#that c!tubbo and c!Tommy are both a Lil Stupid
the-final-sif · 2 years
pm!c!Sam is in this really weird place of like, c!Dream is the only thing he remembers from Before. He has literally nothing else. And c!Sam doesn't do well without some kind Anchor or purpose. He got too used to having something to define himself around.
Clearly, it must mean something that he remembered Dream. It must be important and not happenstance. Even if c!Dream doesn't remember him, that's fine, because c!Sam remembers him and that's enough. c!Sam remembers his center world was centered around c!Dream at one point, and he takes comfort in going back to that.
But the fundamental problem is that the whole structure around the prison, the whole narrative of c!Dream being the villain doesn't exist anymore. c!Sam has this overwhelming desire for c!Dream to be something in a way he has no right to expect from another person.
And like- c!Sam isn't the same person he was around the time of the prison. He has no moral justification framework for taking away any of c!Dream's agency. If he was asked point blank "hey, should c!Dream be allowed to leave you behind he wanted to?" he'd be sad but of course he'd agree.
The problem isn't the direct questions, it's all the little instinctive moments, when he isn't even thinking about what c!Dream wants because why would he? It's not in his nature to do that. There's also little instinctive impulses to contain that c!Sam is reading as protect. That he just. Won't. Interrogate. He just follows them.
So the end result is that c!Sam is just like, weirdly possessive over c!Dream and does NOT understand reasonable boundaries, all while having no spine whenever he's challenged about any of it. Dude is getting bullied by teenagers 24/7. BUT then he gets to sniffle and act very sad and downtrodden and of course c!Dream will agree to caving with him to make him feel better, and now c!Tubbo and c!Tommy are kicking themselves because this is the Worst outcome (they will do it again).
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sageinacage · 3 years
hellohi i hope ur doing ok!! if requests r still open could u do tommy and tubbo giving ranboo soft teasy tks? they make me go :]
summary: ranboo didn't want to go to sleep and needed convincing to go to bed a/n: i'm genuinely SO sorry for how late this came out. there has been a lot of unexpected stuff coming up irl that has been overwhelming but i'm really sorry for how late this come out. also i'm not that happy with it but at least its something LOL also this is kinda a part 3 to the bench trio meetup fics warnings: swearing w/c: 1.1k IRL
“Run run run!”
“Why are people in movies so stupid?!”
It was around two in the morning, and the three friends were wide awake and watching an action movie. Well, almost all of them were wide awake. Ranboo was on the edge of falling asleep.
They were all sitting on a now-collapsed blanket and pillow fort and Ranboo was sitting in the middle of them, as both Tommy and Tubbo fought to sit next to him as he just radiated natural warmth.
“Ranboo, you should sleep if you’re tired!” Tubbo looked at his friend’s droopy eyes, head resting back on a pillow as he let out another whine. “Yeah, you look on the verge of death.” Tommy joked, Tubbo scoffing and reaching over to playfully hit Tommy’s arm.
“‘M not,” Ranboo tried to explain, his raspy voice giving away how tired he really was. “Yeah, totally believe you there, buddy.” Tubbo chuckled, shaking his head. They all sat back and continued to watch the movie, both Tommy and Tubbo leaning in at the higher-adrenaline scenes.
“Can he run any faster?!”
“He’s literally about to get caught!"
The two friends were yelling at the screen until they were both interrupted by a loud and exaggerated yawn from Ranboo. “Sleeeep!” Tommy urged, tucking another blanket around his friend, attempting to coax him into slumber.
“No!” A small muffled voice came from the pile of blankets, making them both giggle. “No? Are you sure you aren’t tired?” Tubbo gently pushed the blanket burrito next to him, Ranboo falling over to the side. “He just toppled over!” Tommy laughed, pushing Ranboo back up. “Up you go, now!”
They continued to watch the movie, though as time slowly ticked by, the boy in the middle kept on growing more and more tired- and made sure to let everyone in the room know. “Ranboo I swear if you scream yawn one more time-” He did it again.
“Hey, Tommy?”
“What’s up?"
“Do you think we should try to tire him out?”
“NO!” Ranboo grumbled, sinking down and curling up, instantly entailing what they meant by that. “Why? What’s wrong, Ranboo? We’re just trying to help out!” Tubbo sniggered, trying to unwrap the blankets that were protecting Ranboo, the other resisting and gripping the blankets with an iron grip. “No, you aren’t!”
Tommy gasped, forcing the blankets out of his friend’s grip and unwrapping him. “You did not just talk back! We are just being good friends! I think you need to go to sleep, you’re a little grumpy.” Ranboo let out a small whine as he squirmed nervously, butterflies continuing to erupt in his stomach. Was it always more flustering when you’re tired?!
“Awwww, is Ranboo a little gwumpyyyy?” Tubbo cooed, wagging a single finger over his waist, making little ‘tktktk’ noises on top of it. Ranboo’s hands instantly raised to his flushing cheeks, shaking his head with a small noise of embarrassment. “I think we need to convince him to go to sleep, right Tubbo?”
“N- nohoho!” Ranboo tittered quietly, squirming gently from Tubbo’s soft tickles continuing over his waist. Tommy definitely wasn’t the best at making someone go to bed since he’s more used to riling his friends up instead, but he wanted to try. He reached his hand over to barely wriggle it over the center of Ranboo’s belly, automatically making him curl in on himself.
“Are you curling up? N’awww, you’re so ticklish!” Tubbo teased, pushing Ranboo up to coax him to uncurl, his single finger wagging on his side turning into all of his nails fluttering up his ribs. “‘M nohohoat!” He protested, his giggles still soft and squeaky. “He’s not pushing us away, Tubbo? Does somebody like the tickles?” Tommy cooed, continuing to wiggle his fingers over the middle of his stomach, chuckling at the half-assed protests of his friend.
Ranboo shook his head, turning away to avoid eye contact with them. “No? Are you lying to us? Uh oh…” Tubbo sniggered, his light fluttering shooting down to go to his hips, circling his nails over the bone. “TuhuHUHUBO!” Ranboo’s hips bucked gently, falling back down onto the blankets and twisting side to side.
“Ranboo!” He playfully repeated, his free hand going to give the same treatment to his other hip bone, causing Ranboo’s laughter to rise an octave. “Awww, is your tickle spot a little sensitive, Ranboo?” Tommy chuckled, seeing his reaction to Tubbo’s tickles. Ranboo grumbled, shaking his head side to side as he squirmed.
“I think I need to pay more attention to riiiight here…” The blonde smirked before scuttling his hands down to spider in the backs of his knees. “NOHAHA- P- plehehease!” Ranboo squealed, but still trying not to bend his knees as all the gentle tickles genuinely felt nice.
“Please what? Please keep tickling you? Of course… but I think I wanna pay more attention to your cute lil’ ticklish tummy… don’tcha think that’s a good idea, Ranboo?” Tubbo giggled softly, snaking his hands underneath his friend’s shirt to graze his nails around his stomach. A loud whine tore through the room, followed by happy laughs and squeaks. “Aww, Tubbo, he likes it!” Tommy announced, raking his nails up and down the backs of Ranboo’s thighs agonizingly slow.
“I- I dohohon’t, I swehehar!” Ranboo rebuttals as he throws his arms over his face to hide his deep blush, not wanting to give away his already-obvious flusteredness. “I think that you doooo! You loooove this,” Tubbo sang, unexpectedly spidering his nails over the sides of Ranboo’s belly, the boy arching his back in surprise. “HEHEHEY!” Ranboo shrieked, his arms shooting down to weakly bat at Tubbo’s hands
“Hello!” Tubbo playfully replied, making Ranboo growl at him in response. “Is somebody still grumpy? Uh oh… you know what I gotta do now!” Tommy laughed, gently squeezing the muscle right above Ranboo’s kneecaps, making the boy kick out his legs. “TOHOMMEHEHEY!” He laughed out, trying to curl his knees in but unable to with Tommy’s grip on them.
As Ranboo was distracted by the tickles on his knees, Tubbo took that as a chance to catch him off guard and scribble his nails into his waist while he planted a raspberry over his belly. “OKAHAHAY! I’M TIHIHIRED!” Ranboo admitted, body going limp with all the tickles. “Finally, we can watch the movie without your whining.” Tommy joked, pulling a blanket over Ranboo.
“Mmmm, whatever…” He mumbled, curling in on himself. He somehow managed to fall asleep as his two friends continued to yell at the movie, continuing to sleep soundly in between them, as he never felt as content as he did.
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omegawolverine · 4 years
AAAAHHH pojahfpriahfpoaihphgfoirphegp- did you watch the finale?? it's just- ahfiheoitgou- opinions and theories? - 🐝✨
okay, sorry for the long wait, i wasnt ignoring u I just didnt watch it when it was live bc I had a headache. I just watched it tho soooo. thoughts time :)
I liked it! it was the sexy lil angst with a happy ending that I needed and it will def feed my dumb heart for at least the next week, if not longer.
I'm gonna just be honest and say I've missed most of the streams for this season and really only kept up because of people posting recaps, so this definetly does not have the same impact on me as a finale as it would if I had full context and a proper attachment to the season like I did with the first, unfortunately. that being said, I still enjoyed it, I thought it felt relieving and like a well deserved ending for a good portion of the characters (not all tho). I found myself being more curious/intrigued by some of the smaller bits of the finale tho, like everything going on with wilbur and schlatt and them getting revived and I'm really excited to see where all that shit goes.
I dont really have any big theories for the next season and I dont really know how anyone could at this point bc I really have No Fucking Clue where this is going, but I hope they touch upon dream and his just entire lack of attachment more next season. bc like. it makes me wanna sympathize with him, to a certain degree. hearing that he cut all his attachments essentially so nobody could get to him (even if it was just so he could gain power) may have hit a little close to home for me and I really wanna get more of an explanation for that shit. like idk it just sounded less like "I did this so I could gain power" and moreso "I did this to so nobody could touch me, so I couldnt be weak" which is interesting and could have a sick backstory lol. that's jus me tho :>
(clarifcation: I dont actually sympathize with him and I absolutely refuse to because not only is c!dream a terrible person but the acting cc!dream does is so realistic that it makes me uncomfortable as hell and I genuinely cant watch it sometimes. I just think that if his character had some sort of reasoning for being an absolute bag of dicks, that would be cool. some backstory on why he wants power, why he cant be weak or even just normal that isnt just "he wants power")
highlights: wilbur and tommy bickering and then wilbur saying he's proud of tommy, the implication that tommy succeeding was wilburs unfinished business, tommy aggressively defending tubbo to no fucking end, tubbo and tommy making fun of each others accents on the way to meet dream, eret and clingy duo being on good terms (?), sapnaps "step away from them", TUBBOS CAUGHT IN 4K (which I said literally 2 seconds before him), quackitys naked ass surrounded by everyone in full fucking armor ready to drag green mans ass to prison, Tommy's "put your armor in the hole" followed by 2 canon kills, "dream in a box, what will he do? absolutely nothing.", "SUCK IT GREEN BOOOOOOI", also ranboo just. just existing.
lowlights: dreams constant belittling of tubbo where he tells him he's just a pawn and that he's basically expendable, dream continuing to try and manipulate tommy after essentially bragging about manipulating both him and tubbo TO THEIR FACES like 10 minutes beforehand, dreams whiny lil "you've punished me enough" (bitch I'll fucking kill you, I'll gut you like a goddamn fish, I will literally fucking rip your skeleton from your stupid fucking green block body), DREAM BRIBING TOMMY WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF BRINGING BACK HIS DEAD BROTHER??? THE FUCKING CUNT.
um anyways. that's that, hope this makes sense wooooo
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