#that doesnt fit behind a scene of them drinking coffee
shitpostcenrtral · 5 years
The L Word’s theme song is bad, but what’s worse is the random snippets of it they add into the background music
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soobasaur · 4 years
buzzfeed said i like-like you..
— a lee felix x au
(half felix pov half y/n pov)
lee felix x gender!neutral reader genre: best friends to lovers
a/n: this is mainly in felix’s pov since i thought it would fit better, the next felix au will be in y/n’s pov (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ and if you have any requests just ask away and i’ll try my best <3
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felix was currently very calm!! c a l m!!
certainly not panicking, nope not him!
it started when he flopped onto his bed in defeat after giving up on his art history essay
he could only analyze medieval paintings for so long >:((
so he ended up clicking on his folder of bookmarks and scrolling for the buzzfeed quiz one
dont judge him it was very relaxing !!
he did a couple weird ones like ‘what type of bread are you?’ (he was a challah bread apparently?!) and ‘what is your horror movie death scene?’ (he was going to be murdered!!)
he started clicking on the recommended ones until he landed on the romance section
he usually ignored these since they were typically very boring but just for the sake of it he chose one titled ‘are you in love with your best friend?
he scoffed as he let the quiz load and his mind wandered off to you
you and felix had met in grade school due to the both of you being the new kids and immediately being stuck together since no other kids wanted anything to do with you
and every since then you had been glued to the hip
he loved you sure, but being in love with you? he didn’t think he was.. he wouldn’t be opposed to it though
‘do you think your best friend is beautiful?’
obviously!! felix thought, choosing said option, how could he not? u were the most ethereal person he had ever been blessed to see, other then himself of course
‘when you get into arguments, are you reluctant to apologize and end it quickly or wait for them to apologize first?’
felix had to think about this one
you both didn’t rlly fight, it was usually over stupid things like the both of you needing to take care of yourselves more and such
but felix found himself apologizing more since he knew you were too stubborn to make the first move even if you wanted to
and whenever he did apologize you always broke down and did the same
he chose ‘i apologize first to get it over with’
‘do you often cuddle and kiss your best friend?’
doesnt everyone? felix thought, hovering his cursor over ‘duh!’
he often gave you cheek kisses and pulled you into hugs whenever he saw you, even if you were always shy and flustered afterwards
he thought it was cute to see you like that
and you often fell asleep in his bed during movie nights and the both of you woke up tangled into one another
now that he thought about it he didn’t really kiss his other best friends, he shuddered at the thought
‘would you get jealous if someone else were to kiss your best friend?’
felix frowned at the mere thought of someone else kissing you
only he could give you cheek kisses goddamnit !!
he wouldn’t be mad if jisung got kisses from someone else though, he’d be happy his friend had found a partner
but if you found a partner...he didn’t know how to feel about that
it would fall between wanting you to be happy and he should be making you happy
he quickly filled out the question and moved on, that was too much for him
the rest of the questions were things like ‘do you know their favorite color?’ ‘do you have their birthday memorized?’ (yes to both!)
he clicked done and waited for his old laptop to boot up the results
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oh...O H
WTF ?/$:&:@;
felix squinted at screen once more before pulling up a google tab
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he went through multiple wikihow articles before just shutting down his laptop and taking his head into his hands
did he have a crush on you??? weren’t crushes supposed to give you butterflies and shit?
well...he did get butterflies whenever you complimented him,,,
oh shit he did have a crush on you
he dove headfirst into his pillow and kicked his legs before sitting up, coming to a conclusion
he couldn’t just hold this vital piece of information to himself!!
and that’s how felix found himself in front of your dorm building, freezing in nothing but basketball shorts and a hoodie he was pretty sure he stole from you
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felix came barreling towards you, picking you up in a hug despite his tiny size
once he finally stopped spinning you and set you down was when you have him a confused look
“your welcome over whenever but why the sudden visit at 3am?” you ask, leading felix towards your dorm room
“fun news!! i realized i’m in love with you, thanks to a buzzfeed quiz!” he answered, doing jazz hands as you locked the dorm door behind you
“you’re...what now?” questioning if you heard right, ignoring your heart beat thumping loudly against your chest
“yeah like, i’m in love with you and realized it just now so i came here to tell you and-,”
/!&:@:@;@;@@, you were malfunctioning
how was?? felix so?? casual?? about this??
u had known you were in love with him since like /forever/ aND THIS MF JUST REALIZED A MINUTE AGO??
and you told him so, stalking towards him and reaching him in just two strides, shaking his shoulders
“what took you so long oh my god-,”
“wait does this mean you feel the same? cus if not it’s cool we can be homies ahah-,”
you did the cliche thing where you shut him up with a kiss
it made him go ∴◠‿◠∴
“we are not homies-,”
“we’re homies with benefits!”
*deep sigh*
from then on your relationship didn’t change that much
you were just best friends who know kissed one another and made out
bonus: headcanons
felix took on a new routine of coming over to your place at the ass crack of dawn
it drove you mad but you never slept anyways so you always opened the door
which was why felix came over in the first place!! to seduce you into a healthy sleeping schedule ;)
“y/n you would look so good tucked into your covers, all warm and cuddly as i hug you close-,”
“are you really trying to seduce me into sleeping right now??”
“...well is it working?” felix winked
(side note felix’s morning voice was to die for so if staying up late got felix to come over then that was another excuse for you to not sleep)
and since he was a dance major you always bought him bouquets and gifts after every single showcase
one time you got him a bunch of red roses and when you guys went back to his place he stuck one in his mouth and pulled you into a slow dance
it didn’t last very long though cus a thorn was left on the stem and caught his lip and you ended up having to help stop the bleeding
he still gave you a smile throughout it all though
“you look so creepy smiling with a mouthful of blood-,”
which made him smile even bigger
college with your best friend was fun but was even more fun with your boyfriend
the two of you often went on double dates with your friends jeongin and jisung, who recently got together, and had a blast going to parties
felix was a clingy drunk
if you thought he was clingy before just you wait
he would latch onto your arm like a koala and let you drag him around
and he would back hug you as you walked around
it was endearing though so you always let him get away with it
but if felix got too much to drink all hell broke loose
you still have flashbacks to that one time he started stripping on the pool table
you got a nice sight of his abs but so did everyone else !!
felix was willing to do anything with you and vice versa
if you even had the smallest inconvenience he was there to help
like that one time your coffee wouldn’t come out of the vending machine he karate kicked it until it did, and dragging you to run away when he spotted a hall monitor walking towards you
all in all he made you happy
it was perfect :’)
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thank you for reading !!
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drawingdullahan · 4 years
Chapter 1
Jacob Collins now finds himself in the town of Hunter’s Creek, searching for the perfect material for his current novel. What he doesnt expect to find is a boy the town calls an enthusiast of the macabre.
There are no frightening scenes in this chapter, its actually just a small bit of mundane things. Jacob just has a inconveniently bad morning.
To say that Jacob had a pleasant morning was… a bit of a strong word. Decent could work, though he felt that drab fit it all quite a bit more. The bed had been very stiff as if it was old enough to have been worn down to the creaking springs that supported it, breakfast had been a no go after hearing some shouting from the inn’s kitchen, and Jacob had fumbled with his clothes this morning, walking out in a mismatched outfit before having to turn around and head straight back in to fix it. He silently hoped none of the staff had witnessed that.
The coffee shop, as it were, was only a few stores down from the inn that he had rested at. Which was lucky for him since currently he was barely functioning thanks to the aforementioned inn room stay. Hopefully they would have breakfast as well.
When he stopped, I front of the door it seemed that they had only been open for a few minutes, which was odd considering it was already almost nine. Jacob stepped in and immediately the aroma of breakfast and coffee flooded his nose. He took a deep breath and sighed, he finally found himself able to let his shoulders relax. The smell of an actual breakfast made his stomach rumble, and he adjusted his bag on his shoulder while finding a nice spot to sit at the bar.
“What can I get you today, sugar?” a woman behind the counter gave him a large smile. Had Jacob been paying more attention to her he would’ve noticed that her teeth seemed so perfect they almost looked fake, and she wore so much makeup that it was more of a detriment to her looks rather than a helpful addition. Her hand absentmindedly twirled a lock of bleach blond hair.
“Ill have a coffee and a small plate of pancakes,” he said while setting his laptop on the counter.
“Coming right up, sir,” she winked.
He smiled and waited for her to leave before giving another sigh. He expected the people of this town to be a bit much, and were he running on a good night’s sleep he figured he would be more apt to handle it. He wasn’t however, so for now he tried to focus on an outline for his currently novel.
“What brings you to Hunter’s Creek, stranger?” she asked while pouring him a cup of coffee. The smile was still present on her face, and by the looks of it, it didn’t seem forced either. He wished he could channel that much raw happiness at a time like this. If only he could sap her motivation and use it for his own. The thought wasn’t one he expected his mind to conjure up, but he supposed he could use the idea for part of his story.
“I’m looking for stories,” he responded, wondering if she had any.
“Like scoops? You with the media, Mister?” she looked at him with an accusing gaze and he quickly lifted his hands in defense.
“N-no ma’am! Not at all. I’m a fictional writer, and I was hoping to find some folktales or stories about paranormal activity in the area,” he said, but as it came out of his mouth, he realized that just sounded like a stupid excuse. Luckily it seemed to work anyways.
“Ooooh, I heard from the McDonrey’s that they had a writer stayin’ at their inn. You must be the man of the hour,” her smile slipped right back onto her face as if it hadn’t left, “We got plenty of old coots willing to talk your ear off about magic and crazy nonsense. Though, I’d be a bit careful who you talk to.”
That caught his attention and he finally looked up to make eye contact with her. He took this opportunity to see if his coffee had cooled any too. It had not, no creamer either, he would ask for that in a moment. For now, he listened intently.
“Mr. Baker. He’s always going on about crazy stories. Scares the kids half to death when he talks to him. I know he’s just messin’ around, but yeesh, how messed up do you have to be to have that many spooky stories to let loose?” she sighed and leaned on the counter. It was slow today, but then again Jacob began to wonder if this was normal for such a small town. It was oddly different than the city that he was used to.
“He just thinks up stories on his own? He doesn’t get them from anywhere?” Jacob asked with interest. If they were original works, he would gladly pay if they were good enough to cause a fright, and at this point anything new in those regards would practically be godsend. People just weren’t scared of all the classics anymore.
“Yeah, seems such a nice man until he starts telling those stories. In all other respects he’s a saint. He’s actually a regular at the shop too. It’s almost that time of day when he finally crawls out of whatever hovel he comes from,” she joked, “He doesn’t always share stories, only when the kids ask, and that’s on them.”
“What’d you say his name was?” Jacob opened a notepad on his computer so that he could write the name down.
“Trace Baker, he’s an odd one, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Once he gets to talking it just doesn’t stop.” She set down his pancakes and went to help another customer who had walked in.
Jacob could deal with a senile old man—well as long as said senile old man didn’t have a weapon. Judging from what she had said though, Mr. Baker seemed an agreeable fellow, likely with too much time in his older age to think up stories to mess with the local kids. If he talked as much as she said, then good. More information meant more inspiration. Though he figured the man might be reluctant to sell any ideas, which may end up being a problem.
As he thought he almost ended up forgetting about his pancakes, which he promptly ate now before they got cold. The coffee wasn’t any better now that it had cooled off, and it felt a bit too late and too awkward for him to ask for cream and sugar now, so he decided he would rather just deal with it.
“Coffee without creamer? You’re an odd one, stranger.”
Jacob looked up from his now empty place to the source of the voice. Next to him was a man perhaps just a few years younger than himself with a smile that felt more genuine than most he had ever seen in his life. He sat next to Jacob, which he found a bit odd considering all the available spaces still left in the café. This didn’t seem to bother the mysterious man at all.
“Ah, not something I prefer, usually,” Jacob felt a bit awkward and fiddled with his keyboard just a bit. He didn’t feel so bad as he would’ve with someone sitting next to him, after all his document was open, but it was blank for now. He never could get over people who read over his shoulder nosily.
The man gave out a bit of a chuckle at that and Jacob couldn’t really tell if he was laughing at him or with him. He gave a bit of a sigh, not one that he thought could be heard, but as his luck would have it, it was. The laughter stopped.
“Are you the writer I’ve heard about?” the man asked.
“Word travels fast here if a nobody like me gets this much attention,” Jacob took another sip of the bitter coffee.
“The town doesn’t get many visitors,” he gave a lighthearted laugh once more, “But you sure don’t seem like a nobody to me. Can I ask what you’re here for Mr…?”
“Just Jacob is fine.”
“Alright Jacob,” he started, “What brings you here?”
The other man seemed far too excited about a newcomer in the town. Far more at least than everyone else he had run int who knew that he was new but didn’t pay him any mind. Meanwhile whoever this fellow was looked ready to burst at the seams.
“Trace, stop running off my customers!” The woman from before wore a large, irritated scowl. The mention of the name Trace however gave Jacob a bit of whiplash.
“Me,” he said, “but you’re the one forcing the guest to drink bland coffee.”
At that she snatched Jacob’s cup, “Crap, I forgot!” she muttered to herself before running into the kitchen. The name certainly wasn’t the only reason he was a bit shocked now. He wasn’t quite sure how to respond to a community so tightly knit that everyone seemed to act like feuding family members.
“She can be a bit forgetful, you just have to remind her,” Trace said with no evidence of bother in his voice.
“Hold on a moment,” Jacob collected his thoughts, “You’re Trace Baker? The town’s scary story enthusiast?” he would’ve found it funny if he weren’t in shock. He supposed he shouldn’t have assumed it was an old man, but the idea of ravings on paranormal activity seemed nothing short of senile.
“Yes…” his tone shifted just a little and he looked more confused now, “I wouldn’t call myself an enthusiast, but I am Trace Baker.”
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mikoriin · 6 years
Major In Love: Bonus chapter
okay so like i realized this scene doesnt fit in the fic but i rly like it so im going to share it here. maybe put this as a bonus chapter to major in love
Syaoran sat slumped over his desk, his nose buried in his textbook. He had an exam coming up in his Religious Studies class and he wanted to get the best grade he could. His eyes ran across the pages and through his notes, flipping through the color coordinated information in his binder. He had been studying for three hours now and his brain was frying, he had two exams already within the week, a presentation that he pulled multiple all-nighters to finish, three essays, and a quiz. He was exhausted. He leaned back in his chair, resting the back of his neck onto the rim of the seat. He looked up at the white ceiling of his dorm, darkness slowly flooding his eyes as he began to doze off. Suddenly he felt a light hand on his shoulder which startled him, his eyes darting open, blinking various times. "I brought you some coffee." Tsubasa spoke, two mugs in his right hand. Syaoran happily accepted the caffeine, taking a big sip of the piping hot drink. It burnt his tongue but it didn't hurt as bad as his head felt. He watched his brother go to the desk opposite of his and open his own textbook and notes. They both took various classes that gave out a lot of homework, though Tsubasa's major was different than his own. Tsubasa was a linguistics and sociology major, a little similar to Syaoran's own major but with its own differences in classes and teachings. Luckily, the twins were fairly intelligent and could figure out the classes easily, even if one or the other needed a bit of help on whatever they were working on. Syaoran was taken out of his trance by the familiar notification of snapchat. He grabbed his phone and lit up the screen, his phone background a repeating art piece of puppy paws with a green backdrop. He noticed he had two texts from Ryuo and a snap from Sakura. Syaoran's heart fluttered at the sight of her name on his phone screen. The two had exchanged numbers and snapchats at Yuzuriha's party before everyone left the next morning. Sakura stopped Syaoran and Tsubasa on their way out, saying she wanted to keep in touch with the both of them. Syaoran opened the snap, it was a selfie of Sakura sulking with her cheek squished against her hand and a caption "This essay has me Dead" with various emojis. Syaoran smiled at the photo, even though the picture wasnt necessarily flattery, Sakura still looked incredibly cute; she really was photogenic. He replied, taking a picture of his work desk piled with books and papers, putting a caption that read "I'm exhausted". He looked at his reply before sending, wondering if it sounded too uptight. His brows furrowed, contemplating on what he should do to make the message a little more friendly and inviting for further conversation. He decided to add the weary emoji, something simple but to also show the message wasn't strict or serious. With a shaky hand, he pressed the reply button then clicked off his screen and set his phone down. Just as he was about to get back to studying for this godforsaken exam, his phone lit up again. Syaoran blinked then grabbed his phone and saw it was another notification from Sakura. She replies fast, he thought. He opened the reply to his reply to see another selfie, this time she said she "wanted a Phat Cup of Coffee". Syaoran chuckled at her use of the word "phat", clearly incorrect but done so on purpose for the sake of humor. "Does your textbook have a typo too?" Syaoran heard Tsubasa's voice from across the room. "I just found, like, two." He laughed. He looked over to his brother, a blush on his cheek. "Ah, no, I'm Snapchatting Sakura." He said sheepishly. Tsubasa then turned his full attention to Syaoran, a knowing grin on his face. Syaoran blushed even deeper at his brother's sly smile, "I-It's not anything serious, we're just talking about coffee. I'm sure she sent you a snap as well." He said, almost blurting out his sentence. Tsubasa raised an eyebrow, checked his phone screen, then looked back to Syaoran. "Nope." He said in amusement. Syaoran's face went beet red, surely Sakura was talking to someone else as well, maybe she just assumed that if Syaoran got the snap then Tsubasa would see it too. Yeah, that had to be it. Syaoran was knocked out of his racing thoughts by another snapchat notification, this time from Tomoyo. Curiously, he opened it then felt his heart race by what he saw. It was Tomoyo, clearly sneaking a picture of Sakura hunched over in her pajamas focusing on the essay she had mentioned, the side of Tomoyo's face in the corner of her own photo, she was grinning. There was text, it said "Bring her some coffee" with a heart emoji. Syaoran immediately stood up, the legs of his chair scraping against the hardwood floors of the dorm. "I'll be right back." He sputtered out without looking his brother in the face, quickly shutting the door behind him. He went outside the boys' dorms, heading to the side of the building where some vending machines sat. He parked himself in front of the coffee machine, then stopped himself, Crap I didn't ask what kind of coffee she likes! He mentally slapped himself. His eyes darted around the vending machine, examining the various types of drinks it had to offer. He could get a mocha, cappuccino, black, caffe americano. What kind of coffee does she like!? His mind was swimming in distress, he quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket and went to snap Tomoyo, she had to know Sakura's preferences. "Syaoran?" He heard a voice from beside him. Syaoran looked to his side and saw her, Sakura standing in her pj's in front of him. His face turned a pretty shade of red, "Hi." He said, standing up straight. "You came to get coffee too? I'm glad! We can talk to each other in person now." Sakura beamed, her smile lighting up the area surrounding her. Syaoran smiled gently, his nerves easing a bit at her relaxed nature. He put his phone back in his pocket, then pulled out his wallet, getting cash out for the machine. Sakura walked up beside him, which he noticed she was awfully close, scanning the machine for her desired drink. "I think I'll have...an Espresso." She said to herself, pressing the buttons on the machine to fit her order. Syaoran mentally noted her like of espresso, thinking he would have to remember that for the future. He stood silently, still unsure of what to do. He was supposed to bring the coffee to Sakura's dorm, which he was putting off thinking about until the time came, but now she was here buying one for herself. He already had coffee in his room, he didn't want that to go to waste but he also felt weird not buying anything. "Aw shoot!" Sakura cried from beside him. "Is everything alright?" Syaoran looked at her in concern. Sakura looked at him defeated, "Yeah I just forgot to bring my cash with me...I'm so forgetful when I'm tired. I'll have to use my card now." She sighed slowly. "Is that a bad thing?" He asked. "Well, not really. But I hate using my card unless its an emergency, but I already made that trip here." She laughed quietly, brushing a bit of hair behind her hears in nervousness. "I need coffee to survive this essay and I don't want to make another trip." Syaoran looked at her for a moment, then down at his wallet. "I'll pay for you." He said without hesitation. Sakura looked absolutely shocked by this, "No!! No, you really don't have to! I was a dummy and forgot my cash, I'll just use my card, it's okay!" She was so flustered at the idea of Syaoran paying for her coffee. "I want to." He said with the most genuine eyes. Sakura looked into his eyes, connecting jade with amber. Syaoran smiled at her, giving her a look so gentle she could feel her entire body grow soft. She blushed, "Okay. Thank you so much, Syaoran." She said shyly. Syaoran's heart skipped a beat when she said his name, sending chills up his spine. He nodded then put his money into the machine, watched it make her coffee, then handed it to her, their hands briefly touching at the trade. Syaoran's cheeks turned pink at the touch, her hands were so soft. "I'll pay you back tomorrow, okay?" Sakura said with her own red cheeks. "No, you don't have to. I wanted to pay for you." He replied, giving her that same gentle smile. Sakura blinked, then smiled back. "Thank you, Syaoran...Really." She rubbed her shoe on the concrete, looking down at her hot cup of coffee. "What are you gonna get?" She then asked. Syaoran looked at the machine then down at his wallet, he only had ten dollars left in cash and then his credit card. He wasn't against using it like Sakura was, but he did prefer to use cash when he had it on him. Realistically, he had enough for a coffee, but he wanted to use the money for lunch tomorrow before he went to work. The scale in his head weighed his options: save the money for lunch or have a coffee with Sakura right now in this very moment. Sakura seemed to easily outweigh the food. He put in the order for a regular coffee, paid, then took his beverage. The two sat against the wall by the vending machines sharing their coffee over conversation; "My brother used to always call me a monster, saying I stomped around the house too much. I always dreamed of growing taller than him and crushing him under my feet, but he's still taller than me and still calls me a monster!" Sakura told Syaoran, grumbling at the talk of her brother. Syaoran chuckled at her words, thinking her batner with her brother was cute. She looked to him, "Do you and Tsubasa have anything you quarrel over?" Her smile was genuine and curious. Syaoran hummed, "Not really. We have our differences though and he likes to tease me about things, but I don't mind. He's just a little more bold than I am." He said, watching the stars peak out from behind the clouds. "Though our brother, Kimihiro, can get a bit upset easily." "You have another brother?" Sakura asked, her expression full of surprise. Syaoran nodded, "He was adopted into the family when we were 7. It took him a bit to warm up to us, but we're all very close now." He smiled fondly. "How old is he?" Sakura asked curiously. "21, the same age as Tsubasa and I." "Where does he go to school?" "New York, he's studying psychology." "That's so cool! Do you guys talk often?" "Yeah, we FaceTime when we're all free, sometimes we all FaceTime our father who is a college professor in Washington." Sakura brought her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. She stared at Syaoran with a tender smile, "I really enjoy talking to you Syaoran." She said with a pink tint to her cheeks, "I hardly know anything about you, but I think you're kind and hard working. You take on so much and never complain and you're always helping out others. I admire you a lot." She rested her head on her knees, her smile radiating light all around her. Syaoran stared into her gentle green eyes with a blush, she was so honest and genuine. She made his chest feel like it was on fire and the butterflies in his stomach never stilled when he was around her. He looked away from her eyes, the blush still lingering on his brown skin and took a long sip of his coffee. Sakura sighed, "It's getting late and I have to finish this essay." She said, standing up from her spot on the ground, stretching in place. Syaoran stood up with her, brushing off any dirt that may have gotten on his pants. "Thank you again, Syaoran. I had a really good time." She smiled that same bright smile, "I'll see you in class tomorrow." She waved a goodbye, then turned to walk back to her dorm. Syaoran watched her go, feeling his heart pound in his chest. He had talked to her again, held a proper conversation with her, and it made his heart soar.
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