#that dang spotlight hopefully this looks okay
go-see-a-starwar · 1 year
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stannyramirez · 9 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝟎𝟑𝟎𝟏
❝Y'all know I don't like to cuss, but what in the hell is this horseshit I'm looking at right now?❞ ❝I can’t believe y’all let him pull this Hot Wheels mess.❞ ❝Money ain’t everything, baby.❞ ❝You think I’d just live with it, what you done to my family?❞ ❝Admit it, you can’t stay out of the spotlight.❞ ❝You better believe I’m gonna be fishin’ and sippin’.❞ ❝I had a fucking thing planned!❞ ❝Take it like a man, if you can.❞ ❝Sugar cookies ain’t real, bitch! That’s a detail I made up to sniff out the rat.❞ ❝You’re the only one I told sugar cooks to, you fucking snitch.❞ ❝Dammit, you brought me all the way to Florida just to fire me?❞ ❝When your family asks you how you broke your nose, tell them it was a kite surfing accident.❞ ❝I’m tired. Cut me some friggin’ slack.❞ ❝No smut, no lust, no coconuts.❞ ❝Hopefully, maybe you could help out, seeing as how I do every other goddamn thing around here lately.❞ ❝Man, shut the fuck up, you ain’t the boss of us.❞ ❝I’m the main decider.❞ ❝Well, I’m glad that truck drivers won’t be able to buy dick pills anymore.❞ ❝Unfortunately, I have some not-so-peaceful news.❞ ❝You’re colder than a fucking ice cube shoved up a polar bear’s asshole.❞ ❝Maybe if y’all stopped henpecking at one another and started trying to fix what isn’t working, you wouldn’t be in this situation.❞ ❝Bunch of rednecks, racing around, seeing who can go nowhere fastest.❞ ❝Somebody’s been acting mysterious.❞ ❝We’re young and up to the task, dude.❞ ❝I don’t feel the love in this current configuration.❞ ❝Not a damn one of you looking as fine as me.❞ ❝Come on. My car at home is fast as fuck. How can this be any different?❞ ❝Do the gas! Do the gas, boy!❞ ❝That’s embarrassing, dude.❞ ❝I guess I lived longer than I thought, and I still have a little more to say.❞ ❝You got a lot of nerve coming here.❞ ❝Figures you have to pay money to get a little face time.❞ ❝I wish I had some traumatic event that happened to me that I can exploit and make people like me.❞ ❝I mean, my origin story sucks compared to yours.❞ ❝Baby, that energy makes you look desperate.❞ ❝Look, baby, I know you’re upset, but please don’t take it out on me, okay?❞ ❝What if we’re not Leno? What if we’re just Conan?❞ ❝God dang, why do you gotta kick my gift horse in the mouth right now?❞ ❝Why are you reading stuff into things?❞ ❝Don’t emotionally disappoint me now.❞ ❝Goddamn, what the hell are you cooking out there?❞ ❝The smoke was green from some of the butt plugs, and it smelled like pool toys.❞ ❝Get a little rest, and get you a Coke or whatever.❞ ❝Being bad like some bitch in an ‘80s movie.❞ ❝And now it’s time to nut up, because road head is road head. That’s just the rules of tour, okay? We can’t be bringing this shit home.❞ ❝You’re just going to have to suffer through the pain.❞ ❝Y’all a bunch of dirtbags!❞ ❝I’m trying to tell you, you fucking dork...❞ ❝Yeah, enchante, motherfucker.❞ ❝You come back here again, I’ll send your ass straight to hell!❞ ❝As main decider, the motherfucker is fired.❞ ❝Sugar Ray-looking motherfucker.❞ ❝Get the fuck out of here.❞ ❝You think we can handle this kind of scandalous bullshit right now?❞ ❝Like you ain’t done your fair share of illicit shit.❞ ❝What the fuck are you even here for anyway?❞ ❝You got more piss and vinegar than you did when you were begging for help.❞ ❝After all this time, why should I help you?❞
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It’s time to have fun and gush over your works! Post up to three scenes from your story/stories that you love and talk about them! :D
Oooo thank you, this should be fun!
They each were reading; Malon had a book on archery and she wasn’t able to make out anything of the foreign Hylian displayed on the spines of the others. She subtly glanced up every now and then to see that while Four and Legend had started out on opposite sides of the couch, they both kept shifting their weight so they had eventually scooted next to each other. By the time their elbows were touching, Malon realized that Four had not turned a page in over five minutes. He kept squeezing his eyes shut with a pained scowl, and finally slipped a bookmark in between his current pages. Malon put her book aside as well, standing when Four did. Legend looked annoyed at the second time his brother had left his side that day but stubbornly kept reading.
“Are you feeling all right, hon?” Malon intercepted Four and reached out to feel his forehead with the back of her hand. Like Wild had the day before, Four flinched slightly at the touch. Unlike Wild, he refused to meet her eyes and pulled back on his own.
“I’m fine. Just a headache is all. I’ll go upstairs and try to rest a bit.” Four explained in a hushed voice, walking past her towards the stairs.
“Okay then, I hope you feel better soon.” Malon called, equally hushed, then returned to her chair. She and Legend spent a few minutes pretending to read, her with increasingly frequent glances at the stairs and him with slowly curling shoulders due to the lack of physical contact.
-Mom of Four
A lot of thought went into every bit of this story, and I had fun hiding tons of little details. At first, Malon had a book about gardening but it just didn't feel right. Then I had a "duh!" moment and switched it to archery to reference that one doodle. And hopefully you noticed Legend in the background: he's very subtle about it but he also spends the day quiet, lonely, and more than a little touch-starved. This may be Four's spotlight but you better believe Legend is standing just behind the curtain.
A flash of lightning illuminated the cabin for a split second, and Legend saw Wind’s wide eyes staring straight back. “Gah! Quit that, you little creep,” Legend grumbled. He shifted until his back was turned to Wind. The roll of distant thunder finally reached them, and Legend groaned. “Yeah, nobody’s coming for us tonight.”
“At least we’ve got each other!” Wind chirped.
Legend heard rustling and suddenly felt a warm weight pressing against his back. “Are you…?”
“Shhh,” Wind giggled. With a contented hum, he wiggled a little closer to Legend. The vet rolled his eyes, but allowed himself a secret smile. It was nice, being close to his brother without Warriors or the others teasing them.
“This reminds me of whenever we have to hide from a hurricane on Outset,” Wind mused. “We all sleep in the same house and tell funny stories and eat cookies by lanternlight and-”
A bolt of lightning struck much closer this time, the resulting thunder making Legend flinch involuntarily.
“And,” Wind continued as if he had never been interrupted, “Sometimes we sing.”
Before Legend could process this information, Wind cleared his throat and began to sing.
“Now the rain is coming down hard and it’s getting dark The thunder is cracking and the lightning’s lighting my yard And the shadows seem to lurk, cause this lantern doesn’t work But don’t you worry when the lights go out.”
-A Storm of Fluff
This is from the fluffiest dang thing I've written, and it still surprises me how I managed to chase all the naughty angsty thoughts away. Legend's scared of the storm? Never mind that, Wind's singing a Doodlebops song! That might be one of the best ideas I've had, it's so cute and a fun way to spread some nostalgia. And of course there's Wind going 👁👁 in the dark lol.
Sky sounded guilty, which immediately put Legend on edge. “Since you’re awake, I wanted to warn you before the nurse got back. You, um.” He bit his lip, reluctant to make himself tell Legend the rest.
“Just spit it out,” Legend mumbled, a hint of his normal snark coming through.
Sky gave Legend a faint smile before continuing. “They’re going to give you some medicine. I’m not sure what triggers you the most about being in the hospital, but I’m betting this is one of them. You’re gonna get a couple of shots, okay?”
Legend’s chest tightened more than he would have thought possible given the circumstances, his heart beginning to pound. His head swirled, past and present combining in a mishmash of fear. “Okay,” he gasped, begging his body to calm down.
He had always had a mild aversion to needles, leading him to seek coping techniques and avoid piercing his ears even though just about every other kid at school had at least one pair of earrings. After the accident, though, they had the added bonus of being associated with the pain and confusion of waking up, the intense discomfort of having something buried inside him that didn’t belong, the helplessness of having to endure while knowing that the same treatment hadn’t been able to save her.
“Whoa, Legend, you have to breathe, come on, please-”
Legend was suddenly aware that he was in fact not breathing, mouth slightly open like a fish on land. He forced his congested lungs back into an uneven rhythm, coughing roughly as soon as he regained enough oxygen.
“There you go. It’ll be over fast, right? At least you don’t need an IV,” Sky said, trying to reassure him.
Legend flinched. “Don’t,” he said through gritted teeth, “talk about that.”
Sky stood from his chair, still keeping Legend’s hand in a firm grip. To Legend’s surprise, he sat on the bed, one leg hanging off the edge.
“Is that even allowed?” Legend asked, not wanting his friend to get in trouble. Would he get reprimanded? Banned from his room? Legend quickly extinguished that last thought.
Sky gave him a confident smile. “It is now. Besides, if I’m going to get sick I think it’s too late to prevent it now.”
Someone loudly knocked on the door, making them both jump. Legend’s head whipped around and he stared at the metal handle, eyes wide.
Sky reached over and gently turned Legend’s head back to face him. “Can you be brave for me?” he asked quietly, and Legend gave a small nod. “Good.” Sky pulled Legend closer until his face rested against Sky’s shoulder, unable to see. “It’s better if you don’t look,” Sky whispered as the door opened.
-Sicktember 2022 Day 11
This was a rollercoaster to write, and it was fun to combine pneumonia, Koholint angst, and a fair bit of projection into one prompt fill. Just as Legend thinks he can stand being in the hospital as long as Sky's by his side, he gets warned about his next treatment and gets a panic attack. Sky may not be the best at knowing what to say, but dang it he's going to keep trying until he gets it right. Legend needs it too, his panic has overtaken common sense and his instinct is to look at the equipment even though that's the last thing he should be doing. If Sky wasn't with him, well. Let's just say this would be a far, far worse experience.
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atopearth · 3 years
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder Part 1 - Eisuke Ichinomiya Route (up to Proposal Epilogue)
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This is my next guilty pleasure game lolol. Honestly, the premise of the heroine getting sold in an auction and being bought/saved by one of the dodgy rich guys makes it a dubious premise, but I love this kinda "trash"🤣 Eisuke seems like one of the most popular Voltage guys so I do want to see him in sequels haha, and yes, I already played the main story since it was free on the app, but I've kinda forgotten it, so I'll refresh my memory by playing it on the Switch again haha. I also bought My Forged Wedding and Our Two Bedroom Story so yay, more to come~ hahaha. I hope to also buy Scandal in the Spotlight and Kings of Paradise (when it comes out and goes on sale XD) when I'm done with others so yep, lots of Voltage stuff coming I guess hahaha.
I always feel sorry for the heroine that Eisuke makes her run to him within 5 minutes when he calls her, like dudeee, that's ridiculous. Anyway, it's nice that he's teaching her stuff so she's not just his toy to use. I remember finding it hilarious how Eisuke planned to use Soryu as the next "sacrifice" from the beginning and have Carolina fall in love with him instead🤣 She's very tame and silly for an Italian mafia boss' daughter but I guess we should feel blessed about that lol. Even though a lot of the things Eisuke does is questionable, it's nice to know that his reason for being involved in all this underground stuff is because he's searching for his little sister that he got separated from when their parents passed away and they were adopted by different families. It's interesting to think that Eisuke wasn't born a rich boy and actually worked very hard to get where he is now in repayment to the Ichinomiya family but also because I'm sure all this power helps him get more connections to hopefully find his sister one day. I think it's really cute how much he's opening up to the heroine now, but I kinda feel sorry for her in a sense that when Takahiro (her boss) and her finally have a nice thing going on, she's falling for Eisuke.
To be honest, their "love" is rather questionable considering how it's mostly just the heroine listening to everything he says, caring about him, whilst he uses her for what he needs to do and then kinda warms up to the idea of her staying with him and enjoys it. I mean, he barely let her go out and always called her back for trivial things lol. So yeah, even though he's "nice", I find it difficult to accept him, but I guess hopefully the sequels might change that since there's so many haha. I appreciate him trying to protect her though, it's nice to see those rare moments he shows how much he cares about her. I have to say though, that dramatic ending where the heroine picks between Takahiro and Eisuke is so... weird lol, kinda cringy loll. Anyway, let's see His PoV! Honestly, His PoV was nice but doesn't really add that much to what we already knew tbh, like I guess you can see his thought process for the important events, but yeah doesn't really feel like I read anything haha. The epilogue was nice mainly because he FINALLY got rid of all his groupies, like geez, took him a while considering his intolerance for such women who follow him around all the time lol, but the highlight was definitely the heroine getting him to honestly tell her that he loves her. I think it really helps how she always voices to Eisuke what is important to her, and he in turn understands that it's important to her so he listens and reciprocates, it's pretty sweet.
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I'm glad Eisuke found his sister in the Season 1 Sequel. Yukari is so cute. I thought it was really nice how the heroine understood how much Eisuke cherished the possibility of meeting his sister again, so if he's rejecting meeting her then there must be a good reason for it. It's pretty dramatic how Eisuke ended up having to save Yukari's husband's father and their wedding in order to have the father have a better opinion of him lol. I'm just happy that Eisuke doesn't have to force himself and lie about his feelings towards finding his sister again and stuff tbh, but it was kinda sad how Eisuke really didn't look for the heroine for days when she "left" him due to not being able to understand his attitude towards Yukari before everything was resolved. I have to agree with the heroine though, Eisuke is just really stubborn about not showing his feelings, but I guess he's getting better at it with the heroine so it's all good lol. I kinda find it cute how Baba was the one to tell the heroine how much Eisuke cares for her, I guess all the guys will get a chance to cheer her up and tell her different sides of him?🥲 It was cute how they visited Yukari's new home and thought about marriage~ Lmao at Eisuke just building a hotel in Dubai because her dart fell on it.
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Ooh so, S2 revolves around Dubai~ Gotta feel sorry for the heroine that she nearly got killed for trespassing when it wasn't even her fault. But now she's forced to work at the Dubai hotel as a sort of "punishment" and to let her go from her crime lol. Gotta love how Eisuke just bought an island to live on here lol. Aww, it took a long time, but it's actually really cute how soft Eisuke is with the heroine. I also really like how he's pretty open with their relationship to the others. Do a lot of Japanese people really hate green peas?? I find it so funny that a lot of characters hate green peas, but I guess it's more seen as a "childish" thing haha. So yeah, seeing Eisuke try to say he hates green peas in a prideful way was adorable to say the least. Anyway, Hishikura is quiteeee dodgy and weird lol, why does he want to be an auction manager though, does that help him become the future prime minister?🤔 And I found it so silly the way the heroine "won" Hishikura and left him, like shouldn't the first thing Eisuke and them thought of was the fact that this was an illegitimate auction bid when the product (heroine) was obviously not the dancing girl that was supposed to be sold?? Why did we have to waste so much time on something so simply solved just like that?? Honestly though, I'm sure Hishikura could have made some other excuse though, but still, could they have not resolved it better and had a better reason to allow Hishikura be a part of the gang? Lol.
Sometimes I think I underestimate how much Eisuke likes the heroine, because wow, to protect her, he's willing to let people think he's "running away" from Dubai and all the troubles there, and I guess last time with Hishikura, he made it pretty obvious how important she was to him. Like, Kishi and Soryu being bodyguards for the heroine are understandable (but honestly a waste of their time lol) but I'm not sure if Hishikura, Ota and Baba are very good lol. Anyway, trust Eisuke to propose in such an unromantic way loll. Full just gave her the papers and told her to sign it loll. Anyway, I'm surprised they never had a hotel branch in London, but it doesn't matter since Eisuke can build wherever he likes lol. Wow, like I know Eisuke is selfish and the heroine is very accommodating, but I'm surprised she wasn't mad or even annoyed at all that Eisuke just took back the "proposal" and said nah, not getting married anymore since it's unnecessary. Like excuse me??? And the way the heroine knows he loves her is always just through sex lol, like c'mon heroine, sure he shows his love in many ways, but his attitude still annoys me a lot lol, it really is as if marriage is nothing to him and the heroine hasn't even told him that it's special to her because she'll become his wife. Honestly, he probably said it so she wouldn't feel pressured about it anymore (since she was undecided) but still.
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Well, I was going to say Frank and his butler are kinda cute but dang lol, getting revenge for something that happened in middle school that was your own fault is pretty petty of Frank. I'll admit that Eisuke being up for auction and the heroine being auctioneer was pretty fun and interesting haha. Especially when she just started revealing everything about him to the crowd lol, but I guess that way she was able to show how deep her feelings were for him and how much she wanted them to be family instead of him just distancing himself from others and her. I'm so happy Eisuke finally proposed properly and said she'll be his family~~ Anyway, I'm disappointed that they didn't allude anything about Eisuke and London (aside from this Frank guy) when I think it would have been fun to see more about Eisuke's life back in the day instead of a random villain. For once, it was nice to see Eisuke's PoV to the marriage thing. So he suggested marriage to the heroine because he wanted to give her financial security just in case anything happened to him, and he wanted to do it in a way where she wouldn't be scrutinised by the public eye, and that's why he wanted her to be his wife so that everything would "look proper" to others. I guess I can see why he was so shocked and sad when she didn't immediately accept him haha. It was nice seeing Eisuke realise his mistake in saying he wanted to the marry the heroine but in the same breath say he didn't need a family, and understand that this was why the heroine was so hesitant. It was really nice to see Eisuke grow and straightforwardly ask Akira (his dad) why did he adopt him and whether he only cares about him because he has a talent for business. Seeing Eisuke face things he usually avoids because of the heroine's support and love makes me happy for him.
Okay, the DLCs (Scattered Cards onwards) on the Switch are too expensive so I'm not going to buy them right now hahaha😅 Overall, I'm not a fan of Eisuke tbh. He definitely got much better over the course of the seasons, but from the heroine's perspective alone, he is a bit frustrating lol, but at the same time, I'd say the same for the heroine for how silly she is lol so I guess they fit well. I think what I'm most disappointed in though is that the premise itself is really just the premise and nothing really "evolves" from it, because the following stories are really just the guys expanding the hotel and dealing with people trying to wreck that rather than stuff about auctions and bidding? I did enjoy Eisuke reuniting with his sister and learning more about how he views family, and then having the heroine make him realise that he does crave family warmth and other things, he just tries to hide it with his bad attitude lol. But yeah, otherwise Eisuke is not bad, just not my type lol, and the stories are rather cliche and bad at some points so yeah, I'd say the plot suffers more than his attitude does for me.
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chessdaze · 4 years
Since I outed myself with an ask to phoenix about an event I’ll go ahead and post something about my schedule for three wishes here. I won’t put this under read more just for visibility, so sorry ahead of time for clogging your dashes.
As a note ahead of time THESE ARE ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE, I DO NOT GIVE ANY DATES CAUSE I’M NOT PUTTING MYSELF ON A DEADLINE. I’m doing this for my own enjoyment and hopefully, others as well but please don’t rush me. I’m sharing this just to be open about my plans and what I’m working on, and perhaps for the motivations / reminders it’ll give me - not to give anyone a reason to come at me. Okay? Okay.
Not counting small comics or misc posts of art and info or fics:
First order of business is for me to finish drawing all of Silas’ outfits and Design the Enchantress. I have Silas almost completely done sketch wise, so I’ll work on the sketches of the Enchantress next and then line/color and post those. I might also do some side character designs as I have a few that might show up here and there (but they’ll just be like the ghosts in canon, occasionally there and then you don’t see them for fucking ever). I WOULD do outfit design sheets for EVERY character BUT....that would be a lot of work. I might end up just making polls like ‘who would you like to see outfit references for’ and then work on them at my own pace. That way you guys get what you want first and I still have fun designing everyone’s outfits regardless.
Second order of business is my event I mentioned in the ask to phoenix, BATTLE OF THE BANDS! I accidentally went full game dev on the documentation (because if I’m not gonna use all that documentation homework I did for that game art degree NOW then when am I going to??), but I’m actually pretty far along planning wise since I’ve been working on it when I needed break from art things. Right now I have about half of the main story of the event outlined. My order of doing things is Summary of Story > Outline of items / mini games > Figure out what characters were going to be in the event > Main story outline > Card Story outlines > Finalized story and Card Stories > Art Assets. So it might take awhile before I post any art for it. But if people show interest in me posting some of the in progress things feel free to send me an ask every now and then and I can update you! Because of the ask and permission given, Evonie from @phoenix-manga ‘s Diamond Crown Academy will make an appearance in the event, as well as Three Wishes OCs made by @tsukikoayanosuke (Bridgette) and @missnekonyan (Donelle) as the clubs their characters are involved with the event overall. I’m really excited I got permission from all of them to be able to reference their characters! They won’t be big rolls but I’m happy to give all of these creators spotlight by adding in their characters.
Third thing, Regular Card Stories and Art for Cards! I am already making documentation to have these noted down, Will probably do them one dorm at a time but I do have a few ideas already. I will say that my R-SSR order of the cards is a bit different from canon. R’s are School Uniforms and PE outfits (will be slightly different depending on which PE course is taken by the student, since there’s three at three wishes), SRs  are Dorm Outfits and Fundraising outfits - as Dorm outfits are different per person i didn’t think they were special enough for SSRs but still worth some highlight, and Fundraising / Volunteering is a mandatory class at Three Wishes so that gets another SR spot. Then lastly their SSRs are their Ceremony outfits. These are also different per character but they will all have a matching color scheme so that’s why i wanted these to be the SSRs.  I also already have like four future events planned and which characters will be getting cards / what rank the cards will be for those characters! None of these events have any kind of outline yet, only general concepts and characters possibly involved, so the characters may change but I have them written down so I don’t forget and I can add to the event outlines as I find inspiration.
Maybe the fourth thing is actually designing the dang school. I SUCK at environment art, I’m not going to lie. It’s why alot of my comics up until this point has had minimal or no backgrounds at all. But one of the reasons why I’m drawing comics is to maybe get better at backgrounds cause I’m already sick of them not having one so progress I guess. But this is why this is kind of last on my list, as I definitely need the practice. If there’s a dorm or location I have listed that you would like to see art for or just described in better detail, Feel free to send me an ask!
And the thing I’m kind of working on while all of that is going on is of course, the Main Story Outline! I have all the chapter names picked and I have at least the Prologue - Second chapter bullet pointed as a first draft - I already know some places I wanna go back and change things but for now I’m just trying to get the general ideas for each chapter down. As of now there are eight chapters in total - including the prologue and the finale, so six major story chapters over all.  I’m still not sure how I want to tell this story in all honestly. Part of me REALLY REALLY REALLY wants to make these full blown comics in all honesty. I’ve been wanting to draw actual comics since I was a kid and I’m closer now than I ever have been to being able to do so. But I also know how much of a time sync that is and know that I haven’t quite grasped all the shading tools in CSP to really give it the effect I want to have - which is one of the reasons I’m working on the mini comic pages here and there so I can slowly improve - but I can’t promise anything. If nothing else, I’m semi confident in my writing skills so I will maybe end up writing it out.
As a treat TM, I’ll list the chapter titles I have down below. THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, but I am pretty happy with them right now - they’ll only likely change if I end up changing my entire idea for the chapter or changing the order of chapters. Anyone care to give me some theories on what you think each chapter is about? :thinking:
Prologue: the start of an actor's life Chapter one, Nightingale: by the stroke of midnight Chapter two,wondrous: a queen among thieves Chapter three, diamanttobar: the wishing well Chapter four, guardian: a dragons curse Chapter five, lapinhole: tipping the golden scale Chapter six, servireu: the guest has arrived Finale: when the last petal falls
If you read this far, thank you so much and I hope you look forward to more three wishes content! <3
Also I ask that this post isn’t reblogged, not gonna come at you if you do but it’s just a to do list really lol idk why anyone would want to reblog it.
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blurrypetals · 4 years
Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare - blurrypetals review
originally posted dec. 9, 2018 - ★★★★★
A-T. L-A-S-T.
I am so absolutely overwhelmed by everything that I've experienced in the last few days while listening to this. As Cassandra Clare's longest book to date, a whole dang fuckin' lot happens in this book. To sort my way through this review, the following paragraphs are gonna be chock full of a whole dang fuckin' lot of untagged spoilers, so continue at your own risk. I do think you're doing yourself a huge disservice if you do read this review before you've read the book, though. It's also incredibly likely I'll drop a spoiler or two on every Shadowhunters book so, if you're here and you have not, for some reason, read The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, the other two books in The Dark Artifices trilogy, and all of the short stories in The Bane Chronicles, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, and Ghosts of the Shadow Market, I implore you to amend that, to go and read those fourteen books and this fifteenth book before reading this review, just in case I ruin anything for you by accident. Okay, now that's out of the way, let's talk about sequels and how to finish a grand, epic fantasy story. It was difficult for me to not compare this book to three other books. The first two are, of course, Cassandra Clare's other finales, City of Heavenly Fire and Clockwork Princess. This handily bowls City of Heavenly Fire straight under the table because, even though City of Heavenly Fire is still a 5-star book, it's the weakest of The Mortal Instruments hexalogy and, other than perhaps The Bane Chronicles, it's also maybe the weakest in The Shadowhunter Chronicles in its current entirety. Clockwork Princess, by contrast, however, is, in my opinion, the best of the entire series. As a finale, Queen of Air and Darkness here sits comfortably as the second best Shadowhunters finale yet. So much happens in this book. It's split into three different parts which could have easily been split into three shorter books with near-perfect three act structures in place for each of them, making this book a nine act book with two "false" climaxes that would have made for quite the cliffhangers if they had been split up for any reason. The first act deals with the aftermath of Livia's death and, because it has a lot of rising action, it's actually a little frustrating in some ways, even if it was frustrating in an incredibly enjoyable way. One of my absolute favorite scenes in the whole book is Julian running to Magnus for help in the middle of the night because it so perfectly mirrors the scene in Clockwork Prince when another blue eyed boy named Will Herondale was at the end of his rope, desperate not to love a girl he was cursed not to be with. I loved the contrast between a Herondale's plea for salvation and a Blackthorn's last hope to avoid damnation, separated by a hundred years yet tied by the same plight and the same warlock's magic. Emotionless-Julian was a really compelling read, even if I was almost as angry and frustrated with him and Magnus as Emma was. I loved to hate how cold and calculating he became without his love and compassion around to guide his moral compass. I hated his betrayal of Emma so fucking much it hurt but I've always loved Julian's ruses, schemes, and plans, and his dealings with the Seelie Queen, the Black Volume, and a skilled calligrapher and wizard called OfficeMax. Damn. So fucking good. Also, speaking of Julian's plans and schemes, his war council and Livia's Watch is one of the most satisfying scenes in The Shadowhunter Chronicles as it currently exists; I'm so proud of my son. He is so great. Hot diggity. Speaking of reminders from past stories, we get the entire cast of The Mortal Instruments during a lot of this book. I was really excited anytime we ran into anyone from The Mortal Instruments, especially the part when Julian and Emma ended up being thrown in the same Unseelie prison as Jace and Clary were and that was Jace and Clary's first appearance in the whole novel. It could have easily gotten overwhelming; I was, in fact, rather worried that Jace and Clary would steal the spotlight for a good spell in the final act of the book, but they didn't, since Emma and Julian were, eh...too big to ignore, and the book even ends with the long-awaited Bane-Lightwood wedding of the centuries, but the story proper closes on Julian and Emma on the beach together. Even though The Wicked Powers is still yet to come, this book felt like a huge culmination of all fourteen of the prior books in a huge way. We had Jem and Tessa from The Infernal Devices, we had Jace, Clary, Simon, Isabelle, Alec, and Magnus from The Mortal Instruments, and we had Emma, the Blackthorns, and all their friends and allies from this series and it felt huge. I also felt the weight of what's to come in a super hardcore manner when it came to Kit and Ty, Dru and Jaime, and, of course, Ash. I genuinely feel as though I can't wait any longer to see how Kit and Ty's stories turn out. I'm especially pleased by the fact that Jem and Tessa decided to adopt Kit and that Kit will have the family he's longed for his whole life and, not only will he have two capable people parenting him through the rest of his adolescence, but he'll also have that younger sibling he's been longing for, someone he can teach and take care of in the way he wasn't when he was small. I really hope at least one of the two forthcoming Ghosts of the Shadow Market stories focuses on Kit and his new life and new home with Jem, Tessa, and hopefully their new precious tiny one. Thoughts of the future of The Shadowhunter Chronicles in Drusilla, Kit, Ty, and, specifically, Ash, bring me back around to the second section of the book, which is the most absolutely bananas thing Cassandra Clare has ever written but is also actually incredibly compelling. I fucking loved the alternate universe stuff, everything to do with the exciting return of not-Jace, the introduction of alterna-Livia, other-Cameron, and living-Raphael (especially the part where he begged Emma and Julian to tell Magnus and Alec to rename Rafael; I was in tears laughing about all of that biz), and the temporary absence of emotionless-Julian and how he and Emma ended up healing so much of their relationship there. I also am so totally down with not-Jace being the main villain of The Wicked Powers, or at least a main villain. I am really impressed with Cassie—which, when am I not, honestly?—in the way that second section of the book was written. It felt like a huge love letter to me as a longtime and dedicated fan of The Shadowhunter Chronicles in general because we got to see these, for lack of a better term, a fanfiction AU turned canon that doesn't read like a fanfiction in the least bit because it remains relevant, interesting, tense, and important the whole way through, even though it's literally a gigantic non-sequitur that some could argue is "pointless." I am not one who would argue that, though, because I loved it so damn much. It gave me what is probably my favorite Emma and Julian scene in all of The Dark Artifices, just after they return to the resistance stronghold. You know the scene. Okay, rapid fire because I could honestly go on forever about this book; I pinned 108 different clips throughout this book, which is the most pins or post-its I've ever put in one single book before. I adored the fact that Simon gave Julian his iron Lord Montgomery figurine before he and Emma left Idris. Michael Wayland's ghost showing up for Robert Lightwood's funeral fucked me up in a super hardcore way and the fact that Kit was the only one who could see him or even sense his presence really got to me and I really teared up because Bitter of Tongue from Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy absolutely wrecked me and this poked at that wound. Everything in regards to Mark, Cristina, and Kieran was incredibly sweet, sex positive, loving, trusting, and healthy and I just...gah they are perfect. A most excellent thruple, one for the ages. A great many of my pins have something to do with Kit growing into his inborn Herondale talent of being a master in snark (think candy gram and "Alas, poor Yorick,"). Everyone in the alternate realm being grossed out by endarkened-Emma's and endarkened-Julian's PDA was hilarious. Julian realizing art requires pain and morality about snapped my sad tiny bird heart clean in half. Feline death on a massive scale. Anytime Jace's more playful, youthful side showed because he's a happy boi now was delightful, especially the parts where he wanted to get to hold the mortal sword and when he declared, "We're the bait!" Magnus hallucinating was great, but my favorite hallucination was when he was flirting with a vase like it was Alec and then very seriously offering to buy it from the Institute. I also loved it when Magnus called Clary "biscuit". It made my heart all soft and nostalgic. Julian's smile at Emma when he got his emotions back tot me emotional, dammit! Caterina meeting Kit for the first time made my heart feel like it was too large for my body. Jace using finger guns, because finger guns are always hilarious. Dru realizing she was looking at the face of a parent when she looked at Julian. Kit responding to being called "Herondale," when Magnus said, "Stay away from my children, Herondale." Emma telling Diana that she showed her the kind of woman she wanted to be. Emma's terrible pun about Manuel being tied up. "Ragnor Lives." An old lady accidentally complimenting Julian on being tall. Emma and Julian deciding to go to the other at the exact same time. Alec would look better on the money. Mark trying (and failing) to make balloon animals and accidentally making them all snakes. That's not even a third of them all. Near the beginning of the review, I said I was having a difficult time avoiding comparing this book to three other books, two of which were past Shadowhunters books. The third book, however, is Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas, which is another very long final book in a series, one that somehow managed to get voted as the best YA fantasy of 2018 and, because of that slap in the face, I couldn't help but wonder how this book, technically the fifteenth in a series, managed to feel fresh, new, fun, and lovable from minute one to hour thirty of the audiobook even though this is the fifteenth time I've experienced a book in The Shadowhunter Chronicles for the first time and I've never come close to feeling the same sort of apathy or anger as I do for Sarah J. Maas and Throne of Glass. This is how you end a series. This is how you end one part of your series. This is how it's done. Take notes, everyone else. Get on Cassie's level.
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evergreen-dryad · 4 years
thoughts about spook 65
...Although, it’s more like a stream of consciousness commentary. I try and fail not to make this too long as usual, so warning long post ahead.
Summary: Aidairo leaves us on that cliffhanger by giving us a break with tension-breaker Kou with his caring friends, more Mitsukou, and then dun dun dun they encounter a Wild Comic Relief of Universal Proportions Natsuhiko (poor fish and tarantula I hope they got back safe) and apparently Natsuhiko wants to capture No.6 like he’s the rarest pokemon of all and might have the secret key to the immortality fountain?? Will we ever know more about these mysterious man stay tuned next month. And oh yeah also No.6 always wanted to throw Aoi into the hole to rot away because he’s also a necromancer. Just great and swell here folks, don’t know how Nene and Akane are faring ~
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whaaww Kou’s feeling really overwhelmed I mean this is a lot for like what a 13 year old boy
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‘Teru-nii hasn’t been home recently’ -- hmmmmm? What’s he up to? Is he out on a journey to exorcise bigger fish out there?
...Or it could be just a field trip lmao
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lol. out of context -- 👀
(I love that white-black juxtaposition between the two of them)
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ahahahahaha ofc Satou sugarboy here has his priorities right. ‘Get sweet drinks and sweets for us you simp’
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I love it, we’re getting outside perspective from the supportive side characters. It’s the Arc for no1 Supportive Side Character Ao-chan after all!
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ooooooohhhhh Satou’s the observant one here. Starting to love him now~
what a cheerful sandboy Yokoo is holding that carrot
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oyo it’s Mitsuba but I’m just distracted wondering if those plants on the left side are mimosa plants, le touch-me-not
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omg you just popped right outta the mirror like that. I would have screamed and flung my hands everywhere. Kou you have nerves of steel or in this case your brain is a steelwool scrubber right now
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Yeah man that’s his job your man’s a ghost in case you forgot
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It is unbelievable to him since Mitsuba has always been such a prickly tsun before he’s probably never shown much common decency let alone common friend interaction like showing concern esp since Kou to him is a blokehead
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Awww, Kou
(oh? oh? what was his wish again exactly, to be friends or for him to be human somehow?
and lmao Kou is going doki-doki when Mitsuba for the first time ever asks if he’s okay)
Aww, Mitsuba misses his Daikon-senpai, this is too cute guys I--
Nene your fantasy came true Mitsuba’s looking for you like a lost puppy
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really. why am I so intrigued Teru is gone. Where did he go. There must be a story somewhere.
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oh whoa there goes Kou acting all otome ML again (callback to Hanako wanting Nene’s wish to come true too with the shoulder-clutching?)
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Mitsuba’s face is sending me I swear
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Yes Mitsuba he deserves that kick to the arse. Teach him to listen to you
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There we go again~~ *Kou otome ML move count: 2*
A scream??? COULD IT BE---
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wow Mitsuba just suited up. our two superheroes on the move
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also lmao these phat daikon arms. And these rando fish are all so cute. Look at this guy on the right. So smooth and chill like a seal
Ya jeez more and more apparitions are showing up y’all it’s becoming a yokai manga (I’m not complaining I love them all.)
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Oh that dramatic foot in a spotlight, Natsuhiko you dramatic hoe, it’s you I’d know you anywhere (jokes aside I saw that Sailor Moon edit of him so)
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Good shonen boy Kou finally jumping into action to the rescue, because god knows without Hanako around there’s no one to do the saving of damsels in distress around here
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‘I want to join too’ -- AWWW LOL THIS IS SO CUTE
and off they go bullying a fish like it’s a game, so sad I liked that whalefrogfish
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is it ded. rip.
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oh wow Natsu you kissed fish gullet, look how red your face is wow. Also you really shouldn’t think that you’re too funny to let die. You survived being thrown into Nowhere, you’ll survive fish llke Jonah did. But fr did Sakura throw you into a fish trash pit or smth
ohmygod he called himself an Onii-san. He wants Kou to call him Onii-san. I am crying. Teru come back your lil bro’s being propositioned (w hA T a tiME for YoU TO Be GonE eH)
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KOU BABY IS SUSPICIOUS IM CRYING YES AS YOU SHOULD BE HUN (that font is just perfect *chef’s kiss*)
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Natsuhiko just awkwardly perched there in the background
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and yikes Natsuhiko’s pulling the same moves as Nene to gain kouhais lolol, aaah I’m starting to see similarities between them
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HAHAH OMG *Kou otome ML move count: 3*
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ooh what a shady guy. Natsu what do u know tell us tell us tell us
omg y u like this. whY do you sound so threatening now. I take it back you’re not harmless
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Natsuhiko do you mean to tell me you’re immortal????? Is that why you survive all these ridiculous levels of eldritch horror????
Fml he really looks like a vampire in that lighting. Esp since I can like see all his individual teeth what on earth is this level of detail Aidairo for once Natsuhiko looks like the cool mysterious guy he was meant to be
Just realised he has like a dyed hair thing going on kinda like Tsuchigomori. Don’t tell me. Natsuhiko are you Tsuchigomori’s secret love child.
‘There’s a bad energy coming from here’ --- pFFFT. He sounds like he’s trying to be a fengshui expert now. A conman
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hmmmm??? Oh that wasn’t a phone?? what is that it’s an onsen...?
wait that is probably a phone nvm. I’m just jumping at every little detail like 👀 
so huh I’m assuming Tsukasa can’t handle no6 on his own either, so....or possibly Natsuhiko is acting on his own??
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Ooh cool blankets, everyone has different flowers!! (*squints* no stop you can’t go looking for flower meanings everywhere)
And yes that’s a phone. Naatsuhiko just canonically has an onsen symbol phonecase just to show he’s a Chill Bro
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lol Mitsuba i don’t think you need to worry you’re not a whole soul anymore
D’AWWWW LOOK AT ALL THOSE LITTLE CUTIES (sheep, elephant, bunnies (multiple), rubber duckling)
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You. Natsuhiko. You’re the one most like a cat.
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omg what a braggart. what a chest-thumping man u are Natsu-senpai
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hahahahha I’m crying. Even Natsuhiko’s conscience is touched by Kou’s trusting naivete I can’t
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oh my god. but thank god Teru-nii still comes first he still hasn’t completely seduced you over to the dark side just yet
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awwww, Kou. Awww. He really, really wants to do his best to save them all. I--
Aw yay Natsu is touched to the point he’ll help!! Hopefully he wasn’t lying!! I hope there isn’t a sacrifice involved-
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Onix (srsly I really love all the lotuses everywhere. really going Buddhist symbology there)
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look at dat foot. it go.
oh!! we’re fresh at the battlescene!!
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I guess these guys are too useful to let rot in the trashpit eh
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?? For one moment I thought we were looking down into the trashpit at our missing 4 lmao. But why. No 6 you’re coming off as ...naturally innocent??? Dang. Let this cutie rest
I’m genuinely curious how on earth this no 6 is not a god on his own. (It’s funny to me that I’m coincidentally writing about a god like this as well at the same time.) How does he rank equal to the others. How is Hanako even his boss have they ever met before I demand a full show of Hanako’s powers one day. We’re not even sure what his boundary is. Or is it that he only has the power of life and death on those in his boundary?
(edit: just realised that if Tsukasa is behind Natsuhiko then no6 is basically Tsukasa’s dream power - necromancy. He could build all the Frankensteins his little heart ever wanted)
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oof there go the minions. I love how they have little buds on their heads. Every minion of his is ‘living’! And they’re like the first with individuality I’ve seen...?
oh he thinks Aoi did this purposely? Pfft she got dragged in there
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juijuirjfuerjcjkekerjckdediejdiedmwec. I am so worried. But fr this one panel of Aoi is so beautiful.
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Huh the hole is a starburst shape? 6 points hmm --oh wait im dumb it’s closing up oh no
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But shiet really how did he see to that. By giving her power over those specific bugs?? Planting info of that hole in her?
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crimsoncobaltblue · 6 years
A Single Touch: Part 2 - Debbigail
(Sorry I took so long for the second part. For the record, never live on a farm unless you like working all the time for whatever reason. Anyways, if you haven’t read the first part then you might want to. Enjoy my horrible writing!!)
Read the other parts!  Part 1 | Part 3
“I can’t believe that was your best plan!” Louie complained. I just ignored him, knowing that’s just kinda what Louie does.
My sides were burning now. Just hot enough for it to be uncomfortable. I felt anxious but I didn’t feel like a hospital visit was needed. The warmth... it reminds me almost of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at the same time..? Weird, I know. The coziness and calm the night of Christmas Eve, and the exhilaration and borderline anxiety on Christmas Day to see what you got from Santa seemed to be all wrapped up together where the soulmate imprints were on my sides. I couldn’t focus on it for too long though. I moved on from that thinking as quickly as possible, as if I were being pushed by something invisible telling me to hurry up.
Thanks, I’ll get right on that.
And I did. I flung the door open while declaring loudly, “Come on guys!” I grinned mischeviously at them. “Let’s go touch some expensive stuff.” Was the last thing I said before a rope of some sort wrapped around me and lifted me away!
Maybe I screamed, maybe I didn’t. I won’t tell.
I heard my brothers yell after me before they were captured as well.
After an extremely short amount of time, we found ourselves hanging upside and with a spotlight on us. The rest of the room was dark so we had no clue who attacked us. I couldn’t help but feel fear build up inside me, not quite even with the soulmate marks but definitely up there. I started wiggling around in the ropes to get free but they were just too tight. By now my soulmate marks were so hot it was really hurting and I’m honestly surprised the rope didn’t catch on fire.
“I’ll put the marbles back!! I swear!!!” I whined. If it was Mrs. Beakley and she thought they stole from Uncle Scrooge then I hoped she would be less likely to hurt us if we gave away information freely.
“Who sent you?!” The voice snapped at us and I felt a jolt race down my spine. It wasn’t from fear though, that much I knew. “Ma Beagle? Glomgold?! Answer me?!”The menacing voice said from the shadows and all I could do was stare in the direction of the mysterious voice. As weird as it was, it was like my body was crying out in anguish, despite the fact that I was unharmed.
Tied upside down and interrogated, but unharmed.
“UNCLE SCROOOOOGE!!!” Louie cried and I would’ve gotten really furious with the voice if it weren’t for my fear and intrigue.
“Uncle Scrooge?” The voice questioned, having gone from threatening to curious quicker than a lightening strike. “OH MY GOSH!!! THE NEPHEWS!!!” The voice screamed and while I felt my brothers flinch from the sudden noise, I managed to remain still. The next thing I knew I saw a cute little girl with a pink bow in her hair clap the lights on.
My face flushed and it wasn’t because of the blood rushing to my head from being upside down. A girl captured and carried us here and tied us up and made Louie cry in under a two minutes? I didn’t know whether to be intimidated or amazed so I decided both was good.
I noticed the palms of her hands had her soulmate marks. Which was incredibly common but these looked so familiar and... they looked as if they were almost shining a little bit.
“Wait, you know us?” Louie said as she ran up to us, her chin-length hair bouncing all the while, and I smiled without even meaning to. She stood on a nearby rolly-chair carefully and grabbed a knife that had been stabbed into a map. She sliced the rope expertly so me and my brothers hit the wooden floor with a thud.
She got down from the chair and stood next to it while we checked ourselves for anything bruised or broken. “Of course! Researching Mr. McDuck and his family is kind of my hobby.” She explained excitedly, halfway resting her head on her hand which still held the knife.
“W-Wha?” Louie questioned weakly, still really freaked out I’m guessing. And... Maybe I just hit my head too hard but everything this girl did seemed to be really kind of endearing.
As I was starting to get up, the girl immediately plucked a hair from Louie’s head, threw the knife behind her and asked “What are your blood types?” All in the same second.
That was when I froze.
I knew what was going to happen and this, let me tell ya, is probably the most thrilling thing I have ever felt.
“What’s Donald really-“ She started and cut herself off as she slipped her hands around my sides.
Right where the imprints of her hands belonged.
“-like?” She finished but clearly she had focused on other things. The burning heat that the imprints had given me vanished and was replaced by the coziest, happiest feeling I had ever experienced as I stared at the girl who was my soulmate. I stared at her in amazement before my brain started to function again and naturally made me remember nearly every daydream I’d had about meeting my soulmate.
Particularly every embarrassing one that made me wish I had something to cover my now flushed face.
“I-uh... I-I-I...” I tried but nothing came out. All I could do was stare and stutter until she smiled and I definitely did not melt at the sight of such cute expression...
Okay, that was a lie.
“I like hamburgers!” She yelled suddenly and I winced from being so close to the noise. Then she opened her beak again. “I really don’t know why I just told you that.”
I was about to answer before she continued. “Or why I paused like that. That was weird. And I mentioned it. Why did I bring it back up?” She kept rambling anxiously and I just smiled at this sweet girl that was apparently my perfect match. My other half.
I saw Louie out of the corner of my eye shake his head and growl a little bit. We all turned to look at him as he took some money out of his pocket gave it to a still shocked Huey. “Dang it. Can’t believe I lost.” Louie groaned and Huey shook his head too before looking pretty smug. I simply ignored them and looked back towards the girl and realized that I had yet to ask her name.
“So, um, what...what’s your name?” I asked and winced, mentally kicking myself. Come on, Dewey! Where’s that dashing, debonair Dewey Duck from earlier?
The girl straightened and blinked before replying with a grin. “Oh, hi! I’m Webby. It’s nice to meet ya.” She said brightly while seeming just the tiniest bit shy.
Turns out dashing, debonair Dewey Duck is on vacation away from awkward, dorky Dewey Duck.
“I’m Dewey.” I just barely got out, feeling my face flush.
“I know.” Webby said and before I could ask, she explained for me. “I like researching Mr. McDuck’s family..” She explained and I smiled.
“Yep, I definitely remember you telling me that a while ago.” I said and she laughed a bit. My heart probably would’ve burst by then if it weren’t for Louie.
“Ew, are they gonna kiss or something?”
As soon as I heard it I realized that her arms were still on my sides and my arms holding her shoulders. I think she realized the same thing right as I did because we both jumped away from the other at the same time.
“NO!” We both yelled indignantly. Louie’s question and laughter really did not help me at all to focus on being smooth.
Of course, my mind naturally floods with visions of me and Webby going on dates, watching movies together, hopefully adventuring, maybe just some kissing... I quickly shook my head, my face rivaling the red of a tomato.
Webby was looking around and seemed nearly as embarrassed as me before she gasped. “Oh wait, I need to add all this to my board!!” She exclaimed before pulling out some ancient Polaroid camera and taking one picture of me and my brothers and one picture of me on my own. Both pictures were very bad. Of course, I didn’t tell her that.
“Tell me everything about you guys.” She said excitedly as she pinned the pictures to the bottom of her board before turning to us.
“Uh... We live with our uncle.” Louie offered uncertainly.
“On a boat..?” I said and I mentally slapped myself for not being able to think of anything useful. I blame Louie. It’s his fault my brain wants to keep thinking about Webby and how... she looks really adorable when she’s focused and listening.
“Go on.” Webby said, mainly looking at my brothers but I was glad to notice she would glance my way every few seconds.
“Kinda it. We’re just a normal, boring family. Well, for the most part...” Huey added and looked to me with a smirk.
Apparently, embarrassment does not go away if your siblings do everything to keep it there.
Webby completely ignored that last part, thankfully. “Normal? Boring? Ha!” She laughed before allowing the thing covering her board to roll up.
I am unashamed to say my jaw dropped.
It was basically an entire diagram board concerning my family’s history.
I stared at Webby, wanting to say something. Anything. I’d even be willing to even embarrass myself as long as it showed how impressed I was but nothing came out.
“Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck.” She explained as she attached a random string around the pin holding up our poorly taken photo. Aw man! I had my eyes closed! “Scrooge McDuck’s great nephews on his sister Hortense’s side side, with Quackmore Duck twice removed.” She explained, practically bursting with untapped energy. I was curious if she ever ran out of energy.
I looked at the board more closely and right at the bottom right corner I saw a couple drawings scribbled in pieces of notebook paper.
“I’m guessing this is you.” I said, motioning towards the pink person-like figure on the picture.
“Oh, I’m Webby Vanderquack. My granny’s the housekeeper.” She explained to me, smiling. I smiled back and tried not to let my daydreams take over my mind again... Me and Webby around Christmas, her probably wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, looking as adorable as ever... Me and Webby under the mistletoe... ‘NO! Bad Dewey! Stop that! You’ve only just met her!’ I scolded myself but I’m a rebel so I talked back. To myself. ‘But it’s almost like you’ve known her forever.’
Ugh, I’m not dealing with this. Shut up brain.
“So, uh, what are we?” Webby inquired, sounding unsure.
I wanted to say something smooth to that. I used every bit of concentration and suaveness I had (which was quite a bit normally, but today I was pretty distracted).
“In love, I hope.” I said with a wink and my most charming grin.
Boy, and I had thought my face was red before.
Webby’s hands flew up to her face as if to hide the crimson that was quickly traveling all over her face. I took a couple steps toward her, unsure of where this confidence was coming from. I was about a foot away from her before I stopped.
Webby clearly was struggling to function and I grinned proudly, glad that I wasn’t the only one affected by my soulmate here. Webby moved her hands from her face and opened her beak. Then closed it only to open it again and say, “Cuddling releases natural painkillers!” Before she turned around and started writing on her board frantically.
She attached one string from her picture to the picture with me and my brothers and wrote “friends” in big, red marker. I felt a little hurt by that but I was still unsure of how to answer her random fact. Until she attached a little red string from her picture to the one that just had me and underneath the string she wrote “soulmates.” I grinned at her even though she was staring at the board intently, as if she planned to interrogate it.
“She’s right by the way,” Huey spoke up and we all turned to look at him. “It says here in the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook that, according to scientific studies, cuddling and/or snuggling are a natural pain reliever.
Louie smirked. “Well then, I need to be cuddled immediately ‘cause I’ve been in pain most of the day.” Louie said snarkily and I would’ve gotten mad if it weren’t for Webby.
“Why? Did you hurt yourself?” She asked, clearly confused. She looked at me then Huey and Louie, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
I saw Louie started to snicker and Huey was definitely trying to hide his amused grin behind his JWG. Webby stared at me, bewildered. “Never mind, Webby. I’ll have tell ya later.” I said and she continued to look confused.
“So, friend,” Louie started, motioning to the board where Webby wrote ‘friends.’ “What do you do for fun around here?”
“Oh. I’m the best at fun.” She said but it didn’t really sound like she meant it. She looked around for a second before she kicked open a vent and started to crawl through.
I grinned. Now, this was my kind of fun. Adventure!
I followed right behind her. I looked back at my brothers who were following behind me. “I sure am glad we ditched that Marble Room.”
We were crawling through the vents, enjoying exploring as Webby explained where we were.
I somehow ended up in the back because I was trying to remember exactly how to get anywhere in the maze.
“I have enough excitement caring for Webby.” The housekeeper, Mrs. Beakley, said below. She was talking to Uncle Scrooge, who looked like he was in some sort of weird deep sea diving suit. “Perhaps you should spend some time with your own family.”
“Oh, aye? Hang up my spats? Become the dotering old relic everyone thinks I am, spinning yarns to those loudmothed young’uns about the man I used to be?” Uncle Scrooge argued back and I did feel a bit guilty about watching them but... It was just too interesting.
“You have avoided them for ten years!” Mrs. Beakley argues and I’m guessing she was talking about us.
“Because,” Uncle Scrooge started, his voice slowly rising. “Family is nothing but TROUBLE!!!” He roared in his thick Scottish accent, turning towards Mrs. Beakley. Today was going so well until that moment. Honestly, I’m glad he’s avoided us if he thought of like that anyways. I hardened my face and kept moving, hoping to catch up with the others.
I managed to catch up to my brothers and Webby pretty quickly after that little scene I saw. It just made me feel really... upset, I guess, that some part of my family, even if we weren’t close, didn’t even like us at all. I get me and my brothers can be tough to deal with but to basically just to say you hate us? I tried to move those thoughts away and focus on happier things.
“-a bit over-protective.” I just heard Webby mid-sentence as I crawled out of the vent and landed in the floor. She seemed too lost in thought to notice that I caught up.
“She trains me to be ready for anything,” She said while going into a fighting stance. I’m guessing she meant her granny. “But then she says that I’ve got everything I need in here.” She paused and looked down sadly. I felt bad for her. Our Uncle Donald did the exact same thing but me and my brothers always rebelled. Webby’s too kind and innocent and sweet to try and do anything like that.
“But one day... I’m gonna see the world. I’m gonna be and EXPLORER! I’m gonna eat a hamburger.” She said seriously, while pointing in front of her dramatically. She glanced my way quickly before refocusing.
“We could bring you a hamburger.” Huey offered, him and Louie looking amused.
“You guys really are my best friends.” She stated gratefully as Huey and Louie walked off to explore the room. I leaned against the wall for a second as Webby watched my brothers walk away.
She turned towards me and smiled brightly. I had to force myself to not just smile and stare creepily. “Hamburgers are pretty good.”
She nodded. “That’s what I’ve heard! But come on, we can talk about hamburgers and their magical properties later.” She said excitedly before grabbing hold of my hand and leading me toward the door my brothers were staring at.
“Welcome to the Wing of Secrets!” Webby said mysteriously as she opened the door to the dark room.
Webby rushed in with Huey and Louie right behind. I stayed back, my mind still kept dwelling on why Uncle Scrooge seemingly hated us. I don’t think I did anything wrong other than just doing normal kid things like asking a bajillion questions at once.
There were so many things in here. Bones of dinosaurs and other unnameable creatures. A portrait of Scrooge standing over a naked bear. “I knew it!” Huey stated proudly as Louie poked at a small stone statue of Scrooge. “Dewey check it out!” Louie said with a smile while pointing at the statue.
“Yeah, whatever.” I said before walking off.
Okay, I did feel a little bad doing that but Uncle Scrooge’s words just kept coming back and making me angry and a little sad too. Why does he dislike us so much?
I heard Webby explain something to Huey as I wandered around the wing, looking at all the things Uncle Scrooge collected. All the things he was so busy getting, he didn’t even take time to tell us we’re related to him! I clenched my fists. I felt like punching something!
“Hi.” I heard from above. I immediately relaxed as soon as I heard the voice. Webby jumped off an enormous crate, did a flip in mid-air, and landed safely on her feet. She stood up straight and tilted her head to the side, looking worried. “Are you alright, Dewey?”
For a second, I didn’t answer because I was in awe of her. How on earth did I get someone this amazing as my soulmate?! I cleared my throat. “Yeah, I’m okay. I just...” I paused unsure of whether to tell her.
(Okay, I’ve gotta make a third part cuz I’m like only a part of the way through the story. I’m basically just following the script of the first episode lol. @cartoonlover233 here’s the second part! I’ll be working on the third part and it’ll probably be coming out soon! Oh and I’d like to thank @thatssweetnessdream for making the fan art of Debbigail that helped me get unstuck on this second part! :3)
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‹Kokichi Ouma’s and Kaito Momota’s S/o Relationship›
Tumblr media
Kinda laying this out like a scenario. Does it still count as an imagine though, or am I just dumb to know what is what? Short and Simple, hopefully enjoyable.
Anyways… I hope you enjoy!
✘Mod Nagito
Though, things can get a little unbalanced in this relationship. Maybe unfair and such like that? Who knows, it’s depends on how S/o would see it anyways.
Kaito Momota with S/o
- To be honest, Kaito gets his spotlight…
- Freaking Kokichi never gives him a chance.
- Kaito is working on being nice to Kokichi since he thought of S/o might hate him for being rude to him.
- He tried often.
- Anyways back on topic.
- Sometimes would give you gifts, but won’t spoil you too much. It’s just some gift cards or anything that comes up to his mind.
- Would literally take you out anywhere at anytime, even if it’s 4AM.
- “S/o, remember that promise you made? Well time to get up!”
- “Dude.. It’s literally like 3AM.”
- “Better to see the stars at that time, well you are the shining star anyways.”
- “Let me sleep ok.”
- “But-“
- “Shhhhhhhh.”
Kokichi Ouma with S/o
- Most likely, Kokichi either swipe S/o away from Kaito or steal S/o when he gets the chance while space boy isn’t around.
- That one dude who would steal ya boy/girl if you aren’t careful.
- Steals the spotlight away from Kaito, 95% at a time.
- Anyways back on topic.
- Usually would try to take you out to do some activities, but Kaito does it better honestly.
- So basically this means that Kokichi does indoor activities. Like Hide in Seek inside!
- “Kokichi- it already been two days, just come out?!”
- “Haha no, you are the seeker and you have to find me! And stop calling me, ya cheater!”
Kaito Momota and Kokichi Ouma with S/o
- There wasn’t as much cooperation between Kaito and Kokichi, basically much would lead to arguments or even competition for S/o.
- Which why S/o is there between them, trying to sorta balance their emotions toward each other?
- Kaito is most likely to plan out the activities, usually Kokichi would add stuff in without him knowing.
- So much love and affection for S/o.
- Heck, they get a bit jealous whenever S/o decide on the other. (Example: Kokichi gets jealous over S/o picking Kaito to hangout with.)
- They would sometimes give small kisses on S/o’s cheek, only the cheek. Okay.
- Well, the rest is up to your imagination. Anything is possible!~
Meanwhile… a few moments ago
- “Hey S/o, do you wanna know how much I love you??”
- Kokichi, what are you doing.
- “You are probably just going to lie for that, S/o would prefer knowing how much I love them!”
- Kaito, not you too.
- Oh great.. When S/o realize that this would lead into another fight for their heart.
- Yep predicted. They are having an agrument.
- S/o looked away from the two with a long sigh to look back at them to see them forming a gosh dang heart with their arms.
- “Love ya/you, S/o.”
- Awwwww how sweet!
- “Ew! I have Kaito germs on me!”
- ”Rude, Kokichi!”
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ACCA 2 | Nanbaka 16 | SGRS 16 | Marginal #4 2 | Classicaloid 15 | Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 2 - 3 | D Gray Man Hallow 1 | ReLIFE 2 - 6
The idea for D Gray Man Hallow from now on: Once all 2016 shows are done (rewatches or not), expect the 2016 ranking.
(ACCA 2)
What in Dante’s Inferno? I’m properly listening to the OP as it was intended in the anime…and it doesn’t quite look like what I expected.
I don’t like tomatoes, so no bread for me.
This is a cute…albeit unconventional way to introduce the series’ core concepts. Also, acorn berets.
Kabocha = pumpkin, while murasaki = purple. That’s made from purple lettuce, so I don’t blame ‘em for calling it that.
Mushroomhead = Rail.
I thought ACCA paid really high if he got cigarettes for free.
Oh no, is Nino going to go against Jean?
Bihinshitsu = equipment room.
2m 22 cm is over 6 foot…wow.
Walnut-topped cake filled with nuts.
The systems managers seem really incompetent…I suspect something’s up.
The guys all deilberately seem to have the same face.
A-hah. As I thought. (Dang you, title spoiler.)
If this ED were to evolve, it would be even better than Yuri on Ice’s OP. (That’s saying something.) Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be happening…
Doesn’t seem like there’ll be any title spoilers next time either.
(Nanbaka 16)
I’m less likely to skip Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi! than some of the other Ops when I’m watching. That does make it slightly unwieldy as a rewatching show, though.
“Wow, he’s trash.” – Dat me.
Samon has a brother?
In a world full of filial piety, the worst one can do is to insult someone else’s family.
I’m not very good with “kept secret” stories, which is why I’m trying to do “Next to Me” well enough…at least to my standards, anyway. My standards are very high, you know.
They must’ve done something to the snacks…
(Showa Genroku: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen 3)
The fireworks are so lifelike in this ep!
Daiku Shirabe…I found out about the story from an ANN article, so I should’ve seen its appearance coming…“Tamaya” is something you yell during fireworks displays. Apparently it was the name of a fireworks company somewhere along the line.
The flattening refers to how Yota had to bow for forgiveness, but I think I kinda explained that already.
“Shinuchissei”…Yota seems to slur the end of his sentences.
I actually went “WHAT?!” at Yota not being fazed by the big daddy boss.
Note for later: The baby (I heard his name was Shinnosuke) was born November 23rd.
The jazz soundtrack really sells this show.
...so this is the rant from Daiku Shirabe. It’s fast (compared to even the usual), but it has lots of heart. Plus the showcasing of the tattoo really did its significance justice.
I think the bridge is called Matsubashi (Pine Bridge).
Yota could’ve fabricated the shaking of his hands.…wow. Yota has such yaoi hands. Just what you’d expect from a former BL artist.
I thought Yakumo was more of a cat person. Whose dog is Hanako?
Aw. I felt sorry for Matsuda, even if I have a suspicion he feigned those tears. Well, regardless, now I know Matsuda has grandkids anyway…so win win.
I knew he was either summoning the master Sukeroku II pissed off or Sukeroku himself.
“Tou-chan” was an unexpected nickname I didn’t think Konatsu would use.
Update: I thought about it, and even Shinnosuke’s name takes after the legacy. Remember? Sukeroku used to be called Shin! 
(Marginal #4 2)
One of the things that makes this show stand out is the space-styled episode titles.
Ooh. Pretty cherry blossoms.
Pan shots. Of course.
I know this isn’t the sort of show that gets too much coverage, and I even think it looks a bit ugly at times (not to mention a bit weird) but when you’re not caught up on most of the other big idol shows, this is the best you can do.
I think game boy (orange twin…er, aka R)’s trying too hard with his terms.
Now that Atom is talking about heart, it really does look like he’s a Toshiki Masuda character through and through, although he doesn’t look very angry when he sounds angry. I’ll chalk that up to the art department.
“Don’t think, feel” seems to be attributed to lots of places, so I don’t know the original source. However, since game boy (um, aka R) cites a movie star, it’s apparently Bruce Lee (if my Google-fu serves me right).
L makes stuff sound deeeeep.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Rui wasn’t surprised by the juice.
Atom is such a Ryuu sometimes...
…okay, enough with the underwear jokes…The twin jokes are a bit weird. Plus the ships can be smelt from a mile away…but that’s not enough to save a show.
“Ore-sama”? I only just realised Atom uses such a term.
Enough about the lucky underwear! *flips table*
Oh, I saw Ayanokouji in the background at one point.
I’m with Rui most times, including the need for deduction.
I’m still questioning the sanity of someone who wrote an entire episode plot about lucky underwear.
Alright, since I feel brain dead after that, I’m going to drop it, meaning ACCA is the show that forges ahead. Well, I’m lucky I was hoping to watch FLCL to fill in the gap once I’m done with my 3 remaining rewatches at this point in time (ReLIFE, D Gray Man, Morose Mononokean). The latter two will have, from ep 7, fresh impressions, so hopefully you can look forward to them.  
(Classicaloid 15)
Selfies: a worldwide phenomenon…I never got into that stuff, but if I were to analyse ‘em, I’d say they tap into the human need to be self centred.
There’s something sad about seeing someone rejected, eve if that someone is a piece of trash like Sousuke…
The game the Classicaloids are playing appears to be a game of Life.
Unfortunately, Kanae’s right…again. Sad life for you, Sousuke.
Motz literally became a flippin’ Akoya, right down to wearing a dress. Plus, the Amazon brigade came back.
Aw, I really felt for the glasses guy, even if briefly.
“Basics of Programming”? Don’t need that for Garage Band, Sousuke.
Hanted house and cosplay café...
…eh? Tchaiko still calls herself a former member of Cla:Kla?
Oh. I never realised until now, but Hamamatsu + festival (matsuri) = Hamamatsuri.
With that song (Sousuke’s song), it’s a sad blooper reel.
(Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga ep 2)
I got a wallpaper of Shima trying not to laugh (it was from the official Blue Exorcist anime page, but only for a period around Shima’s b’day). So this ep is where it comes from.
“Bon” means “young master” anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
“…a herbal tea antidote…”
Kyoto is meant to be the imperial capital…at least around the 1700s, it was the imperial capital.
Mamushi means “pit viper”. She’s not one to mess with.
He’s got some reflexes, that Ryuji.
Uwabami is also a type of snake…I forgot which one though.
Wait, Uwabami’s the man?! Uwabami was a woman in Oumagadoki Zoo…
Seriously, are they all getting drunk on juice…? Oh, okay. So that’s what happened.
(ep 3)
Rin’s shirt says “Sankyu” in goroawase and English, LOL.
Even if you love weeds, please don’t smoke ‘em, kids.
I thought Rin was going to pull a Shaft head tilt out of nowhere when he looked back at Konekomaru.
Update: For efficiency, the tag for this one is “Chesarka watches AoEx”. However, I don’t normally refer to it as such. I’d probably refer to it as “Ao Eku” if I wee speaking (due to the season 1 DVD extras), but “Blue Exorcist” is the shortest mode of the name I’d use in typing format.
(D Gray Man Hallow ep 1)
I am familiar with this source material, so do be aware of that. However, I didn’t finish the anime the first time around, so do be aware of that too.
Sometimes the art style for this anime can be a little off. The noses can be a little too pointy and too close to the eyes, so on and so forth.Allen doesn’t even look like he’s blushing with this art style too…that’s a bit of a disappointment.
Even the golems have it in for each other…LOL.
Johnny has apparently been stealing the spotlight for quite some time, but I haven’t noticed it all that much. Probably because I read volumes 21 – 24 in one go…
I think.Cross Marian looks more like Grelle (Black Butler) than ever in colour.
Why does Lenalee have such a short skirt?
When even the masked guy has a sweatdrop, you know there’s trouble.
(ReLIFE ep 2)
Unfortunately for Kariu, I understand there is no “next time”…
I’ve found out even at 18, people don’t judge two people of different gender sitting together eating lunch…of course, cultural standards notwithstanding.
Stud earrings are fine if you play sports, I think.
According to Google-sensei, it’s only about $11, my country’s money. It’s not that much if you work…but knowing Japanese standards (which say you should focus on getting into uni before getting a job), it does seem a bit much for someone who doesn’t work and doesn’t get any allowance. So in a weird way, it does make sense to me.
...but you took Kariu’s hand when she offered you the rubber, Arata?
Hey, that joke was in Erased too.
Kazu-kun = Karamatsu…kinda. LOL.
I always seemed to understand Hishiron, and yet also understand Arata to some extent too. Maybe I’m the perfect in-between for these two. Probably because I tend to break off friendships as soon as the year ends, and yet prior friendships are a core part to my social strategy.
Unfortuately, the downside to “minimalistic” is that it’s obvious when it goes off model.
LINE sticker…LOL. LINE’s very popular in Japan.
(ep 3)
I’ve wondered whether Yayoi Sou is a lady or not. Considering the circumstances, it probably is that Sensei is a female.
Hideyo is the dude on the 1000 note, obviously.
Ah…fitness tests. The bane of youth. No one says “stupid loud” though.
Oh. Tamarai’s there around the time of Asaji’s throw.
Lookit that rabbit on Usa-sensei’s shirt. No one says “crazy athletic” either…you outdated subbers.
Akira (Inukai) is kinda like Yurio, come to think of it, eh?
Didn’t you just say it yourself (about you being old) though, Arata?
Yoake literally had a blank face there, LOL.
There appears to be a Sato GP on the way to Aoba. Huh.
Ah…a show’s a real classic if it makes you laugh every time…
(ep 4)
Where’s the guy who does sad interpretations of OPs and EDs? (This guy.)
I know your feels, Kariu. (see the Tumblr debacle for an instance of this)
There appears to be something about whales near the fishtank.
The cityscapes in this are so nice.
There’s a map of Japan on one wall of Kaizaki’s place.
Go forth, young Kariu! Pick up your fallen balls! (teehee)
CGI balls, LOL.
It’s creepy (but also dramatic) when the lights of the eyes are the last to move.
(ep 5)
Sumire! Her name means “violet” (the flower).
There are some nuances lost in translation, like yappari and the levels of formality…but those are typically lost.
This “lecture” is probably the highest point you can get in the show (so far). It’s times like this you can really see an author’s strengths in storytelling.
The piano really sells the Hishiro/Kaizaki meeting.
What a strange angle that “lean to the left” shot is.
I’ve found out swear words have a lot of leeway when it comes to levels of “oh no”. These swar words include yabai and temee. Due to the context of Wan! and the fact it was Chuuya who kept using them, I went with the nastier variants [in my scanlating days] but sometimes a non-swearing variant is enough. However, kirai (to dislike) is pretty nasty if you use it in Japanese.
Kaizaki’s delivery of these lines really sells their comedic effect. The electronic keyboard makes it sound like night, but also makes it sound 1) like night and 2) creepy, for some reason.
Freeter is almost as bad as NEET, Kaizaki.
There appears to be a 100 man (10 thousand) coin bank behind Yoake, which makes that...1000000 yen. (chorus in back: One million yen?!)
(ep 6)
Apparently someone tried to type the same Japanese words into Google and didn’t get the same results, LOL.
Hishiron uses a Mac, LOL.
“Thanks for having us” probably isn’t the right words for it. Ojamashimasu means “sorry for intruding”, but it sounds heavily formal when translated, so I can see why the subbers did what they did though.
*laughs* MDs (minidiscs)? I know what they are, even though they’re meant to be completely dead by now. Apparently they’re a product of the 90s that never caught on..although I admit I’ve never used an MD in my life, let alone held one. It does kinda look like a floppy disc, though. (chorus in back: You poke through old stuff too much, don’t you?)
Those fadeout cups are so cool! I want one.
Ah, maths. The sad thing about my life is that up until a certain point I was good at maths. Then the hard stuff came up and I started to fail.
I thought it was Third Street Oga was talking about, but it’s 3rd chome, sort of like a suburb.
Knowing An, she may have deliberately put Oga out of the way for her own purposes…if you know what I mean.
CGI car just ruined the suspenseful mood, dangit.
Sometimes I just turn off my volume and turn on some music on Spotify. That way, you can make your own soundtrack.
Why did Arata have such a dumb face in the thought bubble?
Wow, she’s a real fujoshi, that one [An].
“Dude”? I cringe so much at her use of it, despite the fact I use it myself. 
You liar, Onoya. Knowing who subject 1 was means that I know they couldn’t have even thought about that part…
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Asobi Asobase 1 | Planet With 1 | Hanebado! 2 | Holmes of Kyoto 1 | Phantom in the Twilight 1
Asobi Asobase 1
These girls…have no noses? Gwah?!
…They really went in on the “purity” themes, with the OP and the flowers, didn’t they? It gives off a “sugar, spice and everything nice” vibe.
I’ve had my eyebrow furrowed in disinterest here. The artstyle not only very nearly lacks noses, but Olivia (I think that was the girl’s name from promo material) has such a disgustingly smug face that I can’t laugh at it. It seems mean-spirited and not fun at all.
My gosh, bob girl has such a sadistic streak…
These faces are clearly trying to make me laugh, but all I get for them is a “You tried” feeling. Sorry, must be the yuri vibes. Plus the extra boob jiggle which you really could’ve done without.
You can tell that Olivia wasn’t speaking a lick of sense there. The subbers must’ve had fun trying to convert it to English. *sigh* If only I were part of that team, I’d be having more fun with it than I am just watching it…I’m clearly not having fun here, obviously.
The pigtailed girl stealing the ham made me laugh, but only in a very weak way.
This pen thing? C’mon, they have that in Western-type societies like mine too, y’know.
The artstyle is like Nichijou a few times. Lemme guess, Nichijou isn’t for me…
Asobihito (asobibito…?) =/= Pleasure Seekers. The former translates literally to “playing people”, i.e. “people who play”. “Pleasure seeker” is that in a more general sense…then again, English doesn’t have an equivalent term that doesn’t vaguely sound like someone’s taking advantage of other people.
The sensei finally got me to laugh properly! But hey, it’s just because she’s so dang perky when she shouldn’t be…
The bob girl says “eigo kenkyuu kai” (English study club), but then Honda (pigtails) goes “Eiken?”, which from the translation I’d presume is short for “eigo (no) shiken” (English test).
Ohmygosh, they unabashedly put a Louis Vuitton suitcase into this show! How did they get away with that??? *stifles laughter*
I feel like these girls are trying to just be mean to each other more often than not. Catfights aren’t fun, yo.
The SFX and the visuals make this very clear this is a show for boys. Boys who like to fantasise about girls having fun like this.
Oh dear…did they just…they did! (flat tone) What. *face furrowed in worry, shakes head* A Detective Conan parody…
This comedy is probably a tad too…Western…for my liking…
Uh…I don’t know what to think about that ED…I feel like most of the budget went into the ED, for some reason.
Nihon no Asobi wo Asobase means “Let’s Play Japanese Games!”. It has no “please” involved whatsoever. Also…is that a poop emoji with hands and feet in the corner? (LOL)
Okay, you got me show. You made me laugh a grand total of…twice. That’s a terrible track record, y’know! Also, the real daruma otoshi is like this.
Well, that last segment made me feel like I was watching Potter Puppet Pals. Only it was for an anime I didn’t really care about and it wasn’t particularly funny after the novelty and creativity of it all wore off (and that wore off very fast!). That’s a drop. Also, can we not with the boob jokes???
Planet With 1
Hmm…a low ranker due to Ume potentially being pulled…I wonder how this’ll go.
Thank you for that, show!!! Such a cool, flashy opening!
I keep reading that the boy’s name is Ginko in first episode impressions, but Ginko, according to the ANN spotlight I read, was the maid girl. This boy is Souya. Okay, got it.
That’s one biiiiiiiiig cat, man…
Ohmygosh, I’m going to run out of air from how much I’m laughing! The cat’s eating this cabbage raw! What the heck??? (LOLOLOL)
Youhei Suzuki? Why does that name seem familiar…?
If you’ve been around anime long enough, you’ll get megane (glasses) =/= megami (goddess). Plus, what is it with men and eating lots of meat? Does eating meat affirm one’s masculinity or something?
Is it just me, or am I getting Star Driver vibes from this show? There was a guy in the OP who looked like Souya’s dad, y’know.
I think Souya was doing trigonometry (you can see cos theta on the board). I don’t envy him there.
It’s the kanji for “peace”, but it’s missing a stroke…that’s why it’s spelt “peas” and not “peace”.
There seems to be quite a bit of CGI in this show, huh?
Was that…Ume?! Yes!!!!!!!
Isn’t Sensei trying to peek up the skirt from the girl from Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer? That’s the second pervert today…ick.
Sensei doesn’t even move his mouth??!!!!!!!!!! (LOL)
Benika is the redhead. Beni = crimson, so that should be no trouble at all.
That guy’s book appears to be upside down…? Is it possible he could read a book like that, if he’s constantly holding it that way?
It’s amazing how much anime protagonists can do while pretending to be in the toilet…
Torai in a tiger mecha. I see, I see…
LOL, more ingestion business…just like Hisone and Masotan.
…Why is the protagonist’s motivation meat, of all the things?
Yay, it really was Ume! Thank you, Planet With! Now I’m definitely staying! Even if Ume gets dropped afterwards, there’s enough to keep me here otherwise such as how it feels pleasantly old-school while putting a new spin on a bunch of things, such as how Souya – who should be the bad guy in any other story – is the good guy here.
Who’s the man behind the old guy in the ED? That shadow thing is a dog, by the way - I saw it in the ANN spotlight.
Hanebado 2
It’s all an uphill climb…or a slip into the depths…for Hanebado right now.
There’s a box where the hyphen should’ve been…
To quote Google, a shutout is an N. American term: “a play, game, or inning in which the opposition is prevented from scoring.”
Nagisa’s strength appears to be the smash. It seems probably enough, considering her body type doesn’t seem to be made for speed. (…What? Why are you looking at me weirdly? Analysing these guys is just like analysing fighters in an RPG or something.)
Why are all these girls driven by only the sport or the guys??? People, girls need varied motivations.
The elder Isehara? There are two? Are they twins?
Comedic violence against an almost-pervert…it’s getting to the point where I’m getting a bit tired of that in anime…
Just because people have talent doesn’t necessarily mean that they like doing what they’re good at, Elena…
So Isehara (one of them) is in blue. Hopefully I remember that.
I didn’t really understand why Yu was with these girls…and then something came out of one of their mouths that made me realise these were quitters from the badminton team last episode.
There was something really silly about how Yu chucked the packet and didn’t get it in. She’s not really made for badminton smashes, is she?
Interesting use of a chalk style for a flashback.
Tachibana is clearly trash talking Nagisa to get on her nerves. It’ll mess up her judgement…hmm. Machiavellian tactics. I see.
Cross court drive. Just remember this is a link about squash, so substitute out “ball” for “shuttlecock”.
Just for reference, here’s a guide to a jump smash. It’s a difficult offensive move, so it’s perfect for Nagisa, who works hard to achieve her level of skill.
The picture of the embarrased guy (one of the ED photos) is pretty funny. He’s kind of cute, to boot, haha. Update: I’m not sure if that’s Nagisa or one of the boys...if it was Nagisa...oops.
The ED’s artstyle reminds me of Grimgar. That’s a compliment.
The feather imagery is because hane can mean “feather” or “wing”.
Holmes of Kyoto 1
This one could either be good…or bad like a bunch of other seasonals. Let’s find out…
They’re a bit heavy-handed with the “tell, don’t show”, but that flashback was integrated well.
The actual Holmes is known for occasionally trying to get Watson to try and do some deducing of his own (such as how there was a character early on who’d been overseas – I think he was in a war or something - and Watson was able to deduce that from looking at him, that was how he was able to introduce himself as a doctor IIRC), so having Yagashira (I think that was his name from the promo material) try to get Aoi to look at antiques is a good analogy. Detective Conan also had some of those moments, so this almost feels nostalgic…Update: The thing I was alluding to was how Holmes deduced Watson had been to “the Afghanistan” (sic) in A Study in Scarlet, but that doesn’t match what I’m thinking of.
Welp, this certainly ain’t a show where you’re meant to deduce it along with the detective. They didn’t even have the man mention to the audience he’d come from Osaka…
“[G]ot my goat”? They sure are making some slang out of the Kyoto dialect, huh? Update: I don’t recognise the line that Kiyotaka uses, meaning it might really be Kyoto dialect. (Just for your confirmation.)
Salt…? What is this, an exorcism?
The Japanese word for “boiled egg seasoning” seems to have the word for “salt” in it, which explains what’s going on.
Okay, lemme try and guess how Holmes got those deductions: “You’re a student at Ohki High School.” – the uniform…?/”You originally came from east Japan.” – dialect/”It’s been about 6 months since you moved to Kyoto.” - the time of acclimatisation between getting used to Kyoto or not, or maybe her clothes…?/”You came to this shop because there’s something you want appraised, but it’s not something that belongs to you.” – how she’s holding that bag and has been too hesitant to approach Holmes – if she owned it, she would be less careful with it. Either that, or he can see into the bag. Update: I originally guessed “time of acclimatisation” for the 6 months section, but switched it out before learning that was the correct answer, so I’ve got it in bold there. I did get that thing about hesitance right though, so it’s in italics.
Wait…”when you think of ‘Aoi’”…? Aoi is a type of flower, right? Update: I was right. Aoi is the Japanese name of hollyhock, and turns out there’s a festival named for it celebrated by the shrine Holmes mentions! I’m completely useless against Detective Conan cases, but I can actually guess some of this stuff! Yay me!
H-How old is Holmes…? Stab in the dark says “24”, but lessee…Okay, he’s 22. Close enough.
“Holmes doesn’t speak with an accent. I wonder where he’s from?” – Dangit, I was wondering that too. They got Kaito Ishikawa to voice him, and that guy doesn’t have a Kyoto accent (I know from listening to him when I was trying to guess the clues earlier). Lessee…he has parents who come from Tokyo?
Hakuin Ekaku…is a real dude. Update: Zenga.
Are train tickets really that expensive…?
Oh dear…have I ever seen a grandpa lust after girls of 16??? Don’t think so.
“Us Kyoto boys…are awful nasty.” – *clutches chest in mock pain* Ahhhh! My poor kokoro!
I know I’ll probably regret just watching for the bishie and the guessing game I can make out of this, but…okay, that’s another potential keeper. If it gets any worse on the guessing game front though, it might have to go into the drop pile though.
Phantom in the Twilight 1
This is the last debut before “Dude of Red: Red Guy” (or whatever Moe Sucks called Lord of Vermilion)…hopefully it’ll be good!
Is it just me or are these guys’ eyes creepy...? Also, this is not Rokuhoudou. It’s blatantly trying to be Rokuhoudou…I miss Tokitaka already…*sigh*
I like how the girl’s wearing shorts. Unfortunately, they’re those booty shorts that seem to be all the rage these days instead of something more modest, but hey, what can you do? *shrug* Shorts are comfy and easy to wear, as they say.
Okay, if blind guy isn’t a jiangshi I’m going to love this show a lot more. But seriously, if this is going to be the second coming of Anime Twilight, then I’m out of here…
There’s one dude in the OP that looks like he walked out of Joker Game…but with altered eyebrows! What the heck?!
Is it just me, or did they not sub the titlecard?
Is it just me, or is the yuri being hammered on too strongly here?
The Chinese restaurant’s sign says something…about a small lobster?
Sha Rijan…Shinyao…Oh no, don’t tell me! I’m watching a Chinese coproduction?! Well, at least the girl is mighty relatable. She only seems part Chinese.
Luke reminds me of Impey from Code:Realise. Not that it bothers me, it’s just that Van Helsing was my favourite from that.
Huh? Didn’t Shinyao say all their money was inside the luggage? Ton probably had some money on her for that taxi, but still…Update: Could be Uber or just paying by credit/debit card but they never say.
Why are these three dudes like a military squad, anyway? It’s a tad unsettling…
Two of the characters Ton’s written on the board in the ED are jiayou, which is pretty much Chinese’s equivalent to ganbaru.
Shinyao and Ton go back a long way, huh?
What’s up with the chibis? They remind me of the Winx Club or Bratz or something…or even worse, the puppet show from Asobi Asobase! Actually, no, they remind me of one of those online dress-up games more…I’m cringing, man.
Well, that seemed a little misfired but otherwise up my alley! The boys may not be as hot as I’d hoped, but still, the show is otherwise quite fabulous.
Update: Music Girls is performing pretty terribly against these other shows, so that’s on hold.
0 notes