the diaz boys’ side. and he knows — and eddie knows — that he never will <3
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d011zk1ll · 2 months
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Hey guys I'm supposed to be asleep but I'm still thinking about what @carpetbug said earlier and only thought it fair to expand. (I made feline blue and Mao have that blue stuff so you can see the eye shine shit better)
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This was the conversation. If you weren't already aware 😭😭 it's so silly
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tinker-13 · 4 months
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eurodynamic · 2 months
olric backwards is what?? CIRLO and that sounds like what??? KARLO and that means Karlolric needs to happen and he needs to be romanceable. @/fieldsofmistria
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smolbudgielord · 25 days
bugged by something really small and stupid?just be the bigger bug about it. 👍
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atorturedpoetsquill · 5 months
Happy Birthday to me.
Ah! I am 19. I AM 19.
Last year, when I was turning 18, I remember calling my best friend at 11:48 pm and crying. I was so vulnerable because I was going through bad mental health. And I remember the exact words were, "I don't want to turn 18!" I was so scared.
But today, I called my best friend again. I was crying again. But this time I was happy. Excited. Life's still the same, but it is a better place now. I know I have the strength to move forward and surpass every obstacle. This time, my words were, "I can't wait to turn 19."
I was feeling epic🥂✨️
Life is always changing. It will change for you, too. You just need to be fearless. And when it gets too heavy, let go and let God.❤️
by Willow
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bloodbathfortwo · 5 months
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Alex and Nigel on a random Friday night. Dinner done, dishes cleaned, kids put to sleep, and it's just them in their own bedroom. Nigel has missed his Jack and he can't help but cling all over him. What do we think, chat? 🎤
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I love rain world
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awalkoflife-arc · 9 months
this is just a little observation that i'm making on the ninth day of a new year; one of the reasons that i enjoy this hobby so much, aside from the writing itself, is actually due to the fact that i'm able to log on and read. to catch up with the characters and the ships that i'm invested in but have no part in and to enjoy the dynamics that are being created on my dash. i think it's easy to forget how much of a safe space this community can be, especially when you're a creative at heart. i think when we get caught up with everyday life, even if we're not able to write daily, it's such a calming feeling to just hop on the dash and catch up with our favourite ships/writers/plots. to be invested in the stories that we're all telling is, in my personal opinion, quite a beautiful thing.
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iridescene · 4 months
jiyan wuthering waves .
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Fuck you Young Royals for forcing me to go through this painful process while patient notes keep piling.
I hate you. Except I don’t. ❤️‍🩹
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soubiapologist · 7 months
i do think loveless is hated in part for being up front about its subject matter. there’s plenty of beloved shoujo (and other media) where the romance is treated as awesome despite there being a massive age gap or power indifference. i’ve never seen shugo chara but i’ve heard there’s an age gap almost as large as soubi and ritsuka’s in that and everyone’s just like “it’s a shitty element but you can ignore it” but when loveless makes the problem unignorable people are like OUUUGHHHHH IM SO MAD. like damn that’s crazy. there’s a character in loveless who also ignores the shitty things her show love interest (i mean. in the way loveless even has love interests) does despite them being uh, PRETTY FUCKING BAD AND UNIGNORABLE, because she loves him, and it gets people HURT. bad. like. god
cardcaptors has sakura’s parents have a massive fucking age gap, sailor moon has a gap with tuxedo mask and usagi. many such cases etc etc. but part of the problem is that the framing allows for these things to be glossed over even if briefly discussed. characters that are teens and really just kids themselves are easily read as adults by younger readers, who the media is targeted towards. you can argue that it’s just an empowering fantasy for kids if you want but i implore you to ask yourself what exactly “empowering” means in this context. with loveless though the age gap is. well almost “fetishized” to a degree and that makes it completely unignorable so that the story can actually start ADDRESSING IT now that there’s no denying or glossing over it. to make something taboo makes it a focus, it bring to light our desires and disgusts, facilitating a discussion about the morality of the actions taking place.
you ARE supposed to feel sympathy for soubi and i think that’s hard for a lot of people to swallow, but the thing is? the sympathy you feel for him, if you’re following the material, doesn’t sublimate into wanting him and ritsuka to be together, not romantically or sexually at least, it sublimates into wanting him to stop. (and i think that’s something a lot of people who have suffered abuse at the hands of a loved one can relate to; they don’t want their loved one punished, they want their loved one to STOP, and part of the reason some people don’t report abuse is LITERALLY because they don’t want their loved one taken away for various reasons) and i think the idea that abusers CAN stop and CAN change and CAN get better and are PEOPLE with motivations on systemic levels is a scarier thought to a lot of people than the idea that abusers are just some ontological category of evil that someone actively and maliciously chooses to identify into and permanently stays in and must by appropriately punished for, whatever that implies. because then we’d have to grapple with all the ways that that very mentality leads to abuse, and all the times that not only we were abused, but that we abused others. i think people see the phrase “empowering abusers to be better people” and stop after the first two words.
in end of evangelion misato kisses shinji on the lips and teases sex in an effort to get shinji to save the world. i’m pretty sure misato knows DAMN well how shitty this is. but we understand her motive in manipulating and sexually abusing a child because the stakes are so high. we know it’s shitty but we feel bad for her and we feel bad for shinji. when soubi does something similar and it’s ambiguous to how bad he understands this to be because of his perspective being warped by the abuse he suffered and is still suffering people are (rightfully) horrified but then put the media down and condemn it. misato gets her redemption as much as you can call it that when she dies, but soubi, soubi keeps going. abuse feels like the end of the world, but it isn’t, not really. the earth keeps turning with everyone in it. what happens when the stakes are “lower”, when there is no end of the world, when there is no karmic death to free your mind from what you’ve done or had done to you. what’s left to do when it’s just
and me
and the things we’ve done
and the things we haven’t yet found the strength to do
and there is no magic
there is no giant robot
there’s no end of the world
it’s just us
and our bond
whatever it may be
and the language we use to communicate
what will we choose to say?
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runicsorceress · 1 year
theoretically, how many ghosts could you fit in an envelope. in theory. I will not be using this for malicious purposes.
...thats actually a really fuckin interesting question. technically the answer is none. or one if you have a spirit possess it. but that aint the full truth
ghosts aint just able to possess shit. they can also tie themselves to objects, areas, and sometimes even souls. if youve ever wondered how a ghost mon can be on a train or in a car or whatever? even while its moving? thats because theyve tied themselves to it
theres limitations n shit but like. long as they aint trying to tie themselves to a bullet thats about to be shot, theyre fine. also far as i know theres no limit on how many spirits can be tied to one thing.. aside from maybe with souls.
tying themselves to shit aint just to orient themselves with it though. less uh.. aware? conscious? less conscious spirits often roam the same area because theyve tied themselves to it, or to an object in that area.
yamasks actually tie themselves to the mask they cary too.. if you manage to steal the mask of one it can track it down because of how its tied to it. so uh. dont do that.
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oschvank · 1 year
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☆☆☆ these hearts are stars. pls accept them . all blogs i follow are my favorite . everyone who continues writing are my favorite . everyone who expresses love for their muse are my favorite .
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thetyger · 2 years
while I'm on the subject of my last tags! my tlt shipping progression went something like this:
GtN: wow, harrow and gideon are actually pretty sweet together! rivals to lovers is fun!
HtN: actually, whatever fucked up thing harrow and ianthe have going on is even better?
NtN: [deep breaths, screaming] KIRIANTHE
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