#thanks for sending me this ask twice i appreciate the enthusiasm lol!
wastelandhell · 1 year
I love you furry posting holy shit FURBY
bear danse is so real but allow me to project for a second...
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english mastiff
(also I think Haylen would be a brittany spaniel and Rhys would be a boxer ok ok byee)
ashsaadkh I was not expecting to draw out so many furries with that post. Seeing protogen and sergal pfps in my notifications like im back on my 2014 blog.
Bear Danse was really just...he's a bear as a human he may as well be a bear literally. You're not even the only one to suggest gladius dogs:
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I was trying to avoid dogs because they're so over-represented but the dog pack idea is really growing on me. If I had to pick a dog for Danse I'd go with anatolian shepherd though. Oh no I'm actually thinking about it.
Also lmfao at all the people surprised I was a furry. I'm a social outcast posting art on the internet and I don't like anime, it's the only other option.
Don't worry normie followers I'm not going to make furryposting a thing here. If I can't shake the pathowogen I'll make a new account on here or fa. I know most people hate furries.
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darkstar225 · 10 months
Twice's 10th member is babysat by ITZY
A/N: Heyyy, sry for taking so long to post but the semester started and I'm dead- :D I hope that my friends Thira490 and AlexHarris661 that gave me this idea on Wattpad like it! :)
The request: Hi I want to request can you do where y/n is still underage and the members have a schedule at night and need to go out and they contact yeji asking if she and itzy members could look after you and they were happy to, itzy play with y/n and by the end of the night y/n is asleep in yeji lap when twice came to pick her up and thought it was adorable. Thank you ❤️ It's a little different than under the weather. This one is like a babysitting
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The city lights painted a tapestry of vibrant colours across the night sky, the bustling energy of Seoul refusing to wane as the sun set. Amidst this urban symphony, a group of nine young women known as TWICE was preparing for a packed schedule that would extend into the late hours. Their youngest member, Y/N, a spirited and charismatic individual, was facing an interesting dilemma. The maknae was still underage, and the upcoming evening's engagements were set to last well into the night.
Jihyo, as the group's leader and Y/N's mama furrowed her brows as she scanned the schedule.
Jihyo - I'm a bit concerned about our kid. We can't just leave her alone during our night events.
Nayeon (mom 2) nodded in agreement. 
Nayeon - Yeah, she's still too young to be out this late.
Momo chimed in. 
Momo - But we can't cancel our commitments either. Our fans are expecting us.
Chaeyoung sighed, tapping her chin thoughtfully. 
Chaeyoung - What if we ask Yeji and the ITZY members for help? They're really close with our maknae, and I'm sure they'd be willing.
The suggestion sparked a glimmer of hope in the room. It was true, Y/N and the members of ITZY had developed strong bonds through their interactions in the industry. Y/N's bright smile and infectious enthusiasm had endeared her to many, and it wasn't uncommon to see her spending time with other idol groups.
Jihyo nodded in agreement with a motherly smile. 
Jihyo - Let's give it a shot. It wouldn't hurt to ask.
With a plan forming, Jihyo reached for her phone and dialled Yeji's number. After a brief conversation explaining the situation, Yeji's voice came through the speaker, warm and reassuring. 
Yeji - Don't worry, Jihyo unnie. We'd be more than happy to look after Y/N tonight. Just send her our way.
Relief washed over the TWICE members. Gratefully, Nayeon was the one to respond.
Nayeon - Thank you so much, Yeji. We really appreciate it.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, the ITZY members gathered at their dorm, excitement bubbling in the air. TWICE's sweetheart arrived shortly after, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. 
Y/N - Hey, unnies! Y/N in your area- oops, wrong group lol
Lia grinned as the other members started laughing. 
Lia - Cutie, are you ready for a fun night with us?
Y/N nodded enthusiastically, her signature smile stretching across her face. 
Y/N - Definitely! Let's make this a memorable night!
Yeji, who had been observing the younger girl's cheerful demeanour, couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness. 
Yeji - Alright, kiddo. We've got some games and activities planned. Get ready for a whirlwind of fun!
As the night progressed, the dorm was filled with laughter, harmony, and a healthy dose of friendly competition. The ITZY members and Y/N played games, sang along to music, and shared stories, creating an atmosphere of joy and togetherness. The age difference seemed to melt away as they bonded over their shared experiences in the entertainment industry. Ryujin watched in awe as Y/N skillfully navigated the virtual challenge before she spoke.
Ryujin - Girl, you're really good at this game! 
TWICE's sunshine laughed, a touch of embarrassment tinging her cheeks. 
Y/N - I've had a lot of practice, that's all.
As the clock ticked on, it was clear that Y/N's energy was beginning to sag. The long day was catching up to her, and her eyelids were growing heavier. Yeji noticed the girl's struggle to keep her eyes open and approached her with a gentle smile and soft voice.
Yeji - Feeling tired, honey? 
Y/N nodded, rubbing her eyes. 
Y/N - Yeah, I think I might be ready to call it a night, unnie.
Yeji exchanged a knowing glance with her fellow ITZY members before turning back to Y/N. 
Yeji - How about we find you a comfy spot to rest? You can take a nap while we finish up here.
The maknae's gratitude was evident in her smile as she followed Yeji to the couch. She settled down, her head resting on a cushion, and within moments, her breathing evened out as sleep claimed her. The ITZY members exchanged fond glances, their affection for Y/N evident in their expressions. Yeji gently smoothed a strand of hair away from her dongsang's face, her heart warming at the sight of the young idol in peaceful slumber.
As the time to return Y/N to TWICE's care drew near, the members of TWICE arrived at the ITZY dorm. Jihyo, Nayeon, Momo, Sana, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu entered the cosy living room, their steps light so as not to disturb the sleeping figure on the couch. Yeji greeted them with a hushed tone.
Yeji - She's had quite a night. She's asleep on the couch.
The TWICE members gathered around, their eyes softening as they took in the sight of Y/N. Nayeon covered her mouth, stifling a delighted giggle. 
Nayeon - Look at her, she's like a little angel.
Jihyo nodded in agreement, her voice barely above a whisper. 
Jihyo - It's heartwarming to see how much she's loved by everyone.
As the night transitioned into the early hours of the morning, the members of TWICE carefully lifted their babygirl into their arms, making sure not to wake her. Y/N stirred slightly, her brows furrowing before settling into a deeper sleep against the warmth of Yeji's lap.
Yeji's smile was tender as she brushed a gentle thumb across the younger girl's cheek. 
Yeji - Sleep well, Y/N.
The journey back to the TWICE dorm was filled with quiet admiration for the young idol's ability to bring people together, regardless of age or group affiliation. As they settled their child into her own bed, Jihyo leaned down to press a soft kiss on her forehead.
Jihyo - Thank you, lovebug. For being the bright light that you are. Mama loves you a lot.
The members of TWICE left the maknae's room, their hearts full of gratitude for the night's unexpected turn of events. Y/N's innocence and charm had united the two groups, showcasing the power of friendship and solidarity in the unpredictable world of idol life. And this made the unnies all share the same thought:
We love our dear maknae.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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kirishwima · 4 years
Hello~! Purely from my own odd experience since I still barely know anything about cars, but could I request headcannons for RFA (or just Zen and V if ya want) reacting to a female MC who works at an auto parts store and has to do a lot of heavy lifting, interact with a lot of men, mostly hicks, and works with guys older than her? Shes typically soft and shy around them but developed a bit sassier and tomboyish attitude for interacting with customers. Sorry this is so specific 😅 thank you!
ohh wow! I...actually now honestly Nothing About Cars, so I’m not too sure how to work with this T-T I’ll just write Zen and V for now, but if you like it, then I can continue with the rest of the characters too!!
* He was honestly excited when, after mentioning in the RFA chatroom how he loves riding his motorcycle, MC got just as excited, asking him about the motorcycle’s model, what modifications he’d done to it, and other little details, some of which even Zen himself didn’t have an answer for!
* When they explained they work in an auto parts store, he was shocked. “Wait, wait, which one?!” he asked, and at the sound of the store’s name, he wrecked his mind for a memory he knew was there.
* “Wait! I know you!” he screamed. He’d called MC immediatly after remembering why their name sounded so familiar, his excitedness seeping over through the receiver, “You’re that cool lady that works at the store! I’d go there often to get stuff for my bike and I remember seeing you a lot! Hell, I even tried flirtiing with you once and you rejected me so fast I could hear my jaw hit the floor!” he was only...half-joking about that last bit.
* Truth be told, of course he remembered her-she was the reason he kept going back to that store, and something in him was both excited and confused at the way his heart skipped a beat when he saw her take a box that must’ve weighed more than she did and lift it up like it was no big deal, even stopping to chat with some of her co-workers whilst holding it.
* Seeing the MC on the messenger though-this had developed into something bigger than a crush, there was no denying it. She was so soft-spoken and polite, yet whenver Seven made a jab at her, she’d return it tenfold, like a little chihuahua bearing it’s fangs to anyone that pisses it off. He was so attracted to her it was insane (and high-key proud of her for putting Seven in his place lmao).
* When she came to his house he was a stuttering blushing mess-and so was she! She was still the same cheerful sassy girl he’d met at the shop, but she was also this quiet soft girl he wanted to protect-how dare she do this to his heart, Zen just couldn’t handle it!!
* When they eventually got together (after a lot of matchmaking from the RFA because Zen was being really shy for once in his life lol), he’d go to the shop often to see her, and sometimes get some stuff for his bike too, which she’d later help him implement at home.
* He’s a very jealous sort of guy, so seeing her talk and laugh with her co-workers did bring a bitter taste to his throat, especially when she’d bump her shoulder into theirs or let them pat her back after a job well done, but he bit the feelings down-he trusted MC whole-heartedly, and knew this feeling was irrational. He’d never let this interfere in their relationships.
* It really helped when MC introduced him to her co-workers though, and they all gave him the stink eye at first-was this pretty-boy type enough for their friend? But eventually they all saw how much he loves her and accepted him as part of the group. He could tell that most of them looked at MC like a little sister who was just. As buff as them lol, and he appreciated it, happy to know she’s so well liked in her workplace.
* Would absoloutely take her on bike rides too ;) But he’d be thrice as careful than usual-he had his most precious person riding right beside him afterall!! He’d also give her a harsh no when she asked if she could ride the bike instead-he trusts her, but he loves her too much and would never want to risk her getting injured, ever.
* He found out about her workplace from Seven’s background check, but never thought twice about it. 
* He only put more thought into it, when one day, whilst talking about Zen’s motorcycle in the group chat, Zen took a jab at him, insulting his worn-down, has-seen-better-days little Volkswagen, saying it looks like it’s ready to break at the spot at any minute now.
* MC was suddenly very intrigued by the conversation-asking a dozen questions about V’s car that he honestly had no answer to. He offered that if she was this interested, she could drop by his place for a cup of coffee and to take a look at the car too, especially after she insisted she’d love to help fix it up- “Vintage beauties like that should be conserves as best as possible!” she insisted, and V found her enthusiasm contagious-even if he didn’t share the same interest, seeing how passionate she was about it made his heart flutter.
* He loved how open and bold she could be, even though she was also so bashful from time to time, especially when meeting in person-he almost couldn’t believe that the gentle, soft girl sitting across him nursing a cup of warm coffee between her palms was the same one that managed to shut both Jumin and Zen up whilst they were having yet another arguement in the messenger-he held her at such a high regard after that, even higher than before.
* True to her word, she took one look at his car and decided this is something she just has to get her hands on, already mumbling out loud different alterations she could do to his little Beetle as he called it, whilst keeping its exterior the same.
* V laughed, putting a hand on her shoulder as she stood there eyeing the vehicle. “I trust you fully MC-whatever you want to do to the car, you can do it.”
* The expression of joy that filled MC’s face at his words made his heart skip a beat or two. Hell, he’d break his car a dozen times over if putting it back together would make her this happy!!
* He let her take his car to the shop, so she could match the necessary parts to it, and watched her work-he even met all her co-workers, who by the end of the day, took MC aside and told her ‘to protect this man at all costs’ (cue V looking to them all confused like OwO?? and the big burly men working with MC just holding back tears at his cuteness lmao)
* Within two weeks, the car was unrecognisable-Zen could never make fun of it again! It was still the same old beauty, but it ran so much smoother, it’s engine didn’t turn off every few minutes, even the whole dashboard was different, with a newer radio installed along with an AUX port- “so you can listen to any music you want, all the time!” MC said with a grin that made his heart flutter.
* “I-I’d love to take you on a drive now...on a roadtrip, as a thank-you..maybe?” he asked, his cheeks a furious red as MC beamed up at him.
* He’d oficially ask her to date him at the end of their daytrip, on a hill with a view to the city skyline, sitting on the hood of the car with her beside him-and he’d count his lucky stars for the shitty state his car had been, for letting him meet this new side of MC, the one that made him fall head over heels.
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon/scenario for characters reactions!-
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leupagus · 5 years
you will miss the green and the woods and streams
A Schitt’s Creek AU thing I wrote for @broadlybrazen, which boils down to “lol what if Schitt’s Creek had been Schitt Records can you imagine.” 
You’re welcome/I’m sorry.
“Okay, but why are you making me do this.” David doesn’t ask, because it’s not a question; it’s a declaration, something he’s learned in the long years since he and Stevie were coworkers, then friends, then — something, almost, not quite — and now they’re people who drag each other to shitty bars in shitty basements in shitty Toronto, except only Stevie is that.
“I’m not making you do anything,” Stevie lies right to his actual face as they collect her beer and his wine from the bartender. “You offered to comfort me.”
“I don’t think I said ‘comfort’ so much as I said ‘support you in your time of—‘“ he waves at her generally, carefully not to spill. “Loss, or whatever.”
Not that Jake qualifies as a loss, per se; he hadn’t even tried to get out of the contract, which Stevie keeps saying is the important thing. And David of all people knows that above-average sex can only take you so far when the other guy is an emotionally illiterate carpenter/rockstar who responded to a breakup text with “bummer :P”
“Well, this is you supporting me.” Stevie takes a swig and leans back against the bar; David admires the clean line of her neck and chest the way he’s done a thousand times before, absentminded appreciation the way he looks at a beautiful coat or listens to a new record; letting it slip through his fingers, like everything else.
“You’re not…performing, are you,” David doesn’t-ask.
Stevie gives him a long look. “You’ve known me for over two years,” she says, even. “Do you think I’m likely to break out into song?”
“You’re a talent scout for a major record label,” he feels obliged to point out.
“Uh, first of all, it’s not major, and second of all, so are you,” she says.
This is, sadly, irrefutable.
When Ira disappeared to God knew where with the keys to the Rose family fortune, their lawyer had pulled them all into the living room with a chipper expression and a folder. David hadn’t listened, the sounds of furniture, paintings, his life being carted out the door overwhelming everything else. But Dad’s voice cut through.
“Schitt Records? That was a joke—“ and it still is a joke, almost two and a half years later. The biggest joke in the music industry, and David hears the laughter everywhere he goes.
Roland Schitt had been managing his wife and an extremely chipper singer-songwriter who went by “Twyla” and did tarot card readings after every set. Schitt Records was worth approximately nothing; probably why the government had let them keep it. When Dad finally exercised his ownership clause and made Roland an ex-officio (read: non-voting) board member, Roland had actually cackled with delight and wished them all the best, taking his “President of” title and a small stipend with him. Jocelyn and Twyla stuck around, although David still isn’t sure that Twyla’s all that aware of the change in management.
And anyway, as far as David’s concerned, the only thing of value at Schitt Records, at least at first, was Stevie.
They’d put Alexis back in the studio for want of any better ideas; David had found a semi-decent, semi-sober songwriter to give her some of the songs Meghan and Ariana had rejected. “Pullin’ Up Alexis” didn’t so much as crack the top 200 but it had put Schitt Records in the black, at least, even if Alexis did go white-faced and brittle at the awful venues David coaxed her into for the better part of a year — county fairs and no-name festivals where the audience wanted to jeer and heckle, where her dancing would get her laughed offstage if her singing didn’t. But every time he’d tell her she could quit (she couldn’t) and that they’d find another way to get the company on its feet (they wouldn’t), she’d lift her chin and smile and ask her where they were going next, and David loved her more than he’d ever, ever tell her.
And when the tour ended, David gritted his teeth and went out with Stevie to find something else. They found Ronnie, who hates them all but has hands like an angel on the piano; Jake who’s prettier onstage than off but who can draw a reliable crowd; even Ray, whose one-man band act is surprisingly lucrative, though David suspects that’s because anyone who listens can’t actually believe what’s happening.
Schitt Records still isn’t worth buying, but it’s worth something, now; worth spending late nights in small towns, worth sleepless weekends working festivals, worth more than David had ever expected to find.
But he’s still looking, he knows, for something else.
Even more insultingly, the open mic has a theme; “90’s Nostalgia!” which means too many bad covers of Alanis and one truly offensive attempt at “I Will Always Love You” that has David ordering his next glass of wine in a pint glass.
Stevie is laughing, though — she’s happy, in tune with the crowd who are clearly here for their respective friends onstage, leading the shaky ones through their choruses and cheering with far more enthusiasm than is merited when each of them wraps up.
“This is horrifying,” David tells her as some guy in his 60s gets gently ushered offstage and there’s a blessed lull.
“I know,” Stevie replies, eyes shining. “It’s great.”
And it is, in a weird way that David would never have enjoyed in his other life; he would never have set foot in here, would never have been friends with someone as grounded and solid and plaid as Stevie in the first place. So he takes a drink and doesn’t suggest they leave, but does pick a fight about sending Ray to ACL.
Stevie obligingly takes the bait and they’re halfway through the comfortable old argument about riders when David realizes the strummy-strummy lala in the background is a) recognizable, b) good, and c) infuriating.
The guy onstage is best described as “unprepossessing accountant,” wearing an ugly shirt and ugly slacks and uglier shoes and an astonishingly ugly fringed vest that’s probably (hopefully) a joke, judging by the wolf whistles from a table near the stage. But he’s got a smile like a searchlight as he rounds the corner of the first verse:
“I’m caught up in the midst of you And I cannot resist…”
David flails around until he makes contact with Stevie’s — okay, her face, which she’ll probably complain about later, but he’s too incensed. “He’s singing Mariah?”
Stevie swats his hand away. “He’s not bad.”
“I—“ David clutches at his pint glass. Fringed Vest, still grinning into the crowd and unaware of David’s newborn vendetta against him, continues.
Boy, if I do The things you want me to The way I used to do Would you love me, baby Hold me, feeling now Go and break my heart
The entire bar joins in on the chorus, Fringed Vest leading them like some hick accountant Pied Piper:
Heartbreaker, you got the best of me But I just keep on coming back incessantly Oh, why did you have to run your game on me I should have known right from the start You'd go and break my heart
Fringed Vest does not, thank God, try his hand at rapping the break but the crowd seems reluctant to let him actually finish the song, the choruses getting progressively louder and more boisterous until Fringed Vest puts a line underneath and steps back from the mic and they finally take the goddamn hint.
“That was—“ awful, he’s about to say, but the problem is that it wasn’t. There’s not a whole lot a Canadian accountant can add to Mariah Carey, especially with the advent of Lip Synch Battle. But it hadn’t felt patronizing or mocking; Fringed Vest knew every word, sang with a voice that couldn’t hold a match to Mariah but still expressed some sort of longing. He’d been joyful, earnest where most people tonight had clung to trite. It… worked.
He’s even more enraged.
“C’mon,” Stevie says, slipping through the crowd with the weary ease of someone who’s been doing this half her life. David tromps behind in her wake, bumping up against the same people Stevie glides past and almost losing her twice before she gets to the dinky curtain that is the backstage and ducking inside.
Which smells like vomit; David immediately flips through the various acts tonight and makes a bet with himself that it was the very sweet otter with the beard and the accordion even while Stevie is making her way over to the side of the stage where Fringed Vest is talking to somebody else and drinking — god, Red Mountain, David is vetoing any contract Stevie tries to push on this guy for that alone.
But Stevie’s introducing them and Fringed Vest extends a hand. “Patrick,” he says, grip firm. Up close he’s — not attractive, exactly, no eyebrows to speak of and a haircut that screams middle management, that smile still the most interesting thing about him. But it’s very interesting.
“David,” he admits, aware of Stevie’s narrowed eyes.
“David Rose,” Patrick says, worryingly. “You own Schitt Records.”
He blinks; this is possibly the first time anyone’s said the name of the company without smirking. “Co-own,” he corrects.
“You manage a friend of mine,” Patrick continues, “Ray? Butani?”
“We only manage one Ray, don’t worry,” Stevie tells him.
“How are you friends with Ray?” David demands. “He plays a vibraphone.”
“We both went to Rotman,” and that explains so much about both Ray and Patrick. “He was pretty excited when he signed.”
“Yes, the glamour of the pub circuit,” David says. “Who can resist the allure of all this,” and he almost hits a girl with beads in her hair and a banjo in her hand climbing onstage.
“It’s got its charms,” Patrick says, still smiling.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Moon. U R a cool bean drenched in awesome sauce, ya know that?! (big bear hug) I got myself a Twitter account some weeks ago and I've been in Twitter hell ever since, lol. But I managed to break away from time to time to see what's up in your neck of the woods. Hopefully ur ok? I know you've went thru some heavy IRL stuff while I was away. I sent u good vibes on the daily, hope they reached u. U deserve all the love and positivity this world has to give! And I'll b sure to drop in more often. :D
I know I said it already in your previous ask (with a bit too much…enthusiasm hndhngh) but I MISSED YOU!! ( ˙꒳​˙ )
AND A BEAR HUG!!!! The maccoonie shall hug back and SQUEEZE my buddy mehandbleh because YOU A GOOD BEAN INAWESOME SAUCE TOO!!! U AWESOME AND GREAT AND EVERYTHING THAT’S GOOD KALSJDD ( ˙꒳​˙ )
Aaah, a Twitter! So that’s why you’ve been away, huh? Well, so long you’re having fun and lots of good times, that’s okay, buddy!! It’s nice to know that you’ve been having fun and enjoying of that wonderful thing called Tweety!! I don’t have a Twitter but it seems like a fun site for fandom, ah? I hope you have LOTSA fun and keep enjoying it, buddy!! ☆ ~('▽^人)
I’m okay!!! ( ˙꒳​˙ ) The first half of all 2018 was very heavy to me IRL but it’s gotten quieter and more peaceful and honestly that’s all I ask for aksljdfdalkgjd. Many of the things that happened have no way to be fixed, but I’ve been doing better at making my peace with them and I’m physically recovering excellently, so everything is okay. Thank you so much for asking :3
What about you? Other than having fun at Twitter, how have you been? I hope you’ve been okay and doing good
And you can be SURE AS HELL that those nice, good, and BEAUTIFUL vibes that you sent me made it to me!! And damn, they did WONDERS!! :3
I’m still marveled and so touched by all the people that sent me good thoughts and vibes, and I do believe that it was you people who are mostly to blame, the reason things have calmed down and that everything went okay when they hapened. Still marveled, and eternally grateful. That includes you, buddy!!
Thank you so immensely and wholeheartedly much for the good vibes and thoughts. Dearly received and appreciated. I shall be sending all that positivity back to you, and may the stars give you twice as you’re giving me!!
Honestly no pressures there, I know real life happens and sometimes we don’t have the energy to write or the time, or maybe you’d rather enjoy Twitter as you’ve been doing, but seeing you drop by again would be FANTASTIC and so dearly welcome and appreciated
So yeh, no pressures, but know that that would be fantastic. I’m a good raccoonie so I could wait anything and still bounce and be happy when I read more from you again!!! ( ˙꒳​˙ )
Thank you SO SO SO much for dropping by again, buddy!! And thank you lots for being as nice to me as you always are, and just thank you for everything!!
I hope to read more from you soon, buddy, dear!!
And I’m sending you warm, happy, HUGE, and super lucky MAGICAL RACCOON VIBES FOR YOU AND ONLY YOU!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC day!!
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