#that dirty rowdy rascal
epicqtefail · 10 months
the music when you run with Alice still gives me goosebumps
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lurxof--thxmaw · 1 year
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Five is a rowdy little girl. There is a reason why she her mask is called "Rascal". She has no problem getting dirty, jumping in mud and getting into fights. The latter is only reserved for occasions where it's absolutely necessary - she'd rather be smart when it comes to her own safety - but she really makes no reservations when it is. Biting, scratching, kicking, hair pulling and sometimes even spitting; everything is fair game. She would rather have the element of surprise; attack when her enemy least expects it.
One would think she'd outgrow these behaviors... but you'd be surprised.
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alolowrites · 4 years
Need A Hand?
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Summary: Toshinori thought visiting the park would bring him some peace of mind. Instead, he ends up chasing after your dog who stole his bony hand.  
Author’s Note: So I’ve been listening to the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack on Spotify and BAM got a story idea. It’s also been a while since I wrote something for Toshinori so yay!! (My fave pro hero :D)
Please enjoy!
Word Count: 943
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“Get back here!”
Today was not Toshinori’s day.
After an awful day at work, he visited the park to feed the crows—his favorite pastime. Dead grass plagued the endless acres of land. Wilted flowers moped until their weak stems broke under the immense sadness. And black trees stretched their thin branches into million directions. The park was a hideous sight, an eyesore even. Yet, it was loved by all in this strange and mystical place known as Halloween Town.
Contrary to belief, not everyone was vicious or mean. But the young and rowdy troublemakers wreaked havoc around town. They played nasty pranks all year round and did it with devious smiles. No one was safe from their pesky hands, including Toshinori, who learned the hard way.
A young, stout boy with spiky horns snuck out the bushes like a sneaky cat. Pudgy fingers poured gooey spider silk on the bench. Without looking, Toshinori foolishly rested his hand on top of the sticky substance. He tugged with all his strength, but the silk was tougher than steel. His blue eyes glared at the cackling boy scurrying away.
But that wasn’t the worst part.
For you see, the skeleton man tugged and tugged until pop! He roughly fell on his bottom while his right hand soared high in the air. It landed near the crows, spooking them to the bare trees. The world spun as he sat up but squinted when a tiny spirit dog sniffed his bony hand. The dog happily snatched it like a prized toy and flew away.
“Hey! Get back here!”
And so Toshinori chased after the dog all through the park. Even with lanky legs that ran for miles, the man struggled to catch up to the pint-sized animal. It weaved through the other monsters without fuss, white ears flopping behind him. Meanwhile, Toshinori’s steps fumbled as he ungracefully squirmed through the annoyed crowd. He sputtered an endless chorus of apologies over his shoulders.
There was no time to stop—not when he was trying to get his hand back.
Toshinori gasped when he faced forward and skittered to an abrupt stop. His black shoes dug themselves into the spongy grass, breathing a small sigh of relief. He narrowly avoided crashing into—oh my, Toshinori’s ribs tightened when his eyes finally land on you.
Stitches traveled everywhere from the tip of your forehead to the depths of your ankles. They were like beautiful vines climbing up on the trees. Toshinori almost didn’t notice the colorful patchwork dress you wore. It looked soft and fit you like a glove. He could admire you for eternity if it wasn’t for the ghost dog he needed to find.
Said dog’s head peeked from behind you.
“My hand!”  
“Huh?” you looked back and scolded, “Sho! Bad dog! You don’t go stealing someone’s hand like that. Give it here.”
The dog whined but obeyed. His ears drooped in shame as you took the hand covered in drool. You quickly wiped it with your dress, making Toshinori’s mouth drop. He couldn’t believe you would risk dirtying your lovely clothes for his measly hand. The whole ordeal probably made his right fingers twitch.
You stared at him and softly smiled, “Need a hand?”
“I-I, uh,” Toshinori stood up to his towering height, embarrassingly coughing into his other hand. You craned your neck while fighting back a chuckle. He was so shy for a man of this massive size. Toshinori grabbed the right hand and placed it back on him. “Thank you. I’m sorry if I caused any trouble.”
“Please, if anyone should be apologizing, it should be me,” you gently pat your dog’s head. He barked and wagged his tail. “This is not the first time Sho has taken things that are not his. But I hope he didn’t yank your hand out!”
“Oh, he didn’t do that,” Toshinori frantically waved away your worries. The awful memory slipped into his mind, and the skeleton man frowned. “It was one of those troublemakers. My hand was stuck on some spider silk.”
“Those little rascals, living up to their name, I see.”
“It seems so.”
“Speaking of names,” you extended your hand for a polite shake. Toshinori blinked as his fingers wrapped perfectly around your warm grip. Your skin was soft and squishy, unlike his bony palm. He never wanted to let go. When you shared your name, Toshinori became excited—it embodied everything about you, especially your lovely face.
Then it was his turn: “I’m Toshinori Yagi!”
He winced at how eager his tone sounded. Now he truly wished for some spider silk to glue his mouth shut. You laughed, but it wasn’t malicious. The stitches near your mouth stretched without breaking apart. Toshinori relaxed while rubbing the back of his neck. After clearing his throat, he said, “Sorry about that.”
“It’s alright,” you grinned, pulling your hand away ever so slowly. Out of all the things Sho stole, this certainly took the cake. Fortunately for you, Toshinori was a sweet gentleman with the purest blue eyes you’ve seen. They were like shiny gemstones whose beauty overshadowed the bright full moon. And they reeled you in almost instantly—
The enchanting spell broke. Sho circled around you, nudging his pumpkin nose for good measure. You rolled your eyes and flashed Toshinori an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. Sho here is a little needy and wants food.”
He bowed his head. “O-oh, of course!”
“Let’s hope Sho doesn’t steal another hand from you.”
Sho could steal his arm, leg, or any other part of his skeleton body. Except for his imaginary heart—that was personally stolen by you today.
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Thank you for reading!
Spooky Season 2020 Masterlist 
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g-a-y-b-a-c-o-n · 4 years
I have a proposition. Dogs go absolutely crazy after a bath, is this true for wolf witchers too?
I’m just imagining Jaskier finishing cleaning up Geralt in a stream and the moment he turns away to grab something Geralt’s OFF. Just running around and probably getting dirty again in the process.
Eskel’s definitely the type to not like smelling like nothing and just going into his room to rub his things all over himself like clothes and blankets.
Lamberts the type to just get rowdy. Fucking go haywire. Absolute rascal. Just bursting of energy.
Also, to add onto this, Wolf Witchers shake themselves off if they’re wet or covered in something.
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slashermom · 5 years
Hey not sure how full your requests are so feel free to ignore or take your time, but I wondering if we could maybe get HCs on Vincent reuniting w/ someone from his childhood, like one of the only kids who was actually ever nice to him. And maybe now that they’re all grown up he has a crush uwu??? Thank you!!!
Ah childhood friends... my weakness (Nothing scary under the cut just didn’t wanna clog up your dash! Merry Christmas Eve!)
You lived in one of the apartments near the main stretch and would always go to the Sinclair’s to play.
Let’s make this clear, Vincent definitely had the biggest crush on you and would get teased by Bo about it all the time.
You were the balance between the twins before Lester came around.
Your ability to keep up with Bo’s rough and tough nature but tone it back when it came to hanging out with Vincent was key on making the most of your adventures with them.
From the beginning, you and Vince always seemed to flow well together. You kept him on his toes and he kept you anchored.
Besides his mother, Vincent only showed his drawings to you. You were the only one who seemed to appreciate them. Plus he wanted to impress you.
Pinky promises were a big thing between you guys.
That’s how you got him to take off his mask in the first place. You had seen glances of his face when he’s getting ready to go out the door. (His mom liked to see his face when he was home.) But never truly seen what all the fuss was about.
You pinky promised that you wouldn’t laugh or get scared if he took his mask off and you always made good on your pinky promises so he felt confident enough to show you.
“It’s not even that bad, you really don’t even need a mask. You can take it off whenever you want around me, I won’t judge you. Pinky promise!”
So from that moment on, he would take off his mask when it was just you two. He didn’t think his face was something to be happy about but it made you happy when he took it off and he so desperately wanted to make you happy.
You two used to talk about how when you were old enough you were gonna help him run the House of Wax.
Him the great artist and you the lovely manager and tour guide.
But these dreams were left to rot after Trudy and Victor died.
The last time Vincent saw you was when he caught a glimpse of you running up the hill to his house right before he was shoved into the back of a car headed to the orphanage.
Looking out the back window he saw you yelling at someone to tell you what happened. Trying to push past two men and get to Lester who was trying to reach out to Bo who was putting up a hell of a fight.
He never got to see if you managed to reach one of his brothers before the car pulled away and left his home town.
Vincent thought about you a lot when he was in the system. About how when he finally left this place and went home how happy he would be to see you and vice versa.
You were one of the things that got him through those dark times.
So you can only imagine the sadness and heartbreak when he came back to Ambrose and ran up the steps of your apartment to find it had been abandon for years.
As the years dragged on Vincent had questions.
Where had you gone? Who was with you? Were you happy? Did you miss him? Did you even think about him?
All questions he thought that would never be answered untill a new visitor pulled into town.
Bo had yelled at him from the top of the basement steps to ‘haul ass’ and Vincent flew up the steps fully expecting another group of rowdy tourists.
But instead was surprised to see an unfamiliar figure looking at old pictures. Well, unfamiliar until you turned around at the sound of creaking floorboards.
You two recognized each other almost instantly. He knew those eyes like the back of his hand.
It was like seeing a ghost. Your breath caught in your throat and heart stuttering in your chest as your face broke out into a ginormous smile. It wasn’t long before you broke the distance.
You used to be about the same height as him when you were kids but even with the very apparent height difference now you still gave the same protective and loving hugs.
Vincent was quick to squeeze back. Afraid if he let go too soon you would vanish into thin air and he would be stuck wondering what happened to you again. He won’t go through that again.
After the very long overdue hug that Vincent is pretty sure restored his life source, Bo had chimed in that you should stay for a drink.
So there the three of you were, sitting in the kitchen reminiscing about your childhood days. You had your legs stretched out under the table across Vincent’s lap as you laughed at something Bo said.
Vincent couldn’t say he was really listening. His focus was still caught on the fact that you’re really here. The more and more he looked at you he could tell you hadn’t changed a single bit.
The same kind ways, the vivacious laugh, your quirks, all the things that made up you when you were a kid still shone through.
Vincent brought his hands off the table where he had them placed nervously to rest them on the legs spread across his lap. Rubbing up and down the expanse with his thumb.
You didn’t seem to mind so he continued. You were always leaning on him back then so his actions were practically muscle memory.
The air was light-hearted and familiar until the sound of a truck pulling up sent Bo into a frenzy to get to the window.
Wondering what his problem was, you looked at Vincent with raised eyebrows. He only shrugged and continued to stare at you from behind his mask.
You began wondering how much he looked like Bo. Wondering if he’d be willing to leave the mask behind as he did back then.
Your thoughts were cut short by the sound of the front door opening and a scruffy looking young man walking in; which you recognized as Lester immediately.
Scrambling to get up and hug the dirty rascal you removed yourself from Vincent’s space and rushed up to Lester. Almost instantly, Vincent missed your warmth and weight.
After that little reunion, you all sat back down and began talking again. Only this time you didn’t have your legs on Vincent and he was stuck wondering how to get close to you once again without looking desperate.
You had explained to the boys that you moved shortly after they had left. Many people left Ambrose after Trudy and Victor died. The town really wasn’t much without the wax museum running. Which explains why when the Sinclairs returned it was slim pickings for new wax figures.
You also explained that you were only stopping into town as a goodbye. You were getting ready for a big move to a new job and wanted to get one last look at the place. The boys were the last people you were expecting to see.
The brothers all shared a look as you talked about leaving Ambrose. You had only just got here, you weren’t about to leave so soon.
Bo began breaking out the hard stuff in hopes you wouldn’t pass him up. Knowing it he got you drunk enough you at least wouldn’t make the drive tonight.
He was right, and a few hours later you were crashed on the couch with an old blanket.
Bo left the house and went down to your car to make sure it wasn’t going to be going anywhere anytime soon and Lester went home for some much-needed rest. Leaving Vincent to observe you all over again.
He couldn’t describe the feeling he got when he looked at you. Nostalgia? Safety? Love? Maybe it was all of them but what he did know is that he hadn’t felt these things in a very long time.
The three of them had come up the astonishing lie that they were turning Ambrose into a complete tourist attraction; that they were taking Trudy’s dream one step further.
Which it wasn’t a total lie... But it wasn’t the total truth either. It was just something to keep you unsuspecting of all the wax figures scattered around town.
You would stay with the Sinclairs for the next few days while your car was being ‘repaired’. Within those few days, Vincent felt himself grow attached to you all over again.
Everything he did he thought of you. Maybe you would like to join him and Jonesy for a walk or check out some of his smaller pieces of art? Truth be told, he just wanted to make up for lost time but didn’t want to annoy you.
Vincent was actually surprised when you came into the House of Wax looking for him. You began reminiscing about how you used to play in here even though you were chastised not to every time. You even brought up how you two used to think you were gonna run this place together.
We could, Vincent thought to himself. You’re here now, what’s stopping us?
“You know you don’t have the wear that thing around me. You never had to... Will you take it off for me? I won’t look at you any different just because you grew up. Pinky promise.”
His mind was no longer sending out actions. He just stood there looking at your outstretched pinky astonished. After a couple of deep breaths and some nervous shuffling of feet, he reached up and removed the mask.
You sighed happily at see how he grew into a handsome young man. You wondered if he knew that he was beautiful.
“There’s my Vincent.”
Yours he truly was because in the few days since you had returned his childhood crush on you had returned in full force.
Anything you wanted, he’ll give to you. Just please, stay here with him. Don’t leave again. He’s had enough of loosing people and things being out of his control. He has an opportunity to make you stay and he’ll do what he must to keep you in Ambrose.
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beansonbread2 · 4 years
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2019 > Self Esteem - ‘Compliments Please’ (see full list HERE)
2018 > Kero Kero Bonito - ‘Time ‘n’ Place’ (see full list HERE)
2017 > Richard Dawson - ‘Peasant’ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Blood Orange - ‘Freetown Sound’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Holly Herndon - ‘Platform’ (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs - ‘LP1′ (see full list HERE)
2013 > These New Puritans - ‘Field Of Reeds’ (see full list HERE)
2012 > Django Django - ‘Django Django’ (see full list HERE)
2011 > Shabazz Palaces - ‘Black Up’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > These New Puritans - ‘Hidden’ (see full list HERE)
2009 > Animal Collective - ‘Merriweather Post Pavilion’ (see full list HERE)
2008 > Wild Beasts - ‘Limbo, Panto’ (see full list HERE)
2007 > Animal Collective - ‘Strawberry Jam’ (see full list HERE)
2006 > Safetyword - ‘Man’s Name Is Legion’ (see full list HERE)
2005 > Animal Collective - ‘Feels’ (see full list HERE)
2004 > Devendra Banhart - ‘Rejoicing In The Hands’ / ‘Nino Rojo’
2003 > Dizzee Rascal - ‘Boy In Da Corner’
2002 > The Streets - ‘Original Pirate Material’
2001 > The Beta Band - ‘Hot Shots II’
2000 > Outkast - ‘Stankonia’
1999 > The Beta Band - ‘The Beta Band’
1998 > The Beta Band - ‘The Three EPs’
1997 > Radiohead - ‘OK Computer’
1996 > Beck - ‘Odelay’
THE RULES - No Re-issues, Live Albums, Compilations, or EPs.
SPECIAL MENTIONS for these collections
Bulbils (Richard Dawson & Sally Pilkington) - 50 lockdown albums
Dean Blunt ‘Roaches 2012-2019’
These New Puritans ‘The Cut (2016-2019)’  
Hudson Mohawke ‘B.B.H.E.’ & ‘Poom Gems’
Various Artists ‘Paul Institute - Summer 2020’
Various Artists ‘Return To Y’Hup - The World Of Ivor Cutler’
WORTH A MENTION (in no order) - A bunch of albums i enjoyed but didn’t quite make the final lists and others i just didn’t hear enough to be considered properly.  A list for future me to revisit.
Still House Plants / Fire-Toolz / Lomelda / Jerskin Fendrix / Zebra Katz / The Bug / Lorenzo Senni / Diamond Soul / Wilma Archer / Black Dresses / The Fantasy Orchestra / William Carkeet / Bonny Light Horseman / KA / Yung Lean / BlackPink / Rural Internet / Okay Kaya / Future / Belan / Tame Impala / Banoffee / JARV IS / Grimes / Whitmer Thomas / Jeff Parker / The Massacre Cave / Porridge Radio / Selena Gomez / Teyana Taylor / Sparkle Division / Cecile Believe / Lyra Pramuk / Waxahatchee / Happyness / Khruangbin / Bananagun / OHMME / Drakeo The Ruler / Missterspoon / Juice WRLD / Lonnie Holley / Jiafeng / October Drift / Roisin Murphy / KeiyaA / Dizzee Rascal / Salem / Tiña / The Weeknd / Aaron Cartier / Dana Gavanski / A.R. Pinewood / The Cool Greenhouse / Royce Da 5’9’’ / Rachel Aggs / Karl Band / Four Tet / Georgia / Sonic Boom / Kali Uchis / Luis Pestana / Salac / David A Jaycock / Klein / Temple After Faith / Roman Noseband / Dylan Henner / G.S. Sultan / Hinds / Jess Williamson / Coby Sey / Randolph’s Leap / Matthew D. Gantt / Stephen Kerrison / Katie Gately / Snails / Juniore / Good Dog / Lil B / Kamaiyah / Ryuichi Sakamoto / The Big Moon / Zoe Mc Pherson / Holy Fuck / Ovrkast / Reol / Andy Shauf / Ethan Gruska / Poliça / D Smoke / Sign Libra / Chara & YUKI / Wiley / Bad Bunny / Shirley Collins / Jordana / Gaika / DJ Python / North Americans / Michael / Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith / Lido Pimienta / Everything Is Recorded / Lwesberg / Sufjan Stevens & Lowell Brams / Rhodri Davies / LA Priest / Ian William Craig / Flohio / Irreversible Entanglements / Islet / Westside Gunn / Empress Of / NNamdi / Warm Digits / Baxter Dury / Kehiani / Eels / Emmy The Great / Owen Pallett / Elysia Crampton / The Beths / Julianna Barwick / Liv.E / Jimothy Lacoste / Ben Frost / J Hus / Sylvan Esso / Haiku Hands / Ariana Grande / Jean Dawson / Food House / Nuala Honan / Helena Deland / Boldly James / Headie One / Oliver Coates / Lowkey-E / Bree Runway / Warren Ellis / Boldy James & The Alchemist / Young Knives /  Little Dragon / The Garden / Melt Yourself Down / Quakers / Kamasi Washington / Mogwai / Gil Scott-Heron & Makaya McCraven / Eyeliner / ‘The Whalebone Box’ OST / Special Interest / Teyana Taylor / Nadine Shah / Tricky / Moor Mother / Nick Storring
2020 RUNNERS UP (in no order)
William Basinski ‘Lamentations’
Hook ‘Crashed My Car’
Vic Berger IV ‘Late Enough To See The Moon’
Nines ‘Crabs In A Bucket’
My Morning Jacket ‘The Waterfall II’
Firestations ‘Dream Home’
Moses Boyd ‘Dark Matter’
Dick Dent ‘Life’s Hard’
Nicholas Stevenson ‘Dead Arm, Vol.2’
Otto ‘Clam Day’
Pa Salieu ‘Send Them To Coventry’
Undermedvetenheten ‘Undermedvetenheten’
Martha Ffion ‘Nights To Forget’
Adrianne Lenker ‘Songs’
Happy Spendy ‘You’re Doing Okay’
Mark Korven ‘The Lighthouse’ OST
21 Savage and Metro Boomin ‘Savage Mode II’
Yorkston/Thorne/Khan ‘Navarasa’
Three Queens In The Mourning & Bonnie Prince Billy ‘Hello Sorrow / Hello Joy’
Shopping ‘All Or Nothing’
Megan Thee Stallion ‘Good News’
Obongjayer ‘Which Way Is Forward?’
Mush ‘3D Routine’
Geoff Barrow, Ben Salisbury & The Insects ‘Devs’ OST
Luke Abbott ‘Translate’
Spinning Coin ‘Hyacinth’
Princess Nokia ‘Everything Sucks’
Fleet Foxes ‘Shore’
Julia Holter ‘Never Rarely Sometimes Always’ OST
Sufjan Stevens ‘The Ascension’
Nicolas Jaar ‘Cenizas’
Pottery ‘Welcome To Bobby’s Motel’
Jessie Ware ‘What’s Your Pleasure?’
Jung Jae II ‘Parasite’ OST
Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist ‘Alfredo’
Doves ‘The Universal Want’
Brigid Mae Power ‘Head Above The Water’
Bab L’ Bluz ‘Nayda!’
James Yorkston ‘That Summer, We Flew’
Oklou ‘Galore’
Angel Olsen ‘Whole New Mess’
The Lemon Twigs ‘Songs For The General Public’
Marie Davidson & L’Œil Nu ‘Renegade Breakdown’
Gupi ‘None’
Alexia Avina ‘Unearth’
John Bence ‘Love’
Colin Stetson ‘Color Out Of Space’ OST
King Krule ‘Man Alive!’
Against All Logic ‘2017-2019’
Willie J Healey ‘Twin Heavy’
Jam City ‘Pillowland’
MXLX ‘Maximum Amounts Of Extremely Fucking Yes (Vol.1)’
80. Poppy ‘I Disagree’ 79. ThisisDA ‘Mud Hype’ 78. Fenne Lily ‘BREACH’ 77. Gorillaz ‘Song Machine’ 76. Soccer Mommy ‘Color Theory’ 75. 1995 Epilepsy ‘1995 Epilepsy’ 74. Jabu ‘Sweet Company’ 73. Actress ‘Karma & Desire’ + ‘88’ 72. Chloe x Halle ‘Ungodly Hour’ 71. Dirty Projectors ‘5EPs’
70. Beatrice Dillon ‘Walkaround’ 69. Matmos ‘The Consuming Flame: Open Exercises In Group Form’ 68. Blanck Mass ‘Calm With Horses’ OST 67. Eartheater ‘Phoenix: flames Are Dew Upon My Skin’ 66. Sega Bodega ‘Salvador’  65. Savage Mansion ‘Weird Country’ 64. Kelly Lee Owens ‘Inner Song’ 63. Daniel Blumberg ‘On&On’  62. Clementine March ‘Le Continent’ 61. HAIM ‘Women In Music Pt.III’
60. Dua Lipa ‘Future Nostalgia’ 59. Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs ‘Viscerals’ 58. Darkstar ‘Civic Jams’ 57. Lil Uzi Vert ‘Eternal Atake’ 56. This Is The Kit ‘Off Off On’ 55. Shabazz Palaces ‘The Don Of Diamond Dreams’ 54. Princess Nokia ‘Everything Is Beautiful’ 53. The Orielles ‘Disco Volador’ 52. Oro Swimming Hour ‘Pteradactyl’ 51. MXLX ‘Serpent’
50. Dan Deacon ‘Mystic Familiar’
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49. Jay Electronica ‘A Written Testimony’
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48. Fiona Apple ‘Fetch The Bolt Cutters’
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47. Galen Tipton ‘Ungoliant’
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46. Knife Liibrary ‘MARKS: Songs For Those I Have Killed’
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45. Deerhoof ‘Future Teenage Cave Artists’
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44. Caribou ‘Suddenly’
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43. Working Men’s Club ‘Working Men’s Club’
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42. Seamus Fogarty ‘A Bag Of Eyes’
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41. Field Music ‘Making A New World’
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40. Cornershop ‘England Is A Garden’
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39. Lambchop ‘Trip’
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38. Katy J Pearson ‘Return’
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37. Amaarae ‘The Angel You Don’t Know’
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36. James Ferraro ‘Neurogeist’
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35. Hen Ogledd ‘Free Humans’
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34. Spectres ‘It’s Never Going To Happen And This Is Why’
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33. Laura Marling ‘Song For Our Daughter’
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32. Bill Callahan ‘Gold Record’
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31. Bob Dylan ‘Rough And Rowdy Ways’
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30. A.G. Cook ‘7G’
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29. Good Sad Happy Bad ‘Shades’
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28. SAULT ‘Untitled (Black Is)’
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27. Run The Jewels ‘RTJ4’
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26. Clipping ‘Visions Of Bodies Being Burned’
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25. Thundercat ‘It Is What It Is’
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24. Pictish Trail ‘Thumb World’
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23. Jessy Lanza ‘All The Time’
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22. Yves Tumor ‘Heaven To A Tortured Mind’
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21. Sorry ‘925’
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20. Yaeji ‘What We Drew’
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19. A.G. Cook ‘Apple’
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18. Wesley Gonzalez ‘Appalling Human’
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17. Pet Shimmers ‘Face Down In Meta’ & ‘Trash Earthers’
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16. Arca ‘KiCK i’
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15. 100 Gecs ‘1000 Gecs And The Tree Of Clues’
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14. Tara Clerkin Trio ‘Tara Clerkin Trio’
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13. Richard Dawson ‘Republic Of Geordieland’
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12. Phoebe Bridgers ‘Punisher’
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11. Perfume Genius ‘Set My Heart On Fire Immediately’
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10. Charli XCX ‘How I’m Feeling Now’
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9. Rina Sawayama ‘SAWAYAMA’
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8. Dorian Electra ‘My Agenda’
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7. Alabaster DePlume ‘To Cy & Lee: Instrumentals Vol.1’
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6. SAULT ‘Untitled (Rise)’
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5. Tim Heidecker ‘Fear Of Death’
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4. Moses Sumney ‘græ’
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3. Oneohtrix Point Never ‘Magic Oneohtrix Point Never’
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2. Crack Cloud ‘Pain Olympics’
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1. The Flaming Lips ‘American Head’
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Could you do a ' Bring a kid to gang day ' headcanon or scenario with either Rappas mean child or Deidoros smol lazy bby?
Oh God, I've started a chain and I absolutely love it! (This is continuing in tha Kaishi Au) ^_^
~Bring your Child to Gang Day Pt3~
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Overhaul had given everyone an easy day today supposedly. Today was more of a group business type of day when they balanced the funds and took care of business as if they were being audited. That's it! No dangerous missions, no guarding, no boring meetings, just a chill day. So because of this, Rappa and Deidoro (who decided to carpool to work) decided to give their wives/husbands/partners a break and take their kid to work today. Easy peasy right? I mean, the kids could hang out with each other and the men could get work done! At least they figured it would be easy, but the situation got rough as soon as they got in the car together...
[For this, I hadn't given them headcanon kid names so I'm going to do so now.]
"Hey! It's Deidara!!!" Rappa's all too excited daughter shouted as Deidoro began to strap his tired son into the seat next to her. "Keiko please stop yelling. You're hurting my ears." Deidara complained. Keiko just stuck her tongue out at him and pouted. "Daddy, can we stop and get snacks!?" She asked as Rappa started the car. "Hell no kid!" He laughed at her. "Besides, we're already almost there so hang on till then." Keiko laughed and nodded her head in agreement. She then turned to Deidoro's son and punched his leg. "Ouch, Keiko! What was that for!?" He whined as he rubbed the spot where she punched. "I was just making sure you were still awake." She shrugged at him. "But my eyes were ALREADY OPEN!" Deidara complained, making his father groan from the front passenger seat.
"Both of you rascals shut up. It's too early right now." Deidoro rubbed his temples. "I'm too sober for this." He said quietly enough for just Rappa to hear. Rappa chuckled as they pulled up to the base and parked the car on the side street. Making it inside quietly enough to not wake Kaishi, Pops, or Overhauls partner, the 4 made their way to the lower grounds of the base. "Now listen up eh?" Rappa leaned down and gently placed his large hand on his daughter's head. "I need you and Deidara to both be good for your daddies. That means, no causing a riot...unless someone else starts it first." Rappa winked while he ruffled her hair. She giggled and wrapped her tiny arms around his neck to hug him. "Okay daddy!" With that, Deidoro and Rappa just left to work and let their kids be alone. The two of them figured there wasn't much trouble those two could get into at the base. Deidoro's son wasn't an issue...it was Rappa's rowdy little seed that was the wild card!
"C'mon Dei, I just wanna seeee." Keiko whined as she put all of her weight into trying to pull Deidara to the surface area above the base where the regular house was. "Don't you think he'll be fun to meet?" She tried to reason with him. "Keiko no, I don't want to. Also, you're pulling too hard and you're hurting me! I just wanna take a nap while daddy works. And besides, what if we get in trouble?" Deidara whined. Keiko scoffed and turned to look at him with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Can't get in trouble if we don't get caught." She winked. Deidara sighed and gave up, letting Keiko effectively pull him to the surface level of the house.
"I suppose it's around that time that I have to get it done. I think perhaps I'll just get the mail and have it sorted first. Then I'll come up with a reasonable route for the current issue." Overhaul explained some business to Chrono and Mimic before standing from his desk. "Besides, I need to check on the brat before I bring the mail back down here. He's off from school today and I figured he must be giving my angel a tough time right now." With that, Overhaul went to the surface. He stopped dead in his tracks when he went to Kaishi's room to see them.
Three brats in Kaishi's room instead of one. The small dark haired boy passed out (possibly dead as Kai thought) on his son's now messy bed. Toilet paper strung everywhere! Crayon drawings all over the nice walls. A little girl hollering and screaming while repeatedly punching the everloving shit out of his son's now damaged pillow. Kaishi giggling and rolling around on the dirty ass floor. "Hell no. No NO AND NO. All of you get up and out!"
It's safe to say that Kai probably banned the two of them from coming back for at least a month or two. Kaishi is also grounded and on clean up duty until the walls are spotless.
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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mysunfreckle · 6 years
Wait what’s the Claquesous theory? I know who he is but I’ve never heard him mentioned in the context of the Le Cabuc thing before
Oh dear,coming to me for dark theories based on canon material is certainly a bit outof my comfort zone, but I will do my best!
Basically,Hugo himself puts forth the theory that Claquesous, one fourth of the core ofPatron-Minette, and Le Cabuc, the murderer Enjolras executes at the barricade,are actually the same person. It’s never stated with absolute certainty in thebook, it’s just said that the policethink he is, and there are a lot of strange facts about the two characters thatmake it very plausible.
I mostlystay away from canon era, not surprising for someone who likes thePatron-Minette, but I do appreciate this bit of canon compliant intrigue so inthe name of procrastinating my homework, let’s lay out the evidence~
(I usedthe Hapgood translation for this, but I’ve never gotten the hang of the properBrick reference system, sorry.)
When Claquesousis introduced the principle information we get is this:
“No one wassure whether he had a name, Claquesous being a sobriquet; none was sure that hehad a voice, as his stomach spoke more frequently than his voice; no one wassure that he had a face, as he was never seen without his mask. He disappearedas though he had vanished into thin air; when he appeared, it was as though hesprang from the earth.” (Book 7, Ch 3)
So, he is alet’s say eccentric criminal who “governed the third lower floor of Paris,from 1830 to 1835” with his three comrades, helps Thénardier in his endeavours,and has vanished into thin air by the end of the book. I could not find asingle instance in which he actually speaks on the page, Babet and Montparnassedo most of the talking in Patron-Minette, whenever Thénardier sees fit tofinally shut up that is.
But then,we have Le Cabuc, who is introduced in the very chapter title: “Chapter VIII ManyInterrogation Points With Regard To A Certain Le Cabuc Whose Name May Not HaveBeen Le Cabuc”. He is described as “a passer-by who had joined the rabble ledby Enjolras, Combeferre and Courfeyrac”, is dressed like a shabby street porterand is very loud and animated, giving him the look of “a drunken savage”. Hugo thenadds to this description:
“This man, whose name or nickname was LeCabuc, and who was, moreover, an utter stranger to those who pretended to knowhim, was very drunk, or assumed the appearance of being so”.(Book 12, Ch 8)
It is thentold how he gets the other men around him drunk and then takes up the idea toget into a certain house from which they would have a good view of the wholestreet. When the porter of the house denies him access, Le Cabuc shoots him.For the death of this innocent citizen, Enjolras forces him to his knees, ordershim to think or pray, and executes him. He kicks the corpse aside, three men throwit over the barricade into the street, and that is the end of him. 
BothClaquesous and Le Cabuc therefore, both have questionable names and even morequestionable conduct. It’s not up to us to make the connection between the twothough, Hugo does that himself, he ends the chapter with it:
“Let us sayat once that later on, after the action, when the bodies were taken to themorgue and searched, a police agent’s card was found on Le Cabuc. (…) We willadd, that if we are to believe a tradition of the police, which is strange butprobably well founded, Le Cabuc was Claquesous. The fact is, that dating fromthe death of Le Cabuc, there was no longer any question of Claquesous.Claquesous had nowhere left any trace of his disappearance; he would seem tohave amalgamated himself with the invisible. His life had been all shadows, hisend was night.”
After thisLe Cabuc is never mentioned again and Claquesous merely named as “having disappeared”in a summing up of all Patron-Minette’s associates.
Now, on tothe speculations! Why did Le Cabuc act the way he did and, more importantly forthis theory, why would Claquesous actlike that? It’s possible that Le Cabuc was just a rowdy, drunk, misguidedperson, but the police card on his body seems to imply something else.
After executingLe Cabuc, Enjolras proclaims that he has done this terrible thing because hehad to. He explains: “Assassination is even more of a crime here than elsewhere; we are underthe eyes of the Revolution, we are the priests of the Republic, we are thevictims of duty, and must not be possible to slander our combat.” If they areto fight for freedom they cannot be seen wilfully harming those they arefighting for.
Ifsomeone wanted to cause trouble among the revolutionaries, to turn the surroundingpublic against them perhaps, to stir them up into a chaotic riot instead of anorganised movement, they might well plant someone like Le Cabuc in their midst.And someone like Claquesous might very well take up an appearance like Le Cabuc’sto infiltrate a group like theirs.
Whywould Claquesous do this? Well…
“Thanks totheir ramifications, and to the network underlying their relations, Babet,Gueulemer, Claquesous, and Montparnasse were charged with the general enterpriseof the ambushes of the department of the Seine. The inventors of ideas of thatnature, men with nocturnal imaginations, applied to them to have their ideasexecuted.” (Book 7, Ch 4)
Now, this couldof course refer to other criminals, but…it’s just as likely that these “menwith nocturnal imaginations” are people in high places who want don’t want to gettheir hands dirty, but aren’t above ordering a little forced disappearance herand there. Something that becomes rather more tangible when Claquesous simply vanishes after Javet manages toarrest him:
“[O]ne ofthe principal prisoners, Claquesous, had been lost. It was not known how thishad been effected, the police agents and the sergeants ‘could not understand itat all.’ He had converted himself into vapor, he had slipped through thehandcuffs, he had trickled through the crevices of the carriage, the fiacre wascracked, and he had fled; all that they were able to say was, that on arrivingat the prison, there was no Claquesous. Either the fairies or the police hadhad a hand in it. Had Claquesous melted into the shadows like a snow-flake inwater? Had there been unavowed connivance of the police agents? Did this manbelong to the double enigma of order and disorder? Was he concentric withinfraction and repression? Had this sphinx his fore paws in crime and his hindpaws in authority? Javert did not accept such comminations, and would have bristledup against such compromises; but his squad included other inspectors besideshimself, who were more initiated than he, perhaps, although they were hissubordinates in the secrets of the Prefecture, and Claquesous had been such avillain that he might make a very good agent. It is an excellent thing forruffianism and an admirable thing for the police to be on such intimatejuggling terms with the night. These double-edged rascals do exist. Howeverthat may be, Claquesous had gone astray and was not found again.” (Book 2, Ch 2)
…ouch. (DidI need to use that entire quote in full? Not at all. But it’s my favourite, soof course I did.)
Ipersonally choose to see Le Cabuc as one of Claquesous’ personas, not as his ‘trueidentity’, but either way would work. Linked to all this, is also the possibilitythat Claquesous actually hides his face from his associates because he is infact a police informant, habitually ratting out his friends. But it seems morelikely to me that the whole of Patron-Minette will work for whomever offersthem enough to make it worth their while, and the fact that none of them haveever been caught has a little less to do with their own cleverness and morewith the fact that there are enough influential people around who do not want them to be caught.
Or, ofcourse, Claquesous really is connected to the fair folk. Which is a far morecharming notion and whenever I don’t want to be depressed about the mutualexploitation of political violence, that’s the one I’ll go with.
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realtor10036 · 7 years
Watch Out, White House! Here Comes Barron Trump
Finally! After living alone in the personal quarters of the White House since his inauguration in January, President Donald Trump will be reunited with his family soon.
According to Fox News, a White House senior official has confirmed “President Trump’s wife and their young son will officially be moving into the White House this summer, following the end of the school year.” And, relatively speaking, that’s right around the corner!
While Melania‘s much-delayed, long-awaited arrival in the White House is certainly causing a stir, we think the appearance of Barron, 11, is worthy of attention, too. Why? Because it will mark the first time a young boy has inhabited the White House in over 50 years.
Apparently Barron has already begun mapping out some of the good times he’ll have there. According to the New York Daily News, “Barron has been asking some of his school friends to stay for cool White House sleepovers. He has said to his parents, ‘I hope there are bedrooms for my friends to come visit.’” Fun!
Well, we think the 55,000-square-foot White House, with its 132 rooms, has plenty of space for Barron’s buddies and then some. This means the White House staff should be on their toes.
Because, as any elementary school teacher could tell you, boys do tend to be more rambunctious than girls. And when “home” happens to be the White House—which is filled with $160,000 million worth of artwork and historical artifacts—that could result in some very expensive damage.
As proof, take a look at some of the boys who called the White House home in the past:
John F. Kennedy Jr. was the last little lad to call 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. home, entering the White House with his family in 1961 as an adorable newborn. Later on, he made his presence known as a boisterous toddler. On the rare occasions the little tyke was allowed into the Oval Office, he’d play behind a secret panel in his father’s desk that opened like a small door. (It was the “Resolute Desk,” the same one Trump is using today.) According to the 2000 biography “John F. Kennedy, Jr.,” “there are numerous stories of how President Kennedy might be discussing matters of state with cabinet members of foreign dignitaries when John would unexpectedly pop out from beneath his father’s desk.” Cute, but also potentially catastrophic if some visiting foreign leader had a heart attack as a result, right?
Abraham Lincoln‘s sons, Willie and Tad, were 10 and 7 when they moved into the White House in 1861. And clearly Tad was the troublemaker of the two. To amuse himself, he once herded pet goats through the East Room where Mom was entertaining guests. At another point, he rigged the White House’s “bell” system (used back then to alert staff) to go off all at once.
Even worse were Theodore Roosevelt‘s four boys, who were aged 4 to 14 when they came to the White House in 1901. According to the Washington Post, “Some say the 224-year-old building still shivers from the punishment Roosevelt’s four sons gave it.” For instance, the boys slid down the stairs on kitchen trays. They staged water fights on the roof. The youngest, Quentin, even flung spitballs at a painting of Andrew Jackson (at least he was forced to clean up his own mess and not allowed to see his friends, dubbed the “White House Gang,” for a week).
What will Barron do?
Now to be fair, the oft-besuited Barron seems more reserved than rascally, from what we’ve seen. But just in case he’s more rowdy than he’s let on so far, is there anything the White House can do to “boy-proof” itself?
“As the mom of a same-aged boy whose toilet flooded our two-story house, I can speak to this topic,” says Texas real estate agent Wendy Flynn. “Barron Trump already has more media scrutiny on him than he deserves for a child. He certainly doesn’t need to get any more media attention for damaging a priceless object!”
Her advice?
“Setting boundaries—literal and figurative—is essential,” Flynn says. “Most 11-year-old boys want to please their parents and other authority figures, and they’ll respect those boundaries. Staff at the White House may want to make some areas off-limits to children to ensure priceless items are protected.”
That said, Flynn thinks it’s also important “to give an 11-year-old boy places to explore and investigate, places to get messy and dirty.”
In other words, go ahead and let Barron run around the White House sunroom or Michelle Obama‘s garden, but keep the Oval Office off-limits. It sounds like Melania might have her work cut out for her.
The post Watch Out, White House! Here Comes Barron Trump appeared first on Real Estate News & Advice | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2pJK8mv
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restateagnt17101 · 7 years
Watch Out, White House! Here Comes Barron Trump
Finally! After living alone in the personal quarters of the White House since his inauguration in January, President Donald Trump will be reunited with his family soon.
According to Fox News, a White House senior official has confirmed “President Trump’s wife and their young son will officially be moving into the White House this summer, following the end of the school year.” And, relatively speaking, that’s right around the corner!
While Melania‘s much-delayed, long-awaited arrival in the White House is certainly causing a stir, we think the appearance of Barron, 11, is worthy of attention, too. Why? Because it will mark the first time a young boy has inhabited the White House in over 50 years.
Apparently Barron has already begun mapping out some of the good times he’ll have there. According to the New York Daily News, “Barron has been asking some of his school friends to stay for cool White House sleepovers. He has said to his parents, ‘I hope there are bedrooms for my friends to come visit.’” Fun!
Well, we think the 55,000-square-foot White House, with its 132 rooms, has plenty of space for Barron’s buddies and then some. This means the White House staff should be on their toes.
Because, as any elementary school teacher could tell you, boys do tend to be more rambunctious than girls. And when “home” happens to be the White House—which is filled with $160,000 million worth of artwork and historical artifacts—that could result in some very expensive damage.
As proof, take a look at some of the boys who called the White House home in the past:
John F. Kennedy Jr. was the last little lad to call 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. home, entering the White House with his family in 1961 as an adorable newborn. Later on, he made his presence known as a boisterous toddler. On the rare occasions the little tyke was allowed into the Oval Office, he’d play behind a secret panel in his father’s desk that opened like a small door. (It was the “Resolute Desk,” the same one Trump is using today.) According to the 2000 biography “John F. Kennedy, Jr.,” “there are numerous stories of how President Kennedy might be discussing matters of state with cabinet members of foreign dignitaries when John would unexpectedly pop out from beneath his father’s desk.” Cute, but also potentially catastrophic if some visiting foreign leader had a heart attack as a result, right?
Abraham Lincoln‘s sons, Willie and Tad, were 10 and 7 when they moved into the White House in 1861. And clearly Tad was the troublemaker of the two. To amuse himself, he once herded pet goats through the East Room where Mom was entertaining guests. At another point, he rigged the White House’s “bell” system (used back then to alert staff) to go off all at once.
Even worse were Theodore Roosevelt‘s four boys, who were aged 4 to 14 when they came to the White House in 1901. According to the Washington Post, “Some say the 224-year-old building still shivers from the punishment Roosevelt’s four sons gave it.” For instance, the boys slid down the stairs on kitchen trays. They staged water fights on the roof. The youngest, Quentin, even flung spitballs at a painting of Andrew Jackson (at least he was forced to clean up his own mess and not allowed to see his friends, dubbed the “White House Gang,” for a week).
What will Barron do?
Now to be fair, the oft-besuited Barron seems more reserved than rascally, from what we’ve seen. But just in case he’s more rowdy than he’s let on so far, is there anything the White House can do to “boy-proof” itself?
“As the mom of a same-aged boy whose toilet flooded our two-story house, I can speak to this topic,” says Texas real estate agent Wendy Flynn. “Barron Trump already has more media scrutiny on him than he deserves for a child. He certainly doesn’t need to get any more media attention for damaging a priceless object!”
Her advice?
“Setting boundaries—literal and figurative—is essential,” Flynn says. “Most 11-year-old boys want to please their parents and other authority figures, and they’ll respect those boundaries. Staff at the White House may want to make some areas off-limits to children to ensure priceless items are protected.”
That said, Flynn thinks it’s also important “to give an 11-year-old boy places to explore and investigate, places to get messy and dirty.”
In other words, go ahead and let Barron run around the White House sunroom or Michelle Obama‘s garden, but keep the Oval Office off-limits. It sounds like Melania might have her work cut out for her.
The post Watch Out, White House! Here Comes Barron Trump appeared first on Real Estate News & Advice | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2pJK8mv
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realestate63141 · 7 years
Watch Out, White House! Here Comes Barron Trump
Finally! After living alone in the personal quarters of the White House since his inauguration in January, President Donald Trump will be reunited with his family soon.
According to Fox News, a White House senior official has confirmed “President Trump’s wife and their young son will officially be moving into the White House this summer, following the end of the school year.” And, relatively speaking, that’s right around the corner!
While Melania‘s much-delayed, long-awaited arrival in the White House is certainly causing a stir, we think the appearance of Barron, 11, is worthy of attention, too. Why? Because it will mark the first time a young boy has inhabited the White House in over 50 years.
Apparently Barron has already begun mapping out some of the good times he’ll have there. According to the New York Daily News, “Barron has been asking some of his school friends to stay for cool White House sleepovers. He has said to his parents, ‘I hope there are bedrooms for my friends to come visit.’” Fun!
Well, we think the 55,000-square-foot White House, with its 132 rooms, has plenty of space for Barron’s buddies and then some. This means the White House staff should be on their toes.
Because, as any elementary school teacher could tell you, boys do tend to be more rambunctious than girls. And when “home” happens to be the White House—which is filled with $160,000 million worth of artwork and historical artifacts—that could result in some very expensive damage.
As proof, take a look at some of the boys who called the White House home in the past:
John F. Kennedy Jr. was the last little lad to call 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. home, entering the White House with his family in 1961 as an adorable newborn. Later on, he made his presence known as a boisterous toddler. On the rare occasions the little tyke was allowed into the Oval Office, he’d play behind a secret panel in his father’s desk that opened like a small door. (It was the “Resolute Desk,” the same one Trump is using today.) According to the 2000 biography “John F. Kennedy, Jr.,” “there are numerous stories of how President Kennedy might be discussing matters of state with cabinet members of foreign dignitaries when John would unexpectedly pop out from beneath his father’s desk.” Cute, but also potentially catastrophic if some visiting foreign leader had a heart attack as a result, right?
Abraham Lincoln‘s sons, Willie and Tad, were 10 and 7 when they moved into the White House in 1861. And clearly Tad was the troublemaker of the two. To amuse himself, he once herded pet goats through the East Room where Mom was entertaining guests. At another point, he rigged the White House’s “bell” system (used back then to alert staff) to go off all at once.
Even worse were Theodore Roosevelt‘s four boys, who were aged 4 to 14 when they came to the White House in 1901. According to the Washington Post, “Some say the 224-year-old building still shivers from the punishment Roosevelt’s four sons gave it.” For instance, the boys slid down the stairs on kitchen trays. They staged water fights on the roof. The youngest, Quentin, even flung spitballs at a painting of Andrew Jackson (at least he was forced to clean up his own mess and not allowed to see his friends, dubbed the “White House Gang,” for a week).
What will Barron do?
Now to be fair, the oft-besuited Barron seems more reserved than rascally, from what we’ve seen. But just in case he’s more rowdy than he’s let on so far, is there anything the White House can do to “boy-proof” itself?
“As the mom of a same-aged boy whose toilet flooded our two-story house, I can speak to this topic,” says Texas real estate agent Wendy Flynn. “Barron Trump already has more media scrutiny on him than he deserves for a child. He certainly doesn’t need to get any more media attention for damaging a priceless object!”
Her advice?
“Setting boundaries—literal and figurative—is essential,” Flynn says. “Most 11-year-old boys want to please their parents and other authority figures, and they’ll respect those boundaries. Staff at the White House may want to make some areas off-limits to children to ensure priceless items are protected.”
That said, Flynn thinks it’s also important “to give an 11-year-old boy places to explore and investigate, places to get messy and dirty.”
In other words, go ahead and let Barron run around the White House sunroom or Michelle Obama‘s garden, but keep the Oval Office off-limits. It sounds like Melania might have her work cut out for her.
The post Watch Out, White House! Here Comes Barron Trump appeared first on Real Estate News & Advice | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2pJK8mv
0 notes
Watch Out, White House! Here Comes Barron Trump
Finally! After living alone in the personal quarters of the White House since his inauguration in January, President Donald Trump will be reunited with his family soon.
According to Fox News, a White House senior official has confirmed “President Trump’s wife and their young son will officially be moving into the White House this summer, following the end of the school year.” And, relatively speaking, that’s right around the corner!
While Melania‘s much-delayed, long-awaited arrival in the White House is certainly causing a stir, we think the appearance of Barron, 11, is worthy of attention, too. Why? Because it will mark the first time a young boy has inhabited the White House in over 50 years.
Apparently Barron has already begun mapping out some of the good times he’ll have there. According to the New York Daily News, “Barron has been asking some of his school friends to stay for cool White House sleepovers. He has said to his parents, ‘I hope there are bedrooms for my friends to come visit.’” Fun!
Well, we think the 55,000-square-foot White House, with its 132 rooms, has plenty of space for Barron’s buddies and then some. This means the White House staff should be on their toes.
Because, as any elementary school teacher could tell you, boys do tend to be more rambunctious than girls. And when “home” happens to be the White House—which is filled with $160,000 million worth of artwork and historical artifacts—that could result in some very expensive damage.
As proof, take a look at some of the boys who called the White House home in the past:
John F. Kennedy Jr. was the last little lad to call 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. home, entering the White House with his family in 1961 as an adorable newborn. Later on, he made his presence known as a boisterous toddler. On the rare occasions the little tyke was allowed into the Oval Office, he’d play behind a secret panel in his father’s desk that opened like a small door. (It was the “Resolute Desk,” the same one Trump is using today.) According to the 2000 biography “John F. Kennedy, Jr.,” “there are numerous stories of how President Kennedy might be discussing matters of state with cabinet members of foreign dignitaries when John would unexpectedly pop out from beneath his father’s desk.” Cute, but also potentially catastrophic if some visiting foreign leader had a heart attack as a result, right?
Abraham Lincoln‘s sons, Willie and Tad, were 10 and 7 when they moved into the White House in 1861. And clearly Tad was the troublemaker of the two. To amuse himself, he once herded pet goats through the East Room where Mom was entertaining guests. At another point, he rigged the White House’s “bell” system (used back then to alert staff) to go off all at once.
Even worse were Theodore Roosevelt‘s four boys, who were aged 4 to 14 when they came to the White House in 1901. According to the Washington Post, “Some say the 224-year-old building still shivers from the punishment Roosevelt’s four sons gave it.” For instance, the boys slid down the stairs on kitchen trays. They staged water fights on the roof. The youngest, Quentin, even flung spitballs at a painting of Andrew Jackson (at least he was forced to clean up his own mess and not allowed to see his friends, dubbed the “White House Gang,” for a week).
What will Barron do?
Now to be fair, the oft-besuited Barron seems more reserved than rascally, from what we’ve seen. But just in case he’s more rowdy than he’s let on so far, is there anything the White House can do to “boy-proof” itself?
“As the mom of a same-aged boy whose toilet flooded our two-story house, I can speak to this topic,” says Texas real estate agent Wendy Flynn. “Barron Trump already has more media scrutiny on him than he deserves for a child. He certainly doesn’t need to get any more media attention for damaging a priceless object!”
Her advice?
“Setting boundaries—literal and figurative—is essential,” Flynn says. “Most 11-year-old boys want to please their parents and other authority figures, and they’ll respect those boundaries. Staff at the White House may want to make some areas off-limits to children to ensure priceless items are protected.”
That said, Flynn thinks it’s also important “to give an 11-year-old boy places to explore and investigate, places to get messy and dirty.”
In other words, go ahead and let Barron run around the White House sunroom or Michelle Obama‘s garden, but keep the Oval Office off-limits. It sounds like Melania might have her work cut out for her.
The post Watch Out, White House! Here Comes Barron Trump appeared first on Real Estate News & Advice | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2pJK8mv
0 notes