#thanks for the recommendation :)!!
ifartconfetti · 3 months
I think the symptoms you’re describing are Dyspraxia! It’s often comorbid with other neurological disorders, especially Autism and ADHD. I have dyspraxia myself and cannot retain certain fine motor skills. I have to relearn how to ride a bike every time I stop. Do you have trouble with hand writing? That’s another big thing. I’d look into it if I were you, there’s a number of help guides now. Caged in Chaos by Victoria Biggs helped me a lot as a kid with my diagnosis.
me looking up infographics on dyspraxia and going "oh no thats me"
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Light Sleeper (1992) for @eclecticwildflowers
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shu-bullshit · 6 months
you might like Monster, a manga/anime by Naoki Urasawa. It has this talented brain surgeon who is put into some really very unpleasant circumstances, and a variety of detectives and crooks who prey on him and each other. There is also a blonde boy.
I love that you specifically added that there is a blonde boy. Like any of the nonsense on my blog here hinted that I'd like to see a blonde boy.
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gschamig · 15 days
Have you seen the movie Take “The Lead”?
It is a fantastic dance movie! In one of the final scenes, there is a three person dance. A woman is torn between two men who both love her deeply, but she cannot choose between them. The dance they do is fantastic!
This is so hot omg. I have seen the movie, don't remember much about it tho, so I guuuess I should rewatch it haha
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I figured you might like it given ur pfp and user:
Hello there, anon 🙃
Why thank you for this marvelous Cissy!Imagine… Suggestions for content are always appreciated, especially ones for the one and only Narcissa Malfoy nee. Black! 😏💞👀
Here’s the link for anyone else who wants to check it out:
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everybody-loves-purdy · 4 months
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BO0ei-f6w If you haven't seen it already, I think you'll love this 3D-animated Yellowfang AMV that came out a couple of days ago; it's easily one of my favorites already.
It’s so good! Can’t imagine how much longer this took to make!
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princelabia · 5 months
i wonder if you like/would like the singer LP
looked them up and was like "this person is giving they/them lesbian bob dylan" and turns out they are a lesbian who uses they/them pronouns.... i may check them out for this alone
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bl00dst41ned · 5 months
I recommend the song everywhere, everything by Noah kahan
I'm currently listening to the song
it's so out of my listening habits (I'm a rap, rnb girlie more) but it's so soothing in some way. thank you for the rec
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sorry-i-spaced · 8 months
Lox shouldn't be slimey, if you had lox that were slimey, they were cheap and probably not good lox (did they come out of a plastic sleeve? my dad buys low quality lox at like...whole foods or new leaf that come in plastic), lox should be dry, I would recommend going to a (preferably jewish-run) dedicated bagel place and trying it again. Also, asking for no tomato will remove the only other ingredient that could be making it slimey.
Honestly I think the lox I had from my one job were just about to expire and that's why they were slimy. At my bagel shop job where I make them, we put them together on site where as at the other job they are already made and have a time out sticker for when they go bad
I'll probably try them again at my bagel shop job or somewhere else
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lone-nyctophile · 2 years
https://open.spotify.com/track/3IGbkHqvQeH4gu1SYX2o8w?si=cad383c4afe64cf3 the lyrics~
The story in the song is brilliantly described and the lyrics are indeed beautiful.
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I watched 100 Days My Prince and for the first time in my life, I did not ship the main love interests of a show, and I will literally ship anything! It was a very interesting experience. I knew that Yoon Yi-seo was going to end up with the prince, but I would have preferred if she ended up with the nice face-blind guy...
My top ships were actually Kkeut-nyeo & Gu-dol, who in my opinion made a better forced marriage to real love plot. I also really wanted So-hye & Mu-yeon (Yi-seo's brother). And yes, I realize So-hye tried to kill her husband, I don't care, I forgive her, they were a superior star-crossed lovers couple to the mains.
I think I didn't ship the main because he was just too much of an asshole, even when he was being nice. Honestly I was shocked his body guard was loyal to him he was such a jerk. Trauma does not excuse this behaviour! Sorry. I also don't love Accept Me Because I'm Unhealthily Obsessed with You Even Though You Said No Multiple Times.
As for Hong-shim, though she was generally nice to other people (hence why I'd ship her with Jae-yoon), she is such an asshole to the random injured amnesic guy that she married! It is also blindly obvious that he is "made of cake" (nobility) and her not recognizing that right away just made her look stupid. Everyone could tell! Like how could she even believe he's a commoner when he doesn't know how to use an ax? She even says at one point that he talks like a nobleman and she's former nobility so like... huh?
Honestly, Hong-Shim & Jae-yoon had so much more chemistry and they deserved to be together instead. The prince can find someone else.
Also, last weird thing, the ending where the king and queen are just going to go chill in the mountains somewhere and be happy was odd. She's been hoping that his soon will die and working against him the whole time, how are they a happy couple again? I don't think we see them interact like a couple the entire show.
Lastly, I've never seen face blindness (prosopagnosia) in media before, that was really fun for me as someone who used to study brain function.
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storfulsten · 2 years
Whitty and BFs theme song is "Feel Invincible" by Skillet and you CANNOT convince me otherwise. Like, look at the lyrics. They perfectly convey Whittys eternal struggle with Updike and The Greater Good, as well as how Whitty feels about BF. Plus with Whitty being a former rockstar, i can 10000% see him performing the song for BF.
bruh I've never heard this song before but listening to it now, yessir I agree very accurate for sure lol
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
Have you seen Streets of Fire yet? Wild musical movie with Dafoe as the baddie who doesnt get enough screen time and his costumes are crazy. My fav is like these black fisherman waders that goes all the way up to his nips and hes shirtless under them. (the songs are pretty good in it too, though im biased as 2 of them were written by my fav composer. I originally watched it just for those 2 songs but went nuts when i saw young dafoe come on screen)
Hey! 😆 Sorry for the late response, but yes I did watch this movie. I actually watched it last night. 😁
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And yes, you are so right. He was criminally under utilized in the movie. It was disappointing because he was the best actor in the movie. (Not surprising, I know. 😉)
I also love the fisherman waders. My goodness. They looked so good on him. I almost fainted on my sofa when he came out in front of the background of pure fire.
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Jfc. Just slay me, you sexy motherfucker.
And I know this probably sounds horrible, but I would be his willing hostage in a heartbeat.
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Girl, chill. But can you blame me?!
That whole scene just destroyed me. Like what is with his 80s Era and being sexy around fire?! If you've seen To Live and Die in L.A., you know what I mean.
Speaking of sexy shit, can we talk about him in leather?! Because, bruh, he had me deceased at that point.
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I'd take that for you. 😏
Also there's this...
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The total smoothness of this one clip just blows my mind. Like the swag is so on point, I'm swooning right now. He came, he saw, he conquered.
Honestly, if he was in the movie more, he would have overshadowed his co-stars more than he did IMO. He was eating up the scenery and I was 100% here for it. Goddamn. 😵‍💫😵
But then again, I REALLY love his 80s Era. He was SOOOO fine back then. (And I say that knowing that I think he's still sexy now BTW.)
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 years
You should try Old Spice in Captain. I made my dad smell it and he was like yep smells salty. That actually reminded me of Anthony cause he's a sailor. 👀⛵
ah yes, gotta love the smell of man salt
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niilue · 2 months
slapping you 🫵 with the fandoms of “The Tale of Food” and “Food Fantasy,” both games being of humanised dishes. recommending characters like TToF’s Crab in Orange and FF’s Ginseng
babe i need to check that, i don't know anything about games other than genshin impact and nu carnival… shame
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everybody-loves-purdy · 4 months
I really recommend you watch Class Felidae’s animations!! If you know the movie ‘Hereditary’, they made a warriors AU of it and their art and animations are just so good!!! Even if you don’t know the movie; I recommend you give it a watch!
Oh thanks I will do! I think I’ve seen one or two of their videos before in passing but I’ll be sure to check out their channel now. I know of hereditary and what happens so although I haven’t seen it I should be able to keep up well enough
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