#that might only vaguely resemble what's actually in the text but happens to be popular at the moment
privateolives · 1 year
When media only represented lgbt people as sassy and promiscuous, everyone cried for more wholesome stories. Now that the norm is wholesome falling in love stories, people are demanding kinks again.
Girl, your enemy isn't one or the other. Your enemy is The Single Narrative and pretending that either representation is Bad is a fool's game.
Just because something is more prevalent at the moment doesn't make it inherently bad. It's perfectly good to represent that parts of the experience. We just need to recognise that we need to start diversifying our stories when one particular narrative starts becoming too prevalent, instead of declaring one thing Bad Representation and going into the exact opposite camp to show how Not That we are. If that's the only attitude we have, then we risk making this new Opposite the only new narrative.
Prevalent depictions tend to come in waves of reactions to things happening in society but also very much in relation to previous depictions. You see this not just inside LGBT narratives but also in media representation of racial stereotypes, focus on masculine and feminen tendencies in fashion history, etc.
Lately though, I've been seeing posts getting more and more hostile towards the Previous Representation as if it's that experience's fault for existing - such as lgbt people who "pass straight" vs "incredibly queercoded", narratives of people who want to heal troubled family relations and a general tendency for creative work (especially in writing prompts) to just take one trope and inverting it, then calling that the peak of creativity, even when there's not necesarrily any bottomline thought to what this new story is trying to say beyond "being the opposite".
That's not to say any one person who wants to try turning tropes on their heads are inherently Problematic or anything of the sort, but it's worth examining if one representation makes that representation inherently problematic, or just in need of more diversity.
More diversity than just pointing at the opposite camp and making that the new norm until we're all sick to death of that one. Lest we just repeat the same cycle without creating actual diverse representation; Or even worse, start creating the idea that the beautiful, multi-faceted experience that is the LGBT community as a whole just falls into new binaries of experiences than just sex and preference.
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reallyghostlypost · 11 months
The Ferngill Republic's history
(As a disclaimer, this post might or might not be controversial, since it ties SVE with a few... unfortunate real life events like the second world war and the foundation of USA. I think the associations make sense from the dialogue, and Ferngill-SUA Gotoro- Imperial Japan is a pretty popular theory in the fandom, but obviously not everyone might necessarily agree. Also this post is messy in general since I'm trying to build a continent's entire history from like four lines of text.)
I need to add some historical events to my own worldbuilding and unfortunately we know very little about the world's history. Stardew Valley is very light on lore in general and SVE avoided truly touching this part of worldbuilding. Aside from vague dialogue about ancient magic that can't be tied to any actual time period or historical events, we have only two hints about the Republic's past: the pelican statue behind Joja and the event SVE adds for Demetrius.
The pelican statue reads: "PELICAN TOWN- DATE: 04.17.19XX- Built in recognition of Stardew Valley's Elegance", so we have a very vague date of the town's creation (the date changed btw, it used to read something like 20XX). Since it's hinted in the game that the town is young it couldn't have been built before the Republic existed, so we have a vague date that happened during the country's existence. This is a weird way of putting it but it's important because of Demetrius's event.
"A thousand years ago, a huge meteor shower periodically bombarded this specific area of the Ferngill Republic. Of course, back then, the Republic didn't exist yet. [...] So our ancestors called these showers the 'Silk Dew of The Stars'. When the Ferngill Republic was first established 150 years ago, the Admission Union named this valley 'Stardew' in honor of our ancestors. [...] It's the reason so many farmers have established their livelihood in Stardew Valley!"
These are the relevant parts of the event, and I bolded the words I found interesting. So... the Republic seems to be modelled after America in SVE. The war with Gotoro has similarities with the WWII, with the Gotoro Empire resembling Imperial Japan. SVE even has it's own version of Pearl Harbour (this is easily my least favorite part of the mod since tying fantasy events to real world ones brings lots unnecessary implications and puts huge limitations on lore, but such is life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
Demetrius's event further proves the fact that Ferngill Republic was modelled after USA. It's a very 'new' country that seems disconnected from it's past and brings to mind the colonisation of the Americas. It even has some kind of Union as the political body responsible for this. While states change their types of government and their names all the time, life within the country remains largely unchanged. Demetrius implies farmers moved to Stardew Valley after they somehow discovered the fertile soil of the area, instead of the Valley being used by farmers since time immemorial, which would happen in an 'old country'. Similarly, re-naming the Valley would be weird, it would simply be known as Stardew throughout it's history and it's name would carry on independent of any new government.
Now, I'm not saying that Ferngill's history follows America's perfectly, or that it was founded after a large amount of people moved here from another place to create a new country, after all the new republic could have been created as a result of a past war with Gotoro, for example. Mainly that this resemblance changes the way it's inhabitants deal with the past.
Ultimately, this theory being true or not doesn't have much relevance on the history of the world itself (mainly because we don't know anything about it), but will determine what historical events are relevant for worldbuilding. If I don't use the Ferngill-USA comparison, than all historical events of the continent are important, since there's a smooth continuity in the country's evolution. On the other hand, if I use my theory, than only the events happening within two centuries at most will be truly important. Past events happened to another 'country' after all.
For example, I want to add some monster related tragedy in the Valley before Pelican Town was built, explaining why it took so long for the town to be created when the soil is apparently famously fertile. This theory would change when the disaster happened. If I rely on it, the disaster must have happened during the Republic's existence, or at least very close to it's foundation. If I don't, then it could happen at any point in the past and I have no limitation on my worldbuilding.
Moving on, let's look at the history of Pelican Town, which is just as mysterious, although less important in the grand scale of things. It must be at most 150 years old, assuming it was founded soon after the Republic was established, but it seems to be much younger than that. Marlon implies that he started the guild either when the town was created or soon after, since he mentions that most of the area was covered by wilderness. So the town's history all happened within a human lifespan. It's possible that people lived here for longer before that, and that the area was first inhabited by miners and only later the town was created.
Andy mentioned that he moved here in order to become a farmer, it's possible that he moved when the town was established and farmers were encouraged to take advantage of the fertile and cheap land. Demetrius mentions the fountain being 30 years old, so at earliest the town has existed for three decades. Lewis says he's been the mayor for more than 20 years, he might be the second or third mayor the town ever had. And lastly, the recession that destroyed Aurora Vineyard happened when the farmer was still working at Joja according to Andy.
This is pretty much the only thing we know about the history of Ferngill Republic. There's lots of space to fill with whatever worldbuilding you want, but the lack of details makes this surprisingly hard. I'm curious if anyone has any headcanons about this.
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azurethevampire · 4 years
Could you write for Sherlock? Perhaps she’s had an argument with him and consequently ignores him for the rest of the day until he gets her to speak to him and it’s all fluffy? Not sure if that’s too vague. Let me know if you need more!x
I deeply apologize it has taken me this long to write this. I hope you still like it! 
Words: 1600
Warning: There is a mention of pig body parts stored in a fridge (it’s Sherlock!) so if that unsettles you, just maybe skip the part where sherlock realises what he has done or skip reading this altogether
It was a wonder he noticed. You had thought that the chances were one in a billion. Not because you thought less of Sherlock, you didn’t. Of course, you didn’t when he had been the closest thing you got to a family for a far longer time than you were ready to admit. Usually, Sherlock just didn’t tend to notice these kinds of things. 
When you were younger, you had thought it was because he didn’t understand how human emotions worked. These days, you were slightly smarter and knew - despite popular belief - that Sherlock was not as ignorant about emotions as he pretended to be. 
But still. 
Sherlock never noticed when he had upset you. 
Okay, fine, you were lying. It was not never. But still, the times when Sherlock had actually apologised for his behaviour could be counted with the fingers of one hand. He tended to notice you were upset, but for someone who had the intelligence he had, he was a bit slow to realise when the cause of your upset was him instead of something or someone else. 
Like now. 
This morning you had woken up feeling quite content with yourself - some might have even say that you felt happy. This was the reason you decided that the morning warranted something special for breakfast. You settled for pancakes.
You were humming the last song you'd heard as you gathered what you needed to make your breakfast. When you had everything else in your reach, you went to get milk and eggs from the fridge. 
You had opened the door - and closed it immediately with a small shriek. 
In a second your previously happy mood dove low. Now you felt both annoyed and betrayed. There would be no pancakes for you today - in fact, you would not set a finger on that fridge again. Ever. 
Anger drove your actions as you slammed - a bit too hard, perhaps - the ingredients you had already gathered back to their regular place, and marched to jump on the couch. Fishing your phone out of your pocket, your fingers quickly typed: 
Bring me back some food when you get home - Y/N 
John Watson who had currently been having a break in his work, stared at your text with brows drawn together. Briefly, the ex-army doctor wondered what Sherlock had done this time to upset you. Still, he knew you knew that you were not supposed to take it out on him. 
Excuse me? Young lady, where did you leave your manners today? - John
Whoops. You thought, closed your eyes for a second and took a couple of deep breaths while reminding yourself not to take your frustration out on the good doctor. 
Sorry, John. You typed. Then sent it and started a new one: Would you please bring me back some food when you get back from work? Pretty please? I'll pay you back even :) - Y/N
John thanked you and promised to get some takeout on his way home, and you were satisfied that you would not go hungry the whole day. 
You were still extremely unsettled by what you had seen in the fridge. And you were fuming with Sherlock who had promised you there would not be any unpleasant surprises in the flat anymore. 
You felt like crying, then shouting in anger and throwing things. Oh, how you wanted to yell at Sherlock. But you knew it would not affect the man much. 
Instead, when Sherlock Holmes finally decided to appear home to 221B Baker Street, he found you lying on the couch, turned towards the wall and music blasting through your headphones so loud he could make out the lyrics all the way from the stairs. 
He greeted you but thought nothing wrong when you didn't respond. 
It was almost an hour later when John had come back and you had all but devoured the food he brought you - all the while avoiding even looking at Sherlock's direction - that the consulting detective had an epiphany - of sorts. 
At first, he thought someone had upset you and for a blink, he was so angry with whoever had hurt his precious Y/N so much you hadn't even so much as uttered a word to him. But then he remembered. Usually, you sought out him, when you were upset. Regardless of the fact that Sherlock had never been the coddling type he certainly seemed to have a knack for lifting your spirits up. 
But today had been different. So much so that he only now realised you had not greeted him when he came home. 
You had never given him a hug or a peck on the cheek when he came home. You had yet to even look at him. He couldn't blame it on you being too focused in your phone and music either as you had greeted John with a bright smile and thanked him of the takeaway. This lead only to one conclusion. 
Pointing you and then himself, Sherlock mouthed to John: "my fault?" 
John coughed - and it suspiciously sounded like he would have said "Probably" behind his cough. 
Frowning, Sherlock stared at your back. What did I do? 
Well, whatever it was, he knew he needed to fix this. Sulking had never been a fitting look on you. The man who called himself a high-functioning sociopath much prefered it when you were babbling on about this and that, a smile brightening your face or your giggles echoing in the flat. 
Raising from his chair, Sherlock came over to the couch you had conquered and - quite unceremoniously - plopped himself down at your feet. He would have landed on top of your feet had you not had the reflexes to pull your knees up. Still, that was the only acknowledgement the dark haired man got out of you.
“Y/N”, Sherlock said. No response. He repeated your name again but still no answer. The third time, he reached out his hand hovering just above your ankle as he called you out again. 
When you still didn’t say anything back, he curled his fingers around your ankle, fingers dashing back and forth in the area. 
You could not help the tiny squeal that escaped your mouth - even if you wanted to. It was instincts at this point and you tried to kick Shelrock’s hand away with your free foot - only for him to grab that foot’s ankle as well. 
“Sherlock!” You whined slash scolded while trying to squirm your feet away. 
“Ah” Sherlock said, grinning. “She speaks after all. Hello to you too, miss Y/N.” 
You narrowed your eyes. It would take more than a few tickles for you to forgive and forget Sherlock’s actions this time. He had given you his word and while Sherlock wasn’t good at remembering many mundane things, at least his word had always been something you could rely on. 
Until now, that is. 
“Y/N talk to me”, Sherlock said a hint of rarely heard desperation in his voice. “What happened? What did I do or not do this time?” 
You shuddered as the memories from this morning resurfaced. Feeling like you might actually get sick from just thinking about it, you had no other choice than to sit up on the couch - Sherlock releasing your legs as you did so. 
Sherlock saw how you paled as you recalled something. Then it hit him, you only reacted like this to one thing. He slammed his hand to his forehead. “Oh! Tell me I didn’t- but I did, didn’t I?” 
You hugged yourself and nodded, finally meeting the man’s gaze for the first time today. 
The expression on the great consulting detective’s face resembled that of a puppy that knows he has done something wrong. 
“To be fair, they are pig legs”, he said. 
You threw a pillow at him. “I-I don’t care! You promised me I wouldn’t find any nasty surprises in the fridge again!” 
Of all the annoying habits Sherlock had, storing his ‘experiments’ in Baker Street fridge had always unsettled you to the point where you had downright refused to even set one foot to the kitchen for a while once. 
Sherlock pursed his lips as the words he so rarely spoke, made their way up his throat. “I’m sorry, Y/N” and the look he had on his face could only be described as a pout. 
You bit your lip. You wanted to still be mad at Sherlock, you really did, but - how could anyone stay mad at that face? Instead, you raked your hand through your hair and said: “Just, please, I don’t want to walk into that again, Sherlock.” 
Sherlock reached for you, positioning your smaller frame easily against his side and under his arm as he enveloped you to a hug. “And you won’t”, he reassured. His hand going up and down in a comforting gesture. “Are you alright, now?” 
You managed to smile a bit, snuggling yourself closer to his warm chest. “A bit better”, you admitted - and you were. You had, after all, had the whole day to process the unsettling event. 
Sherlock was quiet for a moment after you said that. Then. “Would some of that ice cream you love make up for it?” 
Now you just grinned. Because maybe ice cream wouldn’t wipe away from your memories what you saw in the fridge but it definitely would make you a bit better. 
Sherlock, seeing your brightened face, smiled himself slightly. Suddenly his fingers dug to your sides, making you let out a surprised giggle. “Ice cream it is then”, he stated. 
Still, you would not set a finger on that fridge for at least a few weeks. 
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The White Pages Game
It is possible to search by name and location during the white pages.  In the instance of free white pages websites, you can use no more than the very first few letters of the name you're hunting for as a way to bring up some results from which to select.  You would think and believe that to be able to discover absolutely free white pages, you must utilize Google.
When you visit our website you will see a box where relative information must be inserted.  All you will need is the suspicious telephone number, type it in the search form on their site and press enter.  Of course you won't always have all the information that you need, however you will still require some way to limit your search.
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All you need to do is go the online white pages and click the choice for the reverse phone search. A recognized example is Uber. All you need to do is visit the site and click on such an option. If you're looking for an accurate and speedy answer, go to paidreverse search websites. Therefore, should you want to conduct search with the telephone number that keeps on bothering you day and night, you may use white pages online from free websites that you can test out. Paid search sites are some of the the favourite mode of searches in the net. White Pages - the Conspiracy With quite a few sites specifically devoted to helping people find different people and a small info, you'll find nearly anyone. They, for various reasons, need to know the background of other people with whom they interact, for example, employers need to check out future employees, etc.. Read about a few of the ideas that you could attempt to use to find people in foreign nations. Another fantastic approach to locate some information regarding someone is merely by typing their name into Google. All you need to do is to enter the number that you've got to determine if anything will come up. These white pages turn into a book with all types of stories that say that which we become. The Tried and True Method for White Pages in Step by Step Detail Getting in a position to track down a mobile phone number is a strong thing but needs to be practiced legally. You are able to easily do people search, phone number look up, when the toolbar was installed and you may conduct it at no cost. You might be able to chance upon a number through a paid service, but there isn't any completely free mobile phone number directory you may use. Rather than looking up a number, you're going to be looking up a name once you already have the telephone number. What can happen is based on the number. So in regards to tracing a mobile number, your only option is `online reverse cellular number directories' All you have to know about that unknown number! Searching the person using the telephone number may not create many results in the event the individual hasn't listed the number on any public sites. The absolute most important reason that you are having a mobile phone is that you want to communicate with others by sending messages through text and calling by using your mobile phones. If you are quite seriously interested in looking up somebody's cell phone number, you must stop by a dedicated mobile phone lookup site with good reputation. With cell phone numbers, it's a lot harder. There has been some concerns over attempts to make they available in standard white pages but because of privacy issues they still remain private. Cellular phone numbers are normally more private and secure. Since cell phones have overtaken telephones with regard to usage and popularity, it isn't surprising there are many businesses who claim to provide totally free mobile phone number directories as in the event of white pages for landlines. So it resembles cell phone number lookups are throughout the web, but the vast majority of the sites out there give cell phone owners the selection of entering their telephone number and due to little demand as of yet, aren't comprehensive. If you wish to look for people by phone number then the subsequent paragraphs have some answers about how you can locate them. Up in Arms About White Pages? People searches'' are intended to help you to find contact information for the person you're browsing for. You may also enter a telephone number to get the individual's name and address. By typing in some specific information you will secure the name, address, city and far more. It's possible to add photos and it enables you to update standard information regarding your organization. Claim your company or add it here. On the flip side, quality background check services are observed in premium sites where you are able to actually secure totally free simple information concerning the individual. If there are lots of outcomes, just click the name of each result and it'll show more information about that individual. The sites listed here can help you to find friends, family, even lost loves. Life, Death and White Pages You will locate specifics of the individual only if he is present in the online community. In the event the number IS listed, it's still true that you may not become much info besides the name of the individual to whom it belongs and what social networks that person belongs to. You can Google the individual up. When it has to do with the event itself, Labour Hire can have a notable impact on the way the event actually plays out. With over 63 decades of experience, White International has turned into a company famous for its extensive product range and dedicated customer services. The website offers business listings throughout the San Diego metropolitan region and across the United States of america. Beware of the website's vague assurances which you can remove your info if you register for a profile. If you would like to hide your information from researchers, you can ask to get taken out of the list. The White Pages Game You could also attempt a white pages search regardless of the limitations that it has. Absolutely free white pages are readily available to everyone who uses the internet. There are yellow pages along with white pages which could supply some information. When you visit our website you will see a box where relative information must be inserted. It's much worse when it regards the techniques that you are able to try out for a search. You are then going to be given information on whether the number you're searching is offered in the database. On account of the booming web business, there are various on-line companies who claim to present free of charge cell phone number directory services. The information you are able to receive from a reverse directory can be exceedingly powerful depending on the extra accessibility to public records. Crunchbase It's not a conventional internet business directory but it has the expert services of many forms of business. If you don't have a great deal of free time to shell out sleuthing around the internet, reverse lookup sites are your very best bet for tracking down mysterious callers. The best method to steer clear of spam websites is to always have it at the rear of your mind that, there are not any totally free reverse lookup websites on the net. You don't understand who's behind the website Not to scare you, and it doesn't happen a whole lot, but there are such websites that contain malware that may wreck your PC. Up in Arms About White Pages? The response is `NO', even when you read on several websites on the internet you could do that but the truth is that can't do it free. Most people don't even have a clue regarding what the services are. The number of internet folks search resources that you could now use to find someone is currently endless. Again, the results could be inaccurate as people may continue to keep the exact number when changing addresses, or the number could have been transferred to somebody else. Whether an unknown number is causing you a little grief, your very first thought may be to find out who is on the opposite end of the line. These white pages turn into a book with all types of stories that say that which we become. To generate new information on white pages please click site The Tried and True Method for White Pages in Step by Step Detail Probably, you will start looking for a telephone directory and discover that number which is regarded as a tough task. It's possible to use our phone number lookup service from any device so long as you've got an online connection and an online browser. For a case, you know their contact number. There are in reality sites that will enable you to search for someone by means of a telephone number. The good thing is that now days everyone can do a reverse search on a mobile phone number through one of several large reverse cellular phone lookups. Now, it is that technology has made available a tool which you can use to run a free reverse telephone number lookup on your personal computer. It's possible to easily learn to locate an individual with just their mobile phone number. The absolute most important reason that you are having a mobile phone is that you want to communicate with others by sending messages through text and calling by using your mobile phones. On both phones, however, you could observe a number you don't know and you might not wish to answer the call if this is true. Mobile phone numbers are usually not accessible to the general public. Since they can easily be transferred between carriers and customers, reverse lookups are not always accurate, and may actually provide you with the information about the wrong person. Although they cannot be found on the public white pages, you need to do your research before taking any action or buying any information. Now if you prefer a complete study on the telephone number you will need to spend a small money. If you would like to get into the number that keeps on calling you hour by hour, and you feel it is hard that you get the individual supporting the telephone number, you're incorrect. If you wish to look for people by phone number then the subsequent paragraphs have some answers about how you can locate them. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About White Pages Is Wrong Actually it's one of the essential approaches to do a people today search free of cost. People search can assist you in your quest to locate your long lost friend. Usually, they use the white pages to attempt to find the person's name. Again, the results could be inaccurate as people may continue to keep the exact number when changing addresses, or the number could have been transferred to somebody else. Whether an unknown number is causing you a little grief, your very first thought may be to find out who is on the opposite end of the line. At times you won't locate a number in this manner, but it is normally a fantastic first step in your search, and might even be the only one you want to try. Ok, I Think I Understand White Pages, Now Tell Me About White Pages! You could also attempt a white pages search regardless of the limitations that it has. Absolutely free white pages are readily available to everyone who uses the internet. Searching the white pages for a telephone number is among the most frequent activities performed on the online today. Note you can only become absolutely free information from free phone directories or white pages in the event the telephone number is a member of a land line that is public domain info. If you would like to look for people by phone number it's the reverse search services which you will use. Consider running a Google search on the telephone number you wish to look up. Internet Database There are different ways of searching the specifics of a specific person. There are a significant variety of different places that provide reverse search services and a few of them don't require the directory for information. There are free and paid search solutions, if you require complete and specific info, paid search service is significantly recommended. If you don't have a great deal of free time to shell out sleuthing around the internet, reverse lookup sites are your very best bet for tracking down mysterious callers. Some sites supply the background information too. It is possible to discover totally free games, dating sites, and several completely free recipes. Where to Find White Pages Additionally, there are various other mobile applications that you are able to utilize to discover people. The tool gives you the ability to discover the ZIP code related to an address in addition to the ZIP codes within a given city. If you aren't comfortable using your phone number you've got the choice of using Google Voice. There are in reality sites that will enable you to search for someone by means of a telephone number. To conclude, there's absolutely no authentic free mobile phone directory or totally free people search by cell phone. If you would like to look up cell phone numbers, there are plenty of matters you can do online. Meanwhile, mobile phone providers are only interested in a directory if they're in fact the ones providing it. For instance, some data brokers might allow users to eliminate raw data, but not the inferences derived from it, making it hard for consumers to understand how they've been categorized. Cell numbers continue to be thought to be private by the law, and there aren't any directories for such numbers that were put out by the providers. The issue with doing a completely free reverse phone lookup is they don't show unlisted numbers and mobile phone numbers. Reverse White pages lockup offers you the ability to be in charge of the circumstance. The reverse mobile phone lookup service can be found through the internet so the service is readily accessible and it's very convenient to use. Now if you prefer a complete study on the telephone number you will need to spend a small money. So it resembles cell phone number lookups are throughout the web, but the vast majority of the sites out there give cell phone owners the selection of entering their telephone number and due to little demand as of yet, aren't comprehensive. Of course if you're on the lookout for a person mobile phone number, it can turn out to be much more challenging to track down the and merely a landline number. Want to Know More About White Pages?
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People searches'' are intended to help you to find contact information for the person you're browsing for.  Rather than starting with the name of the person or business whose number you wish to find, you begin with the telephone number as a way to figure out the name of the entity that's calling you.  By typing in some specific information you will secure the name, address, city and far more.
Our address look up will be dependent on the kind of information available.  You will receive the Owner information if you're lucky.  Following that, you'll need to cover extra information about the owner's individual information signed, which is perfectly accurate.
Actually, finding someone with internet directory searches is possible with any part of contact info.  An unlisted phone number search provides you with the name of the individual in addition to the street address of the individual and the background too.  A speedy Reverse Phone Lookup may confirm whether the caller is a friend or only another telemarketer attempting to sell you something.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Straightjacket Feeling - Pearlet Chp.2 (Scarlet)
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TW - brief mentions of homophobia and drug use and a little angst. Shorter chapter because it skips ahead in time after this and this seemed like the best place to end it.
Chapter 2
Over the next week Jason was bombarded by texts and calls from Matt. He ignored them all.
From Handsome Matt:
Jason I don’t know what you think is going on but I wasn’t messing with you I swear. I just wanted to get to know you that’s all
Jason please, at least meet me so we can talk?
Seriously, why would you think I would want to mess with you? Jeez anyone would think you didn’t want a friend.
From Handsome Matt:
Jason this is fucking dumb, please reply
Urghhhhh yo startin to get annoyin nw…stupid doesn’t wnt tlk 2me
Clearly he was drunk.
It was now Friday again and the texts had started thinning out but they hadn’t stopped. The last one had come ten minutes ago and all it said was ‘fine, have it your way. I give up. And you say I’m an asshole.'
Jason turned his phone off after that. Why was Matt so determined to fuck with him? Surely there were plenty of other dumb freshman he could mess with, why couldn’t he leave Jason alone? Bri was out, he’d been invited to another party with Brian and no doubt Matt was there too. Jason sighed and slid his headphones on his ears before curling up in bed. He felt like such an idiot. At least he’d figured out Matt’s game before it was too late and he made a complete fool out of him. He wasn’t going to let that happen. Not again.
Matt sipped his drink and scanned the room again. He didn’t know why he thought Jason might be here. Jake was off hooking up already as usual and Brian and new Bri, Jason’s roommate were chatting aimlessly away next to him about drag queens. Matt wasn’t really listening, he kept scoping the crowd for one face in particular.
He didn’t know what it was about Jason, but there was something alright. Matt had noticed Jason on his first day on campus, and pretty much every day since. There was something so magnetic about him and that both excited and scared Matt. Because Matt had never found another man magnetic before. He’d never spent this much time thinking about another man. So why Jason? What was so special about this guy that had Matt hooked since the first day? He’d never tell anyone this but last week when Jason had 'accidentally’ tripped over Matt’s legs, it hadn’t been such an accident. Matt had seen him coming, he’d seen a chance to finally talk to him. So, just as Jason had gotten near, clearly not looking where he was going, Matt had stretched his legs out into Jason’s path and deliberately tripped the younger boy over. He still didn’t know why he’d done it. He didn’t like thinking too much about the why.
Brian left to get him and Bri another drink and Matt couldn’t help himself but ask.
'Is Jason coming?'
Bri shrugged.
'Doubt it, he hates these parties.’
'Did he say anything about the last one?'
'Nah, we don’t really talk that much.’ Bri shrugged again. Just then Brian re-joined them.
'Hey there’s some guys passing out a joint down the hall, wanna join?’ He directed the question at both of them. Bri’s face lit up.
'Well durh!’ Bri chuckled.
'Matt?’ Brian asked him but to his surprise Matt shook his head.
'Nah I think I’m gonna bounce.'
'Seriously? It’s not even eleven and you haven’t hooked up yet.’ Brian laughed.
'Yeah I’m just tired. I’ll catch you later yeah?’ Matt downed his drink and patted his friend on the back. Brian frowned watching him leave but he shook it off and let him go.
Matt marched through the dorm on the other side of campus until he came to the room he was looking for. He banged on the door loudly, from what he’d seen of Jason around campus he was always wearing his headphones so he wanted to make sure he would hear him. He continued banging on the door for several long minutes until he heard a grumpy voice on the other side.
'Fuck sake Brian I am going to surgically attach your key to your hand in your goddam sleep. I’m getting sick of-’ Jason stopped his rant as he opened the door to see Matt standing there. Jason immediately blushed, he was only wearing his boxers and a baggy tank top that was so old and worn it hung so low you could almost see his nipples. 'Matt what the hell?’ He groaned. He’d done a really good job at avoiding him so far. He should have known the asshole wouldn’t give up this easily. 'I told you Matt I do not want to be a pawn in your sick games ok? Please find someone else.’
Matt pushed passed Jason into the room and slammed the door shut behind him.
'Look just fucking listen would you?’ Matt raised his voice a little. 'I am not trying to fuck with you Jason! I want to be your friend goddamn it! Why are you making this so hard?’
'Because no one ever wants to just be friends with me ok Matt? You could be friends with anyone. You’re cool and funny and attractive and popular. Why me? Why me?'
Matt’s facial expression softened as he stepped a little closer to Jason.
'You think I’m attractive?'
Jason rolled his eyes.
'Way to focus on the point.’ The younger boy sighed.
'I just don’t understand why you find it so hard to believe I want to be friends with you.’ Matt scratched the back of his head. Jason ran his fingers through his messy hair, trying so hard to ignore how uncomfortable and exposed he felt in what he was wearing.
'Because,’ he sighed. 'It wouldn’t be the first time someone had pretended to be my friend only to fuck me over.’ His eyes conveyed his sadness and Matt saw it.
'What happened?’
'Doesn’t matter.’ Jason turned his back on Matt.
'Jason, please.’ Matt cautiously put his hand on Jason’s shoulder. He felt the younger boy stiffen a little at his touch. When he turned back to look at Matt, Matt saw the tears behind his eyes.
'When I was in high school, there was this super popular guy called Boomer. He was so gorgeous but I didn’t think he even knew I existed. Then one day he asks me if I want to hang out and I couldn’t believe my luck. We spent loads of time together outside of school, I was actually really starting to fall for him and I thought he felt the same. He asked me to a school dance, he told me he wanted to be with me and that he wanted to make it public that night. He told me to meet him in one of the class rooms before the dance started so I did. When I got there, the class room was dark and Boomer pushes me into the wall and tells me to take my clothes my off. So I did, because I was a sucker for him, I would have done anything he asked me too. And then…then…’ Jason choked a little so he paused for a second to compose himself. Matt was hanging off his every word. 'Then suddenly the lights go on and I’m stood there in my boxers and all of his friends are there laughing at me and taking pictures. It was so humiliating. I threw my clothes back on and ran from the room crying. The next day the pictures were all over school. I never lived it down, everyone called me a faggot and would say things like as if Boomer Banks would ever be interested in you. I never told my parents because I was too embarrassed so I had to stay at that school for the next two years and every day was the fucking same. So that’s why I don’t trust you Matt. I don’t trust that anyone cool or popular would ever want to be friends with me because I know what can happen ok?’ He was a little breathless when he finished his story, but thankfully he’d managed to keep his tears at bay. Matt looked shocked. He bit his lip.
'Jason, I’m sorry that’s so terrible.’ He frowned sadly. 'I swear to you that’s not what this about though, I just wanted to be your friend.'
'Why though? Why me?’ Jason sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair. Matt liked the way it looked when he did that a little too much.
'Because I know what it’s like to be lonely and to have no friends. I saw you and I felt bad for you, because I know that feeling.'
'As if.’ Jason scoffed. 'Like you know what it’s like. I bet you were Mr Popularity in high school too.’
'Actually I wasn’t.’ Matt shook his head. 'Back in high school I wore glasses and I had acne and braces. And I was about 50lbs heavier.'
'No way.’ Jason scoffed again.
'Way.’ Matt told him. 'Nobody ever gave me the time of day, I was bullied every single day of my high school life and when it was finally over I decided I couldn’t do it anymore. Before I started college I went on this big health kick, started working out, I got contacts and the braces came off. I got this amazing cream for my acne and when I started college I was determined not to be that kid anymore. I forced myself to be more confident and put myself out there because I wasn’t going back to my high school days. I guess when I saw you, you reminded me so much of high school me. I mean you’re much better looking than I was but you were clearly shy and awkward and I figured everyone deserves a friend. I swear to you I was just trying to be nice.’ Matt confessed to him, the first time he’d ever confessed that. Jason tried to ignore the fact Matt had said he was good looking, in a roundabout way he’d said it anyway and it made Jason’s stomach flip. He didn’t focus on than though.
'Do you have pictures?’ Jason raised a challenging eyebrow at Matt who chuckled a little. He pulled his phone from his pocket.
'I swear to god if you tell anyone about this…’ he opened up his photos and scrolled right to the top before finding the one he was looking for. He took a deep breath before turning the screen to face Jason. Staring back at Jason was a much heavier kid who vaguely resembled Matt. If it hadn’t been for those eyes, almost hidden by milk bottle glasses, Jason wouldn’t have believed it was him.
'Oh my god.’ Jason gasped.
'See I told you. Do you believe me now that all I wanted was to be your friend?’
'Hmmm maybe.’ Jason raised his eyebrow again. Matt sighed.
'I’ll tell you what, I’m going to send you this photo, and if I mess you around you can show anyone you like, ok?’ Matt tapped a few buttons and then Jason heard his phone beep. He smiled a little.
'Great.’ Matt smiled and he flopped to Jason’s bed and turned his laptop screen to face him. 'What you watching?'
'Drag Race.’ Jason blushed as he sat down next to Matt.
'Cool! Hit play then.’ Matt kicked his shoes off and pulled his legs up, resting his chin on his knees.
'I’m half way through a season.'
'You’ll have to catch me up then.’ Matt got himself comfy leaning back on Jason’s pillows. Jason bit his lip and leant next to him, pulling that laptop onto his lap still feeling self-conscious about his lack of clothing. He hit the space bar and the screen sprung to life just as Trixie Mattel was hitting the main stage.
'That’s the one from your shirt right?’ Matt asked.
'Yeah that’s Trixie.’ Another queen strutted out on the main stage. 'That’s Violet, she’s incredible.'
'I can see why you like her, damn she’s working it!’ Matt snapped his fingers. Jason frowned to himself. Maybe Matt wasn’t as straight as he made out. 'Oh wow who’s that?’ His eyes widened as another queen made her way out.
'That’s Pearl.’
'She’s hot as fuck! Holy shit that’s a man?’ He turned to Jason in confusion and his expression made Jason laugh.
'Yah huh, they all are, that’s kind of the point of the show.’
'Well damn, if I didn’t know any better I would totally hit on her.’ Matt laughed, snuggling further back into the pillows. Ok, maybe he was straight after all. Jason was so confused. They watched a few more episodes together and both of them slowly started to drift off.
They were woken a few hours later when Bri practically fell through the door and onto the floor. He stood back up and saw Jason asleep with his head on Matt’s chest and Matt resting his chin on Jason’s head. They both looked so content. Bri thought it was sweet but he was drunk so he decided to wake them.
'Funny, this doesn’t look like your dorm Matt.’ He shouted loudly and the two boys woke with a start, Jason’s laptop almost falling to the floor.
'What the fuck?’ Jason groaned. 'What time is it?’
'Like 8am or something.’ Bri shrugged already getting undressed and into bed.
'8am?’ Jason groaned, how had that happened?
'So judging by the fact you’re just stumbling in, I guess you and Brian hooked up?’ Matt smirked sitting up and putting his boots on. Bri grunted.
'I could ask you two the same thing.'
'We were just watching Drag Race you ass.’ Jason rolled his eyes.
'Is that what the kids are calling it these days?’ Bri snickered. 'In that case me and Brian were 'watching drag race’ too.'
'Screw you.’ Jason rolled his eyes again.
'I should go, Jake will probably be wondering where I am.’ Matt ruffled his hair and yawned a little.
'Yeah sure.’ Jason didn’t want him to go but he wasn’t going to say as much. He walked Matt to the door and when he opened it, Matt pulled him into the corridor.
'Thank you for last night, we should do it again sometime.’ Matt placed his hand on Jason’s shoulder. Jason nodded dumbly.
'Yeah sure.’ He swallowed, feeling uncomfortable by the way Matt was looking at him.
'Please never ask me why I did this.’ Matt whispered and Jason frowned.
'Did what?'
Matt replied by pushing Jason into the wall in the corridor and kissing him. It was just a brief kiss, nothing more. And then Matt pulled away and half-smiled.
'Matt what the hell?’
Matt put his finger to Jason’s lips to silence him.
'I said don’t ask.’ He shrugged. 'See you around uhm Jason.’ He turned and headed down the corridor. Jason watched him leave. He put his fingers to his own lips and stroked them dumbly. Had that really just happened? He felt like he must have imagined it, but his lips were still tingling. He watched until Matt disappeared and even when he was gone he continued to stand there for a while.
'See you around Matt.’ He whispered before letting himself back in his room, his head hazy and his heart ablaze.
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