#thansk for the tag
27-royal-teas · 3 months
nine people you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by the lovely @abovetherainandroses — thanks so much, guys!! <33
last song: 1x1 by Bring Me The Horizon and the Nova Twins
fav colour: orange!!!!!! its my favorite color not only because its great but also because everyone i know hates it and thinks its the worst
currently watching: been rewatching the good place lately
sweet/savoury/spicy: all three!!
relationship status: complicated. im single tho
current obsession: i loved fall out boy so much i had to make a whole blog about it lol
last thing you googled: shc lyrics foster the people
tagging: @bsideheart, @roscoe-me-and-this-fuckin-kid, @setting-in-a-honeymoon, @random-knowone, @pnuk-r0ck, @pisshandkerchief, @thekidsarentalright? no pressure, of course!! and if you’d like to join and i forgot to tag you please feel free, just tag me so i can see it :))
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agent37 · 1 year
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woooo lesbeans!!!!
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barbecutie · 9 months
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character: astarion game: baldur's gate 3
Be gentle... if you can.
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katastrophic-n3vulaa · 9 months
So progress on the daredevil sketch:
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and in the past hour
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So yeah.
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familyofpaladins · 12 days
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(From a post talking about how I make an au everytime I watch another movie)
Oh you're spoiling me @sonderquill by indulging me in my au's. Also careful what you wish for lol
Okay heres a list of different Tmnt Au's that I've made in my head!! :D
Princess bride au
My own tmnt iteration au =Youngest leo (and oldest Mikey, but I tend to focus on leo)
Turtleverse - not so much an au as.... a big ol crossover and filling in some gaps from canon
Pacific rim au- I was actually gonna do a tmaynt promt with this au, but I skipped it because it was giving me trouble but I might come back to it
Treasure planet/island au - set in space like treasure planet but I pull in a bit more of the plot/events from the book
brother bear au - setting and details a little iffy
Looking through my notes to double check my Au's, I apparently also had a pokemon au, but I dont really remember where I was going with it lol
And now, Princess and the frog turtle au
Longer descriptions under the cut because uh. It got long lol (most of these are personality and character based from 2003 series, but could also be from other series/general/non specific iteration as well)
Princess bride au and Youngest Leo Au have links to their own posts so I'm not gonna say much more about them on this post
Turtleverse- So this is .... mostly just a place for all the iterations to hang out and meet each other. Kinda like the place in Across the Spiderverse. Theres not much for plot, except. The turtle in charge of everything in the turtle verse is the Donatello who disappeared in Same as it Never Was (2003 series). In this au, that Don was experimenting with alternate dimensions and time travel and accidentally sent himself to another dimension. Because of where ever he was sent, it takes him a while to travel through dimensions and then spends years hopping from universe to universe trying to find home. But because of [science stuff that I'm going to blame on quantum physic even though that's probably not the right term] his body isnt tuned to his home dimension anymore, and so if he ever made it back he wouldnt be able to stay there. And/or by the time he makes it back the events of same as it never was have already happened. So instead, he "maps" out the other turtle universes and allows crossovers to happen and a big ole hang out. (Like I said before, theres not really a Plot, but if there was, itd would probably have somethign to do with Don being A Bit controlling of the different universes and them not messing with Canon Events (like Manuel in Spiderverse), because he knows 03 Don made it to his home dimension, and while 03 Don got his brothers tow work together and defeat shredder, Don's brothers died and SAINW Don holds that against 03 Don and dosnt want other turtles interfering with other universes. So the plot would be addressing... all that while probably also dealing with some other interdimensionalproblem)
Pacific Rim au- like I said, I hope to draw of this and explain it more there. But I'll go ahead and give a run down. This is a human au. The bros are 4 identical brothers that pilot the only four man jaeger. They can also pilot a normal two man jaeger in any combination. But one day when a kaiju that comes out of the rift is more powerful than they expect, it tears into their jaeger and Donnie gets ripped out. After they get their damaged jaeger back to shore and injuries taken care of. They search for Donnie but never find him and (logically) assume he died. What they dont know is that donnie miraculously made it to shore and got picked up by some locals. But Don got a head injury and doesnt remember who he is and no one else realizes that he's the jaeger pilot who was lost at sea. (The bros are fairly private and so their faces arent publicized, and after people from the jaeger program looked for donnie, they really figured he was gone ((okay actually there is debate between the brothers)) so they didnt keep up the search.) As for Donnie, he assumes he's just a person whose home was destroyed by the kaiju and that theres just no one left to look for him. A man that goes by the nickname Leatherhead, takes him in and as the years go by the work on building the wall to protect against kaiju attacks (Don does his own research on the kaiju on the side tho). Anyway. After Don is gone, they cant pilot the 4man jaeger anymore and work in teams of two. But because of disagreements about Don's fate (like how they argued in SAINW) they dont work quite as well together. So Raph and Casey are drift compatible . And Leo and Usagi are Drift compatible. Mikey probably Could drift with others (if I wanted to bring in Mondo gecko into the au theyd be drift compatible), but he's trying to make sure his bros stay together and works with them.
BUT. Mikey hurt his arm during a fight. (Maybe just broken, maybe loses it if I want to lean into the SAINW parallel) So he's benched for a while. With all the gossip of the 4 drift compatible brothers losing a member and getting new drift partners eventually photos of their faces get out there. Someone who works on the wall keeps up with jaeger pilot gossip and thinks, "hey that guy kinda looks like those pilots. Guess the jaeger program really is going to shit if one is retiring to work on the wall" and maybe jokes about it with others. Eventually a rumor starts that theres a retired jaeger pilot working there. Don, who is probably going by a different name but I havent decided what yet, doesnt pay much attention to rumors and if he Does here, absolutely doesn't think it's about him. He doesnt pay much attention to the jaegers and focuses more on the kaiju themselves. Anyway, Mikey ends up hearing the rumor (because he's bored when benched and so goes out and wanders and also is secretly working on rebuilding their 4man jaeger) and goes "well it's not me, and I know it's not Raph or Leo... ". So trying to keep his hope down in case it's not what he thinks, (because really, it's been 5 years. If it was donnie he would have come home. Right?) He goes to see who this look a like is. He goes to where the wall is being built and looks around for a while and is about to call it quits when he bumps into someone. Don does a double take at the person he bumped into because he was looking at his notes instead of where he was walking. Realizes he's probably in the way and apologizes and goes to walk around. Then Mikey, who was so stunned to suddenly run into his brother (who he knows is donnie. Even with the scar he can see peaking out underneath his hair on his temple) who has been Gone for Five Years. He stops Don and questions where he's been. Don is very confused doesnt know what to make of this person who looks such like him. Eventually they put it together that don has lost his memories and Mikey begs Don to come back with him. Don isn't really sure what to think, (could this really be his brother?), he doesn't know this guy and doesnt know if he believes the "yeah I'm your brother and you have 2 more identical brothers as well" and he has been gathering impressive data on the kaiju that he doesnt want to abandon. So mike goes, come see my brothers and you'll see and if nothing else, you can conduct proper research with other scientist there. So don says yes. (But really. After just a minute of talking with mikey, Don would have gone back with him because he could Feel a connection and he Has to figure out the truth of what happened to him). Anyway they go back, Don meets his other missing brothers, theres crying and hugs and apologies and awkwardness. They do a drift at some point and Thats what brings back all of Don's memories. Something something they end up saving the day. I havent thought much plot past the bros reuniting lol
(God that was long. sorry)
Treasure planet/island au- setting is in space like Treasureplanet, so the boys are turtles. But some plot/events and character roles taken from the book. Splinter and the bros help run an inn. Theyve all grown up hearing stories of the Pirate Krang and his hidden treasure. Someone comes to the inn with a map (I'm thinking baxter stockman. Possibly in this weird brain/tentacle form since this is space and I can use his weirder forms) and other pirates pancake the inn and burn it down with the bros barely escaping with the map. Casey is a friend of the family and they go to his house. Leatherhead is a doctor/scientist and was with the turtles at the time. Mikey and/or Don are messing with the map and are the ones to figure out how to open it. Once they realize they have Krang's Treasure Map, they set out to find it. Casey and leatherhead hire the crew. Leatherhead hires the well renown Captain April O'Neil with firstmate Traximus the triceraton. Casey hired the cook and his daughter who helped hire the rest of the crew. Oroku Saki is an utrom in an exo-suit "with a passion for cooking". His adopted daughter Karai is an excellent sailor. :) Anyway they set sail. April knows soemthign is up with the crew and doesnt trust them one bit. The turtles are slightly suspicious of Saki, but mikey likes cooking with him, Don is fascinated by his exo-suit, and Leo likes training with Karai, and is charmed by Saki's "Honor". Raph doesnt trust them at all, but has no proof for anything and his brothers seem okay with them so he keeps his temper down (as much as he can. He's raph tho lol) anyway. Leo (and mikey maybe?) eventually overhear Shredders real plans to create a mutant and take over the ship. The rest of the events are a little unplanned because it's a mix of book events and movie events and I didnt write down everything that I apparently originally thought of. But two of the brothers (originally wrote down Mikey and Raph but that might change) sneak off the ship to join the pirates pretending to think that they are still good loyal crew. They get away from the pirates and meet The Fugitoid, Professor Hunnicut, former navigator for the Pirate Captain Krang. Later 2 of the other turtle brothers (maybe leo and don?) Are trying to get the main ship back and have a epic fight with ... someone. Maybe hun or bishop and/or Karai. Idk. Like I said. Iffy plot points. Karai is the one who has a change of heart and helps the brothers. Also the pirates may not be after treasure so much as, say, a giant portal that can take them across the galaxy in the blink of an eye. Fugitoid may or may not have actually been the one to booby trap the planet so no one could use the technology again for evil.
Brother bear au- setting would probably change. but idk to what/where exactly. The brothers, when reach a certain age are given totems/amulets/soemthing(depends on setting) with a certain trait. Leo the oldest gets Guidance. Don second oldest gets Wisdom. And raph is supposed to get his. he gets Love. Gets mad about the animal he gets. (I havent fully decided if I'm sticking with the whole turning into a Bear thing and giving the eagle and wolf to leo and don. Or to turn raph into a turtle demon(like the ones from the ninja tribunal arc) because then I'm not sure what animal/creature to give to the rest of the brothers. Anyway). Mikey is the youngest and hasnt recieved his yet. things happen, Raph goes a bear/turtle monster and Leo does saving his brothers (I'm sorry leo 😭). Raph decides to go after the "monster" again, despite Don and mikey telling him not to. Raph goes out, kills it, and gets turned into said creature. Donnie who had followed after Rpah thinks his other brother has now died as well and decides he need to go after it as well. Mikey may or may not join him (I havent decided). Raph meets a young one along the way, and while I was originally thinking Tyler(? From lone raph and cub 2003) I think this would be a good spot for Spike/Slash. (I could also change it that mikey is the kid he picks up along the way, it could work. but I also like the idea of the 4 of them actually being brothers the whole time) anyway. travel shenanigans and raph realizing that the "monsters" arent monsters meanwhile Don is having A Time following the creature who killed two of his brothers.
Pokemon au- I'm just gonna screenshot what I have in my notes because I dont really remember where I was going with it lol
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And then the newest addition to the Au's and what prompted that other post
Princess and the frog, I mean turtle- theres so many different ways I could go with this. But I think I'm leaning towards an au where, somehow, at least one of the brothers (who are mutant turtles) gets cursed into a normal turtle (because I think its funny). They're all trying to figure out how to break the spell/curse. They find April and think she is a princess whose kiss will break the spell, but she's not a real princess and ends up cursed too. So then they're ALL trying to figure out how to fix it. Havent decided if it's the situation from some of the original stories where the frog has to eat off the princess's plate three times, or kissed by a princess or "true loves kiss". But if it is the true loves kiss, I'm going the Platonic Love is just as true love as romantic love route.
This one hasnt been cooking in my mind as long so it's not as detailed, but I do like the idea of the turtles and april helping each other try to reverse the curse. (It could also be that casey and/or april got cursed originally and the turtles are there to help them find a solution. Or it could be that the brothers are supposed to be human and got turned into turtles/or turtle mutant)
So yeah, theres the different Tmnt Au's I have :)
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a4g · 1 year
alive i think u r the only spoke artist ever. im not even a spoke artist. ur the only one thats important 2 me
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Woah.. woa. WOAH❤️!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here some doodles 4 u
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The Scarred Among the Mundane.
cw: death threats, magical whump, captivity, elf whumpee, skeleton walking around in a generally creepy castle
previous. masterlist. next
— —
With a rope around Finn’s neck, the sorcerer drags him forward, into the crowd.
The watching, waiting crowd.
Finn stumbles. “You–”
The sorcerer nudges her horse into a trot, cutting off Finn’s voice by cutting off his air supply.
Dust shifts beneath his boots, rising with the crowd’s low voices.
“…deserve death.”
“Die slowly—”
Finn rolls his eyes with great effort. “I deserve something better than ‘I hope you die slowly’, don’t you think?” he tells the crowd. “Maybe, ‘I’d greatly enjoy watching you scream for death, and instead of granting it, I’d prolong your miserable life for my own enjoyment.’ Hm? How's that?”
A slight pause. Then someone spits at him.
As the sorcerer pulls Finn out of the town square, he can feel it dripping down the side of his face. Along with the egg yolk.
Finn wishes, not for the first time and not for the last, that his hands were free. He’d claw his own skin off in an attempt to wipe the food and spit off of his face.
And then he’d strangle the sorcerer. Maybe with the very same rope she’d tied around him. That’s a lovely thought.
The sorcerer yanks harder at the rope and Finn barely manages to catch his balance. “Don’t tell me you can read thoughts.”
They reach the edge of the town– a trampled road leading into green hills. On either side, there’s tall grass and tangled trees and sunlight trapped in the branches.
The sorcerer turns her horse away from the road. “I’d save your breath if I were you. We have a long way to go.”
Finn looks at the sharp grass that rises up to his knees. At the dark forest. The rope rubs awkwardly around his throat with every breath he takes. “You’re making me walk? Have I committed some deep personal wrong against you? What exactly have I done to deserve this?”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to answer that for yourself. I’m not concerned with your wrongdoings.” She pulls Finn into the grass, urging her horse on faster.
Finn has to run to avoid being dragged unceremoniously through the dirt.
The sorcerer takes no hidden path, no secret entrance, no magic portal. Merely rides through thick mud and suffocating vines and deep shadows, taking Finn with her.
What wrongdoings?
Finn laughs.
Behind his eyes, flames dance. Destructive. Beautiful.
So, besides the fires, he’s done nothing wrong. Well. There are the screams. The ones he can’t drown out.
The ones he hears when he’s trying to sleep.
The ones that don’t let him sleep.
Behind the flames, there are always the screams.
He will not apologise for a single fire.
A low-hanging branch cuts him across his face, knocking aside all thoughts of fire and replaced with stinging and a hatred for trees.
Spitting out leaves, he calls out, “How much longer?”
No answer.
“Do you live far away because you hate humans or because you hate me?“
A bird chirps. The sorcerer says nothing.
“Stricken silent, huh? I have been told I have this effect on people.”
The sorcerer lifts her hand, fingers twisted.
Finn doubles over, eyes burning and tongue feeling like a dead weight.
The sorcerer sighs, but she slumps further in her saddle. “That's better.” It’s almost a whisper, buried by the overhanging, overarching suffocation of trees.
The ground begins to tilt upwards at an unnatural angle. Up, up, up until Finn’s legs ache. The trees, if possible, thicken.
But by the time they reach the top of the hill, the spell has faded. Finn’s tongue only feels slightly strange and no longer like a brick. An improvement.
And then he sees the fortress.
It’s a towering grey structure– all odd angles and formidding shadows. Dead plants cling to the sides.
Finn swears he can see eyes glowing from the windows. Not a good thought. Not a good one. Nope. Please no. He doesn’t like the idea of eyes.
The sorcerer rides into the courtyard, pulling Finn behind her. He doesn’t look away from the window with the eyes.
A smile pastes itself to the cracked glass, teeth dripping white. The eyes blink and then vanish.
Finn shudders, mouth like cotton.
The sorcerer dismounts in one fluid motion.
Licking cracked lips, Finn forces a smile. “You own all this?”
This time, the sorcerer smiles back. It’s a deeply unsettling smile. Keeping one hand on the rope and the other on her horse, she nods behind Finn. “My father does.”
Finn turns. His false smile falters before failing all together.
There’s a raised garden in the courtyard, and standing over it is a human skeleton. Bone-white. Eyes gaping and dark.
Finn takes a stumbling, rushing step back.
The skeleton, with stiff fingers, begins to weed the garden. Pieces of grass fly into the air, green and yellow.
But Finn can’t get the image of gaping eyes and dull teeth out of his mind.
It’s a long moment before Finn is able to speak. His voice is a choked whisper. “That’s–”
The sorcerer grins. “Was my father. The property is still in his name. Never got around to changing it. Don’t worry, he’ll only come after you if you try to escape.”
Finn’s knees threaten to give out on him.
The sorcerer tightens the rope. “Come. We don’t have all day.”
Numbly, Finn follows her inside the fortress. She takes him down a winding staircase– lit with light that has no source.
The darkness deepens with the cold. They step into a long hall, doors lining either side. The sorcerer kicks open the first one.
“In you go.”
Finn stares at the aching emptiness of the small room. He blinks, swallows hard. You have got to be kidding.
“Elf, I saved your life. The least you can do is show a little gratitude.”
“I said thank you.”
“Your life is in my hands. Do not try my patience.”
Finn snarls. This is bad.
Bad bad bad.
“What exactly does a necromancer want to do with an elf?”
Again, that unsettling smile. “You’ll find out in the morning.” She unlocks the chains around Finn’s wrists and unties the rope around his neck. “And I’m not a necromancer. The name is Verne.”
“Didn’t ask.”
Verne waves towards the cell. “Get in.” Her voice allows no refusal, no argument, no banter.
Finn steps in. Dust rises up in a soft cloud around him. And as the door slams shut, he tries not to flinch.
tagging: @kira-the-whump-enthusiast (lmk if you want to be added/ removed)
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whittingsonder · 11 days
🏳️‍⚧️ pick an oc any oc!
my ocs Andrew and Cassandra! Andrew (left) is canonically transmasc in oc lore, but one of my friends said they imagine Cass (right) as transfem, so i’m using that as my “headcannon”
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worldly-diversity · 3 months
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alias / name:  Lumi
birthday: Aug 19th
zodiac sign:  Leo
height:  156 cm / 5'5"
hobbies:  Reading, RP and hanging out with friends!
favorite color: Blue
favorite book: The Fifth Season
last song:  Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
last film / show:  Helluva Boss
recent reads:  Probably my threads xD
inspiration:  If we're talking muses then generally behaviour and psychology is what usually gets me interested in picking up a muse!
story behind url: It kinda speaks for itself doesn't it? xD I started with, oh about 150-ish muses probably is what I can recall when I really properly started to expand and set up and it only went from there, so a diversity of muses across many worlds seemed fitting~
fun fact about me: I speak Dutch and French natively, and I coded my own muse page! (though the javascript was done by my dad)
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Tagged by: @iiryoku Tagging: @questionablemuses, @burning-fcols & anyone who wants to do this one!
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Worst Ut/Dr Fanon Thing Tournament:
Round One, Part Two!
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bigfishthemusical · 9 months
@cr0wc0rpse tagged me to spell out my url in song titles
B-Be the Hero- big fish (of course)
I-Icarus- Bastile
G-Get Better- frank turner
F-fall down- boomtown rats
I-Innocent- Our lady peace
S-She’s an angle- they might be giants
H-Hazy shade of winter- the bangles
T-Toe to Toe- streetlight manifesto
H-hymn of a scarecrow- tally hall
E-elevator operator- Courtney Barnett
M-Maybe this time- Natasha Richardson
U-Until olympius returns- the mountain goats
S-standing outside the fire- Garth brooks
I-I don’t like mondays- the boomtown rats
C-closing time- leonard cohen
A-American Pie- Don McLean
L-Learning how to Smile- everclear
Did not realize there were 3 i s in my url until doing this lol. Anyway you can say I tagged you if you wish to<3 this was fun :)
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napsaps-archive · 1 year
oh i was hearing "to whoever wants to hear" -eras
alright so i have issues then i don't hear that at all 😭
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bellamyblakru · 2 years
eight episodes left of fruits basket and already regretting how fast i binged it😭
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pretty sure im being overcharged for an oil change but oh well
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junkie-virus · 1 year
okah. spam time
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martianclown · 2 years
Me when my art gets reposted elsewhere
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