#thanks for hosting another fun event kuro!
accirax · 6 months
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i know you hate anyone who isn't you, but dragging everyone down with you by getting us all executed is a low blow, even by your standards.
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kira-angel24 · 11 months
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Whumptober 2023 Archive
and that's another whumptober done :b thank you to the moderators at @whumptober for hosting this event, this was fun. see y'all on the other side
Day 1: Kira
Day 2: Kira
Day 3: Pittoo
Day 4: Crow/[REDACTED]
Day 5: Pittoo & Crow/[REDACTED]
Day 6: Pittoo & Crow
Day 7: Kira
Day 8: Kira & Uira
Day 9: Kira
Day 10: Insanity & Sachi
Day 11: Kira
Day 12: Total
Day 13: Insanity & Sachi
Day 14: Insanity & Sachi
Day 15: Kira & Uira
Day 16: Kira & Uira
Day 17: Kira & Uira/The Crew
Day 18: Kira & Uira/The Crew
Day 19: Kuro & Nikko
Day 20: Kira/The Crew
Day 21: Kira/The Crew
Day 22: Kuro & Nikko
Day 23: Kuro & Nikko
Day 24: Kira/The Crew
Day 25: Kira & Uira/The Crew
Day 26: Insanity & Sachi
Day 27: Kira
Day 28: Kira & Uira/The Crew
Day 29: Sachi
Day 30: Kira & Uira/The Crew
Day 31: Kira & Uira/The Crew
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witchy-writes · 7 years
Baby I'm preying on you [chapter 3]
Summary:  Keith had been a victim in all of this. He didn’t deserve any of what had happened to him.
“And done!” Pidge finished adjusting the prosthetic she made especially for Shiro.
“Pidge, this is...”, he was ecstatic when he saw the metal fingers moving at his command, “... this is amazing!”
Pidge rubbed the back of her head, “I knew all that scrap that humans throw into the water could be used to create something good.”
Shiro continues to experiment the metal arm, picking up one of Pidge’s tools with it.
“Be careful, okay. It can still break if you overdo it.”, she reminded him.
He set down the tool on the table.
“Don’t worry, I will be. Thank you so much.”
There was a knock on the door.
“Come in.” Pidge gave permission.
Allura opened the door and got inside Pidge’s workshop, “I hope I’m not interrupting something.”
“Pidge here built me a new arm.”, Shiro showed off his prosthetic.
“Well done, Pidge.”, Allura was impressed. Pidge smiled brightly at the praise.
Allura's expression changed from amazed by Pidge’s work to serious as she looked at Shiro.
“Shiro, I would like to discuss something very important to you. It’s about Kuro.”, the mood in the room shifted abruptly.
Pidge occupied herself with cleaning her work table, so she could give the two some privacy.
“Did they find him?”
Shiro sighed. That bastard was hiding somewhere and wasn’t making things easy for them.
“I was thinking about why would Kuro return, after this time.” Allura clasped her hands together, “I don’t think this is just him getting his revenge against you for what happened years ago.”
Shiro closed his eyes, his fingers moving to trace over the scars left in his skin where his arm had been cut off during the fight against his twin.
“I believe Kuro is still under Zarkon’s orders and he was sent to threaten the safety of our kingdom on his behalf.”, she swam close to him and put a hand on his shoulder, “Keith’s attack was definitely his way to get to you. To provoke you. He wanted you to know that he was back. And he used your mate for that.” Allura’s eyes were filled with sadness as she remembered the state Keith was in when Hunk brought him to the castle.
Keith had been a victim in all of this. He didn’t deserve any of what had happened to him.
“The fact that he is making it harder for us to find him, means he still has unfinished business here to take care of. And once he has fulfilled his mission, he will appear in front of you, knowing that you will want to make him suffer for what he did.”
Shiro pondered what Allura was theorizing.
If Kuro just came for a rematch, he would have given Shiro a way for him to track him down, instead of playing this game of hide and seek.
Then it hit Shiro.
“The celebration, tomorrow night...” Once a year, leaders of every kingdom in the seven seas, travelled to King Alfor’s kingdom to attend a party that was held in his castle.
“I already talked about it with my father.”, Allura pulled her hand away from Shiro’s shoulder, “It is the perfect opportunity for Kuro, and any other Zarkon’s soldiers that he might have helped sneak in secret, to attack. But we will have a way to deal with it if that happens.”, she smiled with confidence.
“Pidge and Matt improved the security of the castle. If something is to happen tomorrow, I trust it to ensure the safety of our guests.” Allura turned her head to Pidge, who gave a thumbs up as a response.
“Princess Allura...”
“We can’t let fear control us. If we choose not to host the party tomorrow, Kuro will know he managed to intimidate us. I want him to know that we are not afraid of him and we will fight him with everything we got.”
---- Shiro looked at himself in the mirror of his room. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to comb it. Arms encircled him from behind. Keith bumped his forehead against his back.
“You look great, don’t worry.”
Shiro turned around and hugged the omega. His metal arm rested against the small of Keith’s back and gently brushed the knuckles of his flesh hand along his lover's face.
He leaned down and kissed him. Keith was slowly becoming comfortable with affections again and no longer flinched. There were still some things that made Keith feel uneasy. Shiro was very respectful about it and avoided causing Keith any distress.
Both were wearing the sea shell necklaces, crafted by Keith, around their necks..
“Well, let's go then.”
---- Guests swam through the ballroom, enjoying the party.
Despite being guests as well, Shiro and the others were paying close attention to any suspicious activity.
Lance didn’t miss the opportunity to flirt with a few of the female attending the celebration. Hunk stayed close to him, eating one of the many delicious plates that had been prepared by their very skillful chefs for this night. Pidge and Matt were discussing about gadgets with some engineers from another kingdom.
Shiro leaned against one of the walls, his arms crossed over his chest. He started to think about what the princess told him yesterday. If Kuro was to attack now, he and the others would have to act fast.
He started to think about how the events would unfold.
Pidge and Matt would activate the barrier to make sure that Kuro or any other intruder couldn’t escape, and also making impossible for any enemy reinforcements to enter. From then on, Shiro, Lance and Hunk would fight against Kuro and any of his allies that he might have brought along.
Allura and Coran would take the guests to a safer place in the castle, away from their conflict.
Where would Keith be, though? Would he join the fight or would he help protect the guests? Would Shiro let Keith even be part of their attempt at taking Kuro down or would Shiro tell him to stand back?
Shiro was snapped of his thoughts when, from the corner of his eye, saw his mate swimming towards him.
Keith, unexpectedly, wrapped his arms around Shiro’s neck and and rested his cheek on his shoulder.
“What’s wrong, Keith?”
“I don’t like the way some alphas are eyeing me. This way at least they’ll know I have a mate.” a soft blush crept on Keith’s face, "And a few of the omegas have also been staring at you."
Shiro couldn’t resist smiling at how cute Keith was, and nuzzled his nose, which only made him redder. Keith responded to it by kissing the corner of Shiro’s mouth, making him blush in return.
Alfor stood in the middle of the room, glass raised high as he began his speech. Allura was at his side, the vibrant pink scales of her tail and forearms shined brightly.
King Alfor thanked the guests for their attendance and let them know that he appreciated their commitment to maintaining peace and union between the kingdoms.
Keith leaned his back against Shiro’s chest as he listened to the king’s words. The alpha’s arms remained around him, and Shiro rested his chin on top of his head.
The omega suddenly felt a weird sensation. He felt like he was being watched. He looked to the side and what he saw made his blood run cold.
Two bright yellow eyes were staring at him. Even hidden in the shadows at the entrance of the ballroom, Keith could still make out the face of his attacker, who flashed him a malicious grin.
“Keith?” Shiro noticed quickly that something was wrong.
Keith was hyperventilating and his body tensed up.
Shiro turned to look at where Keith’s glance was fixated, but he only managed to catch a glimpse of a tail before it disappeared from his sight.
Black and white scales. Like him. Like Kuro.
Keith slipped out of Shiro’s hold, before Shiro could do anything to stop him
“Keith!” Shiro's yell interrupted Alfor’s speech, everyone's attention turning to him.
Keith swam out of the room, in the same direction that Kuro fled to.
Shiro glanced over his shoulder, his eyes focused on Allura, “He’s here!”
Allura knows what to do.
Shiro followed after Keith, swimming as fast as he could, hoping he could catch up to his lover in time, before something bad happened.
Kuro’s smile grew wider as he now had the two chasing after him.
‘We’re going to have some fun.’
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daredreemer · 7 years
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FanimeCon 2017
I’m finally getting to sit down and write my review, (story), for Fanime this year. Last weekend was the best con experience I’ve ever had to date. At least I think it was. I’m so glad I got to attend Fanime this year. I had the best hotel mates anyone could ever ask for. I don’t think we ever stopped laughing. Line-Con was nonexistent. Someone finally got their shit together and fixed that issue. Everyone was terrified that pre-reg was going to be a nightmare, but pre-reg opened an hour early and the new system everyone was in and out within ten minutes. 
The new system consisted of tables and tables of laptops with scanners. You walked up scanned your registration code and then a person at the end of the table had your badge printed instantly and waiting for you. After verifying your id matched your badge, you picked up your lanyard and your program as you exited. In and out. It was so fast we didn’t know what to do with ourselves...lol
Day zero always has us marathoning the Kuroshitsuji, (Black Butler), musicals. When we got back to our room I hooked up my blu-ray player and my laptop, so we could watch the latest musical, Noah’s Ark Circus. Unfortunately two of the roomies had never seen the stage productions, so we started with the 2010 musical and then the 2014 run of Lycoris. We ran out of time for NAC. Needless-to-say Whimsy Rainbow Star fell in love with Taisuke Saeki, (Eric Slingby), both the man playing Eric and the character. She plans on cosplaying him next year...lol
Friday was the Free! gathering: (pictures will come next week as I am having trouble getting them off my phone), I was cosplaying as Gou Matsuoka and I was sad that my t’shirt for her didn’t arrive until we left for con, but I found a shirt that I thought suited her, so she kind of was a cos-test. @alicedrankthepoison was Makoto Tachibana and @askthetinybishie was cosplaying as my big brother Rin Matsuoka. I’ll tell more about this gathering later. There were some pre-gathering shenanigans as well.
FanimeCon also hosts guests from Japan. Especially when it comes to music. They have a little music fest., (concert included with badge and autograph sessions) This year’s guest of honor for music fest. was X4. If you don’t know who X4 is, then you need to be shot. X4 is the J-pop group founded and lead by Yuya Matsushita. He also played Sebastian Michaelis in the first four productions of the Kuroshitsuji, (Black Butler), musicals.
Well on our way back to the convention center on Friday afternoon, as we were approaching the corner, I noticed a bunch of cute Japanese boys at the hot dog stand. I instantly knew who it was. It was X4. I had just turned back around from telling my mates behind me to look at the hot dog stand when Yuya sees us walking down the street. Now what I believe caught his attention was Whimsy Rainbow Star, who was cosplaying as Sebastian and directly behind me. This got the attention of the other band members as well, who were excited to see Sebastian. They stepped forward and stopped us on the street. Yuya was like Sebastian-chan. I of course was a dork and was like, “We were watching you on TV last night”. Whimsy Rainbow Star  bowed to him. And we probably could have gotten our picture with all of them had there not been so many people walking between our two groups. A matter of fact, I’m pretty sure that was what they wanted, because they kept trying to move closer to us. Unfortunately we were all starstruck and no one spoke up and the next thing I know we are waving goodbye to each other. I also may have developed a crush on Kodai. I’ll come back to the guys later in another post. There is more to tell when it comes to these lovelies. I’m not done with them yet. 
We also rode the shuttles over to Clockwork Alchemy, Fanime’s sister con, and showed Whimsy Rainbow Star where that con was located. The shuttles are really fun to ride. It’s like being on Indian Jones Adventure at Disneyland. Veery bumpy. This is also where @kimberlycosplay​ texted me the announcement about the up and coming Kuro musical, Tango on the Campania. I actually screamed on the bus and scared everyone. Probably the bus driver as well. 
Saturday saw me cosplaying as Grell Sutcliff and Whimsy Rainbow Star as my Sebastian. We attended the autograph signing for X4, and then @alicedrankthepoison and I stuck around for Chris Cason’s autograph session. More on those later. I didn’t get to cosplay for long, because I wanted to change for the concert that night. Plus Grell’s boots were beginning to kill me. I’ll give my full review on the concert in a later post. I’ll just give a little teaser; Hot!
After the concert we all went to the Japanese tea shop and got some cool beverages. I actually tried a “Green Sour Apple” slush. It was really good and very bright...lol This thing was neon Green. Whimsy Rainbow Star shows it in one her videos. I’ll be linking those as well. Where I actually make appearances on camera. You’ll all get to see a rare sighting of me on film...lol 
Sunday I decided not cosplay and we had a hotel mate flip for the X4 Q&A panel. Where Whimsy Rainbow Star had been with us on the street and attended the first X4 autograph session, she was replaced with @sugar-coated-dame who had missed out on the other two events, as well as the concert. I took her to the second autograph session as well. 
Sunday night we ordered room service and finally watched, Noah’s Ark Circus. I’ll have a review of that later.
Sadly our weekend was coming to a close and none of wanted to leave. Monday was final day of con and thanks to mother nature being a bitch to me, we got a later start on checking out, but we managed. @alicedrankthepoison and myself never made it back to the convention center, but that was cool. We got to hangout with our roomies till their rides arrived. Took some selfies. Acted like the dorks we are and made awesome memories. We’ve already began to make plans for next year. Turns out we are all pretty sappy, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. So much happened...I wish I could put it all down in words, but I can’t, so I leave this post as it is and end it here. More to follow, including pictures and videos as well as links. 
P.S. I want to thank my roomies for being so awesome. I know I said all of this on FB already, but I truly am glad you all could attend and room with me this year. You guys were the funnest bunch of coconuts to hang with. “Oh my!”
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xpeppermin · 8 years
SERVAMP Festival Fanreport (2/5) (Noon)
Now that I’m finally back home I can reorganize my points and write the full report! Take note this report contains only the noon session. Night session can be found HERE. And since it will be made into a DVD (that will be released on 28th June), it will be considered spoilers if you are intending to get the DVD so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to! My report may or may not be a little Kimura Ryohei/Greed pair-centric since I unconsciously focus on them most of the time.
I should also mention that it might not be 100% accurate as it is based off from memory, so sorry if I mess up! I’ll only write what I can remember. And also because I fail at English and suck at writing a report it probably turned out being messier than I thought it would be.......sorry.
It’ll get pretty lengthy so I’m placing everything under a cut!! ↓↓
Shirota Mahiru - Terashima Takuma (Terashii) Kuro - Kaji Yuki Alisuin Misono - Shimono Hiro Snow Lily - Horie Kazuma Sendagaya Tetsu - Ono Yuuki (Onoyuu) Hugh - Murase Ayumu Licht Jekylland Todoroki - Shimazaki Nobunaga (Zakki) Lawless (Hyde) - Kimura Ryohei Belkia - Matsuka Yoshitsugu Sakuya - Suzuki Yuuto Tsubaki - Suzuki Tatsuhisa (Tattsun)
I’m not sure how much the SERVAMP fans know about the cast but please refer to it if you aren’t already familiar with their names! (and nicknames since I will also be using the bracketed nicknames as well)
There will also be some seiyuu-related jokes, and references/mentions of other seiyuus in which I will explain too.
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Pretty flower stands, present boxes (there wasn’t one for Tanaka-sensei so I had to drop the fanproject off at the airport’s post office yesterday), and just outside the entrance to the hall! Lol the Mikuni and Jeje standees freaked me out I thought they were going to be special guests for a moment :’D The pairs are standing in the position shown in the photo (Greed pair on extreme left) during the event.
They kick started the event by playing a video with Deal With as the background music, and then introduced the pairs in order. So there were stairs on both the left and right side of the stage, and the Eves/Tsubaki entered from the left while Servamps/Subclasses from the right.
♡ I didn’t pay much attention when the Sloth pair appeared first lol I was staring at their outfits since Terashii and Kaji’s matched!!? Their jackets both had ribbons on the sides (Terashii’s in orange while Kaji’s in blue). I think they hugged when they settled down in the center though!
♡ Lust pair entered next and when they got down the stairs to the center, Horie started stripping half his jacket (like Lily) XD
♡ Pride pair followed, and I think Murase is afraid of heights!? He was gripping on the support and taking slow steps down and Onoyuu was already waiting for him in the center. He then piggybacked Murase to the front of the stage!!
♡ Greed pair next, and when they got to the center Zakki did Licht’s famous angel pose with Ryohei doing Lawless’s ‘tadaa!’ one.
♡ Melancholy entered last and when they got to the center, Tattsun hugged Matsuoka and Yuuto’s shoulders to the front.
♡ During the introduction, Zakki asked if we were angels or devils and he said if we weren’t angels he will make us into one XD
♡ Tattsun said there were a lot of potential people and intends to make us all into his subclass.
♡ Starting from Ryohei, some of them introduced themselves quoting Mahiru’s famous “putting it simply...” line XD (actually I dont remember if this was the noon or night session oops)
♡ Terashii was worried about having this cast gather for this event because he’s pretty sure it’s going to become chaotic...he said it was pretty chaotic even in the backstage so he apologized in advance LOL.
After the introduction, the staff had to set up seats and tables etc. so the host asked the cast to move forward a little more but they moved TOO forward and someone was saying it would be bad if they fell off the stage.
So for the first corner, the casts picked their favorite scene of their own character.
♡ Matsuoka picks Belkia in episode 1 where he was first introduced. Matsuoka explains that because it left a deep depression and that he had a lot of fun voicing Belkia there. He also said that it’s partially because he had the most lines there :’D Kaji then said he loves Belkia’s “hey you” in that scene and would often appear behind matsuoka, put his hand on his shoulder and say that to him whenever they met during recording for Servamp LOL.
♡ Suzuki Yuuto picks the scene in episode 4 where Mahiru chased after Sakuya into the forest-y place and they reconfirmed their friendship.
♡ Horie picks Lily’s fight scene with Belkia. He says the main reason why he picked it was because Belkia was interesting/Matsuoka was amazing LOL. Though the real main reason why he picked it was because you normally don’t see Lily getting angry but when he failed to detect Otogiri and failed to protect Misono, he was angry with himself. ...though however Horie and Belkia jokes start from here XD
♡ Sloth pair both pcked the same scene in episode 9 where Mahiru finally faced Kuro and ‘helped’ him.
Second corner is “If it’s a YES, press the button”. For this corner, if the cast (individually) agrees on what is shown on the screen then they should press the button (it comes in the form of a wire with the button on the tip). The others will not know who pressed it but the number of people who pressed the button will be shown on the screen.
They did a test first and if “I’m a cast in Servamp”, they should press the button. Of course everyone pressed LOL.
First question was “I think I am more fitted as the protagonist”.
Ryohei and Tattsun pressed the button of course XD (Tattsun even held the button up and showed it to us while he continuously presses it pfff)
Second question was “I want to change my current partner”. I think there were 4 people who pressed it?
♡ Greed pair DEFINITELY did not press the button and we all knew that from the start because Ryohei (and Zakki followed) were freaking swinging and playing with the wire (hinting that their hands were not on the button at all) lol.
♡ Horie admitted that he pressed it first and says that it’s because he wants to try forming a pair with Belkia XD Matsuoka stands and bowed to thank him.
♡ Matsuoka then admits he actually pressed the button too and you could see a sad Tattsun LOL. And when the host asked who does he want to form a pair with, he blanked out and started thinking --which let to everyone asking him “you pressed it when you didn’t have one in mind!?” and then he said Lily. Horie then stood up, and went over to hug him awww.
♡ Murase said he believes their bond is strong enough so he believes Onoyuu wouldn’t press up but that’s when he admitted that he actually pressed it oops. He then jokingly said (bringing back the Belkia joke) he wants to form a pair with Belkia coz he’s interesting.
♡ Shimono finally admits that he pressed it which led to a sad Horie --and Shimono said to him “didn’t you press the button too!?” He then said it’s not because he doesn’t like Lily but more like the person behind Lily (Horie) gives him problems XD
Third question was “I have something I want to say to another cast”. ....I don’t remember who pressed it but Zakki and Kaji did.
♡ Zakki admitted that he did before standing up and apologizing to Kaji. He explains that it’s because he caught influenza the week before and at that time he wasn’t allowed to work even though his voice was perfectly normal so it was very frustrating. He then said he had about 3 schedules with Kaji and because he couldn’t work, he might’ve inconvenienced Kaji because those schedules had to be cancelled.
Fourth question was “I feel like I’m very similar to my character.”. Everyone immediately pointed at Terashima.
♡ Terashii said because firstly, everyone (cast) around him is weird. He starts pointing at everyone and going, weird, weird, weird and when it got to Tattsun he’s like extremely weird!!! Just like Mahiru, he has to put up with the cast and keep them in control when they got too out of hand XD And the only people who actually helped him/cooperated with him were Suzuki Yuuto and sometimes Kaji LOL.
This corner is split into three different games: Telepathy (bond testing), Word Searching (cooperation testing) (noon session only), and Who’s Behind The Door (how well do they know their respective partner)
The Servamps and their respective Eves will form a team (or Servamp/Subclass for Melancholy’s case) and try to score as many points as possible. Each correct answer gives them a point. The team with the most points in the end will be rewarded through a bonus game (which I will explain the rules later).
For the Telepathy game, each person will be handed out a sketchbook. Then, according to the question, the teams would have to answer without looking at each other’s answers and both the Servamp and their respective Eve has to get the same answer in order to score a point. Since there are 3 people in Melancholy trio, if 2 of them gets the same answer, that would be a point. If all 3 of them gets the same answer then that would be 1.5 points.
The first question for this game was for them to write a 決めゼリフ (signature phrase).
♡ Greed pair was the first to show their answers. Zakki wrote Licht’s famous “Why? Because I’m an angel” phrase while speaking in Licht’s voice and doing the pose. Ryohei probably knew Zakki would write that hence on top of the same signature phrase of Licht’s, he also wrote Lawless’s “As expected from the Arch Angel Lichtan~!!”. One point for them.
♡ Lust pair was next. Horie wrote Lily’s “Now then, shall I strip naked?” while Shimono wrote Misono’s “Don’t strip!!” The objective of the game was for them to write the same answer so even though it is technically correct, they didn’t get a point. They did argue for a point (though failing at it lol :’D)
♡ Sloth pair next. Terashii wrote Mahiru’s “putting it simply, it’s me right?”. Kaji on the other hand LOL, he wrote “putting it simply, ----------”. He probably got too lazy to write out the full thing (just like Kuro lmao). They still got the point though, after arguing for a bit XD
♡ Pride pair next. Onoyuu wrote “Hugh always says good things” while Murase wrote “I always say good things”. One point for them!
♡ Lastly Melancholy trio. All three of them answered “Not interesting”. 1.5 points for them!
Second question was if whether they preferred cats or dogs.
♡ Melancholy trio first. Tattsun and Matsuoka both answered cat while Yuuto answered dog. One point for them!
♡ Pride pair next. Onoyuu drew a bat and Murase..........drew an unidentified animal (it looks like a cross breed between cat/dog/alien) and he insisted it was a bat LOL. The other casts gathered around to take a better look at the drawing but they still couldn’t tell what the heck it was XD No points, sadly.
♡ Sloth pair next. Both answered cats. Pretty sure Terashima loves cat even though he has an allergy to cat fur orz. One point!
♡ Lust pair next. Shimono answered dog while Horie answered cat. Horie got upset Shimono didn’t know because I think in the seiyuu industry (or among themselves), he’s a pretty well-known cat lover?? I don’t know much about Horie so I can’t say for sure but it seems like everyone knows Horie loves cats. Terashima even said “Oi oi, when you mention cats it’s definitely Horie-san y’know?” so...
♡ Greed pair last. Both of them answered hedgehog!! Even though it’s not a cat nor a dog, their answers still matched so it’s still a point for them!
Last question was “What will you give as a return gift on White’s Day?”
♡ Greed pair went first again. Ryohei said he wrote the (very obvious) cookies. Zakki then showed his answer and said he wrote cookies too even though on the sketchbook “angel’s wings” are very clearly written LOL. Ryohei then tried to cover up and said that meant cookies in angel language lmao. Zakki then agreed and said they’re cookies in the shape of an angel’s wings... Too bad no point for them XD
♡ Lust pair next. Horie answered cookies while Shimono drew a candy... and audience started laughing (because that’s very elementary school XD). Shimono then retorted and said he was told by his friends in elementary school that he should give candies to the girl he likes. And Sloth pair comments that he’s the real life Misono TvT No points!
♡ Sloth pair both answered cookies. One point for them!
♡ Pride pair next. Both Onoyuu and Murase answered candy! --Well given how Tetsu is still a kid and Hugh.....it’s no surprise XD Shimono then runs up to them and said “see! someone agrees too!” to the other casts lmao. One point!
♡ Melancholy pair last. All three answered inarizushi! (Tsubaki’s favorite food) 1.5 points!
Okay so the second game Word Searching, the Eves would have to find some placards with single hiragana written on them that are distributed to some lucky audiences (they would have to hold them up) with a binoculars while the Servamps will write them down. There are 11 hiragana words in total and they form a full word. So the objective is to find these hiragana placards and guess what the word is. Now the thing is, not everyone has great eyesight.....plus with the binoculars, their visions are greatly narrowed. Terashii for all I know, cannot survive without glasses. He doesn’t wear contacts either XD Plus with the light reflections from the stage and everything it was pretty hard to find so the cast had difficulty (although the audience in the front helped).
When you add up all the hiragana, it actually makes up the word 千葉県文化会館 (ちばけんぶんかかいかん; Chi-ba ke-n bu-n-ka ka-i-ka-n; Chiba Prefecture Cultural Hall), the venue of Servamp Festival. So obviously the fans started gesturing “here” to let them know the word they’re looking for is the name of the venue.
Melancholy trio got it right quite early I think. Greed pair got it right too. Sloth pair figured out what the answer was but they didn’t get the point because they didn’t find all the hiragana placards. Kaji mentioned that Terashima messed up bu for pu (〇→ぶ、✖→ぷ) and Kaji got confused and got some weird answer LOL. As expected of Terashii XD
I don’t remember much from this since it was pretty messy.
For the last game, Who’s Behind The Door, oh god this is my favorite.  Definitely the cream of the crop. I haven’t laughed this hard in ages -my jaws hurt and I couldn’t breathe!!
So for this game, there are 5 numbered doors. In the noon session, the Servamps will go behind the numbered doors and the Eves will have to guess which door their respective Servamps are behind. 2 questions can be asked (first come first serve) and the Servamps behind the doors will all have to answer the questions thus giving hints for their respective Eves to make a better guess, or to confuse the other Eves. HOWEVER, the mics the Servamps are using will be heavily altered into some high-pitched voice used for censorship (Idk how to describe so I found a random video -it sounded something like that but way higher -probably their own doing lmao).
The big screen behind shows the audience where the Servamps were, hence the Eves were not allowed to look back at all cost. When the Servamps first went behind to decide on the doors, the Eves gathered in the center of the stage. Terashima then said something about them behind the new and improved Servamp XD And then Shimazaki started fooling around and running towards the right side of the stage to wave at fans (since greed pair is on the extreme left most of the time...) and of course since I had a hair color that stood out....... Zakki’s really nice T____T
Anyway, the Servamps behind the respective doors were:
#1 - Melancholy (Matsuoka, Yuuto) #2 - Lust (Horie) #3 - Greed (Ryohei) #4 - Sloth (Kaji) #5 - Pride (Murase)
Shimono asked the first question; if the Servamps preferred cats or dogs. I don’t remember what most of them answered since I was busy laughing -they were shocked by their own altered voices too lol!
♡ I do remember Ryohei saying hedgehog, in which Kaji tried to confuse the Eves by imitating Ryohei and saying he prefers hedgehogs too.
♡ Murase kept laughing at his own voice because it was so god damn high the Eves were like who the hell is this pfff. I mean, the chances of it being Murase is pretty high but then again it’s not like the others can’t use a higher voice to confuse the others right? It’s actually pretty hard to guess too, actually. But it was freaking hilarious when they were laughing into the mics oh my god.
The second question was asked by Onoyuu, who asked if they were old women (ババァですか?) LOL. Probably in relation to Hugh after he got defeated.. (plus Murase sounds like a girl so.)
♡ When Matsuoka and Yuuto tried to answer, Horie cut in and replied to Onoyuu’s question with “Hey...that’s rude.” (Horie is the oldest among the cast). Matsuoka then answered back to Horie with “Hey, that’s rude” too, leaving a flustered Horie XD
♡ Kimura!! Ryohei!!!!!!!!! In a very high and familiar voice, he said ババァじゃな~い!(Baba jyanai~!; I’m not an old woman~!) --He’s impersonating Yonaga Tsubasa, who’s a fellow seiyuu from his same song unit, Trignal. You can hear the original version by him here @1:49 albeit he’s saying onna no ko (girl) instead of baba (old woman).
♡ Kaji then followed Ryohei and said カッパでもな~い!! (Kappa de mo nai~!; I’m not a kappa too~!) which is one of Yonaga’s nicknames XD
♡ Half-laughing Murase followed Ryohei and said ババァじゃな~い!(Baba jyanai~!; I’m not an old woman~!) too.
With those answers, the Eves had to take their pick:
#1 - Picked by Terashii #2 - Picked by Shimono #3 - Immediately picked by Zakki #4 - Picked by Onoyuu #5 - “Picked” by Tattsun
♡ When door #1 opened to reveal Melancholy Subclasses, Yuuto immediately said Mahiru....!! in Sakuya’s voice. He explains he picked #1 because normally Matsuoka/Yuuto would use polite speech (since they’re the juniors) but instead it was Kaji that used so he got confused... I think.
♡ The door #2 opened to reveal a half-stripping (jacket) Horie, I think. Shimono said he guessed it was Horie from when he said it was rude when Onoyuu asked if they were old women LOL. Sensitivity to age, perhaps? XD One point for Lust pair!
♡ Door #3 opened to reveal Ryohei and they immediately hugged aww!! Zakki said he knew it was Ryohei from when he was the first one to say he preferred hedgehogs over cats and dogs. The “I’m not an old woman~!” impersonation further proved him right. One point for Greed pair!
♡ Door #4 was revealed with door #5 at the same time...I DON’T REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED at door #4. I think Onoyuu was clueless hence he picked a random door :’D
♡ Tattsun got hugged by Murase when door #5 opened. Tattsun then said he actually picked door #5 because Terashii took door #1 which he wanted before he even had the chance to go over LOL....
Because Melancholy trio won overall since they had the highest points so they got to play a bonus game for the prizes. The staff pushed out some 9-tile board with prizes written on them. 5 tiles were prizes named according to the sins -the prizes would fall under that category too. The remaining 4 tiles were some random scrubbing brushes as prizes LOL. And each tile had different quantity too... (I think there were x1, x1, x8 and x20 wtf haha). They had to throw a ball from a distance and whatever tile it hits, they would get that prize.
All aiming for the Melancholy prize, Matsuoka went first and got x1 brush LOL. Yuuto went next and got the pride pair prize! The prize was a hot spring trip to the one where Tetsu’s is based off on! ......and Tattsun got a brush too HAHA :’D
Theme for the live reading is “Valentine’s Day”. Story starts with Misono asking Lily if he knew what 14th February was. Of course Lily said it was Misono’s birthday but he’s like NOOOOOOO I’m talking about Valentine’s Day! He then said he found out it’s not just to lovers, but it’s also possible to give friends chocolate (tomo-choco) too. So he wants to give Mahiru and Tetsu home-made chocolates (while stuttering XD) but he doesn’t know how to make -so they ended up going to Mahiru’s place.
Scene changes to Mahiru’s place. Tetsu and Hugh drops by (I forgot why they did though oops). Misono comes barging in later saying the door was left unlocked so he just let himself in with Lily tailing behind. He was shocked to see Pride pair there and Mahiru asks him what brought him over. Misono whispers to Lily and asks him for help because he didn’t want Tetsu to know he’s giving chocolates to him but doesn’t know how hence he’s here to ask Mahiru to teach him. Lily said it was best to let the cat out of the bag so he ended up explaining the situation to Sloth & Pride pair. Though because he started with “Do you know what day 14th February is?”, Kuro responded with “Kisama-chan....don’t tell me you came all the way here just to announce your birthday...” LOL. Hugh said he’s heard of Valentine’s Day. And continues to say that it’s a day where you give friends chocolates by THROWING at them HAHA (he’s confused/mixed up with setsubun -a festive day where people would eat the number of roasted soybeans in accordance to their age. It was said that it used to be accompanied by a special ritual where people throw beans a disease-bringing evil spirits to drive them away). And OF COURSE Tetsu believe’s him :’D Anyway they go out to buy ingredients soon after.
Scene changes to the streets where Lawless was complaining about how Licht was dragging him to so many different stores just to get his hands on this limited edition chocolate that’s only for sale on limited time during Valentine’s and said he wanted a break and to make the next store his last. They enter and Licht finally finds what he was looking for -albeit the last piece left. He puts his hands on it the same time Tsubaki did. They started fighting verbally and comparing who has gone to more stores in search of le holy chocolates while snatching the last one available from each other. Lawless also starts fighting with Belkia verbally about glasses lmao. And then Sakuya tells them to shut up because the store clerk is glaring at them. He then ultimately gives up because he realizes those people were impossible and decides to leave. Just then wild Mahiru and Kuro walks into the store and bumps into Sakuya. Sakuya gets really excited from being able to see Mahiru again. Tsubaki ‘greets them’ and forgets about le holy chocolates for a moment. Licht sees Kuro, went “Neko-san.....!!!!”, forgets about the existence of le holy chocolates for a moment too and it fell to the floor and broke. Tsubaki gets upset. Verbal fighting ensues. Confused Mahiru asks Sakuya what was happening and Kuro thinks it’s better if they leave soon. Sakuya explains (and said it was nothing serious so it’s fine to leave them alone. Even though they technically broke something they haven’t paid for pfft.) Just then Lust pair comes in and Misono makes a big fuss upon seeing Tsubaki. Pride pair enters too and Hugh immediately comments on how Licht and Tsubaki were confirming their friendship for each other upon seeing the broken box of chocolates on the floor (he still believes in throwing chocolates at friends lmao). Tsubaki (or was it Lawless?) says it was getting lively with almost the full cast gathered and asks what the occasion was and Mahiru (?) explains that the were making chocolates hence they were out to get ingredients. Tsubaki then demanded Mahiru to make a similar chocolate as the one that (he and) Licht broke. Licht asks if Neko-san is going to give him anything lol XD Belkia sees the bags of ingredients Mahiru and co. had and comments on how there’s definitely more than enough for everyone in the store and asks if Mahiru intends to make more and give the extras to himself (as if he’s getting from girls in his class). He then calls him painful to look at pfft. Sakuya cuts in and *tries* to cover up for Mahiru by saying his homemade chocolates are probably the best in the world so there shouldn’t be left overs.......-but continues saying how he doesn’t recall Mahiru receiving anything from the girls in the class during Valentine’s Day either LOL. Someone then suggests everyone should make chocolates together. Licht immediately asks if Neko-san can eat chocolates as he’s heard that chocolates are poisonous for them....and Mahiru said Kuro isn’t exactly an animal so chocolate are perfectly fine. Sakuya gets excited and said he wants to make Mahiru some chocolates and started recalling how to get to Mahiru’s place from where they currently were at. Tsubaki suggests a genius idea for everyone to make chocolates and sell them!!! --HENCE started promoting the Valentine’s Day chocolate sets that were sold at the venue LOL.
Mahiru panics because he’s worried his house is not big enough to accommodate so many people (and vampires) but I guess regardless everyone’s still gonna go anyway XD Live reading ends with everyone heading to Mahiru’s place.
*Also, Suzuki Yuuto tripped over his words and messed up a little towards the end and it was adorable awww. *My memory of the Live Reading got a little hazy towards the end so the order etc. might be wrong....sorry.
Started with announcements.
♡ Announced that Servamp Festival (both sessions) will be made into a DVD and releases on 28th June.
♡ Promoted the limited time stores and upcoming cafe.
♡ Promoted the upcoming character song CDs and played Tsubaki’s song in the background.
♡ Host wore Kuro’s jacket/hoodie and promoted it.
I think the noon session went over by 30 mins or so because it lasted about 2 hours long when I checked the time.. Night session was only an hour and a half iirc. Some of the casts didn’t manage to say their ending speeches too --I only remember Ryohei, Matsuoka and Yuuto but I think there were a few more.
I don’t remember what they said either but Shimono thanked us and apologized for making us sit through so much chaos and hope we were able to follow what happened. Ah, Ryohei and some others were also sexually harassing his man boobs (鳩胸w)  somewhere in the noon session lol XD (Male seiyuus love doing this to him for some reason lmao)
...Now it makes me wonder if they’re going to cut some parts of the noon session from the DVD to make it an hour and a half long....they might cut out the Word Searching corner but I’m not sure.... :’D
It think that’s about all that I can remember... Once again I apologize for bad English and the messy report! I do hope it made sense though (>_<)
Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you’re still interested in the night session, HERE is the link!! Be warned that the night session is A LOT more ridiculous though --so much more fooling around and crazy fanservices.
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