#that shot of yagami with his friends but his smile slowly fading as he thinks about kuwana? fucked up. FUCKED UP
jichanxo · 6 months
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i think the thing that really gets to me about kuwagami is that even if they never see each other again they'll probably think about each other for the rest of their lives
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txbioglow · 3 years
Hi so about the request for the Light x L sister reader it can be Normal it doesn’t have to be Yandere is that okay ? 😀
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TYPE- oneshot (1.2k) THEATER- a STARRING- yagami light NOTE- k so like i lowkey had sm fun with this and i rlly loved this but like it’s the first thing that’s over 500 words that ive written in awhile so if it sucks omg im sorry. i left the ending up to imagination,, did they kiss or pull away or 👩‍🦯 anyway as u should y/n for not being a toy ur an independent woman period 💪💪
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lightning cracked as the rain poured down, bouncing off the sides of y/n’s umbrella. something about the air was grim. well, at least that was what y/n thought as the funeral music blared. a casket was brought out, the casket of her late brother, known as l. imagine attending the funeral of your own brother, who was without a doubt viciously murdered. murdered for being the one to step up and attempt to catch kira. it was something scarring that a sister should hope to never have to go through; the death of a brother. however y/n didn’t seem to mind. sure she had a depressed facade, her face blotchy from crocodile tears, but deep down, she was jumping for joy. with l gone, killed by kira himself, no doubt, kira could finally rise up. rise and lead the new world.
so y/n sniffled and cried, earning pitiful looks from the small group attending l’s funeral. all was right in her world, though it may not seem that way. but y/n had to admit, there was one thing she just couldn’t piece together.
how did kira kill her brother? it had obviously been with a heart attack, but kira allegedly needed a name and a face to kill. l had been more careful than any, so how did kira get to him? that much she doubted she’d ever know.
yet just as if the gods had been listening, something caught her eye. a man in the back. he looked to be about the same age as her brother. the man had fair looks, he seemed decent enough. however the thing that caught y/n’s eye the most, every moment that the man believed no one was looking at him,  his somber expression turned into a smirk. he was shaking, not from tears, but a silent laughter. it was almost as if he were gloating. right there at l’s funeral.
y/n was sharp, she was easily able to come up with a reason for his laughter. one that explained the very thing she had been wondering. how did kira kill her brother? something told her that this man had something to do with the matter.
the service ended soon after, y/n made sure to take her time, allowing everyone else to leave before her.  eventually, the only two left in the room were the man she now knew as light, and y/n herself. light seemed like he was stalling, suspiciously finding as many things to do as he could. tying his shoe for example, or taking a mint from his pocket.
y/n of course saw through him. he had to be kira, there was no other explanation. light must’ve finally killed l, and now he wanted a moment. just to taunt l because he had won. y/n understood that well enough.
walking over to him, she smiled and tapped his shoulder. this was it, y/n was finally meeting kira himself; someone she had supported since the very beginning. “i have to admit, i didn’t exactly expect to see my brother’s killer at his funeral, kira.” she said slowly, letting it sink in.
light jumped a little, turning around to face her. he was shocked for a moment, but his relaxed smile quickly resurfaced. “me? that’s silly, i’m not kira. l was my friend, i could never kill my friend!” he laughed a little. 
y/n had to admit that he did sound convincing, like he was being truthful, however y/n could still tell that he was lying through his teeth. it takes one liar to know another. “you don’t have to hide it. i support kira, my brother got what was coming to him.” she smirked a little, laughing to herself for she could practically see the cogs turning in light’s head.
he was playing a dangerous game. what if he completely admitted to it, and it turned out to be a trick just so he would confess? she did seem sincere but he had to be careful. “ah i see,” he nodded his head, “and how did you come to that conclusion?”
“you laughed. you laughed in the middle of l’s funeral. either you’re mentally ill, or kira.” she stated, soundinng more and more confident. light cursed to himself under his breath, most likely having believed no one saw him. “observant. and what is it that you want from me? be careful what you say, i’m sure you know that i can kill you on the spot.” he grumbled, his innocent and charming persona fading.
“relax!” y/n said, giving light’s shoulder a pat, “i already told you, my brother got what he deserved. i’m simply happy with knowing who you are. and perhaps what your shinigami looks like if you’re feeling nice.” she flashed a smirk, pulling light in. 
something told him that she was different. different from all the other people he had used. light had to remind himself that she was nothing but an asset, someone to be used in order for him to get what he wanted.
he nodded his head, not breaking eye contact with her as he brought a piece of paper from his pocket. before y/n could react, light brushed the paper across her hand, revealing the large shinigami floating beside him. “kira at your service.” he grimaced softly, watching the woman before him lock her eyes on the creature.
so, who would’ve guessed, that l’s little sister y/n had been supporting him the entire time. that discovery could’ve been useful weeks ago. light could’ve made ages of progress, he could’ve been one step closer to creating his new world.
“i think that you could be useful” he said blatantly, confused as to why she scoffed at such an offer. “useful? so are you planning to use me? if you are, i’d play your cards right. i may support you, but i won’t throw myself at you.” she stated, bringing her face dangerously close to light’s. y/n had expected the shocked reaction that quickly flashed upon his face. he was surely used to women being infatuated with him and selling him their souls.
however he recovered quickly, “is that so? well, one plan foiled i suppose.” neither of them spoke. both seemingly mesmerized by the other. finally y/n spoke up, “i’m not sure what you’re planning, but if you think that somehow i could help you, then i think that could be arranged.” 
“and what is it that you want in return?” light shot back, still speaking quietly. “is it not enough to feel the satisfaction of helping a friend?” she inquired, in a teasing manner. something about the way she spoke, it made light feel differently. once again the idea that she was more than a tool entered his mind, but of course not. he would use her, and toss her aside when she was no longer of any worth. just as he did, and would eventually do to everyone else. there was no reason for her to be something more.
“hmm,” was the only thing he said, cupping her face in his hands. staring at her directly, their faces only inches from contact, “how interesting”
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𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗞𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦- @kaminology @zerohawks @nejihoe @lazcady @linak @kageyuwu 
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
I need you. Both. - A Taiorato Friendship one shot
Characters: Yamato Ishida/Matt Ishida, Taichi Yagami/Tai Kamiya, Sora Takenouchi Genre: Friendship, comfort Rating: K+ Words: 1500+
Summary: Losing a special someone will never be easy. Fortunately, we all have friends with shoulders to lean and cry on. Even when you don’t say a word, they just know they are needed.
More below, under read more! Enjoy.
A/N (feel free to not read it): For some unknown reason I found myself suddenly rewatching Digimon Kizuna (the english dub unfortunately, because I can’t find a properly version of the original with english sub - anyone who knows where to find it?) and I started wondering: what would Taichi and Yamato have done directly after losing Agumon and Gabumon? What would they say to each other? And how did they find out about Sora, who went through the same happenings on her own probably without letting anyone know... Well, here is my take on that!
Update on 27th of August 2021: So originally I wrote Sora and Yamato broken up (see fanfiction.net for the original one-shot), but after coming to terms with canon and Sorato during the past couple of months and this Kizuna meta I recently wrote, it didn’t feel right anymore. So I fixed it, Sora and Yamato are dating, but on a break (as I can totally see that happening with their personalities). 
Just to be clear, one last time: this is a Taiorato friendship! Which means all these dynamics are from a platonic point of view, even the Sorato parts.  Also fixed some typos :)
A cool breeze. Quiet after the storm. And the stabbing feeling of a loss.
He tried to fight his tears, burying his true feelings. In his one hand was the Digivice, petrified. He looked down on it, trembling, realizing what just had happened. With his other hand he brushed over the Digivice, then held his other hand preventing it from trembling too much. He needed to be strong. For himself, for the others. For Gabumon.
Where would he be now? Yamato wondered. That thought freed the flow of tears he was failing to hide behind his eyelids. He wanted to scream. Shout. But what was the use? It wouldn’t bring his partner back. So he just stood there. Crying.
Mourning. The thoughts kept trying to fill the pit he felt in his stomach. As the crying died down because of those deep thoughts, he simply stared, following the flickering lights with his eyes. It being the only movement in front of him.
Movement. Life.
What was life? He knew for example life was not limited to earth only. There was a whole digital realm existing in between this world where he came from and the network where Gabumon had his roots. Was there even more? How far could he go? Space? Maybe space was where he should aim for. As far away as possible from here, from where he stood now. From the spot where his partner vanished.
He stood straight at attention upon hearing his name. It sounded vague and far away, though he knew it was close by. He turned around, letting his blue eyes meeting the brown ones now in front of him. He watched his companion scan the surroundings. His friend looked sad to him.
“No Gabumon?”
Yamato swallowed and shook his head, biting his lip to once again fight his feelings. The trembling made his Digivice almost fall out of his hand. He squeezed it tight and with that holding onto everything he knew. Not ready to fully let go yet.
Usually Yamato was the one far more calm and collected. Though this time, for once, it seemed like the guy who tracked him down was better at keeping his cool.
It was just Taichi, no yellow dinosaur following him. Yamato figured out Taichi must’ve gone through the same fate as him. Yamato wanted to be there for him, but he felt his feet stuck in his place. His legs were heavy, as was his heart. Any movement, except from trembling, seemed impossible. So he stood there, questionably looking for answers which he knew his friend neither had.
He just stood there, looking at him as if he had all the answers he wanted to hear. But he had to disappoint. He had one answer: both Agumon and Gabumon had vanished. With that their Digivices had turn into cold stone. Taichi figured out Yamato already knew that.
It had been one hour since it happened and he had been mourning since. But what Taichi knew too was that moping around wasn’t going to make things better. Besides, it wasn’t what Agumon would have wanted him to do, moping around.
Instead he had taken out his phone, the ring of light on the back vanished just like Agumon had. He was glad to see the phone still worked, though it looked like it was a little faded. Maybe he was seeing things. He had quickly updated the others in their group chat by sending them a picture of his petrified Digivice, then closed the chat. He did not want pity from his friends, from his sister, from the others. They did not understand.
In all probability, there was one other person who would come close to understand him. So Taichi tracked Yamato down through his GPS. As he found out his whereabouts, he silenced his phone and made his way to him. Without haste, because he knew Yamato wasn’t going far or fast for that matter, not even with that motorcycle of his. After all, he was mourning too, just like Taichi.
His feelings had been right as there was no sign of Gabumon. The only visible sign was the stone in Yamato’s hand. The same stone Taichi was carrying with him, in both his pocket and heart. Yamato looked completely lost in his feelings, emptiness overwhelming him.
Yamato turned his back again to him. Taichi’s hands balled into fists, at once feeling the urge to fight him just like the old days. Breathing in deep, that feelings quickly faded, replacing it with a sudden feeling of concern. He glanced to the blond, slowly walking towards him.
“I know how you feel,” Taichi said now standing beside Yamato, staring into the same direction. “It’ll be fine eventually. I promise.”
A careful smile appeared on Yamato’s face, making Taichi smile a little as well. It was a careful smile, but it was genuine, the feeling of concern growing bigger. Taichi placed a hand on the blonde’s shoulder closest to him before gently pulling Yamato to him.  
An embrace.
Back in the days the physical contact between the two of them were mostly fights with fists, but right now, Taichi knew it wasn’t the kind of touch he needed. What they both needed. Comfort, Yamato needed his friend, a shoulder to lean on.
“I know,” Yamato mumbled as he untangled himself out of Tachi’s grip after a little while. “It still stings though.”
Taichi nodded, completely understanding him, all the while grabbing the phone out of his pocket and switching it on to check the messages out of habit. He quickly scrolled through the messages in the group chat, but decided not to answer and leave them be for now. He looked through his private messages. 
One message from his worrying mother. A missed call from a bragging classmate. Another message from…
Taichi gasped. After a brief moment he placed his hand back on Yamato’s shoulder, making him turn to face Taichi. He held the screen to Yamato.
“We need to go. There’s someone who needs us.”
She had been standing near the window for what felt like days, the rain falling for hours and hours. And hours more. The tears on her face joined the crying sky, but there were no tears left. She sighed, swallowing the lump in her throat.
She turned around, briefly looking at her desk filled with both clothing and flower designs. It was loaded with things she loved, but it was empty to her all the same. Then her eyes trailed further down the room to an empty pillow in the corner, one that belonged to someone very dear to her. To someone who sadly wasn’t here anymore.
The name lingered in her thoughts, making Sora want to cry, but nothing came. She felt empty, like the pillow, lonely and hollow. At the same time she was thankful. Thankful for the time she could have spent with her partner.
Would she still be here if Sora had chosen to keep fighting? Would it have made a difference? Sora wondered, feeling a sting in her heart. It had to happen eventually, so why not now... Because she knew she had to grow up, especially after that message they received from Koushiro about the glowing ring, counting down the time of her partnership. Little did she know that Taichi went through the same thing at the same time.  
Somehow it was hard to imagine him growing up. Into a man. To her, he had always been her childhood friend, the one making her feel strong, young and aware. She remembered the echoing sound of the whistle earlier today, immediately connecting the sound to him. By then she knew, even after they grew apart and had barely talked to each other during the past couple of weeks or even months, he was arriving at the same place where she already was at that time. 
“Honey, there’s someone for you.” Sora heard her mother from the other side of the bedroom door, snapping her out of her thoughts. She walked towards the door, sliding it open and stepping into the hallway. Her head turned ninety degrees and her eyes grew wider.
There he was, with his back leaning against the frame of the door, her brown haired friend, as if he knew she was thinking about him. His arms folded across the chest, his head diagonally directed to the ground. Further outside she saw the silhouette of a certain blond boy she knew all too well.
After Taichi had sent a picture of his petrified Digivice in their group chat, she had sent him a reply through a private message. For Sora it was important that he knew and felt he wasn’t alone. But seeing Yamato standing there, leaning against the rail of the gallery, his blue eyes ice cold, she knew that Taichi already knew he wasn’t the only one.
As wasn’t she.
A few steps. Taichi looked up as Sora walked past him. Without looking she brushed over his arm and hand for reassurance, but her focus was on Yamato. It had been a little while since she saw him last. They maintained a steady relationship in the past, but with their busy lives and studies they decided to take a little break to take things slow. Very slow, distancing from each other to focus on their own paths first. 
Of course she missed him, and she still cared for him. A lot. And he needed her, she could feel. She knew he did. Standing fully in front of him, she placed her hand on one of his shoulders, finally making him look her straight in the eyes. She smiled her most genuine but soft smile, then carefully hugged him around the neck, placing a small peck on his cheek. She felt his heartbeat slightly increase, so she held on to him until his heart calmed down again.
As she let go and stepped back, Yamato flashed her a painful smile. Sora had to swallow seeing him like that, shifting her gaze to the ground. The touch of a hand on her shoulder brought her attention back up. She had thought she had no tears left, but that one touch did the trick.
Sora swiftly turned around, throwing her arms around the waiste of the owner of the hand on her shoulder. She felt Taichi pulling her even closer as she heavily cried, wetting his shirt. But she knew he didn’t care, because in that moment all he cared for was her. And Yamato.
And they just stood there, the two of them. Until suddenly she felt a warmth behind her, another body becoming part of their embrace. And she knew that whenever she was sad or lonely or in need of a hug, they were there within a heartbeat. 
“I need you,” she mumbled into Taichi’s shirt.
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William Yagami
It was the only thing Bill could do. He had to act like he was gone and insane. Surprising to him and everyone well at least his parents he never stuttered when he acted. That cursed clown stepped closer to his friends who were shaking he slowly stood up his bangs falling over his eyes as he smiled. "Bill!" Beverly shouted her happy voice making it harder for Bill to do this. He watched the clown turn around and step towards him. "You could be a god." Bill simply stated getting confused looks from everyone in the sewer.
"What are you-" the clown started but was cut off by Bill stepping forward. "Killing children when you could be killing all those who defy you. Really you are a genius. But killing the evil from this world all those humans who kill - all that blood- who wouldn't bow down and worship you?" he asked a cruel unforgiving smile plastered on his face.
"Denbrough you think I would believe-" Pennywise started before a scream came from the small boy. "You think I would lie?! You're too scared to become a god and couldn't even dare to! 27 years with your eyes shut time will pass by fast. Even for a 6 hour sleep time catches up but because I don't need as long of rest I can bring justice to what you have done! People have been inspired wrongly by you and I can fix it all!" he yelled his eyes seeming to have no sanity.
Stan stepped forward and looked at him worriedly. Outreaching his arms as though asking him to forget what he was saying. "Bill this isn't you. Snap out of this, please! You don't mean what you say." he said slowly walking towards Bill. Thinking his best friend was playing along he smiled and outreached his hand. "Stanely you out of everyone in this group should know that I would never intentionally harm you. As far as I'm concerned I would kill anyone for you just by the word. Patrick would have died by my own hands if that bastard hadn't gotten to him first. Stanely, take my hand and join me in ruling this perfect world. We can be the gods!" he said stepping towards to curly-haired boy.
Stan stepped back fear ruining through his veins.  Bill noticed the fear in his friend's eyes and for a split second, he snapped out of character only to quickly change back and grab Stan pulling him close getting a yelp from the boy. He felt terrible for doing this to his friends for doing this to Stan but he had to do this. He heard tears coming from the boy he held. "S-Stan. I-I'm s-s-sorry for d-doing this. I-I'm trying t-to s-save you." he whispered getting a gasp from the jew. "I trust you, Bill. J-just please be careful." Stan said still crying but now hugging Bill. "So then Uris will you join me or will I have to get rid of you?" he asked as Stan tried to stop shaking. Looking towards the losers he took a breath and answered. "I-I will be loyal to you and help become the god of the new perfect world," Stan said trying to find the boy he knew but only seeing a psychopath staring dead into his eyes.
"William you are going insane! Would Georgie have-" Eddie started but stopped by seeing his friend's sanity come close to being gone at the mention of the name. "GEORGIE IS DEAD! I brought you all here to see who was loyal to me and what have I found?! Stan is the most as I have found. Eddie you poor thing but still. All these small sacrifices we are making to make the world better." Bill said letting go of Stan.  
Richie stepped forward and looked at his friend in the eyes. "I think the monster here is you! How could any of us ever trust you? You dragged us away from our summer and to this crackhouse, we all almost die because of a clown and now you want us to support you in becoming a god of a new perfect world. You're not insane. You're fucking psychotic!" he yelled grabbing a gun that was laying on the floor and pointing it at his friend. "Richie wait!" Stan started but it was too late. Richie had already pulled the trigger and Bill let out a scream of pain well falling to the floor holding his hand.
Stan rushed over to his side and wrapped his arms around the boy. "What the hell is wrong with you Richie?! You idiot! He was trying to save us! Why would he ever want to do what he was saying?!" Stan yelled trying to help stop the bleeding. Richie stepped back in shock with horror in his eyes as he realized what he did. Dropping the gun he fell to his feet and yelled in guilt. The other losers, torn between running over to Richie or the boy who was shot on the floor. "Bill-" he started but couldn't finish as Bill stood up shaking and grabbed a broken piece of glass and jabbing it into something everyone had forgotten was there.
A scream of shock came from the clown who then tried to grab Bill but failed as he had already fallen to the ground. "We-we're n-not s-scared of you a-anymore. G-go b-back to h-hell." Bill said staring straight into the unreal soul of the demon. Fading away all the losers ran over to Bill who was now barely able to stand from the blood loss. "I'm so so sorry." Richie cried only to be hugged by Bill. "I-it's f-fine. I-I shouldn't h-have-" Stan cut him off by shaking his head. "No, you did the right thing. We're sorry," he said. "I-I love y-you Stan," he whispered before closing his eyes.
"Bill? Bill?! WILLAIM!" Stan yelled holding the boy in his arms. "I killed my best friend!!" Richie grieved falling to the floor hugging Bills arm. Eddie held onto the crying mess that had no words for once. Stan held the stuttering boy in his arms brushing his hair refusing to believe his love was dead. "You can't die. Not after all we've done." he cried holding Bills head to his chest. A small breath was heard from the boy and everyone went silent to look at him. "We j-just f-fought a f-f-fucking demonic c-clown. Am I-I n-not allowed t-to r-rest?" he asked smiling. "WILLIAM!" Stan shouted trying to sound angry but failing.
"I thought I killed you!" Richie yelled hugging the boy getting a groan. "You k-killed my h-hand," Bill said getting a laugh from everyone. "Next time tell us you can act like a murderer before you go off doing it," Eddie said hitting Bill in the back of the head. "I-I am s-sorry I p-put you a-all through th-this," Bill said looking at the floor. "Hey, we got a few things outta this." Mike laughed putting and arm around Ben. "So Bill what does this make us?" Bev asked looking between him and Stan. "I-I makes us g-g-good friends a-and y-you a-and B-Ben a thing!" Bill smiled tilting his head to the side a bit making it look like he was a puppy. "Bill we're getting you to a hospital," Stan said helping his friend up. Bill nodded and the losers all walked out not sure what to do now.
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keysoflight · 7 years
A promise we made to you
DigimonOTP Week 2017
Prompt: Supernatural AU  Pairing: Yamato and Takeru (BrOTP), slight Taikeru Rating: General Audience Digimon Adventure, 02, Tri
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I was trying to think of a plot and decided to go with something that greatly inspired by the iconic scene of episode 26 in FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It also helps that in dubbed version for Digimon Tri, Yamato’s VA is same as Edward Elric’s XD. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this short fic.
Yamato had awakened in a white void, the young paladin knight looked the area, there nothing but the gate he had been thrown through from the real world, this place it seemed so… Familiar to him, when he looked back at the gate, something told him to look in front of him as there was another gate opposite to him, but a person was sitting in front of the second gate. 
The armored man stared at them as they were without clothing, had blonde hair like him but down to their shoulders, they slowly turned to look at him as Yamato’s eyes widened in disbelief. Pale blue eyes stared into his dark blue pupils as he everything seemed to slow down as began to run towards the other, his heart beating out his chest as he tried to reach him, but suddenly Yamato’s gate opened as several chains being manipulated by an unseen force wrapped around his arms, waist, and legs restraining.
TK! TK, come on! Take my hand, TK!” He shouted trying to fight off the chains as he desperately reached out for his younger brother as he was being dragged back.
“Take my hand! Hurry up, we can go back! Brother!’ He shouted, writhing and pulling against the bonds as the being pulled back into the portal.
“I can’t… I can’t go with you.” Takeru said as he raised his arms up revealing a set glowing chains around his wrists as they seemed to be coming out of the ground.
“I’m sorry brother. But I can only leave with my own body, along with yours and his crest together. I’m just a soul in this place.” Takeru said as he stood up with an apologetic expression on his face.
“You both have to come through and with my body… But none of that can be achieved until you defeat the darkness and reclaim my crest.” The younger brother said watching Yamato being dragged back to the living realm.
“N-NO! Please TK, just reach out to me.” Yamato screamed as he was halfway through the gate, more chains wrapped around his body as greeted his teeth, as the doors began to close, his view of Takeru got smaller and smaller
Takeru faintly smiled as he watched Yamato’s gate slowly shut, the angered and pained look on Yamato’s face as he never took his eyes off him as the stone doors shut tight. The younger sibling just stood there, his smile fading as he just looked down at the floor, a sigh of defeat as he was about to sit down when he heard a loud thud on Yamato gate as they pushed back open with Yamato’s gauntlet fist, the metal claws of his gauntlet glowing in a blue fire, as he holds onto the door open with all his might, glaring at his brother.
“TAKERU!” Calling by his full name instead of his nickname as the other looks at him with a surprised look as Yamato still struggling to be forced back into the living world.
“Look at me! I promise… Someday soon, I’m coming back for you!” Yamato stated as Takeru’s eyes widened by his statement.
“Just you wait! Me and that idiot are gonna bring you back home! Wait for us!” He said referring to Taichi as the other blonde eyes watered faintly.
“WAIT FOR ME!” His last words echoed as he pointed at Takeru, not taking his eyes off him with the spirit just smiled at him as the gate shut once again but this time he was sent back.
He watched with a heavy heart as Yamato’s gate slowly faded out in a blue light, as he fell back on his butt, looking his own chains and then back at his gate, the images of his brother Yamato, and his partner Taichi, his friends, and family all smiling at him ran through his mind. The blonde once again alone in the void laid back on the ground staring where a ceiling would be, his eyes shut slowly, tears still running down his face as he smiled.
“I’ll be waiting for you… Big brother.” Takeru said a content look on his face. “And you too Taichi, no matter how longs it takes…” He told himself, a bright grin on his face.
In reality, the setting was a forest clearing Taichi dressed in yellow and orange chrome armor was firing fireballs at these black creatures, incinerating them, he and Yamato were in battle trying to find an artifact they believed could return Takeru’s soul back to him when they were ambushed, during the fight the crystal still in Yamato’s hand had been shattered when the wolf knight was engulfed in a blinding light and then disappeared. 
He was worried of course but he had to focus on staying alive long enough to find his comrade, he shot another fireball before conjuring a golden flame which then took a shape of a sword as he held in his hands, his eyes glowing a bright orange. The knight then charged at the monsters as they rushed at him in a swarm of darkness, just then as they were about to clash, red static began to appear before a pillar light shot down from the sky! 
Both sides were sent flying back, most of the shadow creatures were destroyed while Taichi gripped the ground stopping himself from being pushed back further. He looked at a sphere of light surging with red static was now in between him and the monsters, the light then released Yamato floating in mid-air for a moment before he fell to the ground to his knees. He gasped for air, staring down at the ground, he then noticed he had returned to the living realm, the crystal shard he was holding earlier before he was sent to the empty world was now in pieces it had lost its glow.
“… Yamato!” Taichi shouted his name as the blonde snapped out of his daze as he looked over to his friend before he looked back to see the shadow creatures coming towards him.
“Get out of ther-!” The spiky-brunette stopped as Yamato body was radiating with blue aura as the wolf knight turned to face the monsters, a serious and angry look on as he slashed at the air with his clawed hand, as cold wind blew towards the creatures as they were all encased in solid ice, while an icy fog forming from his Yamato hand.
“Just you wait… We’re coming for you.” Yamato said to himself before he made his hand into a fist as simultaneously the frozen monster shattered into pieces as ice crystals danced in the air falling to the ground.
“Yamato…”  Taichi just said his name as the other had his back to him as he then glanced down at the broken crystal, it must not have worked… But then where did Yamato go?
The blonde turned to face Taichi, his body enveloped in pale blue light as his armor vanished as he was now just in normal attire, and on his right arm was still a gauntlet which contained his armor and powers. The brunette looked confused as Yamato approached he was about to say something to him but the blonde walked past him, his expression hadn’t changed, he decided not to say anything and just leave him be for a bit.
Yamato Ishida and Taichi Yagami were two of the country’s paladin knights, blessed with magic and skilled warriors. Their role was to protect their land and face the darkness that threatened their people, and these two were among the strongest knight, but they were on a long journey to retrieve their lost comrade. Yamato’s younger brother Takeru Takaishi, a young paladin apprentice had his soul, body and special crest stolen from him.
He was left in a comatose state for the last three years, it was left to his brother and Taichi who had become very close with Takeru, to find a way to restore him back to normal. They felt the guilt the spell that locked Takeru’s soul away into the void was meant for them, if hadn’t tried to use his powers to save them, they would be the ones trapped. It was their mission to rescue Takeru, but they still had to do their duty to their kingdom.
So while they battled against the darkness of the midnight order, they would continue searching for Takeru’s lost golden crest power, and his body and then return to the empty realm and retrieve his soul. No matter what they would find a way to bring back home, together, they would break through that gate and with their own hands pull Takeru back into the real world, and then they could go home together…
I’ll be waiting for you both… Right here, please hurry back soon.
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