#thank you for sharing it with me bb!!! <33333
redpantslouis · 11 days
To celebrate it being the last show of FITFWT, what have your favourite moments been of the tour? 💕💕
hi bby <33333 im gonna be biased cos this tour gave me the best moments of my life djfhsf but here we go: - all the shows i watched with my friends at my house <3 - the first show when the setlist was leaked and we were CONVINCED it was fake cos back to you??? megamix? - THE MEGAMIX itself - THE OOMS INTRO pure sex - the first show he wore a tank top ??? ICONIC LIFE CHANGING MIND BLOWING - manchester cos it was the one year anniversary of fitf and i was there <3 - CARDIFF !!!!!!!! i think this pic speaks for itself:
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- london <3 cos i met @whatifai <3333333 (even tho she own me a show cos she ditched me sdjfhsd kidding bb id do the same). it was so much fun and i was there with my friend and my moots @trolou @medicinelarrie @finexbright <3333 and louis was so emotional i sobbed all night jdfjdf ALSO THAT TANKTOP???? - the latam tour promo cos well he took my phone <3 (here a lil treat look at my baby so soft with my phone in his hand jsdfjs thank you sol bby for recording this moment):
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- the first show of the latam leg cos it was in panama the land of my girlie @wdbhgdotmp3 and cos he wore red pants !! - share all this tour and moments with my moots here on tumblr <3 - and of course ARGENTINA cos i went with my friends and it was the best show EVER <3 @zouisexo @trolou @louisgranet @kitchen-dancefloor @killmymind ily guys you made the experience so much better <333333
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inkykeiji · 2 years
hey clari! i hope this doesn’t sound weird but i just wanted to say i’m so proud of you for responding to so many asks lately! i can see your progress nd i am so proud of u n i really hope i can make the same progress one day as well. for a loooong while now i’ve been repeating the same negative cycle and it’s so hard to just get out of it. every time i feel like i’m making progress something happens and i start all over again….(n it’s really fucking annoying!!!!) but i’m still trying!!! :/
i’m still working out the kinks of finding a good and mellow-paced daily pattern for myself but everything seems like too much lol nd i cant muster up the energy to do the bare minimum most of the time….i was wondering (if you’re ok with it) if you could share your daily pattern or routine.
you totally don’t have to!! i just thought it was worth a shot to ask lol
anyways…i love u n im so very proud of u! keep moving forward!!! u got this <33!!
hello anon!!! (´∀`)♡ fair warning, this answer is extremely long lmao
it absolutely does not sound weird, omg!!!! it made me feel so happy and warm and giddy inside to hear that, thank you so much for telling me!!!! <33333 genuinely, i cannot tell you how much i appreciate this message <3 i’ve been working really, really hard to get back to the level of productivity i used to be at, as well as just working extremely hard to heal myself and learn how to healthily deal with my mental illness.
it is extremely difficult to break that cycle and i empathize so deeply with you, anon bb :( it requires a lot of self discipline, optimism, and motivation, all of which are especially hard to come by when you’re in the middle of an episode or stuck in a rut or a bout of sadness/icky feelings :( i want you to know that i believe in you!!!! i KNOW you can do this, i have complete faith in you, and i know you WILL succeed.
i’ve been going through exactly what you described—beginning to make progress, and then something happening and forcing me to begin all over again—for almost a YEAR now, so i completely understand how incredibly frustrating that is. it’s difficult not to lose hope during times like that, where it just feels like its some sort of endless, vicious cycle, and we’ll never break free of it. but i have personally broken free of that cycle once before, and now, i am going to do it again. and if i can do it, you can definitely do it, too!
first of all, i want you to know how proud i am of you!!!!!! it takes so much strength and bravery to continue trying in the face of all of this, so already you’re doing incredible. that��s an amazing feat all in itself and i want you to give yourself a pat on the back for it!!! no matter what’s happened, you still haven’t given up, and that says so much about who you are, your resilience, and your determination. it’s such a cheesy saying but it’s so true: the ONLY failure is the failure to try. every time something happens, you can look at it as a learning experience. this week my therapist said this to me, and it really helped, so i want to repeat it to you, too: she told me that every challenge, obstacle, or mistake we encounter is merely another opportunity to learn, to gather more information and to use that information to make ourselves better. it’s a very positive way to look at it, but it’s also TRUE.
she really likes to use the analogy of a scientist testing hypotheses through experiments: every time a scientist’s experiment fails, or proves their hypothesis wrong, they have learned something, they have failed better, and they can take this information to help themselves improve in their next experiment or endeavour. if you can, try to think of your life this way, as well. i can give you a personal example: i often have the tendency to set myself up for failure by expecting WAY too much of myself right off the bat. when i was first trying to get back into being active on my blog every day, i had set a goal of ten asks a day for myself. it seemed reasonable at the time, because before i had been answering 10-30 asks a day, so i figured i could totally start out at this threshold and work my way up.
it turns out, i completely forgot to factor in the fact that i am much more sick than i was when i was answering so many asks a day. it was akin to breaking your leg, resting until it heals, and then immediately trying to run a marathon the moment the cast comes off, instead of building up muscle and stamina gradually. i realized this, and lowered my goal to five asks a day. it turned out that that was also too many at that current moment, so i have set my goal for one ask a day. i have put the bar an inch away from the floor, because at this current moment in my life, this is where it needs to be. it isn’t there every single day, and it definitely won’t be that low forever, but at the moment i need to set goals that are consistently achievable, things i know i can do every day without being overwhelmed or getting so scared i just don’t do it at all.
so that’s my first piece of advice for you. give yourself goals that are easy to achieve, things you know you can do. my goals for every day are: answer one ask a day, work on a piece of writing for my blog for one hour a weekday, work on a piece of personal writing for one hour a weekday, practice cursive writing for 15-30 min a weekday. they are all small and most importantly ACHIEVABLE goals. here’s the secret: more often than not, once i start, i actually end up doing more than that, because i feel like i can, or because i WANT to. but the reason why setting these easy, achievable goals is important is because on the days where you truly, genuinely cannot do more than the bare minimum, you will still feel this sense of accomplishment, because hey! you did it! you did the one thing you set out to do, and that’s so much better than giving up or not doing anything at all, even if it is really small. ANY progress is better than no progress at all. ANY progress, no matter how little, moves you towards your goals.
my second piece of advice for you is to set up rewards for you achieving your goals. this is where your self discipline really comes into play. this is something i used to do in university and it helped me SO much. i would make a deal with myself: read these three articles, or write a few pages of this essay, or do two hours of research, and then i will allow myself to hang out with friends/go shopping/watch a film/play a game/etc.
for me, right now, my reward for myself is playing genshin (LMAO). it is the hyperfixation currently occupying the most of my mind—all i want to do is talk about it/play it/write about it—so i make myself a promise every single day: achieve your daily goals, and you can spend the rest of the free time you have playing the game. if i am able to achieve my goals consistently every day, monday to friday, then on the weekend i treat myself to something small—i either buy myself gems, or this weekend i bought myself a lil plushie hehehe c: but the point is, make the reward something you really want, and hold yourself accountable for achieving it.
i went to a prestigious uni, and they really beat into my mind that i’m completely worthless all the time unless i am constantly doing work. this makes enjoying relaxation time extremely difficult, because i feel disproportionately guilty. i’ve found that setting these goals with rewards helps lessen this A LOT.
so anyway, these are the techniques i’ve been using recently. my therapist also has me check in with myself every single morning; she says its very important to track things like our mood and our energy, as well as other factors (sleep, environment, stress, etc) so we can catch burn-out before it happens and take those extra rest days when they’re required. that isn’t lazy, that’s called taking care of yourself and being kind and compassionate to yourself—and it’s a responsible thing to do. some days i really can’t answer more than one ask, and that’s okay, because at least i’m doing something.
just the other day i had to bring down one of my writing sessions from an hour to 30 minutes, because i was having such a terrible day and an hour just sounded way too daunting. but guess what? i began my session, keeping in mind that i was only going to do it for 30 minutes, and actually ended up writing for an hour and a half! sometimes you will genuinely surprise yourself, and honestly 90% of the time it’s only starting that’s the most difficult. on the days where i’m having a really rough time, i remind myself how important this is to me. i remind myself how much this means to me, how special it is, how much i truly DO want to do it, how good i feel when i achieve something, and that usually helps me push through and get started.
it’s so important for us to be flexible with ourselves and give ourselves what we need when we need it. i think that as long as we’re continuing to try, then we’re succeeding. adjust accordingly!!! for me, i know that being productive makes me feel really, really great, so even on those days where simply getting out of bed and making food is difficult, i still try to at least tick off ONE thing on my goals list. that way, at least i’ve done something, even if it wasn’t everything. it’s still a step in the right direction, you know? there are also days where we really do need to take a full break from everything as well, and that is okay as well. only you know what you need <3
you mentioned having difficulty doing the bare minimum; maybe your bare minimum is still set too high for where you are at this current moment. is there any way you can bring it down even lower? even if you have to bring it down to just one thing a day, that is STILL progress and that is still success, and it will still help you move forward and built momentum. start as slow and as small as YOU need to, anon <3 you are doing what is best for you, and there is absolutely no shame in that. if your current bare minimum is still too much and too overwhelming, bring it down even further. make it the barest you can. because doing the barest you can is still so much better than doing nothing at all and feeling all crummy because of it!
the last thing i wanted to mention is that i try to do something meaningful to me every single day. just one thing, it doesn’t have to be big, but it makes me feel good and it helps keep me rooted in this current moment as well as helps me appreciate everything i have more <3
waaaah okay i know this is SUPER long but i hope this helps at least a little, anon bb <333 i have so much faith in you and i KNOW you can do this!!!! if you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask <3 i love u so so much and i’m so thankful to have you here with me!!!
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ggukmiin · 5 years
Submitted by: ✍🏻 Anon
Jimin is sharply dressed (pic for reference) in celebration of a special day.
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The members gather in the living room and Tae calls Jungkook over –who is playing video games in his room. He comes out but knows what’s up so he’s not surprised and only makes it harder for flustered Jimin to speak:
He hears the door open slowly.
“Hey,” Tae’s soft voice barely reaches him through the loud volume coming from his headphones.
“What’s up?” Jungkook asks without moving his eyes from the screen.
“Can you come out here for a minute?”
“Ok, coming.”
He pauses the game and gets up from his seat. Upon noticing Taehyung waiting at the door without going ahead first, he connects the dots and feels a bit of nervousness gargling in his stomach. His feet slide into the slippers and the man follows his hyung into the living room.
“Here he is~” Tae presents him with an excited face, simultaneously trying to keep his cool as he takes a big step to the side to let the main character of this event walk in the middle of the stage.
“What?” Jungkook mumbles seemingly unfazed by the circle formed around and by Jimin’s elegant attire.
“Oooh, Jungkookie, you’re so stylish!” Jin congratulates his plain, worn out white tee and grey sweatpants.
Jungkook looks down at his legs with no real interest in the elder’s teasing. This lack of reaction speaks loudly of how distracted he actually is. The man in front of him tries to hold back a shy smile, clearing his throat.
“Jimin wants to ask you something,” Hobi breaks the prolonged silence.
“Oh, does he?” Jungkook smirks on the same quiet voice –he sounded a lot like Yoongi.
“He knows!” Jimin complains with a nervous giggle, turning to look at them and pointing at the youngest. “He knows what I wanna do!”
“Everyone knows what you want to do,” Yoongi mumbles. “That’s why we’re here. You’re doing great, Jimin, don’t worry.”
“What do you wanna ask me?” Jungkook snickers at his cute reaction, the only indicator of his real feelings glistening through his wide opened eyes.
“Aish!” the guy in question fidgets like a trapped duckling. “This is so awkward!”
Jimin takes a deep breath to calm his dancing heart before turning to face him once again. He feels his cheeks flushed by a sudden heat when meeting Jungkook’s gaze, but fights the impulse to burst into another jittery laugh.
“You should kneel down,” Jin suddenly suggests, shifting his weight from one leg to the other, arms crossed over his chest as he was slightly leaning forward.
“What?!” Jimin frowns almost offended with the same embarrassed smile.
“It’s more effective, trust me.” The eldest winks in approval of his words.
“I’m already smaller!” Jimin snaps appalled. “I’m not kneeling down!”
“Leave that, let him do it,” Hobi stops the fight, seeing as Jimin was desperately clinging to any momentary distraction.
“If you’re not gonna say it, I’m going back to my room,” Jungkook acts out a hurt sigh and pretends to turn around but Tae grabs his shoulders and brings him back into place.
“Jungkook-ah…” Jimin finally calls, feeling his voice getting stuck in his throat.
“Yes, Jimin-sshi.”
“Hah… It’s been…1500 days since that first day. And while it hasn’t always been easy…argh! I don’t wanna say this!!” Jimin cups his face and swings his head around.
“Don’t say it if you don’t feel like it,” Hobi encourages him.
“Just say how you feel, don’t mind the speech,” Namjoon joins as well.
“It’s just weird hearing it! Ok. It wasn’t always easy…but I wouldn’t take back a single day. They’re all very important to me, all led to this one.”
He takes out a small box from his back pocket and slowly walks towards him.
“Jungkookie…are you willing to make a promise with me?”
“Yes, Jimin-sshi, I am.”
He stretches out one hand and lets Jimin slide a silver ring on his finger. Yoongi and Hobi immediately burst into loud cheers, intensifying Jimin’s embarrassment. Namjoon and Jin join the chorus along with Taehyung, clapping vigorously as Jungkook was putting the other ring on Jimin’s finger.
“Well done, good job!” Hobi grabs Jimin’s shoulders from the back and shakes them encouragingly.
“That was nice, so touching,” Jin also praises him.
“Now you do it too,” Tae urges Jungkook while pointing at Jimin.
“I should do it too?” Jungkook repeats and as Hobi and Jin were expressing their approval for a prolonged event, he immediately drops to his knees with no hesitation, startling Jimin who was only partially facing him and talking to Namjoon.
“What are you doing??” he laughs with his whole body as his cheeks were turning crimson.
“Jimin-sshi…” Jungkook dramatically utters on a husky voice, eyebrows forming a theatrical fold at the base of his nose and below them eyelids covering half of the sparkly irises to emphasize the depth of his feelings, “It’s been 1500 days…please make a promise with me…else I’ll dry out like a tree in the desert.”
“Ok, ok,” Jimin hurries him to stand up.
“Else I’ll be as lonely as the moon on a starless night!”
“I got it, please get up!”
“Waaah, that was SO niiicee! Waaah JungKOOOOK!!” Jin’s claps were slow and loud and full of touched sarcasm.
“I acknowledge you,” Tae compliments him after Jungkook was back on his feet.
“Wah, I really got chills,” Hobi agrees more seriously. “Jungkook, aren’t you too talented?”
“I’m really proud of both of you,” Namjoon adds hugging both of them tight. “I’m so happy.”
“Congrats, congrats,” Yoongi hugs them separately and with settled affection.
“Can I go back to the game?” Jungkook asks pointing at the hallway as the hyungs were busy talking.
“Yeah, go,” Jimin sends him. “Oh, do you still wanna go out for dinner?”
“We have reservation so we can’t be late, I’ll come get you.”
“I’ll be ready,” Jungkook assures him as he was waddling back to his videogame.
(i have doubts about this one but i was in a dark place and needed sth to pull me out. and thought you might like it too?idk. dunno for sure what they mean by promise, but it’s not a marriage proposal…ig it’s a more serious bond? so many questions…xD -✍🏻)
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cotccotc · 4 years
𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ✧・゚:* 
i hit 300 followers yesterday!! ahhh this is so WEIRD. i’m about to get real sappy under the cut so BEWARE >>>
you were warned………….
this is so WACK okokok so first things FIRST thank u to all my lil bbs for following n supporting me! it’s been a wild few months but i’m super stoked to be able to hang out on here and share my obsessions w y’all! i have a few people i’d especially like to thank for helping me out to get to 300 n making me feel especially comfy on ~le tumble app~ hehe:
in no particular order… *deep breath*
☆ OKOK first n foremost i would like to thank @childofthecosmos and @childofcalliope for being some of the most incredible and amazing and wonderful and talented and supportive and generally ViBeY irl bffs i could ask for uwu <33333
☆ i’d also like to thank the marvelous @dnceracha for the encouragement to start writing/posting fics! i probably never would’ve started if it wasn’t for your message. thank u. :)))
☆ big shoutout to my WIFS @feel199x and @kailaui for being so extremely open and kind toward me!! you guys make me feel so loved n smol and i just- [sigh] we have such an odd yet comforting bond that i hope lasts forever n ever. mwah.
☆ another shoutout to my wifE @soobindipity i love u my dipshit wifey who i am so grateful to have met after stalking ur blog for such a long time!! (if u don’t already follow eri,, smth must be wrong w your eyeS)
☆ A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE AMAZING SWEET BBS WHO HELPED ME REACH 300!! thank you so so so much to @poeticallyspaghetti, @crscendoforsung, @stayndays, @skzctnightnight, @hanniiesuckle17, and @ruellelix for the shoutouts :’)) i look up to all of y’all as writers n friends and i was so overwhelmed by all the love last night/today my GOODNESS. y’all b da bestest <33
☆ last but CERTAINLY not least, big smooches to all da bbs who congratulated me today thru the good ol’ inbox!! as of rn it’s @lixifer, @juley-wooley, @leeknows-selfies, @yunhoesss, & @nafnifnice! woo wooo i love y’all n thank u for celebrating w me :))
i’m so fkn grateful for all the love n support i receive on here :’) here’s to more sub-par blurbs and excessive reblogs to clog ur tl woo wooooo <3
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heesgf · 5 years
babyyyyy 😫 thank you for staying strong for gon and loving him the way he deserves 😭 they finally made it, can you believe it 🥺 i’m still very overwhelmed (i already screamed enough with the 7483828 posts i made jfjfkdk) but !! if you haven’t already, please watch gon’s solo stage at the debut showcase, he sang ‘too beautiful’ :’( he did it for you baby!! ILY 🦋
 ur the complete love of my LIFE,, u know that right?!? i was about to send u an ask about how emo and happy i am that this day is finally here!!! and how im so happy i could share this experience with u:’-))))!!! i genuinely cannot believe that gonhun (omg.. our BABIES) are finally on stage and living the way they were always meant to be
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henry-hart · 6 years
The Danger Begins s1 ep1
I’m so glad I decided to rewatch this because it made me so happy!!!! (also, to keep you guys from getting uber annoyed with me, i’m just gonna lb on one big post like this from now on lolol)
first off
s1 henry was the cutest thing to ever exist. ever. my heart couldn’t take it bc he’s so grown now but in that first ep he’s this adorable little baby chick ajdksjslk
it was so incredible to see Siren on my screen. Like, within thirty seconds BAM there she was. i felt blessed, like she blessed my laptop
PIPER. MY OVERDRAMATIC DAUGHTER. I miss her “I am NOT okay!!!” catchphrase akdjlsj 
her “so we’re living like animals now” reply to being told to wait for her video to load---same girl, same.
Henry at 13 was a million times more proactive about the whole job search than I have ever been and I’m 22 sksjskjsk
his whole “I’m not good at anything. I’m a big ball of average”---I feel that lol
“No special skills needed.” “That’s me!!” 
okay one of Char’s first lines was “One day when you two are cleaning my pool bc you failed this algebra test...” and it doesn’t get more iconic than that
Ray just coming in with all these ridiculous questions lolol poor Hen
“I’m 13. I’ll be 14....on my next bday.” ajskjsksljk
“Ah, so you’re aging sequentially. I like that. The name’s Ray.” “Nice to meet you, Ray. I’m Henry.” “You ask a lot of questions.” “I....don’t think....I’ve asked any questions...????” loved it
I laughed when Ray changed into his uniform and the zipper got stuck (that never happens again????)
“Did you have to melt my phone???” Hen, sweetie, hate to break it to you, but your phone gets broken.....preeeeetty much every ep (need me a bank account like that where I can steady get new iphones)
WhAt Do YoU mEaN nO sPeCiAl SkIlLs HeNrY???? yOu NoTiCeD tHe TaToO!!!!!! u smart lil cookie
Ray was all “I’m getting old. I can’t do this forever.” Two things: 1) RAY DID YOU JUST REFER TO YOURSELF AND OLD IN THE SAME SENTENCE??? 2) why is this never mentioned again??? Like, Ray got a sidekick to pass the mantle onto someone younger to keep protecting Swellview when he’s done. We’re like 4 yrs down the line, and they haven’t even hinted towards CM retiring??? (I know that would mean the end of the show, but they could at least bring it up every now and then)
OK. hated the toddler then. hate him now. 
Props to the props department (ha ha get it???) for all the junk in the store. It’s all so strange and doesn’t make sense and fits the show so well (also it seems like each ep has diff junk??? that’s impressive)
“They seem like nice kids.” “Yeah, they’re names are Jasper x Charlotte. I’ve known them ever since--” “Get rid of them.” “I’ll get rid of them.”
DAWWWW Jasper x his buckets :’))))
“I told you Canadian money upsets ppl!!!” Ah Char (I wonder if Riele comes up with some of these Canada jokes??)
OMG I FORGOT ABOUT HEN’S HORRIBLE TEST WARDROBE. IMAGINE IF THEY HAD KEPT ONE OF THOSE IDEAS AKSJLKSJ (there really wasn’t any need for a whole test wardrobe tho--just style an outfit to fits Ray’s. His obvs works out well for him) (I know that’s what they ended up doing lolol)
Okay, Ray’s “Oh man. I ate a lot of fruit.” line KILLS. ME. bc when i first watched this ep, every time the scene changed and Ray was shown w/ a diff fruit, I was like, “Why...is he eating so much fruit????” bc they’re all diff and he even eats a whole pineapple--outside peel and all. BUT I WAS THINKING IT AND THEN HE SAID IT AND IT MADE IT ONE MILLION TIMES FUNNIER.
“Chew gum. Blow bubble. Fight crime.” Ray wrote those instructions. I just know it. aksjskl
“And what does a single flashing light mean?” “Just to shoot me a text, you know, whenever.” aksjklsk
Hen not knowing how to get the tubes to work and just jumping up and down making noises aksjlsk
“Affirmative.” “That means ‘yes’.” “I got that.” and so the sass begins lolol love it
“Awwww no! That was my favorite bridge!”
“I hate my life and I am NOT okay.” i feel u Pipes
the sass is strong in those Hart kids. Siren x Jake can’t catch a break aksjslk
Siren. Hart. Is. So. Beautiful. her hair just looks so good this ep
“I’ll run away. I’ll do it.” ajskjskl Pipes chill
Jake....Siren...that���s....your son on the tv screen...like.....that’s literally your child’s face.....the product of both of your genes is right there.....plastered on the screen.....how do u....not....recognize him?????
“Two ppl said they might come.” “Who?” “Sidney Birnbaum and Oliver Pook.” “Ew.” “Those guys eat bugs.” “So? They’re people.” I just love the kid’s line delivery here lolol
I just want everyone to know that s1 Henry is the cutest. I already said it, but I’m saying it again. 
Henry panicking bc he doesn’t want C x J to keep reading about KD but he also doesn’t know what to do so he just throws a glass and smacks C’s phone out of her hand and clean across the room ajskjslk SAME
Jace was so.....twitchy in the first two seasons. He’s really mellowed---which I understand it happens when you get older---but it’s just so funny to see this little bean with all his crazy expressions and loud outbursts and rapid movements lolol
Hey Lelani? You’re hot (give me ukelele lessons pls)
“The toddler’s men stole 5,000 packages of diapers. Can you guess why?” “Uhhhh???” “To bombard the diapers with radioactive zenite particles.” “.....I would not have guessed that.”
also Ray getting lower to the ground as he talks and Hen just following is so funny to me. Ray was really extra in that first ep 
“Okay. Okay. It’s cool. You go to Jasper’s party. I’ll handle the toddler by myself. Don’t worry about it.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah. I’ve battled the toddler alone before--almost killed me, but whatever.” and u still want to take a 13 yr old out there??? Ray.
“No, I’m not bringing the muffins!” but u said u would
okay, but the news jumping from CM’s kidnapping to a report on why squirrels love nuts???? TOO tru (they really do that “here’s something serious. kids are dying. now here’s this pointless and meaningless crap” lolol)
“I can’t talk! I’m naked!” friends anyone??? (“You can’t come in. Ross is naked.” “Why’d you tell her I was naked???” “I couldn’t tell her I was naked. She’s allowed to see me naked.” “Why does anyone have to be naked???”) (sorry i just love friends akjslkjs)
I hate u toddler. just in case you were doubting.
Jasper unknowingly saving the day by downloading that sound effect app on Hen’s phone *claps for him*
Henry just....completely kicking butt on his second day???? That’s my son.
“Captain Man!” “Henry!” “It’s Kid Danger.” :))))) I’M SQUEALING. I’M SO PROUD OF HIM. HIS LIL POINT TO RAY AND THAT SMALL SMILE. TOO. CUTE. (also Ray just namedropping like they don’t have identities to protect)
“How do I get you out of there?” “I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve been stuck in a baby bouncer hovering over a bottomless ball pit.” CALL SUPERHEROES OUT, RAY. all these extravagant traps they’re caught in and they just....know what to do??? Doubtful. (bottomless pits are impossible, but you know lol)
Ray swinging around everywhere in that baby bouncer was hilarious alkjdlksj
that spitting device is the literal WORST thing i have ever seen. i freaking hate spit.
God, i wish the toddler had stayed tf down there in that ball pit. i wish that bottle had blown him to the center of the earth. (sorry i just really don’t like him akdjslj)
“What do we do with this? (the bottle bomb)” “We give the baby his bottle.” “Ah. Good call.” “Hey.” “Suuuuup.” “Hurry.” “Oh, right.” aksjlsksjl there are some really good moments in this ep
Ray shielding Henry was <33333 (it would be really messed up if he hadn’t considering he’s indestructible, but I like to think that he chose to)
AJKSJSKLSKSJLK HENRY’S FACE WHEN RAY TOLD HIM “GOOD JOB” WAS SOOOOOOO PRECIOUS. He looked so shocked. Like, “CM thinks I did a good job????” 
It’s like, Henry’s second day on the job, and they’re just namedropping right and left. Why be careful???? It’s not like they have secret identities or anything.....(they steady use their real names. i guess they don’t really have to worry. C must be the only smart person in Swellview bc no one else seems capable of figuring it out. I mean, not even his parents recognized him ajksjslk)
If you need any proof that Ray is a good guy, just watch this ep. His willingness to show up to J’s party despite only knowing Hen for like two days is a solid testament to his character. This is the Ray I know and love.
awwwwww poor Jasp. your party isn’t a flop. It’s about to be lit af because your bff is HENRY FREAKING HART, THE SWEETEST BOY TO EVER LIVE.
Ray, your excuse is horrible. “My van broke down across the street so I decided to come into this house and into this basement.” alskjlskj what is that????
“You’re CM!” “Thank you.” “You’re my hero!” “Of course.” oh Ray
Henry’s just watching J freak out over CM, watching how excited and happy J is and knowing he did that for him, and it’s just----my heart is all ajkdjlsjks
Char is the cutest in this ep. she’s fangirling over CM, and it’s so weird bc now she can’t stand him lolol
Hen x Ray pretending they don’t know each other. SO. PRECIOUS. Ray’s face is so sweet and they share this secret smile and just GAHHHH
J asking CM if he can hit him w/ a bball bat alksjlk “Remember kids: never do this to anyone but CM bc regular ppl could be badly inju--AHHHHHH.......I wasn’t done talking.” “Did that hurt?” “Yeah. But I’m okay.” the way Ray says yeah cracks me up bc it’s like, duh it hurt. it was a bat hitting my head lolol
“Hey, CM?” “Yes, boy?” “Would it be ok if Jasp texted a few friends and told them you were here at his party?” “Suuurrreeee. I love being used.” Ray kills me. cooper x jace have some of the best line delivery/comedic timing akdjslkj
*J is shaking CM’s hand* “Thank you so much! This is the best day of my life!” “Ha ha, are your hands always this sweaty?” “Yes sir.” “He takes medicine for it.” “Wellllll, it’s not working.” *wipes hand on J and leaves wet mark* ajsklj poor Jasper
Henry brought the muffins after all <33333 “Muffins.” “Yeah.” (you can tell Jace x Sean were already good friends. so cute.)
Hen x Char got Jasp the bucket from the shop that Gooch wouldn’t let him have. Dawwwwww
“For awhile there, I thought you weren’t gonna come.” “Come on, man. I’ll always be there for you.” then. they. hug. they’re. so. cute. i. love. solid. friendships.
that was a perfect way to end an ep
I’m glad I watched this. I’ve forgotten most of the earlier episodes which is a crime because they’re so good. It was hard to see Jace so little when he’s so grown now!!!!! My heart couldn’t take it. But lil Henry is precious and I love him. Stay tuned for more rewatches!!!! xoxoxox
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ryekamasaki · 7 years
(1/2) about the love to fanfic authors ask game! FAVORITE FIC would have to be a draw between the oihaba fic using the prompt: "Something about you makes me want to commit extreme violence," and the yahaba fic using the prompt: "just come back alive...okay?" because those were the first fics i'd read from you (the yahaba one went first and the oihaba fic followed) and after reading the oihaba fic i just fell in love with your writing and i knew i was gonna fucking follow you. FAV HEADCANON is-
{the "(1/2)" was a mistake! it's supposed to be (1/?)} (2/?) -that suga is an angelic little devil 'cos naughty suga is somthing i'm never going to get tired of reading and because it just surprisingly fits his personality so damn well. FAVORITE LINE would be: "A nod, and that overwhelmingly gorgeous grin directed at him again. “Exactly.”" from the bokuroo fill inspired by "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" and "A Whole New World" 'cos i felt so many emotions right then and there and that fic was-             
(3/?) fucking beautiful and i just love bokuroo so much i could literally actually feel my heart swell with love and i smiled so much the entire time. FAVORITE SCENE would be: "If there’s anything that Tetsurou prides himself on, it’s knowing everything about the kingdom he lives in. He knows all the best places to hide and to relax, where to find the best food, and all the little out of the way spots that hardly anyone else ever bothers with. It comes in useful when Bokuto needs a night to get-             
(4/?) -his mind off of his problems. Tetsurou sneaks into the castle as stealthy as the cats he shares the streets with, and he sneaks back out with Bokuto in tow, carefully avoiding prying eyes on the way. And it’s slow, but during their little adventure touring Tetsurou’s hidden gems, Bokuto’s mood lifts and his smile gets brighter, until Tetsurou catches himself staring at that instead of the stars above them." because once again my heart literally actually swelled and when i reread it-             
(5/?) earlier it literally actually swelled again cardiologist help me. the scene was just really sweet, man, the entire fic was fucking gorgeous. my FAVORITE AU would be the aforementioned bokuroo "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" + "A Whole New World" fic but the AsaSouSuga (or whatever the hell the ship name was i can't remember" demon! AU is a close second. it was kinda hard to find a FAVORITE CANON fic 'cos all of your fics seem to be set in a time where they're older (post-canon if you will)-             
(6/?) but that i interpreted as closest to canon was the TsukkiHina fic using the prompt: "Stop looking at me you smug heathen, you were right once." where it rained, made me feel a little something for the rarepair, and i like it :) FAVORITE CHARACTERIZATION would be "By the time that Lev and the rest of the team has cleaned up and gotten into stretching, Kuroo has finally finished his captain’s duties with the coaches, and he does his best to drape himself over Morisuke to look at the-             
(7/?) -clipboard in his hands. On the floor next to their feet, Kenma snorts and continues stretching half heartedly, clearly already wanting to put his time to better use. Morisuke doesn’t have to look to know that Kuroo has that goofy grin on his face that means he thinks Kenma’s being cute, even though he’s not actually doing anything." because 1) yes kuroo would get in his lover's space just to piss them off because it's just him and he'd just play the card of paralyzed giant cat 'cos he CAN             
(8/?) and 2) because i do feel like kenma does stretch half-heartedly too (seriously kenma bb stretch properly i sprained my own ankle yesterday cos my fuckass didn't stretch right :/) the entire fic was just fucking golden and fun and lighthearted banter and by the end of it i was cackling a noise akin to the sound of a herbivore being dragged to its water death by a crocodile (that's a compliment, by the way, i guess.) FAVORITE JOKE would be actual angelic suga striking again with: 
(9/?) “You look a little stuck, babe.” Suga barely manages to quell the snickering to speak. “Cat got your tongue?” because yes actual angelic devil suga would say something as snide as that with a fucking cheshire-worthy grin can u tell i love angelic devil suga a lot anyway moving on. FAVORITE ONE-SHOT would be the kuroyaku "I will face God and walk backwards to hell" because i needed that herbivore-being-dragged-to-its-watery-death-by-a-crocodile laugh man. FAVORITE SAD BIT would be the fic 
(10/?) about falling in love with their best friend’s partner au + AsaDaiTana because the burn of unrequited love was so fucking welcome because i like slow burning pain so much that was an exquisite kind of pain man 🥂 cheers 11/10 would hurt again. i don't really have a favorite series and i'm not really one to reread fics no matter how impacting they were because to me fics are a one time thing and reading them again loses its "love at first sight" kind of touch that i crave fanfics for tbh             
(11/?) but honestly your writing is absolutely fantastic, your characterization's spot on and your portrayal of the relationships feels so real and actual and as a writer that takes a lot of skill to replicate and you my dude have that skill
(12/12) talk about you behind your back." and the goshihinatsukki + "things you said under the stars and in the grass" but when it boils down to it the oihaba and yahaba fic rightfully felt like my favorite fic from you, because you never really do get over that first love ;) i hope you had fun reading this 12-part thingie featuring my overuse of "and" and any other conjunction basically. (sorry for blowing up in your inbox but hey gotta do shit to let a writer know they're loved ily man
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i have been yelling since the very first message you sent, i cant believe you wanted to get so in depth im so honored and blessed and i might be crying a little bit. i just. im so amazed right now, im so happy and proud, im so so glad you like my stuff this much, it really makes me really emotional haha.
it means so much that you find my characterizations so good, and youve mentioned some of my favorite things that ive written, and im just. so amazed!!! i could answer each point but it would prolly take forever and if you want me to i can but i just love it all so much and im so happy. thank you so so so much! i doing mind so many messages at all nad im so happy you wanted to let me know. i love you so much thank youuuuuuu
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Clari! My mind is going crazy right now
I’m the anon that sent you about a year ago, talking about how I’m at the lowest point of my life and the only thing giving me strength was your beautifully written stories.
I’ve written many anon asks since then but I just wanna say this; tonight was the best night of my life. I got accepted into my dream school(medicine😭) after failed tries, all my friends succeeded their dreams as regards university, my boyfriend and I just rescued a hurt puppy and my best friend just sent me the most touching text that made me bust into tears.
This year has been incredibly tough- the worst of my life, indeed. But with the right people, friends, both offline and online, such as you with your incredible stories, one can find their way.
Forever grateful for how you’ve impacted my life.
It truly does get better.
Thank you for everything and I wish you the best, my beautiful Clari💞💞
oh anon <33333 i remember you!!!
every message i receive is important to me, but those types of messages are extra special and very, very meaningful, so thank you again for sharing that with me so long ago <3
wow, that’s incredible!!!!!!!!! i’m so happy for you sweetpea, oh my gosh!!! congratulations bb you absolutely deserve it and i’m incredibly proud of you!!! you are so strong, so beautiful, and so determined, and your resilience inspires me! <33 a puppy!!!! are you gonna keep it!? :o if you are, what are you going to name it??? aw, those type of texts are so lovely, aren’t they? they are such a compassionate and thoughtful gesture <3
i’m so grateful for you sharing this with me, because i’ll be honest with you: i really, really needed to hear it. this past year (june of last year to this current moment) have been insanely difficult for me, and this message made me feel so warm, so happy and thankful, and it reminded me that what i’m doing and what i’m working so tirelessly towards is worth it and is important. if my work helps even just one person, it is more than worth it for me. so i sincerely appreciate you sending this message, thank you so so much my sweet anon <333 your words mean more to me than i can even adequately express, and i am beyond honoured to have played a role (no matter how small!) in helping you through such tough times; that is so important to me <333 i wish you nothing but immense happiness and love!!
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inkykeiji · 1 year
I want to let you know every time you talk about the Todoroki boys I'm so impressed by your big brain Clari!! If you said you wrote a 10K character analysis, ramble, essay, etc. I would read it. I would listen to you talk about them for hours!! The way you capture their essence and preferences is so intriguing to me but every time I'm just thinking "yes!!! Clari is SO right!!" Anyway thank you for sharing your Todoroki boys thoughts they sustain me and im always ready for more.
anon i want to let you know that i love u <33333 this ask made me smile so big!!!!!!! you are so so sweet waaah my whole heart is bursting hehehe thank you very much for this!!!! it’s such a compliment!!! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) i am ecstatic to hear you think so!! aw hehe ur the cutest anon bb thank YOU for reading my work and taking a moment to send such a lovely ask!! <333
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inkykeiji · 2 years
i would love to read a romeo + juliet adaptation! tbh i would read anything you wrote <3 but i am a sucker for classic romance stories
please anon u are so cute <33333 i’m glad to hear you’d be interested!!! honestly like,,, i dislike r+j as a tragedy but if i read as a comedy instead, i find it entirely hilarious just because i think romeo as a character is so funny ehehehe <33 but anyway!! if i were to write it, i’d just want to have fun with it, you know?? it would still be fucked up and angsty and romanticized to heck because that is just Clari™ and just what i enjoy writing most, but i’d want it to be at least a hint lighter than my previous work ahahaha
basically: a toxic relationship seen through thick heart-shaped pink tinted glasses, with a hefty dose of montague-crew fuckery and a generous sprinkle of angst, peppered with a few smut scenes (basically every time romeo sneaks into her room hahaha), in five parts (one for each act). dabi’s characterization would be close to bmb dabi, with the whininess turned up to 11 <333
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Oh clari, I have some head cannons for you~~~🎶
Shigaraki has left during the middle of intercourse to play leagues of legends w his friends
Dabi loves dirty talk but who said he was any goodly it?? 👁👄👁
Hawks chirping during sex
Overhaul: the gloves and mask stay on during sex
Overhaul is the kinda guy who would rather sleep on the couch than share a bed.
Dabi could looks like he could be killed if he sneezed too hard.(not a head cannon I just wanted to roast him but he does that enough to himself)
Shiggy would wear a full suit of armor to a renaissance faire and then realize it’s super hot outside
oH MY GOD EMMA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jesus murphy okay i have to be honest the one that got me the most was hawks chirping during sex LMAOOOO
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inkykeiji · 3 years
so a while back i sent some pics of my dog charlie and i painted him on a plaster figure so i thought you would like to see it
Tumblr media
AAAAH I REMEMBER!!!!! CHARLIE <3333333333 how is he doing??? i hope you're both well my friend <3
WAAAAAAH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS WITH ME OH MY GOSH HE'S SO FRICKEN CUTE I'M ACTUALLY SHOUTING!!!! omfg i love that so much 🥺🥺🥺 i should attempt to paint wes one day omggg <3 do you regularly paint??? you did a great job!!
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Clari, that one hypothetical Tomura fic from Touya-nii universe broke me. I actually ugly sobbed at that ending, haven't been able to move on from it in weeks! Of course I mean this in a good way, I love works that leave a mark like that, but I'll admit this is the first time I wished for our dear reader to just ditch Dabi and run away with Shigaraki.
I'll say, the way you portray Tomura is definitely my favorite (in all your universes) to a point that, doesn't matter who I first came looking for, I always end up wishing reader could end up with him instead. The BMB universe has been giving me heartaches recently with the entire situation unfolding, I just want to take Shigs in my arms and tell him it's going to be okay qwq
Thank you so much for your work, you're an amazing writer and quickly became one of my all time favorites ♡♡♡
-Shiggy Sympathizer
hello shiggy sympathizer i love u <3
IT HURTS SO MUCH DOESN'T IT ANON????? I CRIED WHILE WRITING THE END; sometimes i reread it and it still makes me tear up LMAO. but oh my goodness, thank you so much for sharing this with me bb it actually means the whole world to me <333 I DON'T WANT YOU HURTING obviously hahaha but to hear that my pieces leave a mark or leave you thinking etc., aaaah anon that is SUCH a compliment thank you thank you thank you <33333
oh wow!!!!! aaaah anon i'm literally BLUSHING HEHEHEHE LIKE !!!!!!!! omg 🥺🥺🥺 once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this with me as well <333 tomura is my second favourite character; i just think he's incredible, so layered and complex and his GROWTH is just amazing. it's so interesting to watch him morph from whiny brat to whiny brat who's actually a super villain. like, he's terrifying. i love it so much!!! so i really enjoy dissecting him as a character and then reassembling him and throwing him in my own stories and situations.
BUT AWWWWW ANON BB THAT'S SO SWEET N CUTE 🥺🥺🥺 aww hehehe <33 while the ending of bmb isn't exactly happy, it is bittersweet, and it ends with a feeling of faint, hesitant hope <3
thank YOU so much for reading my work and for being so kind and sending me such a beautiful message!!!!! i genuinely appreciate it more than i can tell you <333 oh anon you're making me tear up hehehe please i am so so so lucky and fortunate to have you here with me!!! thank you for such compassionate and considerate words my luv, they truly mean the world to me <3 i hope my work can continue to provide you with enjoyment + entertainment (or whatever else you may find useful in them!!) <3333 ilysm <3
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inkykeiji · 3 years
you mentioned a housekeeper that drops by every sunday and then you mentioned their parents went on a whole ass vacation. Did the housekeeper come by and bear witness to this pseudo-cest😂
Like Touya and Y/n build a nest in the middle of the living room on Saturday and just spend the day cuddling and fucking, eventually falling asleep only to wake up and repeat. Completely forgetting the housekeeper was supposed to come in the early morning and Rei or Touya forgot to tell her not to come in that weekend.
Just has me thinking about half naked Touya threatening the poor cleaning lady saying "Not a word about this to Mrs. Todoroki. If I find out you peeped, you're fired and no one will find your body. Don't forget who pays your bills."
Just 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
Miss Clari ILY so much🤧 and I hope you have an amazing day, get plenty of rest, drink your water, and know you are appreciated💕
aaaaah lion hello!!! <333 i hope you’re doing well sweetpea!!! ehehehe ily v v much too 🥰🥰 aw bb you’re so so so lovely!!! i hope you’re having an awesome friday n taking good care of yourself as well <3
LMFAO HONESTLY I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH HAHAHAHAHA i literally don’t even have anything to add i just love this concept oh my god ehehe just a groggy touya with messy hair n plaid pj pants hanging low on his hips tryna be as threatening as he can and the maid still being terrified out of her wits either way with reader just kinda giggling in the background, hidden mostly out of sight aaaah <333 because god, niichan’s so hot when he threatens people <3
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Hiya Clari! Hope you're having a good weekend! Idk if you've ever heard of them, but recently I was listening to a Toji playlist and "Up to No Good" by The Hoosiers was on it and now I can't listen to it without thinking of Toji. You should definitely check it out if you have time! (I felt obligated to tell you this since you reblogging sexy Toji fanart made me curious about JJK. XD)
hello hello my friend!!!! i don’t think i’ve ever heard of them (or at least they don’t ring a bell) but i listened to the song and i loved it so much!!!!! it’s very catchy!!! i can also totally see where ur getting the toji vibes hehehehe aaah thank you so much for sharing!!! AND OH I’M SO FLATTERED TO HEAR THAT HEHEHEHE <333
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inkykeiji · 3 years
uhm hi... i just wanted to say that ur works make me feel so much better and they really help not overthink life stuff... i hope that u’ll always feel good and happy <33
hello bb 🥺 <33 oh thank you so, so, so much for this beautiful little ask <33333 i am so incredibly happy and honoured to hear that my work helps you oh my gosh <33 i love u so much sweetpea i hope that you’ll always feel good and happy as well <3
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