#that is both how you learn what you like/dont likw
silverskye13 · 8 months
You somehow get cooler with every single art piece you do how do you make them look so amazing
You're very kind lind <3 I don't see much improvement personally, but that's fine. I still have fun. :D
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ryoshan · 6 years
ruby / weiss,,
SHIPPY MEME | @rosescattered
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who hogs the duvet
weiss, but its usually a non issue. theyre very cuddly so sort of become a cuddly coccoon.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
both. theyre rarely apart, so when they are apart they like to stay in contacttheyre that gross couple that when theyre apart will set aside 30 min to an hour every evening theyre apart to call each other and talk abt their days.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
ruby!!! weiss tends to think abt buying material gifts before she thinks abt other options. ruby sometimes buys stuff, sometimes she found a nice stone in her travels she made into a necklace u kno?
who gets up first in the morning
weiss, but it's more out of habitual punctuality than being a morning person, so it doesnt take much convincing from ruby to get her to sleep in for a while. ruby has made weiss late so many times.
who cries at movies
both of them are BABIES with the right sad movie. especially disney movies like coco and moana.
who gives unprompted massages
ruby, mostly. but weiss will try her hand at a lil massage if she really wants ruby to relax.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
weiss fusses over ruby in a YOU STAY IN BED AND LET ME DO EVERYTHING way with a side od "dont milk it you big baby". ruby fusses in a )))))): poor weiss ))))): way. weiss insists she isnt sick. atchoo.
who gets jealous easiest
weiss. especially when shes still in a Ruby Is Too Good For Me mindset. when ruby meets people better suited or kinder than herself, she gets prickly and possessive.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
who collects something unusual
weiss bought ruby a charm bracelet, so ruby collects charms. what makes it unusual is she doesnt attach traditional jewelry charms, exactly. she works with fun things shes found and gets a hole punched in them. eg: the coin weiss found on their date and passed to ruby.
who takes the longest to get ready
it depends on how long weiss takes. sometimes perfection takes time. sometimes, weiss is up and ready to go before ruby has blinked. she still doesnt understand how she manages it.
who is the most tidy and organised
who gets most excited about the holidays
RUBY. weiss has been a bit of a scrooge in the past because holidays with her family have been truly awful, but ruby reminds her of the fun in them. with ruby (and rubys family) she embraces the holidays.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
they switch a bunch!!! more often than not they actually fall asleep facing each other, so its more a question of whose head tucks under whose chin (its weiss' under rubys chin)
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
weiss. ruby has her fair share lf competitiveness, but weiss wins this one just because she's more likely to give up the minute she starts losing than ruby is.
who starts the most arguments
they don't argue exactly, just have disagreements that may involve heated discussions. theyre too communicative for it to reach a point where it becomes an actual argument.
who suggests that they buy a pet
weiss has never had a pet.......lets get a puppy ruby.......
what couple traditions they have
on important anniversaries they get something they can wear that matches. usually its bracelets, sometimes necklaces, scarves, boots even. they're gross.
what tv shows they watch together
weiss isn't so much of a tv watcher as she laya with her head in rubys lap reading a book while ruby watches what she wants. occasionally weiss will make a comment on it since shes probs half listening.
what other couple they hang out with
YANG AND BLAKE OBV double dates aplenty
how they spend time together as a couple
talking, playing games (both board and video), reading, sharing silence. baking, cooking. they also likw taking walks, sparring and kicking grimm ass together.
who made the first move
w-weiss i think we said? a little impulsively, but theyve been in love for like a year before anything happens so can that even be called impulse .
who brings flowers home
weiss brings roses for.her rose. its specifically a cute gesture, and not necessarily a testament to whether ruby likes flowers much or not.
who is the best cook
ruby. weiss iS PISS POOR AT IT. shes eager to learn though, and ruby is more than happy to teach her!
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nervebum · 7 years
mmm 3,4,10,50,56,145,151 is that too many?????
naww. thank you
3: Fears - getting my eyes poked out on the ends of clothing racks at stores and the dark. lots of small things mostly! i’d like to think i’m brave.
4: 3 things I love - a good discussion, warmth, going anywhere at all
10: How tall am I - 5′5″
50: How often do I wear a fake smile? - i do it a lot because i forget to smile or i dont do it enough or sumthing so i try to remind myself to have a smile queued especially when i’m interacting. it’s silly but i have a resting.. resting face if i’m not compulsively smiling even if i dont mean it. it’s more like manners to me
56: What do I think about most? - not really existing unless you leave a sort of impact or are experienced by someone else. and with that also thinking about the concept of being alone
145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - i’ve been caught heavily under the influence a couple times by my mom which i feel very guilty about. getting caught each time was a result of miscalculating a dosage or how much time i had or both
151: What do I like about myself - i like that i’m always thinking about something which also means that it’s really hard for me to get bored. i dont think thinking all the time is bad even if it’s about sad things because i know i’d rather be exposed to it than push it away because then maybe it can help me learn. i think since i dont talk so much i get 2 think more instead. i think talking is likw a catharsis, though
im in study hall at skool, thank u for giving me something 2 do :~)
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