#that aside. after all this time it does still make me crazyyyy to think about regardless of how good it is
dashiellqvverty · 2 years
the thing is in my brain throam is genuinely very good in many ways but also i haven’t read it in years and it very probably is Not
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lumiereandcogsworth · 6 months
I was writing about Robert being upset because Giselle left the house after midnight to get a pizza she was craving while pregnant, and it got me thinking. How Adam was during Belle’s pregnancies (aside from the general worrying) Like they have people who could do it for them, of course, but was he often leaving the bed to get her tea or a random meal at 3am? or would she just go get it herself? would THAT worry him because “you’re pregnant and shouldn’t be on your feet 😠” idk basically just. asking about Adelle pregnant things 🫡
i will say off the bat, adam is simply at his WORST when belle is pregnant. they get into The Most bickering matches during these times. it just so prominently brings out their biggest difference, which is that adam is a little ball of anxiety and belle is a free-spirited wild flower. now of COURSE, belle Does worry, she has concern over her family. (i think all the time about when maurice is leaving for the market and belle says “stay safe” like !! she does worry!!🥺) it’s just in general, and especially when she’s compared to her husband, she tends to think things will be Okay. for the most part. her worries are more situational. and with pregnancy she’s like “i’m young. i’m healthy. the midwives are unconcerned. we good 😌✌️” and if any of that changed she’d be like Oh Okay Noted🫡
whereas with adam, he just becomes so intensely protective of his family, because he never really expected to HAVE one (well, he definitely expected to have A Wife and Children™️, but he never anticipated actually CARING about them) so now that he does have them, and his heart is open and specifically beating FOR THEM!!! he just worries all the time :( and so when belle is PREGNANT it’s like!!!! AAHHH!!! he KNOWS his wife is still a strong powerful independent woman, but!!! there’s a Little Precious Darling in there now 🥺🥺🥺 and he doesn’t want anything to happen to either one of them!!! and he Knows this is a more delicate time!! even as capable as she is!!!! ESPECIALLY FOR THEIR FIRST HE IS JUST SUCH A DISASTER. AUGH. he always wants belle to rest and stop doing so much and just PLEASE try to act like SOMETHING is different!! but belle for the most part tends to carry on as if she’s not pregnant, as much as she possibly can, and that unfortunately infuriates adam 😮‍💨
as to your actual question, yeah belle definitely does that herself. very regularly. over time she does get more used to having servants but she never fully lets them do everything for her. but yeah!!! i actually have a fic of her sneaking down to the kitchen at like 4am because the baby was kicking up a storm and she couldn’t sleep. and she finds mrs. potts already starting the day baking something and they have a cute convo!!!!! the mother-daughter moment of it all!!!! anyway that’s this. but yeah she doesn’t bother waking adam up because she KNOWS he’d be like STAY THERE. I WILL FETCH YOU SUSTENANCE!!! (usually that means sending a servant to go get it. but i think he does get stuff directly sometimes, kind of just depends on if he wants to stretch his legs and/or needs A Moment to calm himself afjskdk) and she’s just like 😒😒 because she definitely would prefer the walk anyway. she’s a very active gal and i think the need for putting her feet up and all that is incredibly annoying to her. bed rest drives her CRAZYYYY my gosh. so adam just Reminding Her that she has to rest like, makes her want to strangle him <3 and if he Does catch her being on her feet when she shouldn’t, he always huffs and grumbles and she always glares and rolls her eyes in response.
NOW! that being said. pregnancy is a Journey and a Rollercoaster and i think there are definitely many times when belle is appreciative (and even demanding) of adam’s assistance. it PAINS her to ask for help, she’s just that independent of a person, but when she does, he’s always ready to help her and rarely gloats about it. like i have a scene in my docs that’s like, her Finally asking him to help put on her shoes. and he does it and then is like “i’m proud of you for asking! 🥰” and she’s like “yeah whatever 😒😒” lmao. he kisses her forehead and she HIDES HER SMILE BECAUSE GRRRR GO AWAY STOP BEING A NICE HUSBAND!!!! but then later she’ll be bawling her eyes out thinking about how all the autumn leaves are going away and dying and the weather is changing and that’s so sad😭😭😭 and adam will be there to hug her and remind her that they’ll come back in spring and by that time the baby will be here and you can show them all the flowers🥰 and then that makes her cry more because he painted such a sweet image in her mind.
belle’s pregnancies definitely always bring out a much much softer side to adam, as well. like YES he worries a lot and yes they bicker about it a lot, but he’s always such a softie for his darlings. they’re the only people that see him smile and laugh so much. so amidst all these worries and things, there are also so many soft moments too. moments of feeling the baby kick, of kissing her belly, of reading & singing to it, of day dreaming together about what this one will be like. fun debates like if it’s a boy or a girl, or what they’ll name them, or what color their eyes will be. (belle REALLY wanted them all to have adam’s blue eyes. but she had to wait til their last baby to get her wish🤧)
also especially the second and third pregnancies when other kiddos are involved. ESPECIALLY the third. renée is seven and FULL to the brim of opinions and questions, and both adam & belle love talking to her about it. i have a wip that i genuinely don’t know if i’ll ever finish or publish because it’s just adam & renée walking and having a back and forth conversation about the third baby. and renée just keeps asking questions so idk how it’s ever gonna end. that castle is full of hallways, and renée is full of words. they could do this forever. but it’s a fun character exercise <3 anyway, juliette as always is quieter in regards to her future little sibling, but belle cherishes the moments when jules will quietly put her hand on her bump and listen for her baby sibling. even in her less expressive face, belle can see her eyes light up when she feels the kicks and wiggles 🥹
i think this fic is a good example of what life was like just before their third was born. it includes good Adam Worrying™️ and them bickering, as well as the girlies being very cute 🥰🥰🥰
i also currently have a wip set when belle is newly pregnant with juliette, and she’s very nauseous (i think the nausea was Really bad for her for all 3 pregnancies 😭 but it only lasts for the first trimester. then she’s mostly okay besides usual tired/aches/cravings. but i can get more into that on another post 💖) anyway she’s very nauseous + renée is a BABY (when juliette is born, renée is freshly 2. so for the pregnancy she is. not even 2 yet 😮‍💨) so yeah it’s just adam taking care of his beloveds, mainly. adam does go get some tea for her in that one. actually you know what?? i should just go work on it so i can post it!!!! i’m gonna go do that 🏃‍♀️💨
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