#thank you for continuing to behave as though I’m violating a restraining order by HAVING MUTUAL FRIENDS
bluejay-07 · 1 year
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 6 years
Perfection (Or Rather, the Lack Thereof)
Prompt: Summer of Descendants August 8th Canon Couples (Bal, Devie, Janelos)
Pairing: Bal
Rating: General, minor mentions of violence
Inside of him was a roaring beast. A monster of fury and rage. He spent his entire life controlling it. Oh how the creature demanded to be free though. Containing it was more than a challenge at times. Thankfully his parents recognized it in him as a young child and set to work equipping him with tools and skills to quell the rage. It did him a world of good but it did not erase the monster. Sometimes he could feel heat in his chest as if it was alive, breathing inside him, against his rib cage. Wanting to burst free. Sometimes it felt so close to the surface like it was a second layer of skin, bubbling underneath. Rising to the surface to split the top layer and reveal the beast.
On the outside you would never know he held such an animal inside. On the surface one could only see his smile. His eyes light up. His pure heart that beast could not take from him, oh how it tried though.
None could see the way he used to act on his violent urges. Attacking staff or even himself for no apparent reason. Anger that would flare and ignite from thin air. No one could ever see how the creature made him anger even after all these years. How he still wanted to behave antagonisticly. How most of the times whenever it roared, it took everything in him to hold it at bay. He refused to let the fury go though. He knew he knew it would feel so good to lose it and just let the anger strike. Consequences be damned. If he let his inner violence go, it would light a fire strong enough to stop everything that infuriated him. But that heart of gold refused. He wanted so badly to hurt people sometimes but his heart would never allow it. No. It was easier for the monster to control him in his youth and it made him do things he regretted so much. For that, he would never let his in set demon out on the world again. No. Not after seeing in his youth what he had done to those castle staff who were just doing their jobs. How he broke his own bones several times and somehow the beast convinced him it was fun. And certainly never again after he struck his own mother in the face. The scar was faint but could still be seen on her face. No. Never again would he let that beast see the light of day.
She had a good heart. Despite her harsh upbringing, she saw so much good and beauty in the world. The island made her strong but not cold and cruel as it had so many others like her.
On her face was attitude. In her eyes were fire. A challenge, I dare you to mess with me. Out of her mouth came flaming hot insults and threats. She was armed to the teeth with magic and weapon, ready to unleash hell on anyone. And it would be a lie to say there wasn't a part of her that loved it. She loved it when others shrunk back in fear. When enemies that underestimate her beg for forgiveness and mercy. When they run away. She loved her evil but her gratification was short lived.
Secretly she tried to act upon that ache in her heart. Give some food to some hungry children, help an injured person. Stand up to a bully. But she had to restrain herself. If her kind heart showed itself too much it would be attacked. They would violate that good in her. Corrupt it into an evil more like their own. There was no room for goodness here. It had to be all snuffed out. After every good act she swore it was the last. No matter how good it made her feel this could not continue. She put herself at risk every time she was benevolent. So her goodness needed to be stamped out. To never be a light amid the darkness again. It never was.
Somehow between the two of them there was balance. It seemed likely that they would bring out the worst in each other but somehow this wasn't the case. Something about Mal made the beast in Ben go quite and with Ben, Mal felt safe enough to expose her kind heart.
It was a like perfect match. Yes they tested each other some. They pushed each other to be better. And of course there were plenty of critics and doubters. They made their opinions loud and heard. Why even at one point his own parents were concerned about their relationship. But they were on track to prove them all wrong. It wasn't happily ever after and a perfect paradise but they had the skills to make it through. Instead of letting fights drag on, they learned to not get heated, how to debate their points with a calmness. Even when they were angry with each other, their darkness never showed for they knew how to combat it and keep it inside. They never went to bed angry. Compromise could easily be achieved. Respect and love for each other radiated off of them.
"Time for a new romance tale, one for all the ages. The tale of how my son and my so soon to be daughter in law have the greatest and most mature relationship out of anyone I've ever met. And yes dear that does include you too," Belle quipped one evening at dinner. This brought chuckles from all around.
"Oh no I can't deny that myself," King Adam confessed. "Mal, you're perfect for Ben and it shows. Somehow you two kids pulled off what people who've been married for decades can't seem to do. And before you tie the knot even. It's just perfect. I know you two will make the best King and Queen when your time comes," he spoke warmly. Belle agreed and Ben thanked his father. Mal thanked him as well but a familiar worried thought began to form in her mind.
What if it all comes crashing down?
Perfection, it was required. She couldn't be a queen if she was anything less than perfect. Oh no, clearly they all only accepted her because they thought she became perfect. Was perfect. Is perfect. That will all disappear once they know the truth. That she did bad things on the island and not just to survive. That she was overwhelmed and frightened of being queen someday. Frightened especially of screwing up. She feared of chasing all her friends and her new found family away. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no...
Neither of them were mind readers but they got quite good at noticing the smallest changes in the other's behavior and what the changes mean. He saw Mal's smile fall to a small frown and how her eyes remained down on her plate for the rest of the evening. When the meal was completed, he walked to her side.
"Mal...I know something is bothering you. I saw it at dinner. What is your concern?" He kissed her hand and asked. She sighed.
"Walk with me," she requested. He offered his arm for her and she held on to it. She lead the way until they were in her office room. With a sad sigh, she sat down on a bench against the wall and Ben joined her. He wrapped his hand in hers and squeezed it tightly. She did not return his smile.
"What happens if this can't work? What would happen?" She softly asked, her eyes looked distant as if trying to imagine that.
"Why do you ask that? What makes you think that would happen? Mal, you know I love you...right?" He felt uneasy about her question. What was going on that he didn't know about? Did he screw up?
"I do, I do. But what if that doesn't last? Face it Ben...I'm a bad girl. I like being mean and nasty. I'm not fit for Auradon life much less being its queen. I can't do this. I'll never be good enough! I'll never be perfect! She started to cry.
"No no no....shhh Mal. Hey..." He pulled her closer, hugging her. Tears fell from her eyes and landed on his chest. He pressed several kisses into her forehead.
"Listen to me, okay? Just listen. I know about the bad things you did. You told me yourself. And I know all the good things you did too. You don't give yourself enough credit for the good you did. That you still do, here in Auradon. You've helped the island in a few months more than my parents have in our whole lives. Mal I...I understand. There's darkness in all of us. You had to let yours show more in order to protect yourself. And now you're making up for it," he pushed her face up so she would look in his eyes.
"That's why I fell in love with you Mal. Even if you don't see it, I know your good heart is there."
He stood up and offered out his hand to her. Cautiously she accepted it. He placed her arms over his neckand wrapped his lightly around her waist.
"Ben? What are you doing?" She chuckled. He flashed her a grin as he guided her with small steps to the middle of the room for more space. Touching his forehead to hers, he began to hum.  Slowly he guided their steps in a slow circle while humming a wordless tune. Mal felt her shoulders begin relax and she left herself be comfortable with this. They swayed together closely for a few minutes in pure peace. Mal's heart swelled with love for him. He paused and they stood still.
"I'm sorry Ben. I'm just so afraid. I want to be perfect but I'm not. And if I'm not perfect eventually it'll be revealed and everything will fall apart," she confessed. Her heart pounded painful. The thoughts of failure swarmed her brain and attacked ruthlessly.
"I understand your fear. And I'm...as much as I don't want to admit I...I fear it sometimes too. U was raised with the expectation to be king someday. To be even better than my dad. All my tutors and advisors, the tailors, the chefs, feels like in this whole castle put pressure on everything to be perfect. Me. Perfection? You know me Mal. I told you all about..." He gestured to his chest. "This anger I always feel. It's like I'm a beast too. Just not on the surface," he sighed. "I fear that I'll lose myself to it. Now how's that for a failure huh? I used to attack servants. I attacked my own mom and left her scarred for crying out loud. I even broke my own wrists and my ribs before. Because at the time I thought it was funny. Do you see any perfection in that?" She shook her head.
"Sorry I didn't mean to sound like I'm trying to compete with you or something. I just am trying to say I get it Mal. The pressure is on for us to be perfect. The perfect couple, the perfect people, the perfect King and Queen...but we don't...have to be perfect. I know I probably sound so cliche. Like every book ever. But please Mal...just hear that I'm saying the truth. I believe in you. In us. In the good we can do for the kingdom and each other. I think...no I really believe that we're flawed but we work. We don't need to be perfect. We just need to be true to us," he paused to kiss her forehead.
"I believe you're perfect for me and I accept that you're flawed. You've shown me you accept that I'm flawed. Somehow you make my inner demons be quiet, even when we fight. You still always bring out the best in me. And like you've told me before, I help you feel free to be kind and passionate, push you to be your best self, to follow your heart. We are not perfect for the world but we're perfect for us. And that's how we will be the best King and Queen we can be."
She let his words soak in. It went against everything the fearful demons in her mind attacked her with and they fought against it. That couldn't be true. It couldn't be that simple. Perfection was what she had to be even if he didn't see it that way, the kingdom would.
"It's okay...I'm right here." He pulled her to his chest and she heard herself crying. Taking a few moments to just let herself go, she tightened her grip around him. He rocked her softly and kissed the too of her head. After the overwhelming passed, she pulled away and wiped her eyes.
"I'm sorry. I don't know where that came from," she said.
"It's okay. This is a lot to take in, I know. And I know it's not like I can just say 'hey don't be anxious' and poof, your anxiety will go away." She laughed when he said that.
"Yeah. I really wish that was how it worked. Make my life so much easier," she laughed. He put his arms around her waist again. His smile comforted her.
"Yeah. Would be nice. But since it doesn't I'm just going to tell you this. You're going to keep fearing that you're not good enough and that you have to be perfect. I'm gonna have that at times too. But instead of being perfect for the world, we just remain us. Honest, just, true...we'll never please everyone. We can though work together and be the team that leads Auradon the best we can for all our days as its rulers," he soothed her. She rested her hand on his cheek.
"Seems like you always know what to say to make me feel better Ben," she said lovingly. He kissed her palm and pulled her closer.
"I told you. We're perfect for each other."
He began to hum the tune from before again and swayed her in his arms again. It was going to take work like he had said but she trusted him. If they were exactly what makes them perfect for each other then it seemed impossible that they could fail. Forget the judgement of the world. This was the only perfect she needed to be. She realized he had started to sing.
"I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person. And she looks perfect...I don't deserve this. Darling you are perfect... you are perfect for our life."
Hello again reader. Welcome to the end of this fanfic for the summer of descendants tag. Thank you for joining me here by having read this. Late again oh my word lord have mercy on me. Okay I seriously had this one ready or at least I thought I did but when I was giving it a final edit for errors and whatnot before posting it I got concerned it didn’t all work as well as I thought originally that it did. I don’t know, am I being like Mal here and over worrying if it’s perfect or not? Rhetorical, I know I am. (Seriously writing her anxiety felt like I was just describing myself ugh lord help me.) I may just be overthinking everything but I hope that what I write is good and enjoyable. Feedback is seriously appreciated since it gives me clues on what’s good and what to improve. Thank you for reading this and I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this. Hope I didn’t make you sick of the word perfect either lol sorry about that. Hopefully this just comes off as kinda angsty from the anxiety but sweet in the end.
Oh and before it’s mentioned, yes Ben is singing Perfect by Ed Sheeran at the end and YES I changed the final line. I wanted it to resonate a stronger message than just looking perfect so I gave a tiny edit. 
Anyway I’m rambling again, thank you for reading this. I seriously hope it was good cause I’m fretting that it may be a bit ridiculous. See you another time hopefully reader. Bye~ 
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 33/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
"Crap, they found it out already? " thinks Joel, "Oh yeah, the waves things... Maybe they saw a change in them and they understood it... Shit."
<<You can't decline it.>> the man stopped (Y/N) before she could speak, <<It's a high priestess's order.>>
<<She wasn't very sick?>> retorts Lenka, <<You didn't come last time to force (Y/N) to take the lead of the family? Now, she's fine?>>
<<She is not, but she is recovering.>> replies the other man, <<She ordered that the third coming of Kafka and her servants must return to the estate.>> they turn their heels and exit, then stop in front of Miraje and Hakkai, <<The third Kafka's heir has two new servants, your violation was helpful, so we will not punish you.>>
<<Her name is (Y/N), try your best to remember it, guys.>> Kirishima can't stand those people at all, <<I don't know who the hell do think you are, but you better treat (Y/N) well from now on.>>
<<Do you know who you are facing?>> the woman moves the hand from her mouth to Eijiro's forehead, even with that veil, it's clear that she is looking at the student with an angry gaze, <<Know your place->>
<<(Y/N)!! Hey, hang in there! Call someone!>>
The chiefs open the door again to check what happened and find the girl vomiting blood, bleeding from her nose and eyes. While her childhood friends explain what happened before, the chiefs notice her crystal earring cracking.
<<!! The beasts are going in berserk! (Y/N) control them!>> they're using some strange techniques to help the girl to repress the beasts that are trying to get out somehow.
<<I-I'm t-trying....>> the girl continues to vomit blood and crouch into herself to enduring the pain all over her body, <<T-they won't t-to l-listen to m-me...>>
A strange aura born around her, and the chiefs are ready to suppress her immediately, but Shuu and Joel punch them hardly enough to send them out of the room. Miraje and Hakkai stare at those men laid at the ground shocked.
<<If you want to kill (Y/N), I dare you fucking bastards to do it, but over my fucking corpse!>> both are so upset that it's new even for your grandparents, they’re always so calm, now it seems like they are consumed by their own rage, <<Move a step and this hospital will be your fucking grave!>>
<<Hey sugar cube, we're here, can we do something to help you?>> says Lenka scared of what’s happening, this is all new for all of them, (Y/N) never had symptoms like those.
<<I’m the one... who holds the reins....>> slowly, the aura goes back, <<Obey me... Go to your place...>> a few minutes later, everything is settled, and the girl recovers fast from the crisis. Tenka calls a nurse to change the sheets, while Shouto and Izuku helps you to clean yourself.
<<Come tomorrow to the estate Kafka's child.>> says the woman, <<This is worse than we thought. The high priestess must know this.>> she exits with a fast pace and talks to Miraje, <<Come with me, this is a huge emergency.>>
<<Yes ma'am.>> your grandma quickly follows the leader.
The next morning, (Y/N) and her friends, Todoroki and Izuku leave to reach the Ryuhi's mansion. The students are disorientated when they see a boat and a man with similar clothes to the chiefs on board, but without asking anything, they get in and the boat weighs anchor. While you and Shouto rest a bit, Izuku asks politely why they took a boat and Tenka replies to him while plays with a PSP.
<<The Ryhui family is nonexistent for the world, they live and work around the globe, but the high spheres of the family live in a phantom island not reported on maps. That place is used as a training camp for each member of the family to help them to achieve their dreams, or at least, that's what they say.>>
<<They have a fixation for traditions and all those stupid things... Someone in the past died because had broken the rules.>> comments Lenka listening to music, <<Everyone is kind there though, the high spheres are the asshole ones, so until we meet them, you can do whatever you want.>>
"E-eh? They kill people if they break the rules?! Where are we, in the medieval era?" thinks Izuku feeling a huge pressure on his shoulders, <<H-how we should behave then?>>
<<Treat the high spheres like shit.>> says Shuu enjoying the view of the sea, <<Let (Y/N) speak for you and try your best to not do something bad, or she will be in trouble.>>
<<I will never do that, Shuu-san.>>
<<Wait until they meet us to say that.>> the man shakes you gently, you are arrived, <<You're gonna eat those words up.>>
The boat anchors and stops right in front of a wooden bridge. Since Todoroki slept during the journey, Joel summits all the advices that he must respect on these lands, and the student memorized them in once, if they make problems for (Y/N), he will respect those rules better than a soldier.
The view that shows to them is wonderful, everything is painted in green, big cherry blossom trees form a way towards a huge staircase which leads to an enormous oriental castle....? What the hell is that?! Is so big, too big, what the fu-
The tiles are white as the snow, little houses here and there and that's only a side of that place... Their attention is stolen by the same man that was with you during the internship.
<<Young Master, what happened to your hair?>> he says offering his hand to help you to get off the bridge.
<<I wanted to imitate my boyfriend, so I dyed my hair.>>
<<Really?>> the man looks at you confused.
<<Of course not, silly.>> you lightly hit him on the arm and smile, <<I guess I used too much power when my body wasn't in good conditions.>> "No matter how many times I come here... I still hate this place with all my might..."
<<Oh, how careless I am, I didn't introduce myself.>> he bows in front of the students, <<My name is Ran and I am (Y/N)'s guardian. We already met during the Hosu accident, but pleased to meet you again, heroes Deku and Shouto.>>
<<Are you the hero, Ray...?>> asks shyly Izuku.
<<I am.>> Ran and (Y/N) see that a lot of people are forming a way from there until the castle, and the girl sighs already tired, <<Young Master, please bear with it. We can't break the rules.>>
<<We can't fucking do anything here, I see no differences.>> she whispers back.
Suddenly, everyone starts to sing with powerful voices and the group moves forward. Children, adolescents, adults and even old persons, male, female... there's so many people, what is this? Since the two young heroes are confused, Lenka explains what's happening.
<<Every time a Kafka's heir arrives, a hymn called: "Riot of a Hundred Flames" must be played as sign of respect and worship, since the ones like (Y/N) are considered as a god here.>>
<<How stupid...>> whispers Todoroki, looking at all those people lowering their heads while singing.
<<As the world recognizes you as Endevour's son and not for being Shouto, here is the same thing.>> whispers back Tenka walking behind (Y/N).
When they reach the top of the staircase, a huge wide space is waiting them. As the hymn reaches its end, the servants of the house, sit on their knees in a very polite pose, immobile as a statue. (Y/N) stays at the top of the group, staring at the side of the castle where there are a few seats and three servants are attending the arrive of the chiefs.
Shuu remembers to Shouto and Izuku to be mute and let (Y/N) speak, even if they’re the bearers of the beasts, she has more power inside the hierarchy, leave everything to her is the best choice right now. The silence falls upon them, everything is so quiet that Midoriya can hear the sound of the river, the sound of the leaves... A whisper rises from the servants group, starting a conversation.
<<I heard that she fought Seatiel...>> , <<We must reveal ourselves? What she was thinking?>> , <<I don't know, (Y/N)-sama was really irresponsible about the family.>> , <<She is planning to reject the right to lead the family, what a disgraceful child.>> , <<What you were aspecting from her? She is the Black Sun.>>
<<Seems that you did a big mistake this time, right, third coming of Kafka?>> one of the servant who’s waiting near the empty seats, speaks aloud, <<This happened because you didn't obey to our orders.>>
<<Shut up useless bitch, I'm not here to talk with you.>>
<<Mph, talks the unwanted child you are, who is the most useless one here?>>
<<Todoroki-kun for the love of god, restrain yourself!>> whispers Midoriya clinging to Shouto's arm because he was unlocking his quirk, <<We must bear with it, or else, (Y/N)-chan will pay for us.>> "God, Shuu-san was right... It's very hard to not say something back. Why these people are so mean with her? Is this the way to treat someone that you consider like a god?"
<<Talks the woman that couldn't become anything in her life, so she decided to become a slutty dog for a miserable master.>> Joel notices that the tip of her hair is turning black, she is losing her composure, this is bad...
<<You->> a door slides open and the three chiefs walk to their seats. Everyone lows their head a little, but not (Y/N) and her friends, they mustn't do that since they are in a higher position inside the family, and they want to treat those bastards like shit too. Two birds with a stone.
<<Welcome, Kafka's heir and her servants.>> speaks the man, <<Explain what happened in the Hosu prefecture.>>
<<I want to talk with the high priestess about this.>> responds the girl, <<You are not wise enough.>>
<<Your new servants have tamed the power of the beast?>>
<<I want to meet the high priestess.>> your friends understand right away that you’re at your limit, your voice is becoming harsher, <<If you reject my request, I'll do it by myself.>>
<<She is sick today, you must talk with us.>>
<<I've warned you.>> the girl walks a few steps followed by her group, but the woman who was arguing with before and the other servants block her, <<C'mon, do you think that these good-for-nothing can beat me? It's against my vow to hurt someone, I let you step aside voluntarily.>>
<<Dogs don't talk; when your master says come, you come!>> the other man shouts angrily.
<<You might not know this, but I'm a crazy bastard that'll bite her master.>> you smile evilly, <<This is your last chance, let me meet the high priestess.>>
<<Are you deaf-GHA!!!>> (Y/N) grabbed the woman's hand, twisted it and kneed her elbow, breaking her arm. Izuku jumps when he hears what sound makes the other servants that are crushed on the ground so easily and with so much power. They’re groaning in pain in front of the girl, who doesn't even look at them.
<<These bitches aren't suitable even for a warming up. Ran is much stronger than them->>
<<What is all this mess?>>
An authoritarianvoice stops everything.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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valisi-clark · 7 years
For apricot Anon who asked for the prompt “Cats”:
“I don't think this is where the clue is supposed to be leading us, Hange,” Moblit said. Erwin didn't mind. He was just glad to be outside of his apartment for a little while.
“You said that the last time that I found a geocache,” Hange said. She stopped at a public mail box and opened the metal flap of the deposit slot, checking the inside. Erwin smiled.
“Maybe it's in one of these shops,” he said. They had already eaten lunch, but he felt like he could have a cup of coffee or tea.
Erwin wasn't very interested in geocaching anymore. The mystery of finding hidden objects appealed to him at first. But he lost interest shortly afterwards. Hange never slowed down though. She tried to find at least three of them a week. And Moblit agreed to go with her every time, even if she had already found the clue before.
Small businesses lined this street though, and Erwin always liked looking at them. He never considered owning a business of his own. And once he realized how quickly shops closed down, replaced by new ones, he decided that there was too much risk involved. But it was a very romantic idea to him, working for himself. Most of the shops on this street were boutiques, or specialty food shops. Many of them had their doors open, letting in the cool autumn air.
“Hange,” Moblit said, a bit under his breath. Erwin stopped walking and turned his attention back to both of them. He smiled when he saw that Hange was looking under a dumpster in an alley. “It's not going to be under there!”
“You don't know!”
“No decent human is going to put a geocache under a dumpster!” Moblit fumed. Hange slid out from under the dumpster, sat up, and glared at him.
“This is not a decent game,” Hange said, and Erwin had to restrain a laugh. She was too serious about the entire thing. A rustling sound came from a stack of cardboard boxes that were next to the dumpster. Erwin looked at them, and then the boxes moved.
“Hange! There's a rat in there! Get up!” Moblit moved forward to help her stand, but Hange leaned over towards the boxes and moved one carefully.
A young white cat jumped out of the top box, over Hange, past Moblit and landed near Erwin's feet. Before Erwin could even register what happened, the cat began running down the sidewalk at full speed. Until it slammed its face into one of the glass doors of the bakery and tea shop three doors down. Erwin winced. The cat fell over onto its side and didn't move anything except for the end of its tail.
Erwin abandoned Hange and Moblit to go check on the cat, but carefully though, because it was obviously irritated. Before he could reach the cat, a young man walked out of the bakery and tea shop, and he picked up the cat nonchalantly. Erwin stopped walking and watched him.
The man was short, much shorter than Erwin, and he had shiny black hair, which was pulled up into a bun on top of his head. He also had an undercut, and Erwin couldn't stop his feet from moving forward.
The man from the shop turned the cat over on its back and held it like a baby. As Erwin approached, he heard the man speaking to the cat.
“You're still cute even if you're a dumbass,” he said to the cat.
“Hello,” Erwin said.
“Hey,” he said, stepping back to let Erwin pass into the shop.
“Is that your cat?” Erwin asked. The man looked up at him finally, and Erwin saw that his eyes were gray. They were striking.
“No, it's just some neighborhood stray,” he said. “But this is the third time that it's run into our door this year.”
“Oh,” Erwin said with a smile, almost laughing.
“I would take it home, but I can't have pets at my apartment,” he said, looking back down at the grumpy cat in his arms. It looked alright. Pissed off with its tail still twitching, but uninjured.
“You should sneak it into your apartment,” Erwin suggested. The man looked back up at him, and his dark, thin eyebrows pulled together. “Take it into your apartment. Hide it during inspections.” An extreme frown covered the man's face, and Erwin continued to smile.
“Are you suggesting that I violate my lease for a cat?” he asked.
“A cat who needs a home where it can stay out of trouble,” Erwin said. “Obviously, running into the same glass door three times in a year is a cry for help.” Finally, the man smirked, and Erwin felt lightening shoot up his backbone.
“Are you coming in?” he asked.
“Yes,” Erwin said.
“Do you know those two?” he nodded his head towards Erwin. Erwin had forgotten about them, honestly. He turned around, and he saw Moblit and Hange standing behind him, grinning but otherwise well behaved.
“Tea?” Erwin asked them.
“Hange smells,” Moblit said. “We're going home.”
“I found the geocache! It was on the other side of the dumpster,” she said. But Moblit was already pulling her away.
Erwin turned back around and walked into the bakery and tea shop. The man, followed him in, holding the cat.
“Will you get in trouble for having the cat at work?” Erwin asked.
“No,” he said. Erwin went to the counter to order, and he looked at the menu. The man took the cat to the “Employees Only” area, and he returned quickly, washing his hands at the sink behind the counter. There were too many options on the menu, and Erwin was too distracted by the man behind the counter to focus.
“What's your name?” Erwin asked.
Erwin nodded.
“What should I have, Levi?” Erwin asked.  Levi looked at the specials menu. Everything was pumpkin flavored. Erwin didn't want to drink anything pumpkin flavored.
“Do you want food or just tea?” Levi asked.
“Just tea,” Erwin said.
“You can't go wrong with Earl Grey,” he said. Erwin smiled.
“That sounds good.”
Erwin paid for his tea, and he waited while Levi put tea leaves into a pot of boiled water. Levi set a timer. When the timer stopped, Levi poured the tea through a strainer over a to-go cup.
“No tea bags?” Erwin asked.
“Do you have a lot of customers who ask that?”
“Yep. Some of them even ask for a tea bag, but my mom has a strict policy against them,” Levi said.
“Your mother owns this shop?”
“We both do,” Levi said.
Erwin smiled. He liked watching Levi work. Levi put a lid on the to-go cup, and he brought it to Erwin.
“Thank you.”
“No problem,” Levi said.
“What will you name the cat?” Erwin asked, lifting the to-go cup to his face. The tea was still too hot to drink, but it had a wonderful aroma. Levi leaned against the counter.
“I haven't even thought of that yet,” he said. Levi rubbed the back of his neck, and Erwin wondered if Levi's undercut was soft.
“You have time,” Erwin said. He took the lid off of his cup, to let the tea cool faster. “I’d like to come back tomorrow for some more tea  and ask about the name you chose.” Levi shrugged.
“Or I could text it to you after I pick one.” Erwin raised his eyebrows.
“I'd like that,” he said.
They exchanged numbers by Erwin calling Levi's phone. Erwin left the shop with a wide smile on his face.
Later that night, while Erwin was eating ice cream directly from the container and watching Myth Busters, he received a text.
Levi: What do you think of the name Bleach?
Erwin: Like the anime?”
Levi: No like the cleaning product
Erwin: That's unusual.
Levi: It's one of my favorite things and it's easy to yell
Erwin: I take it that things are going well.
Levi: I haven't been able to find her for an hour
Erwin: The cat is female?”
Levi: She has no balls
Erwin: That's a good indication that she is, in fact, female.
Levi: Do you think she could have crawled out through the air duct?
Erwin: I doubt it. Or you would hear echoes of meowing. She'll come out when she's ready.
Levi: Since you convinced me to bring her home I guess you can pay the fee when the property manager discovers her
Erwin: Or I could take you out for dinner
Levi: That will work
Erwin: I could pick you up on Friday at 7:00 and say hello to Bleach
Levi didn't text back immediately. Erwin waited, but there was no sign of Levi responding. He put his phone down, put the ice cream away, and continued watching Myth Busters. Erwin's phone rang twenty minutes later. Another text from Levi.
Levi: Multimedia Message Contact Card
Levi also sent a picture of Bleach, who was eating some wet cat food out of a glass dish.
Levi: If she knows the sound of a can opener maybe she wasn't always a stray
Erwin: I'm sure that she's glad to have a home again
Levi: I'll see you on Friday
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