#thank you so much for the ask! :D
rosemirmir · 1 month
4 & 38 for the fic writer ask meme!
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Quite a few! One that I've been thinking about for some time (but actually need to write out still) is Ankh meeting Sieg from Den-O.
Talk about a review that made your day.
I remember for one of my Gotchard fics (In Due Time) I got a really kind comment that mentioned the commenter could see it being part of a real episode. It still makes me really happy when I think about it.
(Ask Game)
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For the 40 Questions Meme: 7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
oh god you went and asked the hard one ^^;
I'm usually most proud of a finished product, is the problem. Barring that, a very precise description is good, or if I manage to package a bit of character insight neatly.
Over all, I am still pleased with the vast majority of "You, of all people...", but this bit in particular:
Lin Chen materializes out of the field, his hair coated in a fine veil of pollen, dulling its shine. He knocks his boots against the distance marker to get off the worst of the dust. Then he is up and over the side of the wagon swift as a swallow in a whirl of white, crowding into Mei Changsu’s precious shade and smelling pleasantly of hay. “Are we resting the horses or not?” asks Lin Chen. He starts arranging himself a chaise of luggage. “Oh no,” says Mei Changsu flatly. “We’re not playing this game. You’ve come all this way on my good will, in my wagon, on my horses. You don’t get to hare off into the fields and come back without explanation when it’s my time you’re wasting.” “The wagon and horses are from the last post inn, Mei Changsu. I’ll grant you the impingement on your good will, but since I bought you all the time you have, your argument is moot. Admit you’re curious, and maybe I’ll tell. If we’re not going to unhitch the horses, we might as well get going as your time is so dear.” Lin Chen picks a burr off his sleeve and flips open his fan. He lies back with a sigh and uses the fan to shield his eyes, looking like a man intent upon a nap. Mei Changsu lifts his eyes heavenwards and gestures to Li Gang. Li Gang pats his chief’s arm sympathetically and returns to the driver’s bench. With a click and a tap, the horses are moving again. Mei Changsu glares at Lin Chen’s fan. He reopens his book. The wagon trundles steadily forward. The road is long, and the book is much duller than he anticipated. Mei Changsu snaps the cover shut. “Fine,” he says. “I’m curious.” He can feel Lin Chen’s smile behind the fan’s paper ribs.
The dialogue reads a little weird to me now, but I'm pleased with the feel of the scene. Even a couple years later, it still reads the way I wanted it to read, and that's not always the case! A low-stakes moment, but one with a bit of fun with words and some mutual insufferable behavior, because why not?
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mackmp3 · 1 year
hi mack!! how’ve you been? any exciting plans coming up?
hello atlas!!
i've been pretty good, on school holidays after a pretty exhausting few weeks and now procrastinating the last bits of school work i have to do (yay)
not technically a plan since i've already started it, but i'm doing inktober this year with some friends! it's to free ourselves from our art portfolios (for school we have to make a bunch of art on a theme for the whole year, so it's nice to do some no pressure art on something other than the themes we picked)
how have you been? we haven't talked for agessssssss have you got anything interesting happening?
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wayfinderships · 1 year
Ronaldo from The Vampire Dies in No Time!
Afjsjfjsjd I can't explain it! I just think he's really neat👉👈 and pretty-Afjsbfjsnfjsd I feel like he's so close to becoming an official f/o since I even have an s/i idea for him!! But I just get too shy at the thought of making him an official f/o
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I have no doubt that Wilford has control of the music in the studio most of the time, but when the others get control of it, well I'm guessing it's chaos. Like CPR coming on after a really emotional ballad, but here are some songs I think would be played.
She knows by J. Cole, Curses by the crane wives, any Will Wood song, Scotty doesn't know by Lustra, the list goes on, but I would like to hear what other songs people think would be played
Aww, I love this idea! Wil appointing himself as the group's DJ is hilariously in-character, and I'm sure the other Egos would have to wrestle the main speaker away from him if they wanted to listen to their own songs as well.
The floor is open, y'all! What songs do you think they bump in the rec room at the channel studio?
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sagethegremlin · 1 year
❣️ Favorite Game?
As much as I want to say sa2, shadow the hedgehog (05) has such a special place in my heart. It is very easily my greatest guilty pleasure of a game because I know nobody really likes it at all, but I enjoy the silly story and the honestly fantastic animation and the morality system is really cool. It's also just really fun to play, so yeah I'd say shadow the hedgehog (05) is my favorite sonic game.
🌈 Have any Sonic OCs?
Yeah actually! :D
I still need to work out her details but I have this one named Auroura based off of the black jaguar plush of the same name I've had since I was in fourth grade. :3
💎 Favorite Super form or Transformation?
This is really hard cuz I'm honestly not that attached to any of the super forms, but I think I'll have to go with Burning Blaze. Her color scheme is pretty, she gets swag fire powers, just a cool thing all around c:
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braxiatel · 2 years
Ok so I had most of an ask written out, but the tumblr decided to delete all of it. So here's what I can remember!
Ngl I read most of 'Til our compass stands still at 3 am, so. most of my thoughts are incomprehensible. But that was so good??
I had a huge httyd phase a while back, so the dragon riding was very nostalgic to me... I love this concept so much<3 and the way you brought it to life?? Amazing.
From the beginning, you can feel there's a deep sense of sadness and loss tied into everything scar and mumbo do. (while continuing to carve out a new existence in a new place, just the two of them.) Getting a look at the life they've been living, secrets and lies and sorrow... Relationship/life dynamics go brrrr
The bit on the bakery?? Scar goes to far this is too important and. Just seeing how he deals with maybes and what ifs... Then the lovely 'stranger' (loved that reveal) and them giving more questions than answers... The botched sneak in to the presses... The realization?? All of it??? AUGH. What a rollercoaster for him (and us, but in a very good way)
I can't imagine what it would be like to not only lose a partner, but to blame yourself too. For a really long time. And now? Suddenly you have a second chance. Maybe this time you can save him. Maybe this time you'll be there. And for Mumbo?? Who's ALSO been living with the guilt? Not just about grian but about scar as well?? I'm laying face down in a dark room/pos
The plan... The limited knowledge... The ticking clock... Scar thinking he'll have to leave, to be alone- mumbo overhearing?? I AM AFFECTIONATELY SHAKING YOU
Then the actual thing. The tension in the ballroom during scars dance with Feldran... I could feel it. The way you describe things brings me so much joy:D (and scar beloved. You can't sweet talk your way out of every situation. Even if it works like 70?% of the time.) Dragon bone sword I will hunt this mf down myself
MAGIC AND LORE ARE MY FAVOURITE THINGS<33 And this world has so much of both!! All the details are beautifully crafted, and just. Face planting a keyboard (The different smells attached to different magic... The way scars powers work... ahsbdjdhndjdb)
Prison break :DDD gotta say, for a high-stress-near-death-minimal-planning event, the whole affair went quite well. I'm in denial can you tell._.
AND THEN THE REUNION- holding them close<3 or holding something above their heads to stop the caving dirt. Both is good.
High stress escape scene... Mumbo with the guards, their confessions in the rain... I could go on about this for ages. Seriously. This- yeah this
The gaurds, being surrounded, no way out... Then bam, get roasted idiots! Dragon/horse car chase through the woods, SUPER OVERPOWERED BADASS SCAR MOMENT as he bleeds to death on the forest floor. Sounds about right.
Imagine me on the couch at 3 am, happy hand flapping while i read this:)
Scar waking up and thinking everyone is dead- hugs. Lots of hugs. (Grian and mumbo provide)
Then Grains "about that..." Before mumbo comes in? What does that mean?? Is her highness not dead👀 THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS. IN MULTITUDE. /pos
...may have gone a little overboard- point is, I loved it:D No proper thoughts, just happy yelling. (I might go into may more detail in another ask later if I have time, this is all very small chunks and. I have lots more to say! but this ask is getting very long ajhdjfkfj)
Don’t mind me, 🍂 anon, just having some emotions over the fact that you would write such a detailed ask about my fic twice over <3
I am really glad you thought so! I had to get a lot of information into the intro, so it’s good to hear the limbo-like stage of grief Mumbo and Scar were experiencing came across alongside all the essential world building I couldn’t fit in anywhere else haha. They are very deeply in love, but being in love is hard when both of you are also mourning. Their whole world was ripped away from them - their home, their family, their husband - and all they have left is each other. They’re terrified of losing that as well, and it leads to some,,,, questionable choices. 
This is where I reveal to you all that most of this fic was made up as I wrote it. I only had time for a vague outline and some basic world building, and that was what I had when I set out to write what I assumed would be a 5-8k oneshot. That’s to say, the moment Martyn walked into Scar’s view is the moment I realised he was going to even be in the fic. But I am so glad he did. He opened my eyes to an entire corner of dragon lore I hadn’t even considered, by needing to be someone affiliated with the Hermits without actually being one.
Good, 🍂 anon, because so am I! I may have been the one to subject them to the horrors, but I have had Many emotions about it. 
I am going to be entirely honest here. The reason everything went wrong in the heist is that I too was working with a time limit akjhdkakjsdhs. Planning a complex heist would have been so much fun, but I just didn’t have time. Instead, I embraced the fact that Scar and Mumbo were working with very little information, and made the decision that every bit of Mumbo and Scar’s original plan would have to fail. No going halfway either way, as I wrote the planning section I knew that I absolutely could not do any of what they had talked about. 
Ah, the ballroom scene. That took me completely by surprise, to be honest. Originally Feldran was not supposed to have a big role in the story at all, but she decided that she wanted a dance and a personality, and who was I to deny her? 
Fun fact about the dragon bone sword: I recycled the concept from a DnD campaign I used to run, and it has been a delight to tell the players that more people share their hatred of a dragonbone-sword-wielding OCs of mine. 
I am very pleased to hear you liked the magic system! I had a lot of fun developing the rules of dragonriding + magic. I may even get back to it someday, there’s a lot of stuff I didn’t get to include, as well as things I am yet to work out and want answers to myself. I also only know what types of dragons some of the hermits are bonded to, but if people are interested I may sit down and try to work out what dragon types everyone is bonded to👀 
*sigh* The dirt cave. I naively thought that section would take a few hours to write. Instead, the full section (which was shortened a lot in the final draft) took up four days of my life. It was fun to write, of course, but I did celebrate in the Vault’s writing channel when I they finally escaped.
The confession in the rain was definitely the most pivotal scene in the writing process. Up until that point, I had a very vague outline of where the rest of the fic was going, but once I put them in that situation I realised exactly what scenes I had left to write and how they would turn out. 
When I started writing the fic, three scenes were clear in my mind: Scar leaving the potion shop to go to the market, Grian’s arm around Scar’s waist as they rode through the forest on Jellie’s back, and Scar’s badass magic moment. (Well there was a fourth, but that didn’t actually make it. It did happen, but Scar was unconscious at the time). That’s to say: I am incredibly happy to hear that scene felt as epic to you as it was to me. I had been imagining it for about two months when I finally got to write it, and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out in the end. 
This is a fun coincidence, it was also 3 AM when I wrote most of that section while half the Vault were threatening violence upon my knees if I didn’t go to bed. I am very glad to hear you enjoyed it! I hope to tell at least one more story set in the same universe post-beach scene, but I certainly have thoughts for many more. 
So someone noticed the ‘about that…’! All I will say is, did you actually see Feldran die? or did you see her very injured and humiliated in a way that might make her likely to hold a grudge against Scar should she survive? Food for thought, hmm? 
Please, 🍂 anon, I need you to know I kept this in my inbox for a few days just so I could reread it. Your happy yelling is not only welcome, it was in fact a really lovely boost to my mood the past few days.
Thank you for taking the time to write this lovely message not just once, but twice. Any and all future thoughts you may have are always welcome <3
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cecils-dragons · 2 years
can we know more abt laila? any ideas for what she would do when she grows up ?? i love <33
Oh yes Laila!! For more about her, she's technically in one of the founder lines for the Celestial Beacon due to their other parent(not from the same line as Zunde, Janice, and Sirius). Her other parent's family is paying Angel on the down low to not leak that they have one of the founder's line's illegitimate child. Angel doesn't hide it from her tho, but he does tell her to not tell others or else they may be separated.
As for when she's older I really don't know. She'd probably still be quiet but would likely take some rebellious nature from Angel. I'm a bit lost on what else to say for future her, both her and Angel are pretty new so I'm still working on them both. Thank you for the love!
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peregrine5 · 5 months
.hello hello! ☕, 🌈, ✨ :]
☕️: not really! But usually I doodle on my school notes a lot, if that counts as warm ups :D I’ve started watching jujutsu kaisen with some friends recently and I’ve been doodling that a lot so I’ll throw a few recent doodles under the cut :]
🌈: when I use color, probably cool colors! Either way I like to make colors saturated bc I think it looks pretty :)
✨: I draw every day when it comes to doodles! Actually sitting down and working on a finished drawing is usually less frequent, probably a few times a month (and something I really should be more consistent with tbh)
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Still trying to figure out how to draw him…
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disaster-husbun · 6 months
🐶- does my muse have pets?
Muffin! The Gaelikitten! He is very much Canon. Crenic found him injured when he was still a traveling healer, and the two been together since.
Head empty, no thoughts. Only Salmon. Professional Photo-bomber.
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toomanyfandomsthings · 7 months
When reading a book or watching a series, have you :
a. Finish a book or a series, even when you dislike the mc until the end but love the story (What's the title?)
b. Finish a book or a series, even when you dislike the story but love the mc (what's the title?)
c Finish a book or a series, even when you dislike the mc and story but love the worldbuilding (what's the title?)
d. Finish a book or a series, even when you dislike the mc, story, worldbuilding but still finish it for whatever reason (what's the title?)
Ahhh sorry for answering this so late! Grad school stuff got crazy for a bit!
A.) Currently doing this with Bucchigiri?!, which is still airing XD I enjoy most of the characters and the story is interesting, but good grief, is Arajin one of the most aggravating protagonists I've ever seen. I've never had a series where I'm actively rooting for a friendship to *not* work out, but he's so mean to his childhood friend Matakara and the guy is just so nice and doesn't deserve that. I'm going to see it through because I'm sure the series will resolve with him trying to make amends and I don't want to criticize it too harshly until it's finished, but....it has been trying my patience XD
B.) Ahhh this one's hard, I actually can't think of a good example for this one, I'm sorry! XD Which is weird because characters are usually more important to me than story XD
C.) For me, this was Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina. I really enjoyed the worldbuilding and the concept of following her on her adventures and learning about the world in these little vignettes. I just found Elaina to be insufferable and some of the morals of the stories to be kinda questionable at times.
D.) The Noblesse anime and OVA, which I am given to understand was not well received in general. I gotta give the Webtoon a try because truly the only thing I enjoyed about what the series was the character M-21, who was genuinely really interesting to me.
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rosemirmir · 2 months
📏🌊for the Artist Ask Meme!
What’s your go-to canvas size?
I tend to start with 8 x 10 inches the most often!
What’s the hardest thing for you to draw?
I've always really struggled with drawing mechanical details.
(Ask Game)
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Oho, ask meme #7, 15, and 27?
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
Ohhhhh man, um. Three- no, four for Trigun, two for Sandman (continuations/WIPS of fics already started), one for Arcane, and the perpetual background Nirvana in Fire percolation?
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
;A; Desperation????? I've been doing song lyrics lately because they're an easy out. Sometimes they're a phrase or word from the fic. And, when I am very lucky, a title just Presents Itself and I write it down before it gets away.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Most of them, tbh. The second and third fics I post for any given fandom are the most nerve-wracking, I think, because the precedent is set, and people have formed expectations (or at least I worry about precedent and expectations). But I have a pretty good grasp on how my fics will be received, and, because I don't write a lot of ship content, the audience is usually more chill than in the Shipping Sphere. It's also gotten easier as I've gotten older and decided to care less about being Cool, lmao ^^:
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mackmp3 · 1 year
this is random but reading your tags is really entertaining i get so excited when u reblog one of my posts because u always have silly little tags
aww thanks <3
i have largely given up trying to tag things in a system cos i can't figure out how to search for tags in my own blog  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ & i reblog things cos i have *thoughts*
also you have so far curated an excellent selection of pictures of Blixa and Nick hehe if you can't tell i'm in the midst of *omg band* for Neubauten and Blixa in general <3
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otaku553 · 4 months
Does Tage enable Ace or does he act more like an impulse control for him? I was thinking of how certain events would have played out if they had been together like this.
I'm eagerly waiting for more of your au but don't push yourself so hard and focus on your own enjoyment first. The comics are looking absolutely beautiful ao far :)
This is how I imagine them:
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They’re both pretty chaotic, and Tage maybe slightly more often acts as impulse control, but more often than not, they act as each other’s impulse control. Which uh. If they’re in agreement about doing something dumb the Spades stand absolutely No Chance against them lmao
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zu-is-here · 9 months
I miss soft and cute post!dc family
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his little big family ♡
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