#thanks for the kuina x ann content at least
39raccoons · 1 year
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the fact that I didn’t get those three teaming up… an attack on me personally
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niragisimp · 1 year
The Pain Before (Reader x Niragi) (Part Three)
Part Two, Part Four, Series Masterlist
The room was bright as the sunlight showed through the windows. You turned to the stand beside the bed, mind still foggy from the painkillers Ann had given you. You grabbed the bottle, attempting to see the contents. No label, of course. Ann knew what she was doing. A knock on the door came, alerting you. "Yeah, come on in.." You managed to say groggily. Chishiya walked through the door, making sure to close it behind him. He approached the bed with both hands in his pockets.
"I heard you sprained an ankle in your game."
You gestured down to the gauze covering your ankle and foot, "Yeah... Cleared the game though, can't be too upset about it." You smiled at him, an attempt to wave his worries; if he was worried, that is.
"I also heard," he stopped to stare at you for a second, "You and Niragi made quite the team." You held your breath for a moment, "I mean, it was a clubs game, we just did what we had to, really..."
Chishiya stared at you a moment longer, you could see the wheels turning in his head. "Ann said you just appeared outside the infirmary. How'd you manage that with that ankle and that lot of stairs?" Your hands started to sweat for some reason, "Well, I-I didn't really walk down there myself, see.." The blonde nodded, "Just like I thought. Well, feel better." He made his way to the door before stopping with his hand on the handle, "Oh, and don't take more than one of those every 4 hours. You might die." He turned his head just enough so you could see his smirk, walking out the door and closing it behind him.
You lay there for what seemed like forever, running the night prior over and over in your head. You closed your eyes to rest them, unsure if sleep was the best idea. Another knock came on your door, snapping you back to your present. "Come in." The handle did not turn. You sat up a bit, "You can come in!" Nothing.
You pushed yourself up off the bed, making your way to the door, "I said, you can come in-" On the floor lay a plate with breakfast. You looked around the hallway after stepping out to find no one in sight. You contemplated the food, it would be difficult to make it down to the cafeteria with a sprained ankle and no help. 'Probably Kuina, I need to make sure to thank her properly later.'
The food was delicious, to say the least, better than some of the snacks provided. 'Maybe it was the painkillers that made everything better,' you glanced back over to the bottle. It wasn't a smart thing to do and you knew that, but you could see where addiction comes from. You put the plate on the ground by the bed, folding your hands over your stomach. 'A full stomach, something I haven't had very often in this place.'
As the sun rose high in the sky, you decided to get some fresh air. You left the plate in your room, surely you would have time to bring it down later. Making your way down to the pool wasn't the easiest of tasks, but you've been in worse conditions. You hobbled down, trying to balance yourself mostly on your good ankle. Your eyes caught Kuina sitting with Chishiya by the pool, "Hey, Kuina, Chishiya!" You waved over at them and they both stood, Kuina jogging over to you to grab your arm, "Here, let me help you over!" Kuina smiled, patiently waiting for you to hobble over to Chishiya.
"How'd the game go?" You looked to Kuina as she helped you down to the chair and sat next to the blonde, "It was... Interesting. But we got out, so good I guess you could say. Oh yeah, before I forget, thanks for breakfast, saved me there," you let out a small chuckle. Kuina gave you a curious look, tilting her head. "I didn't bring your breakfast." The three of you sat in silence for a moment before you changed the subject, "Ah, well anyways, your guys' games went well?"
Kuina smiled, "We're all still here." Chishiya remained silent, only giving approving nods here and there. He didn't talk much, so it wasn't surprising, but he seemed lost in thought if only for just a moment. You sat and talked with Kuina for a while, going over your games, and even talking about the real world a bit. Before you knew it, the sun started to dip, and the time for parties and drinking was well on its way. 
Kuina and Chishiya helped you back up to your room, more Kuina than Chishiya, but he walked with the both of you. Kuina parted ways with you in the hallway, but Chishiya stayed back for a moment. "Hey... Did you know Niragi before?" You were a bit shocked at the question, "I mean, no, not really. I heard about him but no, I never met him."
Chishiya's face remained calm, bored even. "And how did you know about him?" His monotone words were digging. "It's a... A long story." You flashed a quick smile and started walking towards your door. You didn't make it far before Chishiya was in front of you. "I have time."
'Such gorgeous eyes...'
You pushed the thoughts from your head, "Um, well... My older brother, Haru, he uh... He used to bully him pretty badly I heard... Like, really badly..." You rubbed the back of your head, "I really don't think I can say more than that."
Chishiya nodded, looking down for a moment. "It would probably be best to keep your distance from him." "Y-yeah, Kuina already told me.."
He didn't seem too satisfied with that answer, but nodded and walked away regardless. You watched his back until he turned the corner, contemplating his question. 'Why would he want to know something like that?' You shook the feelings of unease as you felt your ankle throb, 'I should probably lay down soon,' you thought as you turned the handle to your room. You flicked on the light, hobbling over to the bed. You grabbed the pill bottle from Ann and took one out, washing it down with water.
You sat the bottle down next to the bed, stopping as you stared at the ground. The plate was gone. You felt a wave of unease wash over you, 'Someone was in my room...' You thought back to when you thanked Kuina. She didn't bring the food, and if it was Chishiya, he would've probably just brought it in when he came in earlier. You sighed, wondering who it was. You could feel your body going numb, and knew it was time for sleep. The pill was taking effect, and soon your eyes were too heavy to keep open.
The nightmare was as real as ever. Your house was burning, and both your parents were being held back by volunteers and neighbors. You couldn't help but stare into the flames, amazed by the heat they provided. Screams could be heard from the inside, ungodly screams. You felt the coldness in your hand. Looking down, you saw the lighter. Your hands reeked of gasoline. Through the screams and cries, you felt no regret for the one inside. The cries of your parents persisted, "Haru!! Haaruu!" Mom cried a lot after that day. Dad didn't come home as much. Sometimes, nightmares can be a bit too real.
Your eyes were still groggy, and the room was pitch black. You were still under the influence of the painkillers, and it wouldn't surprise you if the nightmare was a result of that. You heard a noise from the corner, and playing into your imagination you called out to it, "Helloo~"
Imagine your surprise when a shadow stood from the corner. You couldn't tell if you were dreaming or not. "Woah..." You pulled yourself up, your upper body swaying back and forth. The figure approached you, not saying a word. You felt the bed dip at the end by your feet, the figure leaning over.
A knee was placed between your thighs, your mind still unsure of the reality. A hand grazed your cheek, falling down from your neck to your collarbone, hovering over your chest. Everything was so foggy and your senses were not at their best. "Oi, you could at least buy me a drink first." You laughed and pushed the hand away, falling over sideways back onto the bed. You reached for your water, knocking it over onto the floor, and your eyes began to close again. You could've sworn you felt lips being pressed against your temple as you went unconscious.
The next day was uneventful. You decided after last night it would be for the best if you cut the pills in half from now on. Checking yourself when you woke up, everything felt fine, thankfully. The thoughts of the night prior lingered in your mind, trying to determine if they were real or not. The ankle started to feel better, even though Ann said it would be more than a week to see improvement. 
You hobbled down to the cafeteria, looking for Kuina or Chishiya. After searching you decided on grabbing lunch, games would be in a few days and you still weren't at full strength. If you got caught in a Spades game, it would probably be the end of you. Being lost in thought you didn't notice the sudden silence. You looked up and around you, everyone left. One person stood at the doorway, blocking your only exit.
"We need to talk."
You swallowed your breath, looking at the armed Niragi. You unwillingly took notice of his stray hair on the side, thinking it looked kind of cute. The thought didn't last long as his intimidating presence overwhelmed you as he came and sat across from you. He placed his rifle on the table, folding his hands and resting on the table. "... About what?"
He looked at you for what seemed like forever, studying you. "Are you Haru's sister?" You could feel your face go pale from his gaze, "Y-yes. I am." Lying didn't seem like the best option.
"What happened to him?"
"He, um... He burned in a fire. He passed a few months ago." Niragi shook his head slowly, the wheels behind his eyes turning.
"Meet me on the roof at dusk." He stood and began walking to the door, not giving you a second glance. You tilted your head and pressed your lips, "... And if I don't?"
With his back towards you, rifle propped on his shoulder, "I'll kill you."
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borderlinebox · 1 year
« Call Me Box »
Master Blog: @a-somnolent-box (Replies+Reblogs)
Wattpad: Soon~
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This Blog is [currently] dedicated to
- Alice in Borderland
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How my requests/writing requests work: I do follow the 'first come, first serve' rule but occasionally, I may skip a request simply because I have no inspo/creativity to do that one req for a while. So if I dont answer yours yet; I definitely havent forgotten about it! I just want to apply my best creativity and inspiration when I answer your reply because y'all deserve the best <3 but it takes time. Hope y'all understand!
Current amount of Requests: 9 (Simp!Chishiya Smutshot + Psychiatrist!Niragi x Crazy!Reader + Kuina Hcs + Stronger!Reader x Chishiya Hcs + Intelligent!Reader x Chishiya + Niragi x Gamer!Reader + Karube x Reader Angst + Chishiya x Empty!Reader + Chishiya x Proud!Reader)
Story Projects (Non-Req Fics): Charisma (Chishiya x Fem!Reader) Pt. 3 + Dating Chota Hcs + Arisu and Friends (Au) Hcs
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Ask Box is Currently Closed!
- Request for anything! (Headcanons, Imagines, Preferences, Oneshots..)
- Fluff, Angst and Smut are on the table! (Nothing too weird and uncomfortable like graphic self-harm and etc...)
- Feedback is very much appreciated ‹3
Fic Warnings:
- Some fics may contain Season 2 spoilers! So keep an eye out.
- They all include AiB related stuff, clearly.
- Smut stuff
- I don't proof read a lot cause of reasons so.. Might look for a beta reader or proofread reader (Preferably Moots ‹3)
- Some may contain graphic sexual content cause duh.
This is a drama and hate free blog so..Leave if you're:
- LGBTQphobic, racist, misogynistic, drama starters and etc...
Please understand that I have a life outside this blog so don't push me and be impatient!
pls do know that i try to write characters as canon as possible, but some requests require me to alter them a little. i just simply do requests ^^
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Masterlist ✒ Coming soon! (When there's at least 1 fic for each character)
Current AiBxReader count:
Arisu X Reader - 0
Karube X Reader - 1
Chota x Reader - 0
Usagi x Reader - 0
Kuina x Reader - 1 coming
Chishiya x Reader - 6 (2 Pts Mini Series)
Niragi X Reader - 1
Ann x Reader - 0
Sunato Banda x Reader - 1 coming
Other x Reader - 0
[T'was expected]
AnonList - Coming Soon
Taglist (Forever Tag + Specific Character Tag + Series Tag) - Coming Soon (When someone wants to be tagged ♥)
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Special Note: I would love all of you to know that; I read every reblog and comment in any of my posts! Because it makes me so happy to read little notes of review and feedback on my works! It's just so heartwarming and makes me all giddy! So thank you all for the kind words ♥
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!Thank you for Reading!
-box • last updated: feb 8
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