#that has both of them. but. as much as i completely adore sharena she means SO much to me
moe-broey · 7 months
Very Occasionally I think of picking a new FEH comic Alfonse to make an icon but ....... I am...... so emotionally attached to him....... this very specific Alfonse illustration that's ☝️😯
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fluff-ly · 5 years
“So... Alfonse is scared of ghosts, huh?”
Oh, this was too perfect
Alfonse, the gallant Prince of Askr... afraid of ghosts?! Unbelievable!
But since finding out, the other Heores could NOT resist getting on his nerves a little...
A few times, Sharena pointed some things out during the harvest festival tournament, like a big shadow— she didn’t mean to scare him, she just did it without really thinking. Alfonse would nervously correct her, saying that it was just a tree or something else...
Mercedes and Azura both decided to tease him a little bit, once finding out his fear. They would occasionally ask him if he wanted to hear a spooky story involving ghosts, telling him the first few parts of the chosen tale. Alfonse begged them to stop, and whenever one just said ‘ghost’ he would whimper in fear— which was quickly replaced with a more mature order for them stop...
This doesn’t stop Azura and Mercedes
“Would you like to hear a ghost story called the rocking ch—”
“GAH!! I-I mean no thank you...!”
The kids love this. Tiki would sneak up on him and shout ‘boo!’, much to his surprise! He screamed like a girl whenever she did so! Fae likes to make ‘ooooOOOOOhhhhh!’ noises to grab his attention, to which Alfonse just laughs softly about... secretly panicking inside. Kana enjoyed transforming into his dragon form and making loud, frightening roars, scaring the others in the process— but it was worth it, seeing Alfonse waving his sword around to try and fight the invisible enemy, looking a bit... strange whilst doing so
“You fiend!! I will— Huh?! O-oh! It was nothing this whole time...?!”
Most of the mages are actually complete assholes quite amusing once they find out about Alfonse’s fear. Mages like Henry, Soren and Julius would often cast spells to pretend a ghost is lurking somewhere in the darkness— casting wind magic to make sounds and move things around, for instance. Alfonse, before and after finding out what was happening behind the scenes, was not okay at all!
The Grimas scoff at the Prince’s behaviour, wondering how such a fool was able to take lead of a whole army. Pathetic worm, scared of such fantasies, they thought. Although, this is one of the only times you’ll see them both smiling and laughing. Not evilly, but genuinely and strangely jolly, so that’s good (for them, at least!)
Nino is probably one of the only Heroes to take his fear seriously. She would declare to be ‘his shield’ and protect him from the ‘dangerous ghosts’! Alfonse is ever so grateful happy to see her act like this, since it was quite adorable to watch!
Eir is also one who doesn’t play silly pranks or scare Alfonse becuase of his fear. In fact, she understands him— coming from the realm of the dead, she gets why the living dead doesn’t sound very pleasant to others. It’s not like she’s afraid of ghosts and such things, it’s just that she can see why he’s scared of them. She would love to help him to settle down, but she doesn’t. Since she has gotten a few comments about having a rather ‘ghostly presence’, Eir doesn’t want to scare the Prince further, so instead she‘s made sure to watch him from afar, making sure he’s okay
“Okay, not so bad right now... hm? *sighs* Nowi DON’T—”
The fallen Heroes give Alfonse the creeps during the harvest festival!!! With Berkut’s (and what seems to be Rinea’s... g-g-ghost?!) acting crazy and obsessed with power, he makes sure to stay far away from the Rigelian Prince, at all times. Takumi is also very off-putting to him, and so Alfonse thinks it’s best not to get involved with his issues about ‘the traitor’ and decides to keep Takumi at an arm’s length... a very very very long arm, that is...
Ike is confused by Alfonse’s fear. The mercenary tells him that he doesn’t get how he is perfectly capable of facing dead soldiers in battle, in Hel, and yet he can’t handle the thought of a ghost...? Alfonse takes note of this, feeling relieved after the things Ike said. Looks like there was no need to be afraid after all!
...Until he saw Rolf in his ghost costume for the harvest festival. Oh Rolf, why did you have to wear that outfit...
Now that Alfonse if practically hugging the Summoner, he laughs nervously before asking:
“I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell the others about all this, Summoner...”
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fieryfafarfanfics · 7 years
Reunion and Realization
 Takumi wondered if he had gone blind from that terribly bright light.  Eyes still squeezed shut, he slowly lowered his arms. Fujin Yumi still tight in his grasp, he prince exhaled through his mouth and shook his head lightly from the incoming headache.  “Welcome, Takumi.”  Immediately he snapped his eyes open at the voice.
 And once he did, shock registered quickly into him to see a person cloaked in a robe of gold and white.  The person flashed a smile, her left hand waving in his direction while her right holding some sort of weapon. Caution popped swiftly into his mind, Takumi tightened his hold on Fujin Yumi and almost positioned himself to attack.  Kiran was faster to take notice.  “Eh, eh!” Panic blooming in the summoner, she quickly raised both hands and levelled them near her head. “I’m not here to attack!” Dark brown eyes witnessed his gaze that fell to the Breidablik. “This won’t hurt anyone!” Shivers ran down her spine to spot a doubtful glare towards her. “I don’t even know how to fight!”  God, if this kept on any longer, Kiran swore she was going to spout pathetic nonsense about herself.  Thankfully, the last statement somewhat eased him from raising his Fujin Yumi any further.  As humiliating as it was that that convinced him, Kiran was utterly relieved as well.  “A-Anyways,” Coughing once into her left fist, she looked at the silently confused prince. “I’m Kiran, the summoner of this kingdom. And you’ve been summoned as a fellow Hero to help the people of Askr.” Though her face resonated serenity, Kiran was beyond thrilled and proud to have uttered the statements smoothly and clearly; obviously, saying those words in front of a mirror nearly every day was paying off.  Silent still held the prince’s lips. But upon hearing her explanation, he slowly began to nod his head. “I…see.” Hazel eyes observed her from head to toe. Clearly she wasn’t a threat. Her smile was still genuine, gleaming even with cheeks dusted a slight red. Heat warming into his face as well at the former doubt, Takumi finally cocked a sincere smile of his own.  “In that case,” Fuyin Yumi moved to his left hand, Takumi placed his right palm onto his heart, “let me introduce myself. I’m Takumi, a prince of Hoshido and wielder of the divine Fujin Yumi.” He lifted the weapon slightly. “Which…makes me pretty useful, I’d say.”  The statement wasn’t meant to sound pitiful, but Kiran quickly bit back the frown that almost formed her pretty pink lips. “Thank you, Takumi.” She gave a single bow, then stood up properly with her smile still beaming like the sun. “You’re gonna be really helpful here. I just know it!”  After their little introduction, the summoner then raised her right hand and popped her lips open to tell him about the castle and other facilities.  “Kiran, where are you?”  However, silence struck her next once that voice rang from outside the summoning chamber.  Now, Kiran’s silence wasn’t because of her voice. Oh no, no. After almost a year, hearing her voice didn’t surprise her in the least. Hell, even if the princess roared violently into the sky, Kiran would just take it as casual noise.  No. What brought her to silence was the complete bafflement that splashed Takumi’s face.  “Kiran?” Without waiting for a response, Kamui entered the chamber. “Oh, there you are!” A smile curling at the corners to see the summoner, the princess happily approached her. “Ready to go to the market? I’ve been dying to see the little markets in Askr!” Slender hands casually held more delicate ones. “I heard from Sharena that they even have a stall that sells the most delicious pastries! I want to go try!” Kamui swore, any more excited than she was, a tail would surely pop out and wag ecstatically at the idea.  That joy, however, dimmed to confusion when she saw Kiran’s lack of enthusiasm. “Kiran, what’s wrong?” Head tilted slightly, Kamui carefully waved one hand across the summoner’s face.  “Kamui.”  Confusion froze into pure shock once that voice – that lovely, lovely voice she’d missed so much – slipped into her ears.  Crimson eyes as wide as they could be, Kamui quickly turned around.  And when she did, by Gods, she had gasped so loud, both hands swiftly slapped to her gaping mouth.  He’s here.  He’s here, he’s here, he was finally here.  Silence hanged heavily inside the chamber. One stared in complete disbelief and bafflement. One stared with breathing choppy and heartbeat manic inside a chest. While one stood from a few feet away, her steps slowly sliding backwards in order to give them a moment.   But man, Kiran wanted so badly to watch this scene unfold without making it awkward for both of them.  He still didn’t say a word. She still stood still as a statue.  Suddenly, as silence still sang its hollow song, footsteps shattered the heavy air.  Tap, tap, Takumi walked forward, hazel eyes focused on no one but the stunned dragon princess.  Kamui.  Her name chanted endlessly in his mind.  Kamui, Kamui, Kamui, Kamui, Kamui, Kamui.  Her name became a hypnotic mantra that haunted his thoughts.  Tap.  Clang!  “Kamui…”  Without a moment’s hesitance, Takumi pulled the baffled princess into a tight hug.  Fujin Yumi unwarily dropped to the side, the prince nuzzled and nestled and kissed the left side of her head, her soft hair, her twitching ear. “Oh Gods, Kamui…” Eyes warmed with tears, Takumi squeezed his eyes shut and tightened his embrace.  A short gasp escaped weakly through shaking lips once he felt her hands on his back.  “Welcome home, Takumi…”  Though a single tear trickled down flushed cheeks, he couldn’t help the laughter that had bubbled out of him. “I’m h-home…” Teeth chattered then clenched tightly, Takumi pressed a long, lingering kiss to the side of her head again. “I…I finally found you, dear.”  Gods, how badly he missed her sweet, sweet laugh.  “I’m sorry for being gone for so long, darling.” Head tipped comfortably on his left shoulder, Kamui slightly turned her head so that her lips pecked his ear. “But you found me!”  Gods, how horribly he missed her adorably endearing personality.  Again, shaky laughter popped out of his mouth. “Don’t e-ever—” He took a deep breath and slid his arms around her waist. “—leave me again.” And with that, Takumi easily lifted her up and twirled her around.  Surprised by the sudden lift, Kamui then laughed louder and louder as she placed her hands on his shoulders.  Tears and dignity be damned, Takumi took a deep breath before breaking out another shaky sob. Still, his smile stayed in place, never wavered, never gone now that she was finally in his arms. ---  Kiran only watched the scene behind the other end of the door. Her jaw had gone a bit numb from all the smiling, but she couldn’t give a damn. It always brought her absolute joy to see couples being reunited. After all, it was partially her fault that these Heroes appeared without warning. The least she could do was hope for the best and summon their friends, families, or loved ones.  “Kiran?”  Speaking of loved ones.  Quickly she turned around, her heart skipped a beat to see the Askarian prince. “Alfonse!” Eyes unblinking at the sudden visitor, Kiran quickly but carefully pressed the door closed behind her. “I—what’s up?”  Oh dear Gods, she almost burst out a cackle to see him subconsciously looking up.  Upon realizing that he was fooled by one of her metaphorical sentence – again – Alfonse closed his eyes and pursed his lips in pure shame. “I should’ve known better.” Masking his embarrassment with a single cough, the prince bit the insides of his lower lip and looked at the summoner.  Gods, his teeth nipped harder to see that radiant smile.  Unaware of the little emotional whirlwind he had caused her, Kiran gently tapped her chin. Laughter still rang inside the chamber. And as much as she wanted to show this moment of bliss to the prince, Kiran was pretty sure the two preferred some privacy after months of being separated from each other. Plus, she really didn’t want to know what it was like to piss off a powerful prince and a terrifying dragon.  And with that, an idea beamed on top of her head.  “Hey, Alfonse.” Slowly she approached him, her heart picking up its pace at every step. “Are you free today?”  A single eyebrow was seen being raised and by Gods, he’s too cute!  “I am.” Just by the sight of her smile alone, Alfonse could feel his lips curl so naturally at her presence. “Why?”  She swore, her heart was about to burst out of her chest. “Do you want to accompany me to the market today?”  She didn’t know what made her more nervous: the question or his shocked reaction.  “I-I mean—!” Quickly she waved her hands, though voice still evened so that she wouldn’t startle the royal couple on the other side of the door. “I—Sharena said there’s this stall that has the best pastries and I’m really stoked to see the stuff they have!” Clap, her hands pressed together. “So, if you’re free today, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind accompanying me for a bit—”  “Of course.”  Her mouth gaped to a stupor. “What?”  Both hands lingered near her pressed lips to see his charming smile and dusted cheeks.  “I—yes.” Again he answered, voice clear as day. “I would love y—to go with you!” His mouth was quicker, but Gods, his heart was now a violent tornado of hoping – terribly, badly, madly hoping – that she didn’t pick that up.  To see the excited gleam in her eyes, Alfonse was beyond relieved.  “Yay!” Unable to contain her thrill, Kiran clapped again and even bounced right in front of him. “Great! I’ll go get my tiny stash of coins in my bedroom and we’ll be ready to go!” Without waiting for a reaction, she dashed away and even hummed in glee at the moment of fun they were going to have.  While she beamed in anticipation for the day, Alfonse only watched her in silence.  In seconds, her figure disappeared from his line of sight.  But by Gods, even if she wasn’t physically there, her image would always, always haunt his mind, day and night.  His heart thumped just as madly when he remembered his humiliating mistake.  “Gods…” Heat now burned to the ears, Alfonse cupped his face with both hands and even slowly, agonizingly stooped down to the ground.  He had done it. He had done the one thing he swore himself to never do.  Fingers parted away to see his right eye, Alfonse sighed bitterly as he gazed at the ground.  He could still vividly see her smile.  You’ve fallen in love with her… END
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astraldragons · 7 years
Part 2: Summoning Wyvern Riders Is Best Left For Professionals
Part 1: Start of An Adventure
…Alright. Let’s do this. You take a long, slow breath before raising the Breidablik a bit higher, brows furrowing as you point it out in front of you. Let’s see… When I did this the last time, it just kind of… Happened. I just gotta recreate whatever I did in order to make this work…
… …….
“Ugghhh.” You lower your arm, and the Breidablik, in frustration.
Ever since your first summon when you had called up Virion, you just hadn’t been able to work the darn relic. Anna and the others were getting restless; after all, there was only so much that she and three other Heroes- Virion, Alfonse, and Sharena- could accomplish against the Emblian Empire. You’d been trying your best; really, you had. But, of course, the only thing that made you useful in this world was malfunctioning. With a low growl, you slump to the ground. The pillars of the summoning ruins loom over you like skyscrapers, seemingly only mocking you further.
I just… I thought I’d be useful! I’m supposed to be the Great Hero and everything! …But. I don’t feel very ‘heroic’ at all.
You sigh heavily, holding the Breidablik in both hands. “Listen,” you begin uncertainly, “I know I probably sound crazy, talking to some ancient relic or whatever. But magical artifacts usually have a life of their own, right…?”
No response. You weren’t exactly expecting one, but it certainly would’ve been nice. “Anyways… Breidablik, you’re pretty much the only reason I’m even useful at all to the Order of Heroes and Askr; all I’m asking is for one teensy little summon, alright?”
Again, nothing. You heave a frustrated sigh. “Listen. I know I’m not… I’m not a hero. I get that, completely. I wouldn’t want to work for some average, tiny loser, either. But… I don’t want you to work for me. I want you to work for everyone’s sakes; for the Order of Heroes. If you don’t summon more Heroes for them, then… The Emblian Empire will destroy them. And I dunno about you, but I don’t want that to happen. Because, I mean. Not only are they the good guys and everything, they’re… This sounds kinda stupid since I’ve only known them for maybe a week, but. They’re my friends, and I want to help them. I want to keep them alive. So please, just… Summon a Hero for me. Anyone is fine. Please-” You sharply inhale as the Breidablik begins to glow in your hands. A delighted grin works its way to your face, your eyes shining brightly. “Oh my god, I didn’t think that would work.” Hurriedly you point the relic out in front of you, brandishing it with two hands like how you might handle a handgun. The thing had pretty decent recoil after all: further proof of your gun/book hybrid theory. The relic’s white glow suddenly turns into a bright, emerald green, forming a near-blinding orb of light, before launching into the air. You step back a few paces, still watching in awe as the glowing energy orb grows bigger and bigger in the air. If you look close enough- a tad difficult, with how bright it is- you can see a massive, blurry shape emerging from the light.
And then… THUD! “SCRREEE!” Massive claws far larger than you are tall hit the ground before you. Your heart hammers in your chest, and you freeze up in terror before looking up. And up. And still further up. An enormous creature towers over you, even more so than any of the Heroes you’ve met. As you gulp and nervously scoot backward, it suddenly clicks: this thing is a dragon.
A wyvern, to be specific, judging from its lack of arms.
Unfortunately, your attempts at subtly escaping only draw the creature’s attention. It cocks its head curiously before letting out an excited screech, its blood-red eyes locking onto your small form. Without any warning, it lunges its dark head forward, jaws parted-
And snatches you up in one bite.
You immediately begin to shriek and flail, kicking against the soft, damp interior of the creature’s mouth. Its head moves, and you can feel yourself being lifted higher and higher off the ground- but the wyvern doesn’t appear to be making any moves to swallow you. Regardless, you squirm and try to pry its jaws open, anyways.
“Ah, Marzia,” an unfamiliar woman’s muffled voice pipes up from the outside, “what have you got there? Something for me? Aw, you shouldn’t have…”
You pound your fist against the back of the creature’s teeth, shouting for whoever it is to hurry up and help already… but it seems that your shouts are unnecessary. The wyvern’s jaws part and you suddenly find yourself in freefall, yelling in terror as you anticipate hitting the ground.
Instead, your back hits a soft surface with a ‘thump’, and you groan before shakily sitting up, attempting to brush off the wyvern saliva.
“Oh, what a cute little darling you are~!”
The voice startled you from your grumpy cleaning session, causing your head to jerk up in the direction of the speaker.
She’s… W. Wow.
The woman before you is, for lack of better words, gorgeous. You gulp, staring at her in wide-eyed fascination. Her hair is a rich shade of lavender, and it ripples and waves like a river, rushing all the way down her back with a few locks draping over her shoulders. A black, horned circlet of sorts is placed atop her head, a nice complement to the purple. From what you can see, she’s adorned in armor that gleams like obsidian, edged with sparkling gold. And you notice rather quickly that this is likely one of the most ‘well-endowed’ women you have ever seen in your life. You quickly glance down, noting that she’s holding you in the palm of her hand- her plum-colored gloves are rather similar to yours. “U-um,” you stutter out, meeting her magenta (magenta oh my god what is with these Heroes and their anime eye colors that look far too attractive to be normal) eyes. “H… Hello! You must be a Hero, right?” She blinks before smiling. “I suppose one could call me that. I’m Camilla, eldest princess from the kingdom of Nohr.” You hesitate before smiling back, offering your hand up to her to shake. “I’m Sam. Not exactly a royal or anything, but I’m basically the local summoner.” Upon noticing your offered hand, she chuckles- she even has seductive laughter what the actual hell- and delicately grips your hand between the index finger and thumb of her free hand. “A pleasure to meet you, darling. Consider me all yours.” You stare up at her in surprise. “Wait, um. What? Just like that?” You pause before quickly speaking up again. “N-not that I’m not grateful! We’d be glad to have you here at the Order, but-?” Camilla laughs again before humming. “Ah, just a feeling, I suppose. Inclination to help you, if you will… Besides, how could I resist protecting such an adorable little thing~?” With that, she gently brushes her thumb against the side of your face, pushing back your hair just a bit.
You think you feel a pleasant shiver go up your spine at the comforting gesture. It feels kind of… nice, really. Especially since you’ve gone without a proper hug or other similar show of comfort in about a week. “U-um. Thank you,” you manage lamely. Shit, my cheeks are getting warm. And then that massive, scaly head pops in over Camilla’s shoulder, those eerie, glowing eyes catching your attention immediately. You let out an involuntary squeak, scooting backwards in Camilla’s hand- though you don’t go very far. After all, scooting off of her fingers and falling to your death sounds very, very unpleasant. Camilla blinks before turning her head to the side. As soon as she sees the wyvern, she grins and chuckles, reaching her free hand up to stroke the beast’s muzzle. “Ahh, don’t fret, dearie. My lovely Marzia won’t harm you, now that she knows you’re with me. Isn’t that right, girl?” She coos. The wyvern leans into Camilla’s touch, letting out a happy croon in response. You stare blankly at the wyvern, mentally deciding to keep very close tabs on the creature whenever Camilla wasn’t around.
Don’t you dare try to stick me in your mouth again. There’s a pause before you clear your throat. “…Okay, so! I can direct you back to the kingdom of Askr, if you’d like… I mean, if you’re positive you want to join. And, on the way, I can fill you in on details about the Order of Heroes and the Emblian Empire. Sound okay to you?” Camilla bats her lashes at you, looking rather… content? Pleased? She’s a bit hard to read. “That sounds simply wonderful, dear. Just point out the way and I’ll take you there.~”
As you guide the princess back towards the castle of Askr, all while explaining the war (you still feel a bit awkward dragging her into a war where she’s never even heard of either side fighting in said war, especially since you’d gone through the same thing not too long ago), you find yourself relaxing a bit.
Okay, I was able to summon a Hero… So maybe this is a sign that stuff is gonna go right from here on out. Now I know there’s a chance we can win.
…But next time I summon a Hero, I’m making sure to bring someone along with me. This wyvern spit is gross.
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