#that fucking menu. That Fucking Chapter 1 Save File Menu.
juneboat · 5 months
the fact that save files in deltarune are quite possibly even more diagetic than they were in undertale fills me with fear and dread like no other
#june's deltarune brainrot posts#june's undertale brainrot posts#that fucking menu. That Fucking Chapter 1 Save File Menu.#why the fuck is he There. why does he talk about the saves Like That.#why does he talk like they're so . Alive ?? why does he do that.#why does he take such interest in exactly what you do with them#why does he denote whenever you do extremely specific shit#like why wh ywh ywhy whywh yw does he find it so fucking special when you copy the same save file over all 3 slots#why is he even more fascinated when you OVERWRITE one of those fully copied save slots#and. and and and. god fucking dammit and.#AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THE THREAT LEVEL. WHY IS IT HIS ONLY INSTANCE OF “VERY INTERESTING” IN THAT MENU.#GOD FUCKING DAMMIT TOBY WHAT ARE YOU COOKING#and then theres the fact i Literally Just Thought of that what if the post chapter 1 save menu narration is Also a character just not gaste#like. if you think really hard about it to the point that andrew cunningham's brainrot meter starts crying out in pain#the lines in that menu are extremely very incredibly insanely slightly might be somewhat a tiny bit weird-ish#like i cant stress enough that this is a complete crack pot theory but What If It Is yknow#the line that sticks out to me as the most “EVIISMBSATBW-I” ( look at the previous tags to see what that acronym stands for )#is “There's nothing to erase.” again this is entirely 100000% brainrot and i am off the shits#but like. surely i can't be alone in thinking the wording is eeeeever so slightly odd there#like surely it could just be something like “File is blank.” or “Can't erase a blank file.” or something simple like that#but it's specifically “There's nothing to erase.”#There Is Nothing To Erase.#surely i can't be the Singular One Person In the World who is at least slightly reminded of chara's post-geno dialogue with that line#yes i'm entirely insane welcome to june brainrot. anyways#tag-exclusive rant over enjoy the#elusive june rant
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oh my god ok so i restarted chapter 1, then erased my chapter 2 files so i could start fresh from there and it's fucking. deleted all of my items and money and im gonna have to beat Jevil again to get a clean run through im going insane 💀💀
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swordsxsarcasm · 3 years
MORE deltarune spoilers because i just finished playing from ch1-2 on a complete save file
ok so first things first:
1. spamton: i thought about it, looked around some more, and yknow how the butler in the queen's mansion cafe (after the fight) talks about how he built that body for a lightner? im pretty sure the lightner in question is mettaton. or, the ghost that Becomes mettaton. with spamtons final form being "spamton neo", the resemblance to mettaton neo in the geno route of undertale, and mettaton still being a ghost in deltarune, im pretty sure that mettaton had wished for a body like that, and the darkner running the cafe answered that wish by making the machine found in the basement.
2. onion-san: after two years, i finally heard onion-san's secret. or, both secrets, actually lol. so apparently onion-san has been hearing part of a song coming from deep under the water, and thinks that they'd heard the entire song before, out deep in the ocean. explicitly says that it's not a new song. they then say theyre going to investigate more and to come back tomorrow (ch3) to hear what else they'd found out. i have two theories about this, one, being that the song that onion-san is hearing is from the humans, and two, that the song is from the darkners.
the human theory is something ive been thinking on since i started replaying deltarune. im pretty sure this world is a timeline where the humans lost the war mentioned in the intro to undertale, and were sealed underground instead of the monsters as a result. the bunker is possibly the entrance to the underground, and kris somehow got out. kris's dialogue about humans seems to imply something dark, with the book about humans on the top floor of the library (accessible in ch2) having "pictures of unfamiliar humans", to which kris immediately slams the book shut. snowy and monsterkid, in ch2, down at the bunker mention that kris knows something about the bunker, and that whatever is in there is scary. this could be another entrance to the dark world (now that we know kris can open them as the knight) but it could also be the underground, where all the humans have been sealed inside of. humans also seem to be relatively unknown and somewhat of mythological creatures, with movies being made about them, and one of the npcs in the apartments asking questions to kris about if their blood hurts/where skeletons come from if humans have them inside of them.
the darkner theory is less thought out on my part, but still possible. the further underwater you go, the darker it gets. its possible that there might be an entrance to the dark world underwater, or maybe the dark world is simply part of the real world, and just unknown/hidden away. this could also tie into the bunker possibly being an entrance to the dark world, and might be the "true" entrance, but its been locked and so the worlds are separated. in ch1, (if i remember correctly) seam and the king mention how the lightners locked them away, and that the dark world wasnt always like this. ralsei also mentions that the lightners and darkners used to live side by side, almost symbiotically, with the lightners giving the darkners purpose and the darkners helping the lightners fulfill their journeys/wishes. if kris knows about it, its possible this isnt kris's first adventure in the dark world, and probably was alone the first time. i can see how that would be terrifying for anyone, let alone a child. kris probably locked the bunker so that no one else would get stuck in there/none of the darkners would come out. it could also possibly be that the "true"/"real" kris wants to release the darkners, but us as the player sealed the bunker somehow, hence why kris keeps removing our control and opening new fountains. there isnt as much to go off of with this theory as the human theory, but i think theyre both possible.
3. ok enough lore talk i have to mention it. THE DUCK. in ch1 when you make the thrash machine you can make a duck, and it sucks, and susie and lancer blow it up. the end. BUT IN CH2, ROUXLS KAARD BRINGS THE THRASH MACHINE BACK AS A BOAT. and if you played through from ch1-2 and got to customize the machine/make it into a duck, theres different text!
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AND. to make matters even better, when you fight giga-queen at the end of ch2, and the thrash machine is modified into a mecha for you to fight her in, you ALSO get a special ability if your thrash machine was a duck! i forgot to grab a screenshot, but its similar to the standard laser upgrade in the act menu, except it (supposedly) sucks. i did notice that the duck version, in addition to attacking, also heals you when you activate it? which is great. all in all, i suggest playing from ch1 so that you can get the duck thrash machine. 10/10
4. the saddest news, papyrus: even if you tell sans you'll hang out with his brother tomorrow in ch1, you still cant meet papyrus in ch2. sans says to come back when asriel comes back to town (which is a whole can of worms, because sans shouldnt know asriel yet since hes new in town. unless toriel blabbed about him while fucking befriending him) which will probably be chapter 6/7 :( i miss papyrus so much im very sad about this.
i think thats it, but then again theres so much that hasnt been explored yet. this is just my thoughts/stuff ive encountered in my playthrough. very hyped for ch3 sjkdgfksdhfhj
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lovevalley45 · 4 years
anyways here’s a not-so-short fucking tutorial on how to download fics from ao3 to ur kindle (not that official):
1) go into ur kindle’s settings and find its email address. i have a kindle paperwhite bc i just like to Read Books and it also has a long battery life. so for me it was the very first thing on the settings menu, then the email is down at the bottom. you can also go online which is easier because you need to be on the page for amazon devices for a future step but i had my kindle right there. 
2) try everything u read online and wonder why it wasn’t working until u read another article that mentions a specific email approval list
3) go to the preferences tab on the ‘your devices’ page on amazon. you’re going to scroll until you see something mentioning the ‘send-to-Kindle’ email. this is the same tab the actual email address is under if u decided to do it online. under that, though, is the ‘approved personal document email list’. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! if ur email isn’t on this list ur kindle WILL give u the big middle finger when u do the next few steps. u gotta put the email you’ll be using to send fics from on this list man
4) go to AO3. pull up that completed avalance slowburn that u procrastinate on going back and rereading bc it is 36 chapters n u can never remember where u left off so u reread the first five chapters fifteen times.
5) at the top of the fic, up with the tabs for ‘mark for later’ and ‘chapters’ there is the ‘download’ button on the far right. click on it
6) you need to download it as a MOBI file. a pdf can work but mobi files are better formatted. if u really want to upload one of ur pdfs as a book on ur kindle, i’ll go over that soon. wait a minute damn. 
7) pull up whatever email application u use and start a new email
8) i hope u saved that address for ur kindle cuz this is where u use it. type that baby in and attach the file for the fic. u don’t have to fill in the subject or body, UNLESS you want to be able to read a pdf like an ebook. if u want to do this, you have to write ‘convert’ in the subject. i haven’t tested this but they say it fucks up the format so try it if u want
9) probably wait a good minute or two after u sent it to check ur kindle. it isn’t automatic. but if u followed all the steps, congrats! u can now read fanfic more covertly. 
enjoy yourselves, y’all
(here’s an article that probably explains it more concisely, but y’all don’t come here concise. still.)
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umbureraakademi · 5 years
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Introductory Note About the AU & Other Chapters & Face Claims
-a/n start-
[Potential spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen or finished TUA Netflix series but seriously how could you stop yourself from watching such a captivating show.]
Word Count: 1366
I decided I’m too lazy to keep updating the face claims every chapter so I placed them in the master post instead,
-a/n end-
The Hargreeves Case
Chapter 10
For the rest of the evening Diego and Monica were pretty much back at their usual banter. Monica tried to trick Diego into reading something on the menu that was in Mexican to which he responded, word for word, with “Keep pushing it and you’ll lose a finger.”
He didn’t have to say it twice for Monica to drop the menu, but she did go back to teasing Diego on how lame of a date he was. It was still pretty annoying as he kept emphasizing they were colleagues getting dinner together, but he guessed it was better than having her try to get him to say something in Mexican.
When the two split the bill it only fueled Monica’s teasing and when Diego argued on how it was a modern world where women don’t always need guys to do or pay for everything, she just replied with, “That’s what all the cheapskate’s say.” holding back a laugh as she handed her share of the dinner.
Eventually Diego drove her home and they had reached her apartment.
“Well, at least you drove me home, Hargreeves. Guess I’ve had worse dates.” Monica said as she leaned back on the passenger’s seat and gave Diego a taunting look.
“You’re either deaf or you just don’t like listening to me.” Diego said, referring to the million times he had to remind Monica they weren’t on a date.
“Take a wild guess. Thanks for the ride.” she responded, flashing Diego a snide grin before opening the car door to step outside.
“You’re not exactly giving me a fair chance, Lee. Let’s go on an actual date then.” he said suddenly, which stopped Monica before she could step out of the car. She turned to Diego with an incredulous look on her face.
“I’m officially asking you out.”
“To prove a point.” he said with a straight face. At that Monica composed herself from her initial shock, realizing she had just irked Diego enough to challenge him to take her on a nice date. It still wasn’t going to be an actual date… was it?
“Well, you’re on. What are the stakes?” she asked.
“Huh?” Diego asked, confused.
“It’s a challenge right? Like if I don’t enjoy the date, what do I get? And if I actually, genuinely enjoy the date, what do you get?”
“Doesn’t that sound a bit one-sided?”
“Hmm… okay, if we both end up enjoying. But we gotta be honest about it.”
Diego took a second to think for a bit before responding, “I can do that. All right, how about if I win you stop getting me to speak Mexican all the time?”
“WHAT?! C’mon, man! You can’t take that fun away from me.” Monica whined as she tried to win Diego’s pity with a pout and sad eyes.
“It’s non-negotiable.” he said with a straight face.
“Ugh, fine.” with a huff, Monica continued. “But if I win and the date actually does suck, you have to at least say one word in Mexican everyday in my presence for the rest of your life.”
“Rest of my life? Really?”
“Lessen the sentence on your deal and I’ll lessen mine. Still making your deal ‘non-negotiable’?”
“Fine, a year?”
“Too long.”
“Six months?”
“Three months.”
“Okay, deal.”
“Now let’s make it official.” at this Monica whipped out her phone and started typing away, Diego raised a curious eyebrow as he craned his head to try and take a look at what she was doing.
“What are you doing?”
“Making a contract.” she said matter-of-factly, and after a few more minutes of fast-typing she presented the text on her phone to Diego which said:
I, Diego Hargreeves, officially ask Monica Lee out on a date. This is to prove that I don’t, in fact, suck at dates.
On the grounds that both parties genuinely enjoy their time together, the agreement is for Monica Lee to stop asking me, Diego Hargreeves, to speak in Mexican for three (3) months.
On the other hand, should any of the one parties genuinely not enjoy the date, the agreement is for I, Diego Hargreeves, to speak at least one (1) Mexican word everyday for three (3) months in the presence of Monica Lee.
The undersigned hereby acknowledge and agree to the above terms.
Diego Hargreeves
Monica Lee
“Seriously?” he said in disbelief as he shot Monica a look.
“Humor me. I’ve been Uncle Gwim’s assistant for three months.” she said, shoving her phone closer to Diego to insist that he sign it.
Shrugging, Diego tapped the space above his name and started drawing his signature on the phone’s screen. When he was done, Monica did the same thing above her name before saving the file on her phone.
“And we have a deal, Hargreeves.”
Friday, the Day of the Date, the Precinct Evidence Locker
“So about three months ago the two of you were at each other’s throats… and tonight, you’re going on a date?” Chuck said as Diego organized some evidence they collected into one of the lockers.
“You’re talking like it’s an actual date.” he responded.
“Did you ask for the Captain’s blessing?” Chuck joked as he chuckled.
“For what? I told you. I’m just trying to prove a point that I am not a sucky date. Plus if I win she stops with her mission to get me to say something in Mexican.”
“Hey, don’t get me wrong, man. I’m just… happy for you, I guess. This is something.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Is it?”
At this Diego paused and looked at Chuck, who raised an eyebrow at him. He looked away and without saying a word, he closed the locker and made his way out, leaving Chuck behind.
Smiling to himself, Chuck said, “Well, goodluck.”
After Work, Monica’s Apartment
“This is a bad idea.” Jessica said in disapproval as she leaned on the doorway to Monica’s room, where the other woman was rummaging through her closet for something to wear.
“Jessie, don’t make such a big deal out of it. It’s not exactly a date date it’s just a bet.” she responded. “Now help me pick something to wear.”
“Maica, remember the first time you told me about this guy and how you never want to get involved with him?”
“Uhh… yeah?”
“Remember why?”
“Hmm… because he’s a Hargreeves?”
“Jessie, for the nth time, this is not a ‘real’ date. Plus, Diego’s… nice.” Monica said a little more softly as she scrutinized a blouse so she wouldn’t see Jessica’s shocked expression.
“‘Nice’? Did you just call him ‘nice’? Ah shit.” she exclaimed before turning her head towards the kitchen. “Ben! Honey, get in here.” she called out.
“What seems to be the problem?” Ben asked as he stepped beside his girlfriend.
“Maica just called this Diego guy ‘nice’.” Jessica answered.
“Oh shit, you like him?” Ben said as he turned to Monica.
“No! Will you two stop overreacting?! He’s going to be here by 7 and I still don’t know what the fuck I’m going to wear.” Monica said frustratedly as she started throwing random pieces of clothing on her bed.
“Well then, why go through the effort picking out something nice to wear if you don’t like him?” Ben asked cooly. “I mean if it’s not a ‘real’ date, why can’t you just wear what you usually wear?”
When Monica didn’t respond and pretended to be too busy sorting through her heap of clothes, Jessica crossed her arms in front of her and said in a warning tone, “Maica.”
“All right, fine. If the two of you aren’t going to help me then get out of here. Google is my new friend now.” Monica said heatedly as she pushed Jessica and Ben out of her room and slammed the door on their faces.
Jessica let out a big sigh and in response Ben put his arm around her shoulders and held her closer. Leaning into his embrace, Jessica laid her head on his shoulder.
“She’ll be all right, love.” Ben said softly as he laid a kiss on her forehead.
“Well…” Jessica started, her face straight. “If he screws up like the last one, I’ll kill him.”
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leonhaxor · 6 years
Hello, yes, welcome to a Deltarune Theory
So, we all know how Gaster was the royal scientist for King Dreemurr. Built his greatest creation, the CORE - which we know that is a massive power source - and that Gaster famously "fell into his creation." Most interpreters thin it's the CORE he fell into, but it's not exactly elaborated upon. We also know what whatever he fell into, he basically became a glitch in the system of UNDERTALE's reality.
Do we really know HOW his CORE works, though?
The CORE was Gaster's greatest creation. Which, as far as we ever knew, was an absolutely MASSIVE energy reactor that provided power to all of the Underground. These are the facts here. Judging by all the lava, it'd be safe to say the power source was geothermal in origin.
The thing is, as far as 'greatest creations' go, this seems a little bit... too mundane. Yes, it's massive. Yes, it looks like Shadow Moses and Hollow Bastion had a lovechild (the castle in KH1, not the variant with an actual town around it). Yes, the overworld theme there is a banger. But at the end of the day it's still a glorified power plant. To his credit, it's unknown how long it actually took him to make it, as well as the implied time period they were sealed away being at least around Medieval Times, if not further back.
But even then... what about the CORE could shatter Gaster's existence across time and space (assuming it was the creation at all)?
Monsters can die to a lot of the same things any other living being can die to. There might be certain allowances, based on what kind of monster they were. If the CORE was geothermal in nature, if a fire elemental was to fall into its workings... well, barring the "drop of water in an ocean" possibility, it's highly likely they'd survive intimate contact with such high levels of heat. A monster that may or may not be a skeleton, like Gaster is widely believed to be? Probably has a melting point.
With the heavy implications that his fall into the CORE spread his essence across time and space, and the specific attention to getting those details across... would a fall into a mere geothermal reactor, no matter how large, actually spread one's being across existence in such an anomalous manner? What would set it apart from dying in literally any other part of the Underground, where monsters turn to dust instead?
As we have seen in both UNDERTALE and deltarune, a Fall is an *incredibly important thing*. Chara/The First Human fell into the underground, arguably fucking up everyone as badly (if not more so) than the human wizards of old who trapped monsters in the Underground. The six human children that came after did the exact same thing, leaving only their SOULs and their gear behind for Asgore and Frisk, respectively, to use. Frisk... well, they too fell into the Underground, and gave us the means to interact with that world.
What do monsters call dying of old age in their culture? Falling down. You know who also did this by the time we're in Chapter 1 of deltarune? Gerson. There’s a book in the  The one person alive who knew what the delta rune was, and who has been getting an awful lot of mention for a dead turtle, but I'll get to that later. Note that there was a distinct difference in the way that it was described for Gaster - he “fell into his own creation,” but he did not “fall down.” Humpty Dumpty might have been pushed.
But the point is, Gaster's own fall is fascinating because like in the context of the human children's falls, his Fall marked a beginning of a story (most obviously, Alphys', but I'm not sure that's where it ends), and the context of an end (such as Gerson's fall in deltarune, and his posthumous reverence by the community that he was from, much like the Followers do).
...so, what exactly might be the cause for Gaster's non-existence, regarding the CORE itself? How exactly did any of that end up being relevant?
Let's talk about deltarune's story for a second.
Recall that the Knight has been referred to by Spade King in crimson text... which, if you recall, is rather similar in color to that of the human SOUL in Kris.
But what kind of creature could this Knight be, to fight the Spade King and instill such profound loyalty within this monarch? When he is so powerful, so cunning, so ruthless, as we see him in his boss battle (as well as indirectly, though his effect on the Darkners' Kingdom)? What if I told you... 
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Jokes aside, we do have to consider what kind of monster this Knight would have to be, one with the power to create the Holy Fountains. One that we haven't actually seen onscreen, and have heard even less of than King. Except... we might actually have seen someone, or rather something, that DOES have ties with the Knight, or at least his ability to manipulate the Fountains.
Or rather, their SOUL.
Or even more specifically... a SOUL that we simply control.
Let's walk back a bit from the stinger, and work our way from there.
Here's a picture from the final scene we have so far in the Dark World, specifically of the “fountain” that we encounter. 
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If you are viewing this in-game, the pattern is constantly scrolling diagonally, along the same line but in different directions. If you pay attention to it, you'll see this strange symbol that looks like a chinese fingertrap with spades on the ends.
Now take a look at this picture from the vessel creation screen. It’s been taken from just before the other menu items appear, for maximum clarity. 
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Note how, while there is a constant rippling effect from the center, not unlike water in a pool, we can clearly see that there is a shape being distorted.
One that bears a striking resemblance to that of the fountain itself.
Both times we see this pattern, texture, whatever you prefer calling it... there is a brief interval where we see it, before a *Red SOUL* is seen in the center of it. And, directly afterwards, we are shown a white light that encompasses the entire screen, before we are brought into the World of Light.
Curiously, in the earlier variant, the screen turns white from the center x-axis and outwards, where the second one turns white from the center y-axis and outwards. Not entirely sure of the significance of the differing choice in axis, but I think it has something to do with the context of each entry. The first is our entry into the game, or rather the prologue, while the latter is our entry into the epilogue.
I believe that the former is representative of the SOUL's entry into the CORE, while the latter is representative of it returning from the depths of the Dark World.
Yes, you read that right.
I believe that the entirety of this game take place inside the CORE.
Between the curious reactions to entering his name into either of the inputs, along with all of the references to sounds and words associated with him, most people think Gaster is the narrator in the opening sequence. Or Chara, according to @Squigglydigg's initial theories playing the game. But while that'd be interesting to explore, I'll have to go a third route for the moment, as I believe there is more evidence to back this idea up.
I might as well address the name input easter eggs before I go farther. Neither "Frisk" nor "Chara" happen to elicit any sort of unique response from the narrator whatsoever. If you name Gaster as the Vessel, the program soft resets. But if you name him as the Creator... it shuts down immediately, before you can truly enter the "R."
I believe that this narrator we are introduced to is actually a program designed by Gaster himself, made to oversee the CORE's operations.
If Gaster is named as the creator of this vessel, the program crashes. Note that this name is also used as that of the SAVE file's profile. As far as we know so far, the vessel's name is inconsequential. It's been hypothesized that this vessel will become relevant in later chapters, but it is unclear if and how it would actually be used.
My current thoughts as to what the creator has to do with this program... is that whoever is actually using the program is in some form of VR simulation. One that, as suggested by the cage at the end of the chapter, is meant to trap the player. I’ll get more into how it tries to do so in the next part of my hypothesis.
I haven’t forgotten about the "Chara" figure at the end of the chapter. I think this is actually a clue to the true identity of the Knight, or at least the World of Light's equivalent. Recall that the one in the Dark World is never seen, but is able to summon the Holy Fountains of Darkness. King, in his fight, has an odd hatred for Kris specifically, calling them the specific name of "Lightbringer" for the first and only time so far in the game. Picture the act of what the Knight *does*, bringing forth a fountain of shadows from the Earth. When Kris stands before that castle fountain, it erupts into light (and is presumably destroyed, but then again, we don’t actually see the aftermath of this action).
The Knight is implied to be obscenely powerful, in both conventional combat and enough to create dark fountains, enough to make King into a willing and eager servant. If we look back at UNDERTALE's genocide route, we see Flowey (who in terms of power and personality greatly resembles King) eagerly supporting "Chara" in their slaughtering of the Underground. And, by the time we have defeated Sans, we've made them into a truly unstoppable killing machine. Note how the Knight's colortext has a unique red and black gradient effect, representing their ties to the darkness while also bringing to mind the infamous red text that accompanied our player-made killer's thoughts. Thoughts laid out in simpler text rendering, but noticably brighter hue than that associated with the Knight.
Also recall the words of Seam the Shopkeeper, should you defeat Jevil. He heavily implies that Jevil is only a taste of what is to come, that later enemies will be even more powerful than that reality warping madman. In the world of UNDERTALE, what has proven more powerful than a human with high LV?
Apart from human error... not much comes to mind, honestly.
In the next part of my Game Theory(TM), I’ll be going over what I think Ralsei’s part to play in all of this really is, as well as what the CORE actually *does* to generate power for the Underground.
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S1E3 - Dead In The Water (Chapter 1)
A/N: I’m posting again after taking a really long break. My apologies, I had a bit of a family crisis. Everything’s all good, time to get back to my preferred universe. 
Word count: 3,080
Summary: It’s been over week since you took the wendigo case in Blackwater Ridge. With no new leads on their father’s whereabouts, the Winchester boys are getting antsy and clash about what to do next. A newspaper article sends the three of you to Wisconsin, where something stirs in the dark waters of Lake Manitoc, responsible for the disappearance of a young girl. 
“And last night, Joni invited Mrs. Lieberman over for dinner and she brought one of her tuna casseroles-”
“Oh no...” I groaned, having had a firsthand experience of our neighbor’s cooking skills. 
I had spent the past ten minutes of my Wednesday morning in one of Wyoming’s finest payphone booths, as my little brother Gus filled me in on the latest events back at home. 
“I tried to get her cat to finish it for me, but even he wouldn’t touch it.” 
Despite how much I loved hearing about the things going on in his life, right now my stomach was growling, egging me on for some breakfast, making it increasingly difficult to pay attention to him. My eyes trailed to the hotel diner behind me, where Sam and Dean had occupied the counter - their heads were practically butted together and I rolled my eyes at the thought of them arguing again. It had been over a week now since we had left Colorado and we had found no new leads on John’s whereabouts, which made everyone tense. Dean had started looking for cases elsewhere, to Sam’s annoyance. Sam didn’t think we should be doing anything else but searching for their dad. I knew he was worried, but I had to agree with Dean - although I didn’t tell him so. The last thing I wanted was for Sam to think I was taking his brother’s side. I only agreed that until we had something real to follow, taking cases was all we could do. 
I said my goodbyes to Gus and headed inside. Sam saw me come in, holding up a hand to wave me over. It seemed their squabbling had simmered on its own - I couldn’t help but notice the vacant seat that was now left between them.
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With a small smile of greeting, I hopped onto the middle seat, eyes skimming the menu suspended on the wall. The smell of pancakes and bacon was almost intoxicating enough to make me forget we were looking for a job. 
“So, got anything?” I asked, eyeing the newspaper spread out in front of Dean.
“Think so,” Dean placed the page in front of me, the article he had circled in red capturing my attention. 
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“Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin.” He began, paraphrasing. “Last week Sophie Carlton, eighteen, walks into the lake, doesn’t walk out. Authorities dragged the water; nothing.”
I stared at the photo they had used of Sophie. It struck me that she was only a few years younger than I was. I remembered taking my yearbook picture like it was yesterday. Dean continued, “She’s the third Lake Manitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were found either.”
I admitted it sounded like our kinda gig, but more than that, Sophie’s life was over before her senior year was and nobody had a clue what had happened to her. I felt like her family was owed the truth.  
“Alright, Lake Manitoc,” I said, nodding. “I’ll get breakfast to go then.”
We made the thousand miles from Wyoming to Wisconsin in about two days. We made an overnight stop at a motel for what I knew was my sake - despite Sam’s protests that he and Dean were tired too. We both knew they could’ve made the trip in half the time without me, but Dean insisted I was doing them both a favor for coming with them. I was grateful regardless, I wasn’t used to living on the road like they were. Apart from Sam’s hiatus to college, this was the only lifestyle they had ever known, and it seemed old habits really did die hard, as he had adjusted back to it with ease. If my aunt Joni hadn’t taken me and Gus in when my mom died, we probably would have faced the same upbringing.
Since I had hit the road with the Winchester boys, I had thought over my decision profusely. There wasn’t much else to do on our travels but listen to the radio and think, until the ever-moving horizon turned my brain to jelly. 
I realized I might have been a bit rash, tossing my college degree aside to come with them, but I had convinced myself it was the right thing to do. Their dad was missing, and Sammy was grieving, and whilst I could never imagine myself completely embracing hunting as a lifestyle, it offered me the kind of freedom I had been craving my whole life. 
I had decided that I would stick with them at the very least until we found their dad, alive and well. I owed John that much considering all he had done for my mom before she passed. 
Tumblr media
It was around midday when we reached town and we didn’t plan on wasting the day. Sam and Dean took off right away to talk to the Carlson’s. I didn’t have an ID for the Wildlife Service (I’d have to get that one made for the future), so I checked us into a motel and began digging through website after website for anything on the history of the lake. 
I didn’t mind being left alone for a while. I had been stuck in a car with them both bickering for two days so I rather appreciated the silence. I sat cross-legged on the bed in my room, Sam’s laptop propped up on my lap. I really hadn’t been snooping, but I had saved a document to the computer and when I searched for it in his recent items, I stumbled across a picture of him and Jess. I was compelled to click on it. From the costumes and the date on the file, it was from Halloween, just days before... 
Jess was dressed as a nurse, but I wasn’t surprised to see Sam not in costume. He had never liked the holiday - too much crazy in his life already, I supposed. She was in his arms, and they were both beaming at the camera. That wasn’t for me to see, and it only infuriated me. I closed the file, slammed the laptop shut and pushed it aside, suddenly feeling very guilty. Sam had been happy. He was doing what he wanted for the first time in his life. I had been so proud when he was accepted into Stanford, I had even been the one to send him off. But now it was back, the thing that had killed his mom, and it was fucking with his life once again. Maybe I was going to have to stick around to see the thing dead after all. 
I jumped at the sound of my ringtone. It was Dean. 
“Hey, what you got?” I asked, nonchalant. 
“We’re on our way down to the police station now,” he informed me. I could hear the rumble of the Impala’s engine in the background. “We were just at the Carlton’s house. Sophie’s brother Will says she was a hundred yards out, when she was dragged under.”
“Well, what did he see?” I inquired, sitting upright as he peaked my interest. So far, we really had no clue as to what we were dealing with. 
“He wasn’t there.”
“Okay,” I said slowly. “But if he didn’t see anything, how can he be sure she didn’t just drown?” I had to ask the obvious, we had to be certain this was our kind of job. 
“Sophie was a varsity swimmer.” Dean said shortly.
“Oh.” That was good enough for me. “I think I have something too.” I began. “It’s a good thing you called before, I looked into the area. Manitocs’ dam is falling apart and the town can’t get a grant to repair it-”
I heard him and Sam discussing something in low tones so I wasn’t sure he was really listening. “Dean? Listen, this is important. It could blow your cover with the Sheriff. The lake’s gotta be the source of this thing, but it’s going to be gone in a few months, so I was thinking that might explain the increase in bodies, right?”
I waited for his judgement, but all I got was some feedback on the other end of the line. He was distracted. “Alright, good job, we’ll be back soon.”
I busied myself with reading John’s journal the rest of the day. Dean had left it with me for research, but, naturally, I was distracted by the vast knowledge it contained. I soaked up page after page of notes on creatures I didn’t even know were real, some I hadn’t ever heard of. John’s sketches were terrifying. I noted down a few phone numbers scrawled in the margins that caught my eye - I presumed they were family friends so I set them aside for Dean to call later. It didn’t feel like my place to follow them up myself, but I thought maybe one of them may have heard from the eldest Winchester.
A couple hours passed, I had exhausted my resources and was staring idly out of the window, consumed in a daydream, when I caught a glimpse of the Impala turning into the motel lot. 
There was a knock on my door a minute later, I called out that it was open and Sam stuck his head through the gap to tell me that they were back. I was still a little dazed, and he must’ve noticed because he frowned at me slightly before coming to a stop at the foot of the bed. 
“You okay?” He asked, shrugging off his jacket.
I gave him my full attention, suddenly burdened by a surge of guilt as I remembered how I had invaded his privacy earlier. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. What did the cops say?” I said, turning our focus back to the case. 
“We talked to the sheriff,” he informed me, the bed dipping slightly as he sat on the edge. “He did a sonar sweep of the entire lake.”
“And?” I prompted, hopeful, as there was another knock on the door.
“And nothing.” Dean interrupted his brother, shutting the door behind himself. “Lake was clean.”
“Well I dug up as much as was on public record...” I scooted down the bed, to present my finds to them. I flicked through the disordered stack of paper that was my research until I found what I was looking for. “Turns out there’s been six more victims over the last thirty-five years, and none of those bodies were recovered either.” Dean paced the length of the room in thought, his arms folded. “The most recent three were all only in the last couple of months.”
Dean scratched his chin before deciding, “I think you were right about the dam. The lake’ll be gone soon so it’s upping the body count.”
“Whatever this thing is, it’s running out of time to get what it wants.” I concluded grimly.
“So, what?” Sam interjected, setting the records aside. “We got a lake monster on a binge?” 
We exchanged glances - all three of us skeptical. “The whole lake-monster theory- it just bugs me.” Sam said, not yet satisfied with the verdict.
“Maybe a water spirit?” I offered half-heartedly.  
“We have to find out more about this thing before somebody else gets hurt,” Dean decided.
“Dean, we don’t have any leads.” Sam said shortly. He turned to me to elaborate. “Will wouldn’t let us talk to his dad.”
“I mean, the poor guy...” I muttered at the thought of Sophie’s father.
“I don’t know,” Sam said unconvinced, glancing at his brother. “Did you get the feeling he wasn’t telling us everything?”
“You should’ve seen the look on his face,” Dean told me. 
I glared at him. “Yeah well, next time we need to pose as Federal Wildlife I’ll have my ID ready.” 
“Barr.” Sam interrupted suddenly. He was peering at his laptop in thought, eyes tracing the screen as he read. “Barr. Where have I heard that name before?” 
Christopher Barr was one of the three recent victims. I learned he had been married to the Sheriff’s daughter, Andrea, who the boys had met down at the station along with their son Lucas. Sam mentioned there had been some shameless flirting on Dean’s part, of course, but I cut him some slack - he hadn’t realized she was a widow. A year ago, Christopher had taken Lucas swimming when he disappeared just like Sophie Carlton. The poor kid was left floating on a wooden platform for two hours before he was rescued.
“Maybe we have an eye witness after all,” I muttered, exchanging grim glances with the pair of them. None of us wanted to drag a kid back into this mess but it was looking more and more like the only lead we had. 
“No wonder that kid was so freaked out,” Dean remarked. “Watching one of your parents die isn’t something you just get over.”
I skimmed my eyes over him. 
Damn. I had forgotten hunts could get like this; really fucking personal. 
My mom had been dead for almost nine years now. It was an accident; I was thirteen. That’s how I had really met the Winchesters. My dad had been out of the picture for years, so when she passed we fell under the care of my aunt Joni, as my mom’s only living relative. Joni had the funeral once we moved to Oregon so Gus and I could still be close to her. I got my first glimpse of Sam and Dean at the service. Even among crowds of people I had never met, the pair of them stuck out like sore thumbs. I didn’t know it then, but they had come to attend in the place of their dad, an old friend of my mom’s, who was... otherwise unavailable. 
 As if high school wasn’t brutal enough, I had to start freshman year, not once, but twice. Had I not bumped into Sam underneath the bleachers on that very first day, my life would probably be very different now. It had been his first day too, Sam and Dean had enrolled for a couple of months, and we quickly found we had more in common than just that. Dead moms, annoying brothers, and the like. I had never had a friend like Sam before, but with the Winchester’s arrival in town, so came the sudden presence of the supernatural into my life. 
It hadn’t really been their fault, it was just a coincidence. In fact, had they not realized a poltergeist had latched itself onto my brother and I, we probably would have died. They said it was attracted to the negative emotions surrounding my mom’s death - the grief, the anger. When everything was over, Sam told me what he’d been hiding from me, his family secret; the truth of what was really out there - and it scared the shit out of me. I had just been a kid, trying to wrap my head around the concept of death and the loss of my only parent. But what was the existence of the supernatural after dealing with all of that?
I hadn’t realize that there were other ways for death to cripple a kid until I saw Lucas. I didn’t think it was such a good idea - going to a playground without a kid - but Dean insisted we play it cool. With a bit of subtle stalking, we found Andrea and her son on the grass - the kid a few feet away, his head down as he drew with a fistful of crayons. Sam and I let Dean take the lead on this one.
“Can we join you?” he asked Andrea, casually.
Dean was undoubtedly a people person, though he didn’t always come off that way. He was also good with kids, which didn’t take me by surprise like it did everyone else. I knew he had practically raised Sam himself, but sometimes when he wore his aloof attitude for too long, even I could forget this side of him. 
Andrea looked up. “I’m here with my son.” She was pretty, I noticed. 
“Oh. Mind if I say hi?” Dean said, already making his way across the grass.
“He’s harmless, I promise,” I smiled sitting beside her. I held out a hand, “I’m Y/N by the way, we haven’t have the chance to meet.”
She introduced herself politely, still looking uneasy about Dean approaching her son. Sam interjected with some timely small talk. 
“Tell your friend this whole Jerry Maguire thing is not gonna work on me,” Andrea said, eyeing him stubbornly. I suppressed a smirk as I realized she was attracted to him.
“I don’t think that’s what this is about,” Sam told her, sitting next to me.
“He seems wonderful,” I said, watching Dean kneel beside the small boy. “Lucas, is it?”
Andrea smiled warmly. “He’s a real good kid.”
I nodded. “I have a kid brother,” I felt compelled to tell her. “He’s a little older than Lucas.”
“They grow up fast, don’t they?” Andrea remarked.
“Just wait ��til he starts bringing bugs into the house,” I warned her, earning a laugh from her. 
Andrea seemed more comfortable after that, as I had hoped. She eyed Sam and I for a moment. “So, how long have you two been together?” 
“Oh no-” I shook my head.
Sam cleared his throat, “We’re not-”
Despite the same assumption being made incessantly over the years we been friends, we had never learned how to deal with it.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Andrea said, and the three of us sat in an awkward silence broken only by Dean’s return. 
Before he said anything, she began explaining her son’s disposition to us. Since his dad’s accident, Lucas hadn’t said a word, not even to her. Doctors had said it wasn’t an uncommon result of post traumatic stress when it came to kids. 
“You know, he used to have such life.” Andrea sighed, watching Lucas with the kind of softness only a mother could harbor for her child.
“He was hard to keep up with, to tell you the truth. Now he just sits there. Drawing those pictures, playing with those army men. I just wish...” Her sentence trailed away from her as Lucas approached us, a picture in his hand.
Andrea smiled at him.“Hey sweetie.”
But Lucas stopped in front of Dean, his head down, holding out one of his drawings . 
“Thanks.” Dean looked taken aback, swiftly accepting it. “Thanks, Lucas.”
Lucas quickly returned to his mother’s side, but Dean seemed troubled as he stared at the page. He flipped it over for Sam and I to see, whilst Andrea’s back was turned - it was a simple picture of a house, but it left the three of us unsettled. Was this Lucas trying to tell us something?
1. @always-keep-writing
2,3. @gracefuldean
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fuwafuwagem · 6 years
Bloom Chapter 1 - Yu-hwa
Just for you lovelies that may not have discovered it on Archive of Our Own, here is the first chapter of my Mystic Messenger fic Bloom, featuring my baby my OC Yu-hwa Lee ^^
You can find the ongoing fic here. I am updating regularly and have chapters prepared to upload, so I won’t leave you hanging ^^
Hope you enjoy it! The first chapter preview is under the cut <3
TW for sexual threats and references.
Yu-hwa Lee sat in her favourite seat at the café close to her apartment block, nursing the cheapest thing on the menu; a small white tea. It wasn’t as good as the coffee her body craved, but it was all her purse would allow her to have. She flicked through the pages of the application form she had on the table in front of her. There was no way she was qualified for a job at C&R, but it was the only place she could find that was currently hiring, and she was getting desperate.
She filled in a few basic details; name, date of birth. Address? She sighed. The landlord was on the verge of kicking her out.
This is depressing.
She put down her pen and picked up her phone. The notification icon showed that she had one new email, and she prayed to all the gods she could think of that it was a job offer.
You have been invited to test out…
She sighed, quickly scrolling through the message. It looked like junk mail, but she thought that maybe it was something she could get paid to do. At the end of the message was a link, which she pressed hoping that it wasn’t a virus.
Oh shit!
She closed the email, hoping that it would stop whatever she had just started, but when she checked her phone menu she saw a new icon was installed there. She knew that she should probably delete it immediately, but curiosity got the better of her. She opened the app.
A chat room opened.
Unknown: Hi! Finally, someone to talk to, thank god…
Yu-hwa bit her lip and tugged at a strand of her dyed pink hair nervously. Unknown? Is this a chat-bot? These things seem to be popular lately.Tentatively, she typed her reply.
Yu-hwa: Hello
Unknown: Hi. Nice to meet you ^^ Yu-hwa… I’ve been waiting for you. Hope I didn’t surprise you. Don’t be nervous, I’m just an ‘ordinary’ person~
Yu-hwa felt her blood turn cold. The app must have accessed her personal data as her name and profile were displayed for Unknown to see. But what did he mean by he’d been waiting for her, and…
Yu-hwa: Why are you emphasizing the word ordinary…? It’s making me even more nervous
Unknown: You’re funny lol
Yu-hwa sighed and sipped her tea. Funny? Yeah, my whole life is a joke. She looked back at her phone. She knew that she should probably leave the chat before he asked her to send nudes or something, but she was a little curious too as she continued to read his message.
Unknown: But I can’t really say I’m extraordinary when I’m introducing myself. Shouldn’t I be humble and modest?
Yu-hwa couldn’t help but smile. She wasn’t the only comedian.
Unknown: In fact… I’m really excited. Cuz the first person to come in is you, Yu-hwa!
She cringed again at her name being used by this stranger she knew nothing about. He was being too familiar.
Unknown: I was so worried that no one would come in as I was making this app.
Yu-hwa’s eyes widened. So this guy is the apps creator? That explains some things I guess. She tapped at her phone.
Yu-hwa: What’s this app for?
Unknown: I was about to explain, but before that, can I ask a favour?
Yu-hwa inhaled. Have we finally arrived on Planet Perv? Her thumb hovered over the exit chat button.
Unknown: I know that it’s too much to ask from a stranger, but there’s something I really want you to help me with.
She chewed on her lower lip, moving her thumb and typing-
Yu-hwa: What is it?
She glanced at the application form in front of her. A few white lies might get her to the interview stage, but how far could her personality carry her? She rubbed her forehead as she felt the stress headache beginning to build, then glanced back at her phone.
Unknown: Well… This app isn’t just a messenger app, it’s a messenger game app. I wanted to ask if you could test it out for me. Game concept is chatting with pretty guys ^^
Yu-hwa: Why don’t you test it out yourself?
She didn’t have time for playing a game. She needed to find a job.
Unknown: It’s difficult to gain an objective view because I’m the creator. I want to know what others think of this!
He was persistent, but Yu-hwa knew she didn’t have the time. I just need to politely decline when I get the chance.
Unknown: The chats aren’t everything. There are also hidden stories… Amusing stories that will stir your imagination!
He’s really trying hard. She drank down the rest of her tea as she looked at the image of the characters he sent her. Cute, but not real. She rolled her eyes. I can’t keep a real boyfriend, I’m not going to spend my time chatting to artificial ones!
Yu-hwa: No thanks. Not my style.
She winced as she realised how harsh she might be coming across, but she was starting to get tired of the conversation.
Unknown: Just a little… Couldn’t you try it out for just a little? Decide whether it’s your style or not after trying it out.
She frowned. He seemed so desperate. She hoped that he wasn’t in a similar situation to her. Just imagining such a thing made her heart ache.
Yu-hwa: Fine. I’ll try it out.
Unknown: WOW! Thanks You’re a lifesaver… ^^
I hope you don’t mean that literally, she thought.
Unknown: I think it’ll be better to talk over the phone about the details.
The waitress took away Yu-hwa’s empty cup. “Anything else?”
“Um… no,” said Yu-hwa. Her purse was empty.
“It’s just… we have paying customers…”
“I get it,” Yu-hwa sighed. “I’m going.” She grabbed her belongings and rushed out of the café, red-faced. She glanced at her phone as she began to walk home.
Unknown: Don’t freak out when you see an unknown number and answer the phone plz ^^
The phone instantly started to ring. Yu-hwa inhaled deeply, her anxiety peaking. She closed her eyes and pressed answer
The voice on the line was soft, but she could hear the excitement in his tone.
“Hi, umm, how did you know my number?” Yu-hwa asked.
“It’s automatically collected when you log-on to the messenger,” replied Unknown. There was an awkward pause. “Oh ummm, don’t get me wrong. It’s only dialable within the messenger app.”
Yu-hwa sighed. It was a relief to know that all she had to do was delete the app and she would never hear from him again. But there was something about his gentle voice that she liked. She kept listening.
“As I mentioned in the chat room, I called to explain to you about this app.”
Yu-hwa rolled her eyes. The sales pitch.
Unknown explained the concept of the game, which was chatting to the characters he had created and becoming the party coordinator of a fundraising group called R.F.A.
“It’ll be much faster to understand by playing, instead of listening to all this,” he said eventually. “Oh, but the game hasn’t been released yet. To perform the tests, you have to come over here.”
Yu-hwa pressed her lips together tightly. Yes of course random stranger I’ve talked to for five minutes. I’ll trust you not to do who knows what to me. Of course I’ll come over, pop the kettle on!
“Just send me the file,” she said, trying to remain polite.
Unknown sighed. “Sorry,” he said. “It’s protected by a date leak prevention security system. Even if you download the file, it’s uninstallable. I need to directly install it to your smartphone. Please understand. And I also want to meet you in person before you play the game.”
Yu-hwa gripped her bag, feeling uncomfortable. He was insistent, so she knew that she had to be firm. “No, I’ll just pass.” She didn’t know why she felt so bad saying it. The guy was being weird, and he was a complete stranger. But she had also sensed a desperation in him, something that was all too familiar to her.
“Why?” Unknown whined. “Weren’t you interested? It’s an app just for you where you can chat with pretty guys. Others can’t play this. Only you can.”
Pretty guys? They’re more trouble than they’re worth, and I can do without!
“It’s not even real,” she said firmly. “I’m not going.”
“For real?” His voice was filled with sorrow and disbelief. “Then how about this? If you come here and test the game, someone real might be interested in you. For example, me.”
This is pathetic.
“I don’t need it. No thanks.”
“You don’t need me?” He sounded broken. “Ha, haha… haha… Sad. I’m so sad…”
Yu-hwa felt her heart pounding. He was crying. Was he so desperate?
“I really believed you were going to make my dream come true… Believed you were the one I would go to paradise with…”
Yu-hwa reached her apartment and pulled out her key just as the landlord stuck his head out of his door. He’d clearly been waiting for her.
“Paradise?” she sighed.
“The place I was trying to take you to,” said Unknown, his voice soft but filled with sadness. “That place is paradise. Where there’s no pain or sadness, just endless happiness. I’m the angel that will lead you there. You’ve let go of my hand… but don’t worry. I don’t plan to let you go just yet.”
The landlord stood beside her, breathing down her neck.
“Rent’s due,” he said as she pushed the door open.
“I want to see what kind of face you’ll make when you’ve truly been saved. I want to see it with my own two eyes.”
The landlord snatched the phone out of Yu-hwa’s hand and hung up.
“Hey,” she gasped as he shoved it back at her.
“I said your rent’s due,” he snapped. “Actually, it was due last week, but I let you off because you’re cute. Now I want my money.”
Yu-hwa bit her lip, muted.
“Fuck, you don’t have it?” he asked, then smirked. “There are other ways of paying,” he said as he advanced on her. “It’s been a while since I got my cock wet.” He stepped back. “Think about it. You give me head, you get to keep a roof over yours.” He laughed as he left, slamming the door shut behind him.
Yu-hwa hurried and locked the door, collapsing on the floor in tears.
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amymel86 · 6 years
How are you feeling? Chapter 3: Starting Anew
Previous: Chapter 1 , Chapter 2
Sansa leant against the doorframe of Jon’s old empty room with her arms wrapped around herself. The only things that remained were the desk and wardrobe that technically still belonged to Robb. Her lips attempted to curve into a smile at the thought of Jon – the most wealthy of them all, and yet he’d still rather accept some old hand-me-down furniture than bother going out searching for the high-end quality stuff that he could comfortably afford.
“Sansa,” Robb called from his place in the lounge, breaking her free of her wandering thoughts. At least he’s talking to her now, at least he can bear to look at her. It had been an almighty screaming match once Robb stepped foot into the apartment three weeks ago now. He’d launched himself at a decidedly half naked Jon as Sansa tried to both keep him at bay and save her modesty. It had been a tricky task, all things considering. Robb had behaved like a rabid dog, yelling that ‘as soon as his back had turned, his friend had preyed on his sister’. Sansa tried desperately to put things straight, repeating again and again that it meant nothing to either of them, it was just a bit of fun, no big deal, they were both adults and no one is getting hurt.
She still remembers the expression on Jon’s face when Robb demanded to know if it were true. He looked as though he was… deliberating… before he finally answered “yes… it’s... just a bit of fun.”
Sansa has since had every explanation for that expression on Jon Snow’s face whirl round and round her head. She was deliberating on his deliberation, as it were. And she was getting nowhere. The only thing she knew for sure was that she missed him.
Robb had finally calmed down, but had insisted Jon moved out, saying that if this arrangement means nothing to either of them then Jon’s absence shouldn’t be a problem. Sansa tried to explain that she’s in no danger of being hurt – that no matter how casual this thing was, Jon would not trample on her heart because-… because my heart’s not in it, she’d thought to say, but the words tasted like lies and she was never able to force them out of her mouth.
“I’m not comfortable with you two being… fuck buddies. Not here. Not in our flat,” her brother had spat out, and Sansa had to admit that even though he would hardly be there, neither her nor Jon would want Robb to be uncomfortable in his own home. Sansa wondered how he would’ve reacted if it had been more than just a ‘friends with benefits’ situation. Would he have let Jon stay?
“I’ve bought that pink wine stuff you like,” Robb called, “I’ll let you choose what we eat and what film we watch.”
Sansa snickered. “Oh, thank you your royal highness!” she retorted, finally pushing herself from the doorframe of Jon’s old room to go and join her brother in the lounge. “To what do I owe this level of honour?”
Robb grinned as he pulled out the stack of take-out menus from the drawer beneath their coffee table, the top one was Jon’s favourite Chinese place. “Well, you’ve got that thing at the magazine tomorrow, haven’t you? Thought I’d let you take the reigns tonight as a mini celebration.”
Sansa smiled and dropped herself down onto the couch next to him, taking the menus and perusing the one on top. She was a little nervous about tomorrow. Two weeks ago, she’d received a call from Jaime Lannister to offer her one of the spots on their new ‘Bright Young Stars of Fashion’ feature and Sansa had been so excited she’s pretty sure she actually squealed down the phone.
She’d text Jon the news straight away, only just pausing to wonder why that had been her first reaction after she’d pressed send. It hadn’t taken long for him to follow up with a phone-call. It was odd hearing his voice, even though, at that time, he’d only been gone a week. The deep, soft sound of it had sent a jolt to Sansa’s chest and as Jon had quietly congratulated her, all she could think was ‘I miss you’. She hadn’t said anything though – this living without Jon thing was just something new to get used to. And besides, it’s not as though they had been particularly close before Robb went away on his internship anyway, so Sansa convinced herself that it was the sex that she was missing – the physical comfort that he used to give her. And God-damn-it he used to give it to her good.
Sansa’s phone buzzed in her jeans just as she’s about to choose Jon’s favoured chow mein for herself. For some unknown reason she instantly thinks it’s him, but as she pulls it from her pocket, she’s proved wrong.
Unknown number: Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. You’ll be great. Jaime L
Targaryen Media house all the offices of their magazines within three huge high-rise buildings within the city-centre - Dragon Towers, they’re called and the sight of them is just as imposing and terrifying as their name. Sansa stares up at Drogon Tower, the largest block that is home to the biggest names in the world of fashion media. It’s huge. She can hardly see the top from where she stands below it, craning her neck and clutching her little portfolio. The sunlight glints off the panes of glass that make up all faces of the building, shiny and showy.
The doors glide open silently and smoothly so that Sansa can step foot inside the plush lobby. The floor is black marble with small flecks of something sparkly throughout. Her heels clip noisily as she hurries over to the large round reception desk, also shiny and black with the Targaryen Media logo, a red three headed dragon displayed on the front.
After receiving her pass and a smile from the receptionist, Sansa’s nerves relax only a fraction as she steps into the lift and punches the button to ‘floor 54 – KL Fashions’. She wonders which tower and what floor Jon’s magazine is on as the lift takes her higher and higher. Reasoning that it wouldn’t be in Drogon Tower, as Jon’s publication is not remotely related to fashion, so that left Viserion or Rhaegal. No chance of bumping into him then, she thinks a little mournfully as she smooths down her hair and tugs on the bottom of her handmade blouse.
The double doors opened with a ‘ting’ to revel yet another reception desk, this one being manned by a decidedly less smiley woman than the one downstairs. This one also had a grinning Jaime Lannister leant against it as if he had been awaiting her arrival. He flashed his 100 watt smile at Sansa as she stepped forward like he were trying to make up for the stern face of the receptionist. “Miss Sansa Stark!” he greeted, his eyes twinkling happily, “welcome back. It’s good to see you again.”
Sansa’s nerves kicked up a notch once more as she took his hand, her gut feeling like a storm of butterflies were waltzing around and around. She’s sure that she managed to return his smile though and hoped she’d calm down soon. It obviously hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“You’ll do great, don’t worry about a thing,” Jaime said, leaning in and pinning her with the twinkle in his green eyes.
The first meeting had been with Jaime, along with the Features Editor, Art Director, Pictures Editor, Print and Digital Journalists, Fashion Editor and a few PAs scattered throughout. Sansa had been picked alongside a brother-sister jewellery design duo, Margaery and Loras to be the stars of their new feature. The information that was aimed at her was both thrilling and overwhelming all at once – as well as all the queries she’d received in turn.
After everyone filed out of the boardroom for a break, Sansa felt the presence of someone near as she was gathering up her designs, notes and portfolio.
“You did spectacularly,” Jaime crooned so close to her ear that it made her jump.
She laughed nervously, feeling her face colour, “did I? I feel like I didn’t really contribute much to the meeting.”
Eying the blush of her cheeks, Jaime somehow seemed pleased with the result. “Oh, but you did. You did!” he reassured her, reaching out a warm hand to touch her upper arm. “You did really well. Besides,” he turned to look down at her design boards still scattered on the meeting table, “your work speaks for itself, Sansa. You’re rather good at this you know?”
Sansa turned too, watching him trace one of her designs with his finger. “Really?”
Jaime moved closer, his arm now brushing with hers. He grasped her hand with both of his and before she knew it, he was bringing her knuckles to his mouth as he turned to stare into her eyes. He was close, so close, too close, and his breath was hot on the back of her hand as he feathered a peck of kiss onto her skin. “Really,” he breathed. “You need to stop doubting yourself, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart? Sansa wasn’t sure how she felt about that word coming from him. Jon calls me sweetheart when we- She squashed down her thoughts and forced smile to her lips none-the-less as she thanked him for his encouragement.
After Jaime left her to gather her things, she heard her phone buzz in her handbag.
Jon: You look nice today. Is that a new blouse?
Frowning down at the message, Sansa typed out a reply.
Sansa: Thank you. It is! Did we pass each other in the corridor or something?
Jon: No. Turn around.
Sansa did as she was bade and took a step closer to the floor-ceiling window that looked out to the other two Dragon Towers. Rhaegal was the closest and as she squinted at the sunlight bouncing off the panes, she noticed Jon framed in one of the windows opposite her, one hand in his trouser pocket and one holding his phone. She could make out a smile on his face as he gave her a little wave with his phone, her own buzzing in her hand once again.
Jon: Hi there
Sansa: Hi :)
Chewing her lip, she typed out the words she’d wanted to say to him on the phone two weeks ago – ‘I miss you’ but then quickly deleted them and glanced up to him in the other building, not really sure what to say. Sansa watched him look to his phone, no doubt seeing those dancing little ellipses appear and then disappear with a frown on his brow – she wasn’t close enough to make it out, but she could picture his expression perfectly anyway. She huffed and bit her lip. Here goes nothing.
Sansa: I miss you
He responded instantly.
Jon: I miss you too
Jon: Why don’t you come and have lunch over in my office? I’ll order in whatever you want and you can tell me how it’s going over at KL Fashions?
I’d like that, Sansa thought with a grin on her face, I’d like that very much.
Jon’s office in Rhaegal Tower had a very different atmosphere to that of Drogon Tower. A lot of his staff members were dressed casually, there was a space in the middle of the office floor that had gaming chairs and multiple screens where people were playing. There was even a air-hockey table!
Jon had greeted her with a warm smile and his hands stuffed in his pockets down at the lobby. Jon wore black trousers and a dark grey button-down shirt, he looked to be one of the most smartly dressed of everyone in his office.
She’s not sure but Sansa swears that the receptionist raised a very interested brow as he ushered her into the lift to get to his floor. That feeling hadn’t disappeared once they’d stepped foot inside the Dragon Gaming offices either – everyone seemed to be turning their heads as they’d walked by, two players even pausing their game and twisting right around in their seats to track them with interested eyes – Jon only noticed when Sansa looked back at all the faces turned towards them. He pointedly cleared his throat, all the heads snapping back to their work and shuffling of papers.
“Sand Snake Games want to talk to you about-“ a mousey-haired woman sat behind the desk outside Jon’s office started. Sansa suspects that she must be his PA.
“Thank you Gilly,” Jon interrupts, “but can you hold them off till later? I’m a little busy at the moment.” He throws Sansa a shy smile making her heart clench at the familiarity of it. Stop it, you just miss him is all, she chastises herself.
“So, how’s it going over in Drogon Tower?” he asks after the soft click of his office door closing.
Sansa doesn’t answer him straight away, too busy gaping at his office space. A large room with highly polished dark wood furniture, a plush leather couch facing a huge wall-mounted flat-screen tv with a plethora of gaming consoles sat on a high-end side-board beneath it. There’s a vintage pin-ball machine and a couple of arcade games over in the corner and the room is capped off with floor-to-ceiling windows at the opposite end.
“This is your office?” she murmurs in disbelief, almost to herself. She’s not too sure what it was that she’d expected, but not this. Jon is the opposite of flashy and showy – and although she can believe he’d brought in the gaming paraphernalia, this all seemed far ‘too much’ to be considered ‘Jon’. She turned around slowly, taking it all in, until she was back to facing Jon himself, standing awkwardly, rubbing at the back of his neck as he watched her assess their surroundings.
“Do you like it?”
“Yeah,” Sansa blurted, feeling her cheeks heat. She hadn’t meant to sound so astonished. “Yeah…It’s really nice…but it’s not really-“
“What you expected?” Jon asked, raising his brows. Sansa smiled and shook her head. “Rhaegar wanted me to have an office space that reflected my place in the company and the family I guess,” he shrugged, “he wasn’t particularly pleased that I chose the retro gaming mag over the bigger named publications to work with, but I stuck to my guns,” he grins at her then – just a small one- but there was a mischievous flash in his dark grey eyes as he peeked at her from beneath his lashes. Sansa’s teeth sunk into her bottom lip as she wondered at just how easily Jon Snow could turn her heart to putty in his hands with one look.
No! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Focus! “Well it’s really nice, Jon,” she says, walking over to the window to try and put a little distance between them, allowing her some time to get her heart back in check. Jon seems to not wish to grant her any mercy today though as he comes to stand right next to Sansa, looking out over the view of Drogon Tower her.
“Thanks,” he says before nodding his head in the direction of the other office block, “so today your first day?” Sansa hummed in confirmation before explaining that the magazine had asked her to come to their offices for a few days each month until the feature was over. Jon nudged her hand with his own without turning to look at her, making Sansa’s pulse quicken. Tentatively, he laced his fingers with hers as they both continued to gaze out of the window. “Can I buy you lunch on those days?”
“I’d like that,” Sansa croaked.
She felt Jon’s thumb sweep up and down her own, the sweetness of the caress sending a warmth to chest and a warning sign to her head.
Jon cleared his throat. “Sansa, I-“
Whatever he was about to say was interrupted buy a soft knock on Jon’s office door, followed by the voice of Gilly, Jon’s PA. “Your lunch is here, Mr Snow.”
As if giving an answer all of its own, Sansa’s stomach growled loudly, making Jon’s eyes drop to where she’d pulled her hand away from his and placed it on her middle. “I was so nervous, I skipped breakfast,” she supplied with an almighty blush.
“Well, we can’t have that,” Jon grinned affectionately.
Sansa had been surprised to be asked into KL Fashions every day that week. She was even more surprised when Jaime Lannister seemed to want to take her to lunch. She politely declined, wanting to spend her free time with Jon in his office, eating subs and laughing when he very clearly let her win a round of Mortal Combat on his huge tv or when she jokingly accused him of being paid to do sod all but play games all day. If she can’t spend time with him at the flat, then she’d take these chances whilst she can.
“How is Lannister treating you?” Jon asked quite suddenly one day as he reached over to grab his soda and take a slurp from the straw.
“He’s alright,” Sansa responded before taking a bite of her lunch. Glancing up at him as she chewed, Sansa spotted an expression on his face that she couldn’t quite decipher. “Whupt?” she mumbled around her mouthful, her hand coming up to cover her chewing before she swallowed and could speak more politely. “Why do you ask?”
Jon shrugged and returned to his drink. “I just thought I saw him getting a little too familiar with you on that first day, is all.”
“Through the window? You saw that?”
Jon nodded absentmindedly. “If he’s making you uncomfortable, you can tell HR… or tell me.” He turned his eyes on her then, a fierce declaration burning behind them. “If he or anyone upsets you, you come to me. They won’t get away with it.”
There was something about the way his voice quivered and yet held strong – the way his eyes were raging and yet soft – that made that hot molten liquid feeling slide down Sansa’s spine at the sheer intensity of his promise. And ok, yeah, somewhere deep in the recesses of her brain was a little voice tutting at the very cave-man-esque way in which it had felt – like Jon Snow had just proclaimed her his woman and that he’d puff up his chest and then beat on it should any other man glance her way. But that little voice was currently being drowned out by the one who was remembering what it was to have him stare at her that way, have his mouth on hers, his hands all over her body and his tongue following after. This little voice was whimpering at the memory of Jon Snow panting filthy words into her skin as he rutted into her. This little voice wanted to be his woman.
“Well,” she ventured, taking a nervous gulp as she pressed her thighs together, “he is being rather friendly and it’s…” her tongue darted out to wet her lips as she stared at his wondering if she should continue down this path she’s hurtling down. Jon nodded, urging her to finish what it was she had been saying. “It’s kind of… maybe… stressing me out a little?”
“Let me talk to him,” he said, reaching over to the phone that was on the coffee table and punching some numbers, “I won’t let him-“
Sansa took the receiver from Jon’s hand and placed it back onto the phone. “that’s not what I meant,” she purred before getting up to reseat herself in Jon’s lap, straddling him there on his couch.
“Yeah,” she chuckled, “’Oh’,” Sansa slid her palms up Jon’s chest before asking uncertainly, “is this alright?”
Jon made a quiet whining noise at the back of his throat as he nodded up to her, his hands sliding up her thighs as they bracketed him. Sansa leant down to press her lips to his, angling her head after a few pecks so deepen the kiss and get a proper taste of him – the taste she yearned for. Jon made that whimpering sort of noise again as they broke apart, keeping his eyes closed as he whispered, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” she responded, littering his lips with pecks of her own.
“No, Sansa,” he shook his head, opened his eyes and reached up to cup her face in his hands, “I really missed you.” Sansa’s breath hitched in her throat as Jon’s gaze flit between her eyes, searching for some sort of recognition to what he’d just said –what his words had meant- and damn that swoop in her belly that he could so easily bring on with one single look and so few words.
She couldn’t bear it – that look in his eye. The one pleading for something from her. Is it her heart he wants? Sansa’s so unsure. She thought she knew when she was younger – what those looks from men meant. But it turned out that she’d known nothing at all and allowed herself to be fooled more than once. But Jon would never… he wouldn’t… She’d thought that before and been proven wrong. What is it he wants? If he wants my body, he can have it, she thinks, crashing her lips into his, but my heart….my heart… I couldn’t take it if I offered it to him and I was wrong to do so. “Make me feel good, Jon,” she whispers into their kiss, “you’re the only one who’s ever made me feel good.”
Jon groaned into Sansa’s mouth and stood, lifting her along with him before he deposited her down on his desk. It’s good thing the blinds are already drawn, Sansa distantly thinks, else we’d be giving the whole of Drogon Tower quite a show, Sansa grins and giggles as Jon starts nipping and licking under her jaw and down the column of her throat.
“Let me take care of that stress for you sweetheart,” he husks into the neckline of her dress. “lay back, it’s been so long since I had a taste of you.”
Sansa complies with her lip caught between her teeth at just how utterly wicked this all is. Jon seats himself in his executive leather chair and wheels himself forwards eagerly. Sansa raises her hips so he can snake his hands up her thighs, hook his fingers into her panties and slide them down her legs. He makes a pleased noise from somewhere within the depths of his chest at the sight of her bared, dress bunched up around her hips and legs spread out for him there on his huge polished desk. Sansa flushes and half expects him to tease her about it, but Jon surprises her by swooping in for an instant long lick followed up quickly by another and another, groaning into her like she’s the best dessert he’s ever devoured.
“Oh God!” Sansa groans because not only is Jon some sort of expert at swirling his tongue around her clit, but he’s doing it in the middle of the day… on his work desk… in his office… and it’s all just so deliciously naughty that she thinks she might come apart at a record time.
“Mmmmm, Jon,” she moans, her head rolling from one side to the other against the surface of his desk as she tries to desperately keep herself tethered to the earth. It’s then that she starts to feel it – that oncoming climax that is sure to bulldoze its way straight through her, she squeezes her eyes shut and starts to whimper against his ministrations.
“Come on my love,” he rasps into her flesh, “come for me. I want to taste it. It’s been so long since I tasted-“
“Mr Snow, I’ve got Sand Snake Games for you on the line,” came the sudden voice of Gilly on Jon’s desk-phone. Sansa snapped her eyes open, her head turning towards the phone down by her hip. There was a little light flashing on top of it.
“Fuck!” Jon muttered quietly into her inner thigh. “Gilly, I’m busy, I can’t-“
“They need to speak to you today, Jon,” Gilly retorted in a playfully stern voice.
“Can’t I ring them later-“
“Not really… Oh look-“
“Gilly, don’t!”
“…my finger seems to be slipping…”
“Gilly!...” he warned, “ I’ll fire you!...”
“No you won’t.”
“Don’t do this to me Gill-“
“Putting this terribly important call through now…”
“You’ll thank me and my slippy fingers later when you get what you want from Sansa Snakes…”
“Gilly, no!”
“Gilly, yes!... ok, putting that call through... right…about… now…”
“Mr Snow?” came a voice in a thick Dornish accent.
“Miss Sand!” Jon calls out to the phone from his place between Sansa’s thighs, “how lovely to speak to you again.”
Sansa bites down hard on her lip to try and stifle a giggle at not only the situation they find themselves in but Jon’s overly happy telephone voice. She shakes her head playfully at him and attempts to close her legs, but Jon has a firm grip on her thighs, keeping her wide open before him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Jon whispers before planting a quick peck to her clit that makes her eyelids flutter shut. “You’ll have to excuse me,” he says loudly in that cheerful tone again, “I’m currently eating a tasty meal, so if you hear my bad table manners during our conversation, I do apologise.”
Jon leans up to capture her lips briefly, smirking at the astonished look that surely must be on her face. Is he really planning on carrying on whilst having some sort of conference call? The answer came as clear as day when Jon pulled her bundled up underwear from his pocket and pushed the garment into her mouth, placing a silencing finger over his lips as he made a ‘shhh’ noise and slid back down to his position between her legs.
She doesn’t really hear a word he says when he pauses his licking and slurping on her to answer some questions or ask some of his own, all Sansa really knows is that she comes so damn hard and fast that it’s any wonder she didn’t swallow that wad of lace currently balled up in her mouth. And still he continues, lapping lazily through her as her head lolls from one side to the other and the Dornish woman is yammering on about some apparently very rare level on some obscure retro game that Sansa’s never heard of.
“Hmm,” Jon mumbles, lifting his head a fraction from her, his hot breath fanning over her cunt as he talks, “yes, everything seems more than satisfactory my end,” he pauses to take a long lick of her, “perfect in fact.”
“Alright then Mr Snow,” replies the Dornish woman, “I’ll leave you to your meal. I hope I haven’t ruined it for you with all this talk of business.”
“Oh, no,” Jon grins up at Sansa, “nothing could ruin this meal, it’s my favourite. Delicious.”
Sansa rolls her eyes and Jon lets out a bark of laughter as the phone line goes dead.
“You’re such a dork,” she smiles as Jon moves up to cover her body with his, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss.
“Mmm,” Jon mumbles against her lips before pulling away and gazing down at her, “but I’m your dork.”
Sansa’s pulse thudded in her veins as Jon gazed down at her so earnestly, just has he had done earlier on the couch. He’s been trying to tell her this – been trying to give her his heart all along- and she’s been too afraid to take it because that would mean she’d have to give hers in return. But as she looks up into those storm grey eyes, realising that he’s waiting patiently for her to give him something, anything, in return, Sansa understands now that her heart had been his for a while now. And there wasn’t anything she could do about it.
She smiles up at him and reaches out to stroke at his beard, tracing his full lips with her fingertip. “You really want to be my dork?” she asks, her own mouth quirking up at the sound of the question.
“More than anything.”
“Robb’s not mad at you anymore but… but I don’t think he’d let you move back in again.”
“Well how about you move in with me instead?”
Sansa couldn’t stop the spread of the wide grin on her face if she’d wanted to. She had missed Jon so much and the thought of living with him again, seeing him every day – and not only that, being with him - made her heart swell almost painfully. “I’d like that,” Sansa whispered as she brought him down for another kiss, “Two dorks living together,” she sighed.
“Mmm,” he rumbled into the side of her neck before kissing her there, “I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too.” She could hardly believe the words had come so easily. But they had. And she let them wash over her like a balm as Jon held her close and nuzzled at her jaw.
“But you’ve got one thing wrong, love,” he whispered, “you are nowhere near cool enough to be a dork.”
“Make love to me, you dork,” Sansa giggled.
31 notes · View notes
cloudhunter25 · 3 years
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Until 2 years ago, I used to be a PC person. I had a giant tower desktop computer with fans with flashing lights. I replaced that with a maxed-out MacBook Pro so that I could start traveling and work from anywhere. The problem is, since then I’ve missed PC gaming. All that startup stuff gets so incredibly boring after awhile, and we need to destress. Why even leave your computer screen to destress when you can do it ON YOUR COMPUTER? YES! YES! FREEDOM OF REALITY!
So let’s browse the games in Apple’s App Store, well, they’re not so great. It’s kind of the iOS type stuff but then for OSX. Pretty very very shit.
But that’s stupid, because the MacBook Pro 15″ has two graphic cards, and they’re actually pretty powerful. And the MacBook Pro 13″ and MacBook Air have on-board graphic cards, but they’re fine to play PC games from a few years ago (like Skyrim). So it’s a bit of a shame, we can’t play games on it. And well, destress.
How about GTA V? It’s come out for PC a few months ago, so I wanted to see if I could get it working on my MacBook Pro. I was pretty sure I couldn’t, but I still wanted to try. I mean I’ve been wanting to play this for years, but never had a device for it. I mean, YOU NEED TO PLAY THIS, RIGHT?
I know you can run Windows on Mac with Parallels. But it’s a virtualization app, so it’d never run it with any high performance as the graphics drivers are virtual (software emulated) and not native (hardware). Try it with any game, it’ll probably crash even before playing it, or it’ll be extremely slow.
But then there’s Boot Camp, which lets you run Windows natively (without virtualization) and with high performance on your Mac. After it’s installed you’ll have to reboot to switch to Windows, but that only takes half a minute each time.
**Since Apple doesn’t like Windows, it makes it REALLY EXTRA SUPER hard to get Boot Camp to work. Obviously cause they hate Windows and never want you to use it. I get it. But that means it’s full of stupid bugs that you have to figure out yourself how to fix. It took me 10 days. Yes. 10 days of tears. Maybe that’s why I don’t know anybody using Boot Camp. So to save you all the PAIN and time, here is my tutorial with all the tricks to get it working. **
What you’ll need
16GB USB stick (not an SD card!), I tried a 8GB one as Apple recommends it, but it wasn’t big enough, yup WHATEVER!
Windows 8 ISO file, in a perfect world you’d buy this from Microsoft, but they make it really hard and want to ship you a physical CD (what the fuck, it’s 2015, let me buy an ISO), so just find an ISO file of Windows somewhere (okay fine, Microsoft, I guess you don’t WANT my money)
Steam account to buy GTA V PC (it’s about $50 I think, worth it because you can play it online if you buy it legally)
Prepare Boot Camp
First search for Boot Camp Assistant on your Mac. Click Continue and you’ll see this:
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If this is your first time, select ALL boxes. The first one makes your USB stick loaded with Windows and OSX’s boot camp loader, the second one is the Boot Camp drivers it adds, the third one sounds weird but means it’ll partition your drive to set up Windows.
So now click Continue:
Select your Windows ISO file and continue.
It’ll take some time to copy the Windows ISO to your USB stick, and then download the drivers from Apple that are compatible to your Windows version.
When it finishes, you’ll see this partition window. This means it’ll divide your hard drive up in two pieces, one drive for Windows, one for Mac’s OSX. Here it gets really dodgy, because it actually doesn’t work properly EVER.
You need to choose how big your Windows drive should be. To calculate the size: Windows needs about 20 GB to function, then you need some space for your game. GTA V takes 65 GB, so that is 65+20=85 GB. To make it performant I rounded it up to 100 GB. But it depends on how big your games are etc. Skyrim e.g. is less than 10 GB. So you’d need only 30 to 40 GB probably.
But then it doesn’t work
The reason I said this is dodgy is because it’ll probably fail. You’ll see this amazingly descript error probably like me and my friends did:
It took me days to figure out how to fix it. But it comes down to this: (1) free up space on your drive and (2) if it has disk errors or not. Aim to get about 50% free space. For me that was insane because I have a 1TB drive, with 100 GB free, so I had to free up another 400 GB. It helps to just put stuff on an external hard drive while you’re setting up Boot Camp, you can put it back after.
The non-blue stuff on Macintosh HD is my free space, not enough obviously. Make sure you get about 50% free space on your drive. So if you have 256 GB drive, get 125 GB free. At 500 GB, 250 GB free. At 1 TB, 500 GB free. You get it.
Now fix those errors
Even after clearing all that space, Boot Camp will probably still whine and fail again, like it did for me.
That’s because it’ll run into some weird errors on your drive. Those weird errors are because off, well, I have no fucking clue. But they’re there. How to fix this? Well you open Disk Utility.
Click “Verify Disk” and it’ll check your disk. This might take awhile. I got this crazy scary error. If you didn’t get that and it’s verified, then just skip this part.
I was like “wait WHAT? NO!”. My SSD drive was broken? Why did nobody tell me! I rebooted into Recovery Mode (reboot and hold CMD+R). There I opened Disk Utility in there to verify my disk. If your disk is encrypted like mine, you need to unlock it first by right-clicking the disk, selecting Unlock and entering your password.
Then I verified it again, repaired everything and it worked fine. There were no errors. Odd right? Who cares! Because after this it worked. I rebooted into normal OSX mode and started Boot Camp Assistant again. This time I only selected the last checkbox:
Let’s try again
There we go, partition it:
After partitioning, Boot Camp Assistant automatically restarts. And then BAM!
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Now Windows doesn’t like our partitions
Yay! It’s Windows! On a Mac! Don’t celebrate too early, because this is where hell starts.
See what that says? “Windows cannot be installed to Disk 0 Partition 3”. Wait WHAT? WHY! Boot Camp was supposed to fix this shit, right? I was supposed to not do anything and Boot Camp would put all the files in the right place, to make it work on Mac, right?
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Then you press Format on that partition. And it seems to work but no it doesn’t because it says:
“The selected disk of the GPT partition style”
What does it take for a (wo)man to get a Windows around here?
Well, a lot. After hours of Googling, I figured it out.
You need to reboot back into OSX. Exit the installation. Then hold ALT/OPTION and select Macintosh HD to boot to. Then go back to Disk Utility:
Select your BOOTCAMP partition and go to the Erase tab, then under Format select ExFAT and click Erase. Make sure you’re erasing the correct partition (BOOTCAMP not Macintosh HD).
After that reboot your MacBook into Windows by rebooting and holding the ALT/OPTION key and selecting your USB stick (I think it’s called EFI). It’ll load the Windows install again.
Try selecting the BOOTCAMP partition in the Windows installation again, you can recognize it by the size you made it. For me that was 100 GB (it showed as I think 86 GB). If it still gives an error, go last resort. Remove the BOOTCAMP partition within the Windows installation by clicking Delete.
Then add a new partition by clicking New:
Try installing it on that partition. If that still doesn’t work, you’re out of luck, cause I have no idea either.
And then…it works
You’ll see this.
The problem is that there’s a good chance the Boot Camp drivers for Windows to understand your MacBook (e.g. use WiFi, sound, etc.) aren’t installed. Luckily they’re on your USB stick. In the Start Screen go to search and type File Explorer. Then try to fin your USB stick. Open the Boot Camp folder and find an Install app, open it and let it run. It’ll probably reboot.
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Now with all your drivers installed, most of the stuff on your MacBook will work on Windows now. My friend has some problems with the Bluetooth keyboard, but that was an unofficial keyboard. My Apple one worked perfectly. As did my Logitech wireless mouse.
Now let’s make Windows suck less
Okay, so Windows 8 is obviously the worst interface any person has come across. Like Windows 8 itself actually feels pretty solid, if you get out of that insane box square maze mayhem they call the Start Menu now. It’s insane. Who runs this company? So incredibly stupid to do this. My dad just switched to OSX because he couldn’t understand this Start Screen. Biggest fail of the century.
We have no choice though. We want to play games! So to get your start menu (from old times) back, install Classic Shell.
Then set this image as the start button in preferences:
Yay! Now to disable that stupid Start Screen, right-click on the Task Bar, then click Properties, then click the Navigation tab, then check “When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, go to the desktop instead of Start”, uncheck “When I point to the upper-right corner, show the charms”.
Now install Steam
I’ll let you do this as it’s pretty easy. Go to Steam and the top right click Install Steam.
Then search for GTA V. Click Download.
Here’s the problem, GTA V is 65 GB and that will take awhile. You obviously don’t want to be stuck for hours in Windows. The trick here is to install Parallels in OSX (if you haven’t already). Reboot to OSX (hold ALT/OPTION and select Macintosh HD) and set Parallels up so it uses the Boot Camp partition. Open Parallels, select Boot Camp on the right and follow the instructions:
After installing, try playing GTA V. Customize the graphic settings a bit. You can’t play it on super high settings, but you can go pretty far on a MacBook Pro 15″. Like I said, it has an actually really powerful graphics card, so it can run GTA V fine.
Now you can use your Boot Camp partition within OSX with Parallels to download games/software and continue working. Then when it’s finished, reboot to Windows and play your PC games.
It took me awhile to get back into playing games when I did all of this. I mean, it’s like it has to compete with reality, which is already insane for me, and so GTA V felt somewhat “fake” to me for days, until I accepted it was a game, and nothing I did in there would be an actual accomplishment. See, that’s what startup life psychology does to you. And on a serious note, that’s why we should all play more games. Because it helps you get out of your filter bubble.
Going outside to walk your dog? Naaaaaah, why would you! There’s GTA V!
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Furthermore, the version of the game that is put up for free is the GTA 5’s Premium Edition – this includes the full storyline from the game plus Grand Theft Auto Online in addition to all currently existing in-game upgrades and bonus content. To top it all, users would also get the “Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack” that comes with even more content as well as 1,000,000 $ bonus in-game money for online play.
All you need in order to grab the GTA V for free is a working PC or Mac (of course, one that could run this rather resource-intensive game), an Epic Games Launcher, and an Epic Games account. However, one thing we must note here is that users would have to have enabled two-factor authentication on their accounts in order to be permitted to get the game for free.
Can you run GTA V on Mac?
The short answer is yes. If you have already set up you Mac to play PC games then just go ahead and take advantage of the Full free Version of GTA V. If not, you will need to install Boot Camp, create a virtual Machine and afterwards install the game.
How to play gta v on mac without bootcamp?
Performance wise it would be unpractical using other methods. The performance decrease would make the game unplayable. However if you are using one of the latest high performance macs on the market you can give Wineskin a shot. Setting up a Virtual machine would make much sense either.
Install GTA 5 on Mac with bootcamp
Before attempting to install boot camp we recommend checking your macs specifications and cross referencing them with those recommend to run GTA 5. Next, you will need a program called Boot Camp. With Boot Camp, you can install a version of Windows 10 which is compatible with GTA 5. Here are the steps for installing Windows 10 on a Mac using Boot Camp:
Download Windows 10 ISO onto your mac
Configure Boot Camp Assistant
Go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Boot Camp Assistant
Open the program and click continue
Select the Windows 10 ISO
Choose somewhere around 100GB of space
Install the Windows 10 ISO and configure Windows
Install recommended drivers after booting up the Windows partition
If you are running Mac OS Cataline 10.15 we recommend watching this YouTube video to make sure you are not missing out on any of the steps.
Playing GTA V on Mac
Although ac computers aren’t specifically designed as gaming machines, it is still possible to play games in them. However, if you want to run GTA V on a Mac, you will first need to install Windows 7 or higher. We highly recommend installing windows 10 on your Mac even with the latest version of Mac OS 10.15.5 via something called Windows Boot Camp (official instructions from Apple on how to set this up) using the instructions above. Also, note that, in order to run the game on your Mac, you will also need at least 65 GB of free space and your machine would have to meet/exceed the minimum system requirements for the game.
Downloading GTA V for mac
Please remember to download the game on the windows version via Boot Camp. The Epic game launcher itself is not compatible with Mac OS.
Gta 5 Mac Free Download
Recommended Specs To run GTA V On Mac
Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHZ (4 CPUs) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHZ (8 CPUs)
Video Card
Space90 GB available space
Use Geforce Now to play GTA on Mac
A number of users on the Geforce forums have been reporting that Grand Theft Auto 5 has been removed from the NVIDIA Geforce Now library of games. Many people used to play GTA on Geforce Now but the game isn’t available anymore. Initially, the rumors were that the reason for the game’s take-down was an update or some problem with the contract, but it seems that Rockstar has got a deal with Google for Stadia and Geforce Now yanked GTA because of that.
Use Stadia to play GTA on Mac
The good news is that the fans of Grand Theft Auto 5 might be able to see it arriving soon in Stadia Edition. A Rockstar Mag tweet indicated that the game can be released earlier than expected. According to the leak, players using Google Stadia seem to be shortly able to enjoy the game. However, the tweet did not have a source or any timeline for the game’s release. That’s why many fans already anticipate an update that will reveal when they should be able to play the ported title.
Descargar Gta 5 Mac Epic Games To Play
At the moment, the game persists in gaming charts, and, hence, bringing it to more playing platforms is financially meaningful for all interested parties.
Grand Theft Auto 5 also gives fans a lot of content and the players in Stadia would surely enjoy the well-regarded title in their gaming collection. It remains to be seen if this game would contribute to improving Stadia’s revenue, although this depends a lot on the continuing success and popularity of GTA 5.
Grand Theft Auto 5 can currently be played on PCs, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X scheduled to be launched in late 2021.
Running GTA on Apple silicon
For the time being m1 chips cannot run windows with Boot Camp. The fundamental reason is that the two operating systems now run on totally different architecture. Where as intel chips on Mac were capable of running Windows 10 this would be nearly impossible to achieve with all new Macs with apple silicon
Massive Epic Game Store crash due to a traffic spikeon release date
Descargar Gta 5 Mac Epic Games To Play
As soon as Epic Games Store’s official Twitter account announced that the game they will be made available for free would indeed be GTA V, understandably, a huge number of users seem to have rushed to the Store in anticipation of the free release of the title. This, however, seems to have caused a massive crash on the Epic Games servers that lasted for hours. The Epic Games team addressed this issue on their Twitter page, expressing their apologies and assuring their customers that they are working on resolving the issue. At the moment of writing this post, the server problems at Epic Games Store seem to have been resolved and people could now once again log in with their accounts and claim the Premium Edition of the acclaimed Rockstar game.
This is not the first time Epic Games Store has made such free game giveaways. Ever since the store was launched in December 2018, they have been occasionally making games free for a temporary amount of time and according to a statement from the company made in January, they intend to keep doing throughout the whole 2020.
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