#that being said: no spoilers!!! i am still the impel down arc
loudestcloud · 3 years
HEYO! I did this kinda cos I noticed some new One Piece followers coming in from my Baron posts.
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Explanations under cut
• Flame Flame fruit - I think that it's fun, looks cool and is used by 2 of some of the most coolest character. However I would never want it as I am 🔥🔥Pyrophobic🔥
• Mt. Colubo - idk, I think living there would be nice. It being just out the way enough of Dawn Island means it's not too crazy but also not too calm and prime for mini adventures.
• Rumbar pirates - Sing me Bink's Sake anyday boys, I'm always up for it! Its actually one of my main vocal stims to hum or whistle it, it's that engrained in my brain. Anyway, these lads only wanted to be free on the seas to be who they are and sing as the waves crashed on the ship. They never lived to see the pirate king race or even the popularity of pirates as a whole, they just vibed until they died and truely? Who could ask for more? This crew was so kind and wonderful right until the grave and even past that.
• Skypiea - This will probably change cos I'm only on Dressrosa ✌🏻
• Skypiea - I like the storyline, I like the actor, most of my favourites jokes are from this arc, I love the world building and the flashbacks while a bit problematic are still very fun and my favourite.
• I know what your thinking " Sans, how can you know these panels if you are anime only and on Dressrosa?" First off, don't call me by my name, it's confuses people. Second, listen, If I hear something big is happening and Sanji is involved, I'm gonna spoiler myself for the sake of Sanji deleopment. I know way too much about Whole cake because I got sucked in and had to pull myself away before I knew everything that happened. But also when it comes to Wano, I know Sanji was smiling a lot at the start and he asked Robin for help in a fight and that's huge, I know about out cute and powerful trans lady and out sexy strong big tiddies trans man. That's all.
• Sanji - He look, who'd have guessed. For real tho, I always looked up to Sanji as a kid, who had only ever seen his into arc, I wanted to be cool like him. I tended to dress like him any chance I could which was easy cos I'm British so it was just my school uniform really. I would fight like him too being the scrappy lil kid disabled with mild anger issues I was. If someone would try and start shit with me or my friends and I'd just kick their legs out from under. I'd usual fall too, again being disabled n all, but I'd flip back up so I still looked pretty cool. I thought his fight style was perfect for me because if I punched, my arm just dislocates but my legs where strong at the time so it was perfect. Now my legs aren't really that strong either and I use a cane for walks outside the house. The only think I didn't do was cook and that always made me sad but cos I really wanted to but poor ment that I felt didn't have enough food for me to be abled to get things wrong with and again, I'm pyrophobic so cooking is still hard for me like I said before when I picked One Piece back up in 2019, I started trying to get over my fear of cooking by useing Sanji as motivation. The only think id change is his simp levels and his transphobia. But, It's safe to say that Sanji has had a consistent impact on my life. Also as a child I tended to pick the role models that where also womenizers, another example being MCU Tony stark.
• Buggy - He's funny sometimes, he's dumb, I actually like clowns, he was hot in Impel down and we don't talk about how he looks past that. Fatherless behaviour at its finest, I know.
• Shanks - He's disabled, he's powerful in multiple ways, he's got dad vibes and I cosplayed him once and it gave me gender euphoria. So like, he's cool.
• Aokiji - Fujitora, Koby and Isuka had been super close choices but Aokiji ultimately landed on top because I remembered how whenever he shows up, my brain stops working and I have to do nothing but listen to him talk and also him in Film Z
• Brook - My love for Brook is only a tiny but less then Sanji and that's probably only because Sanji has been around longer and reasons I mentioned above. Brooks story is beautiful, as I said I love his crew, his loyalty is so unmatched and he's a really nice old man who is surprisingly chill with new consept. The one thing I don't really like is his panties obsession but at least he is polite about it ig.
• Post timeskip Luffy - Listen, if you've see the outfit exams I used to do, you'll know why I love this design so much but for the new comers let's just say that a lot of thought went into this outfit, a lot more than you'd actually guess.
And a quick bonus, my favourite movie is very obviously Baron omatsuri and the secret island, as if it would be anything else.
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kbstories · 4 years
What are some of your favorite one piece moments and why?
WHOO BOY thanks for asking and buckle up ‘cause this is gonna be a long one
(A note before I start: I read OP up to volume 63 in German and the rest in English, so I apologize if I get some pre-ts names wrong! Also these are in somewhat of a chronological order and based solely on the manga.)
Luffy giving the dog (Shushu?) the last box of food: This is the moment that made me love Luffy, it’s such a simple but effective way of showing his core philosophy that people’s treasures and dreams have inherent value and that everyone deserves to have someone by their side who will fight for them when they can’t do it themselves.
Bellmere: Just. Everything about her and that flashback. “They are my kids”, just... It made me emo back then, still makes me emo today. Love it, love her, love her design and what she’s all about. Yes.
Luffy going “I’m nothing without my crew!” in Arlong Park: Bear with me here ‘cause I was like 12 when I read this arc the first time, and back then I didn’t get why Nami wouldn’t just ask for help (so the “Help me!” moment only became a tear-jerker during my many, many re-reads). Something that did make immediate sense to me was Luffy straight-up admitting his skillset is limited to punching things very good, and I was like hell yeah go Luffy because I was 12. (I also love that this sentiment was echoed by Luffy going “I can’t be Pirate King without you” in Whole Cake Island two years later, so that’s another favorite right there.)
Skipping ahead otherwise we’ll be here all day but Luffy carrying Sanji and Nami in Drumm. Seeing him climb up that mountain with his bare hands and feet fucked me up even as a kid, the way Oda paced it really made you feel what an absolutely harrowing experience that must’ve been and I still think about it a lot.
Zoro fighting Mr. 1 in Alabasta: That fight was just mindblowingly cool and I love Zoro. That panel of him kneeling in his own blood after winning the fight hrgghhgh and oh hey THE STRAWHATS SHOWING THE X ON THEIR ARMS FOR VIVI 🥺🥺🥺  how are those not permanent tattoos Oda FIGHT ME
The entirety of Noland & Kargara, how they died without seeing each other and fully mending the argument they had and how Luffy ringing the bell hundreds of years later redeemed it all. Oda went incredibly hard on Skypia’s backstory and I’m not entirely sure what possessed him to tell a story that tragic but I, for one, am grateful. (Fun fact I was extremely late to this whole shipping thing and thus One Piece is very much about the platonic nakamaship of it all for me but even as a clueless baby fan I shipped THE FUCK out of Noland & Kargara oh my)
“I want to live!” + Sogeking shooting the WG flag + Usopp’s speech to Luffy + Luffy almost fighting to the death to keep his crew safe + MERRY’S GOODBYE: I bawl my eyes out every time I read Water 7, it’s my favorite arc to this very day because it’s just so complex and nuanced and the crew’s limits being tested in every way is just a very rewarding (if incredibly emotional) thing to witness. It put both Robin and Usopp on the map as two of my absolute favs and I’m so grateful for that.
The Strawhats teaming up against Oz (?) was something I didn’t know I needed until I saw it and I’ve been gunning for another Strawhat group fight ever since. The team work, the absolute trust, just everything about it was a delight and made all the stuff that followed (Zoro & Sanji laying down their lives for their captain, the entirety of Sabaody) so much more painful. Also Bink’s Sake because Brook deserves to have friends to sing it with him every single day of his life!!!
Luffy refusing to ask if the One Piece is real or not on Sabaody: I just adore that moment. Rayleigh was so soft and indulgent with these baby pirates carrying along the legacy of Roger’s old hat... My heart...
Mr. 2/Bon Curry (?) in Impel Down. ‘Nuff said.
Ace saying “Thank you” after you-know-what but let’s not linger on that because I was reading One Piece weekly back then and it traumatized me to the point I didn’t keep up with it for 10 years haha!
The post-timeskip era is a bit of a blur to me because I binged it all just a few months ago and my memory is McFreaking Terrible but I’ll start with Law being warned on two separate occasions that he might not like an alliance with Luffy, making the alliance anyways and proceeding to burn in “Strawhat-ya is a fucking moron” purgatory ever since. I don’t care if it’s overdone, every year Law loses to Luffy’s idiocy is one added to my lifespan. Godspeed, king of emo pirates. You dug your grave now lie in it.
Sabo coming back: I know there’s discourse about that doing bad things to the plot and the stakes of character deaths in One Piece, bla bla bla, I truly do not care. Luffy getting one (1) big brother back and Sabo stepping up to Ace’s legacy was so monumental when it happened that it briefly brought me back from my One Piece hiatus and I immediately bought volume 75 when it came out in German. (Now if Oda will only let him live and let Luffy actually hang out with his brother I would very much appreciate that, huff huff.)
Corazon holding onto life until Law was safe + Corazon’s smile: Corazon in general, actually. Law harboring that little bit of kindness he was shown as a kid and plastering it all over his ship and his crew and his own fucking skin. Mmmm love me a big sip from that good ol’ heartbreak.
Still in Dressrosa, Zoro going “I wonder what he’s dreaming about” when Luffy smiles in his sleep. It’s this little line and kinda insignificant because they’re talking to Sabo in that moment (and that’s clearly like woah), but it’s so fucking soft and it made my heart grow three sizes so there.
Jack getting one-shotted by Zunesha: Get rekt you insufferable asshole oh my god
Whole Cake Island is practically 78 chapters of favorite moments but Nami saying goodbye to Sanji + Luffy almost ripping his arms out to warn Sanji about Pudding + Sanji making a Strawhat lunchbox by accident + “That’s just how you are” + Luffy muffling his pain in front of the mirror so his crew doesn’t worry (Oda turn on your location I just want to talk) + Sanji carrying Luffy back to the ship + “I’m your captain now! Don’t die even if it kills you!” so yeah, the entire thing. Also Katakuri??? What a loser I love him
[Spoilers for Wano]
And if I went into all the things I like about Wano we’d truly be here all day. Gun to my head I’d probably pick Zoro & Luffy reuniting, Kidd & Killer in Udon (of course) and “At sea you fight pirates!” as my favorite moments so far. Also Jinbei joining the crew after a million years holy shit FINALLY and Luffy getting angry over spilled bean soup and KIDD BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF APOO FUCK YES and don’t get me started on the new characters especially Kiku and Yamato and---
[End of Wano spoilers]
Anyhow. My answer to “What’s your favorite One Piece moment?” is basically “YES” to all of it, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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