#thank you so much for enabling meeee <3<3<3<3<3
damienthepious · 2 years
KOTS commentary for ‘There," he says instead’ to ‘The last time the Keep built something with anyone besides Arum was before Arum existed.’? Sorry if it’s too long.
OUGH HELL YEAH....... chapter 11.... and hey if it's too long i'll just split it up into a couple reblogs, nbd. I will never miss the chance to ramble, bless.
["There," he says instead, keeping his tone as mild as he can manage. It comes with an edge of petulance, despite his efforts. "You've seen the swamp. Are you content, now?"]
Since this fic technically takes place at least a couple years before canon, i like playing a little bit with all three of them being slightly younger- to varying effects. This Arum is brattier :) He's trying to be a Dignified Lord, but he's too easily frustrated for it to always land.
[Damien looks towards him, and then away again, twisting his hand against the strap of his quiver. Arum pretends not to notice the narrow tendrils of the vines the Keep has apparently decided to grow upon the knight's equipment.]
Damien is UNCOMFY but he is uncomfy primarily because Arum keeps surprising him and he just doesn't know what to do with that! He's also a lil bit lost in his own head, at the moment.
Also the Keep is going to CONTINUE trying to accessorize its new children subjects. Arum is bothered, but not for any reasons he's willing to examine or articulate just yet.
["It was certainly... enlightening," Damien says, after a moment. "I feel that I have been given much upon which to think."]
diplomatic!!! but also he's thinking very specifically, right now. He'll figure out his angle fairly quickly, tho. next chapter, probably. I think y'all will like what Damien is considering :) :) :)
["Hm," Arum says, trying to decide precisely how suspicious he should be of that assertion.]
He should maybe be a little suspicious. just a lil. also good lord he puts a lot of energy into stubborn mistrust.
["You're back!"
Arum resists the urge to snap at the sudden voice, to leap back or draw his blades, but only very narrowly. Judging by Sir Damien's face, however, his surprise must be humiliatingly obvious. Amaryllis either does not notice or does not care, bypassing Arum entirely to toss her arms around Damien in an embrace, squeezing enough to make him squeak lightly before he wraps his arms around her in turn, laughing quietly.]
Damien is very observant, and Arum is not used to sharing space. Rilla startles him!! and Damien sees that, and it... adds to the current stew of thoughts going on up there.
Arum looks away from them.]
ohhhhhhhhhhh boy. Here we go. Arum is not used to sharing space in general, and Rilla and Damien are... sweet, and affectionate, they currently need very much to cling to each other in this new and unfamiliar situation. Arum doesn't know how to look at them. For a few different reasons.
[It is a disgusting display.]
A few different reasons.... ALL of which he will sublimate into EW YUCK HUMANS DOING GROSS HUMAN THINGS. EW. O.O
["I did not think we were gone all that long, my flower," Damien says.]
Rilla has flustered her poet :3c also honestly he's the one who's usually overly exuberant about tiny reunions, which is curious to him. but He doesn't know that Rilla went and gave herself an emotional morning, here by herself effectively committing to the realization that she might never see her brothers again.
["You weren't," she says casually. "That doesn't mean I can't be excited to see you, does it?"]
Rilla is making emotional overtures to make sure that Damien is comfortable. The fact that this is partially because she’s also having a teeny bit of a rough time is irrelevant.
[Another small laugh. "Of course not. How is your leg?"]
Still worried, bless him. He can’t help but worry. It’s in his nature and i love that for him. he’s also very charmed by Rilla being soft at him TuT
aaaaaaaaaand that’s where i’m gonna call break, and I’ll finish up the rest in a reblog because my brain is melting now that it’s NaNoWriMo lmaooooooo
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4, 11, 12 and 16 for the movie asks :)
omg yay movie asks i love u so much cal <3 thank u for always being in my inbox and enabling meeee
4. A movie you like but wouldn't recommend mmmmm this is a tough one. i mean i'd recommend basically anything to people online because we're all freaks with terrible taste here, but irl the movie i probably wouldn't recommend is kiss kiss bang bang because i remember showing it to my family and they all thought i was insane afterwards for liking it LMAO
11. A movie you wish you could un-watch uncut gems and idiocracy. they suck so bad i'm sorry but if you like them you should just die because god can't save you /hj
12. A performance you think is underrated answered here!
16. A trilogy/franchise you like ahuehuahgeuhh mission: impossible my beloved... also star trek, x-men, kingsman, james bond etc. i love basically anything with space, superheroes, or spies in it. they're my three S's of movies!
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banghwa · 3 years
👀 Jules I am humbly begging and pleading to see the filter wardrobe redesigns that Jimin deserves
HIIIII THANK YOU FOR ENABLING MEEEE <333 ok so basically i have two concepts (pics and explanation under the cut!) :
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first one is a lot more realistic, a lot more classically kpop. the outfit on the right would be the outfit he starts out with before the "quick change" that isnt actually a quick change during the last chorus, something simple yet interesting that can go with the hat and the scarf he tries on. outfit on the left is my magnum opus. filter is so dependent on the "subordinated" relationship of the performer, and i think its such a great opportunity to draw inspiration from marilyn monroe for the concept. i wanted something like her iconic pink dress look in gentlemen prefer blondes but still with that wine red he looks so good in (maybe even a deep rhaspberry colour to rly cement the reference), and something more deconstructed to symbolize the subversive (also an homage to taemin <3) path he carves himself - he makes himself into what people want but its really all just a puzzle he puts together that he's fully in control of.
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second concept is practically the same idea - simple to start, and gaudy as hell at the end. except this one is soooo much more me, which makes it less realistic lol. i would want something a tad bit grungier, a little more playful with gender. sort of like some late capitalist iteration of madonna in the 80s. look on the right once again, simpler to start, easy to build on but also cheeky and tongue in cheek with the "girl or boy for sale" print. then the "quick change" outfit, very deconstructed waistcoat that he can "accidently" let slip off his shoulder, marilyn monroe skeleton tank top as another call back to the way she was treated by her "fans", long leather gloves reminiscent of queer kink culture, and a pearl necklace/black choker combo to contrast the rest of the outfit and really bring home the opulence of it all.
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