#that said this was an excuse to mindlessly paint water and ice
ryuichifoxe · 2 years
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So, a good friend introduced me to The Northern Passage. I may have repurposed my old Witcher oc and have a soft spot for Lea...
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Hajime, Nagito and Rantaro and their SHSL Psychologist older sibling like friend
Hajime Hinata:
·       “… Hey, Brat.” “Huh? Oh… It’s you.” “Geez. No need to look like you just ate a lemon. Oh, wait, you just always look like that.” “Y/N, just go.” Crossing his arms Hajime looked out the window beside him. “What!? That’s rude!? And after I trudged across this whole stupid large campus to get you. At least you can hear me out before you shut me down.” “…” Sighing Hajime looked back to you, well more so the other reserve course students who stared at you. “What is it-Eh!? Y-Y/N!?” Grabbing him by the collar of his uniform you dragged him out of the room, racing down the hall. “Hey! I can’t just skip class like this!” “Who said we were skipping class!?”
·       “Ah. Much better.” You stretched, looking up to that cloudless sky. “It’s just too nice of a day to stick inside.” “Yeah, I guess it is.” “I’ll be back with lunch in a moment.” Hajime was admittedly a little disappointed to see you trotting over to the nearby vending machine against the school building, your handmade lunches were always the best. But… he completely understood. When you weren’t in classes you were always busy with work, but having work even before classes even started, surely that was too much.
·       His thoughts were interrupted, a bag of pretzels being tossed into his lap, and you promptly sitting beside him, gently tapping a water bottle against his head. “Thanks.” He took it, immediately taking a sip. “You always know just what to do, don’t you?” “… Good, you’re starting to catch on. Though… now that you’ve called me out on my normalcy, would continuing just feel forced?” “Yeah. Just… with the murder and now a disappearance, the whole mood of the campus is just… strained? I don’t know.”
·       Immediately you just flopped over, using Hajime as our arm rest of sorts, but for your whole body. “Finally.” “Hey! Don’t lean on me!” “But you’re so commmmfy.” You just leaned more into him. “Stop it! You’re heavy!” “I’m not heavy! Gravity is!” “Y/N!” Chuckling you wrapped an arm around Hajime and ruffled his hair. “Oh poor, sweet, Hajime. Okay, fine. I’ll do it. I’ll protect you from this big scary world.” “I don’t need protection.” “Oh, so you’re a tough guy now! Exciting. So can mister tough guy stop by my office at about… uh, nineteen-thirty?” “Sure.” “Great!” Then before he knew it, you were skipping away. “I better go before I’m late for class. See ya Brat!”
·       … Perhaps therapy would do Hajime some good. Though, it was hard to imagine you being serious for a moment with your laid back and carefree attitude. Sometimes, Hajime wondered if it was an act, like before when you pretended like nothing was wrong. Then again, did it even matter? In the end, Hajime knew one thing for sure. You cared about him and just wanted to help him, even if it was in a strange round-abut way of teasing him and treating him like a little sibling.
 Nagito Komaeda:
·       “Ah, and THERES my little boy!” Immediately Nagito looked up from his work recognizing your voice, you running up to him with open arms, wrapping him in a tight hug. “How have you been~” “I’m fine.” “But what’s all this?” Letting go of him you skipped around the cans of paint, brushes and wooden beams. “The backdrop for the play we’re making.” “So THAT’S what you’re doing for the school festival! I’m sure whatever you and our friends have planned will be great! Though will you be too busy to come to therapy with my old professor?” “No, I’ll still come!” “Good! Now I’ll get out of your hair and leave you too your work. Though, call me when you’re done! I found a book I think you’ll like!” “I will.” “Love you, Nagito!” “Love you too.” And thus you happily trotted away, going to reunite with your friends who you kinda just abandoned upon seeing Nagito. They didn’t mind, they were rather used to it, and you had been getting better at getting back to them and not completely forgetting them.
·       Then that crash sound resounded. “Nagito!?” “I-I’m fine.” “EXCUSE ME!? You are NOT fine! You’re head is bleeding!” The man was crushed under piles and piles of wood with various bright colors splattered across it. “Uh, Mikan! Is Mikan around?” You flinched, another set piece falling on the pile. “That’s it! I’m patching you up myself!” “You don’t-” “Shush! No!”
·       And there Nagito sat on a stool, you trying your best to stop the blood that just kept pouring out. “Come on. At this rate even if I took you straight to the nurse you would have bled out.” “I’m sorry that you’re stuck helping trash like me.” “Don’t be. I want to help you. Now stay still. I don’t need you running off and more people spotting you and trying to patch you up. Too many cooks spoil the stew as they say and with the whole world in love with you, that could easily happen!” “I don’t know about that.” “Of course not! People often find imperfections in themselves that others can’t see, so you may find yourself as unworthy of love, but to others, that’s not the case, what you may see as a flaw is just another piece of perfection to us!”
·       Nagito wondered how you could be so loving and doting with a person like him, but admittedly, he didn’t not like it. He just… wasn’t that used to it.
 Rantaro Amami:
·       Grumbling under your breath, you took out the spare key you had, being unable to balance all the grocery bags in our arms but suddenly the door opened. “Rantaro? What are you doing up.” “Grocery shopping.” You simply gestured to the bags beside you. “It’s my turn, remember?” “Ah, you’re already done with work?” “Yeah, there was a big fire in my building so work ended early. So…” Crossing your arms and tapping your foot on the ground you eyed Rantaro up and down. “Why were you going to go shopping with a broken ankle?” “Ah… forgot about that.” “You’re an awful liar.” Rantaro’s shoulders just slumped. “Yeah. Sorry.” Gently you pushed him back in the apartment. “On the couch with you, I’ll get a new ice pack.” “Wait, hold on. You must have had a stressful day with the fire. You rest and let me-” “Oh no. I’m not one of your little sisters. You don’t need to look after me. It’s my turn to play big sibling. So, back to the couch with you. Now.” Rantaro hesitating for a moment was enough for you to just pick him up, and carry him over to the couch yourself.
·       You scurried about as quickly as you could to place everything away before Rantaro could escape unbeknownst to you to go searching for his sisters again.
·       Quickly you trotted out with a bag of ice in hand, sighing in relief that Rantaro had not moved from his seat, though he was antsy. After placing the bag of his ankle you sat beside him. “It’s okay to take a break y’know. You can’t find your sisters if you’re too hurt to do so. So for now just relax.” “…”
·       Seemingly he was mindlessly watching the tv, but you caught on to the dark circles under his eyes. You hugged him closely, feeling his racing heart. “but… how can i?” Quietly weeping into your collar, he clung to you, as if we here to loosen his grip even a little you’d instantly disappear. “why am I such a useless big brother? Why can’t I find them?” You didn’t say a thing, simply letting him feel all his emotions, all the grief and regret. “why can’t I be like you? a good sibling?... please don’t disappear too.” “I won’t. I promise.”
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radiorenjun · 4 years
I Don't Need It
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• Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
• Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
• Na Jaemin despised the idea of soulmates, he wanted to fight against fate for choosing his soulmate for him. Even if it means his stubborn childhood best friend wouldn't stop trying to make him accept about the similar tattoos on their wrists.
• Masterlist here!
• Chapters: v, vi
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After the incident at Jaemin's house, you received a small scolding from your parents the next morning for leaving early as you pretended to be asleep when they came into your room to talk after the dinner party. (Even though you continued crying til dawn after they closed the door.)
You came to school with puffy swollen red eyes, messy hair and dark bags under your eyes that couldn't go unnoticed by the other students who just gave you a pitiful smile when greeting you. You tried your hardest to give them a decent smile back but the ache in your heart wouldn't go away, all you wanted to do was cry and sleep in your bed all day.
You felt hopeless and exhausted. You were seriously contemplating on skipping school today as you gathered your books and a pen from your locker until you heard a familiar voice behind you calling out your name.
You turned your head back to see Huang Renjun who gave you a soft smile, stretching out his arms wide to give you a big warm hug. You felt tears lining up the brim of your eyes when you felt his arms comforting you, but you took a deep shuddering breath against his chest.
You felt Renjun pat your head, pulling away to wrap an arm around your shoulder and leads you to your next class. "Stop crying, ugly." Renjun chuckled as you sniffled tilted your head up to keep your tears in. "I'm sure I would if I don't feel like absolute shit right now, Renjun." you deadpanned.
Renjun rolled his eyes at your sardonic tone, taking a few agonizing moments of silence to think of what to say. He clicked his tongue, "so, are you going to finally stop?" he spoke quietly, the amusement in his voice had now disappeared.
You leaned your head against him and sighed heavily, closing your eyes for a moment before responding. "Enough is enough, I guess. I was bout to give up sooner or later anyways," you laughed bitterly, looking down.
"It hurt alot, you know." you chuckled, wiping your eyes to stop the tears that you couldn't hold in. Renjun bit his lip, his chest clenched at the sight of you crying as he lead you to your class. Guilt for bringing up the topic filling his heart as he sat beside you, watching you bury yourself in your arms and try to keep your breathing steady.
Renjun patted your back, unsure of what to do or say as the teacher walks into class. Although, he couldn't pay attention to the lesson, he couldn't stop thinking bout how much in pain you sounded when you accidentally buttdialed him.
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Renjun was casually laying on his stomach on his bed while playing some animal crossing when the sound of his ringtone blasted from his phone. He sighed, picking up his phone then furrowing his brows at the name that popped up his screen.
Y/N L/N The Hopeless One
Why was she calling? Shouldn't she be at her monthly dinner with the Na's? More importantly, why is she calling in the middle of his animal crossing session? He swore that he remembers that Mrs. Choi didn't give homework today, so why else did she call?
Renjun swiped his thumb to receive the call, putting his phone beside his ear. "Hello? Y/N?" all he heard from your side of the call were soft sniffles, it sounded as if you were trying to calm yourself down. Wait, what's going on?
"Renjun, I'm so sorry, I sat on my phone and I think it accidentally-" you spluttered, choking on your words as you spoke. Something's definitely wrong. Renjun sat up completely, putting down his switch as his concern grew even more. "Wait, are you crying?" he asked hesitantly.
That seemed to silence you. But a hiccup elicited from you was enough to give him an answer, "no? Why would I be crying?" you cried out, sobs breaking out of your throat and through his phone speakers. Renjun bit his lip as he heard your cries, reading to hear you out.
"Y/n, it's okay. I'm here. Tell me what happened." He chuckled, laying down on his bed to prepare himself of what's to come. He heard you inhale deeply before telling him the whole story in explicit detail.
He was thankful that he got the main points considering your cries and gasps had muffled the words you spoke but either way he couldn't blame Jaemin for snapping, but he was beyond livid at the boy for letting his anger and annoyance get the best of him.
Renjun sighed as you finished your explanation, continuing to sob. Sounds of spoon hitting a plastic tub of ice cream (which you had grabbed in the middle of your explanation with an "I need to fill the emptiness inside me with some ice cream, I can't explain this without ice cream") in the background.
"That's a dick move." Renjun tsked. "I can't believe he broke your music box, the music box! I knew how special that thing meant to you." he exclaimed angrily. You sniffed, "I know but I can't blame him for yelling like that."
"That still doesn't give him an excuse for breaking what's yours." Renjun added. "Jesus Christ, he's supposed to be your soulmate, for Pete's sake! The one person in the world who's suppose to cherish your heart," he growled.
"Unbelievable, I'm going to kill him when we get to school." he muttered. "Renjun, don't. Please. Just leave him be, it wasn't completely his fault." you cried. "But-" Renjun started before you cut him off with a sob.
"I mean it." you told him boldly. "Leave him be. Please. Even though he crushed my heart to a gazillion pieces, I still love him with all my heart and I can't stop loving him. Please, Renjun." you pleaded, the desperation in your tone causing Renjun to nod and let out a small "okay".
He heard you sigh, hiccuping afterward. "I love him you know. I really do," you hiccuped. Renjun sighed, chuckling afterwards, "I know. You say that every 30 minutes in school, to an almost creepy level if I do say so myself." he teased.
You didn't laugh though, he knew your chest was still aching like hell to do so. "He said he'll never like me like that." you spoke in an almost audible tone, "I don't know what to do with myself anymore, Renjun. What am I supposed to do without him?" it seemed the tears had came back considering you started sobbing again.
Renjun sighed, "you really are an idiot." he chuckled sympathetically. "I know I am." you agreed, grabbing a tissue as you let out another dramatic sob.
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"Is she okay?" your friend, Yeji, mouthed at Renjun, nodding her head at your sulking form that was poking your food mindlessly with a plastic spork. Renjun glared at your friend, his expression screaming 'Are you blind or stupid?'
Nancy rolled her eyes, nodding her head up at Renjun as if to say 'what's up with her, you idiot'. Renjun bit his lip, subtly pointing at you before making a heart with his fingers, tearing the heart apart slowly before pressing a finger down his eyelids to his cheeks with his face scrunched up.
Renjun then pointed at Na Jaemin who was a few tables away, chatting with Jeno and the other members of the Football Team along with a few girls from the cheer leading squad. Your group of friends furrowed their brows at the sight of Jaemin nodding his head along with his friends, smiling brightly as if he hadn't just broke a valuable possession of yours.
Hyunjin looked back at Renjun with wide eyes, pointing at you then at the boy who was sitting tables away from you. Renjun nodded before taking a spoonful of his lunch. The group exchanged expressions of sympathy before Yeji gave you an encouraging hug.
"Cheer up, babe." she said, trying to lighten your mood. "People fight all the time, I'm sure he'll make up for it eventually. Boys suck, anyways." Nancy added in agreement, receiving an offended "hey!" from Hyunjin beside her.
"Don't you have a lesson with him after this?" Chani asked, receiving a smack to the back of his head by Renjun afterwards. "I'm just asking, sheesh!" he hissed in retaliation, but the stoic expression on Renjun's face remained.
"Right, I have a class with him." you groaned, rubbing your swollen eyes with your palms. "I wish I could just skip," you muttered under your breath. "Don't we all? I mean I have Mr Park's after this and I forgot to do that essay he assigned yesterday." Yeji agreed.
"The essay bout Isaac Newton's discovery?" Jinyoung questioned, raising a brow. "I don't know, but it was that guy who had an apple fall ontop of his head though." she explained, pulling out her phone idly. "Yeji, that assignment was assigned three weeks ago."
"So? I am a busy person okay."
"Busy, my ass. You text me literally every hour of every day saying that you were tired of being bored and single, you damn procrastinator."
"Shut up would yo-"
"I'm going to head to class early, okay? I'll see you guys later," you got up, unable to stay in the same room as the guy who broke your heart who was having the time of his life, oblivious to the fact that your heart and mark was burning like hell.
"Y/N-" Nancy called out but you cut her off with a sad smile. "I just need some time alone right now," you sighed, grabbing your bag and started walking out of the cafeteria. You heard footsteps behind you, feeling a hand on your shoulder as Renjun's figure came up walking beside you.
"I'll walk you to class," Renjun smiled. "What part of-" you huffed before he cuts you off with a finger to your lips, "I wasn't asking, y/n." he giggled. You inhaled sharply, pushing his hand away from your mouth. "Don't get your hand near my mouth, I might die from whatever virus you have transferred onto your skin with the amount of paint water you consume everyday." you joked, a small smile evident before it faltered to a frown.
"Oh please, I don't consume paint water on purpose, you idiot. My fingers are cleaner than a germaphobe, chill out." he giggled before frowning when he noticed your eyes getting teary again. Memories of Jaemin yelling at you fluttered through your mind once again, your heart began to ache in your chest and your soulmate mark was burning against your skin.
Renjun bit his lip nervously, contemplating what to do next to make a smile appear on your face. 'Fuck it,' the boy thought, before wrapping an arm around your shoulders in the empty hallway before giving you a bright smile. "Why don't we ditch school for the rest of the day?" he offered.
Your eyes widened, "what did you just say?" you exclaimed with a gasp. "Let's ditch," he replied with a bold tone, nodding in encouragement, his eyes shining bright. "You? Are encouraging me? To ditch school?" you gaped, pointing to yourself and to Renjun in disbelief.
"Who are you and what have you done to the Renjun who cares bout his pristine reputation and nags bout how important perfect attendance is?"
"Oh come on. I'll even treat you to Baskin Robins, " Renjun poked your side teasingly, causing you to squeak and flinch in response. "So, what do you say?" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as the arm around your shoulder pulled your closer to his form.
You thought bout it for a moment. Will Ms. Lee give you extra work as punishment once she finds out that you had ditched class? Without a doubt in mind, obviously. Are you willing to bare 25 minutes of half of the class muttering and whispering bout you, wondering why you aren't sitting next to Jaemin? Nope. Is this worth it? Probably.
"Alright." you gave in with a chuckle. "Only if you buy me fries and Baskin Robins though," you pointed a finger at him which he shrugged in response. "I'll be penniless by the end of the day but I'd do anything to stop making you feel like shit"
"It's cute that you care bout me."
"Don't take it to heart, this is a one time thing."
"Sure it will."
"Y/n, I'm serious. I need to save money for the next release of Kingdom Hearts."
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It was a shame that you missed Jaemin's presence staring at you from afar the whole day. The way his eyes would subtly glance at you every few seconds during lunch, carefully watching you depressed figure poking tteokbokki with a sport.
Your friends hugging you and comforting you by your side. Jaemin felt guilty bout what happened that night but he knew that it was the last straw and it was the only way you would get off his back. Nonetheless, why did he feel sad when he saw you walking like a lifeless zombie on the way to the bus stop this morning as he drove to school?
He figured it was because he wasn't used to you coming up to his car every morning asking for a ride. Why did he feel his heart getting heavy when he saw you walking around like a kicked puppy waiting for it's owner as you open your locker.
He couldn't stop thinking bout how broken hearted you look when he yelled at you that night. He honestly didn't know what to feel. Relief now that you had stopped clinging on to him like a sloth hanging on a tree branch? Guilt because he had broken a gift you had given him? But why would you cry over a cheap music box when you just smiled at him when he had broke your favorite camera?
Jaemin watched you leave his room without another word. His gaze went down to his now dirty floor, pieces of wood scattered across the floor and a small figurine laying in between the pieces. 'It must've been an old cheap music box or something.' he thought.
Jaemin clicked his tongue angrily, kneeling down to run a hand through his hair. "Shit," he sighed softly, feeling the stress from earlier pile up in his head once again. His eyes went to the wooden pieces to the photograph of you and him when you were kids.
His eyes grew soft at the sight, remembering your high-pitched voice practically screaming at him to stop shooting his transformer action figures at your barbies while they were getting their hair brushed. He chuckled at the memory, his hand slowly picking up the photograph of you two laughing with your toys in hand.
He remembered how your grandma had barged in to take a photo of the two of you, commenting bout how adorable it would be to have Jaemin as your soulmate and future grandson in law. "I miss those times," he muttered, caressing the photo with his thumb before pulling out his wallet.
He folded the picture and snuck it into his wallet, smiling slightly. Jaemin looked at the scattered pieces and grabbed one of the empty boxes you had presented him when you gave him that new watch for his first goal. "I'll just throw this away later," he said as he gathered all the pieces and puts them in the decorated box.
Jaemin then got up to his window, stretching his curtains to peek at your room. He could see your window which was now covered by your curtains, your lights were turned off but he could see your figure collapsing on your bed. Did he go too far?
Jaemin didn't understand why it was making him feel down to see you frown like that. To hear the students around you gossip bout how sad you looked today. He didn't understand why he felt like he had done something awfully terrible.
"Holy shit, you did that?" Jeno gasped, almost dropping his spoon dramatically onto the table. Jaemin nodded sheepishly as he explained the whole situation with you at the dinner party. "Yep."
"Isn't that a little too far? I mean she looks really really sad. Sadder than that time when she got an F on maths." Jeno raised his brow, sitting up straight as Jaemin shrugged in response. "It was the only way to get her off my back for a while, I'm sick of it." he groaned.
"Dude, what if she actually stops for good? Then what?" he added, disbelieving the fact that his best friend would hurt his own soulmate like that. He never really understood why Jaemin was so defensive bout the soulmate topic, either.
"Then? Then great! I wouldn't have to worry bout her nagging to me everyday of my life. As if that's gonna happen though, she's gonna get back to it in a few days, trust me." Jaemin chuckled. He knows you like the back of his hand, once you calm down, you'll be back to annoy the living hell out of him again.
"Dude, isn't that a little too far?"
"What if that music box actually meant something to her? I mean, she looks as if she had seen herself die or something!"
"What would you do if she stops and the tables starts turning?"
"Jeno that's not possibl-"
"I said 'if'!! What IF you grew feelings for her when she stops feeling like that? What are you gonna do?"
"Jeno sto-"
"What are you two gonna do now huh? Remove your mark-"
"Jeno, fuck off!." Jaemin barked, his eyes growing dark. Jeno closed his mouth, realising he had spoken too much. He couldn't help it. Not when he knew his friend made a huge mistake. "Sorry," he mumbled, looking down shamefully.
Jaemin sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm going to go to the bathroom. Please don't bring this up again," he muttered, getting up from his spot in the table.
He felt sick to his stomach. He excused himself and passing by the cheerleaders gawking at him on one of the tables. Once he stepped out he saw your lonely figure walking alone in the halls.
He didn't know why he wanted to talk to you at that moment. And he sure didn't know why it made him feel irritated to see Huang Renjun come up and comfort you, eliciting a smile from you with a few words.
"Why don't we ditch school for the rest of the day?"
Jaemin almost let out a laugh. You? Ditching class? The day that happens is the day that pigs fly. You couldn't possibly accept his offer, right? You two do share a class after this, you wouldn't give up any opportunity to spend time with him-
"Alright." you gave in with a chuckle.
Jaemin felt something inside of him ache. He couldn't understand why you would skip class for the rest of the day to spend time with Renjun instead of him. He couldn't understand why you look so happy walking out to the corridors of the school with him by your side.
Jaemin stood in his place, his pupils began to shake as he watched Renjuns embrace tighten around your small form. His hands now balled up into fists as he gripped onto the fabric of his white hoodie. He didn't understand why he felt his blood boil when he saw you two happily in each others company.
More importantly he was too busy pondering a million questions in his head go acknowledge the pain in his chest and the slight burn of his soulmate mark on his left skin beneath the fabric covering it.
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I want to cry this took forever uGh. I love writing this series hehe
Tags: @12am-musings @cherrystay
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neoyeppuda · 7 years
Twinkle - Hoshi scenario
Request: Hoshi and any kind of dancing~  (there’s no more angst btw!!) Word Count: 3769 A/N: I've gone through a lot of ideas for this simply because there were so many ways to make it happen. But I decided on this, and I hope you guys will like it T_T I've put a lot of effort into this and I even chose piano pieces that would be beautiful to listen to when yn and Hoshi dance HAHAHAAH It's really nice so you guys should listen to at least one!! I chose only one piece now!! I hope you guys enjoy this a lot because I think this is now one of my favorites~ I’m really scared about posting this because it’s been a while and my insecurities are killing me but I really really hope people will like this one!! Especially the hoshi anon~ (I also went to sooo much trouble to get the perfect gif and I love the gif) -Clar Btw look out for the links for the music somewhere in the story!!
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Originally posted by soonrongs
He stared at the glittery poster that caught his eye among the many other posters pinned onto the bulletin board. The pretty glitters that came in perfectly blended colors reminded him of how your eyes looked like. He smiles to himself, thinking about how they'd sparkle just like how the glitter did under the cheap fluorescent lights of the hallway. It's been months since he's seen those pretty jewels of yours that you called eyes yet he could still remember how they looked at him as if he was the only thing they could see. He took one last look at the beautiful poster before turning away from it, sighing as he pulls the sling of his bag over his shoulder, making his way through the busy hallways.
"Would you go to prom with me?" He stared at his reflection in the mirror, eyeing the rosy red that painted his cheeks. He watched his mouth stutter and his eyebrows furrowed in frustration everytime he failed to say the words properly. He just couldn't. Not when he imagined you patiently waiting for what he had to say in front of him with that warm smile on your face, your dainty hands clasped together as you swung to and fro, and those bright eyes that made his knees weak when they looked at him. Prom was a week away yet he still couldn't ask you. He was losing hope. Thoughts like "wouldn't she already have a date by now?" and "can I even tell her?" discouraged him to the point where he could barely bother finding a suit to wear for the event. He thought of skipping it several times but seeing you in a beautiful dress was something he couldn't miss for the world. "I can do this," he said to himself everytime he felt like giving up. He said it as he drank his water in the morning before heading to school, he whispered it to himself while the teacher droned on about whatever lesson they were having, and he chanted it three times right before he heads to your classroom to finally ask you to the prom. He walked over to your classroom, which was on the opposite end of the hallway. The boy's heart pounded so hard that he thought it'd jump out of his chest. Not even public speaking could get the boy to feel this nervous. "Hoshi," you greet him with a smile and he was already a mumbling mess. His palms were sweaty as he rubbed his neck nervously. He mumbles your name with a weak smile to cover up the butterflies in his stomach. "So prom," he blurted out accidentally, immediately cursing himself for saying something when he wasn't prepared at all. You giggled, "yeah, prom," looking at him expectantly. Prom was six days away and he hasn't asked you yet. He always asked you. Was he going with someone else? You didn't want that. Should you ask him? Could you even do it? You were as nervous as the boy sitting in front of you. "About prom," you began, making the boy's eyes dart towards you. He looked as if you startled him, with his hand gripping the chair he was on so tightly that his knuckles turned white. "Yeah?" he stutters, eagerly waiting for what you had to say next. As you were fumbling for words to say, your eyes met his sparkling ones that were staring at you with ardent admiration, and you were a blushing idiot. They reminded you of the pretty glitter that was on the posters the student council placed all over the school. "Prom," you mumbled without thinking. He laughs in an attempt to relieve the awkwardness, but he was making it worse, "you've said that twice already." Neither of you were brave enough to say it. "Prom," was the only thing the two of you could say to each other. One more word was too much. Both of you wanted to say something more than that, yet the two of you were talking like that same moment just repeated itself over and over. The bell eventually rang and Hoshi sadly retreated to his classroom for the next half of the day. During class, all you could think of was him. "Will you be my date to the prom?" you muttered those words under your breath over and over, twirling a pencil in your hand as you feigned attention. Why was it so hard to say when it came to him? "Study this, study that," the teacher's words were muffled by the thoughts of you that crowded his mind. All he did was daydream about having you in his arms with your eyes on him and face close to his, slowly dancing to his favorite piano piece. The only thing he had to do to make a reality was to ask you, but why couldn't he? The days passed by with little to no progress. It was frustrating for the both of you to just go on like that. "Why can't things be like this again?" Hoshi groans, looking through old photobooks of you and him attending dances years ago. Why was it so easy before? The last few pages were of the last dance he attended with you. His hand flipped through the pages filled with pictures of a young Hoshi, with a bright red tint on his face and your petite hand in his. It was in middle school, and he was a nervous wreck from minute one. The boy stepped on your feet all night long and you had to take a break from dancing. He could remember how sore your feet were after all that and he offered a terrible but thoughtful massage when he brought you home. You were a giggling mess and he couldn't feel his cheeks anymore by the time he got back to his room. It was the night he realized that you were more than just his best friend. Ever since then he'd be a little more cautious when he would ask you to hangout with him, and a little more careful with his words when he spoke to you. This gradual fear that his feelings would be made known to you restrained him from being the best friend he always was to you without him realizing it. He sighed, shutting the photobook and returning it to the cabinet he got it from. The prom was already tomorrow. He went up to his room and decided to try out the suit he borrowed. The suit fit perfectly, much to his amazement. He liked how it looked on him, despite how it made his face all red. "Not bad," he laughs, nervously adjusting his cuff links. He smiled to himself, childishly daydreaming about you not being able to keep your eyes off him tomorrow night. Hoshi went to bed with a goofy grin on his face and sweet dreams in his head. You fitted your dress for the last time tonight. The glitters sparkled even under the dim lights of your bedroom like they were ice crystals in the winter. You admired them for a brief moment before taking the dress off. Placing it on a hanger, you returned it to your closet with a heavy heart. Prom was tomorrow. Your dress was beautiful. Everything was going to be great. The only thing you needed now was a date you could actually enjoy the prom with, and that was Hoshi. Him, and only him. You went to bed with a small frown, pulling the blanket over you and sighing. You didn't look forward to seeing his date with him. What were you going to do tomorrow? You were running through the halls in your dress and low heels; thirty minutes late. You were so nervous this morning that bringing the dress slipped your mind. It was only when everyone started running around in dresses did you realize you left yours at home. Once your mom arrived with the dress, you wasted no time to put it on and heard straight to the venue which was the school gym. Your heart pounded as you pressed your hand against the door, pushing it to open. A chaperone greeted you and pointed at the dashing man in the black suit who was right beside the chair you were told to sit on. Hoshi was the first one at the table, mindlessly twirling his dessert fork as he waited for everyone else to occupy the rest of the seats. His heart was beating like crazy as he heard people open and close the door. The sound of shoes and heels hitting the floor resounded throughout the empty room until it was drowned out by the music. Loud party music blasted through the speakers that surrounding the venue and the boy felt a bit disappointed. Of course, he enjoyed the music, it was a favorite song of his. It was just because he wanted to dance something slow with you, like how he used to. He loved dancing to slow songs because your face would be so close to his and he had an excuse to get lost in those starry eyes of yours. He sighed, slumping in his seat as he continued to look around the place. You weren't there. "Has anyone seen (y/n)?" one of your friends asked. Everyone at the table shook their heads seconds before the man whose seat faced the entrance pointed towards the doors that were opening. The mention of your name made the boy jump. The only seat left was next to him. "(Y/n)!" you friends chimed as you approached them and took your seat. Hoshi stiffened, keeping his elbows stuck to his sides in an awkward manner. He gave you silence so you did the same, chatting with everyone else at the table. It was ironic, really. You ignored the only person you really wanted to talk to. Hoshi was the same, and his eyes would find themselves drifting towards you every now and then. Everyone else saw Hoshi's sneaky eyes and the small movements you made to 'accidentally' brush your hand against his, and they knew what to do. Once people started hitting the dance floor, they all stood up with their dates and left to join the other couples dancing. "Hoshi," you felt him jump in his seat, "where's your date?" A teasing smirk on your friend's face as her eyes were on you. The boy beside you nervously laughs, shaking his head and waving his hand. "I don't have one," he says. She winked at you before she spun on her heel and left you two alone. Hoshi's words triggered numerous question inside your nosy and overthinking head. "I don't have one," he said, and you couldn't forget that. Why didn't he have one? You stole a glance of him, trying to find out what was going through his mind at that very moment. He had a frown on his face, a very serious expression as he slumped in his seat. A big sigh left his lips, and his suddenly turned to you. "Hey," he says right when you look away. You return his 'hey' in a small voice. You heard him force a laugh, a habit of his when he gets nervous, and it made your heart race. What could he be nervous about? "No date?" he began probing. You told him you didn't and he face was a light shade of pink. His tense face softened into a small smile as the silence returned. You decided to tease him, asking the boy again if he himself had a date. "No," he seemed eager to deny it, almost screaming his 'no' out loud. "I," he hesitated, "was going to ask someone." Hoshi mumbles the words, half hoping you didn't hear it. What he said sort of struck you, he sounded so embarrassed saying it to you that you got butterflies. You were starting to hope that he meant to ask you. "It's not too late to ask," you say in the calmest voice you could possibly feign, turning to catch him from the side, staring at the bright lights and dancing couples with wide and mesmerized eyes as if he wanted to join. You found yourself admiring that look in his eyes before he suddenly turned to you, making you immediately look the other way instinctively. You wondered what kind of look he had when he looked at you. Did he look at you the same way? You found yourself wanting to understand his feelings for you. More and more, you wished that he returned your feelings. He called your name and you held your breath, still looking away from him. This was probably the scariest moment in his life as he tried to force out the words he had to say. He looked at you and he couldn't take it. He ran from you like a coward. "Excuse me," Hoshi whispers in a shaky voice, standing up to leave the table. You sat there, confused and disappointed. It wasn't you, was it? Why did he call your name? Maybe it was the way he blushed and avoided your gaze that made you feel like you were what made his heart uneasy, or the fact that he's been trying to say something about prom the past few days that you built your hopes high up from the ground, only to shatter and crumble it back down to the dirt. Maybe it was just because you loved him and you wanted him to love you too. You couldn't hold the tears back. Hoshi dashes to the bathroom, ambling to one of the mirrors. He felt dizzy, the whole world was spinning like crazy. With his two hands flat on the counter, he uses the structure as a support. Short pants left his lips as his fears clouded his mind. I'm scared. I'm terrified. I can't say it. As much as he wanted to it was scary. He desperately searched for things that put him at ease, running his fingers through the short black hair that framed his forehead. "Calm down, calm down," he mutters in a frustrated manner. Hoshi looked for reasons, reassurances, so he could be at ease. He didn't want to risk doing anything knowing that he could lose you. If you knew he loved you, what would you do? "It's not too late to ask," your words rang in his head, which led to more questions. Did you want him to ask you? He didn't know what to do at all. Subtle hints that you've been seemingly dropping felt like traps that he was scared to step on. Hoshi closes his eyes and thinks everything over, slowly and carefully reassuring himself with "I can do this," he says to himself, faking this facade of confidence that made him slowly forget that he was nervous. He saw you still sitting at the table, and reassures himself again that things will go well. "Hey Jihoon," he smiles, greeting the dj that stood atop a platform, "can you do me a favor?" Hoshi fishes for the phone in his pocket, handing it to his friend with a nervous laugh. Jihoon nods, a bit concerned about the trembling hands of the boy that gave him the phone along with a few instructions about what to do with it. He sighs, watching Hoshi's back as he jogged over to where you were. Hoshi could hear his heart beating so fast as your name left his lips. You didn't turn around, staying where you were hoping he wouldn't see the tears that couldn't stop falling down. His hand was warm against your cold and bare shoulder. "(Y/n)," he says softly. You felt his hand trembling and immediately turned around. What was he so scared of? Your eyes met for the first time tonight. His heart skipped a beat as your parted lips pressed into a small forced smile upon eye contact. He stared into your eyes, jaw dropping while you nervously tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. He wanted to say something but the words wouldn't form in his head. They were just so beautiful that the boy couldn't look away. Hoshi saw the twinkle that rolled down your cheeks like shooting stars. He was stunned, not knowing whether he was the reason why. His gaze on you was heavy. You wanted him to look away as tears continued to fall down your cheeks. The light makeup on your face slowly became a mess so you had no choice but to grab a napkin it wipe it all away. He still had his eyes on you and you turned to cover your face. "Don't," he stops you. His warm hand gently held your wrist to stop your hand. You looked at him, surprised and he matched the expression on your face before it melted into a frown. "Don't cry," he whispers with his eyes never looking away from yours. Hoshi took slow steps forward, eyes locked onto you without a hint of whatever hesitation he had before. "Your eyes sparkle like the stars in the sky," he grins, "did you know that?" His grin grew wider as his words got cheesier.  The things he always wanted to say came out of him so naturally, "would you," he says with a smile from ear to ear, chuckling happily before he continues, "be my date to the prom?" Your cheeks tingled as you anticipated the words that left his curved lips. Not being able to reply properly, you nodded eagerly at first. "Yes," you repeat it a few times, giggling in between each 'yes'. He took your hand in his. You could tell how nervous he was from his shaky touch, but the confident smile on his face said otherwise. His hand trembled against yours as he led you to the dance floor. The lights were dim but you were so close to him that you saw the bright shades of passionate red coloring his soft cheeks. Hoshi intertwined his fingers with yours and placed a hand on your hip. The boy was so nervous he couldn't look at you properly. You two began slow dancing to the music before it suddenly came to a stop and a screech came from one of the microphones. "Is this thing on?" you heard Jihoon's voice from the center of the platform and everyone turned their attention to him, confused. "This is for the biggest nervous wreck out there and the prettiest girl tonight," your eyes met Jihoon's on stage and he smiles at the both of you. You turn to Hoshi with wide eyes, raising an eyebrow in confusion. He stifles a small laugh, avoiding eye contact, "I only gave him my phone." You didn't understand what he meant until after Jihoon began playing. music Jihoon grabbed the microphone and its stand, carrying it over to the grand piano at the back. The cover comes off and Jihoon's delicate fingertips glide across the smooth ivory keys. You felt chills run up and down your spine as he played the first piano piece you and Hoshi ever danced to. You turned to him with shiny eyes, and his hand left your waist to brush his thumb over your cheek. "You remember?" a surprised smile spreads across his face as he locked his fingers with yours. You look into his warm orbs and replied in a choked voice, "of course I do." "Even the dance?" he asked, taking a step forward with his left. You step backwards with your right, laughing at his silly question, "how can I not?" Hoshi seemed pleased, with the big goofy smile back on his face as he pressed his palm flat against yours, humming along to the piano piece Jihoon played so well. You noticed how glued he was to your eyes, never ever looking away from them. It made you feel conscious about yourself, avoiding eye contact every now and then. He chuckles every time you did, telling you to keep your eyes on him. "Are my eyes that pretty?" you joked, expecting that adorable rosy red blush across his face anytime now. But you were the one blushing once you heard his immediate reply, "yes." You looked away, trying to supress a smile. He found it cute, just watching you get as flustered and nervous as he was made him feel sort of relieved. His chest felt tight as his emotions overwhelmed him while he continued to admire you. You had to know how he felt. He needed you to know. Because when he looked into your eyes, they told him you felt the same way. He didn't know what to say but he wanted to tell you. "There's just this emotion in your pretty eyes," he says, not knowing why he said it. You turned to him, slightly confused and he continued, "that twinkles whenever you look at me. It always catches my eye, like it's trying to tell me something." He tucks hair behind your ear and moves closer, "but I can't put my finger on it." His hot breath tickled your nose when he let out a small laugh. You hesitated, as your chest ached, wanting to tell him how you felt after so many years. It felt like the right moment now and you needed him to know before it was too late. You've been waiting for so long. "I love you," you say in a soft voice. His eyes widened and tears brimmed over them, "I didn't know that was possible." He laughed again, with a smile that showed off his sparkling teeth. You felt like bricks were lifted off your shoulders when he smiled at your confession like that. Tears started to form in your eyes and you bit your lip, trying to stop them as he tells you he loved you too. He then tells you how scared he was, and everything he tried to do to tell you what he wanted to say. "I don't know how you told me you loved me so easily," he sighs, "I couldn't even say it until you did." You gave him a warm, crooked smile. "It's simple," you carressed his cheek, pulling him closer and closer until your foreheads met. "While you were telling me my eyes twinkled like that," he smiles, closing the distance between your lips right after the words left your mouth. "I noticed your eyes twinkled in the exact same way."
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