#thanks for the ask!! This whole movie is living in my brain for the forseeable future fjdndbd
kibbits · 2 years
it has been so bloody long since we've seen an unapologetically evil bastard, just having a blast with his own villainy, at the helm of a big animated film like this 🔥🔥🔥 i'm so with you - Big Jack Horner is so much fun, and an absolute standout from the past decade of animated characters!! i'm all for compelling origins and sympathetic character arcs, but the writers gave Jack depth while keeping him awful and fun - now that deserves praise 💪
Yes!!! Absolutely! And I love that they made sure to specify that he's had everything he could ever ask for including the love of his parents, financial stability, an assured future, etc., he's just choosing to be like this and honestly he seems to be having the time of his life fjdjd
It actually makes me like him much much more as a villain than if they'd tried to make him sympathetic?
These past decades it's always been either sympathetic villains, or """gray""" area ones where it doesn't excuse them, or dark gritty villains that just make you uncomfortable... Big Jack Horner, and actually all 3 antagonists in this movie-- are a breath of fresh air!
I think I ranted a bit about it yesterday but it is so, so good and important that they have all those different kinds of antagonists!
I'm gonna put the rest under a readmore 'cause it got long djdjd
Goldie and the bears ARE sympathetic, but not in a way that feels forced at all! They're not so much 'redeemed' as they are simply characters with their own arcs who just happen to have competing goals
Death is badass and intimidating and sure he wants Puss', well, death, but it's almost impersonal. An inevitable, a force of nature. A literal catalyst for Puss' will to actually LIVE his life and fight for it, to measure his state of mind (I'm also glad he wasn't seen by or around people until the very end --I mentionned in another post, but until Kitty Soft Paws made that remark, I wasn't even sure other characters were gonna be able to see him!)
And Big Jack Horner is so fun! Love him as a villain, it's not a 'love to hate them' kind of deal because the movie is so comedic that you don't really rage at him, but it's also not a case where you want to root for the villain either --of course I don't want him to win!
Movie's good dhdhdjd
But he's just so fun to watch, a literal cartoon villain but he also feels more solid. He could have been an angry little (big) man who squashed the ethical bug because it annoyed him, or purposefully killed off his own men, but no!
He keeps the bug around and lets it ride on his shoulder and judge him (probably because he thinks it's amusing and is waiting for the shoe to drop), and simply doesn't care about his staff, enough that he basically calls out 'my controller jammed, you walked in front of me' kind of casual excuses when he literally explodes them one by one with the unicorn horns. He'll help out, but only if it's very very convenient and only if it's so they can be useful to him
(which wow, I hadn't caught on to the Disney reference but oh my god it's so obvious and I can't stop seeing it. They even gave him the same haircut they gave Lord Farquaad, their other Disney CEO caricature. The casual wringing of the staff's usefulness to the last drop and equally casual throwing them aside when it gets inconvenient)
And the design! How does it work so well, it should be ridiculous! And it sort of is??? But man kudos to the animators, they made his movements, expressions, quirks etc so.. Real? Grounded? Somehow that it makes it just seem natural despite how exaggerated it is
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: farmers market; sami zayn
Okay, so this is part 1 of a 2 part thing I wrote for sami zayn and it got buried way beneath a ton of other bullshit. When I re-read it, I decided that I had to give it it’s own post here. I’m gonna try and dig up the second part so that it goes up immediately behind this and there’s no digging but my blogs are a mess rn so I make absolutely no promises.
{ wanna send in one of these? here’s how | masterlist of fake fic titles }
Sami and roommate Moira are close friends but both want more. Sami returns home to discover that Moira has taken in a child relative. Fluff ensues.
Sami Zayn x OFC, Moira
uhh, just a loooot of fluff. so much fluff. too much, perhaps.
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The apartment door was ajar. It was odd, but Sami was used to the quirks of his roommate Moira by now. However, when he opened the door fully, a sight greeted him that he was clearly not expecting and altogether blown away at the sight of.
… As if I needed yet another reason to fall harder… the thought bounced around in his mind for a second or two and he cleared his throat. Moira looked up from where she knelt on the floor, playing with a little toddler girl who looked similar enough to her to be able to pass for her daughter.
… oh shit, he’s probably irritated now… the man is gone on the road 90 percent of the time and the last thing he probably wants is a kid underfoot… wait, why’s he looking at me like that?... Moira gave a sheepish smile and spoke up. “I didn’t think you were gonna be back yet…”
“Well, this explains the plastic tiara I found in the pantry last time I was back for downtime. Didn’t you get my text earlier? I tried to give you a heads up…” Sami trailed off. Moira picked up the little girl and stood, smoothing her free hand down her jeans and the little girl hid her face in Moira’s shoulder. Moira nodded to her and explained quietly, “My sister, she… Look, my niece needed somewhere stable to stay and god knows my mother was not it… I was gonna tell you but there wasn’t any time, I…”
Sami stepped closer, giving a shrug, fixing his eyes on the little girl. “Aw, hey there. What’s your name, huh?”
She raised her head to look at him and after whispering to Moira, she answered quietly, “Keely.” and her thumb returned to her mouth. Sami reverted his gaze back to Moira and said “You don’t have to explain anything to me, okay? I get it.. Family is family.”
“I understand if you don’t want me subletting with you anymore, I mean.. Keely is with me for the forseeable future…”
“It’s fine. I mean that, I really do. And I’d honestly like it if you and I kept subletting?”
Moira eyed Sami, a brow raised. Didn’t he realize just how much in the way that a 3 year old was going to be? What if he wanted to bring a girl home?
Just the thought of Sami bringing a girl home, like all other times she’d had the thought, made her stomach churn anxiously.
… if the thought of him finding someone really makes you that uneasy, maybe tell him how you feel, idiot… Moira thought to herself, but she shoved the thought out.
No, she’d made their living situation weird enough by doing what she’d done when she assumed guardianship over her 3 year old niece on a protective whim.. No sense in further making things weird by word vomiting just how deeply in love she was with the man.
Keely looked up and her eyes brightened a little. She tugged on her aunt’s sleeve and leaned in, whispered quietly, “He on tv.” and Moira gave a nod and a quiet laugh. “Yeah, peanut, that’s the guy you saw on tv.” as she glanced at Sami and explained quietly, “I… got curious and decided to watch a few episodes? And now, apparently, I can’t stop?”
… Only because you’re on there and you’re so good at what you do and I can see this… whole other side of you… the thought was drowned out quickly. Moira shuffled her feet and shifted her gaze to Keely for a second or two. If she looked at him right now, she was almost afraid he’d see what she wasn’t saying in her eyes.
The heavy tension was lingering between them, she’d have been an idiot not to notice it. She only hoped it wasn’t because she had her niece staying with her. She didn’t dare hope that there was anything more resemblant to what she wanted it to be though.
… If I don’t do something about the way I feel soon, I’m going to lose my mind…
Sami’s gaze shifted to Moira and she quickly attempted to downplay it, but Sami noticed the deep pink tint to her cheeks, almost as if the admission was not something she wanted to come out.
He wondered why, but he didn’t ask.
“ So you watch wrestling?”
“Only with Moia.” Keely answered after a few seconds, and only after she’d looked up at her aunt as if she were asking if it were okay. Sami got the feeling that whatever the kid had been through to lead to her staying with Moira had been hell, and he found himself glad that Moira had taken her in.
Sami chuckled and reached for the little girl. Keely shied away and Moira explained quietly, “She’s gotta get used to you. I mean beyond seeing you on tv… I’ll explain later.”
Sami gave a nod and picked his bag up. “I’m gonna go throw my bag in my room. Then maybe we can find something to do. It’s too pretty out to keep her cooped up in here.”
Moira bit her lip and watched as Sami disappeared down the hall and into his room. She took a deep breath and mumbled mostly to herself, “That went a lot smoother than I thought it might go..”
Sami leaned against the door and took a deep breath, an attempt to pull himself together. Seeing her with her niece, with her guard down, when she wasn’t aware she was being watched had been an insight into her that he hadn’t previously had.
He got the feeling that whatever she wasn’t saying about Keely’s living situation before Moira took her in wasn’t going to make him happy to hear. And he was trying to get his head around how to proceed now, having seen this whole other side of her moments ago and the new level it gave to feelings he’d been feeling for over half a year now.
“ Keely’s a part of her. Either I accept that, or I try to get over Moira. And I really don’t see that happening.” he mumbled to himself as he stepped back out into the hallway, nearly colliding with Moira in the process.
“Hey, we could go to the farmers market. Don’t they have the animals there still? Or the zoo..” Sami trailed off, wondering if he’d just come off pushy, too eager.
Moira bit her lip and smiled. “Actually, Keely and I were gonna have to go to the farmers market anyway. It’s October. And do you know my sister never even bothered with holidays for her? So she’s never known the joy of scooping all the ick out of the inside of a pumpkin just to stick a candle in there… I mean.. If you want to go. You’re probably tired..” she trailed off.
It hit Sami like a ton of bricks then. She was nervous.. But she’d seemed to really perk up when he suggested going somewhere in the first place. Maybe his feelings weren’t as one sided as he thought.
The thought had him sort of grinning, leaning in the doorway of his room as he tugged at the strings of his hoodie to distract himself, keep his hands moving, keep his mind focused and keep him from going overboard and laying it on way too thick right out of the gate.
“I asked, didn’t I?”
“I know, just.. That was one hell of a flight.. I don’t wanna make you feel like you have to..”
“I want to.” Sami made sure to emphasize the fact as he spoke and she stared up at him, for a split second, her brain ceased to function and she could only nod. “I’ll go find her jacket then..”
“I’m ready when you are. Kinda excited. Now I have someone to help me feed the ducks on that pond at the edge of the park.”
“Oh god.. No, no.. Don’t you dare get those ducks started! They’ll swarm us.”
Sami chuckled, teasing her and grinning, “Oh wait, I forgot.. Thanks to you being inable to stop watching a movie that scares you, you’re afraid of large bird swarms.”
“ Bite me, Zayn.”
… Oh, I’d like to do a lot more than that, Moira… Sami thought to himself as she disappeared down the hall and into her room…
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chelsorz07 · 7 years
the best part about these is I don’t look at my old answers beforehand
Who reads my surveys? Nobody? Thought so. Okay.
Have you ever had a panic attack? many, thanks. Probably several hundred, but I haven’t had one in a long time. Mostly because I never leave my house. Where is the person who has your heart at the moment? home, HQ, idk. I think he’s on nights this hitch, so work, till 6am. Do you think relationships are hard? they can be. I think everything is hard. But I mean you still gotta try. Otherwise you’re just alone and miserable forever and that’s no fun. Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life? i try. I think there are people who will remember me, but I don’t necessarily believe that I’ve had a life-changing impact. Are you a type of person who cares what people say about you? nooope. Not really. Unless they have some sort of legitimate authority over me. Like my boss. But even then I don’t dwell on it. A minimum wage job isn’t worth fretting over. Has anyone lied to you today? probably. I don’t think so. Most of my conversations today haven’t been serious enough to warrant a lie. Have you recently lost someone that means everything to you? i definitely have not. Nope. If you get a chance to move somewhere, where would you move? actually i wouldn't even mind staying in bradford, as long as i could just get out of this house. I WANT TO GO HOMEEEE. When's the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face? last night playing mario party with amanda, gary, and aaron. Not sure. Oh yeah, this bitch in front of me at the ATL show that kept twerking her ass on me to push me back when I was trying to get to my sister.   Do you understand football? i loooove football. of course i understand it. The fooseball is my life. Well not quite that severe. But yeah I get it and I need it. What is your favorite cartoon character? used to be patrick. now i don't really have one. cartoons make me rage. Experiment 626. At the moment, do you terribly miss someone? well gary's here but i still miss her cuz i only got to spend like 12 hours with her yesterday and i don't know if i'll be able to see her again before she leaves. All my people in Bradford, and my friend Faith because I haven’t seen her since April even though she literally lives like 2 miles away. What time did you wake up this morning? i didn't even get home till quarter to 6...got up at quarter to 9. My alarm was set for 9:30...Think I woke up sometime between 8:30 and 9. Do you like to cuddle/snuggle? love it. I do but I don’t. Because like cuddling is nice but I also have trouble breathing. Who was the last person you held hands with? dave. Dave is the only person I hold hands with.  Are you texting anyone? yep. Talking to Dave and Mike on fb messenger. Are you a morning person or a night person? night. My body is neither. My brain is a night person. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? it should. Who the hell knows. Do you like taking walks in the middle of the night? yeahhh. I used to. Don’t care for taking walks at all these days. What is your biggest annoyance at the moment? i have to do a bunch of shit today before i can leave...but i'm not coming home the rest of the weekend so it's all good. I’m itchy. Psoriasis probs. Who did you last take a picture with? gary and amanda. Haaaang on I have to check my camera. Maranda, on my birthday. What are you going to do tomorrow? there's a very small chance i'll go to state park to eat with the family, and then hopefully we're camping. but we always say we're camping and we never do. so i'm not optimistic. Whole lotta nothin’, and probably a load of laundry. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? all the time. I mean not like with intent to injure them. But I do tend to throw shit occasionally. Not actual shit. I’m not a baboon. Have you ever been called a bitch? i am a bitch. so yeah. This will never change. Are you currently mad at someone? no. just annoyed with my parents. Not really. I’ve actually been feeling pretty good lately. If you could have anything right now, what would it be? money. Money and not heartburn. Do you want to have children? not anytime in the forseeable future. Yeah but I don’t get emotional about it anymore because I know I don’t have my shit together enough to be responsible for the life of another human being. Plus, yaknow, I haven’t had sex in six months. Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? now. Currently. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days? yesss ^_^ No because he’s been gone for 5 days. It’s actually been about a week and a half. What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? this morning. um...i cleared stuff off my bed. Peed, probably. Smoked a cigarette, definitely. Does cuddling freak you out? not even remotely. Just when I start suffocating. Last person you saw other than family? gary, aaron, and amanda. My old Elder-Beerman friends. I visited them after work today. Are you happy? toats!! I don’t know as I’d go that far but I do feel better than I have in months. Were you single on your last birthday? no.  I was not.
Do you talk a lot? way too much. I can, when it’s been too long since I’ve had human contact. I also talk to myself, and to my cats. But I like my quiet time too. Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset with them? usually. I ignore people pretty much always. Who was the last person to go to the movies with you? marty. yeah. i haven't been to the movies in almost 2 years. Dave. It was over a year ago though. We’re not theater people. I just REALLY wanted to see Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. Who do you turn to when you're down? friends. My Marshie ♥ Do you swear a lot? all the damn time. Can’t not. I swear so much it’s not even swearing anymore. Are there any bruises on your body? yes! don't ask. lol Yeah idk what happened I think one of the tote bag hanger things at work attacked me. Have you ever had stitches? when i got my tonsils out. Yes. Tonsils and gallbladder.  Would you go out with someone right now if they asked? i'm already with someone. Sorry, I’s a taken woman. Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months? i can. If the last eight years are anything to go by, I’d say so. Have you ever slept on a couch with someone of the opposite sex? futon, couch, whatevs. Yup. Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with? dude the four of us spent like five hours just talking about shit last night. Probably Amanda. That’s who I have all my serious conversations with. When you meet the right person, do you fall fast? yes. i sure as hell did this time. I guess so. What did you do last night? tanning with amanda, dinner with her and gary, then we went to olean, hung out with the guys downtown for a while, and went back to gary's uncle's house and played the Wii until 5am lol Watched Shameless and cried about Mickey. Again. What's one thing you're tired of? being controlled. Being poor and being sad all the time. Also heartburn. Are you a jealous person? no. Ehh. Not really. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? fuckin' sleeping. Very close to waking up. I had a weird dream but don’t remember what it was about. Do you say sexy a lot? i hate that word. Only about the cast of Supernatural. Are you a bad influence? haha probably. appaently i get people drunk and take advantage of them. i didn't hear him complaining though lol I mean I encourage smoking, drinking, and the destruction of men. But I don’t think I have enough clout to actually influence anyone. Do you have trust issues? not really. i just don't trust people until they've earned it. I don’t really trust anyone. I’ve just accepted that that’s not a thing anymore. Do you straighten your hair everyday? no. Maybe once a week or once every two weeks. My hair is pretty cooperative most of the time so it looks okay just drying it. Have you argued with anyone today? ehh. kinda random bickering. Not that I recall. Any current scabs or bruises? you asked this already. You asked this already. Are you klutzy? very. Obviously if I’ve always got bruises I don’t know the cause of. Ever tripped over your own feet? oh, daily. Quite often. Would you consider permanent make-up? no. a couple women my mom works with have their eyeliner or lipliner tattooed on...it's not attractive. I like doing my makeup differently every day too much to do that. Will your next kiss be a mistake? no way. Um, no. Are you nice to everyone? ha. nope. I’m nicer than I used to be. What is the last non-alcoholic drink you had? monster. Sweet tea. That’s why I have heartburn. What was the best thing that happened today? nothing really good has happened today. i want my shirts to come...and i'll be out later, so that's always good. My old supervisor hugging me when I haven’t seen her in months and thought she was mad at me for quitting. Are you open about your feelings or closed off? depends what i'm feeling and who i'm dealing with. If they’re good, meh, or sucky feelings I’ll talk about them. If they’re really bad I’ll either joke about them to avoid dealing or just not talk at all. What's the last thing you borrowed from someone? erica's sunglasses, and she told me i could have them lol Ummmmm...I don’t interact with people enough to borrow things, I guess. Do you think you're normal? i'm far from normal. Why in the hell would I want to be normal? Have you ever been used? quite often. Yeah but it’s whatevs. Do you listen to music a lot? of course. All the damn time. Do you celebrate Christmas? yeah, but i want to stop. it's too much hullaballoo. don't care if i spelled that right haha For my family’s benefit. And for the food. And I actually like getting gifts for other people. But the stress, drama, and Jesus bullshit ruins it for me every year. Do you believe you can be in love with someone without knowing them? to some extent, but you can't love them completely. in the same respect though, i don't think you can ever truly know someone one hundred percent. I think there are a lot of things I don’t know about Dave, and I still love him. He’s been around longer than I have so obviously he had an entire life before me. I don’t feel the need to know about that. Have you ever talked in your sleep? no. My mom said I screamed in my sleep once, but I don’t talk. Do you think people have any misconceptions about you? i know they do. I’m often underestimated. Which is fine.  Are you easily amused? very much so. If I’m in the right mood to be. What do you get complimented on the most? titties. Recently, my makeup. Will this weekend be a good one? hopefully. It just ended. And it was alright. Not as good as last weekend. But that’s because I’m here and not in Bradford.
Has anyone said they love you in the last week? yes. No. Do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed. My bedroom door is always closed because the cats aren’t allowed in there. But recently I’ve been sleeping in their room (because I’m a hypocrite) and I have to leave that door open because they come in and out at all hours. Who was the last person you rode in the car with that was under 21? amanda & gary. Allison. Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? yesss. A couple. Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks? no...we never ended up going to the fireworks. Somehow we still keep missing the fireworks lol Could you handle a long distance relationship? i tried and failed. but distance was the least of our issues. Dave and I are long distance 2/3 of the time because of his schedule.
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