#thanks pretty bird
yaknowlikenyah · 2 months
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We love getting dressed for our five minute commutes to grab food.
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triptychofvoids · 26 days
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Coo? (he's plundering your snack shelf)
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featheredadora · 1 year
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A very quick comic about how I've been feeling recently!
Trying to give myself the same grace that other people are kind enough to give me, even when I'm feeling burnt out
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w1lmuttart · 2 years
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The depths 💧
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sass-squat · 1 year
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Part 3 of the Linked Universe Winged Au! As requested, this time around we got our favorite wolf man, Twilight!
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Did you know that Ravens are actually oftentimes called Wolf Birds? This is because Ravens are known for their symbiotic relationship with wolves! Ravens typically help guide wolves to meals and get to eat as well in return. They are also known to "adopt" wolves and even play with them as they grow up.
Anyways, it should be pretty obvious why Twilight is a Raven in my headcanon. Mainly because of the irony of the wolf man now being a wolf bird, but also because I believe that the typical Raven behaviors and characteristics fit his character as a whole.
Throughout Twilight Princess, he is shown to be very good with children to the point where the people in Ordon Village all practically adopt him and he becomes a big brother figure for their children in return. In the Linked Universe, he often looks out for all of his fellow Links in a big brother-like fashion regardless of if they are older or younger than him. So while Twilight may or may not be able to turn into a wolf in this au, I headcanon that everyone he connects and forms bonds with become his "wolves" that he watches over just as any other Raven would.
As far as physical characteristics and flying abilities, I believe that Twilight is pretty decent! Ravens are known to be excellent acrobatic flyers and are actually deceptively fast compared to other birds. On top of that, Ravens are known for being able to fly about 100 miles a day! So while Twilight isn't as talented in the sky as well...Sky, he is still a very good flier and is definitely one of the best in the group.
Anyways, that was a short summary of Twilight's lore for this Winged Au! Kudos to those who read it all! As requested, coming up next will be our favorite little shorty, Four!
As always, let me know if you have any requests for who or what you would like to see! Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement!
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m1d-45 · 1 year
Let it be known that I love writing fluff, and I listen to character audios sometimes. SO! I came up with a cute idea for sagau imposter au. I heard somewhere that Xiao's adeptus form is a bird, so I wonder, what kind of bird? And that got me thinking. Xiao being a little song bird, or perhaps even a cardinal.
Now imagine: while looking for the imposter, Xiao stumbles upon them sitting beneath a tree, just feeding some birds. Said birds are absolutely loving the attention since the creator of Teyvat is giving them food and love!
Xiao watches, rather curious. The creator he knows hates birds, because they always dive and cause problems for them. But now... these little birds have completely abandoned any fear they may hold for human beings, happily landing on the hands and shoulders of this supposed imposter.
So he decides to test something.
Xiao turns into a small bird and approaches cautiously. In his smaller form, he's vulnerable to attack. But the person before him doesn't try to hurt him. Rather, they smile and call him "little friend" as they offer food to him. In his distrust, he bites them with his sharp beak.
His heart shatters when he sees divine blood spilling from the wound.
He's about to fly away, get as far away from here as he can. He found the true creator, and instead of worshipping them, he bit them! He caused them to bleed, he shouldn't even be near them-!
His mind stills when they pet his feathered head.
They murmur kind words to him, apologizing to him. They believed that they had startled him, that he bit to protect himself. They forgave him, they felt no hatred towards him, no anger or disappointment. Instead, they offered some chopped almonds, hoping he'd prefer that over bird seed.
He sang for them as he perched on their shoulder.
After that, he did his best to secretly protect the creator he'd harmed. He would adopt his smaller form and sing for them when they felt sad, and he'd use his human form to guard them from a distance. Yes, it made his chest ache whenever they looked at him with fear when they saw his more human form, but the yaksha only shook it off. It only made sense that you'd be scared. He was a frightening person, one that had tried to harm you before. He refused to try and change your feelings towards him. He didn't have the right.
He would be content to sing for you as a harmless bird.
-sibling anon (sorry if this is out of character for him I just like the idea)
oh….. he’s so soft…..
xiao hovering near the edge of the crowd, at first, drawing your attention since he doesn’t seem to be eating any of the seed you’d passed out.
when he finally hops within arms reach, you reach to nudge some of the food next to him closer, only to quickly whip your hand back. the birds around (on) you all flutter at the sudden movement, but you inspect your finger, the blue blood of teyvat welling up. your instinct is to stick it in your mouth, but that doesn’t seem safe considering a bird bit it, so you dab at it with a napkin.
the bird cries and flaps his wings, distraught, and your heart hurts. poor guy, you probably scared him, moving so quickly.
you pull out some chopped almonds from your pocket. the plan was to have them as a snack, but now… you put a few in your palm and close your hand around it, reaching forward to gently run two fingers over the birds back.
the other birds in the area seemed receptive to that, and this one does too, calming down considerably.
you take your hand back, opening your palm to drop the almonds on the floor, nudging them close before backing off.
“there you go,” you murmur, as the bird dips down to inspect the food. “i won’t hurt you.”
you allow yourself a silent cheer when it eats one of the almond pieces.
you see the small bird fluttering around you often, always on the edge of your vision. it’s easy to identify, the purple patch of feathers on its forehead easily standing out, and you’re always certain to push some food over to it. almonds, not birdseed.
the bird is a dark blue-teal, the underside of its wings a softer blue. it’s like no other bird you’ve seen in liyue, something that quickly catches your attention.
you brush some dirt off you as you stand, noting the way the bird immediately looks up from its food, unlike the others, to flap up into the tree you were sitting under.
you crack a smile, carefully reaching a finger for it. you’re slower this time, cautious of its skittish nature, but it lets you approach. when you carefully pet over its head, the birds eyes close.
your smile grows, and you try not to laugh at how confused the bird seems when you pull your hand away.
“i have to go,” you explain. “the millelith… they’re getting too close again. i won’t be able to see you again, little friend.”
the bird chirps, nearly indignant, and you do laugh this time. putting a small piece of almond on the branch in front of it, you wave goodbye to the other birds, seeing the blue one hadn’t touched the almond.
you frown. hopefully it’ll be alright….
xiao watches you until you’re out of sight, and even then, he stays on the branch.
you…. he’d forgotten you were being hunted by the millelith. he’d forgotten the order to look out for you. he’d forgotten the qixing called you a criminal.
who could blame him? it was easy to forget everything at your side, when you carefully ran your fingers over his feathers, scratching at his jaw with the edge of your nail. yes, he was vulnerable as a bird, but it was easy to be vulnerable with you. it was easy to be open, to sing as best he could in this form, to allow himself close enough to see the way your eyes lit up whenever another bird landed on your outstretched finger.
xiao dropped to the ground, morphing back into his human form. predictably, the birds cawed and flew away quickly. he watched them go, his mind contrasting it with how readily they flocked to you.
he turned to the branch he was on, to the small almond piece left behind. the small symbol of your care, of how you recognized that he didn’t touch the birdseed and instead offered him your own food to eat. normally he wouldn’t lower himself to eating off the ground at all, let along bird food, but almonds weren’t awful and you seemed so happy when he ate..
xiao looked back to where you’d gone, to the sandbearer trees swaying in a soft wind.
he allowed his form to fall away and spread his wings, taking flight on the same breeze that urged you along.
perhaps he’d forget his orders for a little while longer, if it meant he could spend that time with you.
perhaps he’d forget his orders for a little longer, if it meant he’d get to spend that time with you.
#m1d : [chats]#m1d : [secrets]#sibling anon#bird!xiao shenanigans#btw he’s pretty in character#you can add a dash of a ‘mysterious calm in the air’ if you wanna be certain but he’s oretty pretty good as is#also! let it be known that i too like fluff!!#< been meaning to write a piece based on hugs ppl would give for a while now#dilucs near the top of the list which is kinda funny considering the shit i’m (hopefully) gonna pot tonight#post* whoop#post-valentines day sadness#this got WAY too long#forgive the old format i wasn’t gonna try n find more photos of liyue than i already have#writing this was hell. thanks tumblr. i really appreciate you glitching out my drafts.#i’m trying to save my writer energy to wrap up dilucs piece COME ON I DONT NEED THIS#had to write this on the website version of tumblr ugh. dislike.#anyway debating adding this to the masterlist bc it’s… so nice…#the vibes….. immaculate….#TUMBLR DELETED HALF MY FUCKING WRITING WHEN IT HIT POST WHAT THE FUCK#THIS IS WHY I WRITE ELSEWHERE THEN COPY PASTE TO THIS HELL#FUCK. IT WAS SO GOOD. WHY.#the last half of xiao’s part at the end is the bad shittier version of what i had written originally#i am bitter. but i guess i’ll have to die mad abt it.#ugh.#it cut off the last paragraph AGAIN WHY#hate. >:(#also mushroom anon send help one of my mutuals is doing a letter event in celebration of his 1k what do i do#ok it’s his 800 celebration but STILL HELP#whatever fuck it i’m done trying to get this to work#fuck it we ball
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compacflt · 9 months
Hello, me again back with another question about the US Navy that I can't find an answer to online so I'm turning to the only source I can think of that may help. And yet again I know you say your knowledge of the US military isn't as deep as it seems but it's better than mine considering I'm not from the US, I just wanted to know how officers get off aircraft carriers? It seems like a very basic question but I'm just wondering about if in Top Gun Maverick the carrier they were on was in port and they took it to wherever the Dagger mission takes place, or they got taken to the ship if it was already at sea? If so, how would they get there? If there was an emergency, say a family member was dying, they were in the middle of the ocean and got emergency leave approved, how would they get to land? Would the ship have to port at the nearest US Naval Base? Or would you have to land on the carrier somehow? This has been on my mind for a while so any help would be greatly appreciated, your blog really adds a realistic layer to Top Gun that is refreshing
navy logistics is some of the most interesting stuff in the world. especially World War II navy logistics (the infamous ice cream barge!!!). But even today how equipment & rations & personnel (and MAIL!!!) make it on/off boats is SO fascinating & takes ungodly amounts of coordination. take a look at this video posted by the uss gerald ford (CVN 78) a couple days ago.
those are sh-60s (Sea hawks—navy black hawk variant) dropping palletized goods from a cargo ship onto the flight deck of the carrier. Including sailors’ mail, overseas goods, food etc. just awesome stuff.
in terms of officers getting on/off ships, yeah you could do it a few ways. Number one would be when the boat makes a port call. Fun fact, It used to be a huge time-honored tradition for crews to make “cruise jackets” with the names of every place your ship/carrier had stopped. not too sure if it’s still done but it was a big thing after wwii. both mav and ice would probably have them.
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port calls would be when crewmen and officers especially could leave the boat & party it up on dry land. so you get the stereotype of navy officers cheating on their wives with foreign women in “foreign ports of call.”
number two, if it’s a high ranking officer like the carrier strike/battle group commander (typically a RDML) who needs for some reason to leave the carrier at the center of the CS/BG formation & go to another ship, yeah you just send over a chopper like an SH-60 to go pick them up and ferry them to wherever they need to go. when I wrote ice (RADM) as deputy Cdr of third fleet (four carriers) that might be one way he’d get around the fleet. (But also not 100% sure he’d even be at sea. That was kind of just for plot/emotional reasons to separate him from mav.) but so like.. if the fleet commander/deputy cdr had a family emergency (say: found out that Carole is gonna die soon) and he got cleared to leave, he could hop on a helicopter in range (SH-60 has a range of about 400 mi for instance—the similar USCG HH-60 jayhawk, which was canonically what picked up mav & brought him back to base after he blew up the darkstar, has a range of 800 mi; if not in range he’d have to move his carrier closer [wouldn’t happen, he would be SOL]) which would take him to the nearest allied airfield with a plane to fly home. Which is what happened in my fic. lots of hurdles to clear. it’s very inconvenient & obviously not encouraged.
here is a relevant section from my wips.
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for the mission in Top gun: maverick, obviously we don’t know for sure where the mission takes place, but it’s clearly somewhere in the northern INDOPAC region close to the ocean in specifically third fleet’s AOR (area of responsibility). (the list of reasons I chose southeast Russia to be the enemy location in my fic is soooo unbelievably long.) the navy would have a carrier strike group in the region for some time before. then it would make the most expeditious sense for the aircrews (mav, rooster et al) to be flown in from SoCal to somewhere closer, like a navy/air force base in Japan or South Korea, before they get transferred either by land (walk onto the carrier) or by air (chopper pick-up). given the time constraints of the mission I’m going with chopper. Carriers are fast… like really fast by boat standards… but not “travel across the Pacific Ocean in a day” fast. and not “waste time for a port call pick-up” fast.
also (random piece of nautical knowledge I know for some reason) there are some (possibly non-military) reasons why you’d do a personnel transfer by sea. take cruise ships for instance. When they pull into a port, there’s a whole guy whose job it is to take over for the captain to steer the boat into the port they presumably know very well. so this is actually how local cruise ship pilots get onto cruise ships. disney cruises included.
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sketchy as fuck. I’m not sure if there’s a similar concept for aircraft carriers when they pull into unfamiliar ports… but I wouldn’t be surprised. however that’s for the captain of the boat. I would be shocked if high-ranking managerial officers ever needed to embark & disembark like this. but i just think it’s kind of funny.
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reinabeestudio · 3 months
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More familial posting. He's like a squeaky toy to me
(also the reference in the first doodle) ↓↓↓
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leafith · 9 months
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Ok, I know it's not wonderful and that the quality may suck, but thanks for the spirit! ❤️
Next drawing will come tomorrow💞 with:
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lulu2992 · 1 year
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You know what?
Happy Anniversary, Far Cry New Dawn.
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appleonjust-ice · 17 days
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assorted dunmeshis‼️‼️💥
(closeups under cut)
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fleshdyke · 7 months
btw guess who cut off a chunk of its finger while trying to cut a mango
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bloopdydooooo · 9 months
Behold, victoria crowned-pidgeon upon ye
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a beauty!!!!! a stunner!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for the birds <33
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here are some of my precious geotrygons, in return, though i realize they are less of an exciting gift to you than to me.
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[Image ID: the first picture is of a victoria crowned pigeon with a band on one foot. the second is of a violaceous quail-dove, the third is a crested quail-dove, and the fourth is a purple quail-dove. the fifth image is of two white dancing girls flowers. the sixth is a large red corpse flower. /End ID]
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the-silly-birds · 3 months
Opinion on eebydeebies?
Okay so i am unsure of what you mean, but like- the only thing we get when we search it up is... Cursed..
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girlwiththegreenhat · 9 months
What's your favorite character from the last show/game you played or watched and why are they your favorite?
according to steam, the last game I played was... Team Fortress 2!
TF2 has a lot of really good characters, I think there's something to like in almost every character, but my personal favorite, Ultimate #1 TF2 Blorbo is still medic 👍 I don't main him as much as I used to but all his voice lines and dialogue are so fucking funny and I love his design, especially in the red team colors. dresses nice, has the long coat, the dorky little vintage (by todays standards anyway) glasses, he totally Looks like someone you would underestimate but he's clever and can talk his way out of the stupidest shit, and he's extremely proficient in... we'll say Mad Sciences, because I don't think he cares about healing as much as he does doing fucked up little experiments that just so happen to sometimes heal people 😂 the medigun's existence was canonically an accident, and he only revived sniper in the comics to see if he Could. like. dude's a certified wackass and just does his own thing
also he seems to like animals more than people and i respect the vibes sdhsdkj. i love this weird german science man and his flock of stolen wedding doves that like crawling around in people's organs
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m1d-45 · 5 months
i hate to break it to you but im pretty sure ga-ming is on phase one with xianyun and nahida-
- curse anon
…..FUCK i forgot that four stars switch between banners
it’s ok it’s fine it’s fine i’ll just. <- not ok
i guess i’ll just have to hope he comes home early? i don’t want/need nahida and yeah xianyun’s cool or wtv but i don’t exactly want her. all things hoping i’ll have super late pity on five stars and real early on him
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