#thank you for this ask! turns out M is a banger of a letter! she is doing so much for us!!!!
coquelicoq · 2 years
For the letter ask, can you do the letter M?
i love magnets because of that tumblr post that says no one really understands magnetism. i don't know if that's true, but it reminds me of one of my favorite things about science, which is the awareness that we only know a fraction of what there is to know. (my other favorite thing is about science is the curiosity and drive to know more than we do currently.) magnets are also fun because of the whole "opposites attract" thing, which is a cliche for a reason. also i love magnets because they allow me to stick my siblings' photos and the art they drew for me when they were little to my fridge <3
i love my tag #me when i discovered narwhals and hope to have many more opportunities to use it in the future.
i love malaphors and mondegreens and memes. i love the way our brains connect things to make new things, often on accident, and i love it when the new things are funny.
i love the moon. oh, how i love the moon. i love how lonely she is and yet how every time i look at her i know someone else is looking at her too. i love that there's just this huge body that appears in the sky every few weeks, wherever i am, and she's been doing that for eons. like, there's nothing else i can see from inside of my house that is that ancient. there's nothing else i can see on a regular basis that i know billions and billions of other people have also seen. i love how she's not visible all the time so that when she is, i still feel excited about it. i love that she can't see me back and that she doesn't care about me or about anything at all. i love my playlist of songs about the moon. i love using she/her pronouns for the moon. i love how she protects us from asteroids! when i think about the tides i get incredibly fucked up about it. we're a system! we affect each other!!!!!
speaking of. i love mutualism and mutual aid. i love that we want to help. i love that we want to be helped. i love that we want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. i love that we want to belong and to contribute.
i love it when things are meta, by which i mean i love it when things are self-referential. i love it the way i love autology, when something is an example of what it describes. i also love what tumblr calls meta, fan analysis of shows and books and whatnot, but who doesn't??
i love math. i love that math is systematic and reliable but i also love it for the exact opposite reason...i love math because it's so complex, because it's so unfinished, because it's so unpredictable. because what it's describing is complex and unfinished and unpredictable! i love the t-shirts my friends and i made in math club in high school (i, my imaginary friend) and these very bad math pickup lines i made to impress a beloved mutual.
i love mortality. i love knowing that i am mortal. i love knowing that existence is change, that things come to an end, that entropy is natural.
i love that mourning and morning are homonyms. i love that life goes on but i am changed. i love the things in life that are cyclical, that remind me that i'm part of the great turning of all things.
i love the word maybe. i love that it's a verb phrase turned into an adverb. i love the hope inherent in it. i love that you never know. you never know.
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evenmywordsare · 5 years
4, 5, 9, 10, 64!
4. what’s your favourite quote?
a selected few:
“now i see who i was protecting by keeping you here. not you… but them!”
”my brother would really like to see a human, so it would really help me out… if you kept pretending to be one.”
“b e h i n d  y o u.”
“what did you do to him?”
”you’re gonna have to try a little harder than THAT.”
“i’m tough! i like to eat rocks!”
“he’s my favourite sexy rectangle.”
“legs is correct.”
”t h e n  w h y ’ d  y o u  k i l l  m y  b r o t h e r ?”
“heya. you look frustrated about something.”
”i really should have killed you when i had the chance.”
”you should be smiling, too. aren’t you excited? aren’t you happy?”
”you’re going to be free.”
“it is i, toriel, your friend and guardian.”
“do not ‘tori’ me, dreemurr!”
“hey frisk. it’s torrrrrieellll. i just baked 1000000 pies. do you want any?”
“still just you, frisk.”
i also love the little lines that repeat across the different routes in different contexts! “but nobody came.” “here we are.” “don’t you have anything better to do?” etc.
plus all of undyne’s speeches, and sans’ battle monologue, and all of alphy’s status updates yes i’m serious
anyway undertale is an ok game i guess and i haven’t played it much and i never spend time thinking about it
5. what’s your favourite soundtrack?
i’ll do you one better and do my top five! 
battle against a true hero! wow it’s such a great song for a great character and for a great battle. i love how the underground theme is in it (which is the same as spear of justice) cause she’s defending the whole underground during that fight. and i love the piano in it because undyne’s a piano player and it’s very fitting! 
snowdin town! this song is pretty and feels like home and makes me want to cry!
hopes and dreams! this song also makes me want to cry and headbang at the same time! try to feel sad while listening to this song you can’t. slap play on this one and immediately ascend
finale! the flowey fight is one of my favourite parts of the whole game. it seems to hopeless but when the murdered human souls start helping you and the music shifts to this absolute banger it’s just INCREDIBLE wow
megalovania! the classic and it still slaps, idc if it’s a meme it goes hard and it’s awesome. i also love that it’s YOUR battle theme, not sans’!
9. favourite scene?
either when toriel blows asg*re off the fucking screen with one hit OR any of the scenes where undyne is just being fucking amazing, especially when she’s dying in the neutral run and in the no mercy run. i admire her so much she’s just so strong and incredible.
10. your first letter to mettaton was:
“he is very beautiful”
64. how old do you think frisk is?
i usually put them around 9! i think 8 at the youngest and 12 at the oldest for me, anything else is too hard for me to buy.
thanks so much for asking in! sorry this turned into a bit of novel lol
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