#thank you to that annon from pride month
thelien-art · 6 months
December; the 7th
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I am lowkey in love with him. Platonic. BUT I WOULD MARRY HIM IF EOWYN WAS OUT OF THE PICTURE! I love him so much.
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freyaloi · 7 days
Happy Pride Month! I was wondering what your thoughts are on the Servant of the Flame being bi/pan?
(Also I love your Sea of Thieves art and I am very happy to have found it! 💕)
Thank you! Happy Pride Month to you too Annon! ❤️ and I'm glad you like the art!
Anyway, onto your question.
I suppose its not entirely out of the realm of possibility. LGBTQ+ poeple did become pirates so they could be who they were. But given the mindset of the era, and especially with his more sheltered upper class upbringing, if he did lean that way he'd mostly either keep it secret or not know the meaning or what to do with the thoughts.
He's roughly in his early to mid 30s according to the book and what we know about him so it's not out of the question that he'd explore that if he had the chance, if he was interested anyway, but given his father's stance on anything 'love' and juniors obsession with serving him, I don't think he'd allow himself to entertain the though for fear of disappointing his father who he currently idolises.
To summarise, if he was leaning bi/pan, he'd probably not act on it due to obligations and prejudices from his hold life. While he preaches freedom and no judgment, he seems to have locked himself in a cage so to speak, at least from my perspective. ^^; But if it's something you want to explore creatively, by all means, go wild. :)
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squeaky-potat · 10 months
What's been your favourite thing to draw so far, both chibi and non-chibi? And what pictures are you most proud of for each?
Omggg anon what a fun ask!
My favorite things to draw so far?
Non chibi: Slightly spicy gay couples 🌶️
Examples being :
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Chibi: My Drakengard girls have been my favorite chibis to draw so far. I looooove them. (Photo from sticker set):
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Pictures I’m most proud of… so I’m gonna share some things I haven’t posted before! I’m most proud of a 3 part physical piece that’s hanging in my office above my TV. (I apologize for the reflection lights are a bitch).
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This physical piece as well.
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These were drawn in 2021 with Charcoal. I absolutely adore both of them and wish I had a better way to share them!
For chibi:
Definitely this one :
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I am part of the LGBTQ+ community and wanted to make something for pride month, I LOVE showing this one off because it feels genuinely ME… if that makes sense.
Thank you again for the ask annon!
This was so fun! ❤️
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helsaguy · 5 years
I apologize for being just an annon (I dont have an account) but I follow you since way back. I always get your reasonings and respect when there things you dont agree with, still, I want to say something on the charades clip. Kristoff isn't at fault there, he may be the only one in character there (Olaf is doubtful) Kristoff never met Hans but he always thought Anna's decition to mary him was a mistake, his answer in the game just reflects that. Continue on Pt2, sorry
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No please, don’t apologize for not having an account. And you’re not just an anon either. You’re someone whom I think wants to reach out to me and I appreciate that. Right now I can say I need that.
I want to apologize if I seemed harsh on Kristoff or if I was being harsh at Kristoff. I’m gonna be completely honest here and say that lately I've not been doing great on my behave. Those who follow me from the first day, or those who frequently chat with me might notice (or not) I’m being too pessimist, petty maybe, kind of a jerk. Taking a moment to stop and getting out of my head I can see and feel I’m way too hateful these days. And I don’t like it. I know I’m a guy with a short fuse, always have been and always said it. But in the last couple of years I thought I was getting better. I guess I’m not. With only getting punched time and time again I’m not surprised I’m cracking. I may need vacations xD
Could it be that Kristoff will be the only one in character in this forsaken movie? And because everyone else, everything else seems so out of character and out of place I’m taking it out on someone in the group that doesn’t deserve it? Probably is just that. I’m tired (that has been my catchphrase in the last couple of months) and most likely stressed. And I’m an idiot for not taking the time off I probably need. That’s on me and it’s not fair to anyone that follows me, be it with or without an account.
I said having been taken to the trolls wasn’t Anna’s fault (of course it wasn’t her fault), but yeah... Maybe I miss phrased what I said or just sounded better in my head? I should have said that the worst thing to happen in her life was having been taken to the trolls by her parents. Sorry if it I wrote that poorly. It really can happen to me since English is not my first language.
And speaking of family and who do I hate in Frozen. This is something interesting to me. I mean, maybe I always thought it this way but this is the first time I’m gonna say it openly. For being a movie that prides itself on family and familial love, I think Frozen actually does a crappy job portraying good families... Let’s see: I don’t hate Elsa, I have some problems with Anna, but I hate their parents guts. I don’t hate Kristoff but I hate his troll family. And I don’t hate Hans but I hate his family to pieces. What is wrong with this movie and family?! Maybe having all these characters surrounded by seriously and heavily poor families is what makes Elsa and Anna’s sisters relationship so significant? Hm, maybe that’s it.
Bottom line, again I just want to apologize for my questionable wording or behavior. And thank you very much for calling me out on it in the sensible and rational way that you have. That’s also very appreciated. Now I can’t promise I’ll be the “golden boy” I used to be, but I’m gonna try and be better. I’m sure gonna try.
Thank you anon and please have a nice weekend.
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panda-noosh · 6 years
I ghost wrote that other Lotor annon o3o (the one with the scenario LOL) But uhh, I wanted to request how the paladins(+Lotor) would react if their s/o was mind controlled? Like, Haggar somehow manages to control her actions/words and the s/o is forced to kill them all. However, what Haggar doesn't know is that she's been fighting this control since day one. And stabs herself to break the control going "I'd much rather die than hurt my lover you witch." or sth? Thanks so much!
This got so angsty why am i like this. Here you go! x
For weeks, he had been under the exact same assumption as everybody else.
That you were gone. They had lost you to Haggar’s powers. There was no getting you back. You were part of her group now.
He was a mess this entire time. He was so used to you being by his side, that coming to terms with the fact that that would no longer be a thing was excruciating, and he was even in denial for a little while.
He doesn’t want to believe that you let Haggar get into your mind, but you never let him believe anything else. 
Until now.
The Paladins were kneeled in front of you, hands bound behind their backs, gags in their mouths. You stood over them all with a knife raised, one order being sent to you; kill them all.
And for a moment, Shiro thinks you’re going to do it. 
But then he looks into your eyes, something he had refused to do for the past few weeks, and he sees you. You. The real you.
And absolute horror suddenly floods his body, because he knows you would rather die than hurt any of them.
You turn the knife on yourself before Shiro can do anything. He starts screaming behind the gag, rutting against the rope around his wrists, begging Haggar for mercy, for her to untie Shiro so he can get to you.
For the first time, Shiro is begging, and it’s a god awful  sound because it’s mixed in with sobs and the horror and heartbreak of him watching the love of his life bleed to death in front of him, and he can do nothing about it.
The moment you decide to turn the knife on yourself, shocking the entire hall by going against Haggar’s orders, Keith doesn’t even fully understand what’s going on.
He had tried to block out what he thought was your brainwashed self for weeks. He had been trying to almost wean himself off of you, lose the connection so he wouldn’t be hurt in the end.
So whenever you’re suddenly just there, the real you, he takes a moment to shake himself.
Because he has to process so much at the one time, and he’s so overwhelmed that it’s like traffic in his brain.
First, he’s bound and gagged, on his knees in front of Galra. He’s embarrassed and ashamed to even be in this position in the first place.
But then suddenly you’re going against Haggar’s orders and the entire room is exploding into hysterics, shocked.
And then you’re apologising to Keith and then the knife is imbedded in your abdomen and Keith just stares at you as you collapse to the floor.
Everybody else is yelling, screaming your name, and Keith can barely form coherent thoughts.
He can’t hold himself up once the realisation settles on him. He falls forward, completely colliding with the floor due to him being unable to hold himself up because of the confines in his wrists.
Shiro tries to pull him up, but Keith has lost all strength in his limbs. He can’t breathe. He doesn’t want to. 
Whenever you first make it clear that Haggar’s brain washing hadn’t worked, Lance thinks it’s all fun and games.
He kind of had a hunch, I feel like, which is why, whilst everybody else is gaping at you in shock, Lance is grinning from ear to ear.
“That’s my baby!”
His smile dies quick enough, though, whenever you start apologising so him, looking him directly in the eye.
He doesn’t understand what’s going on. What are you doing? Why are you saying sorry?
He catches on just a moment too late.
You look him directly in the eye as you plunge the knife into your stomach and crumble to your knees in front of him.
Lances scream is immediate. There’s no moment of shock, no moment of just staring. He is screaming as soon as the knife makes contact with your skin, yelling words but nobody even knows what he’s saying.
He’s just yelling, spluttering out words, trying t gasp for breath at the same time.
Because this is honestly his worst nightmare come to life.
He knows you well enough to know what you’re about to do before you’ve done it.
From the moment Haggar ordered you to kill him, he saw the horror strike your face and knew immediately that you weren’t actually under the womans control.
He also knew that you would rather turn the knife on yourself before you ever laid a hand on any of the Paladins, which is the moment he starts to panic.
You had been selfless enough to go with Haggar and pretend to be brainwashed for months on end - Hunk had no doubt in his mind that it wouldn’t cost you a second thought to plunge the knife into your stomach if it meant protecting the ones you loved.
He speaks softly at first, not wanting to cause a scene before a scene is needed. 
“Y/N, you either put that knife through my heart or you put it down. There is no other option.”
Every bodies staring at him all confused because they all believe that you’re brainwashed. Hunk doesn’t stop to explain the situation.
He doesn’t get the chance to. He sees you turning the knife towards yourself and she panics.
“No. No, Haggar, she isn’t brainwashed. Take the knife off of her. Haggar! Somebody! Take the knife off of her!”
But nobody moves. And you plunge the blade into your own stomach.
Hunk yells, slamming his bound hands against the floor as hysteria erupts in the room. He just wants to get to you, to hold you in his arms, heal you, but he’s bound and he can’t move.
So he just yells. He just yells and yells and hopes that somebody will understand and do something.
You and Pidge had discussed the whole ‘pretending to be brainwashed’ thing ages ago.
It was a plan to you two, not something spontaneous. Pidge knew you were going to do it for the good of the group, and she had your escape plan all sorted out aswell.
She truly thought she was all prepared for what was about to happen.
Months pass of you being in Haggar’s clutches, and the day to finally get you out comes around at long last.
But all does not go to plan, and the Paladins end up bound and gagged, on their knees in the middle of the battle grounds.
In front of you, who has just been ordered to stab Pidge.
She looks at you, reassuring you that it was for the best, that you needed to do what you needed to do to keep the other Paladins safe.
But even as she tries to communicate these reassurances to you, she knows there’s no point.
The moment you turn the knife on yourself, Pidge’s entire world falls apart.
She’s not screaming as much as she’s groaning.
It’s bard to describe. You fall to the floor and she groans, fighting against her restraints,  not raising her voice.
The tears racing down her cheeks are enough to communicate how panicked and shattered she is in this moment.
He prides himself on how calm he keeps himself during difficult situations, such as the one he finds himself in in this moment.
He had only wanted to return you home. He wanted to release you from Haggar and, honestly, he thought the job would be easy enough. Haggar’s battalion was nothing in comparison to his.
But Lotor also wanted to be a hero, which was why he thought striding into Haggar’s courtyard with his hands stuffed in his pockets, oh so casual, was the best idea.
On his own.
In seconds, he was bound and pushed to his knees and you were emerging from the back room, still pretending to be under Haggar’s spell.
Lotor, never one to seem weak, keeps up the cocky persona.
“Oh hey, babe. You ready to go home?”
And then Haggar’s voice: “Kill him.”
Lotor just about throws up then and there, immediately regretting every singe decision he had made up until this point.
But he’s a smart man; he sees the flicker of horror on your face. He sees you. 
And that’s what makes him drop the persona and start fighting against his bounds.
He barely even sees it whenever you plunge the knife into your own chest.
He just sees you fall to your knees, and then you’re dying and he’s like ???
His brain just kind of disappears and he’s silent and he doesn’t know whether to curl up and cry or lash out.
He immediately thinks it’s his fault. He is immediately swarmed by this overwhelming sense of self hatred that he can’t control.
But he just stays silent, watching your body with tears leaking down his face.
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renegadepack · 5 years
Alice and Charolette for the pride month thing if that one annon didn't scare you off from the ship forever. (Also sorry if i shouldn't be sending this rn ik requests are closed but the tag said send it so here i am i guess)
no no it’s cool!! basically since these are just suggestions, i’m allowing them outside of requests! it’s basically just giving me some different pairings to think about, especially since i don’t usually go too far outside of playing with the cullens or leah/angela. thank you!!! certainly one to think about
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