#that one panel where yuji was ‘dead’
theclearblue · 7 months
Help the thoughts of Kenjaku's twisted sense of motherhood displayed towards Yuuji is bouncing around in my brain like a dvd logo
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lev1hei1chou · 9 months
Why i believe Gojo could come back
This chapter left us in a devastated state and was absolutely uncalled for, but I personally believe this isnt the end of the strongest sorcerer. There are several reasons as to why (These are just opinions, I could be wrong in certain areas AND personal feelings might make an occassional appearance.)
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This whole panel was obviously made for a reason. And we dont see gojo making a decision. Considering the fact that this is literally THE Gojo Satoru, he's more likely to choose north since there's numerous things left as plot holes. We'll get to that.
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Here in this page, he mentions that Toji should've cut his head off to actually kill him. In the leaks, whats cut off is his upper body but not the head! I still can't quite wrap my head around RCT but lets say he's not able to heal himself. You know who can and who would? Yuta and Shoko
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Now moving on
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"Gojo then bids farewell to everyone." If hes truly gone then why would he be bidding farewell to the fallen comrades? If he's dead then isn't he supposed to stay in the afterlife with them?
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Pretty self explanatory
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What if Kashimo is going in to distract Sukuna while Shoko and Yuta can heal Gojo?
Now think about this. Gojo is gone, Shoko doesnt fight and who are all left? A bunch of sorcerers who are literally under 20, need guidance and we havent really seen any panel where they actually plan how they're going to go about in the whole battle. Gojo isnt a want, hes a NEED, a NECESSITY.
Remember, Toji who was dead long ago pretty much appeared out of nowhere in Shibuya Arc LMAO so- yes
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Theres no way Gojo would be left sealed for 3 whole years, brought him back just to kill him off in the most disrespectful way possible.
Besides, things that Gojo wanted to do haven't happened yet.
He wanted to tell megumi about his father
He wanted to see his students surpass the strongest sorcerer, aka him
He wanted to get rid of the higher ups
He wanted to properly mourn suguru (for which kenjaku has to be defeated but oh well)
He wanted to save Megumi
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How'd we know what Gojo said here.
On to the other aspects of why killing off Gojo was a bad idea. We barely ever saw what happened to him, and an off screen death to the so called strongest sorcerer is just senseless. Gojo is a fan favourite. People started watching the show for Gojo (myself included) and there's a high possibility of multiple people dropping the manga since he isn't even there anymore.
The ending could take a turn for the worse considering the fact that Sukuna is just overpowered and Kenjaku hasn't done anything as of now. Unless there's some heavy plot armor I dont think the students even stand a chance against Sukuna and Kenjaku. Both outcomes- the students and others emerging as victors or sukuna emerging as a victor could make the ending absolutely terrible and this might as well top AOT for being the manga with the most disliked ending.
Gojo Satoru is the mentor for multiple; for Yuji, Nobara, Megumi, Yuta, Maki, Panda, Toge and the third years and its necessary for them to have someone to teach them. It is one of Satoru's wishes to see his students surpass him, which can happen only when he's there since there's nobody else who is actually capable of teaching them and leading them into the world as actual graduated sorcerers.
So Gojo dying will make the manga take a turn for the worse. Killing him off in the middle makes absolutely no sense and is just plain bad writing. People are prolly gonna kill me for this but lets admit the truth. Hyping this battle, building up tension just to finish him off screen is NOT good writing.
Anyways. There is factual proof of Gojo potentially making a return. Maybe at a cost, like him losing his power, losing his "strongest" title or anything else. He may not even be the same anymore but honestly as long as he's back, I'm fine.
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It happened previously, and could happen again.
Satoru Gojo may not be the strongest and the honoured one, but may be reborn as a newer version of himself after getting humbled. Lotuses, as mentioned above symbolise rebirth, which is why i believe this is not the end.
A small bit of advice for gojo fans: Go watch haikyuu or highschool babysitters as a form of self care <3
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runabout-river · 30 days
Yuji's accumulated Trauma
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After Choso's death, I've been thinking about Yuji's reaction to it. At first glance, it looks mature and composed and obviously Yuji doesn't have the time and privilege to grieve. More importantly, Gege didn't give Yuji any panel time to be distraught; his aniki's death scene was over pretty fast. The 3000 Shibuya deaths in conjunction with Nanami's and Nobara's deaths on the other hand had been given more time and more impact afterwards.
The difference in reaction between those two times makes sense in context but, in my opinion, not with Yuji being mature and composed about it.
Because Yuji never got over Nanami's and Nobara's death, he didn't heal from that, instead, he had a negative character arc where the trauma of their deaths affected his world view and mentality in significantly bad ways.
He started to think of himself as a cog in a machine and he also identified with Mahito, the curse who killed both his friend and his mentor figure, a villain and his personal antagonist. Yuji did not overcome Mahito in Shibuya, the story makes us forget that often times. He was marked and changed by Mahito and even though that curse ended up with an extremely pathetic death that didn't mean that he hadn't broken something inside Yuji.
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The only time where Yuji constructively dealt with that trauma was in his fight against Higuruma but that was only about his guilt over letting Sukuna kill 3000 people with his body. And it didn't get resolved completely, at least not in a way that would've helped with dealing with Nobara's and Nanaimi's death too.
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Yuji is taking that trauma from Shibuya, his feelings of weakness and guilt, and he puts them into believing himself to be a machine that has to follow a predetermined path. Before Sukuna took over Megumi, that meant being suicidal when the situation called for it. Yuji wanted his life to make sense again and dying so Angel would've her wish of seeing Sukuna dead to save Gojo perfectly fit into that.
After Sukuna possessed Megumi, his path and role stayed the same except killing himself directly was off the table but that tendency still exists inside of him. If he were to be presented a way to defeat Sukuna while saving Megumi at the same time where he would die as a result he would take that path immedietaly without hesitation.
Back to Choso's death. In my view, this unresolved trauma and his lack of will to live lead to an unhealthy coping mechanism: thinking of his friends and allies as already dead. We can see that when he asked Megumi if Nobara had survived Shibuya.
He knew that there was a slim chance she survived but it was so low that she was basically dead. When Megumi confirmed her fate, Yuji was prepared for it. Prepared to receive the bad news so instead of crying again he could function like the cog he was supposed to be.
And this Mahito-infused cog mentality still follows him until now. He has to function so his role can be fullfilled and when that means he has to think of his friends as having already been killed so he would never break again then that's what he's going to do.
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He did not despair over Choso's death, he despaired because it looked like he was alone and on the verge of defeat against Sukuna. His role was breaking just like his reason to live and I think that this mentality, his negative character arc, will find it's conclusion at the end of the Sukuna fight.
This fight is not the end of the manga, we still have the merger to deal with, there is still a big arc with smaller ones in between coming at us. But for Yuji something big has to happen, probably something pretty bad that has him crushed... at first.
At the end of it, he will finally deal with all his loss and his trauma in a good and healthy way and leave his life as a cog and being a human Mahito behind. Then he might finally shed the tears that were missing in chapter 259.
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raamitsu · 1 month
Yesterday, my friend on Twitter revealed to me that a lot of Choso stans were having a dissatisfactory discourse with Todo’s sudden appearance because it underwhelmed the atmosphere that was supposed to be the only focus between Choso and Yuji 🤔 Even though I have a Twitter, most of my focus are on the important causes, since getting involved with anitwt discourse would bring me no good.
Not going to lie, it is a very good point. I know JJK is known as a series where there is no room for emotional moment or mourning for the lost ones in a war - in fact, the reason why JJK is quite different is because of its direct and straightforward plot. There have been plenty of deep interactions too but it’s unlikely for Gege to invest in it that much, and if you noticed, we are only getting them through flashbacks - which is why majority of fans were hoping for a training arc before Gojo vs. Sukuna took place.
Couple of people found “training arc” to be very typical just like any other Shounen series, and not suited with JJK - but the readers who requested it did not even asked for big revelations. If the author is a good writer as people claimed to be, he can continue with foreshadow or hidden clues because I bet nobody will give a fuck until Gege reveals it few chapters later. Literally no one wanted Gege to drop so many information, people just wanted some more interactions at the moment Gojo was unsealed. Sadly, in the previous flashbacks we have gotten so far, it was then revealed that not one of the team ever interacted with him so it was a bit upsetting other than his old friends + Ino, Nanami’s close associate.
Now back to Todo’s appearance, do you remember how it went seconds after Gojo lied on the ground and dead? Kashimo instantly went to the battlefield then straight ahead to Sukuna. It happened again in Chapter 259 and again - no space for mourn.
Dunno about yall but I personally believe there will be no problem to have Yuji had his breakdown moment for awhile (ex: Shibuya blackout) and trust that it’s very much needed for someone like him who stands on business every single time - to show that you can be wrecked easily when your opponent gets a few steps ahead of you, makes you feel like you’re going to regret for the rest of your life and deserves to die.
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In my opinion, this panel below has the potential to be the most vilest cliffhanger Gege could pull off but I wonder why he didn’t this time. This is why I refrained from making any post for new chapters, because Gege is known for twisting or crashing the reader’s POVs.
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dollsuguru · 29 days
i remember when jjk was more than just cheap shock value
no genuinely… and that’s something i really wanna talk about too in this ask i hope you don’t mind! 😭 i just have a lot to say…
i think in the beginning jjk truly did have genuine plot/story and there was MEANING in people’s words/actions and deaths would actually service the story/be impactful… like. a side character like riko/haibara who we only see in a few panels had SUCH an impact on a character like suguru and made him make choices that he believed would have been for the betterment of his loved ones. satoru’s OWN first death had impact on him bc it reminded him that he’s not infallible and he didn’t wanna take another chance at being hurt -> infinity being up 24/7. toji killing himself and dying again for the sake of his SON. i feel like after hidden inventory death was just… callous? and not in a good way that it services a story — it was just genuine shock value. i guess i could excuse nanami’s death to service the story but it’s like… he didn’t HAVE to die. and if he DID die, wouldn’t the mourning period for satoru be THAT much stronger? we just got a “damn that’s crazy” like ??? do you remember when yuji died and satoru sat down, closed his fist, raging & saying how he’d murder the higher ups? shoko saying that she hasn’t seen satoru be that emotional in a LONG time? like THAT was genuine anger/mourning bc someone satoru cared about DIED and it was on his conscious… you’d think that hearing about the death of his old friend/his student would send him into a mini spiral but no…? like i know gojo is used to this but he’s still HUMAN…
and again w the deaths/random plot as shock value i agree. it’s SO unnecessary. yuki/nobara/choso dying had no value. is higu dead? i forgot bc atp i just assume everyone is w the way this shit is going… like none of those deaths serviced the plot in ANY way??? just… shock value. and i get wanting to do shock value! it was used super well w riko and same w geto killing the village! but otherwise it’s like… what’s the point? same w the plot itself like… sometimes it doesn’t make sense…
and in terms of what’s happening w sukuna & gojo. i won’t spoil anything. but at least from what we’ve seen… i’m of the firm belief that gojo didn’t have to die/if he DID have to die then it should have turned into the six eyes theory/him reaching enlightenment! and also for sukuna as well… why does he seem weaker now and less scary 😭 like he was more frightening in yuji’s body in the beginning of jjk… same w the massacre in shibuya. THAT was terror. rn it’s not that scary. and also gege keeps sidelining yuji and it’s pissing me off… we JUST got yuji leveling up and now he’s pushed aside again 😭 i think gege forgets that this is yuji’s manga 😭 also don’t get me started on twin theory. it would’ve ate more than nephew/uncle i’m sorry i’m still hung up on that. also girl i’m still confused w kenjaku too 🤨 idk. i feel like gege genuinely started losing the plot both literally and figuratively… i think i would rather a big break and have him regroup/think about where he wants to take the story than what we have going on now but at the same time i respect/understand the fact that mangakas don’t get that luxury in the slightest… idk i just wish he knew how he wanted to take the ending of the story in the beginning bc at this point it just feels kinda :/ meh :/ which is sad bc jjk really was THAT bitch for me! still is but like… idk. the crown is tipping major rn is all………..
also remember how gege is always hating on gojo… i feel like it’s not a joke anymore and it’s kinda really upsetting me… just the way he’s taken things w his character/how other characters interact w him… idk. like the gojo we know is the gojo that gege presented to us in the beginning and it just seems like gege lost that along the way… the stuff he did to gojo was like not necessary and if it was, then there were better ways of going about it! and it seems like he’s forgotten about a lot of other characters………… like we’ve lost the plot. genuinely……..
sorry i keep adding on i just keep thinking of stuff but also… i care more about itafushi like more than anything. this story from the beginning has been ABOUT yuji AND megumi and their relationship. yuji ate sukuna’s finger and became a vessel willingly to SAVE megumi. yuji now is trying to SAVE megumi but i feel like gege doesn’t care? like we only got yuji seeing megumi for a split second… i feel like we should’ve gotten more info about megumi too! bc more than anything, this story is about itafushi wanting to save each other. gege just completely forgot about them and now that i think about it, i think that pisses me off the most 😭😭😭 like plot is LOST. fr.
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lucidskittler · 9 months
Before the jjk chapter 239 leaks drop, let me just share my current takes on:
1) Yuji's new source of power.
2) Yuji and Sukuna parallels (?).
1) Yuji ate his brothers.
But before we get into that, we have to discuss Yuji's ability.
I got this from an explanation vid on youtube. (I can't remember the channel though because I kinda just stumbled upon it, because let's be honest at some point we're gonna need help, jjk is complex read) It was a helpful video that explained how Yuji eating cursed objects worked/affected him. To summarize, Yuji acts like some sort of sponge, he absorbs the curse from the cursed object, and when he ate one of Sukuna's fingers he became his vessel, and eating other cursed objects after being Sukuna's vessel just negated any curse from said object because Sukuna being the strongest curse trumps its power. Hypothetically, if Yuji eats a cursed object with Sukuna no longer in him, he will finally be able to absorb the curse/ curse technique that object offers.
But, if you don't accept that explanation there's always chapter 220 where Yuji cites Shoko's explanation/observation that AFTER he becomes Sukuna's vessel is when he became able to absorb curses from cursed objects.
Actually, both explanations of how Yuji takes in new power are the same, just with timing difference of when this ability started. (Personally, i side with the video, that Yuji always had this ability and was the reason for him to be able to become a vessel in the first place)
Anyway back to chapter 220, after Yuji cites Shoko's take on his curse absorbing ability, he explains he'll eat anything (to be strong) and kill Sukuna. and Later in that same chapter we see a panel with a conversation between Yuji and Choso. Yuji is apologizing for Choso's brothers, which could easily be mistaken to be about Kechizu and Eso. But I think Choso had already been on Yuji's side long enough for them to talk that out and also, Choso replies "No problem as long as they live on inside you." I don't know about you but that clearly signifies him eating all the remaining curse womb death paintings to gain their cursed technique. Hence, chapter 239 where we see his newly acquired strength.
2) Yuji and Sukuna are both Cursed wombs
After chapter 143, where Yuta fake assasinates Yuji, Yuji sees a flashback of his mother with stitches on her head. This chapter is where we find out that Yuji really is Choso's brother and a Cursed womb: Death painting.
This is purely speculation on my part but hear me out, Sukuna is inexplicably powerful, the STRONGEST of his time. He was previously said to be a sorcerer that turned into a cursed spirit, or so the story goes. In chapter 237, During his fight with Gojo he revealed he was an unwanted child, Gojo in the next chapter also wanted to teach him love, because he believed Sukuna and himself were similar in their isolation in being the strongest, not being able to fully live normal lives like everyone else, even Yoruzu, the sorcerer possessing Tsumiki, wanted to Love sukuna (although hers was more of an unhealthy obsession to say the least) I think both got the reason behind Sukuna isolation wrong. Gojo thinks it's because of his power difference, but I believe it's because of Sukuna being a curse womb, half-human, half-cursed spirit.
As far back as in chapter 60, Kechizu tells the story of the orjgin story of the cursed womb death paintings. Loosely, there was a woman in the Meiji era that is able to conceive a half cursed spirit child and in the story she's ostracized by her community and so she asks for help from jujutsu sorcerers with the baby's corpse in hand. That's when Noritoshi Kamo aka Kenkaju gets a hold of her and performs experiments on her resulting into 9 pregnancies and 9 abortions. How does Sukuna fit into this story? I speculate he was the first child/corpse in the story, he either wasn't dead maybe the mother pretended he was dead to get him to safety, maybe he was dead and was brought back to life by Kenkaju, either way he was that unwanted child.
In chapter 116, where Sukuna finished off Jogo, they had an interesting conversation where Sukuna ended by praising Jogo stating that Jogo was strong, the acknowledgment and validation stirred up Jogo's emotions as he asks what it was he was feeling as he was brought to tears. This was an early indicator that Sukuna probably never experienced such emotions himself as he simply replied "Don't ask me, I don't know either." Further reinforcing the lack of connections and bond in Sukuna's life as an unwanted child.
I just also want to add that Sukuna has marks on his arms like those of Akaza from demon slayer, which has in fact a real practice in Japan where a thief is marked with a tattoo on the arms for each crime. I assumed he there was a time in Sukuna's life, based on this, when he was vulnerable enough for even mere humans to be able to punish him, but this could just be a stretch and those marks could mean nothing because in researching this I found that this practice started in the Edo period and was banned in the Meiji era which is when the death painting story takes place.
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frost-felon · 5 months
The timeskips issue has never been a recent one. The pitfalls of the numerous timeskips in the beginning of the story (Yuji being enrolled in JJH and picking up Nobara in June -> July's suicide mission + meeting the upperclassmen & Kyoto Kids -> August seemingly being skipped outright -> Junpei Arc in September¹, and pretty much everything before Shibuya needing to happen in September or October) have affected the character and relationship growth since the get-go.
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I love the tenderness and consoling conviction from Yuji in this scene, but at this point, he's only known Nanami for a few days, and been 'dead' for somewhere between a month and a month and a week or two. So he'd really only known Megumi for like, a month, tops. He'd known Nobara for maybe a couple of weeks. It's unclear how long he'd known Ijichi for, but on-and-off through July, probably...most of these times are guesses, and due to the timeskips, I can't be sure how well or how little Yuji got to known all of these people during the times he could have. Gojo, his longest relationship out of the five he was thinking of, tends to get infrequent and small references to what he did or didn't teach Yuji at various times. There's another moment shortly before this page where Yuji thinks back to a scene we never saw², wherein Gojo apparently taught Yuji how to fight Shikigami users ("When fighting Shikigami Users...go for the User themselves.") But ultimately, the audience hasn't been able to spend more than a few moments' times to get an understanding of Yuji's attachments and his faith in the people he relies on. Nanami gets the most here (Junpei Arc, Chapter 26) since this was the arc he was introduced in, and has been closely mentoring Yuji, but as mentioned, this entire arc takes place in a small timeframe. As a result, the believability of these relationships can easily be called into question, and this scene didn't hit me as hard as it should have.
Culling Games has a similar issue with believability in character dynamics and pacing, largely caused by the frequent timeskips forcing arcs immediately after Shibuya to cram as much as they can into short timeframes. Junpei Arc can get away with this more due to its early placement in the story, but the cracks had been visible well into this arc and even beforehand.
In a very twisted way, the post-unsealing timeskip, from mid-November (somewhere around/after November 16th; EDIT, it's November 19th³) to December 24th, is not particularly unique, though it is one of the largest timeskips (that I can positively identify through information in the manga's pages), possibly only behind the mid-July (?) to September skip. I've mentioned it before, though, that JJK simply could not handle another timeskip of a similar magnitude (or one exceeding, perhaps, a week). This mainly comes down to the bloating of the cast and status quo changes in the Perfect Preparation Arc, the Culling Games Arc, and the aftermath of 212 through 221.
I really wish I could have appreciated his scene more, since it's lovely and well-executed in-of-itself. But since it relies on the preceding groundwork, the shaky foundation undermines an otherwise knockout scene.
¹I am here in my reread, so I'm a little fuzzy on any timeskips after this point.
²Using flashbacks to show the audience new scenes can be effective, but this method gets overused in JJK to fill in gaps caused by not devoting enough time to character-building and cast downtime.
³GUESS WHO FORGOT ABOUT TWO DIFFERENT PANELS IN 221 EXPLICITLY CLARIFYING THE DATE? Blegh, I'll have to be more careful when I eventually fully reread--I have only gone through most 146+ chapters once. Anyways, the panels:
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This also means that the full extent of the timeskip ran between 34 and 35 days, depending on if you're counting December 24th or not (this is not counting November 19th itself).
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mcclainwilla · 9 months
jjk ch. 236 spoilers under the cut <3
I love to speculate and analyze almost as much as I love to lie to myself
I have to admit, there's a part of me that could be okay with Gojo's death, if only the circumstances were a bit different. But since ch. 236 is what we have to deal with, this is what we'll go with
This ch. 236 panel is so interesting to me
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"Curses can bring people back to life." First of all, why would Nanami mention that? Why would Nanami know that? (More on this in a minute.)
Even more interestingly, he goes on to add that not only can curses bring people back to life, but sorcery can as well. We've already seen this, arguably a couple of times. The first time was when Sukuna ripped out Yuji's heart. But I would also argue that Gojo died during his fight with Toji. I mean, he got stabbed in the head. And in the anime, he certainly looked dead. If this is the case, it was only with his last moments of electrical activity in his brain that he managed to finally perform RCT and heal himself.
Now, I want to pull from the anime. In ep. 23, Megumi has a flashback to a conversation he had with Gojo, who delivers a very important line. But just before that, the camera is focused here, on Gojo, as he says, "you can't imagine a stronger future version of yourself."
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And I simply can't believe that Gojo wasn't also talking about himself. After all, at this point, he's already the strongest - how much higher does he have to climb? And not only that, but ever since Geto's defection, Gojo has been stuck in the past. He doesn't imagine any future version of himself because he is too busy looking over his shoulder. Which is where this panel comes into play
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Combining these two, the choice becomes 'go north and imagine a stronger version of yourself, or go south and remain limited by your own lack of imagination and hunger.'
Of course, Gojo and Megumi's conversation didn't end there. Right after, he delivered his famous line, "dying to win and risking death to win are completely different." Going back to what I said earlier, Gojo has already died to win; he fought Toji once, lost and died, and then came back to life only to kill Toji in return. So how would he fulfill the other half of that statement?
Nanami said that both curses and sorcery can bring people back to life. Who is the first person you think of when you think of the combination of curses and sorcery?
Geto, right?
At the moment, Geto's body is being possessed by Kenjaku, but we've seen Geto regain control, if only for a moment, and resist Kenjaku. Except now, Kenjaku has added Mahito to his inventory, the very curse who killed Nanami. Mahito is a curse who can use jujutsu to change the shape of one's soul. It is my deepest, most self-indulgent desire for Kenjaku to the battlefield and see Gojo dying on the ground. At the sight, Geto's soul reawakens and, with the last of his remaining strength, he uses Mahito's technique to heal Gojo. If Gojo doesn't get to keep Geto after this point, so be it. But it would be a lovely antithesis to his jjk0 claim of "love is the most twisted curse of them all."
By going north, he's daring to imagine a future stronger version of himself. He's risking death to win.
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fenikorg-talks · 9 months
jujutsu kaisen chs 235,236 spoliers!
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no but like i truly believe he actually forgot a chapter
you cant tell me otherwise why the heck in chapter 235 gojo was winning and then in ch 236 out of NOWHERE he's in heaven. it doesn't make any fucking sense
this is how 235 ends:
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gojo just released purple on sukuna destroying everything in its path, including himself, he healing slowly but steady, and sukuna on the verge of death, without a single hope of winning. everyone else is so sure that gojo won that they arent doubting the fight, they have 100% trust that gojo already won, without any but's or if's.
and THEN 236 starts like this:
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at first i thought it was a memory, but then gojo brings up the comment that dying was something to do alone, and I thought it was an hallucination or something like that, but then EVERY SINGLE DEAD PERSON THAT WAS CLOSE TO GOJO started to appear telling him that it was just damn time for him to finally die. Then gojo brings up the bullshit that he didn't do anything to protect the others, that he only did it for fun, to not be bored anymore, to finally fight with an opponent without holding back because he was the strongest and blah blah blah and I was certain it was bullshit. that man right there wasn't gojo it was someone else and gege was trying to get us off balance, something like a distorted reality or mixed thoughts that arent quite true and all that, but then they throw me this on the face:
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and we dont fucking know what shit happened. think about it: gojo's winning, sukuna almost dies, there's a very suspicious scene on the airport with teen gojo and everyone who he cared in his teenage years, and now he's dead, half body lying on the ground with a smirking sukuna declaring how the hell he won the match. IT DOESNT MAKE FUCKING SENSE. WERE WAS THE BATTLE? WERE WAS THE ACTION? WERE WAS EVERYONE ELSE COMMENTING THE SHIT THAT WAS HAPPENING? alright, it might have been a surprise attack, BUT WITH WHAT FUNDAMENTS DID SUKUNA ATTACKED??? there are too many plotholes in just these fifteen pages alone and I need answers. there is no need for a great explanation, I just needed a one single panel with the worried expressions of everyone who was watching, screaming even, for gojo who was in danger. if it was really a sneak attack and gojo couldn't see it, at least everyone else did, but noooooo they just showed us maki and yuta holding back themselves from literally murdering sukuna, and that was during sukuna's speech. where was higuruma's, yuji's, hakari's, miwa's, hajime's, ANYONE'S REACTION. JUST ONE WAS ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT SOMETHING BAD WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.
another thing that had been bugging me: sukuna was fucking dyyiiing how the fuck did he healed himself if he didn't have enough cursed energyyyy reallyyy this is fucking insaaneeee, there are tooooo many plothollesss I insist. And then there's that, fucking piece of information, that sukuna "was holding back".... my dude, he was LOSING. i don't know if it just came to gege's mind that, "oh i hate gojo so much i cant keep writing this fight its giving me nausea, i know, lets fucking kill him so i don't have to see him again, yey!" ...... I'm sorry that's not how gege thinks. he may hate gojo but he KNOWS he's important for the story, otherwise he would have him gone a looooong time ago, i mean have you seen all the bullshit sad backstories he gives to this man?? the divorce?? the fushiguros???? yuta and mika????? itadori??????? shoko, utahime, masamichi, the elders??????? the DEPT that this man carries???? gege might hate gojo, but lets not forget that he is a well written character. and that also makes me overthink a little about the very first chapters of the manga, when yuji asks gojo if he can defeat sukuna, AND JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK HE RESPONDS??
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EXACTLY!! HE WOULD WIN! so that was a fucking lie, gojo was keeping yuji safe from wondering, or gege is planning something sick (there's also the option of gege just forgetting it, but for the sake of my mental health I wont elaborate on that) there are still things I do not understand and I NEED gege to explain.
also, there is this things that keeps coming to my head: sukuna isn't the type of sorcerer to brag about his power, like gojo did before, he releases his power when he needs it, and with the cards he's given. with itadori he couldn't do much because yuji could control him so the little things he did was due to the circumstances, like when yuji asked for help, he didn't want to help but the curse wanted to fight so sukuna killed the curse, then he ASKS YUJI TO RETURN TO THE CONTROL like damn that man has matters. and then, when jogo makes yuji eat the other ten fingers, he's overpower and starts to do whatever he wants because he has been in yuji's control way too much, and after he defeats jogo, who willingly wanted to fight sukuna, he literally gives yuji the control of the body again. it might be to lower yuji's motivations but still, he took advantage of the momentum to move on with his plan. another time he took the opportunity was when yuji died and made the contract that allowed him in the shibuya incident take control of fushiguro's body. this guy is smart, and he doesn't waste opportunities, so I can see him winning the battle. we all know by now that he did in fact won the battle, but we don't know with what kind of plan or tricks did he do it. i still don't buy the thing with mahoraga
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i feel like it's something else, something is missing, then again there isn't enough information, probably lost on the chapter gege forgot to release.
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THE FACT THAT THIS MOMENT ALONE MADE ME SCREAM INTO THE VOID. and it wasn't because gojo was dead, neither because sukuna gave him the credit he deserved, NO, its because gojo's smiling, he's FUCKING SMILING. that man doesn't want to fight anymore, its written all over the page, that man is tired, satisfied, and is hallucinating. and the fact that I can see that is what makes me scream. WHAT ABOUT FUSHIGURO MAN, ARE YOU JUST GONNA LET HIM DIE IN THE PIT OF DARKNESS HE'S IN?!! WHAT ABOUT THE PROMISE BRO WTF I know you didn't like Toji, but you got way too close with the kid you wanted to protect him you wanted him to live DUDE. he's just gonna leave all the work to the others, he wants to rest, he doesn't want to do anything with curses or sorcerers or anything like that, he will LEAVE them alone helpless because gojo was their last hope he was the strongest the only one who could win against the king of curses damn it aaaallll.
and THAT just makes me think... what are the others thinking? the only reactions we got from the last chapter were from maki, yuta, yuji and hajime, and they're veeeeery different
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yuta is fucking angry and worried and obviously scared, but still grabs his katana so anxious as he wants to go to the battlefield. maki is holding him back, with a more steady and severe expression, because she knows they cant defeat sukuna. the background around them is dark and still meaning they're still in the same place, holding back and waiting for the next move. yuji's expression is fucking scared, he's worried and he's sweating, and I'm certain he's trying not to cry, his background is moving which can mean he's moving to the battlefield even if he knows he's going to die, no one is holding him back which can mean either they are letting him go (such a shitty friends really) or haven't noticed he's gone. and hajime Is already IN the battlefield. that slash that cut gojo in two had enough time for him to move from wherever they were into the battlefield and he's EXCITED HE'S SMILING LIKE THE FUCKING IDIOT HE IS idk if he will be able to win against sukuna given the fact that he literally killed gojo, but oh well...
this is madness, i need the forgotten chapter
let me know about other things you notice too pleasssseeee
this also gave me A LOT of things to think about, like what will happen with itadori and his powers and all the rage he has and all the dead people he has seen and... well, all the tragedy
i might as well post something about itadori, we'll see
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polandspringz · 10 months
I cannot express how much the Hidden Inventory arc has me in a chokehold
I've said it before, I'm not a real fan of JJK. I feel the same way about this series as I do about CSM- I love it artistically, I see the craft put into the manga as an artform itself (through the sequencing of the panels, the decisions in terms of angles) and thematically, I love it. However, I just don't like it because the series is a bit too nihilistic for me, or just a bit too dark for my tastes, and couple that with my constant mixed feelings on MAPPA- not wanting to support them for their working conditions despite the beautiful work they put out- and you get a general gist of why I will say I don't like JJK. I won't get more into the little other things because I did that before and I got a lot of replies on that post, so we'll get back to the point of this post.
However, Hidden Inventory has me in chokehold. And I know exactly why.
As a joke I said to my sister when I finally sat down to force myself to watch it (after I had already tried to watch S2 E1 after it aired and failed, and after I had seen a spoiler on Twitter for the fake-out scene with Geto and Riko), I made the joke "If the thing that gets me into JJK is some yaoi bait between Gojo and Geto then I'll-" and unfortunately, it was Gojo and Geto's arc that made me more interested in JJK. While my yaoi bait thing was a joke, I cannot lie that the angst of Gojo and Geto's dynamic was what made me more interested.
However, what had really been drawing me back into JJK was the choice in music, specifically the new opening. MAPPA keeps hitting it out of the park with their music choices for these adaptions. I'm still not over "Give it Back" and it's visuals being about everything Yuji missed out on/lost while having to pretend to be dead. And now the official Shounen Jump page made a video of Geto and Gojo with the Give it Back song playing and I-
This post is really just me rambling with no point to it, but Tatsuya Kitani's "Where Our Blue is" has been hitting me hard for weeks even before I finally read a translation of the lyrics yesterday. The lyrics talking about "Our Blue", and in the series Gojo demonstrating how the Jujutsu sorcerer's power is represented by "blue" while cursed energy is "red" and then of course Gojo has his "purple" ability. The way that "blue" is often used to describe youth or associated with youth in Japanese culture because of the kanji's use in the word seishun. The visuals of the opening being about all the moments of Gojo and Geto's high school days we don't actually see because we are dropped into the past in media res as everything collapses. We only get to watch the crumbling, the destruction, we don't get those good moments but we still feel it. We still feel how tragic it is this friendship, this relationship being torn to shreds. Feel how deeply these two care for each other, how one goes down a horrible path with no remorse while the other can only watch in horror.
The irony here is that, and I'm sure other people may have expressed this sentiment already, Gege Akutami is that good of a writer that I would have LOVED if JJK was actually completely focused on Gojo and Geto before introducing Yuji and Megumi and Nobara. How in a typical series that we would have started out with this flashback or how Gojo would usually be the main character instead and then the series would be reframed around his mentorship of the characters and trying to fix what was lost by his mistakes, but instead it's not about that. It's a side note, important background information but not the focus. And that just makes it more powerful because it just makes me long for more. It makes me want more of a slow burn, more of it visualized in the text where we see Geto and Gojo meet and be friends and then everything fall apart in the end. But at the same time, we have the iceberg theory with writing. The writing is strong enough that we don't need to actually spend time on any of that, the pain of this loss is expressed even in the short time we spend in this memory of these characters. The subtleties in the writing that only hint at or show glimpses of what we had do enough to establish their friendship before it is ripped apart before the audience's eyes. It's beautiful.
And the opening's lyrics only add to this. The way the song is clearly from Gojo's perspective, the idea of him saying that "their blue still lives", their youth, their memories, their ideology and dreams before everything went wrong, it's still alive. It's still clear. Gojo knows what he must do. Even if no prayer or word could reach Geto, Gojo will keep going. When they went their separate ways, Gojo was too confused and horrified to stop Geto, too attached to turn him in knowing that only death awaited him, he wanted to still believe that they could turn things around. The unvoiced voice says "We'll see each other again, won't we?" I also have felt that the song can also be interpreted to be about Riko who died too soon, specifically whenever I hear the lyrics "To you, who bloomed and fell away as a fruitless flower". And on a personal note, I have always loved the word play in Japanese on the main lyrics, how the singer uses two different phrases although they sound, very, very similar. The "our blue still lives"/[ima demo, ao ga sundeiru] and "Our blue is still clear"/[ima demo, ao wa sundeiru] is the main thing that kept me so latched onto this song even when I was not actually watching the show. Every choice in the lyrics of this song have destroyed me and drawn me back into this series, because it makes me want to believe that things will be fixed and that there is hope, even though I know there is none. The song gives off the feeling of this being the final farewell, of Gojo singing these thoughts even after Geto has died, almost to reassure himself that their blue is still alive, that he will carry on the will. It's wistful, its painful. It's beautiful. I love it.
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katvaramell · 5 months
Ive just caught up to the JJK manga (chapter 249) and its insane 😭
I started reading it after watching the anime and oh my god I did not expect it to continue this way!!!
One I was quite disappointed that the amazing „I am you“ sequence between mahito and Yuji was only a few panels. I really loved the way they did it in the anime and I think it gave the moment the gravitas it needed.
Yuta is actually helping Yuji??? I got spoiled about quite a few things but this didn’t register at all. I loved their work together though :,) especially now in the fight against sukuna I’m very curious how it’ll go
The amount of information at once about the culling games is very disorienting. It’s such a complicated magic system and now all these new people and rules all at once really take some focus to understand!! (Which I’m not used to after starting with one piece…)
I love how Yuji manages to unintentionally get an adult to adopt him every two weeks it’s so cute
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This scene was such a gut punch!! Having it spelled out and then yuji saying he’s guilty just shows again how hard the shibuya incident hit him. And they had no breaks to mourn since then. I think it’s so heartbreaking how yuji only sees himself as a cog with a function and puts himself in this role he can’t escape. I genuinely appreciate that they basically redid the scene, but this time explicitly said that it was sukunas fault and that Yuji agreed!
When megumi killed that guy and it was announced that he got 5 points I absolutely couldn’t believe it. I know that they weren’t disillusioned to killing but still seeing them do it willingly really surprised me and also hurt :(( they’re just babies
It’s very overwhelming to be introduced to so many techniques after each other, but I think it’s very interesting how they work and develop!!
Also I love Maki so much. Absolute icon behavior. I love that she is as strong as Toji now!!!! Gege is not great at writing women, but here he really popped off
I’m very interested how the whole angel plot line will continue. Because after it turned out that she was someone that megumi saved, and she wants to help him in return for that I think some surprises will still come up (also I loved the flashback with gojo ruffling megumis hair 😭 it really showed how involved in each others lives they were :(( )
Poor megumi😭😭 I got spoiled for it but the panel at the end of a chapter where megumis soul is just lying in the dark all miserable made me cry :(( they’re just babies your honor
I’m also quite curious to see if he is still alive and how his cursed technique is faring. I didn’t quite get what is going on with him currently, so I guess we’ll see
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There is a totally straight explanation for this I’m sure 🤡
I love and hate that gojo got a little flashback scene to his dead friends. I’m glad they’re reunited again, even if they’re still burdened by what happened to them - but it still hurts that they died here. Even though they were so strong.
I don’t think that Gege will bring gojo back. I do think he’s dead, because the way things look now they don’t genuinely need him to win. And it would take away the severity of the plot, if they could just do take backsies
I love that yuji has a voice as a sorcerer even without being sukunas vessel. He seems to still think that he is just a cog but I do think he starts to value himself more
It is also very interesting to see more of higurumas development and I was so surprised to find out that he is just as powerful as gojo! It truly seems to be a second golden age of jujutsu with all these powerful players assembling
I guess that even though Yuta beheaded Getos body, it doesn’t seem like kenjaku is dead because he is just the brain. I can’t quite tell if he will return in Getos body or a new one. It seems like the body is finally dead for sure, because all the curses escaped. But I’m sure we haven’t seen him for the last time
All in all it seems like the series is coming to an end in the near future. Everything starts to funnel down to a last show down, but I can’t quite tell how that will go.
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madraleen · 9 months
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Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku - Yuji Kaku Volumes 8-13: A running commentary. This was fun!
-eyyy hybrid gabimaru
-what in the sibling telepathy... still cool panel, toma and chobe simultaneous attack vs the tensen
-i hope fuchi survives
-am i to assume chobe said chotto matte mid-battle to redo his braid
-"my enthusiasm for the manga feels suffocating" :O mine doesn't, but this feeling put into such words! so true!
-yeah, my favorites are chobe, toma and fuchi i think.
-shion and tenza's relationship is lovely
-damn nurugai made me tear up
-gosh i hope shion can keep his word and be with nurugai on the mainland. the sensei usually perish along the way
-the iwagakure shinobi took one look at the convicts and their asaemon allies and went "WHEEEEEEE MURDER!"
-i kinda think poor gabimaru got a little short-changed; sagiri, too, for the exact same reasons, but i'll focus on gabimaru as he's the face of hell's paradise. i think he got his epiphany and change of heart too soon and he's been emotionally static since then, whereas most of the side-characters have been on a personal journey from the beginning, slowly learning and evolving, and it makes them so much more compelling to observe.
-er. yuzuriha? what kind of takesies-backsies death was that. i mean, yeah, she didn't get a certificate of death or anything, but still. eh, whatever.
-i really like shugen, he's the hero of his own story and an antagonist in the main story, and he could easily be the righteous protag of his own manga, but he happens to be in this manga where he's a hindrance
-i'd missed grumbling gabimaru
-aaand fuchi is dead. but that's a better death than dropping down dead
-i think banko-tao-affected chobe and gabimaru look visually great
-you cannot convince me sagiri doesn't have a crush on gabimaru. she blushes too much.
-i understand the situation is dire, but little chibi gabimaru with that damn flower on his head...
-nooo not chobeeee
-whose is that hand on baby ghost chobe, is he coming back, don't give me hope.
-i hope the anime gives shugen this pinch of ridiculousness that he has, aside all else
-shugen the tao avatar
-sooo... rien was grand master's... wife?
-two men and one woman? like 90% of the cast will die? nahhhh
-dude, shut up, gabimaru and sagiri are so in sync, why are u doing this, text? and with mei they're literally family-coded
-oooh gantetsusai must decide what to do with shugen, nice
-okay but a skeleton is hugging shugen in his flashbacks with fuchi. who put it in that position?
-eeeey last volume, letssssgooo
-wait, where are the brothers? chobe dead maybe, where's toma, i forgot toma lol what
-gabimaru my man, yes, we all know you have a wife, but it's literally either rien or your entire country here - INCLUDING MRS WIFE, what are we discussing
-yeah see, i think this is more of a me-problem, but i never connected to the gabimaru-yui bond. i'm on the 'sure if you say so' side of things
-rien the super healer
-okay but now i want his yui to be an actual villain, that would be really interesting
-i don't understand, is that shadow chobe, with toma?
-okay i didn't except the sagiri-yui meeting to be this cute but it's so cute
-aaaand gabimaru turned into a house cat. i'm sure as part-plant he'll enjoy his sunbeams doubly
-nice glimpse of the tensen in the far future
-OKAY this was sweet, the ending was sweet
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tempenensis · 1 year
I was so confuse on the opening at the start 🤣 So that's how hana knows megumi. Im disappointed in myself for not thinking of that. Like duh the old rescue but rescuer forgot the rescuee then met again years later trope
Yuji🥺 no one can replace her even if there's new people. Also damn they really implying she's dead
About jj hq controlling the country but being too proud to lead the spread of curse energy i guess it's a good thing since curse energy is too dangerous and the costs outweighs the gains i guess. The energy source is basically made of bad vibes haha.
Lol, me too in the start, anon. Usually flashback pages are printed black outside panel so it also took me a bit to get where the panels are going. So Hana had met Megumi back then and developed a transference on him.
Even if I also hope for some kind of closure, I think based on gege's comment this week, it's very well that we might never see Nobara again...
The curse energy is something better to be controlled - but not Kenjaku way. It's made from negative emotion; that alone should say that it's not something that you should be playing with
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runabout-river · 1 month
Thoughts on JJK chapter 259 (Spoilers)
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We start with a flashback to the blood junkies teaching Yuji how to use BM. As was already said in a previous flashback, Choso can't teach for shit but that's why Kamo is here. Yuji's one way of relating to the foundation of BM is a little infantile but when it works it works.
This 1-page flashback is there for only one thing: preparing us for Choso's upcoming death through sacrifice.
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Sukuna collects BV like I did Yugioh cards. First a cooking pun, then a limit on furnace outside of his DE, then the inside of his DE was littered with explosive CE ambers, then a change of his barrier to keep his CT output high.
Uraume (not Sukuna! not the narrator!) declares this their victory while she hasn't even managed to defeat Hakari. The narrator does say though that this is Sukuna's ultimate move. Looking at its scale and immense destructive power, it's appropriate.
I made a post about other techniques that Sukuna probably has in his sleeve: CTR, the Maximum and the Hollow Technique. It could be that Sukuna's MT and HT could rival his Fire in destructiveness without contradicting the narrator: Sukuna is a villain who also grows while fighting just like the typical shonen protagonist. Sth like HT he might've just learned from Gojo making Yuji's continued fight against him hell.
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The moment Yuji was in an enclosed and dark space with Choso above him I knew Choso was a goner. It's sad 😢 but we go back to that picnic table and those two have one last conversation with each other. They're at peace with the situation...
Important to note: Yuji normally infuses dream sequences into others unlike Sukuna who has a post-death talk with them. This is a post-death talk that Yuji now has with Choso, so I'm curious how that will get explained in the future. Is that part of the resonance that gets mentioned later?
Also important: with how everything with Choso and the picnic table is set up, I find it likely that Yuji will be here again right before dying (or when he dies). Other dead characters might greet him here.
The narrator tells us that after the dusts settles, Yuji's convictions get shaken. We get an appropriate 80% page close up of Sukuna from below, portraying him as the monstrous giant that he is.
What I don't really like here is that Yuji's feelings of despair don't get to sink in. Todo appears 1 panel after Yuji looks relatively all right. Maybe Gege didn't want to repeat Kugisaki's death aftermath as it wouldn't add much but a bit more emotions would've been better.
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Anyway, Todo is here right when he was needed the most. A flashback tells us what the rational behind his late entrance and absence from Yuji's presence had been. Makes sense and now the Sukuna-Yuji(-Megumi?) resonance will be an important plot point later.
Does that resonance go both ways? Three ways? Was that how Yuji had entered the inner domain where Megumi is imprisoned right now?
Also, who else is going to show up now? This feels like the perfect setup for Nobara to make her comeback. The same points for keeping Todo's presence and assistance hidden apply to her and this scene directly calls back her death scene as well.
The "most likely fine" is also funny but it also sets up that Ino, Maki and Miwa(?) might've gotten injuries that cross them out of the fight. I think that only Maki will return.
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Now the original Brothers™ are back to fighting together again (would've loved Choso and Todo to argue about that though). Sukuna of course knows everything about their fighting style and he looks like a menace again. (Maybe next chapter will open with another flashback of Choso and Todo fighting over Yuji)
Sukuna's arms are open and he smiles without any worries. While Uraume might be shocked that this isn't their victory and that Sukuna's most devastating attack only killed one person, Sukuna himself is all sunshine and rainbows.
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 12/28
Our final post of 2022! Thanks for rocking with us again this year, and if you actually read these tiny blurbs, Raven says thanks!
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Book Of Slaughter #1 - James Tynion IV, Werther Dell'Edera & Dan Mora
The future of the Slaughterverse is laid bare by Something is Killing the Children and House of Slaughter creators James Tynion IV and Werther Dell'Edera in the very first SIKTC one-shot special! From the sidelines to the spotlight, Book of Slaughter follows the white mask Maxine Slaughter... but will her loyalties remain where they are, or will she show her true colors? In addition to being a precursor to the upcoming chapters of both series, this special issue features a sizable guidebook that delves into the deep lore of the Order of St. George!
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Cursed Princess Club GN - LambCat
Meet Gwendolyn-living proof that princesses don't always have it all. Although she lives in a castle and her father is the King, Gwendolyn isn't like a fairy-tale princess and isn't conventionally attractive. But one night, she accidentally stumbles upon the twisted world of the Cursed Princess Club, and her life will never be the same. Hexed and cast out, the ladies of the club are just the people Gwendolyn needs to show her that just because she doesn't "fit the mold" does not mean she's any less of a princess.
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Double Walker GN - Michael Conrad & Noah Bailey
Cully and Gemma are watching their carefree, childless days come to an end and decide to take one last trip to the magical Scottish Highlands before the baby arrives. What was meant to be a romantic trip soon spirals into paranoia and violence as a bizarre string of murders follows them on their journey. Conrad has returned to his horror roots while continuing to write the celebrated Wonder Woman as well as Midnighter. The time in the mainstream having only driven him further into the surreal and twisted worlds in which he is most at home.
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Entangled With You: Garden Of 100 Grasses GN -  Aki Aoi 
A beautiful and self-contained Boys' Love fairy tale set in the deep, dark woods. Once upon a time, Marcel's sister fell in the forest while gathering herbs. Her injuries were grave and Marcel was at a loss for what to do, until a fearsome horned man appeared, offering help-in exchange for a promise. Now, ten years later, Marcel returns to the woods, steeling himself for death. Instead, he finds something quite different: a gentle soul, friendship... and perhaps something more.
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In His Time: The Early Stories Of Ernest Hemingway GN -  Jason Novak
In this adaptation of the original 1924 version of In Our Time, cartoonist Jason Novak finds the graphic equivalent of Hemingway's lean, muscular prose - stark, punchy, beautifully composed panels that convey the understated poetics of those early, famously breathtaking stories.
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Jujutsu Kaisen: Summer Of Ashes, Autumn Of Dust GN - Gege Akutami, Ballad Kitaguni
Cursed spirits have struck the opening blow at Satozakura High School in an unfolding conflict against the Jujutsu Sorcerers. But while this epic and unyielding battle intensifies, the heroes of Jujutsu Kaisen have other mysteries to solve...such as why Yuji and Megumi see Gojo at a maid cafe, whether Nanami can uncover the secret behind a website that claims to sell dolls that resurrect the dead, and what happens when a blind old man is able to see the scheming Mahito.
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MMPR TMNT II #1 (Of 5) - Ryan Parrott & Dan Mora
It's been six months since the Teenagers With Attitude and the Heroes In A Half Shell teamed up to defeat the unholy alliance of Rita Repulsa and Shredder, but a new threat will force them to reunite in the crossover YOU demanded! Between an invasion from beyond, old enemies teaming up with unlikely accomplices, and a threat to the Rangers' powers themselves, will the two teams survive the onslaught, or will they need help from the most unexpected ally imaginable? Longtime Power Rangers architect Ryan Parrott (Rogue Sun) joins forces with superstar artist Dan Mora (World's Finest, Once & Future) to deliver the follow-up to the hit crossover!  
Whatcha snagging to close out 2022, Fantom Fam?
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
This has something to do with chap 243 leaks so pls avoid it if you don't want to get spoiled. Sorry just can't stop myself from shock...
I did not expect Kenjaku to be dealt with this soon? Granted he might be pulling something since he doesn't seem all that dead in the last panel and cause he's Kenjaku. But like, what are the chances that he made a vow with Sukuna to keep Gojo's head intact so he can swap bodies? I know Gege said before it's impossible, but that's because there are 0 chances Kenjaku can kill Gojo. But now that Sukuna did the work for him all he needs to do is swap into Gojo's corpse.
Like, do we even know what happened to Gojo's body? It just disappeared so I thought maybe Sukuna hid it in the shadows. But then again, isn't it impossible to use 2 different cts at the same time? So maybe that's not the case. But where is it though?
Then we have that Mandela poster and the silhouette in the middle. Personally, I thought that might have been Megumi but it's obviously a copy of the panel showing Gojo's reflection in the prison realm's eye back in Shibuya. So maybe it's a hint of a Gojo revival after all. Only thing is, he's gonna come back as Kenjaku. Still, what use is Gojo's body to Kenjaku if it doesn't possess the 6 eyes anymore. Doesn't it immediately transfer to another user upon the death of the previous one? Unless Kenjaku has a way to control Tengen and use their connection to the 6 eyes to retain it. Ugh Gege's really going ham with all these cliffhangers.
Or maybe Kenjaku's mainly banking on the merger monster to continue his legacy or maybe even the cursed wombs or Yuji. What are the odds that he planted a part of himself in them though? Like maybe a piece of his brain or something.
ME EITHER ANON! I am still skeptical tbh. I just feel like Kenny can grow some tiny little legs and jump ship. Gege is going to be unpredictable right up until the end so it could even be Takaba he takes over. Can you imagine?
To your other questions about six eyes... it sounds to me like the technique gets immediately passed down if the user dies, but I'm not sure tbh. And I don't think he'd be able to keep Granny Tengen under control either. So like WHAT IS HAPPENING?!!!!!!!
Also, I take so long to answer asks since I only do it once per week or less so I'm not sure if I posted this before or after your ask came through. Perhaps I posted after? I think after?
Anyways. Since it's a mandala, I personally feel like it's not Gojo at the center because it would make the design redundant. But maybe the cursed wombs do have something to do with it. I mean it's already kind of shady that Kenny took ownership for Yuji eating Sukuna's finger in episode 1. Now sure if mistranslation or just sus.
And speaking of Gege going ham with the cliffhangers, we're totally at one again lol. Chapter 245 is a week away and the discourse in this fandom is in full on chaos mode.
Thanks for stopping by anon!
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