#that seeing someone miss the mark so badly just made me really sad tbh
twinjentasy · 10 months
I’ve seen an old post today about whether or not it was Fre3zers fault that Coolpunk is dead. And by Fre3zer I mean the original one, not the hired performer. How he was supposedly a sellout himself and ignored the hypocrisy of his actions, yada yada
I’ve been thinking about this the whole day and well. We don’t know much about Rays life, his financial status and whatnot. I don’t think it was bad or immoral or hypocritical of him to want to monetise his music and to sign a record deal. An anticapitalist still should be able to get compensated for their labour. And if he wanted to potentially live off his music there just wasn’t another option back in the day. We are witnessing the dawn of streaming during the events of the game. Signing might have seemed like only viable option for Ray to keep developing as an artist. That’s why Capitalism killed Coolpunk, if not for the economic forces at play there wouldn’t have even been a need to “sell out”. An artist taking part in the system they criticise doesn’t make them a hypocrite, especially for a lack of options. And even before that the message was lost, because capitalism tends to absorb criticism of it into itself, the movement gets lost in aesthetics and irony. From Fre3zers perspective I sort of understand seeing Coolpunk as almost dead in the womb and yet I don’t fault for him for trying to make best of the bad situation.
However after his experience with Esotonic it’s completely understandable why’d he want to distance himself as much as possible from making music commercially. He felt like his identity was striped from his art and there was no purpose behind it. He made something beloved and then got to see a puppet of his own creation take credit for it. He got to see his already dying vision change into something irrecognizable. And that’s even before Coolfest. Yeesh.
So no, I don’t think Fre3zer killed Coolpunk. I think Coolpunk was already dying and Ray was first to see it and has decided to turn its death into a positive. To see him moving on as him inadvertently killing the genre he created is in my opinion a very uncharitable reading of his character and the narrative itself
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
OK I HAVE ANOTHER IDEA FOR CAT SHIGARAKI , what if cat shigaraki can actually turn into a cat 🐈 likr a full on cat, one day u where coming back from work and sensed someone was following u, but every time u would check u would find nothing not until the 5th time u turn around u see a little tail wiggling, u try to hide ur giggles and pretend u didn’t see him, shigaraki wasn’t sure why he was so interested in u since he basically hated everyone but something about u was so soft and sweet, shigaraki of course never trusts anyone after what happened to him ( poor baby was abused), after that little incident he started following u home every day, u of course didn’t mind but u really wanted to get a closer look ( u always had food outside wanting for him), on one rainy night shigaraki couldn’t find a place, he was scared,cold and hungry so he ends up scratching and meowing on ur door, u open the door and find this adorable yet really skinny cat and not to mention he was shaking ( one of his ears has a little cut) he looked like he was about to faint so u immediately picked him up and dried him off and fad him, he was exhausted so he passed out, until he woke up he never had anyone caring for him like that, u were really worried for him that really made him feel something he wasn’t so sure of but he knew he wanted ti stay , so this is the day u decided to take this random ass cat in that u had no idea if it was a male or female every time u wanted to check he would hiss ( he was really shy and thought u were pervert) at u so u gave up and picked a random name he didn’t like any but oh well, at first shigaraki was a bit grumpy and a bit shy but he eventually warmed up to u, until one day u we’re on the couch watching tv, shigaraki sees u and goes to cuddle with u ( he was feeling a bit really touched starved) u surprised to say the least, u took a little nap with him until u woke up and Felt something heavy on u, u look down to find a dude cuddling up on ur chest, u pushed him off and started panicking, he did have the cat ears and tail but no way is that ur pet, shigaraki woke annoyed until he remembered he was in his human form, u we’re asking so may questions all he wanted to do is cuddle with u for god sake, he explained everything to u and told u his name , u didn’t mind tbh u had to admit he was kind of cute in his human form, plus it’s not like u haven’t heard if hybrids before u know a lot of people have them so why not have one too , it’s been a almost a year since that day and u never regretted having shigaraki he was absolutely precious.
Someone I Can Trust
Cat shiggy supremacy
Commission me
Tw: mildly implied SA (not to the reader) just fluffy idk
Your neighborhood might not have been in the nicest area, and you might be just a little paranoid, but you've never felt like this before. You could practically feel the eyes on your back. You checked behind you every so often but never saw anyone and assumed you were just more anxious than normal.
However, you were being followed by someone who could kill you with just one touch. Even though he'd learned to control his quirk, Tomura Shigaraki had little regard for human life. He hated almost everyone but took an interest in you.
It wasn't that he liked you. He was just curious, like a hunter hunting new prey or a scientist watching a new specimen. It didn't matter that the smell of your sweet perfume had drawn him in, and the way you were just so unbearably cute had kept him very interested.
He had followed you for four whole blocks; he got worried when you started heading towards this part of town. Tomura followed you, ready to attack anyone who tried to hurt you. He had concluded that you were the only tolerable person to exist on this stupid dying planet.
It got tricky when he followed you into an alley. There wasn't really anywhere to hide. He stepped on a twig and darted behind a trash can, praying that you didn't see him. Unfortunately you did see him. Well, part of him.
When you checked behind you again, a cute little tail was sticking out from behind an overflowing garbage can. You bit your lip as you smiled, pretending that you didn't see the kitty’s tail. To be fair, you didn't know if it was a girl or a boy, but you had gone with a random hunch you had.
When you reached your apartment, you took one final look around but assumed the little kitty had disappeared. Tomura wanted so badly to race right past you into your house and refuse to leave, but he didn't know who you were or what you'd do to a random uninvited cat. He just couldn't trust you. He wished he could.
The next time he walked by your house, he noticed some cat food sitting out. Did you have another cat? Who cares? He was hungry, so he walked up and ate most of the food. Maybe you could be a consistent source of food. When he heard your door unlock from the new box he'd taken residence in, he followed you to work and then back to your apartment. This went on for a good week and a half.
One day it began to rain. And then it started to pour. The box Tomura had taken shelter in was damp, and rain came right through it. He wanted to cry, he had nowhere to go, and he was cold. So so cold. He tried to hide anywhere he could but was chased out by other cats. He ran back to your apartment and desperately clawed and meowed at your door.
Inside, you heard him despite the heavy rain. If you‘d had the TV going, you wouldn't have heard his sad meows, but thankfully, you did. You open the door to see the cat that follows you home. He's skinny and has patches of fur missing, nearly bald, and his ear is cit. He's shivering and looks like he's about to faint.
You immediately scoop him up and hold him to your chest hoping to warm him up while you get a fresh towel out of the dryer. It's still warm and you wrap him up in it.
“Oh, poor kitty, you must be so hungry,” you say, picking him up while he's snuv in the warm towel.
He mewls quietly, agreeing with you. The food you'd been leaving out was always eaten by other cats when he got there.
“Come on, sweetie, it's gonna be okay,” you reassure.
He lets you carry him to the kitchen, where you open some cat food for him. He lets you feed him. He feels too weak to stand on his own legs. When the can of food is gone, his eyelids droop, and he nearly falls asleep in your arms. When you put him down, he cries for you to stay with him.
He's never felt this way before. Tomura isn't sure if he can trust you or not, but he needs you. He has to try and trust you.
“Aww, you want me to stay with you,” you're already gushing over the cute cat, “of course, sweetie,”
You scoop him into your arms and undo the towel a bit so he's not constricted. You fall asleep with him in your arms. When he wakes up, he sees you scrolling through your phone; he peeks at it and sees you're looking at missing pet reports.
His heart sinks. His old owner may not have cared about him but the thought of them putting up a report made him shake. You feel him stir and see how scared he looks.
“Hey, hey, it's okay,” you say, noticing him staring at the screen, “you can stay with me,”
He mewls in agreement and wriggles out of your arms.
“Hold on buddy,” you say picking him up.
When he notices where you're trying to look, he hisses at you and squirms until you put him down. If he'd have known you were such a pervert, he would have stayed out in the rain. The way you scratch behind his ears makes him forget all about how weird you were, and he purrs loudly.
“What should we name you?” you wonder out loud, you look at his light blue fur and decide on a name, “how about snowball,”
Tomura pretty much hates the name you chose for him, but oh well. He hops off the bed and decides to poke around the house. You follow him around and make sure he doesn't try to eat anything he shouldn't. Something in his little kitty brain lights up when he sees a room with a bunch of boxes. He doesn't know why he's so compelled to jump in them, but when he does, he's elated.
He hops in and out of them, looking at you for approval whenever he jumps, particularly high. You always reward him with clapping and words of praise. When he's finished playing on what he's deemed as the box room, he heads to the living room, rubbing his face all over your furniture to mark it as his territory.
He does the same with the rest of your house as well as you. He's having a good time until you pick him up and try to peek where you're not supposed to again. He hisses at you and is grumpy for the rest of the day, hiding under the couch, climbing into the cupboards, and causing havoc throughout your home.
When you yank him down from the highest shelf of the laundry room, he frowns at you (as much as a cat can) and stalks away to sleep on the couch. You're honestly not worried about his grumpiness. It just means he's getting his strength back and standing up for himself.
You do have to admit that you miss the way he had curled up in your arms last night. You love living with your kitty, and he still follows you to work time and time again. Over time he became for comfortable and a bit nicer (no more random biting) until he was comfortable enough to nap at the end of your bed.
The next time it rained, tomura was terrified. You were watching TV on the couch, and he jumped onto your chest. He needed you to cuddle him while it rained, so he didn't feel scared anymore. You were happy and also a bit surprised. Of course, you didn't complain while he purred as you held him.
His purring lulled you to sleep, and he got so comfortable he accidentally switched back into his hybrid form. Tomura wasn't born a cat, but hybrids on the streets are treated so cruelly that he decided he was safer im his cat form. When you woke up to a heavy weight on your chest, you jumped, causing Tomura to wake up.
When you look down and see a random guy lying on you, you immediately push him to the floor, trying not to look too far down since he was naked (cats don't wear clothes. You can't blame him). The thing that scared you the most was that you couldn't find your cat.
“Who are you!” you shrieked, looking down at the man.
You noticed he had the same ears and tail as “snowball,” but there's no way he was your pet Tomuras is a bit disgruntled from being woken up from his nap but kind of understands your distress.
“Who do you think?” he says, “I’m your cat, just a hybrid,”
You stare at him in shock, of course you knew about hybrids but he still scared you.
“My names Tomura,” he says, “so you can stop calling me snowball,”
“Why didn't you tell me?” you ask, confused, “I still would've taken you in,”
“Well I didn't know that,” he snapped.
Tomura was much moodier in his hybrid form because he had a better memory. He was able to remember all the abuse he endured and how badly he was treated. He didn't want to go through that again, but when you scratched behind his ears, he couldn't keep himself from purring.
“Let’s get you some clothes,” you say, guiding him to your room.
You had some spare clothes your brother had forgotten when he moved out. Tomura put them on eagerly, not wanting you to look too far down. Having fresh, clean clothes on was a new experience to him; his old master never gave him any, and he cringed at the thought, beginning to panic a bit.
You noticed the change in his breathing and wrapped your arms around him. That same sweet smell of your perfume that had drawn him in reached his nose, and he began to breathe slowly, taking in it all in.
“It’s okay,” you say softly, “it’s okay now you're safe,”
He nods, getting choked up at the thought of you caring about him. Over time your friendship strengthens, and even some romance blooms. You love spending the night snuggling with him and kissing him. Tomuras the best thing to ever happen to you and your the best to him.
He's finally found someone he can trust.
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glitxhwayventeen · 2 years
Heart Like Yours
Joshua: Chapter 5 (Stay With Me- Part 2)
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Characters: Joshua x female reader
General Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, angst central, water, obsession implications, murder mentions, mental illness, mob violence mentions, pain (mental mostly tbh) mentions, death mentions, made up universe, Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: Okay my friends, here she is. She’s a bit of a mess and doesn’t necessarily make a lot of sense, but she’s up. I’ve had a REALLY bad week but i figured everyone could use a bit of a distraction from their mundane lives. I also sit this chapter in two and decided to add a chapter because i couldn’t concentrate enough to put it all in one super long chapter so🤷🏻‍♀️ Let me know what you guys think
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold- Dialogue Italics- Thoughts Green- Creature Speaking
Tag List- @studioreader @imtotallydef
Heart Like Yours Masterlist
You found yourself surrounded by trees and Wilderness. You weren’t sure how far you had gone from the pack, but you didn’t think it was far enough to lead you so astray. You just wanted some much needed space from Joshua. You had felt like you were suffocating with him being around you. Yet you also had never felt so alone. He hurt you. Badly. You just wanted some space. You should’ve known better.
Because now you couldn’t recognize any familiar trees you knew you should’ve passed on your way up the mountain. Nothing smelt very familiar either. In fact it all smelt rather… sulfur or death like to you, which you found strange considering you were in the woods and not some Wiccan shop surrounded by vials and potion ingredients.
You had smelt plenty of weird shit in your long existence, yet you had never smelt the essence you now smelt roaming freely in the air. It was eye watering and yet so… intoxicating.
Usually, the forest was very welcoming towards you and you quite liked being outside. Normally, it felt like a second home to you and it was very warm and inviting. But something about the atmosphere around you just felt so very off. You couldn’t really explain it, it was more of a feeling or a pit you got in the middle of your stomach.
You felt so calm but still so lost. Everything was getting colder and damper and a rather mysterious fog began to emerge itself from the hallowed ground in the distance.
You also noticed that there weren’t any sprites around. Given that again, you were basically in the middle of everything that was supposed to be good and natural and would normally be considered their home, you found it rather peculiar that they weren’t there to greet you like they usually were...
But you figured it was best to just shove your worries aside before you found yourself running back to the man you were doing your best not to break down in front of.
You missed Joshua. You wished you could’ve just ran into his arms and bawled your eyes out instead of running away into the deep dark scary tree line. Seeing him just hurt. Him not wanting to mark you hurt worse than watching the people you grew up with get slaughtered in front of you.
Because for once you were supposed to have someone that would love you unconditionally and for wolves, marking their mates was the binding step, the final step. The step to show you that he would spend every second until his last dying breath loving you with everything he had.
Except that for some reason, he didn’t want to mark you.
You sighed deeply and looked to the twigs under your feet and realized that they made an odd hollowed sound you couldn’t quite place. Suddenly, you could hear a melody you hadn’t heard before.
‘Come to us so we can convey’
It came so softly, you almost weren’t sure it was real.
‘Sad you came yet glad you’ll stay’
Yet it was so reeling, you couldn’t help but follow it to it’s origin.
‘We can make your pain go away’
Little did you know, the origin would end up hurting you more than the man that was supposed to love you.
“Don’t worry Shua hyung, I’m sure she’ll be back soon. She just needed to cool off.” Seokmin did his best to comfort his older brother.
“Yeah Hyung, I’m sure she’s alright. Just because we haven’t found her, doesn’t mean something’s happened to her.” Channie did his best to coax a small smile from him, but only received a rigid frown of concern in return.
Joshua hung his head down in his hands. His attempt at explaining to you why he didn’t want to mark you had failed. You running off was a clear sign of that. And now they had looked everywhere for you and couldn’t find you. It was getting dark and Joshua was getting worried. Hyunwoo was getting fussy and the boys were getting tired. You were still relatively new to the area and didn’t know much about where you were. You didn’t know about the dangers around you. He did. That’s why he was so worried for you.
They could still somewhat smell your trail, but just when they thought they had found you, your scent would leap to the other side of the mountain, almost as if your essence itself was toying with them.
Joshua could still feel you and the pull was still near them, but both were growing fainter by the second. He just had a feeling that something bad was happening to you. He couldn’t just sit idly by and let it happen. He had to do something. He couldn’t let anything happen to you. He couldn’t let his nightmare become a reality.
So he bolted up from his earlier sitting position and focused his thoughts solely on you, causing the pack to all turn to him in curiosity.
He tried to remember your voice and how much he loved to hear you hum a song from your childhood whilst you did some random chore that needed to be done. He tried to think about that lovely homey smell you gave off and how he’d do anything to be able to pull you in for a loving hug.
But mostly, he thought about the visions he had seen over the past few days of you dying and how much they terrified him, and he began hoping, rather praying, to be able to pick something of yours up that would lead them to you.
After several long seconds, his heart had seemed to find you as it picked up its speed and started thumping loudly, almost as if it was trying to leap out of his chest. He found you. And something was wrong. Very very wrong.
“She’s this way!”
The nap time lulls seemed to lead you to a relatively large lake. But you were positive it wasn’t the lake the boys had meant to take you to earlier. This one seemed much farther from the destined one that was spoken about to you before.
‘Safe with us you always are’
It had such beautiful glistening stones around it that seemed to shimmer brighter and brighter with every step closer you took.
‘Don’t worry dear’
The water looked as if it was a crisp shiney blue that almost resembled your human eye color. It was so surreal.
‘You’ve not strayed too far’
The fog had started to fall back to lay just at the end of the furthest area from your current spot on the opposite end of the small body of water.
The closer you got, the more you realized that the fairytale music sounded almost like an actual person was singing. But what human would be this far out? Who could possibly have that pretty of a voice?
‘We’re here for you’
It was a voice so clear and so angelic that it made you never want to shy away from it. A voice so sweet that you swore it could kick start world peace. It was a voice dipped in honey and thrown out to shine amongst the stars.
‘We are your friend’
You decided you wanted to get closer to it. You had to get closer to it.
Just a dip in wouldn’t hurt right? Just your feet? How bad could it really be? Waters clean. Waters safe. Waters healing.
At least- that’s what the song kept telling you…
‘We’re here for you till the very end’
“Shua hyung, how do you even know she’s out over here. You said it yourself, you were having trouble feeling her pull. Maybe it’s the lake fucking with you like it likes to do with some people.” Wonwoo suggested, doing his best to keep up with his brothers and their insanely frantic speeds.
“I just know okay! You guys can bitch and groan all you want but I’m bringing her home even if it kills me!” Josh snarled at the younger wolf, causing his features to retreat a bit even through their fast pace.
“Joshuji we get that you’re worried. But have you ever thought that maybe she just doesn’t want to be found or needs some space? I mean the heart feeling thing could’ve just meant she tripped over a rock. You don’t know.” Hannie tried to reason with his brother to no avail.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help his brother, he did. He just wasn’t sure it was a good idea for him to be all but smothering you when you were as upset with him as you were. Jeonghan had already had Mingyu and Seokming home. Poor Hyunwoo was upset his plan to get you and Shua back together had failed and he was also getting tired.
He figured it was best that one of the stronger boys took him back to the house to watch and protect him, Seokming went along because he wasn’t wanting to infuriate you. It all was for the best though, he wouldn’t be too good in a fight, he was more of a lover than a fighter. Thanks to them, Jeonghan could stay out with his love crazed brother all day.
Joshua stopped dead in his tracks to turn around and face his pack, causing a pile up of mean to hit his chest and fall to the floor, “No you guys don’t know! You don’t know what’s out there! And you don’t know how this feels! None of you do! She’s my mate. MY MATE! I know what I’m feeling is trouble. She needs me so I’m going to save her no matter what! She can hate me all she wants when she’s safe! No either shut up and follow me or go home because no one is stopping me! No one!”
The long winded dialogue sent Joshua’s chest to huff and puff and his nostrils to flare in order to regain some much needed air.
His pack just stared at him doe eyed. They’d never seen him so upset. They’d never seen him so determined or mad before. He had a glint behind his eyes that told them immediately, he would more than likely snap anyone who tired to stop Him’s neck without a second thought. He meant business.
With that, he turned back around and started his trot to you again, more determined than ever to get to you than ever.
As your delicate feet touched the water, a ripple began to wave throughout the pond starting from what seemed like the dead center of it. Out of instinct, you quickly pulled your foot back to land and got into a defensive stance, ready to protect yourself from any and all oncoming danger.
And sure enough, right before your very eyes a vibrant white, almost ghostly, figure with webbed features emerged from the water sitting on a rather large rock.
‘Hello there,’ the creature calmly spoke to you in the same mellifluous voice you had heard only moments ago.
You could feel your heart rate begin to race as the strange creature began looking at you with a tilted head, ‘Why have you withdrawn from our dwelling my darling?’
“O-Our dw- dwelling?” You gulped just loud enough for the serpent to hear you.
And almost as if on command, multiple other fish like beings began to pop themselves out through the waters surface to join the main one you had been communicating with on its rock.
‘Yes dear. We’re a family here. One must trust those who help them heal their own heart now yes?’ The seemingly angelic being now lulled to you as it started to put its body back into the water, causing your inner wolf to raise the hair on your neck.
The creature began to make its merry way to where you were on the land, causing you to flinch.
“S-stay back,” you stuttered as you slowly replaced back while never turning your body away from the creatures that be.
“I- I’m w-warning you. Stay- stay away from me!” You tried your best to sound stern, but something about them made you want to quiver back and curl into a ball.
It was truly the strangest thing…
‘Now now brave girl. No need to be frightened. No one will hurt you here,’ it spoke again, this time causing a rather painful strike of ache to hit your heart at its words.
No one will hurt you here. All anyone does is hurt others. It’s all a lie. Just a crushingly cruel lie.
“Leave me a-alone! Whatever you are, you’re not something I want to be around! I want to be left alone!” You attempted to sound more confident in a way that even had you yourself believing your words. But it was all just another lie.
“Just leave me be!”
‘Oh dear, you poor thing.’ The monster with a sugary sweet voice cooed as it waded its way to meet you on land, ‘Someone’s hurt you and broke your trust before, haven’t they?’
You looked down at your feet in shame for a moment, only for one moment, but it seemed it was enough to give the beast its answer.
‘I see. We’re sorry to hear that darling,’ the creature spoke in a sympathetically tone, ‘Did you love him? He must have really had you caring for him for a strong creature such as yourself to be so wounded.’
The bluntness of the kind beings question seemed to force an answer out of your mouth before it could communicate what was happening properly to your brain, “Y-Yes. I did. I still… I still do. He’s my soulmate.”
You had tried to stop yourself from responding, you really really did. But something about the floatatious creature made you want to tell the truth. It made you feel almost… safe.
‘It must have hurt you greatly when he did whatever it was to lose your faith in him my dear,’ It batted its almost tentacle eyelashes at you.
“It did.”
Some part of you knew you should be running around. Or attacking the mythical being. Or both. But you just could bring yourself to. It made you feel warm inside to talk to it. It was so soothing and caring, it’s voice made you feel as though you were wrapped safely in a blanket of trust.
‘It’s terrible when the ones who are supposed to love us break us isn’t it?’ It reasoned, seeking to somehow aid your tired heart.
You nodded your heart wearily, still subconsciously trying to make sense of it all.
‘Was it your first love?’
Your heart sank into your stomach, “He was supposed to be my only love…”
You felt defeated. Like all the life and love that had once existed within had been sucked out and you had no way of getting it back. You felt hopeless. You felt numb. You felt cold.
The creature waded itself closer, almost concreting itself right in front of you before it spoke again with sorrow lacing just voice, ‘That must’ve been a bitter betrayal dear. We can feel your pain. We can feel how cracked your sweet heart truly is. You’re hurting greatly.’
All you could manage to do was stare at its legend like eyes in awe as you took in it’s luring voice, “What would you say if we could make it all go away for you? If we could take away the pain and replace it with happiness?’
It reached its hand out to you, signaling that if you were to take it, it would help you. Something about it made it’s words believable. Something about it made it seem like it actually cared about you. Like it could actually take away your torn heart and repair it…
So you began to reach your hand out back to it, wanting more than anything for all your heartache to disappear. But just as you touched it’s watery warm hand, you heard a voice that made you run away in the first place.
“(Y/N)! Stop!”
Right when you turned your head to see Joshua and part of the pack pop their forms out of the woods, and before you could think to even respond to him, you felt yourself being dragged under the water.
(Updated 1/28)
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 11
1001. What has caused you to reinvent yourself or reevaluate who you are? tbh i don’t do that very often. i just go with the flow. 1002. Name three annoying bands: idk. 1003. Have you ever been to a foam party (a big dance floor full of soap foam that people dance in at a club)? If yes did you get into the foam? hell no. i don’t think i’d ever go. 1004. Who do you take for granted? Who makes you feel taken for granted? sometimes my boyfriend. vice versa. 1005. Short, knee, or ankle skirts? depends what the style is.
1006. Do you wear a hat? nope. 1007. Did you watch Sifl and Ollie on MTV? How about Liquid Television? The Maxx? no to all. 1008. What do you like that is NOT part of pop culture? idk everything i like is basically pop culture sad to say. 1009. What music makes you feel: Sexy? old school rnb. Passionate? slow jams. Violent? punk rock. Romantic? slow jams. Sad? slow jams. Happy/joyous? a lot of different genres. Ecstasy? trance lol. 1010. Who's your favorite cartoon character? aladdin and jasmine. 1011. Does break dancing impress you? yeah it would. 1012. Are you a smooth operator? nope. 1013. Would you rather be a police officer or a criminal? cop. 1014. Do you believe that government decisions should be made based more on economics or more on social reform? errr idk. 1015. Why do 'they' spend money to sterilize needles that are going to be used to give lethal injections? i didn’t know that... plus this survey is super old lol. 1016. This summer have you Been to the beach? yes. been to the movies? yes. Played mini golf? i did this in winter. Gone for a walk? yes. 1017. Would you rather lay in bed all night talking or have sex all night long? having sex all night would hurt tbh hahah. so talk i guess. 1018. Have you ever eaten tofu? yes. 1019. Who needs a brain? everyone. 1020. Who needs a heart? everyone. 1021. Does the moon have an affect on your mood? not really. 1022. Do you feel pressure on Friday and Saturday to have fun, go out and party? i did at one stage but now i just dgaf. 1023. Many people will say that the Harry Potter books are pure fluff with no literary value. Do you agree? disagree. i love that series. 1024. Is Harry Potter comparable to The Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings? haven’t read those. 1025. What are you doing next Wednesday? working. 1026. Why do so many people think Elvis is still alive? conspiracies. 1027. What couldn't you live your life without? love. 1028. Are your hands cold? no. 1029. Is your heart warm? no. 1030. Palm trees or snow storms? palm trees of course. 1031. What bands would be great if only the singing was edited out? idk. 1032. What fantasy book would you like to see made into a movie? the regulars. 1033. Do you avoid risks and if possible stay at home? sometimes. but that’s so boring. 1034. What SCI-fi books do you read? none right now. 1035. Would you be on that who wants to marry a millionaire show as a contestant? probably not. i’d study a lot of general knowledge first. 1036. Who's the best secret keeper you know? hah idk. 1037. What is your favorite myth? idk. 1038. Is it easier to live when you're evil? sure, no remorse. 1039. Have you ever belonged to a sorority or a fraternity? nope. 1040. Would you want to join one? no. 1041. If your friend were doing dangerous drugs would you tell their parents? haha no. unless it was becoming a real problem and they won’t accept help from me. 1042. Would you rather be a unicorn, mermaid/man, or a sorceress/er? mermaid. 1043. Are leather pants sexy? On you? no. 1044. Did you tell someone you love him or her today? yes. 1045. Have you ever given blood? no. 1046. Have you ever been thrown out of someplace? no. 1047. What do you daydream about? life. 1048. Are you a miracle? not really. 1049. If America is one nation under god then are atheists citizens? sure. 1050. Should they be? yes. 1051. If you could pick any rock star to replace the Ozbournes in their reality show, whom would you pick? don’t care. 1052. What are your feelings about Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of Christ? i’ve only seen it once and tbh i forgot it completely. 1053. What did you think about the last episode of Sex in the City? ugh, is it bad i don’t remember that either? 1054. What is your favorite movie with Adam Sandler in it? billy madison. 1055. What is your biggest problem? my motivation. 1056. Have you ever been arrested? no. 1057. Can musicians be held responsible for influencing people to behave badly? not really. unless their lyrics are really enforcing it. 1058. Do you believe that there are subliminal messages embedded in some TV shows, movies & music? probably. 1059. Is there anything that you believe should be banned for any reason? abuse. but how would you even monitor that. 1060. How often do you eat too much? hmm probably whenever i go to restaurants. 1061. Have you ever descended into pure madness? nope. 1062. Would you want to? no. 1063. Do green m&m's make you feel sexy? no. 1064. If you died tomorrow, what mark would you have left on the world? hopefully making the people around me happy. 1065. What movie would you NEVER want to see? there’s plenty. 1066. What annoys you the most about yourself? i’m too lazy. 1067. How do you feel about capitalism? nothing. 1068. How do you feel about socialism? my brain is fried right now. 1069. How do you feel about communism? tbh hopefully i see a fall in communism for the few countries left with it in my lifetime. 1070. Has anyone ever tried to injure you? not that i know of. 1071. Has anyone ever tried to kill you? no. 1072. How do you know when it's time to break up with someone? when you’re not happy when you’re with them anymore. 1073. What is your opinion of the Janet jackson/Justin Timberlake superbowl exposure incident? ~scandal~ 1074. What's the most annoying sound? nails on a chalkboard. 1075. Who was your childhood hero? my parents. 1076. With nearly 100 channels why is NOTHING ever on? tbh i don’t watch tv. i stream everything on my laptop. 1077. Would you adopt a stray kitty wandering through your neighborhood? nope. 1078. Describe what you look like: cbf. 1079. Describe what you ARE like: outgoing, lazy, kind, loyal. idk lol. 1080. What bad habit do you have that affects other people as much as it affects you? smoking. 1081. How did you party new years eve 1999? tbh i don’t remember it at all lol. 1082. Does second hand smoke bother you? no since i smoke too. 1083. Have you ever: Dumped a drink over someone's head? no. Dumped a drink over your own head? no. Bit someone? yes. Torn at someone's clothes? no. Made out in the bathroom? i don’t think so. 1084. Which Lord of the Rings movie has the best ending? didn’t watch. 1085. Do you have any interesting scars? not really. 1086. Is it better for people to change and evolve their ideas or always be consistent? it’s definitely okay to change and evolve. 1087. Warped tour, Lollapalooza or Area concert? none. 1088. What are you missing in your life? drive. 1089. Do you ever know when someone is thinking about you? no. unless they talk to me. 1090. What could you make a sculpture out of that's in the room with you right now? a perfume bottle i guess. 1091. Do you believe in the lost city of Atlantis? def a myth. 1092. Have you ever read The Little Prince? no. 1093. This is Mr. fish <>< What's the best picture you can make on your keyboard? <><~~~~~ 1094. What did Mr. Octopus say to Mrs. Octopus? do you need a hand? 1095. Let's see if I'm psychic. Write a yes or no question here. should i work tomorrow? 1096. Write another yes or no question. will i find a job by the end of this year? 1097. Think of just one more yes or no question. will i be happier in the future? 1098. Type one question that can be answered with a color (example: what color is my car) what colour is my hair? 1099. Think of a number between one and one hundred & type it down. 64. 1100. Write one more question, anything you want. why am i doing this lol.
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yugyeommie-kim · 7 years
Sick Mark: One Shot
Nausea washed over him like a wave over a beach as soon as he landed the final flip. He only stumbled a bit. It couldn’t have been that noticeable unless someone was really paying attention to him and nobody really was. Jinyoung was yelling at Bambam and Yugyeom for dabbing instead of doing the actual choreographed moves. Jaebum was busy giggling with Youngjae about Jackson getting too excited and starting with the wrong move for the dance practice while Jackson was pouting and screaming to defend himself. Even the crew that came to shoot was occupied chatting over the expensive camera equipment. Mark was pitifully alone in a room for of people. It was nothing new. Being shy was always his vice and while he had gotten better since being with the boys he still had days like these where he would slip in the background and not have the strength nor drive to pull himself back out again.
Today he didn’t mind being a wallflower much. He was exhausted, more so than usual, and he didn’t want the other boys to worry or worse think he was complaining when all of them were equally as tired. He wasn’t alone in this business and if everyone else was fine then he would be too. What right did he have to complain when everyone else hid their lack of sleep and pushed on with a positive attitude? He ignored the sick feeling that swirled in his gut and went to sit against the wall and took sips out of his water bottle. Luck was even on his side as the nausea had gone just as quick as it left.
He was thankful that the crew was satisfied with the final product delighted with the humor sure to rile the fans up and told them they could head back to the dorm. Jaebum ushered them out with the promise of take out and Mark followed behind holding his water tightly the thought of greasy chicken take out making him feel queasy.
The feeling didn’t subside when they piled into the car and he wondered how he even kept the grimace off his face as all the window seats were taken in the van and he had to slid between Jackson and Yugyeom in the back. When the car actually started to move he was reminded of his younger self immediately. School used to make him so nervous he would get car sick on the way to school everyday. His dad had resorted to keeping a sick bucket in the trunk to place at his feet at the beginning of the morning ride so he wouldn’t soil the interior of the car. It was for a different reason even if he didn’t know what it was and all he could do was close his eyes and lean his head on Jackson’s shoulder trying to keep the monster writhing within him at bay. He heard Jackson make some comment about him. He wasn’t really listening though as he nuzzled his face into the soft material of Jackson’s cotton shirt hoping he wouldn’t accidentally vomit on the other Chinese boy.
He didn’t know when he had fallen asleep but he did know his head hurt very badly when he woke up again. The pain was incessant and sharp in his right temple and the pain in his stomach had not passed either. He felt so disoriented as he dragged himself from the van and did his best to walk in a straight line through the parking lot. Surprisingly Yugyeom wrapped his arm around Mark and looked down at him with large curious eyes.
“Hyung, you seem even more tired than normal, the flips must have really taken it out of you today, huh?” His voice was sweet and quiet with an undertone of concern. Mark wanted to give him a real answer, but when he tried to speak his lip just trembled weakly. So he nodded to his concerned maknae even though jostling his head felt disgusting and gave him the only dopey smile he could manage. He then proceeded to use him as a casual support to get himself up the stairs to the entrance of the dorm.
He didn’t even bother explaining himself as he hurried off towards his bedroom to curl up in his bed. He missed the concerned look from his members on the way too preoccupied with trying not to fall on his way to bed. He didn’t even bother to turn on the light or to change his clothes. He just managed to pull of his shoes like a drunkard and curl up under the covers.
Once again he didn’t know when he had fallen asleep, but pain struck him upon his awakening. The first thing he saw hazily through the dark was a plate of food set on his side table. He felt repulsed as his stomach seemed to churn and he rolled over to see Jackson laying in his bed. Feeling needy and too hazy to question why Jackson was in his bed and not his own on the other side of the room in the first place he scooted forward a few to cuddle up to Jackson resting his he’s in the crook of his neck. He hadn’t meant to wake up Jackson, but he heard Jackson’s deep groan as he started to come too he couldn’t bring himself to care. He didn’t want to be alone anymore.
“Mark hyung what’s wrong? I- you’re burning up!” Jackson sounded devastated holding mark closer than before and Mark felt Jackson’s hand run through his hair.
“Jackson, I don’t feel good,” he admitted it for the first time that day and he knew he had done a poor job of hiding it and he knew he shouldn’t complain, but Jackson just made him feel like he could trust him with anything.
“Mark it’s okay I’ll get you some medicine, alright?” Mark made a hum or agreement but he still felt sad at the loss of contact when Jackson untangled Mark from himself and sat up. He felt Marks forehead one last time before getting up and going out and down the hall to raid the medicine cabinet. Mark could have sworn he heard Jackson mumble something but he didn’t bother to question it as he pulled the blanket tightly around himself. He felt the non-existent chill in the room deep in his aching bones
When Jackson came back he wasn’t alone. JB was right behind him a stoic expression on his face, and Mark shivered at the lecture he knew the leader surely had prepared for him on keeping health issues a secret. Mark forced himself to sit up using the backboard of the bed for support. JB stayed silent not fulfilling his expectations and sat down beside him laying his hand on his forehead. His eyebrows furrowed when he felt the heat emanating off his skin and he spoke out immediately. “Mark Hyung, I knew you were being more quiet than usual… I just thought you were tired. I’m sorry for letting this get out or control.” Mark stared at him blankly baffled at the fact that Jaebum seemed to be blaming himself and he started to try and explain just how wrong that was but he was cut off before he could even finish Jaebums two syllable nickname. “Don’t fight me on this hyung, please just take your medicine and get better for all of us.” Jaebum looked dead tired and very concerned and the little fight mark had drained away.
He took the water and pills Jackson held out to him ignoring the look of satisfaction on his face. Mark didn’t know if it was because Jaebum was showing his teddy bear side or if it was because he silenced Marks worries with his own, maybe it both, but he didn’t dwell on it as he took the pills quickly and laid back down placing his head on the leader’s lap letting him card his fingers softly through his hair.
For the last time Mark fell asleep without realizing it and when he woke up both JB and Jackson were cuddled up to him. He couldn’t remember another time he has felt so good.
//My grammar has a long way to go, I’m still learning how to do this writing on Tumblr thing, and I’m trash
I really like sickfics and this just happened oops (PS all of this is purely fiction of course)
I also high-key want to start writing a lot for GOT7 and taking requests but I feel like I need to start with a bit of a foundation of my trash writing for people to request stuff first??? Idk I just hope somewhere somebody enjoys this tbh 👌
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 11
1001. What has caused you to reinvent yourself or reevaluate who you are? i just wasn’t happy with who i was as a person and what i was doing with my life honestly. 1002. Name three annoying bands: insane clown posse, blood on the dance floor, and one direction when they were a thing 1003. Have you ever been to a foam party (a big dance floor full of soap foam that people dance in at a club)? If yes did you get into the foam? no i haven’t but that sounds like it’d be fun and very messy 1004. Who do you take for granted? Who makes you feel taken for granted? i feel like i take my boyfriend and family for granted sometimes and i shouldn’t 1005. Short, knee, or ankle skirts? short preferably
1006. Do you wear a hat? occasionally 1007. Did you watch Sifl and Ollie on MTV? How about Liquid Television? The Maxx? none 1008. What do you like that is NOT part of pop culture? idk rlly 1009. What music makes you feel: Sexy? buttons by the pussycat dolls lol Passionate? really slow music Violent? screamo Romantic? slow stuff Sad? any song with sad lyrics Happy/joyous? rock or pop Ecstasy? idk lol 1010. Who’s your favorite cartoon character? spongebob 1011. Does break dancing impress you? hell yeah 1012. Are you a smooth operator? not really 1013. Would you rather be a police officer or a criminal? a police officer 1014. Do you believe that government decisions should be made based more on economics or more on social reform? i mean, a lil bit of both would be nice 1015. Why do ‘they’ spend money to sterilize needles that are going to be used to give lethal injections? idk man 1016. This summer have you Been to the beach? not this summer no been to the movies? several Played mini golf? i think i did actually Gone for a walk? plenty of times 1017. Would you rather lay in bed all night talking or have sex all night long? i love talking all night long!! maybe a lil sex in between conversation 1018. Have you ever eaten tofu? yep 1019. Who needs a brain? everyone??? 1020. Who needs a heart? everyone??????? 1021. Does the moon have an affect on your mood? nahh 1022. Do you feel pressure on Friday and Saturday to have fun, go out and party? not really. 1023. Many people will say that the Harry Potter books are pure fluff with no literary value. Do you agree? nahh they’re good books.  i’ve only read thru the 5th 1024. Is Harry Potter comparable to The Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings? i love the chronicles of narnia, that shit is sooo good.  but i’ve never read the lord of the rings books so idk bout those 1025. What are you doing next Wednesday? getting a new tattoo!! 1026. Why do so many people think Elvis is still alive? conspiracy theorists 1027. What couldn’t you live your life without? jackson and my family 1028. Are your hands cold? not at the moment 1029. Is your heart warm? yeah??? i think so ig 1030. Palm trees or snow storms? snow storms 1031. What bands would be great if only the singing was edited out? idk. 1032. What fantasy book would you like to see made into a movie? delirium 1033. Do you avoid risks and if possible stay at home? sometimes 1034. What SCI-fi books do you read? tons 1035. Would you be on that who wants to marry a millionaire show as a contestant? ehh maybe if i was single 1036. Who’s the best secret keeper you know? i don’t know if i even know anyone who can keep a secret tbh lol 1037. What is your favorite myth? idk m8 1038. Is it easier to live when you’re evil? oh yeah, i’m sure it is 1039. Have you ever belonged to a sorority or a fraternity? no 1040. Would you want to join one? absolutely not 1041. If your friend were doing dangerous drugs would you tell their parents? nah, it’s not really my business to tell them.  maybe if they were on the verge of killing themselves 1042. Would you rather be a unicorn, mermaid/man, or a sorceress/er? sorceress!! 1043. Are leather pants sexy? On you? i’ve never worn them but probably lol 1044. Did you tell someone you love him or her today? not yet 1045. Have you ever given blood? i’ve never donated blood but i’ve had blood drawn for medical purposes & hated it 1046. Have you ever been thrown out of someplace? nope 1047. What do you daydream about? life 1048. Are you a miracle? nope 1049. If America is one nation under god then are atheists citizens? yeah 1050. Should they be? i think so 1051. If you could pick any rock star to replace the Ozbournes in their reality show, whom would you pick? idk i don’t even watch that show soo 1052. What are your feelings about Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of Christ? i personally thought it was terrible lol 1053. What did you think about the last episode of Sex in the City? never watched it 1054. What is your favorite movie with Adam Sandler in it? either happy gilmore or grown ups 1055. What is your biggest problem? procrastination 1056. Have you ever been arrested? no. 1057. Can musicians be held responsible for influencing people to behave badly? no 1058. Do you believe that there are subliminal messages embedded in some TV shows, movies & music? absolutely 1059. Is there anything that you believe should be banned for any reason? rape, abuse, and so many other things 1060. How often do you eat too much? allll the time 1061. Have you ever descended into pure madness? nahh 1062. Would you want to? who would??? 1063. Do green m&m’s make you feel sexy? i don’t even like m&ms 1064. If you died tomorrow, what mark would you have left on the world? not a very big one but hopefully the people who i have interacted with will think of me as a good person 1065. What movie would you NEVER want to see? there’s plenty. 1066. What annoys you the most about yourself? i procrastinate a lot 1067. How do you feel about capitalism? nothing. 1068. How do you feel about socialism? idk 1069. How do you feel about communism? - 1070. Has anyone ever tried to injure you? i don’t think so 1071. Has anyone ever tried to kill you? not to my knowledge 1072. How do you know when it’s time to break up with someone? when you are no longer happy when you’re with them 1073. What is your opinion of the Janet jackson/Justin Timberlake superbowl exposure incident? idk 1074. What’s the most annoying sound? when people eat with their mouth open 1075. Who was your childhood hero? my sister 1076. With nearly 100 channels why is NOTHING ever on? idk man, i usually find something to watch but i only watch tv when there is something specific playing that i want to watch 1077. Would you adopt a stray kitty wandering through your neighborhood? yeah, i’d take ti to the vet to make sure it’s healthy first and give it a bath and stuff 1078. Describe what you look like: well right now i’m wearing a hoodie and pajama pants, my hair is a mess bc i just woke up 1079. Describe what you ARE like: driven, funny, talkative, passionate, friendly, kind 1080. What bad habit do you have that affects other people as much as it affects you? anger??? idk 1081. How did you party new years eve 1999? i was 3 yrs old lol so i didn’t party very much i’m sure 1082. Does second hand smoke bother you? kind of 1083. Have you ever: Dumped a drink over someone’s head? nope Dumped a drink over your own head? yeah Bit someone? yep Torn at someone’s clothes? not that i know of Made out in the bathroom? i’m sure i have 1084. Which Lord of the Rings movie has the best ending? i don’t remember 1085. Do you have any interesting scars? i wouldn’t call them interesting 1086. Is it better for people to change and evolve their ideas or always be consistent? i think it is good to change and evolve 1087. Warped tour, Lollapalooza or Area concert? any, ig 1088. What are you missing in your life? motivation 1089. Do you ever know when someone is thinking about you? not unless they tell me that they are 1090. What could you make a sculpture out of that’s in the room with you right now? paper 1091. Do you believe in the lost city of Atlantis? i don’t really know 1092. Have you ever read The Little Prince? no, i want to tho 1093. This is Mr. fish <>< What’s the best picture you can make on your keyboard? <(^-^)< 1094. What did Mr. Octopus say to Mrs. Octopus? idk???? 1095. Let’s see if I’m psychic. Write a yes or no question here. am i wasting my time here? 1096. Write another yes or no question. will i do good in my new college? 1097. Think of just one more yes or no question. will i be successful in my future career? 1098. Type one question that can be answered with a color (example: what color is my car) what color i my underwear? 1099. Think of a number between one and one hundred & type it down. 88 1100. Write one more question, anything you want. what should i be doing right now?
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