#thanks for asking nabi !! 💞
nanawritesit · 9 months
Being EXO’s fem!idol crush who gets shipped with them - Hyung Line Ver.
Maknae Line Ver.
a/n: this is based on the SM girl group idol au that i wrote a while back, please read that first so that the writing will make sense :) ALSO chen’s will be written platonically bc as i’ve stated before, i don’t feel comfortable writing romantic scenarios for someone who has a wife and two kids 💀 AND these scenarios are LONG so i’m splitting this into two parts! enjoy :)
TW: kissing, being held, crying, mentions of food
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You and Xiumin had been growing close as colleagues and friends for a few months now. You began hanging out on a semi-regular basis, and today he was guest starring on a live video for Etoile Clubhouse.
“You ready?” you asked him, finger hovering over mouse to click the “live” button. You were actually asking yourself if you would be able to get through a whole video with him without making a fool of yourself. Lately you had been developing the biggest crush on him, and it was highly embarrassing. Not even your members knew about it. You knew that Nabi and Marie would just tease you mercilessly, and that Iseul and Kaori would never stop bothering you with questions, so you decided to keep it to yourself.
“You know it.” he winked, leaning forward in his chair with a grin.
You nodded, letting out a small gulp as you clicked the button. In just a few seconds, fans and comments were pouring in.
“Hi Starlight! It’s your main vocalist Y/N!” you greeted your fans lovingly. Xiumin glanced over at you with an admiring sparkle in his eyes, which you didn’t seem to notice.
“Today I’m joined by my good friend, Xiumin of EXO!” you announced, gesturing over to him.
Xiumin waved at the camera. “Hi Starlight! It’s good to see you!”
You began scrolling through some of the comments.
ugh, my two biases together, my heart can’t take it 😭
look at the way he’s looking at her 🥺💞
You tried to control the blush smile that threatened to make its way onto your face, leaning back in your chair. “Well, they’re certainly happy to see you too!”
He smiled appreciatively, giving the camera a small bow. “Thank you, Starlight. It’s an honor to be here with the lovely Y/N.”
You hit his arm playfully. “Stop trying to butter me up! You’re not stealing any of my fans!”
He laughed at you, ruffling your hair slightly. “Awh, you know I wouldn’t do that to you. Besides, I could never betray EXO-L like that.” He flashed a finger heart at the camera with a cute wink.
You rolled your eyes, then went back to reading some of the comments.
just ask her out already xiumin 😑
the banter??? they’re so cute omg
oh they’re definitely dating 👀
“Wow, you guys really have a lot to say today.” you chuckled nervously.
Xiumin glanced over at you again with a reassuring smile, his eyes so full of compassion that you could melt. “We do make a pretty good team, Y/N. You can’t blame them for being honest.”
You laughed at his comment, easing up a bit. As the live went on, you both just answered some questions and talked about the projects you’d been working on lately. There were a lot of laughs, and overall you were very satisfied with the fan turnout. A lot of EXO-L’s had heard that Xiumin was on your live, and popped over to say hi as well.
“Well, we’re approaching our hour mark, so unfortunately it’s time to say goodbye.” you huffed disappointedly. You always hated saying goodbye to your fans.
“I suppose so…” Xiumin sighed. He pouted at the camera, making you chuckle.
“Alright, until next time, stay twinkly!” you smiled at the camera, pressing you hand to your lips to do your signature ending. You always blew a kiss to the camera at the end of a live.
However, as you did, Xiumin pressed a kiss to your cheek. You froze, hand falling away from your lips slowly.
“Did you just…?” you asked in bewilderment, looking over at him with doe eyes.
He just sat there with a content shit-eating grin on his face, looking at you innocently.
You looked over at the monitor to see what the fans were saying.
“ALRIGHT, it’s time to say goodbye Starlight!” you chuckled anxiously, quickly blowing a kiss before exiting out of the live. You swiveled around in your chair to face Xiumin. “What was that?”
“It was just a kiss on the cheek.” he chirped, resting his chin on his hand.
“Yes, but on live? That could’ve been a disaster! What if the fans-“
“What if the fans what?” he interrupted, grabbing your hand and rubbing his thumb long the back of it. “They obviously liked us together. And so do I.”
Your heart stopped, and you looked up at him in disbelief. “You… you do?”
He nodded, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I do. I really do. I want something more with you Y/N.”
You gave him a small smile, placing your hand over his. “I do too Xiumin. I’ve wanted it for a while now. I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“It’s understandable. What I did was kind of risky.” he chuckled.
“You think?” you replied sarcastically.
“Come here…” he grumbled, tugging you closer to him. He brought his hands up to the sides of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. It was sweet and delicate, and everything you had been hoping for. You placed your hands on his shoulders as you leaned into it, deepening it slightly. As you pulled away, your foreheads came to rest against each other.
“You make me so happy, Y/N.” he whispered, squinting his eyes.
“Ditto.” you replied, pecking his lips again.
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It was the long anticipated MAMA awards, and you and your group were all dressed up in matching indigo gowns. You were all sitting together in your row, watching the performances and applauding as the awards were presented. You were especially entertained by one of the hosts… Suho from EXO.
“Wow, you’re really engrossed in the ceremony Y/N.” Nabi commented, leaning over and nudging you in your side.
“Oh, shut up!” you grunted, slapping her arm away. “I’m just excited to see all our colleagues get rewarded for how hard they’ve worked this year.”
“Yeah, and it has nothing to do with how you’ve had a crush on Suho since the day he accidentally walked in on our dance practice back when we were trainees.” Marie teased you from your other side.
“I’m feeling very ganged up on right now.” you grumbled, crossing your arms. “At least the maknaes respect me enough not to make fun of me.”
“That’s only because they’re such big STAYS that they can’t take their eyes off the stage long enough to realize you’re making googly eyes at the host.” Nabi retorted.
You glanced over at Iseul and Kaori who were totally immersed in Stray Kids’ performance. They were totally in love with Felix and Changbin respectively, and were so jealous when you got to make a cameo in one of their music videos. You promised to get them autographs, but it only eased the pain a little bit.
Everyone broke out into applause as Stray Kids exited the stage and returned to their seats. Suho and Irene walked back to the center of the stage to announce the next award, and a hush fell upon the audience. You looked up at the stage with bright eyes, trying to act as if you were looking at both the hosts, and not just Suho.
“What a wonderful performance from Stray Kids!” he congratulated. “It’s no wonder they’ve already received three awards tonight.”
You laughed along with everyone else, making Nabi and Marie share a knowing glance. You hit them both lightly on the thigh, making them snap away from each other quickly. Sometimes your unni-card came in handy.
“That’s true, but now it’s time to announce the winner of best female group!” Irene beamed, waving the envelope in her hands.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and all five of you looked at each other with wide eyes. It was your first year in the running, and while you weren’t expecting to win, the anticipation was killing you all. Etoile had really taken off last year after Andromeda was released, and was already considered in the realms of Twice and Red Velvet. It was certainly going to be a tense moment, and the whole audience knew it.
You grabbed onto Nabi and Marie’s hands, immediately forgetting about how frustrated they had made you earlier. Marie reached over to hold Iseul and Kaori’s hands. It was a tradition you all started after you won your first award with Andromeda. Even if you weren’t expecting to win, you all held hands to signify your unity. Irene began to unfold the envelope, and everyone was on the edge of their seats.
You glanced up at the stage, and for a moment, you could swear that Suho was looking at you. His eyes were full of admiration and joy. Your heart stopped, and you gripped onto your members hands even harder. Suddenly, Suho glanced over at the envelope in Irene’s hands. His eyebrows raised and his mouth fell open slightly. Forgetting himself, he looked back over at you in the crowd and gave you a small wink. Did that mean that…?
“And the MAMA award for best female group goes to Etoile!” Irene cheered, clapping her hands together excitedly.
The five of you sprung up from your seats, eyes wide with shock and disbelief. There was no way! This had to be a joke. But when you looked behind you and saw nearly all your colleagues, senior and junior, looking at you with praise and pride, you knew it was real.
You looked over at Nabi, who already had tears streaming down your face. You giggled at her emotional reaction, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”
She shook her head, wiping her tears. “I’m… I’m…”
You chuckled at her, taking her hands in your own. “Come on, we have to go accept the award.”
As you led your leader out into the aisle way, you glanced back to see Marie clinging onto her, then Iseul clinging onto Marie, and Kaori clinging onto Iseul. They were all sobbing and barely making it out of their seats without passing out. You shook your head with an amused smile. This always happened. Your members would all be blubbering messes and you were always the only calm one, leading them up the stage like a mother hen.
As you reached the stairs, you looked up to see Suho rushing over to help you up. You couldn’t help the giddy smile that was plastered on your face as his eyes met yours. You took his hand and allowed him to lead you up the steps, with him taking extra care to move slowly enough so that you wouldn’t trip in your heels. As you ascended the last step, he gingerly placed a kiss over the back of your hand. Your eyes went wide, and you could hear your members giggling behind you.
“Congratulations. You deserve this.” he told you, gesturing over to Irene, who was waiting to give you your award.
You gave him an excited, blushy smile and rushed over to Irene, who already had her arms extended to give you a huge hug. As she pulled away, she handed you your award. “I knew you could do it, little sis.” she grinned admiringly.
“Thank you, big sis.” you replied with a small bow, leading your girls over to the microphone to give the speech.
Later that night, you were all at the after party, and everyone there was treating you like the guests of honor. Your friends from Stray Kids came over to congratulate you, making Iseul and Kaori’s millennium.
“Did you see the way Changbin looked at me?” your maknae squealed, clutching the award to her chest. She hadn’t let go of it all night long, treating it like it was her own child. You had to admit, it was adorable to see your “daughter” so excited about your groups’ achievement.
“Yeah, it was the same way Suho was looking at our Y/N during the ceremony.” Nabi teased you once again.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, well you couldn’t look at anything during the ceremony because your eyes were flooded with tears.”
The other girls laughed along with you, except Nabi, who scoffed annoyedly.
“I still can’t believe he kissed your hand though.” Iseul commented, shaking your shoulders excitedly. “I really think you should shoot your shot with him!”
“All I want to do right now is go get some air.” you shut her down, patting her shoulder lovingly. “All this interrogation is making me feel suffocated.”
The four girls chuckled at you, waving you off as you made your way to a secluded hallway. You knew they meant well, but god they were insufferable sometimes.
However as you turnt the corner, lost in thought, you came face first with a solid brick wall. At least, that’s what you thought it was until you looked up to see Suho’s eyes locked in on yours.
“Oh, forgive me, I’m so clumsy!” you apologized frantically, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“No, it’s alright!” he reassured you, placing his hands gingerly on your arms to stabilize you. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I just had to get some air.”
“I get it. Being so successful is exhausting.” he replied.
You smiled at him before glancing down at the ground nervously. “We really weren’t expecting to win.”
“What?” he asked you, furrowing his brows in confusion. “Why not? I thought you guys were an absolute shoo-in.”
“Is that why you were staring at me in the crowd?” you asked, feeling a bit more bold.
Now it was his turn to blush and glance down at his shoes. “Maybe. I just knew that my favorite junior group had worked really hard this year and deserved to win the award.”
Your heart slipped a beat. “We’re your favorite junior group?”
He nodded with a playful grin. “Absolutely. And you’re my bias.”
Your mouth impulsively dropped open, making you feel like an idiot. You quickly slapped it shut, adjusting your hair anxiously. “That’s really funny, because you happen to be my bias.”
“Really?” he gaped, copying the same actions you had just taken. You giggled with a nod, making him chuckle. “I guess EXO-L and Starlight are right, we do make a good pairing.”
You squinted your eyes in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, you must have been so busy out there that you haven’t had the chance to check social media!” he realized, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. He pulled up a popular fanpage and handed it to you. “It’s all anyone can talk about. Along with how adorable you were leading your group down the aisle.”
You scrolled through the comments, eyes bulging out of your head at how many there were.
suho was so cute kissing Y/N’s hand 🥺 i’m so jealous but i think they’d make an adorable couple
suho rushing over to help Y/N up the stage was the cutest thing ever! he definitely has a lil crush on her <3
did anyone else notice how Suho winked at Y/N in the audience??? and how Y/N was looking at Suho the whole time he was hosting??? they’re literally so in love idc 😤
You fought back the tugging at the corner of your lips, handing Suho back his phone. “That’s amazing.”
“I know. I guess the only thing left for us to do is go out on a date.”
You nodded. “I’d like that very much.”
You both exchanged numbers, then said your goodbyes as he made his way back out into the party. As you got to the bathroom, you shut the door behind you and pressed your back against it, clutching your chest. You had just gotten the award of your dreams and the man of your dreams, all in the same night. How much more lucky could you get?
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You were having a great time in China with Marie, being chosen as guest mentors for an idol training program. A lot of the girls on the show were fans, and your appearances were bringing in a lot of new Chinese Starlights.
You were reaching the end of your filming, running through the last steps of your dance practice with the girls. You and Marie were standing at the front of the room with your backs’ to the door, and you were so entranced with watching your girls’ practice that you didn’t even hear the door open behind you.
Suddenly, a strong pair of arms was thrown around the two of you, making you both jump. Your head whipped around quickly, and your eyes widened as you realized who it was.
“Yixing!” you both cheered, turning around in his arms to hug him.
He flashed a smile at you before wrapping his arms around the two of you tightly.
The girls all finished their dance and cheered at the arrival of another mentor, one that they had been working with for quite a while now.
“Alright girls, I think it’s time for a break!” you announced. They all thanked you and bowed before filing out, leaving the three of you alone in the dance practice room.
“I didn’t know you guys’ were going to be on the show!” Yixing beamed, putting his hands on his hips. “I came in to do the dance practice with the girls today and they were all gone, then the producers told me you were guest mentoring today, and I just had to come say hi.”
“Yes you did!” you agreed. “We’ve missed you so much at SM! You were our favorite senior!”
He blushed slightly, running a hand through his hair. “I’ve missed you guys too. But I really like the work I’m doing over here.”
“Of course, we understand that.” Marie reassured him. “It just gets hard without your expertise sometimes.”
You all laughed, shifting slightly.
“Alright, I think that’s enough footage for now.” the camera man announced. “The main focus of the episode is going to be the vocal practice so you guys are good to go.”
You and Marie thanked him, then turned back to Yixing.
“So, if you guys aren’t doing anything tonight, do you wanna get dinner together? It’ll be my treat.” he offered with a cute smile.
You blushed slightly. “I’d love to.”
“Thank you, but I’ll pass. I think I pulled something in my shoulder today.” Marie grumbled, rolling her shoulder back a few times. “But you guys have fun.”
“Okay, no worries. Y/N and I will have a great time together without you.” Yixing teased her, ruffling her hair. She pushed him away with a scowl. He had always treated Marie like a little sister, which made you laugh because she was usually so tough and headstrong.
He turned back towards you. “Text me which hotel you’re at, and we can meet up around 7 if that’s okay?”
You nodded, smiling brightly at him. “It’s a date!” You cringed internally. Why would you say that?
He said his goodbyes and left the room, leaving you and Marie to yourselves.
“You’re welcome, by the way.” she huffed, punching you on the arm lightly.
“For what?” you asked, grabbing your purse.
“For making up that lie about my shoulder so you could have a dinner alone with Yixing.” she grinned, taking a few swigs from her water bottle before continuing. “I’m missing out on a great dinner just so you can make a move with your crush, so you better not waste it.”
“And so I’m standing there in the middle of the subway in a Sailor Moon costume, looking around for my members, and they’re just nowhere to be seen! I had to take the subway all the way back to the dorms in that ridiculous outfit!”
Yixing threw his head back in laughter at your story, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. “Oh my gosh, they did not leave you there by yourself!”
“Yes they did! And that’s why you don’t leave the group to get coffee after shooting a music video.” you concluded, rolling your eyes.
He was rolling, small tears forming in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. “Ah, that’s too funny. I mean, not for you, but… as a listener.”
You nodded, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. “No it’s okay. It’s unfortunate, but hilarious.”
“I’m so glad I asked you out to dinner tonight.” he commented, eyes looking into yours and sparkling with sincerity. “I meant it when I said I’ve missed you.”
“I did too. It’s not the same without you there.” you replied.
He seemed to be reaching across the table for your hand. Your heart stopped in anticipation.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
You squinted your eyes and exhaled an annoyed sigh. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, go ahead and answer it.” he chuckled awkwardly.
You practically ripped your phone out of your purse and hit the answer button, hardly even looking at who it was. “What?!” you spat.
“Y/N! For the love of god check your phone!” Nabi screeched on the other end of the line.
“Nabi? Why, what’s going on? Are the girls okay?” you asked worriedly.
“Yeah, we’re all fine! Just check your phone!” your leader demanded, then hung up the phone.
You looked over at Yixing in confusion.
“Everything okay?” he asked, concerned.
“I don’t know. Nabi just screamed at me to check my phone.” you shrugged, beginning to scroll through your text messages. First was the group chat you had with the members.
Marie 🐈‍⬛: “Relax, I just ditched dinner so she could be alone with Yixing. They’re not dating yet. No one call her, you’ll ruin their date.”
Iseul 🐶: “YES! FINALLY!”
Kaori 🐥: “Wait, Y/N and Yixing are dating???”
Iseul 🐶: “Y/N? Who asked who out?”
Kaori 🐥: “I’m so glad my parents are finally together :)”
Nabi 🦋: “CALL ME RN.”
Marie 🐈‍⬛: “You guys are literal idiots.”
You knit your brows in confusion before switching over to your other text messages. Why were they talking about you and Yixing dating? And how did they even know you were out with him?
Yeri 💜: “bestie, have you seen this?” *article attached*
Taeyong 🌹: “Y/N, have you been on twitter recently? There’s some stuff you might wanna see…”
Karina ❤️: “yessss get it girl!” *photo attached*
Manager 🫡: “Call me when you get a chance. It’s important.”
Yixing reached for your hand again, actually holding it this time. “Y/N… what’s going on?”
You looked at him helplessly, feeling your heart swell with anxiety. “There’s dating rumors about us. I’m guessing the fans saw us on that tv show and then saw us here together.”
He looked like he was about to say something, but was interrupted by his own cell phone ringing loudly in his pocket.
He sighed, grabbing his coat. “Let’s go to my place. I have a feeling we’ll be sorting this out all night.”
You had just gotten back to Yixing’s place, and were currently sitting on the sofa waiting for your manager to pick up his phone. He had gone into his bedroom to talk to his own manager, telling you to just make yourself comfortable.
You tapped your foot anxiously as your phone rang. You had no idea what your manager was going to say. Would he be angry? Understanding? Just as confused as you were?
“Hey Y/N.” he finally answered.
“Hey.” you sighed, feeling your stomach turn. You prepared yourself for the worst.
“How are you holding up kid?” he asked, seemingly genuinely concerned.
“About as good as I can. I still don’t really know what’s going on.” you replied.
“Well, I just got done talking to the company. They said the response is mostly positive. They’ve given you the okay to confirm the relationship.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. That was pretty much the opposite of what you were expecting to hear. “Really?”
“Yeah, it’s really interesting. Apparently they saw the two of you hugging and bantering on that idol show you’re on right now and thought it was really sweet. Then someone posted that picture of the two of you at that restaurant and the comments were just flooded with approval.” he laughed, seemingly just as perplexed as you were. “I’ve gotta say, I have to agree with them. You guys do look good together.”
You chuckled, pushing your hair back in amazement. “Oh my gosh. I have no idea what to do now.”
“Are you with Yixing right now?” your manager asked.
“Mmhm. He’s in the other room talking to his manager.” you replied.
“Okay. You two can talk it over for a bit. Let me know what decision you come to.” he instructed. “Take care, kid.”
“Okay, I will. Talk to you in a bit.” you told him, hanging up the phone. You sighed in relief, tossing your phone onto the coffee table. You sunk down onto the sofa and shut your eyes, rubbing them slightly.
Suddenly, Yixing emerged from the hallway. He chuckled at your disheveled appearance, walking over to sit down next to you. “You good?”
“Honestly, I’m better off than I thought I would be.” you answered with an amused smirk. “My manager just told me the response is mostly positive.
“Mine said the same thing.” he nodded. “Now it’s just up to us.”
You sat up, folding your hands in your lap. “So, what do we want to do?”
He shrugged casually. “I’d like to confirm it.”
Your heart stopped. “You do?”
He smiled, dimples showing prominently. “Y/N, I’ve had a crush on you for years. Now thanks to the fans, I might actually have a chance with you.
Your face broke out into an enormous grin, and you began to feel butterflies in your stomach. This was really too good to be true.
“Alright, I’ll call my manager and tell him to confirm it.” you beamed, reaching for your phone.
He grabbed your wrist delicately, stopping you. “Wait, just a second…” He then leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on your cheek.
Your face heated up, and you touched your hand to your cheek lightly, looking at him perplexedly. “What was that for?”
“For giving me a night I’ll never forget.”
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It was the fans’ dream come true. A collab between SuperM and GOT the Beat. All the male and female legends of SM were going to be together in one music video.
You were all currently shooting the music video. The director’s vision was to mix up the different ages and genders in individual cuts to showcase the true unity of the super groups. Taemin, Hyoyeon, and Kai were put together since they were a fan favorite grouping. Taeyong and Taeyeon were another paring. Ten and Seulgi were partners, as well as Mark and Iseul. Then, Karina and Winter did their section together. BoA, Wendy, and Lucas were the last trio. That left you and Baekhyun, who had been your idol and celebrity crush since you were 16.
Karina and Iseul winked at you before walking off into their own groupings, making you scowl and roll your eyes. You turned back to Baekhyun with a weak smile, bowing politely.
“It’s so nice to meet you formally.” you stammered meekly. “I’m a huge fan. You’re actually one of my biggest inspirations as a main vocalist.”
Damnit, you thought, that probably made me sound like such a nerd.
Baekhyun’s face lit up in the most genuine smile, he was practically giggling in contentment at your confession. “That’s so wonderful to hear! I’m honored to have inspired the best female vocalist at this company.”
You gasped, eyes going wide. “Oh I’d hardly call myself the best, especially considering what powerhouses I get to work with in GTB!”
He chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning closer to you. “Your nickname is ‘angel voice’ for a reason.” He seemed to be getting more and more comfortable with you by the second. The two of you seemed to just click instantly.
“Would you like to hear a secret?” he practically whispered. You nodded and turnt your ear towards his lips with an intrigued grin. “You give quite a bit of inspiration to me as well Y/N. I might just be your biggest Starlight.”
You gasped again, this time out of excitement. “You’re kidding!” you exclaimed.
He shook his head, playful smile still wide on his face. “Why would I lie to my favorite junior?”
You rolled your eyes and blushed, looking away in embarrassment. He really knew how to fluster you. Luckily, the director had just walked over to you and was about to start shooting.
“Alright Y/N and Baekhyun! We’ve got a lot of good visuals and vocals between the two of you so I’m very excited to shoot these cuts!” she beamed, clapping her hands together. “We’re going to take a teaser photo first, then we’re just going to roll the cameras to get some b roll for the music video.” The both of you nodded understandingly before moving over to the shooting area.
“Let’s start by having Y/N stand in the foreground looking straight at the camera.” the director ordered. “Baekhyun, how about you put an arm around her chest and place the other hand delicately on her waist. Now, tilt your head towards her as if you’re whispering in her ear.”
Your heart stopped as you both assumed the position. You had filmed music videos with other male artists before, so the intimacy wasn’t the issue. It was the fact that Byun Baekhyun was going to be just inches away from your ear and holding you close to him.
You froze as he placed his hand on your waist.
“Is this okay?” he asked softly enough that only you could hear him.
You smiled appreciatively and nodded slightly. He then placed the other arm around your chest and gripped his fingers securely onto your shoulder as if to comfort you. He was really making it easy to lean into his touch, and soon you were comfortably standing there in his arms, giving the camera your best smize.
“You’re breathtaking, Y/N.” he murmured, a wholesome smirk evident on his face. You couldn’t help but flash a huge, toothy grin at his compliment. As soon as you did, the cameras flashed, signaling that your photo had been taken.
“Beautiful, you guys! That was a perfect photo!” the director praised. “We don’t even need to take a second one. Now just do your thing while we roll the cameras for some b roll.”
“The camera loves us together.” Baekhyun commented, resting his head on your shoulder with a sigh.
You glanced down at him with a teasing side eye, clamping your hands onto the arm he had around your chest. “Well, the camera’s apparantley not the only one.”
“Ah, so sassy for a junior.” he scoffed, leaning closer to your ear. “Someone should teach you a thing or two about respecting your elders.” he hissed out teasingly.
“And are you going to be that someone?” you chuckled, an amused grin making its way onto your expression despite how hard you tried to fight it.
“I might be.” he grinned, rocking you in his arms a bit. “But I’d have to take you out first.”
You turned around to face him, forgetting about the cameras in front of you for a second. “Are you genuinely asking me out on a date?” you inquired.
“That’s usually what someone means when they say they’d like to take you out. Unless they’re an assassin.” he chuckled, placing his hands on your hips.
You laughed nervously, gripping onto his arms with your hands. “Baekhyun, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I mean, we’re idols. I know we don’t have a dating ban anymore, but it’s still risky.”
“I’m willing to take that chance.” he reassured you, staring into your eyes with a carefree smile. “You’d be worth it, without question.”
You grinned uncontrollably wide, glancing down at the floor bashfully. “I… I just don’t know.”
“Think about it, okay?” he practically pleaded.
You looked up into his big brown puppy dog eyes, which were glimmering with hope and sincerity. It was impossible to say no. “Okay, I will. I promise.”
“That was incredible guys!” the director suddenly interrupted your intimate moment, making you spring away from each other. “Now let’s do some lip synching to the lyrics!”
The fans’ response the collab was amazing. Many were calling it a shoo-in for song of the year, and one of the best decisions SM had ever made.
“Hey Y/N! Have you read the comments on our music video?” Karina asked you as she approached you in the SM hallway on your way back from vocal practice.
“No, I haven’t gotten the chance to yet.” you explained. “Why?”
She raised her eyebrows at you suggestively. “Well, you definitely should. Apparantley there’s a lot about you and a certain main vocalist you were paired up with.”
Your heart sunk. “Oh no, are the fans upset?”
“No, not at all!” your junior chuckled. “In fact, they’re shipping you guys together.”
You couldn’t help the idiotic smile that flashed onto your face. “Really?”
“Yes, so why don’t you just go out with him already? Taeyong and Ten told me he’s absolutely smitten with you!” Karina whined, tugging on your arm slightly.
You rolled your eyes, pushing her away. “Shouldn’t you be getting to your dance practice, Miss Leader?”
She gasped and began to take off down the hall. “Shoot, you’re right! See you later, Y/N!”
You chuckled at her silliness, then leaned up against the wall and whipped out your phone. You pulled up the music video and began scrolling through the comments.
Wow, Y/N and Baekhyun look really good together <3
Y/N-hyun is my new favorite ship 👀
Anyone else think Baekhyun and Y/N would make the best power couple in kpop history???
You let out a baffled scoff at the positive response. Maybe it was silly to be so worried about dating him. Suddenly, you took off down the hallway with renewed purpose, knowing exactly where you had to go.
As you arrived at Baekhyun’s studio, you knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. And he did, peering out with a smile and fixing his hair at the sight of you.
“Y/N? What are you-“
He was cut off by you grabbing his face and delicately pressing your lips against his. It was just a small peck, but it was ever so sweet, and let him know just how you felt about him.
“I thought about it.” you said once you pulled away. “Let’s go out.”
He put his hands on your hips, grinning from ear to ear. “Thank god. I was starting to think you didn’t like me.” He leaned down to kiss you again, longer and more passionately than the last time.
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“That was awesome, Kaori!” you complimented your maknae from the other side of the recording booth. She had just finished her rap feature for one of the songs on your solo album. “You’re good to go, kid.”
“You sure?” she asked, removing her headphones. “I can stay and help you with the rest if you want.”
“Nah it’s cool, you’re a growing girl. You need your sleep.” you told her with a reassuring smile. “Besides, you know how particular I am about things.”
“Alright mom.” she chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully. “Just don’t pass out in the studio again. Nabi ran all over like a mad woman trying to find you last time.”
“I promise I won’t. I’ll see you back at the dorms in the morning.” you replied, waving her off.
You sighed as the door shut behind her, slumping down in your chair. You moved on to organizing all your tracks and adjusting them to your liking. It was a tedious process, but you knew it would be worth it when your solo album was finally out. You wanted to do this, for yourself and for your fans.
After what felt like a few hours of working, someone came through the door. You huffed irritatedly.
“Kaori, I told you to go to sleep…” you stopped mid-sentence as you realized the person at the door was definitely not Kaori. “Oh, Chen! What are you doing here?”
He chuckled at your sudden change of attitude. “Oh, I was working in the studio at the end of the hall and heard someone tinkering around on my way out. I thought I’d check it out.” He sat down in the chair next to yours. “How long have you been at this?”
You glanced at the clock. How the hell was it 3 am? You sighed before answering him. “Five hours, I suppose”
He pressed his lips together and nodded understandingly. “Yeah, that’s about what I figured. Come on, we’re taking a break.” He patted your shoulder and stood up from his chair.
“What? No, I can’t…” you protested, gesturing to the monitor in front of you.
“You most certainly can.” he retorted, putting his hands on his hips assertively, but still keeping a smile on his face. “Let’s go get you some food and water, and we’ll come right back. It won’t take more than ten minutes.”
You sat there for a moment, just staring at him blankly, not quite knowing what else to say that might make him give up.
“Don’t make me use my dad voice.” he threatened.
“Alright, I’m going…” you sighed defeatedly, grabbing your coat as you stood up and followed him out into the hallway.
He was true to his word, the walk to the convenience store and back only took about ten minutes. You were now back in the recording room, snacks strewn about everywhere, going over your tracks with Chen.
“I think this is really solid!” he complimented you. “Obviously you’ll want to do a few tweaks here and there, but this is really good. You should be proud.”
“Awh, thanks Chen!” you replied gratefully. “One of the things I was thinking about doing was…”
The two of you went back and forth bouncing ideas between each other, adjusting parts of the songs and making them perfect.
“Okay, I’m gonna save your original, but I’ll tweak it how I would do it, and then I’ll show it to you.” he proposed, taking over the sound board. “Just hang tight for a sec, okay?”
“Roger that.” you told him, giving him a thumbs up. You rested your head against your arms, which were folded up on the desk in front of you. Suddenly it hit you how tired you were. Your eyelids felt like they weighed 100 pounds, and the soft clicks of Chen using the keyboard seemed to be lulling you off to sleep like a metronome. Before you could stop yourself, your eyes closed for the last time, and you were dozing off right there in the studio.
“Okay, I’m done…” he stated, swiveling around to face you. He chuckled as he realized you had fallen asleep right next to him. “This kid…” he laughed, shaking his head. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of you, posting it on instagram and tagging Etoile’s account.
Hey Starlight, just thought you’d like to know how hard your main vocal is working on her solo album! I know I can’t wait for it to come out!
He clicked the post button, then shoved his phone back in his pocket. He saved all your work, then shut off all the lights and machines. Once everything was taken care of, he grabbed one of your arms and threw you over his back, beginning to carry you back to the dorms.
Needless to say, you were highly confused when you woke up in your own bed the next day. Furrowing your brows, you threw on your slippers and walked out into the dining room to see Nabi and Kaori at the table eating breakfast.
“There’s our sleeping beauty.” Nabi teased with a loving smirk. “Got in pretty late last night, huh?”
“Dude, I don’t even know how I got home.” you yawned, trudging over to the coffee pot.
“Oh, you don’t remember? Chen brought you home!” Kaori told you. “He said you passed out in the studio again.
“Yeah, the fans are talking about the picture he posted. They think it’s super cute.” Nabi explained, pulling up the post on her phone.
You took a sip of your coffee before grabbing the phone from her hand. You smiled as you read the caption, then began scrolling through the comments.
awh, chen is such a good big brother to our y/n! 🥺
thank you for saving y/n from nabi’s wrath XD
look at chen being a proud dad, i’m sobbing 😭
i love the wholesome sibling vibes these two have!
You grinned as you gave Nabi her phone back. “He is kind of like an older brother. That was really sweet of him to bring me home. I should thank him.”
You sat down at the table with your coffee and pulled out your phone, only to see that he had already texted you.
Chen ✌🏻: “Just so you know, I’m making you feature in one of MY solo songs sometime soon. I can already tell your album is going to be huge, and I need your talents 👀”
You laughed at his demanding tone, typing up your own reply.
Y/N 🦢: “aye aye cap’n 🫡 also thanks for getting me home last night :)”
Chen ✌🏻: “No problem, just don’t pass out in the studio again or Nabi and I will BOTH come after you 👊🏻”
“So if you’re my mom, and Chen is your big brother, does that make him my uncle?” Kaori asked with a confused expression.
“I guess so.” you shrugged with a smile. Your found family at SM just seemed to keep growing and growing, but you couldn’t complain. It was nice to work with people who cared about you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
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This is yunho asking you to come lay with him bc you need a cuddle. Don't ask me why I know, I just do. Seriously warm blankets, soft music, anything you need 💖💛💖
awwh nabi 💞💞💞 i would love a cuddle ;-; just imagining that makes me feel warm inside so thank you my darling <33
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theharrowing · 1 year
Hiii 💜 3 5 8 14 23 anddd how can I call you? Nabi? Olive? Harrow? Queen of toxic plot twists? I’m sorry I’m v curious and this questions are so good lmao!!
P.s and no one asked but im in love with your humor! I’ve been laughing at every post of yours all morning🤣
Jaz!!! hiiii!!! 💜💜💜
i'm so glad my posts have been entertaining!!! that's my goal. 😍🥰 you can call me Harrow! Nabi is fine, it means "butterfly" in Korean lmao. (i'm not Korean but someone close to me is, and he called me that while we were growing up.) idk if i like queen, but master of toxic plot twists has a good ring to it lmaooooooooooo. OKAY LET'S SEE:
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
i like all colors!!!!!!!!! but i guess when food is the wrong color, it gives me the ick. like if things seem to be turning, maybe getting a little too soft. i don't like that.
5. favorite form of potato?
gosh, i am a slut for potatoes through and through and you can never go wrong with a nice, crispy, salted fry. BUT I ALSO LOVE mashed potatoes, and i make them with lots of cheese, rosemary, garlic, chives, butter..........😋😋😋 THEY ARE SO GOOD.
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
when it's cold, i have sweatpants and sweaters that i change into at home. when it's hot, i kinda just take clothing off. i will sit in my underwear and a shirt unless something happens that requires me to find a pair of cotton shorts.
14. do you think you’re dehydrated?
it's likely!!! i have probably had more coffee than water, today. i have a big mug of water right here, though, so i will chug some right now.
23. do you wear jewelry?
sometimes! i have a gold septum ring that lives in my nose always, but otherwise, i don't tend to wear a lot. sometimes earrings, occasionally a ring or a necklace. rarely a bracelet. i have sensory issues and sometimes jewelry makes me restless and antsy and i need to take it off (except for the ring in my nose, bc i have had it for over a decade and i barely notice it there most of the time.)
send me some asks! 💝
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wonderfulshinee · 2 years
nabi hi <3 i couldn't just ignore ur ask 🥹 your love is very much appreciated <33333 and since you already sent an emoji, i might as well answer with this 💞💞
💕 what I love about your blog: first of all your username is the cutest!!! immediately brought a smile to my face the moment i saw it :) and i love junnie stans so much <3 y'all are the sweetest but also the funniest sksksks (i know because my mom is a huihui herself 😂) like no one loves their bias more than huihuis love jun! i love seeing your interactions with everyone, you're such a kind and bright ray of sunshine <3 i hope your days are always as lovely as you are!!!
Please, you are so cute ;; thank you for the love for huihui <3 your mom knows how to pick them which means you must be a cutie too since I trust huihui taste in men. ;) I hope your day is going well too and thank you for always brightening up my feed. You are so cute and adorable, 🥰
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And please no one judge that I messed up the ask game
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dkakapizzaboy · 2 years
Hello Sam, I am writing this for the second time since my first ask didn't send. I don't why it didn't. I'm doing mutual apperication confessions since I was in a sentimental mood and I wanted to spread more kindness in the world. I forgot the whole paragraph I had written, however I wanted to say that I love your writing and head cannons and your overall blog. They just vibe with me so well ;; and I know I should be writing on your other blog but you know that I completely adore your user name so much. I'm more embarrassing this time to say that I find so much solace on your blog. I really don't know why I do, I just know I'm normally scared to message other people and worried what I should write but with you, my fingers flies and I'm pretty sure you're sick of me in your ask. Just thank you for being so comforting. Okay, I'm going now
Hiiii Nabi, no I'm not at all sick of your asks, why would you say that??!!!😡😡I really really appreciate that you take out the time to write great reviews and send asks and it really motivates me and I really really really appreciate you as a mutual and also as a friend. I'm happy to hear that you find my blog welcoming and I make you feel comfortable enough for you to DM me. I hope we get to talk and be friends for a long long time 💞💞
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pocasu · 2 years
would it be alright to ask 🔖for nabi? 😳🥺
ROZI!!!!🫂💞💞 thank you sm for the rq!🥺
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kaibility · 3 years
Hey nabi 🍑 it's the anon who asked abt the solo concert again 🐻
I bought the ticket now, but ive never done this before, so i have some questions!! I hope its ok that i ask you~ 💜
I got the confirmation email that i payed, but where will the concert be streamed and how do i access it? Do i just use my account log in from smtown store? Or do i get a seperate one specifically for the concert? I didnt receive any details abt how to actually stream the concert, so im just confused 😭
Thank you in advance! 💞
Have a lovely day ✨
uhm, usually through the vlive app. i don’t know if you have it already but that app is the absolute must to watch the concert. once you have opened the app you will see a banner for the concert itself, just click on it. and there you should see a blue button that says buy all or play. if it says play you just have to click that one button once the concert is about to start. the vlive app will notify you right before that and that’s about it. the log in datas for smtown and vlive aren’t connected to each other.
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