#its weird to see someone walk down the street then all u hear is c-cRYING
shitpostcenrtral · 5 years
The L Word’s theme song is bad, but what’s worse is the random snippets of it they add into the background music
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momoshin · 4 years
Ryujin fluffy alphebet a-z 🥺🥺
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A = Activities (What do they like to do with you? How do you spend your free time together?)
PICNICS! making your own food (or buying it sometimes) and setting a blanket in the middle of a nice park where kids and dogs could be easily spotted. she’ll ask you to read poetry to her, play her guitar for you, you’ll sing together, just two fools in love. also, scrapbooking! it’s something you both discovered you liked doing together very early on in your relationship.
B = Beauty (What do they admire about you? What do they think is your most beautiful feature?)
loves your lips, eyes and waist. she loves kissing you, but just looking at your lips makes her heart race, same with your eyes, she could keep eye contact with you forever, she just loves everything about them. and your waist is her hand’s favorite place, whether you’re sitting or standing, one if not both of her hands will always be on your waist.
C = Comfort (How would they help you when you feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
ryujin won’t bother to pull you aside, she doesn’t care if there’s anyone around, she will stop what she’s doing once she sees any signs of you struggling and asks if you need a breather or if she can help in any way, if you say no, she will stay by your side and let her hands run up and down your back to help you calm down, will hug you if you let her and tuck her chin on top of your head while humming melodies to you.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
she’s so selfless, even with dates she’s always making sure you’re comfortable with wherever and whatever you’re doing, hands always entangled and she’s always willing to pay for whatever you want
E = Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
dominant for sure, whether it’d be in bed or not
F = Fights (Would they forgive you easily? What are they like while fighting with you?)
she would hate fighting, the possibility of upsetting you to the point where you’d rather sleep on the couch than with her terrifies her, and as soon as you grab your pillow and a blanket, she grabs your wrist and tries to convince you to stay with her, puppy eyes full of apologies that her words couldnt quite express
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what you are doing for them?)
SO grateful, ryujin is generally grateful for her life, where she is and such, but she always thanks you for doing small things for her, making her breakfast, anything really.
H = Hugs (What is their favorite way to hug and cuddle you?)
she personally loves when you casually come up to her and without interrupting her conversation, press up against her and wrap her arms around your shoulders yourself.
I = Inspiration (Did you change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
ryujin definitely holds less grudges ever since she met you, she doesn’t feel the need to see the people who have made her suffer, suffer, she doesn’t feel the need to prove herself to anyone, doesn’t listen to mean comments or people who just want to bring her down.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
mm depends ? she trusts you more than anyone, and she trusts both your friends, so when she gets jealous its more of a “why the fuck is that guy looking at my girlfriend like he wants to eat her” kind of thing, it usually involves someone she’s never seen before, and it leads to her walking over to the two of you and not so subtly placing a hand on your waist, calling you all sorts of nicknames while glaring at them
K = Kisses (Who initiated the first kiss? What kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
she initiated the first kiss! she’ll peck your lips so many times in the day but as soon as she has the chance she will pull you to the side and get her well earned dose of kisses. her kisses usually range from short, repeated pecks, they are goofy at times, sensual even, and she finds herself biting your lip gently every once in a while
L = Love Confession (How would they confess to you?)
in bed, the two of you looking at each other silently and then she just says all these things that sounds like she’s proposing because it’s so detailed and you can tell she loves you so much it’s quite inevitable for you to cry or get teary eyed as she talks about everything she loves about how and how good you make her feel
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would your marriage be like?)
Yes but not yet, she would probably propose at a meaningful place for your relationship, and i have this vivid image of her wearing a bodysuit like the one for the gda’s last year for her wedding, she’d let you make the important decisions but would be completely involved whenever you asked for her opinion and would try to help as much as she could so it didn’t all pile up for you.
as for marriage, i think the dynamic would fit you both perfectly, the shiny bands on your hands, loves the way ‘my wife’ slips off her tongue as she introduces you to someone, or whenever someone asks you about each other and uses the ‘your wife’ it just gives you both butterflies all over again.
N = Nicknames (What do they call you?)
baby, angel, my love, short versions of your name sometimes!
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
everyone can notice, it’s like an aura she carries around and she’s instantly bubblier, in situations that maybe would’ve gotten a rise out of her she’s more patient, she’ll be nicer to her members and such,, she makes sure to text you good morning and good night, throughout the day, that she misses you, that she loves you, sends you small details when she can’t make it to deliver them personally, just always reminding you of her appreciation, besides, she never shuts up about you, her members claim are sick and tired of hearing ‘y/n this, y/n that’ but in reality, they love seeing ryujin so happy and loved.
P = Parent (What kind of parent would they be?)
idk if i can see ryujin with kids, but in the chance you do have any, she would be such a cool mom, taking them to her studio just so they could hop around to music while she choreographed something, maybe she has a room for them to play and nap if necessary too, and if you have a boy, she would be his hero literally, he’ll always want to be like her and copy her every move.
Q = Quirk (Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship or a cute quirk they have that many don’t know about)
she’s such a good cuddler/can make people fall asleep so easily, the way she expertly runs her hands through your hair or back lulls you into a deep slumber almost instantly, the kisses she presses on your nose and forehead only helping the matter
R = Romantic (How romantic are they? What would they do to make you happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
ryujin is so romantic in general, she just loves to express how much she loves you and cares for you in more ways than just saying it. and the long-lasting smile on your lips when she susprises you is so worth it too, it can range from bringing home a dish of chocolate covered strawberries to setting up a bath with rose petals and candles, to just taking a drive around the city to a pretty place she heard about, talking softly about everything and nothing
S = Secrets (Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
you pretty much share anything, honesty is very important for her and your relationship. plus she enjoys telling you even about the smallest details of her day
T = Thrill (Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?)
she doesn’t need to, ryujin is perfectly happy with your dynamic and so are you, but whenever the topic comes up she’s not opposed!
U = Unbearable (What habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable)
EATING IN BED. i know y’all have seen that livestream of her eating tangerines in bed, sticky, juicy tangerines. so whenever she brings a snack or anything to eat to bed she’s expecting your side eye to what she responds promising to not make a mess and to clean it if she does.
and her, she hates your incredibly weird eating combinations, the fact that you will offer some to her to try too, she finds herself gagging just at the sight or smell and threatening to break up with you for laughing.
V = Videos (Do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
of course she does, like i said, the two of you enjoy scrapbooking, that means making your own scrapbook with your own photos taken by each other or strangers you asked on the street, writing down funny highlights of your dates to remember whenever you go through it. also, she has you as her background, it’s a funny yet endearing sight to see her flaunting the front of her phone to everyone so they would catch a glimpse of you as her wallpaper.
W = Wedding (What is your wedding like?)
so much fun, lots of dancing, kissing, and teasing, specially when it’s time to take your garter off ;)). but the most endearing moment is cutting the cake, it’s funny, nerve-wracking because everyone is looking at you, yet a beautiful memory you’ll hold on to forever as long as the photos capturing the moment.
X = eXtra (What is an interesting fact about them that they’ve only told you?)
maybe that she wants to have a farm at some point in her life
Y = Yearning (How do they cope when they’re missing you?)
she’ll call you, of course, talk to you, but ever since you made her a playlist, songs that reminded you of her, of the two of you, whenever she’s missing you she will listen to it, even if she knows the song letter by letter she will listen to all of them until the pain in her chest dissolves into something lighter. even when she’s sad and with you, she’ll play the songs and lay in your arms, sometimes crying with the soft murmur of your singing in her ear.
Z = ZZZ (What is it like sleeping with them? Do they like to cuddle or do they need space?)
i don’t think she moves at all lmao, like you will find every hair and muscle just the way you last saw it before closing your eyes, most of the time she likes cuddling, i feel like she is a bigger spoon type of person, but she will hide her face in your chest every once in a while to be able to go to sleep.
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fairydollsteps · 3 years
Can I request Zenitsu with a female demon reader who lost her husband because of demons and was turned into a demon too and Zenitsu reminds her of her husband when they first meet so she just starts to cry and hug, cling to him? c:
Hello! I find your request interesting and I would love to write it down! :D I do hope you don’t mind if I describe the reader's relationship with Zenitsu is platonic instead just see Zenitsu like a family member as the reader would be a lot older than him, like an adult and also there will be some changes here and there but is related to your request. I do hope what I wrote is what you wanted! There will be a short scenarios about the reader past and some headcanon along with it too. Enjoy reading! 💖
Zenitsu with a Sisterlike Demon Friend
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The happiness that you thought would last forever with your dear husband was shattered into countless pieces
It all happens during the night where you and your husband were eating dinner together. The food served was delectable that you enjoy it so much. Just like how the demon enjoying itself devouring your husband after it has crashed into your home.
Just right before you were attacked by the vicious demon, your husband covers you and fights back. Even so, the demon has left you a severe wound that has its blood in it which you will suffer later on.
You were watching your husband fighting the demon back, watches his neck get bitten in the process while you try to stop your bleeding. He screamed at you to run and never come back, you can hear the anguish and pain in his voice.
You did what you were told by your husband out of fear and distress as you can’t handle another second to see the sight of your beloved getting killed. You head out of your house and run away, never looking back. You run as fast as you can, not noticing your blood dripping down from your wound, leaving a trail of blood behind you as you run.
You are turning into a demon as you kept running. It hurts physically but you ignored it and keep running but it worse as you can feel a sharp piercing pain from you wound. You collapsed down and started vomiting blood on the ground violently. Blood is also shedding from your eyes and you can feel your whole entire body tormented from this excruciating pain.
You are turning into a demon.
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Now that all conclude the reader’s past, let dive into the headcanons part(cause I am lazy to put in so much effort in continuing this.)
You thought you are going to die at this point, what you didn’t know that the blood trail behind that you bled before has kill some demons with its lethal scent that was about to prey on you.
Little did you know, a young lady with butterfly hairpin both side, wearing a black uniform was watching the whole thing unfold. Watching you vomiting blood on the ground violently then collapsed unconscious.
The next thing you saw after you regain your conscious is where you in a cell. You also saw a bunch of people in different height and build. You also saw the young lady earlier right before you collapsed.
You expect yourself to be petrified because the people are glaring deep in to your soul but you felt nothing. Numb will be the right word for how you are feeling now when suddenly the lady you saw before walk up to you.
“Hello, I am Kanae Kocho. Please stay calm, we are not going to do anything with you. We just wanted to have a talk with you,” she said as she smile sweetly.
That’s when a man with a black shoulder length comes in. Kagaya Ubuyashiki.It’s his name you heard as he was introduced by his children.
He talks to you gently while you are in a cage with a soft smile. He asks you what had happened to you and you explains everything, the tragic events that you have to go through to him.
Of course, the people you saw earlier who were introduced as the Hashira, were suspicious about what you said but also shocked that you have saved many slayers from their corps.
Apparently, what they meant is that your Blood Demon Art has saved countless of lives from the corps where they were investigating the area you were in to hunt down demons.
None has died, only some suffer minor injuries. 
Of course, there is some arguments here and there whether they should keep you as their most powerful weapon to hunt demons down or to just slay your head off for good.
It was then decided that the Demon Slayer Corps should keep you after Kanae express her opinion and concern that many casualties would happen if it wasn’t for your power and that you have no intention of killing humans.
Once all has been concluded, you were left to be alive instead getting your head cut off but you would many restrictions. You were later send to Tamayo and Yushiro to stay with them.
You started your lives with them. Tamayo welcomed you in warmly while Yushiro is just glaring at you which he soon get scolded by Tamayo.
Your Life as a demon
Let’s just say that, your husband’s death has put a huge impact on you deeply. You become cold and emotionless. The only person who you can trust for now is Tamayo as she also go through the same thing and also has similar demon technique.
You help her with creating medicine and stuff and soon become a doctor just like her.
Yushiro would later on have respect with you for how you work hard for Tamayo. 
You don’t show it, you are disgusted of yourself for become a same species with the monster that has murdered your dear husband. You would left yourself a scar or cut on your face every time you see yourself in the mirror, just watching the blood drip down and hating yourself.
 You don’t care about the injuries you had put on yourself cause it will regenerate itself anyway because you are a demon. You bottle and repress your feelings because you are demon and nobody care if you cry cause you are hated for what you have become. Even you never choose to become what you have become.
You are afraid of the thought of how your husband would think about because you have become a demon.
Because you are a demon.
You keep thinking about this often, degrading yourself while keeping a stern and empty face. Showing absolutely no emotions and weakness.
The only reason why you are still alive is because Tamayo was there to comfort you when you are feeling down although you never show it.
One day, you were the strolling around the street during the night. You just want to relax a bit from your mind. The street was dark and quiet. After all, you were out late in the night.
Until the silence was interrupted by a scream from a far distance. You follow it as it sounds like someone is in trouble and hopeless.
You saw a demon on your way, hobbling towards to you. You don’t care about it an annihilate it immediately using your blood demon technique.
That’s when the scream stops, you turn around and saw a blonde boy on top a tree, clinging tightly on one of its branches.
“IS IT DEAD ALREADY!?!?!??! IS IT!??! IS IT!!!! THAT THING WAS HELLA SCARY THAT I JUST RUN!!!!!! the boy screamed.
You walk to towards to the tree and reach out your hand to him.
“No worries, is gone now. Please come down. You might fall,” you said in a reserved turn.
“A-a-are you sure!!??!?!? Y-y-you s-should you k-k-killed it??? he said obviously not believing a word you say until he realized something. You are a demon.
That’s when you saw a clear image of the boy. He looks just like him. Your husband . You froze for a while and the way the boy knowing you are a demon reminds you all the past. The past that you wished to cover forever comes back.
Your knee drop and then you starts sobbing. All your hate and disgust on yourself is coming back at the same time and its too much for you to handle them anymore. You continue think how your late husband thinks of you. A monster? A strange creature? Not the person that he used to love?
You started to cry when the boy talks to you. “U-um...hey, I am s-sorry for w-what I mentioned earlier,” There is some fear in his voice but there is also some gratitude and sincerity in it. “E-even if you are a d-demon, you did s-save my life after all,”.
He still though keep his distance with you. You noticed a wound on his hand and some on the side of his forehead. You offer the boy to treat your wounds as it do looks pretty severe.
He was reluctant for a while until give in. You still keep your distance with him while tending him, as you do not wanted to scared him like before. Mainly because it makes you think that’s how your husband feel to you because the boy looks so much like your husband except the boy is blonde.
“What’s your name?” you ask. “U-um is Zenitsu A-agatsuma. You can call me Z-Zenitsu,” he answered. “I’m (Y/n) (L/N),”.
Once you finished tending him, you explain yourself a bit that you are working for Demon Slayer Corps along with Tamayo and Yushiro. Zenitsu soon trusted you a little after knowing that you are a no threat.
Just as he was about, you quickly propose to walk back with him as you are worry for his safety to go back.
You both begin to talk and knowing about each other as you both walk. You and Zenitsu enjoy together chatting and Zenitsu is smiling because he can finally talk to a women without making himself a complete fool and making himself look weird. You begin to smile and feel happy for the first time and forever after what you have gone through.
Your Relationship with Him
Once Zenitsu is comfortable with you, your relationship with him is quite similar with Tanjiro, Nezuko and Tamayo. Like Zenitsu helps you finally feel happy and makes you smile just like how Tanjiro and Nezuko makes Tamayo feel the loving feelings of a family.
You are pretty older than Zenitsu so Zenitsu calls you (L/N)-san as a sign of respect for you and you really appreciate it.
You begin visiting the Butterfly Estate during after for a long time just to see how Zenitsu is doing. Shinobu, of course was aware and distrustful with you but warm up a little after knowing that you just wanted to know how Zenitsu is doing after coming back from a mission. Shinobu started to welcome you when you come to visit and started to respect you after you are willingly to share some of your knowledge with poison and medicine with her. she stills don’t trust you but still has some respect and kindness for you.
Zenitsu would introduce you to his friends,Tanjiro and Inosuke. You heard a lot about them from Zenitsu during your conversation with him. Tanjiro would a little bit flustered because of how gorgeous you are and a little scared because you look so stern and cold but soon warm up to you after you treat him with kindness and respect. Inosuke would also like you after you give him some rice balls and shrimp that he becomes so touched that he was stucked for a while because of how generous you are and thinks you are some goddes or something.
Zenitsu would of course be pissed if these two were to hog your attention too much that he feels left out. You would of course meet Nezuko as both you and Nezuko suffered from the same tragedies.
Zenitsu won’t feel any romantic feelings for you because you are a lot older than him so instead, he sees you as like and elder sister and a role model.
You would act like a role model to Zenitsu. Always teaching him how to behave and collect himself when he lost his composure. Also giving him advice  and so on. Zenitsu respect you deeply ever since then.
You would also act like a protective elder sister to Zenitsu. and zenitsu loves it. You would always check on him when he come back from a mission, making sure he is eating well, always making medicine for him when he is hurt and so on. You would sometimes offer to tag along a mission with Zenitsu so you can protect him and make sure he is alive. You did all of this for him because you do not want Zenitsu to suffer the same fate as your husband.
Speaking of your husband death, you have once mentioned your tragic past to Zenitsu and explained that he looks so much like your husband which explained why you are so protective and caring towards him. You also mention your hate and disgust on yourself for what you have become.
Then Zenitsu immediately freaks out after recalling your first meeting with hima and he apologies to you profusely. After feeling absolutely guilt for making you cry because of his overexaggerating reaction.
You reassure him that’s alright and is just that he didn’t know. He do still feels guilt though but you would give your sincere reassurance to him.
After you have talk about your past, he wanted to become stronger and more braver so you do not have to worry about him.
Zenitsu would come in a speed of lightning when he knows that you are upset on yourself and would try to comfort you. You really appreciate his effort in cheering you up.
You would also try to help Zenitsu in his training like explaining parts that he can improve and motivate him to continue fighting and training.
Because you are a demon and can’t walk under the sun, you and Zenitsu would hang out at the street markets or go shopping during the night. These memories you created with him are memorable and precious.
You were glad that you save Zenitsu from before as he has helps you heal the scar that was caused from your husband’s death.
All you wished for Zenitsu is for him alive and living happily.
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Words: 2,340.....AAHAVIYQWVCKQW!!!! I am sorry that I got carried away for writing so much! I just have so many idea for this and would hate it so much to throw it away!!! This tooks me so long so likes and reblog would be deeply appreciated .Anyway, thank you for reading and have a good day!
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the19thduckpotato · 5 years
The Ties That Bind Part 3 (MHA fanfic)
Part 2
in which there are indeed chicken nuggets and remembering
(sidenote: please don’t attempt to binge this fic, it is VERY LONG.  or do if you wish--just don’t say I didn’t warn you c: )
The visit to the hospital's cafeteria passed in a haze.  Once the kid behind the counter recognized him, she chirped cheerfully as she helped Toshi pick out a trayful of food for Izuku.  Toshi guiltily realized he couldn't remember what he had said back to her beyond the usual niceties.  He scratched out an autograph at her bashful request and smiled softly as her face lit up. There was a tiny gnaw of guilt --if you only knew-- "Oh I couldn't possibly take your money!" she practically squeaked as he tried to pay.  "I doubt the hospital would, either!" Toshi gaped a moment, still holding out the cash.  "Then," he said, "could you use it for someone that might need it?" "So sweet!"  She finally took the folded notes and tucked them into the register.  "I might know just the person.  It'll really make their day." The gnaw of guilt grew teeth--trying to buy away the shame? "Need help with the tray, Mister All.Might?" Toshi waved away the offer.  "Thanks but no.  I appreciate all your help." She bobbed happily and bid him a great day then turned to the next person in line.  Behind him, he could hear low voices chattering, asking if it was really him, what was on the tray, would he be eating all of that, he needed to really, look at him-- Toshi's hands squeezed the tray tightly, knuckles turning white.  A moment later, he almost stumbled as a young child bounced off his shin.  With an expert motion even he was surprised with, Toshi caught the slipping tray with one hand and scooped the small boy up with his other hand. "Takashi!"  The boy's mother raced across the room, flustered and bowing her apologies over and over again.  "Oh sir, I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" "No worries," Toshi replied, rumbled soft laughter as the boy stared wide eyed at him.  He passed Takashi back to his mother, then looked over the tray and picked out an orange.  "Here.  I hear these are especially sweet today." Takashi continued to watch Toshi as his mother bobbed again, thanks this time.  She too chattered a moment to the famous former hero.  And he too felt lost in a fog of other thoughts, trying to be in the moment but only managing polite responses.  Perhaps the mother picked up on this for she soon tapped her son's nose. "Time for us to go, Takashi.  Say thank you to the nice man." Takashi continued to just stare as Toshi waved and made his way across the cafeteria. "The poor dear, I hope he's all right." The blond, still lost in his own dark thoughts, disappeared down the hallway and back to Izuku's room.
A tap on the door sounded through the quiet room, and Izuku jumped and squeaked. He watched the door tensely.
"Back!" A muffled thump as Toshi found it a slight struggle to balance the tray and open the door.   "And I might have snuck in nuggets.  Don’t tell anyone."
The tense lump of Izuku relaxed as soon as he saw who it was. “Oh—“ a quiet sigh of relief “—hey.” His eyes widened. “That’s a lot of food.” He held out his hands, ready to steady the incoming tray.
Toshi held a hand up very quickly--"Stay put.  You think that machine is annoying now, wait till it detects you getting up."  --then wedged himself in and set the tray on the bed.  "Got a little bit of everything.  Dig in before One for All has you snoozing again." Izuku slumped disappointingly at the reminder that machines were monitoring his every move. He scooted away from the tray in order to make room, though he didn’t really need to. He hovered a hand in midair and scanned the tray, skimming over slightly grayish green beans, and— ooh, jello! He quickly kept looking and— “Nuggetsssssss!” He shot out his hand and snatched one, stuffing it into his mouth. “Mmpff— h ot...” He chewed very carefully, regretting his haste just a tiiiiiny bit.
Toshi made a comical alarmed face.  "Please don't choke, I'd never hear the end of it." His fingers wrapped about a small bowl of rice and he toasted Izuku with it before nibbling.  It was weird to have an appetite, even one as scant as his was. Especially after what had happened.  He would be sick to his stomach if he still had one.  And yet, his body seemed to crave food. Rice fast disappearing, he scanned the tray and debated what would be ok to eat Excuse you, that all belongs to Izuku then forced himself to stop devouring his own food. He instead picked up the remaining orange and went to work peeling.  Citrus filled the air and he placed the fruit sections next to the nuggets, one by one.
Izuku watched the tiny specks of citrus oil go flying from the orange as Toshinori peeled it, glowing brightly in the early sunlight. He put out a hand to touch them, the same spark of wonder growing in his heart as when he looked at a sky full of stars. "Pretty...." he breathed. What are you, four? You're not supposed to grab at everything you like the look of. Well-- maybe I am on the inside! So there! A soft, breathy laugh escaped, and he continued to wave his hand around in the quickly-dissipating cloud of shining droplets.
Toshi smiled and relaxed, not realizing his shoulders had been tensed up.  It's going to be ok, everything is going to be fine. But-- Nope.  Everything is fine now. He clutched that thought tightly and sighed in relief.
Izuku heard the soft sigh and looked over, glad to see him relaxing. The weight of the past night curled in his stomach, but... Things are golden now. He stared in slight awe at the intense, bright halo of the sun in Toshinori's hair. Warm. Right. ...Home. That will never go away. Not as long as we're together. He looked down at the tray and pointed at the orange slices set next to the nuggets. He knew Toshinori was trying to give them to him, but.... "Aren'tcha gonna eat that?" You've barely had anything... c'mon, please? Just a little more? I'm worried. You're always worried. Ohh-- so what.
His teacher chuckled softly.  "Nah, the acid might mess with me."  He grinned sheepishly--it seemed such a silly thing to admit to--and pushed a slice toward his boy.  "Besides, you need all the energy you can get." He leaned back in his chair, his eyes closing and refusing any further argument.
Izuku nodded. "Oh, okay." He stuffed a slice in his mouth sideways, talking around it. "Fhankfh!" He gave a smile, the orange where his teeth would be. The older man's grin widened as his head nodded once...snapped back up.  Nodded again.  Wobbled back up.  Nodded slowly a third time and stayed down. A soft snore drifted out a moment later.
I... well okay then. Another orange slice followed the first. He squinted. Poked at the jello suspiciously. Do you taste like the good kind of jello? It jiggled. As jello does.
The monitor's beeping became a quiet rhythm that coaxed Toshinori into deeper sleep.  He struggled, wanting to make sure Izuku was safe. As if from far away, he could still hear the kid's voice, if not the words.  The tone was calm, relaxed, at ease; and in turn, he grew calm, relaxed, and at ease. Just a few minutes, then. Just a few . . . . . . He was on a street.  People walking past.  He tried to look past them. He was looking for someone He saw green here then there People turning to look at him Knowing who he was Knowing he had to hurry What They were parting before him Pointing Something was wrong From a distant that was immediately up close He saw Izuku fighting And the people in the crowd murmured that Toshinori knew how this would end And they wondered why he was here and not there He tried to run but his legs wouldn’t respond And Izuku slid further away from him  The people in the crowd just stared at him "Help him!" Toshinori pleaded His legs shifted s l u g g is h l y "Help me!!" Toshi tried to cry out.  A few in the crowd turned, heard him but didn’t understand. Izuku falling from a great height now, a much larger figure chasing his green form.  And then Toshi was there, he had his boy, they would fall together, but he had him now and Izuku stared at him in dull disappointment.  He was unraveling, emerald thread whipping about in the wind.  Toshi tried to hold onto him, hold him together, but the thread unwound quickly, slipped from his fingers, was lost to the wind. Heavy breathing behind him How far was the ground Toshi twisted about somehow A hulking shadowy figure towered over him Baleful chips of blue bore into him A grinning mouth, shark wide, too many teeth Above the figure's head (from which two spikes jutted out, sharp enough to impale), two thick fists clasped into one monstrous wrecking ball the mouth cracked open as primal rage roared out And as the large figure swung down at Toshi's head it's going to crush me It leaned in dear God in heaven, it IS me All Might bellowed guttural laughter as his fist filled Toshi's vision And all around them, a horrified scream Like emerald thread Toshi awoke with a violent start and clutched his chest, gasping for breath.
"Dad!!" ...What the crap, Izuku. ... You better hope to high heaven that he was too far out of it to hear you. He clambered off the bed awkwardly, wincing a bit as his weight came to rest on his still not-quite-healed ankles.  "Shut up," he growled at the beeping machine. "Hey. Hey." His hands reached out to Toshinori. "Hey, you're sitting in the hospital. You were dreaming. You're okay now." He supported himself on the arm of the chair, hoping that he wasn't too close to Toshinori or freaking him out. His eyes rolled wildly, his hero instincts kicking in.  One fist clenched as he sought the source of his panic "Dad!!" It was a burst of gold in the surreal storm, a familiar voice among the unreality. He latched onto it, let it pull him back, knowing full well it was part of his dream, knowing it didn't exist in the real world. But it brought him comfort and that was the pillar he stood on as the nightmare sloughed off. One by one, other familiar sensations returned: the morning sun and its warm golden brilliance, the gentle beeping of the monitoring device (which at this moment was growing more insistent), and his boy he's safe he's safe oh he's safe leaning close, reaching out for him. He clutched that single golden mote of dream a moment longer before he let it dissolve. if only that part had been real...
Izuku gave a strangled gasp as he was suddenly pulled into Toshinori's arms, stiffening as his balance was interrupted. He stopped himself from crashing into his fathementor by awkwardly propping his arms against the back of the armchair before he could be pulled headlong into the hug, wincing and giving a tiny growl of pain as the remnants of his injuries protested. A bit more slowly, he let himself be pulled in, wrapping his own arms around Toshinori's shaking form. "Hey--" he gasped, a bit out of breath. "Hey, it's okay... you had a bad dream, you-- you had a nightmare. You're awake now, you're okay." He felt One for All trying to pull him back under, trying to stop the sudden exertion. No!! NO!! I refuse!! I won't let this happen now, not now! He squeezed his eyes closed and willed it to stop, for the surge to back down.
Toshi raised his hands to cup Izuku's face-- "Kid--" breath caught in his throat, not so much worried that Izuku would burst into emerald thread, that seemed so nonsensical now.  But he was terrified of the boy looking at his with that dull disappointment--that image still remained from the nightmare.  Toshi opened his mouth, about to say something, anything that would prevent that look. And the monitoring machine's beeping became impatiently frantic and teacher pushed student back into the hospital bed. "--you really shouldn't be out of bed," he answered a bit gruffly.  But in his eyes, a world of gratitude.  And then a faint worried frown as he saw the signs of One for All trying to work.  "C'mon, quickly now."
Izuku stiffened, wide-eyed, not expecting to be pushed back into the bed. A startled hand gripped at the arm pushing him as he tried to process the sudden change in the situation.
Toshinori gave him a look of stern concern but his sunken eyes glimmered wetly.  "I'm here but I need you to be here," he said, still pushing Izuku back into bed.
"But-- but I'm here--" Izuku's breath quickened and his eyes flickered around as he tried to figure out what to do or say next. Try obeying, doofus? His brain spat at him. That's what you're supposed to be doing. Like, all the time. He carefully, still kinda stiffly crept back to his spot, ducking his head a bit, but watching closely and ready to jump out again at the slightest notice.
Toshi rubbed one hand over his face and leaned back in his chair with a noise somewhere between relief and distress.  He was exhausted, he wanted to sleep feels like I've ran a marathon but he did not want to dream again. that thick sound, like a bat hitting raw steak One fist white-knuckle clenched again and his other hand pressed against it to unclench. Maybe some hot tea to keep him up....
In a surprisingly fluid motion, Izuku slipped out of bed again and curled beside Toshi's leg on the floor, leaning against the chair. He rested his head against Toshinori's knee. Maybe if I'm just very small and still and quiet, he won't mind that I won't stay put. He curled a hand around the seam of Toshinori's pant leg, just... holding on.
"C'mon, young Midoriya, don't."  He half heartedly plucked at the kid's hospital gown, to get him back into bed.  "I don't want you to--" I don't want to see you get hurt again Another fist formed and just as quickly gone again. the scream--that last one.  It had been Izuku It was all he could do to keep his composure. "--please," he breathed.
Izuku stared up at Toshi, eyes wide as he sat there frozen. His heart was either in his throat or in his stomach, he couldn't figure out which. Moving would break the moment, would feel... somehow wrong, even though Toshinori had asked him to. Not moving... held far more unknowns. Would Toshinori be angry if he didn't move in time? Or would the truth break loose? What truth? There aren't any lies here! ...And yet the truth of the moment is held back. He was somehow sure. But is the the way to gain it? You could ruin everything-- Move or stay? His mind flashed between both options too fast to choose. And in doing so, he chose by accident, because he stayed frozen on the floor. Still staring at his mentor.
"Young Midoriya--!"  Toshinori gaped at him, reached out to push the kid back to bed Don't you dare touch him.  Not with those hands. the hands that had swung in anger he had been fully aware of what he was doing the sounds the stench of sweat and fear red red so much red all over those hands of yours And with a tch! of despair and disgust, he dropped his hands in his lap.  He could feel his face starting to crumble and quickly jutted his chin out to combat it. "Izuku, please," he croaked.  I can't force you.  And I don't dare get angry.  I can't afford to risk it.  What if Next to them, the monitoring machine was getting insistent again.
Izuku watched Toshinori's face as he sat there, waiting to see-- Incredulous shock. Oh no I made a mistake Hands reaching out. no wAIT IM SORRY-- Izuku quickly scuffled to get his feet under him.... ...then... ...? He almost reached out, but pulled back before he could. Don't touch him don't invade his space you'll only make him angrier ...Well he doesn't... really look... angry at all... he looks devastated. Have I really messed up all that badly? No. I think it was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Look at his hands. How he looks at them. He's afraid of them. Of his power. A lump formed in Izuku's throat. No.... He pleaded silently. Not you, All Might, you of all people I'd trust with power.... But look what he did with it, a horrible, sinister voice whispered. He killed. He DIDN'T KILL, HE WON'T! HE'D NEVER!! Izuku's hands turned into fists. Then he heard the quiet, desperate croaking that cut through his thoughts like a knife. "Izuku, please...." Toshinori was on the edge of his emotions. Izuku could hear it, and it dug claws into his chest. I made a mistake... I failed, I failed you, I'm sorry-- A few hot tears spilled over quietly, and he struggled to balance as he pushed himself up. "I'm sorry--" He gave a tiny gasp suddenly as his ankle refused to be stood on, and he started falling.
It was automatic. No hesitation.  No deliberation. One hand reached out to catch, the other to protect Izuku from hitting anything. Your hands can still do good, yes "Gotcha," Toshi murmured then tilted his head in surprise.  "Hey, what--why are you--?  Sorry?"  He held Izuku close a moment is that his heart beating wildly?  Mine? Then set the kid back on the bed (the frantically beeping machine slowly pacified). Once more, he found his own worries and dismal thoughts shoved away, making room only for Izuku.  A welcome distraction.  And still an automatic reaction. "What on earth have you to be sorry for?" he asked.  "You've done nothing wrong.  If it's this--"  And he gestured to the room.  "--then don't worry.  I've been in my share of them and I'm supposed to be the greatest, right?" Greatest.  Ha.
Izuku lowered his head slowly, his head coming to rest gently against Toshinori's collarbone. His hands still held onto his mentor's sleeves-- when had he grabbed on? It must have been when he was falling. He closed his eyes and said softly, "You are." A quiet pause. "You are great." The machine beeped. Izuku's fingers moved the tiniest bit, making a soft noise as they brushed along the ripped fabric. "But you're good, too. And that's so much better." I need you to know that.
He knows. Toshinori hung his head, bangs obscuring his face. He knows. His heart sunk while the rest of him turned numb. He knows and he's still here, he's still looking up to me He knows I did it because of what they did to him He knows what you did. He couldn't even manage a sound of acknowledgement.  He was numb, time was numb, the world was numb. What happens now?
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julia-highstorms · 6 years
If Jane Was Here (Noah’s POV) - Ch. 10
Summary: ILITW by Noah’s point of view. Previous chapters here
Author’s Note: all characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. From now on, I'll be writing with a gender neutral MC. I'll try to update all the previous character with the proper pronouns. And in next chapter the betrayal of our favorite beanie boy starts! [cries in emo]
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Pairing: Noah x MC
Word count: 2279
Tagging @kurbqa @miragemeister @yertletheturtle04 @mysteriouslady4 @klaudiana-beaumontkk @katiehawkeyebishop @melchann @imgoingtocurnyscho @jadedpixiescribbles @gameofstrangerwars @american-duchess @blackheartdreams @indiacater
If you want to be tagged, let me know!
Chapter 10 - I'm Not Scared
The nightmares kept coming, especially after Lily’s disconcerting text about the basketball game that happened that evening. Noah dreamed about Jane, Mr. Red, spiders and the darkness.
He woke up feeling more exhausted than when he went to sleep. He and Mom had a little argument, as usual, and he left for school. There, MC caught up with him as he walked up the front steps. They looked as tired as him.
“Wow, you look as bad as I feel. Didn’t sleep well?”
“Nightmares. You too?” – he nodded ruefully, rubbing his eyes.
“I can barely think straight. Pretty sure I called my mom a fascist for asking me to take out the garbage this morning.” – he said, as they stepped through the front doors.
As both of them walked down the hall, they spotted Andy walking in the opposite direction.
“Hey! How’re you holding up?” – MC asked the short boy.
“Hangin’ in there. How about y—”
“Hey, ‘King Kang’, you throw that game on purpose, or are you just an one-hit wonder?”
“But you’re glad those spiders showed up, huh? Nice excuse for ditching the game early!” – Andy flinched as the mocking voices shouted down the hall.
“Wha... Hey! You wanna say that to my face?!” – and then he walked past them, chasing the mocking laughter.
“We’ve gotta do something about this Mr. Red situation before one of us cracks.” – Noah observed.
“Well, I for one am done taking hits. It’s time we start hitting back.” – MC said with a determinated frown on their face.
“Yeah, totally!” – he felt slightly inspired by them. – “So uh... what do you want to do?”
“Homework.” – and then, they started furiously typing on their phone. Noah’s own phone vibrated inside his pocket. He fished it and read the group text.
MC: “Mr red is going to come after us all”
MC: “Which is definitely my fault and im sorry”
MC: “But I think we can all agree that we need to find a way to stop him”
MC: “Im going to the library tonight to get to the bottom of this”
MC: “To find some way to stop/banish/kill him.”
MC: “Can I count on you?”
Stacy surprisingly was the first one to text back:
Stacy: “I’ll be there.”
Noah: “You don’t have cheer practice or something?”
Stacy: “Duh, of course I do.”
Stacy: “But this is more important.”
Stacy: “C u after class!”
Noah would be lying if he said that the cheerleader’s text didn’t make him a little happier and hopeful.
He looked away from his phone screen. MC’s eyes were already on him and they had a small grin on their lips.
“We’re going to do this, Noah.”
“Yeah... we’re going...” – he couldn’t hold back a smile too.
The two teenagers kept walking down the hall and parted ways. He entered his Biology class and sat on his desk, when his cellphone suddenly buzzed on his hand. An audio blasted from the speakers – which was weird, because Noah always left his phone on vibrate mode only – and a video started playing...
“I HATE my life! Everyone thinks we’re this perfect little family...” – he watched an angry Stacy shouting madly.
Uh, why he was watching it? He reopened the group chat:
Noah: “Anyone else’s phone acting weird? This video of stacy just started auto-playing at full volume”
Andy: “I got it too, and I’m p sure I just saw her run down the hall”
Andy:  “what’s going on?”
MC: “It was Mr. Red. Has to be. Somehow he got that video and sent it to everyone”
MC: “We’ve gotta watch each other’s back today. Something tells me he’s not done yet...”
Andy: “Speaking of, anyone seen Ava?” – hmm, Noah hasn’t.
MC: “I haven’t...”
MC: “You don’t think something happened?!”
Lucas: “Something did”
Lucas:  “But it wasn’t Mr. Red...”
Andy: “what do you mean?”
But Lucas never answered.
Noah haven’t seen any of his friends the whole day and they didn’t texted if they were going to be there at the library, but at least he got MC’s back. After school, he headed towards the Main Street and did his homework at the library while he waited until it was the meeting time.
MC entered the library and headed straight to him.
“Hey, Beanie Boy.” – they whispered at him.
“Hey. Glad to see that at least someone showed up.” – he greeted them back. They pulled the chair beside his and sat down.
“Of course I’d show up. It was me the one who called this meeting, did you forget?” – he rolled his eyes, making MC chuckle.
He appreciated that MC wasn’t much the talking type like him. Or maybe they was, but knowing that he wasn’t, they said nothing else and both of them fell into a comfortable silence.
The minutes passed and no one else arrived. MC started pacing anxiously around the library as Noah drummed his fingers on the table. Where the hell was everyone?
He was starting to feel frustrated and disappointed again.
“...Think anyone else will come?” – they murmured.
“I knew this was gonna happen. I just knew—” – then, before he finished that sentence, the door banged open and Lucas stormed in:
“I got suspended!”
“What? Why?” – MC asked in shock.
“Because even though I tried to do the right thing, Mr. Red is determined to ruin my life. Point is, if there’s anything in this library that can kill that bastard, Im gonna find it if it takes me all year.” – he stopped and looked around them. – “Where’s everyone else?”
“Here.” – they heard someone say.
Turning to the front door, they saw Andy walking with the girls following him. Stacy shuffled beside the Asian boy, her face red from crying. She dropped a half-eaten pint of ice cream in the trash.
“I hope you guys don’t mind if I just curl up on the floor in a ball.”
“As long as I can join you.” – Lily told the cheerleader, dropping a garment bag from the dress store over the back of a chair, before sighing heavily. – “Guys, I’m not so sure about Britney...”
“Wow. You guys... you actually came!” – Noah was surprised to see everyone there that he had to say it out loud. For the first time in years, he felt like he had their support. He had his friends back.
“Of course we came! Why wouldn’t we?” – Stacy looked confused at him. Lily grinned sheepishly:
“We need to stick together now more than ever.”
“Wow, this is getting dangerously close to group hug territory.” – with one hand still on the door, Ava tried to back out of the room, but Stacy grabbed her by the collar.
“Oh no you don’t.”
“You’re not escaping that easily.”
“Ugh. UGH.”
“You all made it...” – it was MC who said this. They was smiling widely. – “Group hug. Seriously.”
“Nooooo...” – Ava complained.
“Yes. Get in here.” – the boys chuckled as they watched MC and the girls hugging each other, with Ava sighing heavily and rolling her eyes the whole time.
“Seeeee? Not so bad.” – Stacy told her.
“Nope. I hate this. You’re all gross.”
“Aww... we love you too, Ava.” – Lily giggled.
“Okay. So here’s what comes next.” – MC said as they pulled out. – “We’re looking for anything we can find on Redfield, or his weird monsters. Or cults from the 1800s... Or coma epidemics followed by multiple deaths... Oh, or some guy named Goddard Filleus.”
Okay, that was oddly specific.
“Who’s that?” – Noah asked.
“A scholar who came to Westchester in the 1800s. He was looking for a monster that lived in the woods... and I think he found it.”
“How’d you hear about him?”
“A little Bird told me.” – they grinned at him. Whatever the hell they meant with it, Noah decided to stop asking questions and start looking for answers.
“Alright! That should be more than enough to crack this thing. Let’s get to it.” – Lucas said, looking excited for the first time in a long time.
But again, it was being useless. Hours had passed, the searching was being fruitless and morale was running low.
“We haven’t found anything on Mr. Red. Anyone have any bright ideas?” – MC asked, closing another ancient book.
“My idea-maker is fried. I haven’t eaten anything all day...” – Lucas said. – “...and I can’t stop thinking about pizza.” – Noah’s stomach growled.
“I’d settle for a cup of coffee... and maybe a new identity.” – Stacy looked as tired as him.
“I just want to go outside for a walk.”
“Pff. Okay, grandpa.” – Ava rolled her eyes to Andy. – “Personally, I just want to break something. Preferably with a hammer. And I do know a warehouse nearby where I can do just that.”
MC turned to Lucas.
“Hey, Lucas! It’s pizza time.”
“But what about—”
“Pizza. Time.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s go.” – he said, holding up his hands in defeat.
“Hey, make sure you bring enough to the class!” – Noah reminded them. He was starving too.
“Will do.” – MC winked at him as they and Lucas headed out.
The rest of the gang kept looking for something useful, but they got nothing. After twenty minutes, MC and Lucas were back.
“Did anyone ordered pizza?” – the Class President looked a litte less tense.
“Hell yeah!” – Andy shouted excited. The librarian shushed him. She was already being kind enough to let them eat inside.
As they dived into their pizzas – which were delicious –, Noah saw MC walking out with Ava. He wondered where in Westchester would there be a warehouse where you could just break stuff. Maybe he should ask its address to Ava later.
Ava and MC returned after a while.
“Come on, Stacy.”
“You. Me. Coffee. Now.” – MC grinned at her. The cheerleader giggled.
“Gosh, how can I refuse such an eloquente invitation?”
“Can you bring me a chai?” – Lily asked them.
“Sure. Everybody text us your orders.”
They returned after other fifteen minutes. Noah’s iced coffee was great, and he felt a little energized with it.
He watched as MC and Andy left the library for a walk while he sipped on his drink. Unconsciously, his eyes would always follow and search for MC in a crowd.
“Don’t you want to take a break too, Noah?” – Lily asked him.
“Nah. I think it’s better if I keep on searching.” – he shrugged. And, to be honest, he was happy to be there, reunited with his friends.
Andy and MC soon rejoined them.
“All right, let me at those books!” – MC said, plopping down on the chair next to him. Their energy was so infectious that everyone seemed revitalized, attacking their tasks with renewed enthusiasm.
“Ooh! I just remembered there’s a rare books room in the back. Someone want to check it out with me?” – Lily proposed. Ava nodded.
“Aw yeah, if there are any ancient tomes of dark and forbidden magic in this place, that’s where they’ll be.”
“Need someone to help carry? I feel like I could lift about twenty books right now.”
“Only twnety? I thought your record was twenty-five.” – Stacy teased Andy, who rolled his eyes, still grinning.
“Let me know if you see ‘Volume II of Westchester Through the Ages’ back there. I’m almost through Volume I.” – Lucas asked the trio before they headed to the back of the library.
Noah nudged MC by his side with his elbow.
“Pass me that book, wouldja?” – he couldn’t contain a smirk too.
“Sure thing.” – they gave him the book and they dove back into research with contented smiles on their faces.
A while later, Noah heard Lily and MC talking about a children’s book. Andy approached them, telling something about a Mud Dude story.
“That’s the dirt monster! The thing that attacked me in my room!” – MC said, shock in their face. The rest of the gang clustered around them, Lily and Andy to look. They flipped through pages of unfamiliar illustrations and poems.
“’Never trust a bear’?”
“’Spiders, Snakes and Slimy Things’?” – Lucas and Stacy read some of the titles. Noah caught one too.
“’How to Teach a Dead Dog Tricks’? What kinda freaky kids’ book is this?” – he certainly had never saw or heard about it before.
MC flipped the book over to its cover, reading its title out loud:
“’Things That Live in the Woods. Poems and Drawings by... Cora Pritchard’?” – uh, that name rang a bell.
“Why does that sound so familiar?” – Lily asked, looking at her friends’ faces. Ava suddenly jumped by her side.
“I know that name! Cora Pritchard... That’s Pritch the Witch!”
“How would some old crackpot know about all this stuff?” – Noah asked her. But it was MC who answered him:
“I don’t know... but I know one way to find out.”
He saw that determined expression on their face. He knew excatly what they meant.
“We going where I think we’re going?” – MC nodded at him.
“Time to pay Pritch the Witch a visit.”
Noah and Lily shared a worried look, but they all agreed that they had to go to the old woman’s house. At least they were all going to do it. Together.
They climbed on Stacy’s and Lucas’ cars and they drove to a gravel road on the city outskirts.
“Why are we stopping?” – Andy asked from the passenger sit as Stacy parked and shut off the engine.
“There’s a gate. We’re gonna have to walk.”
“Yeah, sure, why not? How could anything bad happen to a bunch of teens all alone in the woods in the night?” – Noah said sarcastically from the backseat.
Then, he felt something warm on his hand. He looked to his side and MC looked back at him. They nodded at him, squeezing his hand slightly. That somehow was reassuring and he felt brave enough to go face Pritch the Witch.
They all piled out of Stacy’s car. Lily, Ava and Lucas did the same from his.
“So... can we just... go in?” – Lily asked, nervoulsy glancing to the woods around them.
“I’m not sure... What does that sign say?” – Lucas said, narrowing his eyes, trying to read it. Ava scrutinized the hand-painted sign partially obscured by a branch:
“Trespassers will be...’” – she lifted the branch. – “’...sacrificed’?”
“Cool. Cool cool cool.” – Noah said, as if saying it out loud would actually turn it cool and not just freaking terrifying like it was.
It wasn’t cool.
All of them tensed, sharing nervous glances.
“We’ve come this far. We can’t give up now.” – MC said, with that brave face of theirs.
Lucas held up the gate’s rusty iron chain, letting everyone duck underneath it. The gang walked deeper into the woods, surrounded by the sound of the wind. None of them said anything and Noah walked the whole way there with one hand around MC’s forearm. He felt less scared feeling their presence right next to him.
A few minutes later, they crouched in the brush outside a run-down cabin. Smoke curled from the chimney. Amber light flickered from the windows.
“Who wants to be the brave one?” – he whispered to his friends.
“I’d do it... but I don’t wanna.” – Andy whispered back.
“What if the stories are true? What if she cooks us into little clay coffins?!” – Lily was just about to freak out. Noah didn’t blame her. He wanted to get the hell out of there the minute Stacy parked the car.
...Actually, the minute MC proposed them to go there. That was the most stupid idea they have ever had.
“Maybe we can peek inside?”
“I’ll take a look.” – Ava told Lucas. Everyone turned to watch her, who remained motionless.
“...Well?” – Stacy asked.
“...Any second now.”
“I’ll do it. I’ll knock on the door.”
“MC, wait!” – Noah said, but MC was already stepping into the clearing and climbing the porch steps. They lifted their arm and knocked on the door, but got no answer. – “Hello? M-Miss Pritchard?” – they knocked again, harder, but still no answer. – “Huh. Hey guys, I don’t thinks she’s—”
But as they turned away from the door, a creature suddenly slank out from around the back. The moss creature growled at the group, ready to attack.
“Holy crap!” – Andy shouted.
“Watch out, MC!” – Lucas told them as they backed away, rejoining them. The creature stalked forward, teeth bared.
“What do we do? MC, WHAT DO WE DO?!” – Stacy yelled, freaking out. Noah was pretty sure that he had just shitted his pants.
But then the cabin door swang open, revealing a thin figure silhouetted against the light inside.
“Holy crap... it’s her...” – the beanie boy gasped, recognising Pritch the Witch.
The old woman looked over the group... then scowled.
“Looks like we’ve got some tresspassers. You’ve got thirty seconds to tell me what yer business is... before I let my dog rip you to pieces.”
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myteline · 6 years
•//▪Mysterious artist▪//•
<<¤BTS FF¤>>
《♡Taehyung x Reader♡》
●☆Word count: I DONT even know... ☆●
■♢Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst(future chapters ;)) ♢■
○Description: Your name is Kim Y/N. You are 18 years old. You are Korean but moved to America 2 years ago, your dad made that decision he just wants to run from his problems -_-. Anyways you're moving back to Korea today! You were planning on finishing high school in the school you started before moving in America however you eventually got news that Portman high school( your first high school in Korea before you moved to America) was shut down due to poor teaching system and no teachers available to teach. So your dad sent you to Soung Highschool which was a high school closer to your home than Portman. Everything goes well till you meet a guy and he acts weird around you and he always acts like a dick around you. I wonder why?
Previously in Chapter one:
You said goodbye to your friends and family in America and boarded the plane to Korea. You found it funny how at first when your Dad first made you go to America you didn't want to leave Korea but once you left and then found out your dad is making you go back you didn't want to return...
Chapter 2
You got your handbag and started walking to get your suitcase when someone stopped you. “Hmmm? Dad?”. “Y/N stop pretending everything is fine and acting all normal!”. *You sighed deeply* “Dad if you're going to try to comfort me and think ill tell you everything then your wrong! And if you are just trying to small talk, don't try well just get in an argument and right now Imma be honest and say I can't be asked to argue with you” You started walking away and left your Dad with his mouth open and shocked look. You were never this confronting, you were never this confident and angry to be able to speak to your dad like that even if he made you angry you always looked him in the eyes, apologised and went back to what you were doing before him intervening in the situation. You walked out and were bombarded by a group hug. 
“Y/NNNNNNNN” a group of people shouted excitedly.
“I-i-i-i c-c-c-can-nt-t bre-e-eat-hh-h--” you whispered as you were losing circulation.
“OH SORRY!” they apologised.
“It's ok! I missed you guys so much!!!” You said as you put your arms around their necks and group hugged them back. “Does everyone know I'm back?”
“No just us the rest know you were returning, they just didn't know what day” one of them replied.
-OK so let me introduce you to your old friends before you left Korea. Before you left you were friends with Blackpink aka Jennie, Lisa, Jisso and Rose. You didn't have many friends back then cause you were also considered a nerd but since then you have changed your looks so much that before leaving America you had to send a picture to your friends so they'll be able to recognise you and in addition, they had to make a sign with your name on it. Anyways you were also friends with GOT7 and EXO but you didnt really keep in contact. You mostly got updates from Jennie and Blackpink. Anyways back to the story-
“Oh I have an idea! We can surprise them! Listen here” 
*inaudible because of a truck passing by ;)))*
“Wait... MARK?! MARK!” you run up to him and bear hug him.
“Hi, princess~” he said softly whilst brushing his hand through your hair.
“I missed you so much!” You started silently crying in Marks embrace, you always felt safe with him. Even in the darkest moments of your life, he was always your sunshine, your hope that life will get better. The only reason you wre living, breathing, the only reason you were still there.  -Ok backstory. Mark is your older adopted brother. You were a family of 5, now 3. Your mum and other older brother Zico. They died in that accident... The accident you caused and blamed yourself every day because you knew everyone blamed you for their death cause there was no one else to blame... it was your fault-
“I missed you too princess~” he said as he pulled away and saw the tears on your rosy cheeks. “ Awww dont cry princess~ I love you so so so much and you know i hate to see you cry” he slightly smiled at you and you weakly smiled back.”Come on now lets head home, you can go surprise NCT and GOT7 at the girls house across the street but you’ll have to come home to get your stuff unpacked”
“Ok ill go in a car with blackpink, you go with dad cause I seriously don't have the energy and mental power to keep up with his stupidity and I can't argue with him it's getting too close to the date...” There was a long since tears threatened to fall again so you bit your lip to keep your calm cause you knew although Mark didn't show it, he also blamed you for that day. He also thought it was your fault although when asking him he would deny and argue at how stupid you were for thinking he actually blamed you for the accident of that unfaithful day.
“Ok but I want you to come back home at 7pm sharp,” Mark said in a tone you had never heard. Was he slowly losing you as well? Were you just a disappointment? What did you do to deserve this? Why is it you? What have you done? You were overthinking again before you knew it,  you were in a panic attack state, your breathing was heavy, all you could hear was your heartbeat and a high pitched sound far away in your ear but you could tell it was getting louder which meant youll faint but you didn't wanna cause a scene so you had to calm down. You regulated and breathed slowly, you drank water and snapped back to reality realising Mark had bee waving his hands and shaking your shoulders multiple times just so you would come out of your deep thoughts and overreactions. But how could you when you knew that at the back of his mind even he thought it was your fault for the accident of that day...
“Y/NNNN COME OUT OF THE STATE! STOP THINKING!” you heard Blackpink scream.
“Oh sorry I was just thinking of our plan to surprise the boys :)”. Of course, you lied! You couldn't tell them the truth, it would make you look like an attention seeker and want pity. But that's not you. you're not that type of person to want attention.
“Ok come on let's get going home,” Mark said as he took your suitcase and put it in the trunk of hi car.
-Time skip- You’re at blackpink’s house getting ready to surprise the boys.
You were anxiously waiting for the clock to hit 6 o clock so the boys will be there. You planned that you will hide and the girls will play guess the animal, blindfolded, by the sound it mak- 
You jumped a little from the doorbell and heard a group of boys enter the house and into the living room. You were hiding behind the stairs.
Jisoo POV:
Jennie: Welcome guys! Come on in!
GOT7: So why did you guys us here?
Lisa: We wanna play a game. Guess the animal by its noise but youll be blindfolded and you guys are going first.
The boys: OK!
The girls play a cat meow. BamBam: OH THATS A CAT Jackson: A cat The rest: OH YEH ITS A CAT! The girls: Ok next one! They play a goat noise.  WINWIN: A SHEEP! Taeyoung: A frog!? Blackpink: A frog??? Taeyoung: IDK  Ten: ITS A GOAT! Blackpink: Correct! Next and last one before we swap ;))). You enter the room.
Y/N: I missed you guys!~ The boys: Y/NNNNN- WAIT WHAT? They take off their blindfolds which reveals you in the middle of the room. You smile as tears fall from how much you missed them. Especially JB and Johnny. Why? Because of that day when you tried to end it at the Central Bridge... When you took your last gasp of air before hitting the freezing water and slowly feeling your lungs get filled u with water. Slowly your body became heavy, sinking. You were sleepy, you let in but as you thought it was the end, you felt someone pull you out and perform CPR but you were too weak to sit up or speak or do anything so you just coughed out the water. You welt 2 pairs of arms around you... It was them JB and Johnny. They had saved you from probably the worst mistake of your life-
The boys came and group hugged you. You loved them all equal and hugged them one by one. You guys talked till about 6.45 and then you said goodbye and left to your house across the street. “Mark! I'm home!” you shouted as you heard footsteps shift across the hall upstairs. “Y/N??, come upstairs!” he shouted back “OK, I'm coming!” You headed upstairs and saw Mark in your old room because your room was straightforward when you walked upstairs.
“M-mark?... T-this hasn't changed *you chuckled and bit your bottom lip to prevent yourself from crying. All the painful memories of this room... you couldn't take it* “I-I didn't know if you wanted anything changed cause you know you might not want to for reasons but if you do ill help you,” he said as if he was reading your mind. “Thank you, ill plan it and show you on Saturday and well get it ready for Sunday and then Ill get ready for my first day of school in Korea *you lightly smile*. “Ok, if you need me I’ll be making dinner downstairs” “You and cooking in the same sentence? You+ dinner= house burned down. AM I GONNA DIE TONIGHT? *you chucked again* “Hey YOU COME HERE!” Mark chased after you for a bit until he gave upp and went downstairs to make dinner. Y/N:*sigh* I mised this place. You put headphones on and listen  to music whilst planning the renovation of your room.
-Time skip- Dinner
Y/N: “Damn *gulp* Mark when did yo learn to cook so well?” Mark: Since you left, I went to different classes and learnt different things until I settled on the highschool youre going to on Monday! Also one of my friends cooks really well so he helped me practice” he said as he pinched your cheeks. Y/N: I am so full! Thank you for the food! I will go get ready for bed tomorrows gonna be a long day! Good night!” Mark and Dad: Night! Yoou went and washed your dishes then went and took a shower. You changed to your pyjams:
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You went on your phone and texted the girls:
After that you went to bed. The next morning. Time skip to when you are getting picked up. This is what you wore:
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In that moment you felt like life went back to normal. Mark walked in and saw your bright smiled and he smiled at you and you smile back. Then you heard the doorbell.
To be continued in chapter 3
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justintimbershit · 7 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?XO - John Mayer Cabaret - Justin Timberlake Lights On - Shawn Mendes Bad Habit - The KooksHow Would You Feel - Ed Sheeran You’re Gonna Llive Forever in Me - John Mayer
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?literally John Mayer so I can ask him why the FUCK he played XO in Chicago and why that was only the 10th time ever and first and only time of TSFE tour he played it
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.“Mom’s stumped us. We had absolutely no idea who she’d dredge” (I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson)
4: What do you think about most?how terrible life is and then how much i wanna die tbh
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?“Jena should i get dropped off at your house then we can go get joe & julie?” IOWA TOMORROW FOR ED :DDDD
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?always w shirt but no pants lol
7: What’s your strangest talent?hating life as much as i do idk i have no talent
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)girls r hot n nice boys r hot n mean
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?yeah bc we were in love lol :(
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? idk i usually dont
11: Do you have any strange phobias?feet, being alone but also being in large crowds, idk theyre not very weird
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?no?
13: What’s your religion?idk man none atm prob
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?looking forward to going inside. but working and therefore reading.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?behind bc i am ugly lol
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?um probably panic at the disco but then also the killers
17: What was the last lie you told?“its fine” bc no it is not fine i wanna fight
18: Do you believe in karma?ya i think so. maybe
19: What does your URL mean?i like Justin Timberlake and also swearing
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?weakness is probably just who i am as a person and strength is idk i dont have any
21: Who is your celebrity crush?lmao. you say this like i have one. i have many. like thousands.
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?nope
23: How do you vent your anger?talk to someone usually
24: Do you have a collection of anything?movie/concert/sporting event tickets and also empty gatorade bottles on my floor
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?phone bc im ugly
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?eh. better than what i was but could be better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?hate is my sisters voice lol love is john mayers voice bc he sounds like a fuckin angel
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?what if i was someone else but not really someone else just like what if i was me with a better life or a differnt life in which things didnt always go so terribly for me ya know
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?ghosts maybe but aliens def
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.right arm some paper hanging off my nightstand and left nothing
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?the faint scent of clean laundry and lotion
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?hm.. great question. i feel like ive been to some pretty bad places but i cant recall any???
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?ive never been to either but east coast i think
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?justin timberlake bc hes one of the most attractive men in the entire world
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?bein happy, doin what you want, livin
36: Define Art.something someone creates
37: Do you believe in luck?yes i do
38: What’s the weather like right now?humid i think
39: What time is it?9:41 pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?nope to both
41: What was the last book you read?i recently finished “The Upside of Unrequited” and now im workin on “More Than This”
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?no i hate it it makes me nauseous
43: Do you have any nicknames?jules
44: What was the last film you saw?o fuck um fist fight maybe?
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?the sunburn i got in florida was terrible bc i couldnt walk for a day so im gonnna say that
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?no :(
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?brandon saad being a chicago blackhawk again, tommy la stella, john mayer, reading gay books
48: What’s your sexual orientation?bi
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?uuuuum possibly ??? idk
50: Do you believe in magic?nah but also maybe
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?in my mind yes but most of the times my actions dont reflect that especially if its been a while
52: What is your astrological sign?sagittarius
53: Do you save money or spend it?both. i allow myself to spend it as long as i still have a decent amount saved
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?lunch at panera lol
55: Love or lust?neither bc they both suck when ur alone
56: In a relationship?no lol
57: How many relationships have you had?zero
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?nope i am not talented like that
59: Where were you yesterday?yesterday. i think i stayed home all day then me mary and joe hung out and went to get milkshakes at steak n shake
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?the inside of the bra bra sitting waiting to be put away lol
61: Are you wearing socks right now?indeed
62: What’s your favourite animal?sloths my fav
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?i dont have one bc if i did ppl would like me, tf
64: Where is your best friend?at home id assume
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.whats tumblr
66: What is your heritage?im italian but i was born here and so were my parents
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?watching an episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia before i showered
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?satan satan
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?yeah lmao who hasnt tho
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?i think so sometimes but other times im the worst person ever idk how i have friends
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?fuck u boss i love dogs and if u hate dogs that much as to not understand the situation i dont wanna work for a dog hater. asshole.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?a. maybe probably b. everything ive never done but wanted to c. probably
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.fuck. um. shit. id say love but then u cant trust the person you love so like… but at the same time i love love so much i feel like id die w/o it n ya know i dont trust anyone anyways so im gonna say love
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?srsly…..Bye Bye Bye by *NSYNC bc i cant be sad listening to that song lolol
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?9077
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?communication n openness
77: How can I win your heart?just be nice to me lol i have low standards
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?yes i do believe so
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?buying tickets to see john mayer lol that changed my life so drastically. my life is now pre john mayer and post john mayer. he literally fucking sang xo i will never get over it that will always be the happiest moment of my life im crying while typing this
80: What size shoes do you wear?8 - 9 ½ depending on the shoe
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?‘probably died because she said she wanted to die so often that death got sick of hearing it and killed her.“
82: What is your favourite word?fuck
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.justin timberlake. god im so fucked lol
84: What is a saying you say a lot?'i hate my life’ 'i want to die’ 'u should fight’
85: What’s the last song you listened to?Fools Gold by One Direction lmao
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?turquoise
87: What is your current desktop picture?justin timberlake leaning on a car lookin all hot n shit
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?myself tbh
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?uuuum idk it depends whos askin ya know. id answer certain questions if asked by one peson but not another
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?probably cry and attempt but ultimately fail to go back to sleep
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?flying or teleportation
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?when john mayer played XO at my concert obviously
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?losing all the pictures on my computer bc i keep saying im over it but im really not that was the entire past 4 years of my life in pictures and videos and theyre just gone its bullshit
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?oh man. so many. but if i had to choose one justin timberlake. wow bet no one saw that comin
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?literally fuckin no where im seeing ed sheeran in a matter of hours im not leaving. but if it were a different day lol id say amsterdam or boston
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?not that im aware of
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?when i was a smol child yea h but not recently
98: Ever been on a plane?when i was a child yes
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?um lol idk probably nothing tbh i dont wanna be held responsible for whatever happens afterwards
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