#thanks to those who voted!!!!! this was very enlightening lol
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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✨baller✨ results tbh~
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crashingmeteorz · 4 years
the moon, the ocean, and everything in between (a yuaangtara au)
a beautiful, wholesome, and all-consuming idea submitted by the ever big-brained @earringsokka for my 100 Followers Celebration!
yue lives, obviously, and escapes the north with the gaang. in this au she is a waterbender, as a sort of au of an au (the northern master).
nothing happens really, between the three of them during the war. aang has a crush on katara, yue has a crush on katara, and katara has a crush on both of them, so obviously it’s a little complicated for a trio of young teenagers to figure out. plus, the age difference between aang and yue is such that they wouldn’t really consider it until they’re older (similar to how i view zukaang).
but years pass, and hey, they’re older. katara is helping her father rebuild the southern water tribe, yue is traveling the world learning all about spiritual matters, and aang is doing his avatar thing. aang often visits the south pole, and katara often joins him on adventures, sometimes stopping and staying with yue. yue and aang will meet often and grow close over the years, discussing the spirit world and its intricacies. they rarely get to see each other all at the same time, but when a matter at the north pole calls the world’s attention, it’s only natural that all three of them should go.
yue is hesitant - she hasn’t been home in years, she had left her father only an apologetic letter in her stead, and doesn’t know how she’ll be received. but aang and katara tell her it’s the upcoming winter solstice that has them worried - the spirits have been restless and no one knows why. yue has become something of a master of spirits and their workings, and besides, no one would know the north pole spirits better than the girl chosen by the moon. yue agrees to go, once again willing to sacrifice her potential happiness to save her people.
the journey there, however is strange. they’re in the early to mid-20s, and, you know, beautiful. yue has a calmness and sense of purpose that makes her practically glow. katara is confident and joyous - another waterbender has been born to the south pole recently! and aang is pleased and content - much of the fire nation citizen unrest still exists, of course, but it’s been calmed considerably. things are looking up for these three. and they all can’t help but notice how lovely happiness looks on each other.
while katara sleeps, warm and content on appa’s back beneath a blanket, yue fiddles with her dress. she imagines a vicious return, the ghosts of her past no longer haunting her but becoming real, and angry, and hurt. aang notices her troubles and asks her what’s wrong.
“i left the north for such selfish reasons,” yue whispers. “do i even deserve to return?” aang watches her anxious expression, and it reminds him so much of the boy who ran away from his people years ago. he does not tell her not to worry, he does not tell her she is being silly, he does not invalidate her.
aang takes yue’s hand and says “where would you be if you stayed? miserable and trapped? what good would you have been to you people then?” he squeezes yue’s hand, and, impulsively, wipes her tears away with his free hand. she leans into the tenderness of the touch.
“you’re coming back now because it’s the right thing to do. you know that. they’ll be grateful for it, too,” aang tells her gently. yue feels relief pool over her, up her spine and down her limbs until her face is hot with it. she’s definitely not blushing at how strong aang’s arms are when he hugs her. that’s not a factor here, no way.
katara wakes up while they’re mid-hug, and, wanting hugs too, joins them without hesitation. she barely has her eyes open, just gravitates towards their warm bodies. yue’s pretty sure it’s not the relief anymore, that has her feeling so warm and fuzzy.
things are somehow stranger and yet more joyous after that. there’s a tension in the air but it isn’t uncomfortable. aang makes yue laugh like no one ever has - she can’t believe they spent so much time discussing spirits and world politics when he could’ve been doing impressions of master pakku instead. katara brushes yue’s hair out of nowhere, often producing a comb mid-sentence. there’s so much history between katara and aang, and yet yue feels like she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be, fitting between them neatly, like a missing puzzle piece.
when they arrive in the north yue is welcomed with open arms, and her father is teary-eyed and apologetic. it’s better than she could have ever hoped. aang and katara watch the reunion a little ways away, and when yue catches their eyes, they look so proud of her. she thinks her heart will burst from how much love it’s holding.
(it doesn’t).
aang and yue work together to resolve the spirit business, aang escorting yue into the spirit world with him and katara keeping them both safe in the physical world. the spirits are restless because they are afraid, because zhao has left them feeling vulnerable. aang and yue reassure the spirits, and return to katara.
chief arnook asks yue to stay, and she agrees. she wants to continue her role as the moon spirit’s charge, she wants to protect and preserve the north while progressing it socially. “how does chief yue sound?” her father asks her after she gives a passionate speech about all her plans for their tribe. “it sounds wonderful,” yue says.
but leaving aang and katara feels like an impossible task. “well, i’m the avatar, and katara’s going to be chief of the south one day,” aang says (“aang, we haven’t voted on that yet.” “then how come everyone introduces me as chief katara’s boyfriend, huh?” “i think sokka started that to mess with you.” “oh. well, joke’s on him, i love it!”). “we’ll have to see each other. for diplomatic reasons, of course,” he argues.
“i suppose,” yue agrees wistfully, not quite catching aang’s drift. “aang’s right,” katara says, “what if we need your help at the air temples! they’re very spiritual places, you know, and they have lovely views.” “yeah,” aang says, “or what if we need your help restoring the spirituality of the fire nation! i mean, it’s hot in the summer but they have amazing beaches. really great, um, spirity beaches.”
“so, vacations?” yue asks in confusion. aang and katara try very hard not to look at their adorable girlfriend like she’s an idiot. “oh!” yue says realizing. “oh, ah, spirity. vacations. very important. yes, i agree. as, um, respective, representatives, of, our, uh-”
“you get the picture,” katara says, kissing yue on the cheek, causing her to blush furiously. “so, next spiritual meeting in a month?” aang asks, kissing her other cheek, and yue, future chief of the northern water tribe, spiritually enlightened princess, master waterbender, thinks she’s gonna die, right here, in the spirit oasis. she doesn’t even mind.
i focused more on yue and aang’s interactions, since i have two whole posts dedicated to yue and katara lol. i love this ship so. much. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. yue and katara representing the moon and ocean is incredible, but then aang being the bridge between the worlds??? beautiful. perfection. ben, you’re a master of romance.
and that concludes my 100 Followers Celebration event! thank you again to those who participated, and to each of my lovely followers! i have had so much fun these past few months and i hope to bring you more content you’ll enjoy in the future.
love always, candy.
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hirazuki · 5 years
Can't say I'm a fan of tdp s3's pacing, it felt way too quick (and ngl, the pacing has me rooting for Callum and Rayla to break up by the end like call me cynical but these two haven't even known each other a month.) Also I don't like the direction they took Viren in :/ he was actually starting to seem really sympathetic thanks to s2, until he gaslit Soren in s3.
Under a cut because salt and spoilers! :D
Yeah, exactly :/ The pacing was really weird, the humor was off (idk if it was just me, but most of the jokes or things that were played for laughs were… just not funny), Callum/Rayla was way too quick (I think that most fans would have been fine with them going in this direction but maybe only like 1/3 of the way by the end of the season?), and the discrepancy between what was going on with their easy-going fun little romantic adventure vs. the crisis the rest of the world was having and Viren’s body horror galore situation was just really jarring.
I have no idea what they’re trying to do with Viren and tbh I don’t think they do either – he started as a very pragmatic villain in S1, then became sympathetic antagonist in S2 with clear and understandable motivations, and now it feels like they went “oh shit we made him too sympathetic BETTER PUT THIS WHOLE SHINDIG IN REVERSE AND SPRINKLE SOME EVULZ FOR GOOD MEASURE,” which had me going 😑Not to mention his perceived horror at Claudia bringing him back from the dead -- if he was really that evil of a person, I feel like he wouldn’t be horrified? But from his expression, it looks like he thinks that maybe his daughter went too far??? Which makes no sense given how they’ve been building him up??? Are they setting Claudia up to be the next big bad? Is it because Aaravos is no longer in his mind/did dying release him from some star elf magic shenanigans? Wtf? Adding that to what we know about him being named after Ehasz’s close friend and that he’s a staff favorite (and remembering that Lotor was also based off of one of JDS’s close friends and was, supposedly, a staff favorite), I’m just not too hopeful about even things as basic as keeping character consistency.
It just felt like the whole show suddenly gave up any nuance it had built up in S2. The animation has gotten a lot smoother, to the point where I can actually watch without getting dizzy, and even though I’m not a fan of the visual world building as a whole (I can’t tell if they’re going for a medieval society, or renaissance, or enlightenment or what with their setting, there are too many conflicting elements for me to not find it distracting), the individual character designs are super cool, so I was really hoping this could be a series I eventually managed to settle into. I’d much rather genuinely enjoy a show than salt-watch it :/ 
I think what bugged me the most is that it professes itself to be a super progressive show, with representation and sense of morality, etc., except that it continues to glorify really archaic ideals without providing any kind of solid proof as to why these are good things. Like child monarchs or divine right to rule, etc. – I know Opeli said kings are chosen by vote, but there’s been nothing but proof to the contrary for that. Whereas Viren, who has been the only non-royal main character (along with his kids) and essentially the voice/perspective of a more common type of person, esp in S2, keeps offering some of the most forward-thinking and pragmatic courses of action, but which always keep being undermined as “dark magic = evil lolz.” I just… don’t get where they’re trying to go with this, I guess.
The dynamic between Aaravos, Claudia, and Viren was super enjoyable though. Kinda makes me wish the show was about them lmao. It feels like, once again, the writing surrounding the villains is more compelling than that of the protags, and I think that it’s, again, because of the fact that villains don’t have to be “cinammon rolls uwu” and can be real people, whereas the heroes have to be P E R F E C T. I just wish people would write characters as just people, regardless of where they fall on the archetype/moral scale X_X
(I’m not even gonna touch Kasef lol, someone better qualified than me can do that XD).
If anything, I feel like it’s super obvious there was Stuff™ going on behind the scenes, and if we didn’t know about it from the tweets, I would have def wondered what the hell was going on with the writing team. I read some reviews that chalked the pacing up to the show runners not knowing if the series will be renewed and wanting to provide closure should this be the end of the show, but also leave it open enough so that they could continue it if they got the chance, but like… supposedly this season was done some time ago and there was never any risk of it being cancelled, so there should have been no need to make it so rushed? 
 Idk man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I feel like my biggest takeaway from this season is that either the whole AtLA team had one single braincell between them so that when they split to do their own projects, all those projects went dismally, or that the stars were in alignment for some kind of magic to birth AtLA. or it was actually ghostwritten by some third party lmao bc I literally have no other explanation for it. 
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Spiritual Log August 26 2019
DISCLAIMER: Please seek help from professionals when dealing with ANY kind of disorder, physical or mental. I just happened to choose not to and I am not blaming any entity or anyone for the results of that choice as well as my current situation. You can take my own personal experiences here as SPIRITUAL ADVICE and I am more than happy to assist, but if symptoms persist, please consult medical professionals. My info here is not liable in any way if any kind of physical or mental harm happens to the end user. Thank you for understanding.
*Before I start this entry, let us all collectively focus our high-vibrational intentions to the healing and recovery of the Amazon rainforest. Feel free to channel energy towards healing not just the Amazonas but also the mass consciousness expressing the disturbance in this world. Thank you.*
I was gonna log so much stuff but for some reason, I got into a depression *a very dangerous one* since the start of this month, and instead of spreading my low vibes I just chose not to blog about it and just transmute. It was a very disturbing time because no matter how much I cleared my energy fields, my subconscious, cords and attachments, anything I thought of clearing, the depression just persisted. I wasn't on meds and I don't have a shrink but so far, I have been managing it OK. Even more so once I have come to terms with the fact that my depression stems from the Spiritual Awakening process, and that I just have to face my demons and learn how to reintegrate my shadow aspects back into my self, along with a lot of other healing methods. But this time around, it felt so scary. The need to kill myself just grew stronger everyday. It was so dark that I was doubting if it was even mine. 100% gloom and doom there. But then last week Wednesday I just found out that the Amazon rainforest has been suffering from wildfires for 3 weeks already. AND I WASN'T EVEN INFORMED. Not here on tumblr nor twitter or even Youtube. Not on the telly. Nada. And that was very disappointing, I have never felt so much lack of care or disappointment since the day when the presidential candidate I voted (RIP MDS) lost and was almost at the last part of the race. And it was very disturbing that nobody gave a crap in the planet's lungs. No wonder so many people, apart from myself who got so depressed this month. They probably don't know why, and probably won't know why until they started opening their eyes to the truth. Especially geomantic empaths *cough, like me, cough* 😆 I mean, a large portion of the earth was in pain, in suffering, and go barely any attention, so she just directly contacted empaths everywhere. And that's where the stuff about empaths start to get tricky. Because despite numerous posts, the info are mostly too-general to be digested, and cannot give answers to those who have more needs than others.
I have been on this conscious awakening process for 3 years now, and I haven't gotten the hang of being an empath. Mainly because most of the stuff I read or watch have no specifics on how or why empaths are able to feel the energies and emotions of others, as well as being unable to distinguish if these emotions and thoughts are their own. For once and for all, I will give my 2 cents on this topic because I personally had some disturbing yet enlightening experiences on what empaths experience and why some of them are just so full of angst. Also because this might help at least someone out there and help them be at ease.
To find out what needs to be healed in an unwell person - e.g. You suddenly felt heartbroken and sad, and flashes of your past breakups kept rushing into your head. You thought you were over them all already, and you were, because they were years ago. But then suddenly everything comes back to you. The pain, the trauma, the endless nights of rollercoastering between paranoia on why you were dumped and hope that your dumper will evetually come around. Turns out one of your friends/mates was unceremoniously dumped and has been suffering in silence for the past week.
To fine-tune the healing process for each person to be healed - e.g. using different strategies of healing two friends who were both fatigued, but one is emotionally-drained due to being friends with a toxic colleague and the other one has been overly anxious over the resuls of their DNA test because it will determine their fate (relax it's just a scenario, that can happen.lol)
Basically, all of your inner demons will come back to haunt you, with gusto and fervor. All vibrations, low or high, will be at their extreme levels. Things you thought were already cleared will rush back with even greater intensity and pain. And you can't help wondering why or if these are even your own. (Hint: 90% probably not yours)
E.g. In the 1st 2 weeks of August, all of my memories of being sexually-harrassed while I was drunk and broken-hearted kept rushing back to me. Randomly. No warning whatsoever. My hate was filled to the brim. I easily got mad, and upset, and I could've cried at a drop of a hat. Everything made no sense to me, I just finished my full-moon clearing and everything felt even more horrible. I felt trapped, hopeless, in extreme despair, and very much suicidal. Fast forward to 2 nights ago when I hit up an old friend and had some catch-up, turns out this person had been dealing with workplace issues as well as harrassment by an older person for the same time period that I had been experiencing shit. So yeah, turns out it wasn't really mine, but to be able to relate to this friend, I had to relive my own experiences so I can enter the friend's energy field. Because I had a similar experience with my friend's. Similar experiences create resonance with empaths so they can detect emotions, feelings, or thoughts by others, especially their loved ones. I just decided to heal us both before I ended the call, to clear our energy fields. It turned out to be a very enlightening experience for us both. *Fun fact: Empaths can bunch together, get individually attached to narcs, or both. It sucks*
See above. Because if not cleared, the inner demons will just keep popping up. Like having light on a mirror. No matter what happens, as long as there is light, things will always get reflected on mirrors. Also, a clearer energy field means less resonance with others having a bad day. Besides, it's easier to detect happy energies that way.
If a negative emotion is felt:
Step 1 - Ask this emotion if it is yours. If yes, go to step 5. If no, proceed to next step.
Step 2 - Send this emotion back to where it came from, or send it directly to Source. Tell it to leave you because it has no business with you, as it is not yours. Bring in your full intent of sending this emotion away. With love.
Step 3 - Ground and check to see if your emotions calmed down or disappeared. If yes, go to next step. If no, repeat 1st step.
Step 4 - Relax, drink some water, and pat yourself in the back. Then make a high-vibrational shield around you to keep other people's emotions out. *Some make mirrors, some make golden egg-shaped ones, some use invisibility cloaks, some use white light. For me, I encase myself in a lovely nata de coco sphere. Low vibes stay out, light goes in, plus it's delicious. Yes my energy shield is food, lol it works for me so why not.* The End.
Step 5 - Meditate on why this emotion is appearing to you now. Ask what needs to be healed so it can be released. You can also do emotion code in this step. Crying or emotional release is definitely recommended.
Step 6 - Once the reason/s was/were identified, go to Step 2.
Repeat entire process as needed.
If a positive emotion is felt:
JUST ENJOY THE WHOLE RIDE, DUH. 😆 At least take advantage of being an empath by enjoying and dwelling in other people's happiness too. It also amplifies the energies and helps raise the earth's vibrations.
Well, I hope this journal entry helps you, especially during these chaotic times. Thank you very much, and may you find the healing you seek. Love and hugs from Source above. ♡
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Just a Quick Glimpse
Desire and Decorum/ MC x Mr. Sinclaire 
Summary: Ernest and his son have a tradition as Clara and Georgiana start their own too. Fluff moments. 
Authors Note:For the march challenge day 21: book (s). So I got both D&D and TE being voted for, so I’ll do D&D for this one and TE for tomorrow. It’s smut for tomorrow so, you’ll get a thirsty Beckett lol. 
Tag list!: @mariamulroney @itsbrindleybinch @elainew13 @paisleylovergirl @symonde @melodyofgraves @fluffy-cat-whisper @countrymusicandncis-blog @am-i-invisible777 @queen-among-writers @flyawayboo
Clara stirred slightly as the sun started to filer into their bedroom. Ernest’s arms around her as her green eyes fluttered open some. Her eyes scanned the floor looking for the nightgown. Lately they have been busy on that end, she thought, flushing. Pregnancy kept that drive up this far along.
“Ernest you must wake up,” she said leaning in close to him.
“Why do that when I could stay here with you,” he said mumbling a half smile on his face as he ran a hand through his hair.
“I know you have work to do. Your schooling with Vincent is this afternoon.”
Happy Ernest sat up before wrapping his arms around his wife. Vincent has been training to learn the family business. Eventually teach him everything a young man was supposed to know. Ernest always excited to show him something new.
“Perhaps you can come in and watch us?” His hand reached over and stroking a loose hair from her face. Clara’s eyes light up as hugged him close. Ernest hugged back as he took in her scent relishing in her sweet scent and their afterglow. This was one of his favorite parts of being married to Clara.
“Even if it’s boring at least I know he won’t be shooting guns.” A shudder ran down her spine as she remembered the last time a gun was shot. Ernest rubbing her shoulder soothingly.
Together the two went to go and find their clothes to get ready for the morning.
At this point of their relationship Clara Sinclaire never felt closer to her husband. She’d join him and do her work in his office and he’d join her in hers. They’d do close together everything together. Right now, the two of them were in his office as his eyes kept lingering over to her. He couldn’t really do anything as he passed the unsealed letter underneath his desk. From her spot Clara watched a bit amused.
Sitting underneath his next to his feet Georgiana Sinclaire sealed the letter. She did the following things with her father:  She’d follow him when he picked fresh flowers for her mother (and she’d help too). She loved to watch the horses and would follow him to the stables. Her favorite activity was when she liked to sit under his desk when he did his paper work. She’d be allowed to seal his letters or scribbled on botched drafts, which is what she is doing now.
Across the room Clara caught the eye of her husband as she smiled slyly at him and beckoned him with a finger. Eyeing her cautiously he crossed the room to her.
“Yes,” said Ernest as he kissed her head softly as their fingers intertwined together.
Silently she took his free hand and pressed it against her pregnant belly. Ernest had a smile stretch across his face as his eyes lit up. Their next child was kicking already.
“It feels like another girl,” said Clara.
He shook his head before grinning softly at her his own blue eyes lighting up, he loved the idea of having another daughter. “And how is your writing going?”
“Good, just sharing the joy.”
Ernest tried to peek over at her words as Clara pulled the book back and shielded his eyes. He wasn’t allowed to read this book. Or any of the books that lined the walls of her study. They were the diaries of the former mistresses of the Ledford Park. Clara happily continued the tradition by having a journal with her name on it. The books were to share advice from mistress to mistress, so the same mistake never had to be repeated. It was part guide and part journal as each woman did share some of their deeper thoughts on different matters.
“You can’t read this,” she said as she gently pushed Ernest to the side. “Train your son.”
She nodded her head over to Vincent who was at his own special spot next to his father learning how to properly write letters. Clara was very thankful that he wasn’t learning how to shoot a gun right now.
“Vincent,” said Ernest as he turned to his son.
“Yes father?” he said looking up from the paper his brown eyes watching his parents. She only smiled remembering that he inherited those eyes from her mother.
“Let’s see the letter,” he said heading over glancing at the book. He wanted to know if she wrote something about him did he? Clara flushed before looking down at what she wrote.
Today has been a rather enlightening day. Ever since Vincent started to learn about the family business, I have not been in the office at the same time with them. Today Georgiana and I were allowed in to witness what they did. Thank goodness it was just writing and books for now. I can still remember the day Vincent put on his breeches and Ernest gave him a special tour of his office. My predecessors did not really know what happened behind that closed door. Either they weren’t interested or not invited. I know though and have learned some secrets of what it means to be a man. Perhaps we’ll get invited again?
“What are you writing mother?” asked Vincent as he looked over at her. Clara looked up from her spot and saw that he was sitting in Ernest’s chair. He looked so grown up sitting there as Clara smiled proudly at him.
“I’m just writing in my book,” she said the feather of her pen tickling her nose. “I’m writing about nice things about you, your dad, and your training.”
There was a shuffle from behind the desk. A small head peered around the corner of the desk as she saw Georgiana watching her. Her brown hair slightly frazzled and blue eyes blinked up at her. “What about me?”
“You too sweetheart.”
She beamed proudly up at her before turning back to finish what she was working on. Clara sighed as she glanced down at her book and adding her thoughts. Then added a note about Georgiana and how clever she was and her big heart. Finally glancing at the time with a sigh.
“Alright Georgie, it’s time for your nap,” she said going over to collect her daughter. Her book tucked under her arm.
“Okay,” she said a bit sadly as Ernest kissed his daughter’s head.
Together the two of them headed out of the study. Georgiana looked curiously at Clara and then down at the book.
“Mama am I going to be able to read your book one day?” she asked sweetly as Clara raised her eyebrow.
“One day and if you want we can start a book for you too. I can even write in it for you.” Georgiana nodded along happily telling her thoughts about what she’d write. Clara only thought about her day, Ernest let her glimpse at what they did. Next time she’ll show him a special page in her book.
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