#thank you sm for indulging me!!
kuroosdarling · 9 months
hello friendz !! i am packing my bags and moving to @tetzoro !!! please come join me if ya want ^_^
back to navi.
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itsjaywalkers · 6 months
not sure if i actually ship bartylily but i am very intrigued by them….would definitely read if u ever wrote anything for them 👀👀
how do u think them and jeg would interact?? i feel like the existence of bartylily would throw james & reg off so much lmaooo
CASS I ADORE U AND I’M KISSING U SO HARD FOR THIS it’s such an honour to hear that you’d read them if i ever write anything for them <3 (which i definitely will, they’re in my mind too often)
OOOOOOH I JUST GIGGLED OUT LOUD i think their reactions would be . very fun and wildly different. like reg would be surprised at first and i don’t think he’d get it. like barty, he has this specific view of lily in his mind and he doesn’t understand how barty could’ve fallen for her in the first place and viceversa. they don’t make sense to him but he isn’t . mean or judgemental about it, i feel like none of barty’s friends would be (they’d tease him and take the piss out of him all the time tho, bc that man is Down Bad). after he actually Sees them together a couple of times he starts to get it. they shouldn’t make any sense but they do and they work surprisingly well together so . he stops questioning it at some point and is just supportive
james however. is Appalled. Baffled. Disgusted even. this might just be one of the worst things that’s ever happened to him. it’s not even about jealousy, he’s with reg (sorry it’s the jeggy obsession) and only sees lily as a friend but barty is his Least Favourite Person in existence. he already has to spend too much time around him bc he’s reg’s best friend and now??? now he’s with lily??? bc not only they get along but they’re also dating??? yeah no Fuck That
don’t get me wrong i feel like almost all of lily’s friends wouldn’t take kindly to the news at first (obviously this depends on how u portray both friend groups and their opinions of each other but to me . they never truly get along u know) but i think that they’d grow to accept it at some point. even if begrudgingly. marlene and mary at least. the jury is still out about sirius + remus + peter
but james??? oh he Hates it. and Hates it forever. he’s happy to see lily happy, yeah, but that’s about it. he’s the man who gets up in the middle of the wedding to try and oppose even if he knows there’s no stopping them (reg is incredibly embarrassed and hating his life choices and trying to get him to sit back down) (barty finds it absolutely hilarious and is delighted to know he’s causing james this much turmoil even after so many years) (lily is very much Done and this is exactly why she didn’t want to invite james) (but barty needed reg there and everyone knows that reg and james are a package deal) (anyway i digress)
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waterlogged-detective · 4 months
💫💫💫💫 Doe, Darcy, Boots, and (curveball) Rubbery Nurse!
Send a "💫" for an oc fun fact!
Boots thinks the Masters are all just very weird cats, and cannot be convinced otherwise. Not that anyone bothers to do so, of course.
Doe thinks he’s a man so powerfully that his body reflects the idea in some psychophysiological way. This means he can succumb to the same wounds or illnesses that befall a body (broken bones leading him to be unable to use a limb, being more susceptible to colds if outside in the rain too long, caffeine headaches, etc etc.). This also means he will die long before Darcy.
Darcy has a small crush on hates Jack of Smiles, and he sees it as a personal slight that Jack hasn’t attempted to kill him even once. This is, of course, because it is a personal slight, and Jack is absolutely doing it on purpose because the thinks Darcy is weird.
The Surgeoness has a small group of friends consisting of young ladies who go out to tea and talk about boys, fashion, makeup, books and such. They’re mostly all desk ladies, secretaries, nurses, maids, and other ladies with day jobs making their way in the world. They share gossip and do each others hair.
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spaceratprodigy · 8 months
✏ WIP Wednesday ✏
thank you for the tag @darkfire1177 💖💕
oh ya'knowwww here's a lil shot of what I was workin on last night but I'm probably gonna be messing with it for a good while until I'm satisfied. love love loooove making my baby look so sad and wet and pathetic <3
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open tag to anyone who wants to jump in!
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youngpettyqueen · 4 months
Hi! So I feel selfish since I've already requested a fic from you, but since you posted that new prompt list, could you please do #10 from The Comforter list? I don't care who says it as long as they are saying it to Julian! ❤️
anon I love youuuu <333 never be shy about asking me for fics I will happily take 695876934 requests from you
so 10 from the comforter list is... "You're only going to make it worse by not resting." and I love that and I love it applied to Julian
I decided to spread the Miles/Keiko/Julian agenda with this one- hope that's alright! this is set sometime nebulously before Keiko's pregnancy with Kirayoshi, so sometime in s3 maybe?
anyways! please enjoy <3
It was only a matter of time before something like this happened.
The station's been dealing with an outbreak of Bajoran Red Fever. It's a nasty sickness, not fatal in most cases, but it can be pretty dangerous for younger children. It's also a pain in the ass to try to kick; the main symptoms being sky-high fever, dizziness and severe weakness, nausea, and some nasty joint pain. Luckily for the non-Bajoran occupants of DS9, it's a disease that really only affects Bajorans. There have only been a handful of non-Bajorans who have ever caught the diseases.
Unluckily, Julian is one of those non-Bajorans.
"How'd he even get it?" Miles asks, still trying to wrap his head around this whole thing, "I thought non-Bajoran cases were something like one in a million- that's what he was always saying, at least."
Nurse Jabara, wearing a face mask over her mouth and nose, gives a tired shrug as she rubs her temple. "The odds were slim, but not impossible. If I had to guess, I'd say the constant, repeated exposure on top of not nearly enough rest probably did it," She pinches the bridge of her nose, grimacing like she has a headache, "Whatever the case, he has it."
Keiko looks up from where she's checking the medkit Jabara gave her. "You said he fainted, right?" She asks. Jabara nods, so she follows up, "Did he hurt himself? Do we have to worry about, I don't know, a concussion? Anything like that?"
"No," Jabara confirms, and Keiko breathes a sigh of relief, "Lucky for him, Nurse T'Strei has great reflexes, and caught him before he fell. Speaking of which, she's probably not having a great time trying to keep him in bed," She gives Miles a look that is so, so very tired, "We've had patients coming in all morning. You can imagine how he's taking being laid up."
"Say no more," Miles doesn't need to imagine- he knows Julian will be about beside himself, "We'll take him off your hands. You said those shots you gave us will protect us from the fever?" He checks.
"You're as close to immune as you can be," Jabara nods, "There's one in there for Molly, too, just in case you can't keep her away from him. Believe me, asking your family to do this wasn't my first choice, but we aren't exactly blessed with options," She sighs, "Everybody who is resistant to the fever is busy working overtime to make up for everybody who's down with it, and I can't put him with anybody who's susceptible to infection. Commander Dax tried to insist, but joined Trill can contract the fever, and it could be deadly to her and the symbiont, and-"
"Jabara," Keiko steps in, places a gentle hand on the nurse's arm to stop her rambling, "It's ok. We'll take care of him." She reassures her.
Jabara pauses. Takes a deep breath. "Thank you," She breathes, "It's been... certainly one of the longer mornings of my career. Let me take you to him before T'Strei decides to sedate him." She says.
"If she hasn't already." Miles cracks, which earns him a nudge in the ribs from Keiko.
They follow after Jabara as she leads them further into the infirmary. It's pretty busy, mostly full of Bajorans, and all of them are masked up. The only people not masked up are non-Bajorans, though Miles notices that a few of the human staff are wearing masks. Probably since their human Chief Medical Officer went and got himself infected.
Speaking of the devil, it doesn't take long to find him. They just have to follow the sound of the arguing.
"This is hardly necessary."
"You are not presently fit to deem what is necessary."
Jabara stops, and gestures for them to go ahead into a separate area. Miles and Keiko both nod to her, and continue on.
Miles has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the scene they walk into. Because, sure, he's worried about Julian. Of course he is. But it's also very funny to see Julian lying on a biobed, with T'Strei sitting beside him and effortlessly keeping him pinned down to said bed with one hand on his chest.
"I have patients," Julian is insisting, even though he looks half-dead himself, "I have to finish my morning rounds, and then I need to-"
"If you can push me off," T'Strei cuts in, sounding like she's said this a million times over, "Then you can go."
"That is so not fair." Julian pouts.
Miles decides now is the moment to clear his throat and announce his presence. Both Julian and T'Strei look over at him, though he directs his attention to Julian. "Julian," He says, crossing his arms over his chest, "Are you disobeying doctor's orders?"
"Yes." T'Strei replies flatly.
"I'm the doctor," Julian huffs, indignant, "I give the orders."
"Which you are not following," T'Strei points out. She looks at Miles, "I assume you both are here to collect him?" She asks.
Keiko steps closer. "We are," She confirms. She's got a much more gentle touch than T'Strei and Miles do, bless her, as she goes and puts a gentle hand on Julian's cheek, "Nurse Jabara called us. How are you feeling?" She asks.
It's like a magic trick- Miles watches as all the defiance drains right out of Julian's expression, melted away by the simple touch of Keiko's hand. With all his defiance goes all his energy, and all the colour in his face. God, he looks awful- pale under his skin, and his eyes too-bright with fever.
"I'm alright," Julian tells Keiko, in a raspy voice that's anything but alright, "Honestly, Keiko, you didn't need to come."
Miles and T'Strei exchange a can you believe this bullshit look.
"Liar," Keiko accuses gently. She brings her hand up to his forehead, presses the backs of her knuckles against his pale skin, "You're burning up, Julian. You're not well. You need rest." She insists.
"Which is exactly what you're gonna get," Miles puts in, stepping over to join Keiko at Julian's bedside, "You're comin' home with us. That way, we can keep an eye on you. Make sure you actually get some rest, which we all know you're not gonna be gettin' in here." He explains.
"Oh, I- I couldn't ask you to do that," Julian says, looking as pathetic as a puppy in the rain, "I could get you sick, and what about Molly? I couldn't-"
"We got our shots done," Miles interrupts, "And we have one for Molly, too. So, no arguing," He looks up at T'Strei, "We can take him from here, Lieutenant. We'll get him outta your hair."
"Human expression." Julian says quietly, as T'Strei frowns at the statement. Then she nods, and takes her hand away, stepping back to let Miles and Keiko each grab an arm and gently ease Julian up into a sitting position.
"Thank you, Chief," T'Strei bids, "Mrs. O'Brien," She nods to Keiko, "If he gives you any trouble, do not hesitate to call. I can be available for assistance very quickly." She gives Julian a pointed look as she says that last part.
"I'm sure we can handle him," Keiko says as they get Julian off the biobed and onto wobbly legs. Miles is inclined to agree with her, considering Julian's already leaning heavily into his shoulder, the act of standing up apparently a significant drain on his energy, "C'mon, Julian, let's get you home. I've got everything you need right here." She shows him the medkit.
"Computer," Miles summons, seeing no point in dragging Julian through the long walk, "Three to transport to Chief O'Brien's quarters. Energize."
Miles wraps his arm tight around Julian's waist to hold him upright through the transport. One second they're in the infirmary, the next they're in the living room. Julian sways slightly, wobbling, and Keiko puts a hand on his chest to help steady him.
"Easy does it, Julian," She murmurs, starting to guide him towards the couch, "You poor thing, what made you think you could work like this? You're barely standing." She admonishes, her voice laced with concern.
Julian doesn't answer until they get him sitting down. He doesn't so much lean back as he does fall back against the cushions, his eyes glassy and unfocused. "I had patients," He mumbles, blinking a few times- dizzy, probably, "I couldn't just leave them."
Miles takes a seat beside him. Keiko does the same thing on his other side. "You've got a perfectly competent medical staff who are more than capable of runnin' the ship while you're away," He points out, "How long have you been sick? Honestly. Cause somehow I doubt this started today." He hasn't actually seen Julian in days. Their usual holosuite date got cancelled due to the outbreak, so he hasn't been able to keep an eye on him.
Julian frowns, squinting as he thinks. "I don't know," He replies, and he sounds like he means it, "Maybe a couple days ago. It's... hard to keep track." He admits.
Keiko gently rubs her hand up and down his arm. "Julian," She says, in that soft voice of hers that could melt ice, "When was the last time you slept?" She asks.
There's the million dollar question. That's always the first thing Julian starts to go without- sleep. Like he thinks he's superhuman, and can just keep on going without it. Miles has known him to go days at a time without a wink of shuteye. He wouldn't be surprised if this is one of those times.
Julian looks at Keiko. "I don't know," He tells her, his voice very quiet, "I... I honestly don't know."
Even Miles can't keep up his usual attitude when Julian's like this. He sounds so goddamn tired and he looks even worse, with those big doe eyes of his all sad and pathetic.
"It's alright, Julian," He finds himself saying, a whole lot softer than he usually is, "Molly's got a big party all day, she won't be back till tomorrow. So you'll have plenty of time to catch up on your sleep here." He gives his hand a reassuring pat.
"You're only going to make it worse by not resting," Keiko adds, bringing her hand up to his cheek, "I know resting doesn't come easy to you, but promise me you'll at least try, ok?" She rubs her thumb affectionately over his cheekbone, "Promise me you'll let us take care of you?" She implores him.
Miles knows this game of Keiko's well. Nobody is immune to it. He's over here melting, and he's not even her target. Sure enough, Julian is cracking a smile. A small one, weak and watery, but a smile nonetheless.
"That's cheating," He accuses, his voice gone soft, "You know I can't say no when you do that."
Keiko gives him a smile of her own, a smile that could rival a sunrise. "That's exactly why I do it." She teases. Then she leans in, and gives him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
If Julian's face wasn't already flushed with fever, he's certainly blushing now, his cheeks going deep cherry red. "Miles." He says.
"Yeah?" Miles asks.
"I'm running away with your wife." Julian informs him, which makes Keiko snort and laugh.
"Not without me, you're not," Miles chuckles, giving Julian a playful nudge, careful to keep it light so he doesn't accidentally knock him over, "You can try that once you're all better. Until then, I'm not lettin' you outta my sight till you're better, ya hear?"
Julian looks over at him, still blushing, still smiling. "Loud and clear," He hums, "Do you have a kiss to go with that statement, or do I have to ask Keiko for another?"
Miles rolls his eyes. Keiko giggles. "At least you can still be obnoxious," He huffs. Even so, he does lean in and give Julian a quick peck on the temple, "There. Only cause you're sick." He tells him.
Julian's smile broadens into something resembling a grin. "You love me." He teases.
"Yes," Keiko leans in, gives Julian another kiss, this one landing high on his cheekbone, "We love you. And because we love you, we're going to take care of you," She gives Julian's shoulder a pat, "So you just lay back, and let us do the worrying for once, alright?"
Julian looks between them. And it's a subtle shift, but that mischievous grin softens, and turns into something much more affectionate and sincere. "I love you, too." He says to both of them, all sap and sweetness.
"Yeah, you're alright." Miles says, which gets him a laugh from Julian and an indignant swat from Keiko. What can he say, he's never been the best with all this sappy stuff.
Besides, they both know how he feels. He doesn't have to say it. He's never had to say it. They just know.
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lxkeee · 4 months
NOT A QUESTION BUT Just wanted to make you a HUGE compliment on the my love is mine all mine FanFic its amazing and I am waiting for it to continue thanks for writing such amazing work <3
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AOSHIAJA THANK YOUUU FOR LOVING MLIMAL 🛐🥹🫶 It is really an honor that people actually loved the silly fics I've written lmaoao kajska but really, thank you sm<3 I appreciate the compliments (it keeps me going tbh lmao)
I'll keep working hard to keep on feeding you guys Lucifer contents because I know how down bad you guys are (also me lol)
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catts-world · 5 months
Could you give recommendations for Blink 182 songs please. I want to get into them ❤️❤️❤️
Of course! Some of my personal favorites are
Dumpweed - enema of the state
Josie - Dude Ranch
Aliens Exist - enema of the state
Apple Shampoo - dude ranch
Stay Together For The Kids - TOYPAJ
TURN THIS OFF! - One More Time
And some of the big hits like What's my Age Again, All The Small Things, First Date, I Miss You, One More Time!
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byanyan · 8 months
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@chronal-anomaly sent:ㅤ[ Bloodlust ] where Lena finds them 👀
vampiric promptsㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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[ BLOODLUST ]ㅤthe sender receiver has gone too long without feeding, base instincts taking over, the receiver sender finds them. 
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ㅤlurking in alleys has proven to be an effective method of catching people alone and off guard, of providing the privacy to feed without much risk of being caught, and proved an okay place to leave bodies behind when things get... out of hand. effective as it is, however, it's not the most consistent method. much less so when they have to spend the half the night searching for a place to take shelter the next day — somewhere with low risk of them being found while sleeping that also happens to provide complete safety from the sun's rays.
needless to say, meals have been lacking through this miserable period of time. returning to the group home is not an option — it's not safe for them, and it's not safe for the rest of the kids — and crashing on any of their usual couches is equally out of the question. things have been difficult and incredibly frustrating, and not being able to feed consistently, even going hungry a lot of nights, has only made things that much worse.
slumped on the ground against the wall of a familiar, dingy alley, knees drawn up to their chest and face buried in their hands, byan is exhausted. starving. ...desperate. with their large, vibrant pink backpack at their side, filled to the brim with all the belongings they could fit inside prior to abandoning the group home, they're at a loss for where to go and what to do. nothing has been right since the night they were attacked, since the night they were embraced, and now it's almost laughable to remember that they had believed things would get better once they got the hang of being a vampire.
ㅤㅤㅤ...well, on the plus side, it can't get any worse from here, right?
they hear the sound of a heartbeat before that of the footsteps which accompany it ever reaches their ears. maybe tonight's starting to look up after all. perking as the sounds grow closer, their head lifting from their hands and eyes darting to where the alley breaks into two separate paths, they watch intently, already debating whether they should launch into attack the moment someone rounds that corner, or if it might be better to lie in wait and pounce once they get closer.
before they can come to any conclusive decision, however, the scent of their approaching prey reaches them, and the familiarity of it makes their blood run cold.
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a wave of panic hits them like a brick wall and sends them scrambling to their feet, hands reaching for their bag and fumbling in their hurry. no no no, they have to get out of here now, they have to leave before—
ㅤㅤ" byan? "
the sound of her voice makes them freeze in place, bent over with their fingers locked around the strap of their backpack, a mess of hair hiding their face. this is bad. this is so bad. there's a reason they've been avoiding her since everything happened: there's no explaining it. any of it. there's no reasonable explanation for their sudden abandonment of school, or for running away from the home. no believable explanation for them not answering any of her calls or messages, nor for them inevitably turning down any of the food she'd offer. it's felt easier to leave her worrying and wondering rather than let her see them looking sickly and so much thinner than usual, only to have her undoubtedly not believe them when they try to assure her that their drug problem has not gotten worse. and... it's felt safer.
ㅤ—but now she's found them, caught sight of them for the first time in weeks, and of course it's while they're looking their worst, while they're in such a dangerously volatile state.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthey have to leave, now.
ㅤㅤ" no— i-i can't right now. "ㅤthe words are forced out; no time to think about them, no time to try hiding the panic in their voice. she's stepping closer, and byan's scramble to make a break for it resumes, one hand reaching back to tug their hood up over their head to better conceal their face, the other hauling their heavy bag up over their shoulder. she's talking, but all they can hear is the sound of her heart beating, of the blood rushing through her veins, and it makes their movements more erratic.
ㅤㅤ" —don't, okay? i hafta go, i can't do this right now. "ㅤfear raises the volume of their voice as they hear her step only closer yet. she's not listening, she's not listening, she'snotlistening. somewhere just beneath the surface, far too close to breaching for byan's comfort, the beast thrashes, gnashing its teeth, hungry, hungry, hungry — and they do the only thing they can: they turn to run.
a hand catches their wrist before they can take their first step, and they think their chest is going to burst from the sheer terror that erupts from within. more words that don't reach their ears are spoken, and the world around them begins to get hazy, the only thing making it through is the sound and smell of the living, breathing body behind them.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤhungry, hungry, hungry.
when they finally turn to face her, it's without any recognition in their features, their eyes sharp yet almost glazed over at the same time. all concerns other than feed have been cast aside in an instant, utterly forgotten, and a hand closes tightly around her wrist in a mirror of her own action. a violent tug pulls lena closer, and byan lunges forth the rest of the way, fangs sinking into the exposed flesh of her neck before she has a chance to so much as try to shove them away. finally, finally, the taste of blood overtakes their tongue and, not able to recall what it was that had frightened them so in the first place, they finally begin to sate their agonizing hunger.
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Bruiseshipping + atla au?
The evening sky lit up in a flash, and Cole watched in wonder and awe as neon blue absorbed the night; the stars, the sky, the moon...
And there, in the center of it all, was Jay - his hair wind-swept, his gi torn up, and his eyes... his eyes.
Cole was mesmerized by the way Jay's eyes seemed to crackle with fire - no, not fire. Lightning.
It was like something exploded in his face, his determined glare an open mouth as he screamed illuminated by a bright blue glow. The sparks in his eyes kept igniting, kept shining and popping.
Jay just redirected lightning, something that was said to be impossible.
Nadakhan never stood a chance, not against that. When he fell, weakened by Jay's raw power and from the fight, the glow fizzled out and Jay staggered.
He blinked, his gaze moving slowly from Nadakhan's prone form on the ground to Cole, who was on the ground after Jay had pushed him out of the way.
It was a matter of seconds before Jay was kneeling beside him, his fingers still sparking. Still, all Cole could do was stare.
"Cole! Are you okay?" he asked, frantically, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and helping him sit up all the way. "When he shot the lightning at you I didn't know what to do! I knew your earthbending wouldn't be able to stop it so I kind of just jumped in front of you and that happened and-and-and--"
"You're beautiful."
The words slipped out before he could stop them. Maybe he was tired, maybe he was still in shock. But either way, he said it and he meant it.
Shakily, Cole reached out and grasped Jay's hand, his fingers running over his calloused palms. "You're beautiful," he repeated. "You're beautiful, and I'm okay."
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wilchur · 10 months
(Oc & creator questions!)
7, 10, 23, 27
F, G
Hohoho strap in (this is obv about Jesse, for those who are just joining us)
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? I would say… calmness? When things are slow and there's not much to worry about. Stuff like quiet nights around the campfire, going on pointless rides etc. It reminds him of childhood and being back home, but he does not enjoy it. Not with all of it having been ripped away from him as forcefully as it was. It might feel nice, however the thoughts that come later are not.
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? Oh definitely the one where when asked by one of his brothers (the wording different) "Are you a queer?" he said "No." and it does haunt the absolute shit out of him. It's very much not a "I wish I said the truth" thing, though. It's more the entire situation surrounding the lie that is a massive motivator for the way that he acts and the way that he does, in a negative way. A bit not what the question is about, I guess, but he really is not a liar so I don't have much else…
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? Take what he wants? Hell no, he's totally the opposite type of person. He won't take shit unless he's explicitly allowed to take it or told to steal it (he's an outlaw after all lol even if only out of necessity). Resentful, though… totally. He can be a little bitch when things that he wants are unattainable. Especially after he's gotten older and starts to feel a bit like he's just… owed some of them? For the shitty life he's had? Still he'd rather seethe in silence than do something about it. He's not a risk taker unless he has to and stealing taking what you want is always risky.
What causes them to feel dread? Better question would be what doesn't lmao Since in modern times he would definitely be considered to have some sort of an anxiety disorder (just like me wahoo) -- he's always on his toes, anticipating the worst possible outcome. I'd go as far as to say dread sparsely leaves him.
What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? Excitement!! I get so freaking giddy when I think of my silly little cowboy… Sadness sometimes too, because his story is tragic and fucked up, but it's that enjoyable type.
What trait of theirs bothers you the most? I'm gonna take this in a "if I met him" way because I'm in full control of his personality and actions so if something actually bothered me, I'd just change it 😅 In that case the answer is: that he's a pussy. It's not that he's not brave, a coward that would rather hide away from the danger than to jump into action. I'm talking more inter-personally, emotionally. If you read any of the stuff I wrote about him, you know what I mean. If he were my bestie, just hearing him talk about his life and relationships would make me want to beat the shit out of him.
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sappymix1 · 8 months
he would be a very cool astronaut
HE WOULD BE SUCH A COOL ASTRONAUT that’s why i’m so drawn to him being one of the like mercury/apollo era ones where they were like celebrities you know. for my au hes nasa’s youngest guy and he’s not like an older military dude and they have him out like talking to kids and stuff about how he ended up there and like yeah!! if dream was an astronaut all the little space obsessed kids would be obsessed with dream nasa just like they are dream minecraft :’)
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lunaetis · 10 months
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[ i'm going to head to bed but tmr i shall give eden my whole braincell and do drafts & asks with her ! she had been occupying my brain ever since the new update hlkhjlk who am i to deny her ? ]
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
AIMS 💗 Firstly, I wanna thank you again for your match-up event! Thank you so much for taking your time & energy to give your followers such a personal & thought gift 🥺 and thank you for matching me with bokuto I’m obsessed with your message & reasoning behind it! And I’m forever grateful to be able to call you my friend <3
Secondly, I wanna inquire about Christmas traditions you’d love to share with your blorbo sweethearts?🎄
NANA !!!!! i saw this during my lunch break and was buzzing about it all day hehe you are so so sweet 🥹
lemme get a lil sappy for a min hehe i am so happy you enjoyed your match up !! it was sm fun to make hehe i was looking at birth charts for so long trying to find the best match for you hehe 🤓 i am so thankful that i met you and we are friends !! thank you for always supporting me n leaving thoughtful tags on my fics 🥺 you are a star dear nana hehe <3 i am sending you a million smooches and wrapping you up in the comfiest blanket <3 only the best for sweet nana 😤‼️
but eeee !!!! oh god is it bad the first one i thought of immediately was for kuroo + fish. bye. BUT every christmas morning my fam and i do bagels w cream cheese n lox (i always have 2 bc it’s my fave) and i can just seeing kuroo (literally + figuratively) eating it up. he would be telling my parents all these facts and im like 🥹 my lil dork LMFAO !!! (i hate but love that this was my first immediate thot pls)
with jean !!! making lots n lots of cookies >:) my fam does a cookie exchange every year and i’d make him stay up all night with me to make them for the party the next day LOL we’d turn on christmas music n get to work !! he insists on lots of dance breaks n smooches bc “the cookies have to be made with love” wah ! he’s also my christmas movie buddy !!
i vow’d when i was little to always have an early start to christmas and i see zoro dreading that LOL he’d just want to sleep in (especially bc christmas eve we have a huge party n everyone is drinking n being merry LOL) so he’s complaining bout that and definitely falling asleep on the couch at some point during the morning festivities (and maybe i cave to sleep in with him just a little bit longer sometimes…)
semi .. oh sweet semi !!! i don’t live where it snows anymore (sadly) but if i did we’d def rush out and make a snowman !! when i was little i’d always make one on christmas for some reason lol ? (if there was snow) idk! but he’d help me make one and then we’d do snow angels n just play in the snow for awhile before eventually run inside for hot cocoa hehe
PLS I RAMBLED SM !!! please tell me what you and ur blorbos would do !! i wanna know <33
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adenthemage · 2 years
3: Mattholomule! (Because you're a fellow fan of the criminal boy)
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: He is my SON he's so cringe and dastardly and I love that for him. Hits that perfect sweet spot for me with a character, one that can be pathetic and is introduced as someone to laugh at, but proves to have hidden depths that can make them sympathetic, later, yknow?
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: none lol. When it comes to characters who have "doesn't have lots of friends" as a plot point, I prefer they be allowed to develop friendships rather than jumping to romance. This is true for Mattholomule, too
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: OOOH tough. I'm a sucker for sibling dynamics, so Steve and Matt would be a big fav, but since we haven't seen them interact yet the obvious pick is Gus and Matt! I love their enemies-to-friends relationship, and I think their dynamic post-Looking Glass Ruins could be really fun and interesting!! I mean, the whole "friends that can be a little antagonistic with one another" and trying to navigate the new comraderie is just really fun to think about. Having the ruins as a mutual project is also a great backdrop for developing their relationship, as well as the unresolved(-ish) power struggle over the Human Fan Club
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hmmm I guess the obvious pick would be that I don't ship Gustholomule lol. But that's not as interesting so here's a headcanon: my man has some artistic interests! Considering he presumably made his fake human artifacts himself, and he was editing books in ASiaS I think it's a fair assumption.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Let him join the main friend group!! He fits the pattern established between Amity and Hunter, of being introduced as an antagonistic person towards one of the main trio, and then later being redeemed and befriended. And I also think his dynamic in the group could be really fun, because unlike the previous two, I could see him staying just as cringe and antagonistic as ever. He seems like he doesn't have a good grasp on how to navigate healthy friendships, so he might feel out-of-place if Gus isn't around, and since his older brother was in the EC there's potential for a funny dynamic with Hunter if he ever finds out he was the GG
Favorite friendship for this character: Gus, of course. Frenemy superiority.
My crossover ship: Hmmm a platonic crossover. I'm just gonna go completely left-field. Make him TFP Ultra Magnus' human companion for a bit. No particular reason except I think their dynamic would be really funny (Ratchet or Starscream would also be really funny lmao)
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corroded-coffin · 2 years
Character Bingo for, uh, Benny? The guy in the black and white coat who kills you in Fallout (but you get better)
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benny is a slimy bastard but i want to keep him in an enclosure and study his behavior?? he's such a greaseball but he's dumb as rocks, his jacket is fly and he calls everyone he meets baby, so... i'm a fan
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nklsdttr · 1 year
@niiteshade smashed the heart :
FAMILIAR KNOCKING OF AMBITION is her heart beating in her chest . oh , what she wouldn't do to get back in the good graces of the fbi , but as more time passes since the evelda drumgo fiasco , the more the STING sets in that it might be too late . the death angel , as the national tattler had coined her , had already fallen from grace and crawford was no longer there to catch her . this doesn't keep her from the chase , the very thing which both kept her in the bureau basement and could get her out : HANNIBAL THE CANNIBAL .
they were breadcrumbs at best , periodic taunts left behind saying I'M HERE , COME CATCH ME . and just as she'd been condemned to remember that dumb animal hurt in boys' faces before the academy , she'd be condemned to go after this one man . this time , he'd left her what appeared to have been a piece of a person , and with it a letter :
the fbi would see to it that you fail , clarice ... wouldn't that sting ?! i myself do not . in fact , i'd very much enjoy it if you found me , clarice . what do you think they'd do ? do you think that they'll reinstate you , clear your name ? i'm curious to find out . i think you already know the answer . happy hunting , clarice . tata , h .
the letter leaves her with a haunting chill and that familiar surface shine in her eyes , searching for an answer . or perhaps it's the peculiar woman who traipsed 'pon the ground ? " ma'am , uh hey , excuse me ma'am ... " letter quickly shoved in evidence bag and into pocket . " you can't be here , this is an active crime scene ! "
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