#thanks nathya
kalims · 2 years
oh damn, you're married? idk what this is abt or who this is with but
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HELP HI NATHYA NICE TO SEE U HERE.. 😭 but thank you KAHSKAJA it is chaos out here and somehow my platonic circle of family is expanding
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zgvlt · 2 years
nathya hi !! happy holidays to you <3
i've just read your leona and jade oneshots and just.... wow. i have sososo many feelings but not enough words to describe them 😭 i'm so in love with your writing and i wanna give you my genuine thanks for sharing your writing with us 💗 they absolutely made my night, and i'll go ahead and binge the rest of your works now ! >:3
HELLO!! i saw your reblog tags on those fics!! reading them made me smile 😌🥺 thank you so much for the sweet feedback 💖 they made me kick the air and smile behind my face mask and all that
i hope you have a wonderful day/night ahead of you! ✨
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animaniachan · 4 years
Happy Belated April Fools!: A3! Camel Tenma Imagine
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…yes, you’ve read the title right
…no, i don’t have that kind of fetish
…but also yes, i’ve also just wrote a 1.5k+ words imagine on a camel (in reality this took me about a week to fully figure out how to camel)
i would like to point out that none of this would’ve happened if not for the lovely @currywaifu for dragging me down into this hell. 99.9% of the credit for this imagine goes to you even though i am the one who wrote it. so i figured that since i’m already here, ima drag all of you down here with me ;)))
on that note, i would be opening imagine requests for this blog very soon but dear god not about tsundere animals, this is not in any way indicative of how the future writing projects on this blog are going to go…maybe.
anyways, prepare yourselves and enjoy…i guess
ao3 version: here
“Mm…” your previous drowsy eyes were forced open to the bright sunlight beaming down at you. “...Where the hell am I and what am I doing here?” you glanced around, confusion clearly littered in your hues. What you are witnessing before you is a vast, open field of vibrant green with not much more to offer other than some lonely trees spread out in the distance.
You had no recollection whatsoever about your current situation. The last vivid memory you had was your visit with your celebrity, carrot-head boyfriend at the Mankai Dorms since today was the one time when he actually had a day off. “Seriously...where the hell is this place…?” Since there’s no point in simply standing around like an idiot, you’ve decided to explore this vast pool of greenery, hoping to discover at least some sort of clue.
However, your hopes to discover anything quickly dissipated as the field seemed like it was stretching infinitely with no clear signs of an end. It was at that moment that an indescribable sense of despair took control of your entire being and you hopelessly collapsed onto the green cushion below you.
In contrast to the beautiful scenery around you, your mood was like a wilted flower as you slowly scrunched your knees up and buried your head into them. You know that the waterworks would kick in very soon while your only wish at this point was to leave this mysterious hellhole so you can see your boyfriend again and jump into this arm for comfort and finally STOP this god forsaking nudging sensation on your head and, and…
Hm? Nudging?
You suddenly realized the gentle yet weighted sensation that would periodically brush against your head was not just your imagination playing tricks on you and was very real. Relief began filling in your wounds of despair as just the thought of another individual being here with you is more than enough comfort. You swiftly glanced up to the source of the contact in hopes of finally receiving the information you’ve been desiring for all this time.
However, the second you did so, all the thoughts that previously occupied your mind was sucked into a boundless black hole. The world seemed to stop flowing around you as you were met with the most gorgeous amethyst hues you’ve ever witnessed in your life. The sharp gazes pierced through you like arrows and it was then you noticed the long lashes that complemented those perfectly-shaped eyes. With a breath hitched in the middle of your throat,  you can’t help but be completely mesmerized by those crystal clear hues. Incidentally, at the same time, a strong sense of nostalgia emerged from the depth of you, they reminded you of someone, almost as if you’ve stared into the exact same hues before...somewhere…
At that point, you were so deep in thought that it resulted in you simply staring blankly back at the intense amethyst gaze. It wasn’t until you saw that they eventually broke contact with your own hues in a very awkward and uncomfortable fashion that you’ve realized you’ve been staring for much too longer than you had originally anticipated.
“Ah— I’m so sorry! That was very rude of me to stare! The truth is, I have no idea where this place is and was hoping that you could help me—” desperately trying to redeem yourself from the previous rudeness displayed, you bowed hectically like a maniac while asking for forgiveness. It wasn’t until you’ve glanced up again how large the figure of the individual actually was. The first to come into view was their abnormally long yet muscular legs, then it proceeded to a very broad yet protruding back, lastly you traced their body line all the way up to their long neck before finally receding back to those gorgeous amethysts which stood out amongst the pool of orange. “...What?”
T-This is what you think it is...or is it? As dumbfounded as you are by your recent discovery, your brain cells have somehow managed to process the identity of the individual before you. 
This is...a camel, right? What the hell is a camel doing in the middle of a meadow!? 
In contrast to your actual feelings, the orange beast seemed to think of your reaction to his figure a form of compliment, evident by how it arrogantly puffed its chest out and gave a good ol’ proud huff in response.
...I wasn’t praising you, that was all shock, you proud idiot… The phrase that floated into your mind was all too familiar since it was your go-to response to the occasional idiocy of a certain carrot-head actor. “I swear...just when I started to get hopeful again...why?” Today has been an emotional rollercoaster and just when you thought you’ve already made it down the first slope, there seemed to be an even larger second slope ahead. The dam that had previously managed to contain your tears previously broke down once again. Sorrowful sobs continuously escaped your lips and refused to cease as you vigorously tried to wipe away your tears.
However, what you didn’t realize was the flustered look the camel gave after seeing you suddenly resolve into tears as if it’s trying to say, “why did you suddenly start crying!? You were just fine a minute ago!” Your sudden outburst of emotions managed to put this camel into a panic frenzy as it desperately looked around as if attempting to find a source of comfort to calm you down. Though, its efforts were futile as the lack of resources around you could be comparable to a barren wasteland.
All that it can do now is look down hopelessly at your slumped state while having a mental battle with itself about the next course of action. Then, after having seemingly arrived at a viable solution, resolution flickered in its glittering amethyst orbs. After letting out a huffing sigh, the majestic orange beast lowered its lengthy neck to eye-level with you and leaned in as gentle as it can muster to be to not so much lick, but instead offer a gentle peck to your teary eyes with its furry snout.
Completely caught off guard by the action that is absolutely unbefitting of a camel, your overwhelming emotions came to a halt as you stared back at the animal, mouth agape. “You...what are you…?”
“Mrrorahhh…” To your question, the camel simply responded with incomprehensible camel noises. Of course, it was a camel, what did you even expect. However, somewhere, you felt, its emotions came through.
“Are you...perhaps telling me to stop crying?”
“Mrrorahh.” Once again, the camel cried as if to confirm your inquiry.
“Hehe, thanks. You’re right, crying’s not going to change anything,” honestly, you couldn’t believe that you were just comforted by a camel as you wiped away the last of the tears that streaked down your face. “You’re surprisingly a very smart and kind camel eh? There, there, thanks again.” Without thinking, you reached out and gave a few loving strokes on the animal’s head. Though, the second you’ve done so you felt it tense and freeze in place like a statue. Uh-oh, did I somehow offend it by petting it? Wait, can you even offend a camel in the first place? Oh god, whatever you do, just please don’t eat me… “S-sorry, I kind of just instinctively did that- huh?”
Of course, you’ve brought up your guards as soon as you detected the camel’s odd actions since you didn’t know and didn’t want to know what it could do to you if it went off a rampage. However, what happened next managed to send all common sense you’ve come to know in your life down a limitless black hole.
What you’ve witnessed was the animal before you once again averting those brilliant purples away from your own though this time, a deep shade of rosy pink was dyed across its entire face. T-This...this is what I think it is right? I never knew that camels were even capable of blushing… So you do learn something new everyday…
“Pfft...hahaha! What is this? You’re so adorable! Oh my god, I can’t- my stomach hurts!”
In response to your maniac laughter, the very same one you would use to make fun of a certain actor, you could’ve sworn the camel gave you a glare that suggested, “what the hell is so funny and don’t call me adorable!”
“Ahahaha...ha...you know, even though you’re a camel, you remind me a lot, like a lot of someone I know.” The camel whipped its gaze back towards you again at your nonchalant comment. It narrowed its perfectly shaped eyes and offered you the gentlest and kindest gaze as if it understood your words. And in response, as much as you hate to admit it, your heart definitely skipped a beat under those warm and kind eyes. What is this feeling…?
“-i, [Name], -ake up!”
No, this is a camel! There’s no way that I’m being captivated by a camel-!
“Wake up!”
Besides, even if I did feel this way, there’s no chance in hell since I already have Tenm-
Your eyes shot open almost as quickly as your body which basically catapulted upwards and resulted in painful contact with whatever it was that lurked above you. “Ow!”
“OW! What was that all about!?”
“Eh? Tenma…?” The first thing that descended in your field of vision was your orange-haired, multi-talented actor, and extreme tsundere boyfriend who was now holding his forehead in pain from the lovely headbutt that you’ve just offered him. Still not registering the full extent of the situation, you glanced around your surroundings in a daze before realizing that you’re in Tenma and Yuki’s room of the Mankai Dorm and that you’re currently laying on Tenma’s bed.
“Geez… I don’t know what to be more baffled by, the hardness of your head or the fact that you can fall asleep in a duration of a phone call.”
Ahh...so that’s what it is…
The second the puzzle pieces clicked into place, a new resolution was formed inside of you as you wordlessly leaped off your boyfriend’s bed and made your way out of his room.
“Oi, [Name], where are you going?” Not used to not hearing a familiar comeback from you, Tenma began to get worried as he hurriedly followed after your footsteps.
Meanwhile, your silent search finally came to an end as you found the one and only you were looking for in the living room, “hey, Tsuzuru-san?”
“Mm? What’s the matter, [Name]?”
“I have a request for the script of the next summer troupe show,” you stoically stated just as Tenma finally caught up to you.
“Oh? Well, let’s hear it.”
“...can you please cast Tenma as a camel for his next performance?”
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hanafubukki · 2 years
hiiiii 💖👋
😃 - To me, you are easy to approach.
😊 - I think you are a really friendly person.
Ahhhh I’m so happy you think so 😭💙💙
Come here, let me give you a hug
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[from this ask game]
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currywaifu · 4 years
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derireo · 4 years
hi rou!!! don't stress yourself out, remember to take care of yourself!!! take as much time as u need 💖💞💕 also, love the new icon and header~~... tho i might be biased bc its die by the sword guy and tasuku OOPS
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oh nyanya, thank u... i kinda feel bad for not writing since i enjoy seeing ppl go batshit ovr a small thing i write but i feel tht the break is very much needed.. i will take care of myself don't u worry. i love u 💖✨ and again THANK U lmao i swear when i saved those pngs i couldn't stop myself from staring for like a minute or two. . . long hair guy has me Weak
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uwua3 · 4 years
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Bunnie’s 300 Milestone Event 💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
credit: nathya ♡ @currywaifu for being the first person i’ve seen use a google form in their milestone event! please go support her~ :D
welcome to your a3! otome game, mc! are you ready to choose a route?
♡ match–ups + character description
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we all know a3! advertises itself as an otome on the app store, but what if it really was? today, i will be matching up you based on your answers to the google form below on what route you would best fit + what would happen!
01 ♡ WHO AM I?
💕 you are MC, the main character of your own otome game. you make your own choices that will control your gameplay!
💞 i am bunnie 💗🐰 ♡ call me the game narrator~ i will be following you through your day and will use this information to put you on one (1) of our twenty (20) routes available :) (your oshi is not guaranteed, i’m so sorry!)
💓 fill out this google form! (no login required) you will be questioned from morning to night on decisions you make through multiple scenarios. each choice affects your selections, so choose whatever feels right :D
♡ warning: a bit of reading ahead in the form! please let me know if there are any problems~
💗 yes! like any otome game, you are able to achieve a range from BAD to GOOD endings! in this case, this means ANGST to FLUFF. good luck!!! :D
05 ♡ RULES?
💖 one submission per person~
💘 all descriptions released will be gender–neutral as always in my writings
💕 time limit: 24 HOURS (1 DAY) — remember to fill out the form so i can choose your route!
💞 once again, thank you so much for making this possible. i still can’t believe we’ve hit this milestone, and i cannot wait to match you guys up with one of the boys! there are a range of countless possibilities~ hope you have your happy ending!
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happy playing! hope you enjoy your gameplay at the a3! otome game~ ♡
Bunnie 💗🐰
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juuten · 4 years
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the hair isn’t 100% accurate but the picture 100% captures my shyness
tag game: make yourself in picrew and give 3-7 facts about yourself! 
tagged by: nathya @currywaifu (thanks for tagging me! It wasn’t a bother!)
tagging:  @honeibunn​  @thegayrubberducky​ @sevulent-701​ (um hello to three of my few followers who I can tag. I hope you don’t mind ><)
Facts about me!
1.) I love pink! But a lot of people don’t know that because almost all of my stuff are in dark colors (black especially). The reason is because I like my things to look neat, and if ever they had stains, they aren’t visible in dark colors. Another reason why only a few know I love pink is because my clothes are all the light colors except pink.
2.) A hobby that I have with me for, I think, 6 years, is singing. I never had the confidence to sing out loud (even until now), but there was a performance that all of us are required to sing. I could hear my voice trembling at that time. But after that, three of my classmates told me that I have a beautiful voice. I replied with an ‘oh really? My voice was shaking at that time’, but on the inside, I was so touched.
3.) I’m interested in acting, and my passion for it grew somehow because of ‘A3!’. I really enjoyed performing even though I get nervous before hand. Some of my classmates say I’m good at acting, but I know I still lack the skill. That thought amplified while playing ‘A3!’. But as much as I am interested, I rather focus on my other hobbies.
4.) I love any food with beef! Beef is just so tasty, I always order a beef meal whenever I can grab the chance. It’s a bonus if the beef meal is paired up with vinegar. But for desserts, I love anything sweet! Though I prefer cold and soft desserts.
5.) I like playing MMORPG/RPG games, but I only play one or two in my phone because I’m scared I’ll get addicted to them. Also, almost all of those kind of games have gachas. I can’t play so much of them, especially if some of them are for P2W players.
6.) I'm the type to be shy at first, but if we’re close and I trust you, I get all talkative. While a friend and I were resting after doing a project, I started blabbering all of a sudden.
Anyway, you can message me anytime! Hoping to have friends here!
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midnightcabbages · 4 years
ugh can i just say i love your new blog theme??? i have a soft spot for anything circus related as someone who's 200% a clown herself~ 💖💗💕💞💓
ahhh nathya!! thank you sm!! it took so long to organize so i’m happy you like it 😭 
i’m a clown for spending so many hours on this theme 🤡 let’s be clowns together ❤️️
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aeshiinou · 4 years
If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up💖 || hows online school treating you atm bb? i hope ur taking care of urself and not stressing out huhu
HSJAJSJSKJSKSK IM GONNA CRY 😭😭😭😭 u are so nice,,,school has been rly tiring lately,,,its only been two weeks and i have a whole pile of assignments 😭😭😭 thank u so much for your concern nathya!!! I wuv uuu🥺💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💖💖❤️💖❤️💖
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fieryanmitsu · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. We are all beautiful 💖💖💖 wonderful bean❤🌻 || hi mitsu 👋 please remember to always take care of yourself, stay hydrated, eat well—
UWU NATHYA, thank you for dropping by with this!! I..... am definitely trying to do all those things!!! Can work calm down please, though, so I can do these things better?! Thanks always for your daily reminders and positivity!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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kalims · 2 years
oopsie i think im late let me just jam-pack everything in here
Rosa HI!! Hope your new year is going great so far 💖💖 and regardless of whether it is or isnt, i hope the year simply gets better and better for u!! also MAUVE + BLUSH + TANGERINE + RAZZMATAZZ 🤭 and WELCOME BACK!!! 🎉🥳
refers to this post
ong 😱 HI NATHYA!! thank you for the welcome 😊 about the new year... yeaaa all I can day that it's been a rollercoaster so far LOL. but thank you! I hope you have a wonderful year as well ur so sweet ughh jabsjjaa <3 i hope there's great stuff for you this year 👀
JDNAKAJS I feel honored someone wants to share their food w/ me 😩
speaking of aesthetics.. ur banners are to die for fr
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zgvlt · 2 years
IF I'M NOT WRONG !! i think bebek also means duck in indonesian...? (ok google translate says i'm right but it's not that credible so,,,,if i'm wrong i'm sorryyy)
bUT if so, that's so cute TT^TT duck sebek,,,,,sebebek <333 duck sebek waddling after master malleus tryna protect him from all the dangers of the world *cries* i can see him in my headdd aughh sebekkkk
hi trau!! 💗 AND DOES IT??? thats so cute wahwahwah duck sebek just quacking to get attention from malleus, he'd definitely follow malleus around sm you'd think malleus was the mama duck 😭
i read somewhere that male ducks dont quack as loudly as female ducks but im abandoning duck science canon bc its cuter if he quacks loudly, i also suddenly got a vision of him quacking silver awake TT
also..!!! doesn't this pokemon remind you of sebek a lil bit??
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a3-headcanons · 4 years
congratulations on reaching 600 followers, mullin!! 💖💞💕💗💓 you absolutely deserve it!!! 🥰🤩😍 keep up the good work, but also remember to take care of yourself and always stay hydrated!!! 🚰🚰🚰
aaaa thank you nathya!! don’t worry, I’ll be vigilant and drink plenty of water today~ <3 
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hanafubukki · 2 years
✨a hobby you’ve always wanted to try!! for the ask game thingy you reblogged!
Hello Nathya ☺️🌺⚡️,
Thank you for sending this in. 💚
I always wanted to try cosplaying 💜👏 It has always interested me since I was young, and the idea of dressing up as a character from a fandom you love? Brings me excitement 🌟🌟
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currywaifu · 4 years
Hello Nathya! I have a couple of questions regarding the a3 voice actors because it's 5am and my thoughts are jumping everywhere. My questions are, which voice actor has the most established career in japan, and which character is the most popular? If you don't know that's fine but yea I hope you can answer friend! Bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ~ 🐣
hi hi chick anonnie!!! i hope by the time you read this you’ve already gone to sleep beforehand!!! i’ll answer your latter question first:
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“MOST POPULAR CHARACTER?” I’ll refer you to two sources! JP and EN.
A3! First Anniversary Event! (2018) this is based on cheer points rather than votes, but I still think it has validity since the ranking affected the next play cast.
Top 1: Chigasaki Itaru (55.8m pts) Top 2: Settsu Banri (35.9m pts) Top 3: Ikaruga Misumi (34.8m pts) Top 4: Furuichi Sakyo (34.2m pts) Top 5: Usui Masumi (33.5m pts)
Other notes: everyone in Autumn made it to Top 10 (rookies weren’t part of this), Tsumugi is the only winter in Top 10 (he’s number 6). 
If you meant EN, I refer you to this post! It includes character popularity, troupe popularity, ship popularity... Itaru still came in first! With Misumi second, and Tsumugi as third.
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“VOICE ACTOR W/ THE MOST ESTABLISHED CAREER IN JAPAN?” Since I mostly just watch seiyuu videos and learn about what media they were in, I’m definitely no expert. Therefore, I asked my wonderful seiyuu trash expert, Yona~ Her full response is below, but I’ll summarize!
If you include Act 3, the OG leaders are the most “popular and established” both in Japan and internationally!
There’s Ono Daisuke (Hiro’s VA) (also one of Nathya’s long time favourites). Other roles are: Jotaro (JJBA), Sebastian (Black Butler), Erwin (AoT)
There’s also Namikawa Daisuke (Kasumi’s VA) w/ a career of 41 years (he’s only 44!). Other roles: Hisoka (HxH), North Italy (Hetalia), Jellal (Fairy Tail)
If you mean just Mankai 24, it’s probably Asanuma Shintaro (Itaru), Toyonaga Toshiyuki (Homare), Kakihara Tetsuya (Azuma), Hino Satoshi (Guy)
Asanuma Shintaro: Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles), Takumu (Accel World), Leo (EnStars)
Toyonaga Toshiyuki: Goshi (B-Project), Yuri (Yuri on Ice!!!), Mikado (Durarara!!)
Kakihara Tetsuya: Simon (Gurenn Lagann), Natsu (Fairy Tail), Shin (Amnesia)
Hino Satoshi: Kamui (Gintama), Toma (Amnesia), Daichi (Haikyuu!!)
Yona apologizes for how long this is btw pfft~
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