#thank you for the kind messages and inboxes guys! 🥺
wonwoosthetic · 3 months
Hello my loves!
Sorry for the sudden MIA! I’ve changed jobs and there are a lot of plans currently being made for my future, so a lot has been going on lately and I haven’t been able to update any of my stories😭
Thank you to all of the wonderful and kind and sweet messages in my inbox🥺 I’m getting back into writing, don’t you worry!
To “Amour-Haine & Co.”: I told you guys that I would update it in the semester holidays but wasn’t able to do so and I sadly won’t be able to any time soon…😓 the reason for that is that I’m currently re-writing the story and trying to find a publisher🫢 I’ve sent out drafts to a few publishing houses and some seem very interested in it🥹 I can’t say much more as of right now but I hope you understand😭🫶🏼 (expect a separate post about the whole process on that😅)
Anyways, the Minnie series is still on-going and I finally got to watch more of NANA Tour, so I’ll be updating that very soon!
The next update on my blog though will be my Joel Miller series, just to let you know ˙ᵕ˙
Thank you for everything and I love you all!!🤍🤍
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andypantsx3 · 5 months
Okay I got self conscious about being annoying on the dash so I put everything into a megapost lol. Thank you guys so so so much for everything, it means the world to me. ❤️❤️
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@strawberrystepmom Ahhh Kendall, thank you!!! I did have a very wonderful day and got to see some of the people I love most (and will get to see more this weekend)! I hope you also had a very good day too!! Thank you for being so nice to me always!!! 🥺
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@tiphandoms Tippy my angel!!! I always have a great day when I see you in my inbox. 🥺❤️ Thank you for always being so wonderful and kind to me. I love you so much, thank you for making tumblr a safe and supportive and welcoming place, you are such a bright spot for me.
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My dear anon, I did!! Thank you for making my day a special one. I mostly wish for soup and I know I will be having that soon lmao, so thank you for helping me manifest this. Sending you all of my love!!!!!
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@missrosegold Omg a Prince Shouto for my birthday!!!! THANK YOU!!!! I love him so much lmao, this made my whole day and I was smiling like an idiot on the bus when I opened your message yesterday!! Thank you, sending you bunches of my love. ❤️
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@suguwu Beeeeeee hi!!!!! Tragically I did not get my soup but I will be having some today. I did have an absolutely fantastic day though and cheesed a little when I saw you in my inbox lmao. I hope you had an excellent day too, I love u (and ur god of the hunt Nai) so much lol.
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@nancy-reads Hi Nancy!!! I'm honored that you sent me an ask. 🥺🥺🥺 And even more honored that you like my fics so much. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I promise to have an excellent year if you promise the same too!!! I hope 2024 is your best year ever!!
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@ghostbeam Oz my beloved!!! Thank you so much!!!!! And thank you for how kind you have been to me, especially this past year. You are one of the people I have followed and loved the longest in this fandom, sending you all of my love right back!!!
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@mydiluc Gray!!! Thank you so much!!!! I gasped a little to see you in my inbox because I think you're so cool even if I haven't interacted enough. Sending you my best vibes!!!
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THONK U MY BELOVED!!!! This made me laugh lmao, I hope you are having a great day!!
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@itoshisoup Lmao Mao you are so good to me!! Thank you for letting me be a little shit in your DMs sometimes and still thinking well of me lol. You are one of the people I respect most in this fandom as a person and as a creative ksjdhskfhk so this means so much to me!!! Love u ❤️❤️❤️
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@birinboom Birin my angel!!! Thank you so much!!! I hope my next year will be just as amazing as you are, then I will be a very happy girlie for sure lmao. Thank you for always being one of the nicest people on earth; I hope you had an excellent day too!!!
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@namodawrites Moda!!! Thank you so much, and thank you for all that you do!!! You are so fun and so sweet and such a talented writer and I count myself very very lucky to know you. I hope you have the best day ever too. 🥺❤️
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@pastelle-rabbit Amira my a-miracle!!! Literally right back at you, thank you for how unbelievably nice you have been to me (when I didn't even see ur art for 6 months... I will never live this down...) and how much you do to make this community just as fun and warm and welcoming as you are.
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@milosmantis Omg no, thank you so much!!! I am very very happy with any amount of interaction, I promise!!! Hehehe I care you too. Thank you for being so good to me, it means the entire world to me!!!!! ❤️❤️
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@shotorus-interact Selly my sweet potato!!! I think exactly the same about you, and even more than that, I am so regularly inspired and grateful to you for all that you do to make this fandom fun and keep everyone connected. I want to be even more like you this year. Thank you so much for everything!!!!
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@acerathia Ru my sunshine!!! I promise to always be filled with delicious food lmao, and I hope you are too!! You are so appreciated by me, and I hope this year is just as wonderful as you are. Thank you for being so steadfast and bone-deep good. Sending you big love. 🥺❤️
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@breadtp Bread!!! Ahhhh thank you so much!!! I am so very honored, and I am so so happy you like it. I have the time of my life on here and I am immeasurably grateful for how kind this is. Sending you all of my best vibes. ❤️✨
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@princess-okkotsu Aleks!!!! I'm so happy you're still speaking to me after I made you look at that screenshot yesterday lmaooooo. Thank you so so so much!!! You always keep tumblr such a fun and interesting place and I am very happy to know you. 🥺💞
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My sweet anon, you are never too late!!!! Thank you so much!! Yesterday was excellent and I have no doubt today will be as well, especially when you've started me out with such positive energy. Beaming all that right back at you too!!
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@meggsngrits Meg my starshine!!!! My Capricorn in arms!!! There is no need to apologize, this whole season is ours 😎 lmao. I had a wonderful day and I'm having another wonderful one now that you are here!! Thank you for being the literal nicest person on earth, you have made me so happy this past year and I hope I can give even a fraction of that back to you this year!!
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@ashguk-blog Ahhh thank you so much!!! It was yesterday but I am having just as good of a day today too!!!! This means so much to me, thank you for being so sweet and wonderful. 💕
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@thoreeo Hello my angel!!!! Your ask is literally giving me the zoomies lmao thank you so much. I am so deeply honored and very very touched. You have always been so nice to me and I am eternally grateful to you. (Also we should talk!!!! I am not very interesting so you will have to do all the heavy lifting lmao, but I think you are so kind and I would always love to chat). ❤️❤️
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@stellamancer Niku my sunflower!!! It was an excellent day, thank you for manifesting this for meeeee. Likewise I think you are also one of the best people on this app and I am soooo happy to have spent another year in your company. I have especially admired you for how you've handled yourself in some tough situations this year and I hope to conduct myself with even half of your grace. ❤️❤️
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@threadbaresweater Lin my beloved!!!! Thank you so much!!! I think of you as like, my cool older sister lmao and I'm always so happy to see you on the dash. You radiate such positivity and understanding and I don't think my tumblr dash would be half as welcoming without you. Thank you so much for letting me bask in your light. 🥺❤️
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@mangostarjam OMG FUJI I LOVE HIM!!! Lmaoooo his puffy lil cheekies oh I think I will have to eat him up instead of the soup lmao. You're so funny and so sweet and this literally made my week. I hope you also have a year that is just as bright and good and amazing as you have always been to me!!!!
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@zanykingmentality Roma!!!!! This means everything to me, thank you so much!!!! This year I hope to make things that live up to your praise, and to be just as kind as you are. I hope you also have an amazing day, thank you for everything!!! 🥺💕
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anjiefiction · 1 year
You guys are too nice 😭 ❤️
I'm looking at my ask inbox, dms, and forum messages, and am really touched by all of your support. Sorry I've been in a bit of a bad headspace last week, hence the moodiness in my last "update" post.
To those who dmed or commented on the forums - thank you for your kind words, and I promise I'll reply you as soon as I can! To those who sent anon asks - I want to reply to you but I also want to keep your messages in the same space so I can look at them anytime 🥺
I have not written this week but I'll try to get my head into gear next week, and at least get a scene or two written. The mystery is unfolding now, and I'll do my best not to let poor moods influence the quality of writing that's put out.
I hope to have better news for you next week, and may your weekend be a lovely one 💙
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puffpasstea · 2 years
hiii I love all your writing! it really makes me feel some type of way 💖🥲 I was wondering if you would be willing to write something about y/n feeling like her friends are using her (to get to harry, $$$, or for clout) and Harry is comforting y/n. Or something like y/n feels left out at a Hollywood party with all of Harry’s friends?
im going thru a rough time with my friendships and kind of feeling lonely. no pressure though 💖 thank you for being a source of joy during this time 🥺🫶🏻
Hi babes! Thanks so much for your lovely message 🥰🥰 and I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I’ve been where you are. It hurts no matter how you try to rationalize it. Please know that my inbox is always open if you need a friend, or just to vent. I hope this little one shot helps somehow. Let me know what you think! 💗
She plumped down on the barstool, tucked away in the shadowy corner of the room, letting her feet dangle and hover over the floor. Those heels were killing her. She glanced across the room, scanning the crowd of faces for Harry’s comforting eyes. He was standing in between Jeff and some really old guy in a suit, the grin on his face slowly growing until his dimples appeared. At this distance, she had no idea what he was actually saying, but she liked to imagine that he was telling a joke, judging by his face, that’s usually what he looks like when he’s laughing at his own joke before he’s even reached the punchline. She was glad to see that he was at least having fun. Because she’d be lying if she said that these kinds of events felt fun for her.
Tagging along to these parties increased her sad and admiration for Harry. It always made her proud to see him in “work mode.” This wasn’t even what he normally does for a living. Giant parties like these were usually hosted by the record label, designed to make really rich, really old people feels important enough and respected enough to convince them to invest their buckets of money into musicians’ tours. Someone needed to pay the insurance companies, purchase the bands’ equipment, pay the crew, and fund the millions of things -big and small- that went into carrying out an entire tour. Learning this gave her a better understanding of why, to make it in an industry like this, you need more than just a pretty voice and a little bit of hard work. But as proud as she was of Harry, she couldn’t help but feel like an outsider in moments like this.
Harry always wanted her to feel included, so he would keep his arm hooked into hers, introduce her to his team and investors, and whisper any background information into her ear to catch her up to speed. She loved witnessing first-hand how he was good at remembering a CEO’s 4-year-old daughter’s favorite cartoon, or how he complimented an ancient rich lady on her brooch. She found his ability to make everyone feel important to him weirdly attractive. But, when Harry and his friends would so quickly fall in and out of industry talk, making inside jokes or using technically lingo, she often found herself feeling weird. Like she was an anchor weighing him down. His constant need to keep an arm around her waist, or to explain a joke to her, or rephrase something in a way that she would understand, it made her wonder if he wouldn’t be more present in the moment if she wasn’t trailing behind him, so she found a quiet place to sit and admire him from a distance, hoping he’d be too engrossed in his friends’ conversations to notice her absence.
She pulled out her phone to check the time. It was almost midnight. She could pass the time by scrolling through her phone, but it would honestly just make her more miserable. Scrolling through Instagram posts of people that felt so far away would just hurt.
Perhaps this whole thing wouldn’t be on her mind if things in her own friendship were different. The truth was that some of her most important relationships have felt nonexistent lately. Which made her more conscious of how she related to people. Often even wondering if she had some invisible flaw that she’s failing to see, or if she was too stubborn to realize that she was unintentionally pushing people away. It felt like her relationship with Harry had altered the way that people saw her. Friends that she had had for quite sometime, and honestly thought would hold on to forever, were now gone without a real explanation. It was like they’d decided on her behalf that she no longer needed them. They began acting different around her, gradually growing colder and more indifferent. It was difficult to come to the realization that, if they would treat her this way, maybe they weren’t really friends in the first place. Maybe they only liked having her around to make them feel better about themselves and seeing her happy, successful, and in a relationship with someone like Harry was doing the exact opposite of making them feel good. So, they no longer had any use for her.
She felt a lump form in her throat. At least ending friendships in this way was better than the opposite. The people who’d never actually liked her, never treated her with any respect at all, and never bothered to hide their feelings about her suddenly “reconnecting” with her because they found out who her boyfriend is. How did things get so fucked up and why hadn’t she noticed until it was too late?
“There you are!” The feeling of Harry’s soft lips kissing her cheek yanked her out of her spiral. “How’re you, darlin’?” He smiled, grabbing the stool next to her and ordering a drink. He still had a smile on his face and seemed to be giggling to himself.
The look he was giving her forced her to smile back. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh, it’s- it’s nothing Mitch was just telling a funny story over there.” Harry chuckled at the memory of the encounter. “Anyway, where’d you run off to? I looked behind me and you’d vanished.”
She waited for a moment, considering just telling him the truth but she didn’t want to burden him. He was clearly having a good time. And he’d earned it. He’d been working so hard lately; a night out with his favorite people is what he needs. Besides, she liked that Harry felt comfortable enough to introduce her to his friends and bring her to industry events. She didn’t want to make him feel bad about it.
“N-nowhere, I- my heels are just too much. Probably should’ve worn a different shoe tonight.”
Harry’s brows furrowed. “Oh, I’m so sorry, baby. Wanna go home?”
“Oh- no, no. Don’t worry about me. I’m good just staying right here. You go, have fun.”
Harry wasn’t having it. She should’ve expected it. He wasn’t the kind of person to just abandon her after she’d admitted to being in pain. Instead of going back out there, he brought the party over to her. Within minutes, Mitch, Sarah, Pauli, some assistants from the wardrobe department and a few drum techs were gathered around her previously private corner. They’d ordered some appetizers and sat around telling stories from past tours, making plans to visit the landmarks and hidden gems of certain cities they were touring, and recalling the time someone had intentionally re-tuned Mitch’s guitar and fucked up his string-matching.
For the whole night, Harry’s hands were on her thigh, glancing at her in between conversations and casually kissing the top of her head. She felt selfish for not having fun. After all he does for her, and after he’s forced everyone to hang out at the bar so she can be included. She still felt like an outsider looking in. What the hell was wrong with her?
The ride home was quiet. Harry asked her if she wanted to take her shoes off and stretch her legs but she’d just hummed a quiet “no,” looking out the window of the passengers seat to avoid his eyes.
She stood in the bathroom, getting ready for bed and trying to shake the feeling of intense isolation that had clung to her. She wished she could wipe it off the way she’d just wiped off her makeup. Maybe if she just went to bed and started fresh tomorrow?
Harry called her name “come over here and give me a cuddle alreadyyyy.”
She made her way to the bed where he’d been plopped, reading a book as he waited for her. The goofy smile on his face disappeared as soon as he saw her. “What’s the matter, baby?”
“N-nothing.” Her voice betrayed her, already breaking. It’s just that the softness of Harry’s voice and the concern in his eyes threw her off. The tears that she’d been pushing away all night were now stinging the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over.
“Not nothing.” Harry asserted, reaching for the side of her hip and gesturing for her to come closer.
“It’s dumb. Please just forget it, Harry.” She pressed her palms to her eyes, wiping the tears away.
“It’s not dumb if it’s got you this upset, honey.”
“I- I just wish-“
Harry said nothing, his eyebrows shoot upward.
“I wish I wasn’t so lonely all the time.”
Harry felt his heart split in half at her words and the simplicity with which she’d said them. He wondered how long she’d felt this way. If the feeling just rolled off her tongue like that, it had to have been sitting in the pit of her stomach for a while.
“Lonely?” Was all he could say.
She just nodded, tears now unashamedly rolling down her face.
Harry was now replaying all the conversations that he’d had in the past few weeks where she seemed to jokingly suggest that she was fundamentally in likable, or that she was too rough around the edges for friends to want her around, or that she hated people so much that she hardly left the apartment anymore. How could he have been so blind? He knew her well enough to know that when she made self-deprecating jokes like this, it was usually because she believed them to be, at least partly, true.
“W-why?” He cleared his throat, hoping to sound more like an adult. “What’s made you feel so alone?”
She shrugged, finally pulling her hands away from her face and shifting nervously on top of the duvet. “Just don’t have any friends anymore, Harry.”
“What do you mean? You’ve got plenty of friends!”
“Name one.”
Harry wracked his brain. “Well there’s Je- okay, fine? What about Sa-“ he was stumped. Every name that came to his mind was a friend of his that had, by extension, gotten to know her through their relationship.
She could see the wheels turning in his head. “Exactly.” She huffed.
“Well, what about people at work? That nice lady, Melanie? You seem to get on really well. And, besides, you can share my friends!”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I don’t know people. But those superficial relationships only make me feel worse. They just remind me of the connections that I’ve lost. I don’t- Harry, I don’t wanna have perfectly mundane conversations about the weather, or what I did over the weekend. That’s not what I mean. I just- I miss the kind of connection where you could text someone your random and extremely niche take on a specific topic that only you care about. Or call someone cuz you’re bored and want company. Or make spur of the moment plans. Or vent to without worrying if they’re secretly judging you for talking too much. You know? The kinds of things that you can just build overnight.”
“Intimacy.” He said simply.
Harry said nothing. He pulled her into his side, letting her lay her head on his shoulder and blink her tears away as he squeezed her shoulder.
“I’ll be your friend!” He said suddenly breaking the heavy silence.
She laughed, the chuckled disrupting her sobs. “Thanks, but, I think I like what we are.”
“No, I mean, like, sometimes you date someone but you can’t really talk to them about stuff. You know? I’m saying you can talk to me.”
“I just- I don’t know why it’s so hard for me.”
“Baby, it’s not your fau-“
“Don’t! Don’t say it, okay?”
“But you know it’s true.”
“It makes me feel like a bad person to just say that they’re dumb for not wanting to stay friends. Somehow I’m the perfect Angel and everyone else is wrong for leaving me.”
Harry said nothing for a moment. He could tell she firmly believed that and convincing her wasn’t going to be simple. Plus, he didn’t want to interrupt her as she finally let things off her chest. After he was sure she was done speaking, he started again.
“I’m not saying you’re perfect. Nobody is. We all have our flaws. But people who really care about you wouldn’t give up on you when things get difficult. Friendships only work if both people are invested.”
“What if- What if I’m just not good at this? What if people leave me because I’m not a good friend?”
“Harry! I’m serious.”
“So am I! You care, and you’re so kind. And you’re fun and gracious and-“
“Then why am I so alone??”
Harry kissed the side of her head gently.
“I get what you mean.”
“No you don’t. You’re surrounded by people who love you all day everyday.”
“Yeah, but that hasn’t always been the case. I felt really lost and alone for years before all this happened. You know? After the band and all?”
“It was hard.”
She just nodded silently listening to, taking his words in, letting the sound of his voice comfort her.
“Just can’t change who you are to make people want to stick around. You’ll lose sight of what matters to you. Even though it hurts to let people go.”
“It does.”
“I know baby.” He nuzzled his nose into her neck. “But you’ll meet the right friends eventually. Ones who won’t take advantage, won’t be threatened by your light and love.”
“I hope I do. This is exhausting.”
“Let me help. Hmm?”
She finally turned to face him, locking her lips into his, causing him to hum into her mouth.
“You always do, Harry. Everyday.”
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moonhoures · 11 months
literally me rn 👆🏻
anyways, hello my loves! i’m here to give you some updates on where this blog stands and is (hopefully!) going 🤭
first, what the fuck happened? 🫣
it’s been pretty much exactly a year since i dipped from this account (again). i’m sorry about that. i got a little overwhelmed and frankly just didn’t feel motivated or excited to write for a long time. i tried writing a few things (and got a little far tbh) but i just wasn’t satisfied with any of it. i even had a terrible moment or two where i got very close to deleting this account entirely but i decided against it as i’m really proud of some of the things i put out, and i would’ve been really sad to see it go. i also love all of you very much and appreciate everything you guys have done for or said to me, and i would’ve felt really guilty taking this blog away from you guys. so i promise i won’t be doing that any time soon!
second, first love 🥰
i’m sure most of you have seen my teaser for first love part 5 by now (which, yes, will unfortunately be the last part for the series 😓) but!! i have like 1 or 2 small things i plan on posting before hand to keep you guys fed since it won’t be posted for another month or so. i’ve been working on it as much as i can for the past couple months, but i do work basically every day so i can only write so much 🫤 but yeah, that’s how first love is! i’ll explain some more on it when i can!!
third, asks/messages 💬
i’ve gotten so many sweet messages since i went MIA (a little under 40 😭). i’m sorry to keep all of you waiting, but i promise i’ll try to answer them soon! i did get some negative comments about my absence and such, but i won’t be answering any of those publicly. i don’t want to feed into them. i understand i’ve done this multiple times & it’s annoying, and i apologize for that. writing is a big passion of mine (as is interacting with all of you!) but it can get draining running this account sometimes. i’m trying my best, and i appreciate your patience with me. i’m definitely undeserving of it.
fourth, also! ☝🏻
i have decided that from now on i will not be taking requests. as much as i love writing specific stuff that you guys want, it does give me a little anxiety. so i will only be taking very limited requests for drabble games and stuff like that in the future. i hope you guys understand 🫶🏻
i also decided to delete my twitter account (well, it kind of got hacked? i think? idk i had trouble with it and basically can’t get back in and don’t want to create a whole new one) so i wont be answering asks with twitter links anymore for this reason.
fifth, comebacks?! 🤩
i’ve recently tried to catch up on some of the comebacks i missed. txt’s temptation ep, monsta x’s reason ep, enhypen’s dark blood ep, and skz’s 5 star album have been in my rotation lately and i love them!! (duh) so if any of you want to stop by my inbox and fangirl over them with me i’d absolutely love that 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
lastly, a thank you 💌
thanks to all of you that continued to follow me, leave likes/reblogs/comments, and message me while i was gone. you guys truly don’t understand how much your support for me means. like i said, i was close to deleting this account all together, but i decided against it, and it was largely because of you. i decided to keep writing because of you. re-reading all of the precious comments you’ve left me on my older work motivated me and inspired me to continue writing first love which sparked my joy again. so, thank you. i also hope some of you read this and it encourages you to leave love for other writers like myself. you could be the one that changes someone’s entire outlook on their account and keep them going. at the very least, you’ll make their day 💕
also, thank you for 4,000 followers??? um what the fuck??? i’ve never had so many people supporting me, i’m actually losing my marbles rn please help me find them??? (that was such a lame joke, okay i’m going to bed soon 😭🥱 ily bye)
i love you. i love you. i love you. more content is coming soon. promise. 😚💗
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nkhrchuwuya · 10 months
Hello!! Hope you’re feeling okay/better, and take your time!! No rush Cee, we’re willing to wait!!
hello hello 🥺
thank you so much for your sweet words 😭 I've actually been thinking about this blog a lot (especially after the past few bsd chapters...), so it was such a pleasant surprise to see this in the inbox
thank you so much for sticking around and all that 🥹
sadly i can't promise when i can sit down and be in this blog again with everything irl, diverging interests (though i still love BSD!), but i do have WIPs still and all that so! it's not out of the question!
i love all of you and thank you so much for being kind to me after all this time 💓 this blog is always open for you guys to be at.
to my lovely friends (everyone!! is included!!), if you'd like to contact me outside of here to like talk about chuuya / bsd / (I'm also into star rail / genshin) send me a message or an ask and I'll give you my twt or my discord!! i'd love to talk to you guys, i miss you all.
okay, that's enough for my sap! thank you again 🥺 sending love and hugs and good energy!
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firein-thesky · 5 months
cielo!!! i am dropping by with some good music and new year wishes! 🎶🎉 thank you so much for being part of my 2023 🥹 i used to be so intimidated by you omg 😭 but i was so wrong!!! bc u are so incredibly kind 🥺 and talented (my gawd)!! you put so much effort in everything you do and i adore you so much for that!!!!
as a year end pick, my favourite read from you is: sharing bed like little kids (i havent gotten to godmaker yet… but i alr know i’ll love it) 🥺 your writing is so gripping!!! and sharing beds is fr in my hall of fame of fics 😭
if i may ask!! 🥺 (pls feel free not to answer if uncomfy!!) how was 2023 for you? what’s a favourite thing (anything) you discovered this year? do you have any reflections from the past year? any resolutions for the next? 🥹
SEL!!! thank YOU so much for being part of my 2023! you truly always brighten my day whether on the dash, on discord, or here in my inbox 🥺🥺💕 i absolutely love and cherish these little messages and questions that you send me!!
im fjskfjdsk at you being intimidated by me!! i am truly just some guy that is a weirdly passionate about a lot of things!!! but thank you!! you are truly so lovely and kind as well!! genuinely one of the warmest and most welcoming ppl i have met on this website!! you keep this place friendly and fun and full of wonder!!
thank you for reading sharing beds and coming to share your thoughts on it with me 🥺💕 i am so glad that you enjoy that one!! my very first fic on this blog, so it holds a special place in my heart!
2023 was an interesting one! full of ups and downs! i think in many ways i really stepped into my own...or began the process of it so that i can really put my best foot forward into 2024! i've worked really hard this last year but i plan to work harder next!! i got lots i want to do!! im not a huge new year resolution person just cause i tend to always have goals and things i work towards throughout the whole year, but a recent one is reading more plays and novels again! i also want to finish a script i've been working on!
how about you?? do you have any resolutions or reflections?? how was 2023 for you? (if you'd like to answer!!)
happy new year my friend!! wishing you all the joy and love and health and wonder for the next one! 💕
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
hello my dearest zadie !! i really hope that this reaches u (and that u don’t respond to it😭 only sending this as quick reminder since u did say that u read the messages in ur inbox but don’t have time to respond them ! for this one i’m asking u to not to respond and just read it :] <3 ) after reading some of ur most recent posts regarding ur own personal life i just really felt the need to share this— i genuinely and from the bottom of my heart am hoping that you’ve been taking care of yourself and not skipping on any meals and also taking care of your sleep during these times of your exams because gosh i cannot imagine the absolute stress and anxiety you must be going through— and pls always take ur time to make new updates !! we’ll always be here waiting for your newest updates but please don’t risk your health or academic work for updates i beg :( you staying up to work on certain chapters really showed your dedication and effort yet i genuinely hope that you won’t do that again and instead leave us with no update and with a more energised version of yourself. i really hope that what i said doesn’t come off as rude or anything? because that genuinely isn’t my intention but as someone who’s been with you since hype boy, your health and academic work will obviously come first to me rather than your updates, we have all the time in the world to read about cold hearts !! so please don’t ever feel pressured to update or keep your updates daily / consistent :) and again i wish you the best of luck during ur exams !! may allah make all of them easy for you and give you all the strength, attention and focus that u need during studying and while taking the exams. and again pls take care of yourself as well !! never neglect ur sleep especially during exam seasons (had to learn this the hard way) anywho, sending u so so much love my sweet zadie and so many hugs & kisses !! <3
- a very calm ⁉️
🥺 now this definitely made me tear up a little and i cant even explain or put into words how much i appreciate messages like these 🥺💗
thank you SO much baby, honestly the fact you've been with me from the very beginning is smth i will treasure forever bc readers and friends like you make this journey so, so much more special 🥺 i really am so grateful to have you and i hope you know how much your messages mean to me. knowing how loved, appreciated and supported i am on this blog is what makes this my safe haven and i hope you guys are aware of how much i appreciate everything you send my way.
i really needed these kind of words and i feel like you always know what to say so again, thank you so much baby. sending you all this love right back and adding a fat kiss to it, i love and appreciate you SO much 🥺💗💕🩷
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succubuskai · 1 year
Hey pup! Missed you so much! Can we get a quick like update? 🥺 Love ya!!! 💖💖💖
Hey! Missed you guys too! 🥺 Ofc you can get a quick update!
Had my follow up w/the ent yesterday who said I’m doing well but it’ll be another month before I’m fully healed. I finished one certification and degree, then got accepted into a bigger university! I have to start applying for scholarships this month. Umm we’re still renovating the house and I had to get a tetanus shot yesterday cause I am a mess. And I got a raise at work! Love ya too and thank you for the kind message. I hope you’ve been well and if you have anything you wanna update me on about you let me know! Inbox is always open, qt! ♡︎♡︎
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onlyswan · 9 months
Am so happy to see someone who write fluff with this kind of beauty in them. I love love love the devotion you put here on this account. I've been attached to your account for so long and I was a silent reader... And always I thought that you are really really someone who can be defined as "comfort". your acc, your work and Most importantly YOU are so comforting person I've eveeer seen on internet. Thought to come up and ramble about whatever I want to tell here to you. And after a long I feel so relaxed
oh you are so kind to me thank you so so so much 😭🤍!!!! it just makes me very happy to do something that i love while gaining the motivation to keep going from such wonderful people <3 you guys are the ones who fill my account with such beautiful messages so honestly you make it a place so warm and comforting as well 🥺 hehe of course pls always feel free to slide into my inbox or dms i really love talking to you guys <3
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
thank y'all so much for participating in the lil sleepover activities!
and thank you for all of the kind messages 🥺 i love you guys 💕 just an fyi that i'm gonna put a pause on the pairings cause i've cleared out all the ones i received in my inbox! however, since y'all liked them so much, i might keep them + do them as a part of thirsty thursdays?
is that something y'all would like? also YES, thirsty thursdays are coming back now that my life is together again lmaoo 💕
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello sweet Rid, passing by to remind you that you're loved and always appreciated 💜 you're not alone and I hope you'll always find comfort here with us, with our messages and support.🥺
you guys truly give me a shit ton of comfort, you don't even know. like, the kindness in my inbox and all around my blog? cannot fathom... love you so much, and thank you joy 💕
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w0niecult · 2 years
It melts my heart when you say "nonnie" 😭 I haven't seen anyone being this kind and sweet to anonymous people and calling them such a cute nickname before 🥺 thank you for being so kind ❤️
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thank you so much!!
And of course I’m gonna be nice to my nonnies!! You’re all so sweet and caring!!
I know that having my anons turned on can be a little risky with the possibility of people sending me rude messages, but I still wanted to give you guys that little bit of privacy.
I know that not everyone wants to openly send me stuff, which is totally fine!! If you feel more comfortable sending me stuff as an anon, then who am I to stop you from doing so??
I cherish each and every one of you, nonnies and non-nonnies, so sooo much. I love waking up and seeing my inbox flooded with all of your sweet and funny and horny messages!!
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fangirlies · 1 year
no because i always struggle finding good fics, i get icky with certain writing styles but yours is impeccable really! 😭 its well written, the plots are interesting and dialogues aren't cringy they feel natural<3 thank you for your work
🥺🥺 when you guys leave sweet messages like these, I swear there’s no better feeling. thank you anon, you’re too kind!! would you believe me if I said I struggle the most with dialogue? i have a hard time making it sound like the character and not just something I would say. but this kinda confirmed they don’t sound too unrealistic! thank you for taking the time to leave a sweet message in my inbox anoniee🤍🧚🏼‍♀️
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
Hi! I really love your danoverse kid series and I was wondering if you would ever let others write about them 👀 they're just so cute and warms my heart that makes me wanna add some of my headcannons + ficlets about the danoverse kids 🥺
hi, anon!!!
so let me first tell you how much reading this warmed my heart and made my day.🥺 like this is so sweet of you to say, thank you so much! i’m so happy my dano babies have had such a positive impact on so many people, i’ve been so grateful for their good reception.🥰
i’ve never really considered your question before! it’s kind of interesting, and i’d have to do a lot of thinking about it. here’s the thing: because like, yes, i created these kids to be shared. like i want people to be able to picture them as theirs, too, and kinda give them their own little personality traits and details that you think maybe resonate with them. however, they are my kids. like, they are characters from my brain. my worry is that if i start letting other people write for them, i won’t get the credit for creating them? like i don’t want to sound like a prude, but like i just want credit for the children that mean so much to me that i’ve put thought and effort into making them real with different personalities and that quite literally have helped keep me going through some rough times. like these kids are my everything. and i mean who’s to say maybe there aren’t people right now who follow me who have seen my kids and maybe they’re writing for them and taking credit? i don’t think that’s a super likely thing that’s happening right now, i’m just saying. like the support and positive feedback i’ve received about them means the world to me, like you guys don’t understand just how much it means. but, i do want it to kinda be known that they’re mine?
i’m not saying no, but i’m also not saying yes. because even if i say something like “yeah sure you can write about them, please just ask permission first and give me credit!” maybe i go on a hiatus or people just don’t want to interact with me for long enough to ask for permission to use them, then i don’t get credited. and then there’s the other side of that same thing; once i say “yes” to any degree, it’s “yes” and people will take it and run with it. and i understand that hey, literally even putting these kids out on the internet exposes me to risk of something like that, but granting permission to use them just amplifies it. and i WANT to know what you guys think about them. i WANT to hear what you personally headcanon some of them would do. like i love when people send me little things in my inbox like that! it’s just, they’re my little scamps and i’d like to keep track of them around the internet the best i can.
i cant tell you yes or no right now, anon, and i apologize. maybe if you’d be willing to direct message me so i can get to know you and maybe we can talk about your plans for them, you’d have a better shot at getting approval? like i haven’t made up my mind so i’m not guaranteeing that i’ll give you permission, but like, you might have a better chance. if i ever formally make a decision, either yes or no, i’ll announce it to all those who are maybe interested in writing for my kids as well.💕
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ifimayhaveaword · 2 years
-lies in bed in near tears but in like a happy way-
Hey guys? The fact that you took time out of your days to send me sweet messages today is really sending me over the moon. I cannot thank you all enough for all of the kindness and joy and love I’ve received today, and I hope you can feel the love I’m projecting back towards y’all in return. If you feel a soft, rocking hug and a forehead kiss, that was me!!
(@saradika and @ohheyitsokay I absolutely got your asks/requests, I’m just hoarding them until they can get done/am staring at them starry-eyed in my inbox in the meantime 🥺)
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