#thank you megan
elopez55 · 9 months
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Thank you, Pinoe ❤️
Available here on my etsy.
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avocadosockz · 2 years
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everyone say thank you megan thee stallion for giving us more natalia content
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legoyuri · 4 months
this pussy is represseddddd
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spittleonhisbib · 1 month
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ifwebefriends · 2 months
I am not the same person I was before seeing this scene in particular (Major Spoilers for The Sign!!!!!!)
[Video ID. A clip from the Bluey episode “The Sign,” Lazarus Drug by Megan Washington is playing which drowns out all other sounds and dialogue. Bandit looks sad as he’s about to open the drivers side door to the family car. Chilli is in the front passenger seat also looking sad. She looks at Bandit just as gets a call on his smartphone and silently excuses himself to take it. The phone conversation starts as Bandit walks around to the other side of the car from the front. He continues to the sidewalk a few yards away from the car. Chilli looks at Bandit right before the phone call ends and Bandit puts down his phone with a surprised look on his face. He slowly walks to the large “For Sale” sign in the front yard before ripping off the big yellow “Sold” sticker, which confuses Chilli and gets the attention of Bluey and Bingo in the car, Bingo with a raised brow looking confused. Then Bandit turns to look at his family in the car, contemplates for a moment, then dons a determined expression. He then turns back to look up at the “For Sale” sign with clenched fists as we see the sign tower over him, casting a shadow. After a moment, he looks level at the sign and then fiercely grabs the sides of it as Chilli, Bluey, and Bingo look on in shock. He starts to gradually pull it out of the ground with all his might with clenched teeth, a furrowed brow, and a slightly quivering lip. After he finally gets it out, Chilli, Bluey, and Bingo stare at him, eyebrows raised and mouths agape. As the lyric “as I start to break into a billion pieces” plays, Bandit looks backwards, turns a bit, hobbles backwards a bit, and then throws the sign into the middle of the cul-de-sac with what seems like a yell, looking down angrily at it. Zoomed in, Bandit pants for a moment before Chilli tackles him to the ground when the word “shatter” is sung in the song. From an aerial view, Chilli and Bandit are on the ground and Chilli seems to be crying into Bandit’s neck while he grins, putting a hand on her arm. End ID]
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sicnin · 11 months
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hello please wish @petite-gloom's wonderful girl a happy birthday
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patheticgirlsteve · 2 years
It’s been four months since Eddie broke up with him. They had been dating for six months. Steve felt like it had come out of nowhere. He had thought they were happy. He had been happy, had Eddie not been?
Eddie gave Steve no warning and no explanation, he had simply said, “It’s not going to work out. It was never going to work out. Better to end things now before it gets too hard to walk away from.” And he had driven away with dry eyes, leaving Steve with a shattered heart and so many questions.
Steve had been so fucking confused and angry and hurt. Because he had loved Eddie, more than he had ever loved anyone else before. Loved him so much that it terrified him a little bit. He still does and doesn’t think he’ll ever stop. But apparently, Eddie hadn’t felt the same. Hadn’t loved Steve enough to even tell him what he had done wrong. Steve had thought… Well, it didn’t matter what he had thought, he was wrong.
Steve wanted answers, an explanation, an apology, anything, really. He wanted Eddie to look him in the eyes and say anything true. Or not, Steve would honestly settle for a kind lie at this point. He just wanted to feel whole again, wanted Eddie to give back the pieces of Steve’s heart that he had taken with him when he left Steve all alone.
And Steve thinks he should be used to this by now. Should be used to being the one in the relationship who loves harder and deeper than the other. Should be used to being left behind like his love doesn’t matter, like it means nothing at all. He should be used to this by now. He should be.
But, all in all, Steve is doing fine. Or, at least, he’s pretending to be. He’s heard that if you pretend something for long enough then it eventually becomes true. He’s doing an admittedly bad job of it right now, though.
He’s wide awake at three in the morning, lying on the shag rug in the living room in his boxers and an old Hawkins swim team shirt, listening to the one Iron Maiden record Eddie had accidentally left behind at Steve’s house when he had stopped by to pick up all of his things. Steve had found it the next day and he hadn’t called Eddie to tell him, he didn’t think he could right now. So he kept it and now he listens to it every night when three a.m. rolls around and he can’t talk himself into falling asleep.
Steve still doesn’t like metal music. Eddie had tried so hard to get Steve to like it, but it never worked. He doesn’t hate this record though. It just says Iron Maiden on the cover, so he’s guessing that’s also the name of the album. He hasn’t bothered to learn the names of the songs, but he knows that the one that’s playing right now is the one he dislikes the least. He might even go so far as to call it his favorite.
Steve is not quite enjoying a ridiculous-sounding guitar solo, trying not to imagine what Eddie’s hands would look like playing it when the phone rings. He is in no state to deal with a real emergency right now, but if there’s one thing Steve’s learned in the past three years, it’s to always answer three a.m. phone calls. So he pulls the cue off the record and goes to pick up the phone.
“Hello?” He asks whoever is on the other end of the line, and doesn’t bother using his manners.
“Steve?” He hears the answering voice and his stomach drops to the floor.
“Eddie,” Steve isn’t sure what the protocol is for when your ex who broke your heart calls you in the middle of the night.
“Eddie, why are you calling me?” Steve asks. “Are you okay? What happened?” Because, sure, Eddie ripped his heart in two, but Steve still cares about him and he’s never going to let anything bad happen to him if he can help it.
“Nothing, I…” Eddie trails off, but he’s breathing heavily. He sounds out of breath like he’s been running, or something. “Nothing happened. I just, it just… I had…”
Eddie trails off again, his breathing only growing heavier and more frantic and it doesn’t take long for Steve to put the pieces together.
It was impossible to go through what they had all been through and come out of it all completely unscathed. They all had nightmares, but Eddie’s had been bad. Really bad. Like, wake up screaming and shaking and sobbing sort of bad. And they happened a lot. Steve knew that Eddie woke up screaming at least once a week, and that was on a good week.
Steve had done what he could to help from the very beginning, he made sure Eddie knew without any doubt that he could always call Steve, no matter what time it was or how ridiculous it felt. Made it clear that Eddie would never have to go through any of this alone.
After they had started sharing a bed, he had been there to hold Eddie through it, to stroke his hair and whisper reassurances into his ear. To make sure Eddie knew that he was safe. It didn’t stop the nightmares from happening and it didn’t change the frequency at which they occurred, but it gave Eddie something to cling to, something to solid to remind him that he was alive and safe.
And then Eddie had left. And he had stopped calling Steve when he had nightmares. Steve knew the nightmares hadn’t magically stopped, and could only hope that the silence from Eddie meant that he had found someone else to call when the darkness got too big. The thought of Eddie finding comfort in someone else hurt, but it hurt, even more, to think that Eddie was just suffering through it all alone.
“Eddie,” Steve softens his voice as he leans against the wall next to the phone. “I need you to breathe for me, okay? Just breathe in, okay? Can you do that for me, please?”
Eddie’s breath is frantic and wild and Steve’s gut wrenches as he listens to him struggle to get it under control.
“Follow my breath, Eds,” Steve’s voice is low and as calm as it can be while he talks his ex-boyfriend down from a hellscape trauma nightmare-induced panic attack. It’s just as hard as one might think it would be. “Breathe in with me and hold it,”
He takes a deep breath in and waits until he hears Eddie’s shaky breath in as well. He holds the air in his lungs for a couple of seconds before releasing it slowly.
“And let it out,” Steve ignores the way his heart clenches as Eddie releases a shuddering breath. It sounds so fragile over the phone and Steve hates it.
“That’s good,” Steve says. “Let’s do a couple more together, yeah?”
He leads Eddie through four more deep breaths until Eddie sounds stable enough to breathe on his own. Steve gives Eddie some silence to breathe on his own. He knows that Eddie needs to feel like he can breathe by himself again before he goes on.
They spend a couple of minutes of relative silence, Steve keeping his own breaths audible in case Eddie needs them, but not overpowering. And then Steve hears a sound even worse than frantic terrified breathing.
Eddie is crying.
Steve wants nothing more than to reach through the receiver and scoop Eddie into his arms, but even if that wasn’t impossible, Steve knows that it wouldn’t be welcome.
Steve is trying to think of what to say when Eddie starts speaking.
“I’m so sorry, Steve,” He sobs, and if Steve’s heart wasn’t fully shattered before then it certainly is now. “I’m so sorry for calling you, I know it’s not fair of me to call you like this at whatever the fuck time it is for emotional support after I…”
He interrupts himself with a broken sob that brings tears to Steve’s eyes.
“After I broke up with you without explaining why, but I didn’t mean to, I just. I thought it was for the best, and I still think that, but I just miss you so much, Stevie,” the name is another punch to Steve’s gut. “And then I dreamed that you, that he-- that you were--”
He’s really crying now, and Steve wants to cut him off, to tell him that it’s okay, but he knows Eddie needs to get this out. As much as Steve himself doesn’t want to hear it, can’t stand to hear it right now, he doesn’t give himself the option of stopping Eddie. He’s done this enough times to know that Eddie needs to get it all out before he’ll let Steve try to help him.
“And I’m so sorry, Steve,” Eddie is still going, his voice breaking on every other word. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, please, believe me, Steve. Sweetheart, please, I’m so sorry, I’m so--”
“Eds, Eddie,” Steve jumps in, he can’t let this go on any longer. He can’t listen to Eddie apologize anymore, even if it’s what he’s been wanting for months now. He didn’t want it like this. Never wanted this. “Eddie, ba—“
Steve cuts himself off quickly. God, fuck, he’s almost called Eddie— Fuck. He almost called Eddie baby. Jesus H. Christ. That’s maybe the least helpful thing he could possibly say right now.
There’s a sudden silence on the line, and Steve knows that Eddie heard his slip-up. Knows Eddie heard the pet name start to spill out of Steve. He knows the damage is done.
“Will you say it?” Eddie whispers. “Please, Steve? Will you please say it?”
And something about the way Eddie asks it just breaks Steve’s heart all over again, like it has over and over again, and he really never could say no to Eddie, so he says,
“Yeah, baby,” It hurts. Hurts, even more, when he hears Eddie release another shuddering sob. “Eddie, baby. It’s okay, it’s all okay.”
“No, it’s not,” Eddie sounds like he’s the on edge of something again and Steve knows he needs to move now. “Nothing is okay, it just isn’t because I ruined it! I always ruin it!”
And, fuck this situation is spiraling out of what little control Steve had over it. He makes a decision, the only decision he can make, really.
“I’m coming over,” Steve leaves no room for argument in his tone. “Stay where you are, baby, I’ll be there in ten.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything, doesn’t protest at all, which Steve takes to mean that he’s not planning on going anywhere.
“Stay where you are, I’ll see you so soon, Eddie,” Steve says, and right, as he’s about to hang up and go track down some pants and his car keys, Eddie speaks. Quietly, almost inaudibly.
“Yeah, Eds?” Something in Eddie’s voice makes Steve pause. It doesn’t sound as despairing as it had earlier, but it doesn’t sound good either.
“Thank you,” Eddie practically whispers. He continues speaking before Steve can respond. “And I’m sorry. For everything.”
“It’s okay, Eds,” Steve doesn’t want to do this right now. This is not a right now conversation. “We can talk about all of it later, okay?” He’s trying so hard to keep his cool and stay calm and strong for Eddie, but he can feel it starting to slip.
“Okay,” Eddie sounds exhausted, which makes sense, he probably is. “Steve?” he says again.
“Yes, Eddie?” Steve asks.
There’s a long pause before Eddie says anything else, long enough that Steve starts to worry.
Then Eddie speaks.
“I still love you,” And it feels like a knife to Steve’s heart. He feels like throwing up. He feels like he’s dying. “I never stopped loving you. You know that, right?”
Steve is actually gonna throw up. He can’t have this conversation right now, not like this.
“I’m coming over,” Steve knows his voice sounds strangled. “Don’t go anywhere, Eddie. I’ll be there so soon.”
“Okay,” Is all Eddie says before he hangs up the phone, and Steve is left alone with the dial tone.
(edit: this now has a part two!!)
(edit #2: now complete!!)
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reddoll123 · 21 days
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Womp Womp Womp~☆
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blooming-gwens · 14 days
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I'm pleased to inform you that the wait is over! Here is CHAPTER TWO of For Everything
Chapters: 2/
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies)
Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Miles Morales/Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen Summary:
~Perhaps they were meant for each other. It was written in the stars—stars meant to burn out in their all at once powerful surge. Stars meant to fall. Bright, burning and then gone. And in its sudden demise, no one would even remember it was once there, lost in the infinity of severed constellations.
That was the way of the universe. That was the way it had to be.~
Alternatively: Gwen Stacy is doomed but Miles Morales’ love might save her.
Please feel free to reblog to support and share my work!
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bakergostudy · 8 months
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We’re In Love by boygenius // A Farewell to Megan Rapinoe
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p1tstop · 8 months
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stargiirl27 · 28 days
one thing I couldn't have forseen with this whole thing is reconnecting with my dad over our shared hatred of drake and love of kendrick
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frogalor · 2 months
nothing like the hatred of Drake to bring me back to rap music
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beas-mind · 4 months
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Young Tina Snow STILL goin hard on a h❄️e 💋
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vivi-scera · 1 month
like if it were me i think i'd have learned not to engage in call out practices after my literal secret son was exposed. i'd at least keep shit straight before trying again. but after the second time it happens? i mean i'd just have to realize my suburban soul wasn't built for confrontation
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