#that sometimes people will start arguing hey they should just revert back to what everything to used to be.
beastenraged · 2 years
*folds hands together*
If you start complaining about how a group of people is too split up by tribes, lacks advanced technology, and/or isn’t fit to rule their own lands for various reasons, I recommend you check yourself for colonialism. 
Honestly, if anyone (fictional character or otherwise) is advocating the mass deaths of a people for being too different/primitive from they are used to, that is Genocide TM. 
They might have their reasons (in story), but still. Bad. Very Bad. Inexcusable, we do not plot to genocide no matter what the reason is. 
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With Cherries On Top
Chapter 11: The Wedding & The Confession
Summary/Author’s Note: You and Max made it to the alter. Everything is about to go perfectly according to plan--until a change of heart and impromptu confession calls the whole thing off. 
We are so close guys. It's gonna hurt before it gets better.
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Pairing: Max Phillips x Reader (The Proposal AU) Word Count: 4.3k Rating/Warnings: R - language, angst, confessions, feelings, cliffhanger, did I mention angst? And the Grinch’s small heart...grew three sizes that day.
[Previous Chapter] [Masterlist]
Sometime in the middle of the night it had started snowing. Big, fluffy flakes slowly fell and twinkled in the early morning sunrise, making it a perfect day for an Alaskan wedding. You felt more like a hostage than a bride, however, as your family all but demanded you stayed in your room to maintain the element of surprise. They brought you breakfast, your dress, makeup bag, but as you sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed you wished they would bring you Max. 
He had almost said something the night before. Hadn’t he? It seemed every time he wanted to tell you something important, he got interrupted, or was too nervous to get the words out. Nervous? Max Phillips? No. There was no way. You were projecting your own complicated feelings onto Max in a desperate hope that he felt the same way about you that you did about him. But how did you feel about him? At this point, you weren’t even sure. 
Did you love him? No. Maybe? You definitely didn’t want him out of your life or back to the way things were. Things would never be the way they used to be. He was no longer the cold and unfeeling bastard that sat behind his desk and made your life hell. Perhaps when you both got back to New York he would revert back to his old ways. The clock would strike midnight and he would become the metaphorical fanged pumpkin, changing back into a bespoke-suit jackass. No way. You couldn’t see that either. 
You smoothed your hands down your dress and traced a finger along the beaded embroidery of the bodice. Max would love it. His large fingers tracing over the lace as the two of you danced--you shook your head, trying to shove down such silly images. This wasn’t real. This wasn’t a real marriage. And you were not the blushing bride or doting husband. This. Was. Pretend. 
Despite the temperature outside, you had chosen a dress that accentuated your tits. You’d bear the cold just to see the look on his face when you showed up to a winter wedding with bare shoulders and a sweetheart neckline. The thought made you laugh quietly to yourself, because no matter what had happened this week, Max was still Max. You were still you. And the two of you could figure this out and argue your way through it together. That’s how you did everything else. 
A knock at your door brought your attention to it as you stood up and gathered your skirts. “Yeah?”
“It’s me.”
You felt yourself stop breathing as Max’s voice came from the other side of the door and you hurried to it. When you tried to pull the handle, it stopped, only allowing the door open a few inches. You pulled again and it stayed firm. Max was keeping his hand on the door handle. 
“Your grandma would kill me if she knew I saw you before the wedding,” he chuckled but it was humorless.
“Max, come on--” you tried to argue.
“Listen, I needed to tell you something before the wedding.” His voice was stern and the way he kept a handle on what you assumed to be desperation, made you stop talking. “I haven’t seen you all morning and it’s been driving me crazy.”
“Me too,” you agreed quietly as you put your hand on the door where you imagined him to be and leaned your body against it. “Is this about last night?”
“What do you mean?”
“You were going to tell me something. Before my grandma came in,” you bit your lip and swear he could hear your heart hammering in your chest. 
Max paused for a minute and you wished you could have seen his face. "No. It's--it's something else." 
“Are you okay?” you worried.
“I’m fine.” The door stayed firmly in place but he moved his fingers around the edge and you touched them gently. You heard him sigh softly and he moved his hand just enough to envelop your fingers with his. "Evan was right."
"Don't make me say it again," he said flatly. "You should have been promoted a long time ago."
You laughed and shook your head. "Yeah, I know that Max--"
"But I denied all of the promotion offers on purpose." He said quickly and you felt like the other shoe had just dropped on your face. "I knew giving you what you deserved meant losing you as an assistant."
"You didn’t promote me so you could keep me as your secretary?” you asked, your voice going a little shrill towards the end as you thought off all you had done for him over the last five years. “You selfish, son of a--"
"I know. I know." He cut you off and you yanked on the door but he held it shut with ease. "But that doesn't matter now, because when you get back to New York, they're going to offer you a job with four years of back pay and I want you to take it."
"What job?" you snapped.
"Tell me you'll take it. You deserve it and I need to know you'll tell them 'yes'."
"Tell me."
"Yes. Fine. Okay. I'll take the job." You knew your tone was overly exasperated but the sigh of relief he let out was enough to make your chest ache. 
"See you at the altar, sweetheart." He said quietly and you bit your lip. "Don't stand me up." His teasing tone was back in his voice and you just needed to touch him. Slap him. Hug him. You hadn’t decided which--maybe both. But you needed to make sure he really was okay and this wasn't just a facade to hide whatever he wasn't telling you. 
He let go of the door and you took a breath before pulling it open as fast as you could and stepping out into the hallway. But he was already gone. 
“All good to go?” you mother said, rubbing your arms for reassurance and a bit of warmth. 
“I kind of want to throw up,” you said with a force laugh as you adjusted your grip on the small bouquet in your hands--white roses and bluebells. Subtle, elegant, winter flowers. 
“You’ll be fine,” she said, giving you a quick kiss on both of your cheeks. “It wouldn’t be your wedding day if you didn’t feel like vomiting, dear.”
“And what happens if I do?” you asked with seriousness.
“Vomit?” she laughed. “Aim for the floor. And if you fall, smile and push your tits up.” That got you to laugh back and it made her smile. “The hard part is over, honey. It’s smooth sailing from here on out.”
“What if we get divorced?” you blurted out and her smile fell a bit before shaking her head.
“Honey, if I haven’t divorced your father then you and Max won’t have any trouble at all.” She licked her thumb and tucked a stray strand of hair back into place. “Don’t condemn something before it even starts. You have made it five years without staking the man, surely there is a reason you said yes when he asked you to marry him.”
Her words were rhetorical and even if they weren’t, it wasn’t like you could tell her the truth. 
“But what if--”
“Stop.” She gripped your shoulders and looked you in the eyes. “This is a happy thing. Don’t worry yourself with what-ifs.”
She gave you a quick once over and another hug, careful not to mess up your hair, before squeezing your hands. When she started to walk back towards the main area of the barn to give the signal that you were ready, you called out to her.
“Yes?” she stopped at the door and looked back at you kindly. 
“How does Max look?” you asked, not knowing what else to say.
She smiled and relaxed her shoulders a little. “Very, very handsome.”
You returned her smile and adjusted your grip on the flowers in your hands. "Thanks mom...for everything."
The music was quiet and you were thankful that everyone remained seated as you walked down the aisle that was already littered with white rose petals. You hated being the center of attention. And yet here you were, on what some would say was one of the biggest days of your life, had any of it been real. The snow fell quietly outside the windows on the pines, catching the glow of the twinkle lights that were still strung up from the party your mom had thrown. You focused on the one person that you wished you could be alone with right now. Max. If only you could make everyone disappear and the two of you could remain.
Your mother had been right, Max looked incredibly handsome. But when didn’t he? 
Your grandmother had done an excellent job tailoring the dark blue suit to fit his frame. When you realized it was your grandfather’s suit, it made your chest tight. This was wrong. This was all wrong. He had forgone the tie in favor of having the first few buttons undone on his soft, white undershirt, all tied together by the white flower pinned to his chest. He smiled at you, looking as relieved as you felt to finally see you after spending the night apart, but there was something else. Something in his soft brown eyes that let you know that the uneasy feeling that had settled in your stomach was also in his. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he mouthed quietly as you handed your flowers off to your mom in the first row and took Max’s outstretched hand.
“Hey,” you said back in the same tone as you took his hands in front of you and looked up at him. “I didn’t stand you up.”
“No, you sure didn’t,” he sighed quietly. 
The way he said that made your heart uneasy. Something was wrong. But as the local ordained minister, and more importantly, long time family friend, stood with the two of you and smiled at the crowd of seated people, you knew you couldn’t ask him here.
“Thank you everyone for coming,” the man in front of you said as he smiled and nodded to your parents. “This is exciting!”
You held Max’s hands and shifted your weight over to your other foot just wanting this to be over with already. He gripped your hands back and stepped a fraction of an inch closer to you. Maybe he expected you to faint? Fall over onto the floor? You weren’t entirely sure that you wouldn’t at this point. 
“We are gathered here today to give thanks and to celebrate one of life's greatest moments,” the officiant said with another large smile. “To give recognition to the beauty, honesty, and unselfish ways of true love in front of family and friends.”
The crowd gave a soft sigh of adoration and you glanced at your mother to see her gently dabbing her eyes with a cloth handkerchief, careful not to smudge any of her makeup. Fuck. Your own eyes burned and you shut them tightly. You would not cry. You refused to cry. This wasn’t real. But that made it so much worse. Because it was real for everyone but the two of you. Real for your mom, and your dad, and your grandmother…
Max shifted uncomfortably and brought your attention back to him. His face was set in a hard grimace and if you didn’t know any better, you would have said he looked a little green around the gills. If you fainted and Max puked, that would have been the least shocking thing about this wedding. 
The officiant continued. “For it is their family and friends who taught them to love. So, it is only right that family and friends are all…”
If they said that phrase one more time you were going to scream. But you wouldn’t have to. The words stopped abruptly and Max shut his eyes tightly and cursed under his breath. He let go of both of your hands and put one of them up in a stopping motion.
“Yes?” the minister asked in surprise. 
“Max…” you warned in a whisper. 
“Can’t it wait?”
“No,” Max shook his head and rubbed his eyes with a defeated chuckle. “No, it can’t.” He gripped your fingers and kissed your knuckles for what felt like the last time. 
“Don’t do this,” you pleaded as you tried to grab his hands again but he carefully avoided your reach.
He turned to the crowd of people, holding his hands out in front of him on display and grinned. The grin made you sick to your stomach. It wasn’t him. It wasn’t the real him. The Max you had seen in the last week slowly faded away and left in his place was his carefully crafted salesman persona. “Hi everyone.”
“Hi.” A few members of the crowd responded in unison and you looked at your mother who was looking at Max with a slack jaw. 
“Thank you all so much for coming out,” he said, shoving his hands into his pockets and rocking forward a bit on the balls of his feet. “I... have a bit of an announcement to make--a confession, actually.”
“What are you doing?” you hissed desperately, gripping the skirts of your dress as you took a step towards him. He ignored you. 
“As some of you know, I’m a vampire--” a few gasps came from the older members of your family and he nodded like he had been expecting that reaction. “Yeah, yeah, I know. And I’m a vampire without proper documentation apparently, so, I was about to be deported.”
“You son of a bitch,” your dad said from the first row.
“Dad!” you scolded. Looking up, you saw Mr. Yates standing in the back with a smirk and you wanted to slap it off of his face.
“It’s alright,” Max assured you, looking over his shoulder at you gently, ignoring your father. And you see in order for that not to happen I forced her to marry me.” 
“Max, stop it,” you pleaded, but he just gave you a small smile and continued.
“See, your girl here has always had this extraordinary work ethic.” Max clenched both of his fists in front of him for emphasis before turning his attention back to your parents in the front row. “Something I think she learned from you.”
“Max, please,” you tried even though you knew it was useless.  
“And for five years I watched her work harder than anyone else at our company. And I knew that if I threatened to destroy her career…” he put his hands back in his pockets and shrugged. “...she would, well, she would do just about anything.”
You felt the first tear slip down your cheek at his words. He sounded so cold, so indifferent to what he was saying, if it weren’t for the slight shakiness in his tone you would have thought that he had meant none of what happened this week. But you knew differently. He was saving you. Just you. You shut your eyes tightly and wished you could press rewind, go back and make things happen differently.
“So, I blackmailed her to come up here and to lie to you.” Max looked pointedly from your mother to your grandmother. “All of you.” 
“Oh, Max,” your grandma said, wringing her soft, wrinkled hands in her lap and looking away from him in hurt. 
He swallowed hard and cleared his throat. “And I thought it would be easy to watch her do it. But it wasn't. Turns out it's not easy to ruin someone's life--” he paused and looked back at you with those soft, amber colored eyes that you loved so much. “Once you find out how wonderful they are.”
You reached for him but he stepped down off of the stage and you let your arms fall back to your sides in defeat. He walked up to the first row of chairs and looked down at your mom.
“You have a beautiful family. Don't let this come between you.” He put his hand to his chest and finished in a serious tone. “This was my fault.”
“Max.” You raised your voice and he turned back to look at you. His lips trembled as he saw the silent tears slowly trailing down your cheeks. 
“Sweetheart, this was a business deal,” he said, matter-of-factly. “And you held up your end, but now the deal is off. I'm sorry.”
You picked up your dress so you didn’t trip and hurried down the steps but your father stood abruptly and stepped in your way. Max made a bee-line for the back of the barn and stopped in front of Mr. Yates. Max towered over him and grit his teeth and he pointed at him, almost poking the INS agent in the chest.
“And you, meet me at the dock,” Max snarled. “You're giving me a ride to the airport.”
“You got it,” the other man said with a nod.
Max pushed open the double doors forcefully, letting the cold air into the warmth of the makeshift altar. The snow still fell quietly as you watched him walk out in it, leaving you completely alone in a room full of the people who should have known you best. 
The door slammed shut behind you as you made it back to the house. Your father’s footsteps pounded the hardwood behind you as your family followed you into the living room. You gripped your dress, using the texture of the lace to ground you as your heart and mind raced in unison with what to do next. 
“What were you thinking!” your dad shouted. It wasn’t a question, it was an accusation. 
“I don't,” you stopped and shook your head. “I don't know.” You felt like a child again. It was a pathetic excuse and you knew it. When you agreed to marry Max for the sake of him not being deported, you knew exactly what you were doing. The consequences just hadn’t been important. 
“You don’t know?” he barked and rolled his eyes. “That’s not an excuse--”
“And what’s your excuse, hmm?” you spat back at him, throwing your hands up in the air. “You were ready to throw us both to the wolves yesterday! At least Max--” you voice caught in your throat as you said his name. “At least Max tried to--”
“What are you talking about?” your mother looked between you and your father, clearly torn by being in the middle of the two of you. 
“Nothing.” “Nothing.”
You both said at once and she knew you were lying by she didn’t push it. Your grandmother came up to you slowly and put her hands on your arm, making you look down at her. 
“Honey, you lied to us,” she said gently and your eyes quickly welled up with tears at her forgiving nature. 
“I know,” you nodded, giving her hand a squeeze. “Let me get my head on straight, okay? I'll explain everything later. I'm sorry.” You pushed the edges of your skirts together and hurried up the stairs to your bedroom.
The door clicked behind you and you felt your shoulders drop in relief. It felt good to be alone. To have the silence to clear your head. The relief was short lived however as you looked around and realized that all of Max’s things were gone. The suit he had worn was hung neatly on a hanger and left on the armoire, a hurtful reminder of just how handsome he had looked up on that altar. 
“Max?” you said hopefully, hurrying to the bathroom just in case. 
His shoulder bag with his premade smoothies was gone, along with his toiletries and the large suitcase that had sat on his side of the bed. The emptiness of the once cozy shared space made an involuntary sob come from your throat as you put your hands to your mouth and tried to stop it. He left. He had really left. 
You looked to the bed and thought about the way he held you, kissed you, fucked you. Was he really going to throw it all away? Was Max fucking Phillips giving up what he wanted? You wouldn’t have believed it if someone had told you weeks ago that this was how it would play out. Or perhaps he was being a coward. Perhaps it was easier for him to uproot his entire life to another country than to face how he really felt about you? Now that, that you believed. The thought made you roll your eyes. 
While looking at the bed, you noticed the brightly colored, handmade ‘baby maker’ quilt had been folded neatly at the foot of the bed. It served as a backdrop for the items that had been carefully placed on top--the wooden box with your grandfather’s cuff-links and a note.
With shaky hands, you unfolded it and started crying all over again. Fuck. 
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You clutched the letter and were torn between ripping it to shreds and saving it for as long as you needed to. You had to reread the last line multiple times as each time you reached the nickname you both loathed because of its vulgarity and loved because it was so Max, your tears blurred your vision too much for it to be legible. He cared about you. He had to. But he was a coward. A coward and a fool! 
“Asshole!” you screeched as you threw the letter onto the bed and looked at the ring on your finger. “Fucking asshole!” The ruby in the gold setting seemed to be taunting you. 
“Honey?” your mom said as she opened your door. The sound made you jump and put a hand to your chest. “I didn’t mean to--I knocked, but…”
“It’s fine. It’s fine,” you waved her away, rubbing furiously at your eyes as she walked in and quietly shut the door behind her. 
“You know, people are gonna be talking about this forever,” she laughed softly, trying to make a joke, but when you didn’t smile, she stepped closer.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Yeah, I know. The scandal of the century.”
“Are you okay?” she asked, and you let out a breath filled with bitterness.
“Yeah, of course I am,” you started, crossing your arms under your breasts and looking at the letter on the bed. “No. I mean--I just feel...you know what the problem is?”
“Go on,” she nodded encouragingly as you clenched your fists at your sides.
“You see, the problem is that this man,” you pointed to the bed and grit your teeth. “This arrogant, selfish, bastard of a man...is a gigantic pain in my ass!” You pace to the window, lacing your fingers and resting your hands on your head so you can breathe. “First there's the whole leaving thing. I understand that. It's a sham wedding--it should have never happened…”
“But you do look lovely,” she offers and you nod your thanks before you stomp back over to the bed.
“But then he goes ahead and he leaves this note!” You pick up the piece of paper and shake it at her, your heart racing, your cheeks hot. You can practically feel the steam coming from your ears. “Because he doesn't have the decency, no, the humanity to do it to my face!”
“Well, he technically isn’t human, dear--”
“Five years! Five years I work for this...this terrorist--never once has he had a genuine thing to say, and then he goes ahead and he writes this crap! The audacity--”
“None of that matters. None of that fucking matters. We had a deal!”
“Sorry. I'm sorry. I just…” you let out a long, heavy, shuddering breath. “He just makes me a little crazy.”
“Yeah. I can see that.” She moved to stand in front of you and put your face in her gentle hands. She gave you a warm, motherly smile as she leaned down and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. “So, you're just gonna let him go?” 
She was right. God dammit, she was right. You were not about to let Max Fucking Phillips have the last word. You gave her a tight hug and grabbed your sneakers.
Tag Lists:
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writersrealmbts · 3 years
Description: Part of the summer #btswritingbingo, hosted by @bangtanwritingbingo! For the Boating prompt.  A summer cruise as a translator for world-famous band BTS: what could go wrong? WELL, the zombie apocalypse. In the middle of the ocean, are you safe? Or is there danger lurking in the deep?
Warnings: Mentions of death, violence (especially after the third content break), mild language? (I can’t remember if there’s language or not but I’ll tag it)
Posted: 06/11/2021
Tags: Zombie apocalypse au, Yoongi x reader
Angst?: 8,342 words
A/N: Oh look, another zombie au. 
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The engine was idling.
The radio was on, and everyone was listening to the broadcast in silence. The horror was slowly growing in your stomach.
“The country is overrun, we’re broadcasting from a locked room, and we aren’t certain how much longer we can hold out…how much longer we’ll be safe. We’ve had news from several other countries reporting the same conditions. They’re mindless, react to movement…don’t like bright lights…most active starting at dusk all the way through dawn. Don’t let them injure you. They hid the mutagen in vitamins and supplements. Whatever you do…don’t ingest anything from Biogene International.”
You swallowed hard, hugging yourself as background sounds of other voices and banging echoed through the radio
“Oh God, they’ve found us,” The radio announcer murmured. “I guess this is it. If you’re isolated from infestations, I suggest you stay isolated. Cut off the heads. And enjoy this last song by Andy Lange. God save us all.”
The radio started playing ‘Not Sure Yet’, and you just listened to it as your heart broke.
They finally ruined the world.
And you weren’t with your friends and family when it happened.
You were with your stupid ex-boyfriend that you’d just broken up with, the staff of the ship that hired you as an extra translator for the last group—a kpop group and their staff that were filming a vacation show of some sort.
And you’d have to be born under a mountain of rocks to not know that the kpop group was BTS, and in any other situation you’d be excited about helping them as a semi-casual fan of theirs.
But right now you really hated them, and their choice of this ship that employed your ex-boyfriend—even if you’d been the one to get him that job.
“So,” The spoken-of devil murmured, coming to stand next to you. “Sounds like the world is actually ending.”
You took a deep breath, because everyone could hear, and were subtly watching.
“Changes a lot of things doesn’t it?”
“Except one.”
You turned to him. “I still would rather die alone than live my life with you.”
He sputtered, but you didn’t stay to listen to him try to argue with you, turning off the radio since it had turned to static and going to the other translator.
“Do they know?”
He nodded gravely. “They’re trying to check on their families.”
“Let me know if there’s anything I can do,” You told him, bowing slightly to the other staff and the boys before going over to some of the other crew. “How much food do we have?”
“Maybe enough for a week,” The cook, Lori, answered. “If I ration.”
“Do it. Same with water?”
“We should have two weeks, more if we cut back on showers, mopping, other excess water usage,” The first mate said, staring out at the horizon. “Hopefully by then we’ll know if there’s a safe port. The captain went to try and radio as many other ships as possible.”
“We should make sure none of that Biogene stuff is on the ship,” One of the engineers said.
The first mate nodded, quickly moving. “Everyone! We need to make sure that there are no Biogene products on this vessel. Please go check all of your pills and supplements, anything that could be pharmaceutical or…just check everything!”
You translated quickly, then went to check your own things. You didn’t have much that could be from that company, but you checked absolutely everything just to be sure.
Then you went to help the staff and band just in case.
They weren’t coming up with anything, so you headed for the captain’s cabin just to see if there were any more plans at that point.
Captain Cobden Alby was an elder man, who tended to become an Uncle, Brother, or Grandfather figure for anyone who’d let him look out for them. You knew him relatively well, because he’d looked out for you when you started working with his tourism company, helping foreigners book trips with him and accompanying them on trips to help out. You’d worked with him for the past three years, and he’d been kind enough to hire your then boyfriend when he needed a job—though you now understood his reluctance. You wished he’d been more reluctant.
“Well, y/n,” Cob sighed. “Guess this is a new chapter. Any ideas?”
“Islands will gain control more quickly, I think, and there are a couple uninhabited islands we might be able to land at if we get desperate. We have nets, so we can fish if we have to. And if we start getting stills set up now, we can provide ourselves with more water. Revert to basic survival, I think.” You chewed your lip. “But if we’re going to use an uninhabited island, I think we should find one and stick around it, because people are going to try and escape by boat and they might bring it with them. The likelihood of the messages and warnings reaching everyone is slim.”
He sighed and nodded. “Our passengers?”
“Scared. But everyone is checking for the products to dispose of them, as you know, and they’re trying to contact their families back in Korea.”
“Have you tried your family?”
You stared out at the water. “I’m afraid to.”
He nodded again, looking grim. “I’ve heard from a couple other ships. We’re going to have issues with food at some point, so the island idea might be good. Maybe we can work with the other ships as long as they stay uninfected to build a sort of safe-haven?”
“Maybe,” You agreed. “We’ll be breaking laws if we land on some of the islands though. Or fish near them. They are wildlife refuges right now.”
“Hon, I don’t think that’s as big of an issue as of yesterday,” Lori said, shutting the door. “We can respect the wildlife. It would only be temporary, right? I mean, things have to stabilize sometime, and I think the islands should stabilize more quickly.”
You didn’t have very high hopes for the islands stabilizing, unless they were able to quickly regulate who came in and out of the populace of Hawaii. But people were creative and there were thousands of boats and planes in existence.
“Alright, so we’re going to go near the closest uninhabited, and weigh anchor, just for safety. But we’re not going to do anything on the island or any fishing until absolutely necessary. We’ll get some water stills set up, and start rationing the food. Try to preserve some fruits, Lori.”
She nodded. “You got it, Captain. But you better get someone else on those stills. Not my division, you know.”
“I’ll get our engineer on it. Dobby will need to be distracted anyway. Y/n, you should go tell our passengers the plan for now.”
“Right. First, I want a thank you.”
“Convincing you to invest in some backup solar power for the ship to run things like the radios.” You paused at the door. “How long can the engines run?”
“I made sure we had enough to last us a couple of months, and I’ve got us going slow to reduce consumption. But we’ll have to start thinking about how to move once we run out, which is why I think your idea for the islands is a good one. The ship would be a safety point, and we could use the life-boats to get back and forth. At least until we have some sort of relief. And we might be able to go somewhere before we run out of gas. You never know. This might blow over quickly.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” You went out to check on the idols and their staff again.
They had gathered in the dining lounge, and everyone was double checking each other to make sure that there weren’t any Biogene products.
“Everyone, I’ve just finished talking to our captain, and he’s asked me to tell you our current course of action,” You started, gathering the idols and staff’s attention to explain things. “We’ve communicated with some other ships, but our current course is to head for an uninhabited island and keep to the coast of that. We have the supplies to fish, and our cook is currently working on preparing the food for rationing. Our top engineer is going to work on making sure we have a constant source of drinkable water, but for now we’re reducing our water usage. We’re scanning the radio frequencies to try and find another source of information for what���s going on out in the world, but right now it’s very quiet. We ask for your cooperation as we continue to approach these problems calmly and rationally, and your patience as we try to figure things out.”
“Is food an issue?” Seokjin asked.
You shook your head. “Not at the moment, we’re just trying to make sure it lasts as long as possible, especially our fruits and vegetables. Anything in the kitchen that we can regrow here on the ship, we will attempt to do so. The ship was stocked for at least a hundred passengers, plus the crew, and since we don’t even reach sixty with the passengers and crew combined, we should be able to hold out for a while, we’re just trying to make our food last as long as possible, which is why we will likely be utilizing the fishing nets, so we can eat and still prepare for the future. Because we have had warning, we have time to prepare for the worst, but we are still hoping for the best. We are not giving way to fear. At the moment, all we’re asking is that you remain calm and patient with us.”
That seemed to be agreeable for everyone, so you bowed a bit and then went to check in with the other translator and manager to find out what you could do to help.
Yoongi intercepted you. “Hey, sorry, I know you’re busy.”
“It’s fine, how can I help you?”
“Um, actually, I was going to ask if there was anything we could do to help? It’d be…hard to just ignore the situation.”
“I understand, unfortunately, at this moment, we’re not even certain what we need to get done. When we do, I will let you know if there is any way for you to help. For now, we have solar power that you can continue to use for charging your phones, just in case you get a call from your families, and we can power the lights. Any extra batteries, try to save them.”
He nodded. “Okay. Shouldn’t they turn of the air conditioning then?”
You shook your head. “That would be inviting trouble. People get less rational when they overly warm or cool. Turning it off would reduce morale.”
He considered it, then nodded. “Okay.”
You nodded as well, then moved on to talk to their managers.
You didn’t sleep that night, helping in the kitchen and mulling over different ideas to try for powering the boat. In theory, with the engineers’ help, you might be able to convert the engines to wind power, or at least move the boat using wind power, if you were careful enough. But where would you get the parts?
And theoretically, some of the fruits and veggies and other things could be regrown.
But what would you grow them in?
Lori had some sitting in a shallow tray of water to start sprouting, and some would continue to grow in just water, but others would need soil.
“Wake up, hon,” Lori said gently, patting your back. “Cap’n wants you. Something on the radio he wants you to hear.”
You rubbed your eyes as you forced yourself up. “How long was I…?”
“An hour,” She said in a scolding tone, giving you a look of disapproval. “A young thing like you needs regular sleep. I could have done that in the morning.”
You shrugged. “My mind wouldn’t shut off. You were awake. Like you said, I’m younger.”
“You tried calling your family?”
You shook your head. If they hadn’t tried to contact you, then there would be no point in trying to contact them. Either the call wouldn’t go through, or there was no one to make the call. Or they just weren’t able to call because they had no means or it was too dangerous. Any way you looked at it, it was safer to allow them to try and contact you. They knew you were on a ship, and your father studied epidemiology, so he would know that the ship would either go down quickly or not at all, barring a few statistical outliers.
Your father always called you a statistical outlier.
“Here, take this up with you, find a spot where it won’t get knocked over that gets some sun and some shade. Okay?”
You nodded, taking the tray up with you.
“Y/n,” Yoongi called, waving.
You nodded your greeting to him and the others, trying to pinpoint a good spot for it, finally finding it on a table that was bolted to the wall.
“Is this what we’re regrowing?”
You jumped a bit, turning to the boys with a hand over your heart. “Um, yes. One of the trays, anyway. We’ve got more down there, but they aren’t full yet so…this is the first one to come up for sunlight.”
“Cool,” Taehyung whispered.
Yoongi looked it over. “It…doesn’t look like much.”
You sighed. “I know. But like I said, if all goes well, these should regrow and we’ll just start the process over again. But I’ve been summoned.”
“Y/N to the Bridge, Y/N, please report to the bridge.”
You pointed up at the speakers.
“Oh, and maybe bring one of the representatives with you.”
You sighed. “Um, know where your managers are?”
They all shook their heads.
“I could come,” Yoongi offered.
You considered for a moment, then nodded. “Okay, only to save time though, I’m not going to be the one to get in trouble—got it?”
He nodded, gesturing for you to lead the way.
Cob glanced up when you came in. “You’ll love this. Hey, Johnny, I got my person here, mind repeating that now?”
As Johnny started retelling his tale, you slowly processed and translated for Yoongi.
“They were near one of the islands of Hawaii, and sometime in the night they started hearing noises against the hull of the ship…” You paused, horrified. “The creatures…they can survive in the water, and swim. He lost three people when some of the creatures managed to climb aboard.”
Yoongi looked just as grim. “So we’re not safe, even on a ship away from shore?”
You didn’t know the answer to that. “He says he’s going to see how far away from shore they’re able to follow him. That will help us determine how safe we may or may not be.”
Cob thanked Johnny, then turned to the two of you. “Well, what do you think? Do we tell the others of this possibility, or keep it quiet?”
You weren’t sure how to answer that either. There were pros and cons for both sides. But there were more cons for—
“We don’t tell them,” Yoongi said firmly.
You met his gaze and nodded, translating. “It would just incite panic. We don’t tell them until we know that it is a possibility, and even then, we wait until we’ve calculated when they could reach us.”
Yoongi nodded his agreement.
Cob sighed. “Right. You’re right. I just….”
“Take a break. That’s what Jones is for, so you can take breaks. They’re most active between dusk and dawn, right? Then for now, we just slowly make our way to the proximity of an island, Jones can do that.”
He slowly nodded. “Yeah, he’s on his way, just wanted to try his brother one more time.”
You nodded, then signaled for Yoongi to head for the door. “I’m checking back in half an hour and if you’re still here, I’m kicking heads.”
Cob snorted, but didn’t respond further.
Yoongi sighed outside, leaning against the railing. “This is really bad.”
“Really, really bad,” You agreed, leaning next to him. “You okay to keep this from your bandmates?”
He nodded. “I’ll just say that he asked for a representative agreement from our party that he should head for the nearest uninhabited island, as a formality, obviously.”
“Sounds good. And I was there as a translator.”
“What name would you give these creatures?”
“Based on description? The only word I can think of is in English.”
“Zombies,” You offered, giving him an apologetic look.
But he nodded. “That’s what we were saying last night. Jungkook said it first, I think we were all afraid of saying it, but he likes watching those kinds of movies, so it wasn’t surprising that he named it first.”
“But watching movies about it isn’t exactly preparation for the real thing,” You whispered, staring out at the ocean. You usually loved going out on trips like this, even if you were just a translator. This time, though….
“Part of me wishes we’d never come on this trip, but part of me is glad that we did.”
“I understand that,” You whispered. “There are a lot of things that I wish. There are a lot of regrets I could have about this.”
You closed your eyes. “Speaking of regrets.”
Your ex came over, half-glaring at Yoongi. “This guy bugging you?”
“No, but you are,” You replied, rolling your eyes and pushing away from the railing, walking toward the stairs. “Don’t you have a job to do?”
“I just wanted to make sure you were holding up okay—”
“Well, I am. There’s no need for you to check on me. I’m doing just fine. Please, don’t check on me again. You do your job and I will do mine,” You snapped, turning to glare at him. “I told you, I have no regrets breaking up with you, and even if I knew the future, I would do it again, and probably sooner.”
“Whoa, no need to be so hostile babe!”
“‘Babe’?” You sneered, resisting the urge to shove him over your shoulder and down the flight of stairs. “You never have, and never will be allowed to call me ‘Babe’.”
“Chill out!”
Yoongi pushed past him and grabbed your wrist, pulling you down the stairs after him while rambling in rapid korean about it being dangerous to fight on stairs and ‘that’s how people get murdered’ and ‘unless that was your plan, which I would vouch for you, but I’m not sure who would believe it’ with an added ‘besides, there are a few witnesses’.
Damn was that hot.
No. No, no. No, no, no.
He was someone you were working for, he wasn’t allowed to be hot.
And his hand definitely didn’t feel strong and sinewy and attractive.
“Don’t walk away when we’re talking!”
Your hold on Yoongi’s hand tightened.
“Ignore him, come with me. Our security team will block him,” Yoongi said, not looking back. “We have a head start, unless he starts running after us. Why did you break up with him? I mean, I get it, but what was the main reason?”
“Cheating, threatening, trying to emotionally manipulate me,” You listed, doing your best not to look back.
You could see that the heading of the boat was changing, even as you and Yoongi made your way down to where the other boys and their staff were waiting.
“Block the guy following us,” Yoongi called to the security team as both of you passed by them. “He’s letting the panic get to him.”
The security team easily blocked your ex, and Yoongi led you straight to the poolside.
Namjoon came over quickly. “Any news?”
“Nothing new. Just needed a formal agreement to their plan from someone in our party.”
Jungkook dropped onto a seat nearby. “Any new information about the zombies?”
Yoongi shook his head. “Same as before, I think.”
Jungkook tilted his head. “And what is it that we do know?”
“The mutagen makes people into crazed killers, who don’t like bright lights and can only be stopped by cutting off their heads. Strong mutants that can only be stopped by cutting off their heads, and appear to be decaying. I think the mutagen might stimulate muscle growth while suppressing the nervous system. If I’m understanding things correctly, anyway.” You hesitantly sat down, wondering if that would be okay.
“I don’t know exactly what that means,” Jungkook replied, looking a little lost but curious.
“Well, we know that they’re significantly stronger, but their response to injuries is non-existent. Our nervous system is responsible for sending signals to the brain,” You explained, still thinking it through yourself. “Because it isn’t functioning the way it’s supposed to, maybe the pupils aren’t contracting, or something which makes them more sensitive to light.” But that still didn’t explain how they could survive in the water like they did.
“That makes sense,” Yoongi agreed. “I mean, for me, not knowing that much about the human body.”
“Same, but I remember some things, enough to try and puzzle it out, I guess,” You replied, shrugging a bit and looking around. “I should see if there’s anything I can do.”
“Sleep,” Yoongi said. “You should sleep. You look exhausted. I’ll walk you to your cabin so that jerk can’t ambush you.”
“I don’t want you to go out of your way—”
“It’s fine. You’re our designated liaison between the crew and us. It’s important that you’re safe so that we can continue knowing what is going on without pestering the crew.”
That reasoning was fair, and you appreciated it.
But also, you could see it causing issues.
“Come on, I want to make sure you at least go into your room. You should sleep, you look exhausted, and we know that the zombies aren’t going to attack while it’s this sunny out.”
You squeaked slightly as he pulled you up and after him.
But you didn’t fight him on it.
“Which way is your room?”
You quietly gave him directions, following until he reached your door and then tugging lightly on his hand to get his attention before he kept going. “This is it.”
He glanced over the door and nodded. “Right. Okay. Try to sleep, okay? We’re pretty far away from any major population so it should take a while for any zombies in the water to reach us, if they even can. We know they can go some distance, but not how far that distance is. So, rest. We’re going to have to be more alert at night anyway.”
You nodded. “You try to rest too. It’s easier to lie when you’re well-rested.”
He looked a bit grim at that. “Right. Good point. Good thing I’ve always been one to rest when possible.”
You unlocked your door and started in, stopping when he gently caught your upper arm.
“Hey, thank you, again, for everything you’re doing. I know you probably feel guilty because you sold us this package and now we’re all here, but you have no idea how grateful we were to have a ship like this essentially to ourselves.”
You shrugged. “You were booking in the off-season. We were lucky anyone was looking for a ship to commandeer.”
He smiled. “Whatever you say. Sleep well, y/n.”
You watched him walk away for a while, then slowly closed the door, once more pushing down thoughts of how attractive your client was.
The first zombie crawled onto the ship during a storm.
You had been eating with all of the guests, looked out the window and did a double-take. “Dobby! Come here.”
Dobby, the head engineer, politely excused himself and came over to join you at the window. “What is it?”
You pointed. “Stern, crawling over the railing.”
He squinted as he tried to see, flinching as lightning flashed—but gasping a bit as he spotted the zombie.
“Everyone is accounted for, right?”
“Right. Okay. Show-time, I guess. Bernie! Clyde! Time to get the lights on and try and decapitate a creature!”
You kept scanning the ship to check for anything else. “Someone tell the captain!”
“Yes, miss,” Clyde called.
Yoongi joined you, looking out. “Guess we know how long it takes for a zombie to swim to us.”
“Yup. Seven days. But it looks weaker than I expected. Maybe it is physically tiring?” You folded your arms, wincing as the floodlights turned on.
It was hideous. It looked like a human, but the skin looked like it had been boiling, and the eyes were strange—the irises almost black, and far too large, to easily noticeable from the distance. It’s jaw seemed unhinged, the mouth hanging open and not moving at all as a guttural screech emanated from it.
“No wonder people are so terrified,” Yoongi whispered.
“I’d like to wake up now,” Hoseok whispered behind you.
“Let’s get to safety, everyone,” You said softly. “Head down into the hallway. Just like we practiced.”
The soft noises of activity soon followed, everyone hearing you in their horrified silence, and moving to act as you had all practiced in the evacuation drills that had started four days ago. There were about eight different contingencies and several ranks of command.
Yoongi’s hand slid around yours, fingers locking around your fingers, and he squeezed your hand slightly. “Assuming it’s contagious. How long do you think we can hold out against the majority of the population of the world being zombified?”
“I think we’re lucky if we last a month like this,” You replied quietly. “We have little fortification, a few sporadic ships that may or may not be able to provide us with help, and no signs of any government being able to assist those who have survived. We’re in a warmer climate, which probably isn’t helping, and we have no idea if this contagion can spread to or through animals.”
“And no way of finding out except through evidence.”
“Essentially,” You whispered, looking around the deck and checking the positions of the crew as they carefully surrounded the zombie to try and dispatch it—the storm not exactly helping matters. “Come on, Dobby.”
You both fell quiet as you watched the crew carefully, and successfully, dispatch the zombie, both breathing sighs of relief.
“The storm should let up soon,” Yoongi murmured.
You nodded, still watching the crew members to make sure they made it to safety.
A few minutes later the all-clear signal sounded over the P.A. system.
Yoongi tugged your hand lightly. “Come on. I need a break from everyone.”
“Then, go, I’ll cover for you.”
“Nah, I want you to come with me. You need a break from everyone’s expectations.” He squeezed your hand, and gently tugged you along.
“But, why do you want me with you?” You asked.
He huffed. “Because I do.”
“Okay,” You replied, still confused.
He led you to his cabin (which was one of the best) and locked the door. “So they don’t come barging in. They do that sometimes.”
You nodded, looking around the cabin casually, even though you knew what they looked like and had cleaned these rooms on more than one occasion.
“We were actually worried at first, because Hoseok gets seasick, but he’s being doing well. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that we’re on a ship.”
“And then a storm hits and you remember all of those movies and true stories about shipwrecks?”
He chuckled lightly. “Yeah. I don’t think I could face them all right now, especially since they’ll be figuring out that zombies can reach us out here. Let them think what they want about us not being around. Our video crew has been filming for posterity, and it’s exhausting. Who’s going to care about how we spent our days on this ship?”
“Well, if we survive, meaning the human race as a whole, I imagine one day they may use it to make a film about you,” You joked, watching the rain pelt the windows.
“You too.”
“Why would they care about an extra translator? No, I’d be cut out and replaced with a super-secret girlfriend love interest, who obviously is terrified and you would save her from the zombies, because the truth and accuracy are inconsequential, and what’s important is the story.”
“Not that you care,” He teased.
“No, never, why would I care. Like I said, I make for a boring story,” You waved it away. “Besides, their movie would probably have a better ending than what reality will give us.”
“Maybe not,” He whispered, also looking outside. “You’re looking at the worse situation, right?”
“So, best situation is we’re able to survive. We get through this. We set up defenses and we help other people to defend themselves and join us in fighting against these zombies, and…yes, the world will be different, but it will still be here. I mean, there are people in all sorts of remote places in the world, and we hope they’ve been warned, but most of all, they’re there. They may be safe. And maybe some of the defenses of the different countries are still standing. Military bases, forts, bunkers…we have to believe that there is still hope out there. We just…don’t know how to gauge how much hope there is.”
You pulled out your phone, noticing that you still had a signal. Noticing that you had a notification. “We need to get you back to the other boys.”
“Come on. We’re going to talk to your staff and get you set up for a live on YouTube.”
“You don’t really think that’s still—”
“I do.”
“Wait,” He pulled you to a stop and turned you toward him. “Explain.”
“You have over 50 million subscribers, and are one of the top boybands in the world. You go live, you might be able to help us figure out how many people are still out there. It might connect you guys back to your family. To the family of the staff. We might be able to get help with making our boat defensible, or we might be able to meet up with a naval vessel that has been unaffected. It’s a long shot, but any sort of chance is a chance we should take, right?”
His eyes widened, and he looked troubled, but he nodded. “Okay. Alright. But you should join us in the video as a proper translator.”
“No, you’ll be fine, we can write out a message for Namjoon to read or something. We can plan things out, what you guys say and all of that. If there are other people out there, members of army, maybe they could use a familiar face.”
He still held you in place. “Okay. Let me change.”
You nodded. “I’ll wait outside.”
He nodded, but didn’t let go. “Hey, y/n?”
He smiled softly. “If we were destined to get stuck on this cruise ship, I’m glad destiny chose you to be here too.”
Your heart was pounding in your ears, and you felt too warm all over and you spluttered something out and darted out the door as your brain went into a complete meltdown.
“Playboy!” You mind screamed.
“Honeyboy!” Your fangirl screamed.
“BREATHE!” Your lungs shouted as you wheezed and slid down the wall of the hallway.
He came out a few minutes later, and looked at you slightly confused. “Um, why are you sitting on the floor? Did I take that long?”
“Nah, I’m just, you know, meditating,” You refused to meet his eyes because if you did you would start your freakout all over again. Stupid fangirl. It was the zombie apocalypse and all your brain was telling you was that he was glad you were there and he was looking at you and that he kept getting you alone and talking with you and….
And oh no. Oh no no.
Did he like you?
Zombies. Focus on the zombies.
He was holding your hand again.
Apparently, he’d messaged the other boys and they were already gathered and the staff were there setting things up, and you guessed the translator or Namjoon had told some of the crew what they were doing, because they were helping set up. And they were doing V-Live and YouTube at the same time.
You stayed behind the cameras with a small whiteboard to help when they got stuck and to give them further things to say in English to try and help.
You considered them having at least half a million views encouraging, but you could tell that even the BTS staff were disconcerted at the small number.
Eventually the boys were mostly just talking to continue it and reassure anyone that may be watching that for the moment they were safe, and that they hoped that everyone else was safe as well. That they hoped this would pass soon.
They talked about the food, Jungkook and Taehyung belted out a few bars of different songs at intervals, Hoseok did his best to be bright and hopeful, Seokjin and Jimin jokingly flirted with the camera, Namjoon made faces and cracked a joke or two, and Yoongi talked about the future. Yoongi talked about someday looking back on this, just as we look back, and being able to think of it as a historical event that the world conquered.
They had over four million viewers when they ran out of things to say and decided to end it.
“So, again, these videos are going to be posted as soon as possible, and we hope we can meet up with and help those who may be in similar situations, or maybe those who are trapped can get help through this. Even if we just brought a moment of happiness, we will find fulfillment in that. We love you, and hope to see you all again.”
Jungkook and Jimin were crying shortly after the cameras were off.
Hoseok hugged onto them, which prompted Taehyung to hug them as well.
Seokjin tugged the other two into their impromptu group hug.
You set aside the whiteboard and headed outside, the rain finally gone. It was lighter than before, and the sun was trying to peek through again. Not quite successful yet, but every here and there you could spot a beam of sunlight breaking through.
The waves were still pretty intense, but not as bad as they could have been given the storm.
And there were gulls.
Which meant the boat was close enough to a land mass that the birds could fly out.
You hurried up to the bridge, not bothering to ask permission. “How far are we from land?”
“Well, we’ve slowed down and drifted slightly off course, which may be a good thing, since that creature crawled aboard, but,” Cob gestured to the maps he was using. “According to radar and such, we should be able to see the island in about half an hour.”
“But if the zombie came from there, we could be in trouble.”
He grunted.
You sighed, staring out at the turbulent waters. “The island could only be so big, though, which means that if they did come from there, there couldn’t have been too many people there to begin with. Right?”
“Unless it came from one of the ships we were going to be meeting up with.”
“Are we going to die?”
“Not if I have any say in it.”
“Okay. Then we’ll circle around, do our best to fortify and defend the ship, and hope for the best.” You bit your lip. “Right?”
Cob placed an arm around your shoulders. “Take heart, lass. Do something fun, would you? It’s not the end of the world yet, and there’s plenty of daylight to be had. Why don’t you see if that cat-boy wants to go to the bush-whacked deck and splash some paint around. You can take the others there some other time, but he seems to help you lighten up.”
You were a little busy trying not to die from Cob calling Yoongi a cat-boy. “Yoongi. His name is Yoongi.”
“Right. Couldn’t recall. Lots of names to remember. But he reminded me of a cat. Not in a bad way—”
“I’m going to go paint in the bushwhack deck. Don’t expect anything pretty.”
“I don’t,” He laughed happily.
You weren’t sure you wanted to try and find Yoongi, so you resolved to go change into clothes you could paint in first.
You jumped, squeaked, and lashed out—nearly missing Yoongi.
He looked at you with wide eyes, just sort of blinking while you processed everything that just happened.
“Hi. Sorry. Hi.” You covered your heart to make sure it was still inside of you.
“Where you off to?”
“Um, you know the deck that’s off-limits?”
He nodded, looking a little wary.
“That’s because it’s under renovation. So, the crew goes there to vent and get away from everyone else. So, I’m going to change into clothes that I don’t mind getting paint on, and I’m going to go have fun splashing paint on everything.”
“Would you like to come with me?”
He glanced over to where the others were still gathered, contemplating it. “Just me.”
“You can tell them to sneak down at a later time.”
He nodded slowly, then more vigorously. “Okay. I’ll meet you down there in ten, and tell them to come down in an hour or something?”
“That works.” You smiled a bit. “See you there.”
He nodded again, leaned in and kissed your cheek, and then walked back toward the others.
Your brain short-circuited as you hurried to your room to change and go down to the deck to pull out the paint and brushes.
Yoongi didn’t say anything as he joined you, simply helped move the paints into the room you wanted to paint in. It was one of the rooms with windows, so it had some natural light. But it also still had a bed in it, so you had to cover that with the plastic tarps.
But Yoongi stopped you. “You rushed up to talk to the captain. What scared you?”
You shrugged slightly. “The seagulls.”
His eyebrows drew together. “Birds scare you?”
“The fact that they can only go so far from land without dying does,” You elaborated. “I just wanted to see if it was a fluke from a storm.”
“We’re nearing the island. It will be visible in about an hour at the speed we’re going, which is the slowest speed possible.”
He nodded. “So the zombie may have come from there.”
“Possibly,” You whispered.
He swore, closing his eyes as he pulled you into a hug.
You froze for a moment, then relaxed into the hug, wrapping your arms around him as well.
“You wouldn’t be some insignificant side character, y/n,” He whispered. “You’d be the main character.”
“Yeah right,” You choked out.
He held you tighter. “You would. You definitely would. That would be the only way the movie would have any plot.”
He drew back, resting a hand on your cheek. “I would love to be your romantic interest in the movie too.”
“We’re facing the end of humanity.”
“Which is why it’s important,” He answered easily. “Which is why I want to tell you that I was interested in you from the day we met you on the docks. You’re intelligent, beautiful, and strong. Stronger than me, stronger than most people on this ship. Do you object to me being interested in you? The world has gone to hell, people won’t need a boyband when this is over. They’ll need farmers, builders, engineers, and families.”
“Families,” You repeated quietly.
He nodded, taking your hands. “Families. I can never leave the other boys, they’re my family, especially if my actual relatives….”
“I understand.”
“But…maybe we can live somewhere together. Near each other, but separated.”
“You understand I used to be an Army?” You double-checked.
He grinned, laughing. “Yeah. I knew it when you laughed at one of the jokes. Usually only army’s understand it. I think it’s sort of fitting.”
“I’ve got a concussion and I’m having a weird dream,” You said, closing your eyes because that was the only logical explanation.
Except he kissed you.
And dang was he a good kisser.
You jumped, turning toward your fuming ex-boyfriend. “Oh my God, go away!”
“Take your hands off of my girl!” He bellowed at Yoongi.
YOongi frowned and pulled you closer. “What is he holding?”
You glanced down and realized it was some sort of pill bottle. “Oh my God…tell me those aren’t from—”
“It’s all a hoax, you’re doing this to try and torment me, right? I’ll prove my love for you is stronger than anything.”
“Don’t! Please don’t!” You started toward him, but it was too late.
You watched in horror as he downed several pills.
“There, see! I’m fine! It’s all a hoax so that these terrorists can take over!”
You choked a little. “You need to get those out of your system—now! Even if they don’t turn you, that’s enough to overdose!”
“I told you! I’m fine!” He yelled, but his voice had already started changing.
“We need to get out of here before he changes,” Yoongi whispered. “Windows?”
“Only if you want to go swimming,” You replied. “Grab the chair and throw it at him.”
“Do it!” You ordered, hurrying to a paint can.
Your ex made an ungodly noise as the chair hit him and you were quick to follow, swinging the full paint can at his head with as much velocity as you could muster.
Yoongi grabbed your hand and both of you started sprinting away. “What do we do? If he goes up, he could run into any number of people?”
“We have to take care of it before he can fully change. We need a way to cut off his head.”
“I don’t suppose he’d hold still while we used a saw?”
“Probably not,” You answered, looking around as the two of you ran. Finally you spotted something useful. “Break in case of emergencies, right?”
Your ex made that ungodly screeching noise again, and his footsteps were unnaturally fast as they beat the ground behind you and Yoongi.
Yoongi hurried ahead and broke open the case with something he must have picked up, grabbing the ax.
You stopped to throw a piece of furniture in the zombie’s path, hoping it would slow him down or trip him up or anything that might give you the advantage.
The two of you darted upstairs after doing your best to block the door.
Then you took the ax. “Sound the alarm.”
He grabbed the handle of the ax. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Leading him away from the crowd. We don’t have time to debate—”
He took it and started running. “Sound the alarm. He’s focused on me.”
You looked after him in horror, then quickly started running toward the nearest place you could trigger an alarm, ducking into a room so that the zombie wouldn’t see you, holding your breath.
Finally, you could hear it going after Yoongi.
You signaled the bridge then hurried after them, looking for anything that would help along the way.
Only to see Yoongi barely holding the zombie off, even in the bright sunlight.
You went barreling into it, all while your mind screamed at you and tried to tell you to stop.
Or maybe that was Yoongi.
But it gave Yoongi the space and time to swing the ax, catching the zombie’s neck and knocking it back.
You grabbed a lifebuoy and pushed it over his head, trapping his arms. “Finish him!”
And Yoongi did, though you both stared in horror at the by-product of your battle.
You met his gaze, swallowing hard. “Is this a dream?”
He reached out and pulled you away from the body. “We need to wash the blood off. Come on.”
You were shaking all over, so it was a miracle you managed to walk without tripping.
Dobby and the others hosed both of you down, making sure the water sprayed straight off the deck, then went to clean things while the Bangtan staff brought both of you towels.
“How did that get onto the ship in broad daylight?” Cob asked, hurrying up.
You looked up at him. “It was Charlie.”
“Charlie let it get on the ship?”
“No,” You answered, confused. “That thing…was Charlie. He had pills. Pills from Biogene.”
“You should have let me throw him overboard,” He muttered, petting your head, and then physically maneuvering Yoongi to check him over. “Good. You look unhurt. Wouldn’t want to cut your head off too.”
Yoongi was just a little stunned.
“Get them out of this wind!” Lori huffed, glaring at everyone and then ushering the two of you inside and out of the wind. “You need to get into dry clothing, come on. You, you’re one of his brothers?”
The boys all froze.
She gently shoved Yoongi toward them. “Make sure he gets changed and tuck him in. Marta! Get soup to both rooms.”
You didn’t object to her manhandling, just accepting it because Lori could take you if she put her mind to it, and she was right there ready to take you.
She bundled you in blankets after helping you change into dry clothing, scolded Marta for taking so long bringing the soup, and she force-fed you the soup.
When she had done that, you knew it was time to push a bit.
“I need to go talk to him,” You whispered, ignoring the trembling of your hands and the comforting call of your bed.
Lori looked you in the eye, evaluating you, then nodded. “Let me fix your hair.”
You nodded and let her work, not even checking her work before you and your blanket wrap were heading to Yoongi’s room.
His door was open, and the others were there, but he saw you, and he pushed himself up.
The others glanced over to see what had caught his attention, then seemed to all find an excuse to leave the two of you alone.
You wandered over to the bed as the boys left.
Yoongi looked up at you, eyes sad. “Are you okay?”
You shrugged, slowly sitting on the edge of the bed. “I now know that my instincts to survive are strong enough to kill someone that I know once they’ve turned. So…I’m dealing with that.”
He shuddered and reached out, pulling you down into his arms. “We did what was necessary for the survival of everyone else on this ship.”
“How many friends are we going to lose because of all of this?”
He shook his head. “Let’s not go there.”
You turned your head into his shoulder, fighting back the tears. You had to separate moments out by mere seconds: him kissing you, a moment, and then your ex turning into a zombie. There was a moment in there, that you wished you could imagine was longer.
His fingers stroked your hair lightly, then rested on your back. “But you know…I think we’re going to be just fine. We definitely need more weapons, but I think we’ll make it.”
“You know something I don’t?”
He nodded. “While we were downstairs, a naval vessel contacted the captain. They’re about a day away from us.”
“They know the zombies can swim?”
“They do. And they’ve checked all quarters and removed all Biogene products. They had a small issue at the beginning, but they’ve got it under control now. They’re going to meet with us, and we’re going to work together. They had some civilians that they rescued, and not enough beds, so we’ll take some of their civilians, and perhaps some of their soldiers.”
“And the government?”
“It’s…sort of functioning. Multiple ones are functioning on a…mild capacity. Enough to try and organize their military to reclaim lands.”
“So, where are we being escorted?”
“I don’t know. That’s about all the information that was received, I guess. I’m sure we’ll find out more when we meet up. But…it’s good, right? That we’re able to meet up with a naval vessel?”
You nodded. “As long as we don’t get overrun by zombies tonight.”
“What a bright side,” He chuckled, lightly stroking your back. “Y/n.”
You relaxed at the gentle tone in which he said your name.
“Whatever happens, let’s make it through this together? I don’t have too many skills that are usable outside of music, but I’ll do whatever it takes to take care of you?”
You peeked up at him. “Are you sure?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I’m sure. I might be relying on you, though.”
You wrapped your arms around him. “That’s fine. I can handle that. If you’re okay with me falling apart now and than.”
“I’ll try and hold you together,” He replied, squeezing you. “We’ve got a couple hours of daylight. Want to nap?”
You pushed yourself fully onto the bed and let him help you under the covers. “Yeah, okay. I could sleep.”
He smiled, taking your hand as you both lay on your sides, facing one another. “Sweet dreams, y/n.”
“Sweet dreams,” You whispered back, still studying him with your eyes half-closed.
If you could make it to safety, then spending your life with him would be great. Better than great.
“Don’t let the zombies bite,” He murmured, smiling slightly at the teasing, and the way you swatted him.
Then you let the subtle sway of the ship rock you into sleep next to the man you just might love.
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luninosity · 3 years
Okay, so, some Falcon and the Winter Soldier thoughts (will have some spoilers) for episodes two and three. General non-spoilery comment first: I feel like these were both *okay* episodes - neither as good as the first, but I didn’t dislike them, either. I’m still really curious to see how we’re going to wrap this all up in three more episodes; it doesn’t feel like we’re halfway done yet!
Okay, more spoiler-y notes below the Read More, not in any real order, just as I think and type. I’ll probably forget some things, but for now, here’re some thoughts...
--I like ep 3 slightly more than ep 2, mostly because of Zemo!
--I actually really love Zemo here (I liked him in Civil War, too): complex, sardonic, enjoying poking at people, a villain we do feel sympathy for even as he’s still sharp enough to remind us that he is a villain. Daniel Bruhl has always done a fantastic job flipping between calculated cruelty, wry humor - the whole “I am a Baron” moment was great - and pain that for him is still raw, about the loss of his family. (Some things’re awfully cliche - look, the supervillain’s playing chess and reading Machiavelli in his cell? really? - but, y’know...sure. Why not. We expect some cliches in the superhero genre, and this is an inoffensive one.)
--also Zemo dancing. That’s it. That’s everything.
--moving on from that: I’m also really liking how they’re writing John Walker. He does have charm, and there’s a certain amount of sympathy - especially as we see him worrying about filling the Captain America shoes, in ep 2 - but we’re also getting this really subtle sense of wrongness about him. He’s clearly vindictive and angry when things (and people) don’t act according to his mental script for them, and he’s willing to use his name and power to do things like get Bucky released...which in context and given our sympathies for Bucky is a good thing, but...it’s also an indicator of his willingness to do what he wants, because he can. (To be fair, Steve Rogers also often did that! - but Steve earned our trust, both in narrative and character. From his first introduction to WWII leadership experience to all the Avengers stuff, Steve consistently acts to protect people, and he’ll also listen if someone else has a good idea or if someone needs to talk, like with Wanda.) So I’m really liking this slow-fuse character development.
--mixed feelings about Sharon. I love that the show’s acknowledging how much she sacrificed for our main heroes, with no reward. On the other hand, she also clearly knew the consequences that could happen; she said as much at the time. The level of bitterness seems like a lot. But I’m also interested in everything we still don’t know about her - if she’s not the Power Broker herself, she’s obviously Up To Something. So that should be fun.
--hey, look at that X-Men location, with Majipoor! Also a nod to Wolverine’s favorite bar there, I think?
--I love heist and disguise plots!
--I also really like Bucky’s having to revert to the Winter Soldier - Sebastian Stan does it so brilliantly, with so many layers of emotion: not wanting to, loathing it, recognizing the necessity, shutting off all emotion and just coldly doing it, hurting but covering it up...just fantastic, and you know I love some hurt/comfort, and this seems like such a great set-up for emotional hurt
--but! this also seems like...a weird plot hole, kind of? Bucky’s pretty famous at this point, right? I imagine the criminal underworld knows he’s been pardoned and deprogrammed, right? or do they assume Zemo, with his knowledge of Hydra, still has some special control over him?
--along the same “this seems like someone didn’t think this through” path, Sam, you’re a professional, turn off your phone on a mission. Oh my god. Face-palmingly stupid - and I think somewhat lazy writing, as the writers plainly needed a giveaway, and went for the first idea they had. Even if it made a main character look incompetent.
--the Flag Smashers and Karli are...fine. They feel very Generic Marvel Villain - not the big space alien type, but the other type, the “I have a personal loss and motivating pain so I’m a little sympathetic but also Clearly Evil, watch me kill civilians so the audience won’t ever find me TOO sympathetic” type. Meh. Fine. Zemo’s more interesting, but...fine.
--Anthony Mackie is such a fantastic actor - every bit of his reaction to the Isaiah Bradley reveal is so good. The anger, pain, frustration, ferocity...heartbreaking. Actually that whole scene is so good - his emotions at discovering this secret history are palpable, and it’s so painful, because we also understand why Bucky would keep the secret - as someone who knows about pain and trauma and being experimented on, and knowing Isaiah wants to be left alone - we feel really deeply for both characters here, and it’s great.
--I actually liked the abrupt swing from the Isaiah Bradley encounter to the casual everyday racism of the cops on the street - is it subtle, no. But it’s not meant to be: it’s meant to be standing up and shouting about how not that much has really changed, and about how pervasive racism is. I know some reviews were all, “this was just too much!” or “too forced!” but...look, it needs to be shouted sometimes for people to hear.
--Bucky’s notebook being Steve’s, oh, ouch, my feelings. If I had the time and energy to write fic...
--(also, if I had the time and energy to write dark!fic: where’re my fics in which Zemo’s implication about the Winter Soldier “doing anything you want” gets played with? what or who does Bucky have to do to keep the undercover charade going? so many Bad Wrong Kinky power dynamics and explorations of consent and what this would do to Bucky’s head, here, and honestly I’d totally read them all, just saying.)
--Sam and Bucky together...I don’t know. This is one of the elements that I’m not actually a huge fan of, but I think it’s partly a personal genre / sense of humor thing that’s not clicking for me, personally, again. Like...
--I don’t find people shouting aggrievedly at each other to be funny? I’m not sure why it is.
--I mean, I get that they’re doing, like, eighties buddy cop movies, but...it got old really fast then, and it’s not something we needed to bring back. It’s not clever, and it’s...well, shouty and annoying.
--(I say this as someone who genuinely likes the first two Lethal Weapon movies...but the significant difference is, I think, we’re also shown in both those movies that Riggs and Murtaugh care about each other. They don’t want to be partners initially, and they don’t get along initially, and they do argue over tactics**...but they immediately feel responsible for each other and act to protect each other even as they argue, because it’s the right thing to do and we’re shown moments of them awkwardly trying to connect, because they both have that deep sense of...protectiveness...that makes them Good People - like, if they learn something that the other person needs to know, they tell each other. They protect each other’s families / love interests. So by the end of the second movie, with that fabulous character death fake-out, Murtaugh’s initial shock and grief is real and powerful and painful, and so is his genuine relief when the worst isn’t true - and it’s all earned.) (**however, they tend to argue tactics *before* jumping in - “is it 1, 2, 3, go on 3? or 3, then go?” And then once that’s established, they go ahead. That makes a difference as far as...well...competence and teamwork!)
--(Sam and Bucky, as far as I can tell, don’t do the above, and just...maybe shouldn’t be working together?)
--I also don’t find grown men acting like my youngest nephew, when he’s having a temper tantrum, to be funny. Staring contests? Random insults? Sulking in silence? Oh, grow up.
--(Also, yes, writers, we see you with the “couples therapy” and “get closer and make your legs touch” and “landing on top of each other as they hit the ground” moments. I, at least, personally, am very tired of...I don’t know that I’d call it queerbaiting exactly, but this idea that we’re supposed to find these moments funny...because why? Because, ooh, they’re two men getting close to each other, physically or emotionally? Why is this a thing we need to draw attention to? Do you think you’re doing some sort of fan service? Please either make Sam/Bucky happen or stop doing this.)
--both Sam and Bucky are highly competent and professional agents, or they should be. They should know how to work in the field - even with people they may not like - and adapt to shifting strategy, make best use of available assets, include people in the plan, etc. I can’t help but compare this to something like, say, Leverage, which also has a team who mocks each other and makes jokes but clearly absolutely respects each other’s capabilities, has a plan going in and tells everyone what the plan is, and adapts (and trusts each other to adapt) on the fly as necessary, and does it all without random insults about someone’s (PTSD-related) staring and “robot brain”.
--one of the very specific moments that bothers me a lot is the ending of the therapy scene (yay for showing heroes in therapy! but also I’m pretty sure she’s...not a great therapist?). Bucky finally opens up and says something real, about his own self-doubt and wondering whether Steve was wrong about him....and Sam just...brushes it off and goes, “we’re done here,” basically. Not only does that feel wildly out of character for former counselor Sam, it feels cruel. I really deeply dislike that moment the more I think about it. Makes me want to scream.
--Sam insults Bucky way more than the other way around. It’s starting to feel very one-sided (it’d be better if more clearly reciprocal, though it’s still not a dynamic that’s my favorite), and again, feels out of character - maybe this is Anthony Mackie’s sense of humor, but Sam isn’t Mackie, and Bucky isn’t Seb, and it reads as...a weird unbalanced power-trip thing to me. And also out of character for Sam, who can be sarcastic (”If you guys eat that sort of thing,” about breakfast, when Steve and Nat have randomly shown up at his door) but that’s not the same as just throwing unprovoked insults at a person who’s trying to recover from trauma, and a lot of those insults seem to center on things that were done to Bucky, that he had no choice in (the staring, the arm, etc), and that feels....it just feels mean, to me. Make fun of things he’s had a choice in / can do something about, if you have to - hair, clothes, liking “old people’s games” like gin rummy or pinochle, not knowing who Beyonce is, I don’t know, there are so many options that aren’t cruel! Do that instead. Let Bucky have a good comeback for once, too!
--the action scenes are action scenes. Also fine.
--Sam might be right about destroying the shield, and the show may even be (unintentionally?) setting that up as the best outcome, but that’s a problem for the future, Sam; get it back first. Also it’s a problem you caused by giving the shield up - did you really trust the government to leave it unused in a museum? You’re not that naive.
--overall, it’s...a perfectly fine show, so far, I think? Solid, and interesting, but not great. I think some of what doesn’t work for me is because it doesn’t work for me personally, as far as the shouty insult-heavy action “comedy” bits that I’m not enjoying, but I think they’re doing what they aimed for with it, so in that sense, I guess it’s working? There’s a lot of really cool stuff around the edges - John Walker, Isaiah Bradley, that Dora Milaje stinger, the bigger world of a history interwoven with racism and superpowers, the chillingly effective use of Bucky’s past - but I wish I liked the central Sam-Bucky relationship more. Individually they’re wonderful - they’ve both had such powerful scenes dealing with family, trauma, and consequences - but I feel like, in the effort to do the buddy comedy dynamic, the writing has just made me really sure that they actually genuinely don’t like each other? To such an extent that if they show any affection / caring / interest in each other in the last three episodes, it won’t be believable. (I mean Sam and Bucky, not Mackie and Seb. Mackie and Seb’re adorable.)
--I just want to think about Zemo dancing some more.
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derireo · 4 years
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sad little pair ↦ itaru & izumi
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cw: high school au, a story spoiler or two from kniroun. angst? hurt/no comfort?
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"Hey." Izumi gently pokes Itaru's arm with the button of her pen to catch his wandering attention. It's currently study hall, but Izumi can't focus, and her friend doesn't seem too keen on doing work either.
Her prodding at his arm makes Itaru look up from the intricate wood patterns on his desk. His overgrown fringe falls over his eyes, but he can still see Izumi.
He rests his cheek in his palm, gaze staring at her through his fingerprint stained glasses. "What."
His tone is uncaring, but Izumi knows he's just bad at his delivery. She quietly gets up from her chair to stand beside Itaru's desk, and she crouches, hands gripping the edge of his table.
Her eyes are sparkling, albeit dimly. It looks like she has an idea in mind.
"Let's dip." She murmurs with a little upwards tilt to the corner of her mouth. "I wanna go home."
Itaru lazily nods his head in agreement. "Same."
Izumi's light up just a bit more, and Itaru feels kind of happy although he was barely able to lift her mood.
"Let's go at lunch." Itaru suggests to which Izumi smiles.
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"Sometimes looking at you makes me feel sad." Izumi mumbles softly, sitting cross legged above Itaru's head as he lies on the floor with a handheld game console in his grip.
She says that sentence with a barely amused smile, but it only makes Itaru scoff half-heartedly. He takes a glance up at her towering figure as he feels her fingers brush back his messy fringe.
"Then stop looking at me." He shrugs.
His tone is indifferent, but Izumi knows that his response is lighthearted. She smiles a little more. Readjusts his glasses for him.
"But looking at you can also make me happy." She urges, just in case there was a little part of Itaru that was annoyed with her comment. Izumi's fingers help keep Itaru's hair away from his face as he plays his game. "I feel less lonely.”
Itaru looks at her again, clearer this time now that he paused his game to pay more attention to the conversation they're having. "Well. We're friends.”
He puts his handheld console on his chest, screen down. Folds his hands above his stomach as Izumi playfully flattens his fringe to cover his vision.
"Yeah." She says after a pause. "But sometimes I feel like you get tired of me. My presence can be a bit much. I know.”
Itaru scoffs. "What presence? And if I was tired of you, I'd have left long ago." His voice tells Izumi that she’d gone and upset him.
"Where is this coming from, Tachibana?" Itaru asks her. His pink irises glimmer in the lowlight of the living room as he searches Izumi's face for any non-verbal cues. He doesn't find any
"I don't know." Izumi shrugs. She fixes his fringe and moves to shove her hands between her thighs to warm them. "The night makes me think.”
Her expression is slightly bashful, but it doesn't endear Itaru one bit. He crosses an arm beneath his head and gently reaches out to poke her cheek with his hand
"And it's still the afternoon. Stop thinking so hard.”
And, well... Yeah. Okay. She can probably do that.
Izumi turns her head to look out the window of her living room and smiles blankly. She nods in acknowledgement, looking back at Itaru with an eerily unfocused gaze.
"Yeah..." She trails off slowly.
It makes Itaru want to sigh.
Her mom never really liked showing her face when Izumi was around. And when they did end up seeing each other at home, Izumi's mom wouldn't stay around long enough to hold a conversation.
She'd leave the room if Izumi entered, and sometimes she'd even leave the house if she found no reason to stay.
This started around the time when Izumi's father left, so really. Izumi was just stuck.
Stuck being alone.
Itaru understands why she's being like this right now, but it still makes him wonder: Doesn't she get tired of feeling this way?
"Looking at me now, how are you feeling?" Itaru asks quietly. He watches her movements through his overgrown fringe and he can tell that she's slowly beginning to smile again.
"...I'm happy." She murmurs.
"Less lonely?" He asks another question.
"A little." Izumi frowns. Her brown eyes meet Itaru's, and she reaches out to lightly pat her palm against his cheek. "You're lonely too."
Her gentle touch isn't enough to quell the annoyance that flares inside of Itaru when she points out his similar problem. He still tries to keep his ill-temper at bay, though. For the sake of Izumi.
He blinks his eyes twice, thrice. Gazes up at the ceiling with pursed lips and an indifferent hum.
"I don't think I am." He argues, voice quiet.
It makes Izumi smile again. It's very much like him to pretend and deny things about himself.
"You and I both know that we're hanging around each other more because that guy is gone."
The mention of 'that guy' makes Itaru sip in a quick breath. His pink irises grow sharp as he looks at Izumi who was staring back; looking innocent as if she had done nothing wrong.
"Don't mention him." Itaru says lowly.
He didn't really care about the incident that had happened weeks ago anymore, but just remembering that he was friends with that type of person was something Itaru wanted to forget.
"If only he hadn't pulled that stunt, I'm sure you'd be with him instead of me right now." Izumi muses; observant as always.
And well, she's probably right. At this time of day, he'd usually be in the classroom with his 'friend', talking about Knights of the Round Table. Itaru only talks to Izumi after school, when he walks her home or when he stays over to study.
It's rare for him to be with Izumi for longer than three hours a day, actually. So it's funny. Funny how Itaru doesn't even know if he considers Izumi a friend.
A real one.
Does she consider him a friend?
Is she lying when she says he makes her feel less lonely or is it true?
And why does it feel like he's being selfish?
"Do you feel like I'm only using you as a substitute for his absence?" Itaru asks after a while of silence between the two students, and he frowns, vision briefly going out of focus due to Izumi going back to playing with his fringe.
He gives Izumi time to mull over her answer to his question, but Itaru's only given a shrug.
"I guess, but it doesn't bug me."  She starts, pinching a few strands of his hair between her fingers. "I'm a nice replacement, don't you think?"
Her teasing smile is what barely makes Itaru chuckle, but the young boy goes back to his normal brooding.
"I'm sorry."
The apology makes the girl pause in her messing around with his hair and frowns down at him. She couldn’t see the hundreds of thoughts that ran through his head, but it felt like she still saw right through him. "...Why?"
"I didn't mean to cast you aside." He mutters quietly and scratches his cheek, eyes darting between his friend's face and the ceiling of her living room. "I left you alone for too long."
"It's okay. You two were always happy when talking about Kniroun." Izumi shrugs. She doesn't really understand why he's feeling bad.
She knows that Itaru feels more comfortable around Tonooka than he feels with her so how can she blame him?
Itaru doesn't want to think about Tonooka. "I should have kept you some more company, at least."
"It's okay. I'm fine with the quiet walks home."
"Izumi. I don't... Ugh, I—I don't want you to say that." Itaru grasps for straws at this point. "You need to be more vocal with your own thoughts, wants, and needs."
"Well... If anything. I just want us to stay friends. For a long time." Her wish is simple and barely satisfies Itaru's need to feel less guilty, but he doesn't argue.
He gathers the courage to look at Izumi again and feels himself falter when he notices her smile.
"Do you think we can manage that?" She asks him, innocent.
And don't get mad at him, but the question almost had Itaru laughing at the absurdity.
People don't stay friends after high school.
People in high school aren't worth keeping as friends.
Itaru doesn't want to make a promise he can't keep.
"I don't know." He says honestly, lightly brushing away Izumi's hands from his face. "Seems a little difficult."
"Since our interests don't really align, right?" She says what Itaru had been thinking and the blond frowns.
Izumi smiles kindly, not at all upset. Of course, she knew. Itaru, busy with his games, busy with his studies, busy with anything else that didn’t pique Izumi’s interest. He sees her the same way; busy with acting, busy with working, busy with self-loathing.
None of that interested Itaru just as much as Izumi to him.
Funny, that, although they were completely different, they were also quite similar.
Lonely. Closed off. Acting like someone they’re not.
“I’m surprised we’re still friends.” Izumi muses, brown eyes staring straight through Itaru as his eyes looked up at her ceiling.
“We tolerate each other, if anything.” He says, avoids returning Izumi’s stare. His throat bobs, and suddenly there’s a vine of guilt climbing up his spine and wrapping around his neck.
He’s making it sound like he doesn’t consider her a friend; disregarding everything he said earlier in their conversation.
But, after Tonooka...he isn’t sure if he even wants one anymore.
There’s still a lot more he can lose if Izumi turns on him too.
Their silence stretches on for what feels like hours after Itaru’s last statement, Izumi’s eyes unblinking and void of any emotion. She isn’t sure if he’s pushing her away, having experienced much harsher treatment from her mother, but she prepares her heart for the icy hurt that would soon come.
Itaru’s uncomfortable by her stare. Almost like she’s staring at the floor and not him.
Almost like she’s choosing not to see him.
“How am I making you feel now?” He asks, quiet, as to not startle her.
Her unfocused eyes revert themselves at the question, and thankfully, he’s in her sights again. Itaru lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and runs a hand through his hair.
“Um.” She starts, wringing her hands in her lap. Her lips are red with how much she’s been biting them, and she looks almost conflicted. Like she didn’t want to tell him the truth.
Itaru reaches out, tenderly brushing his fingers against her cheek. “You can tell the truth.”
She barely registers his touch; something that doesn’t happen often. Izumi loves it when he initiates physical affection, but it seems that she doesn’t even notice this time around.
“Lonely.” She says, softly. “You want to leave.”
Itaru flinches at the sudden warmth of her tears dripping onto his fingers, and his breath catches when he sees that she still isn’t blinking.
Her face doesn’t move a muscle although there are tears leaking from her eyes and Itaru has to drop his hand from her face so that they would stop sliding down his arm.
Her voice is oddly calm, void of the sadness that her eyes show and Itaru sits up with an anxious feeling digging into his stomach.
“I didn’t say that.” He croaks. There’s a fire crawling up his throat that makes him struggle to speak, the burn making him stumble over his words as he reaches for Izumi’s shoulders to pull her limp body into his chest.
“I just—I-I...I don’t know if I can promise that I’ll stay.” He says truthfully, but still winces at the words that brought no comfort.
“It’s okay.” She speaks into Itaru’s shoulder, his arms wrapping around her.
Her nose stings and brings a fresh wave of tears to pool in her eyes. She laughs it off though, albeit weakly, and lets her face twist into a pained expression when she knows Itaru isn’t looking at her.
“It was fun being your friend.” She whispers, lifting a heavy hand to comfort Itaru by patting his back.
As they say. Nothing lasts forever.
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
Pairing: (F)Reader x Jisung
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: Guardian angel!Jisung || Fluff || Angst
Summary: When you summon a demon without telling your guardian angel, it leads to a long talk and a small trip down memory lane where you remember just how good of a friend Jisung is to you. 
Warnings: Demons | Mentions of loss | Mentions of drugs (not used by either reader or Jisung)
Masterlist || Chan - Maive || Minho - Kira || Changbin - Skye || Hyunjin - Nova || Felix - Lia || Seungmin - Raisha || Jeongin - Avia
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Maybe you shouldn’t have casted the spell. With the way the demon was looking at you with his arms crossed over his chest and a deeply annoyed look plastered on his face, you’re thinking maybe it was a bad idea. 
“Hello?! I can’t leave until I grant you something!” he reminds you while throwing his arms up in the air. 
“Oh my god,” the demon groans. His hand rubs over his face. “You didn’t think it would work and now I’m here and you don’t know what to do, huh?” He looks at you through his fingers and you nod nervously. “Great. Just great,” he sighs, “I can’t leave without your soul so I have to grant you something. What’s something you really want? Could be a promotion, a pet, money, charm seduction—whatever—what do you want?” 
“I don’t really need anything right now,” you confess softly. The demon groans once again. 
“You humans really think the spiritual world is a joke, huh?” he clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Whatever. My name’s Changbin. Say my name if you figure out what you want.” With that, he disappears into thin air. You blink a few times, your mind processing what had just happened. You look down to the candles that were lit mere minutes before the demon showed up in your bedroom. 
“Hey, Changbin?” you call out, testing the waters. 
“Yes?” The voice speaks up from the shadow in the corner of your room. 
“What do you mean by you can’t leave without my soul?” You hear another groan before you see the demon emerge from the shadows. 
“My job is to show up at people’s houses who summon me. Basically, I grant you something you really want and in exchange, I take your soul with me. This means that your soul will belong to me—Changbin The Demon—and when you die, you’ll have to come down to the Underworld and work for me. I can’t leave because I’m bound to you until I have your soul.” His explanation just makes your eyes widen. Okay, the summoning spell really was a bad idea. “No take backs, I’m here until I can leave. Since you don’t seem to have anything in mind,” he hangs his head in front of you like he’s mocking you, “don’t call for me for a while. I have a dumbass whose soul I need to play around with.” Changbin takes a few steps back before melting into the shadows. 
You let out a soft sigh. Great. Now you have a demon attached to you forever. You let out a loud groan as you hunch over the bright red pentagram on the ground. Why did you even think this was a good idea. 
“Exactly? Why was this a good idea?!” You hear the familiar voice of your guardian angel exclaim from behind you. 
“Jisung shut up!” You turn around and glare at the angel. 
“Dumbass,” he clicks his tongue in annoyance. 
“I know that! Now what do I do?! There’s just this demon who vibes in the corner of my room now!” 
“I can see that!” Jisung argues. 
“A guardian?” Changbin’s voice fills the room with a dark chuckle. You feel your angel move closer to you and you see his white wings surround you. 
“Stay away from my human,” he growls, sending a shiver down your spine. “Find another soul to take with you.” 
“I think you should stay away from my human,” the demon emerges from the shadows with dark eyes. “I can’t leave until she gives me her soul.” 
“You can’t have it when she’s under my protection,” Jisung retaliates. 
“I’ll get it one way or another,” Changbin shrugs. “Either way, I’m bound to her forever while you,” he points to your guardian, “are only bound to her until she dies. This means that her soul will end up being mine either way. It’s either you do everything you can to protect her or you let me have her.” His tone is so nonchalant as he speaks that it freaks you out. 
“When she dies she’ll become a guardian,” Jisung growls. 
“She has three strikes because she’s a human,” Changbin reminds him. “Strike one is this: summoning me. Strike two will be interacting with me and strike three won’t even happen because I’ll bring her down with me before she can do anythign else.” 
“You can try that—or you can try being banished. Your pick, Bin.” Changbin scoffs at the nickname he earned when he was a guardian. “I know you’re still good, hyung. The deities would give you a second chance since you have angel blood.”
“I don’t need a second chance from those assholes,” he snaps. “We don’t know each other like we used to, Jisung. You can’t keep trying to revert me because I’ll never go back.” He disappears. Jisung’’s grip around you loosens, his wings slowly relaxing the longer Changbin’s gone. 
“Now, you see what you’ve gotten yourself into?” Jisung scolds when he moves away. “God, I don’t need this right now. Jeongin’s already freaking out because someone—Avia—decided it was a good idea to pick up a cursed object and now he needs to chase away the demons for her too.” 
“Jisung, I genuinely didn’t think it would work, okay?” you groan loudly. 
“I told you not to summon the demon, (Y/n)! You didn’t listen and now we have a demon that wants to eat your soul or something!”
“What am I supposed to do then?! It’s not like guardian angels can let me see her again!” Jisung stares at you as you go silent. You bring your knees to your chest, tears starting to well in your eyes. The guardian lets out a soft sigh before you feel his presence appearing beside you and pulling you into his chest, comforting your aching heart. 
“I know losing someone is hard. That ache just doesn’t leave ever, but it doesn’t mean you won’t ever see them again. If you’re good, you go up.” You turn to look at him, noticing his soft smile. His wings curl around you gently, the soft white feathers brushing against your skin ever so softly. How you wish you could fall for him. Jisung’s too rule abiding to allow himself to love you which led to him turning you down even before you could do anything. 
“I’m sorry I made this so difficult,” you apologise softly as you rest your head on his shoulder. 
“It’s okay,” Jisung hums. “Sometimes we make mistakes, but it doesn’t mean we can’t get through it.” He pulls away to look at you, “don’t worry, (Y/n). I know how to keep Changbin away from you.” 
“How do you know him?” 
“Well,” he sighs as he looks ahead. “We go way back. Changbin and I were created in the same generation of guardian angels. It just so happened that he didn’t like the way angels ran things in heaven so he just stopped caring until our deities ripped off his wings and threw him out. Basically, ever since then, all of the guardians that came from our line have tried to talk him back into joining us. He refuses every time. Since he won’t come back, Skye forced herself into the Underworld just so she could be with him.” 
“Did she?” You turn to him in shock. Jisung nods sadly. 
“She loves him too much to be away from him. So, she joined him.” You let the idea settle in your mind. Being so torn from being away from someone you love that you throw away everything just to be with them. 
“Maybe Skye and I have something in common,” you suggest softly. 
“Skye has angel blood,” he turns to you, “your little beating heart is fragile.” Jisung’s hand moves to poke at your chest right above your heart, “and the pain you feel now will eventually disappear. An angel’s pain is… it lingers forever because we don’t die. We’re just alive. Forever.” 
“Have you ever thought about it?” you ask him. 
“About what? Becoming a fallen?” When you clarify with a nod, Jisung lets out a sigh. “Once. It was when one of the angels from my generation got destroyed.” You give him a confused look. “Angels can’t die from humans or normal things like old age. Though, we can die if our light is destroyed.” 
“What does that mean?”
“Means an entity destroys our souls. That’s the only danger we have when we’re protecting our humans. Although, not all entities know how to, some entities that do are the ones that we have to be careful of. Sometimes it could be fallen angels, sometimes it could be other light angels hiding their abilities—sometimes it’s just a random spirit that just so happens to be bothering our humans.” You let the thought settle. Jisung could die protecting you. “Some guardians completely abandon their humans when they come across an entity with that ability because it’s too much of a hazard to be around. Some,” he smiles softly, “don’t.” Your lips part in realisation. Changbin has the opportunity and you can tell that he does just from the look on Jisung’s face. 
“You know, you could always just leave me if you have to,” you tell him. 
“I would never leave you,” he laughs as he turns to look ahead, his sparkling brown eyes stopping to look at your wall.
"Sorry I'm such a pain in the ass sometimes. Like now and how I now have a demon attached to me." 
"That's not a problem we can't get through. We just need to be careful. Worst comes to worst, I can banish him and he won't be able to come back to Earth ever again." He explains it like it's such a simple process to them. "Don't worry about it," Jisung reassures you when he hears your worrying thoughts. "I can't actually do it unless he hurts you." You give him an appreciative smile. You honestly love Jisung to bits. Even though you knew he was just a guardian from the very beginning, Jisung never failed to be by your side when you needed him. 
“Do you remember the first time we met?” Jisung questions. “You had just turned sixteen and you were in your room finishing your homework. I showed up beside you and you barely even bat an eye to my appearance.”
“Only because you looked like a normal human and not one of those creepy ghosts without limbs,” you snort. “I was waiting for my guardian to show up. I spoke to my aunt’s guardian once, but the other guardians didn’t really want to interact with me. My aunt’s guardian told me about how the whole thing worked, so I waited for you to show up. When you did, I have to admit I was really happy that I finally got my very own guardian.” It wasn’t a weird occurrence for you to suddenly see a random person appearing out of nowhere when Jisung appeared.
“You can see me?” he questioned, bewildered. 
“I can see spirits,” you nodded. You were used to seeing spirits, so when the winged guardian appeared in your bedroom in the middle of the night, you were just relieved he looked normal. From then on, Jisung has been floating around by your side. 
“Don’t go to the party,” Jisung whispered in your ear after a classmate sent you the invitation through Instagram. 
“Why?” You turned to him, scanning his face. The guardian wordlessly shook his head. You obliged, skipping out on the party with the random excuse that you weren’t feeling well. It was only when morning came did Jisung actually tell you why he didn’t want you to go. 
“The hosts were inviting people who weren’t from your school. An outsider drugged the drinks and now your entire class is in the hospital.” Your jaw dropped when your best friend—Avia—had sent a message saying she was hospitalised after going to the party. Even when you didn’t really need any protection, Jisung was just always there; chilling around you even until the late of night if you couldn’t sleep. 
“Jellyfishes don’t have brains, right?” you questioned. The thought just wouldn’t leave your mind after you heard about it. 
“Nope,” Jisung shook his head nonchalantly, his eyes stuck to your phone as he put together a  playlist on your Spotify account. 
“Then how do they… function?” Jisung froze, his own mind processing the information. 
“I honestly don’t know, (Y/n). They just… do.” He stopped scrolling when he was satisfied with his work, pressing shuffle and setting your phone on your bedside table, letting the music play through a pair of speakers he brought. 
“So… they’re just bags of water but they’re still dangerous?” 
“Mhm,” he nodded. “Maybe I should ask the deities about that,” Jisung wondered out loud. “Hold on, let me ask Channie hyung about it.” He disappeared, leaving you alone with the soft, lofi music playing throughout your bedroom. Jisung appeared in Maive’s home to see the older angel watching movies with his human. 
“Jisung?” Chan immediately sat up, wondering why the younger guardian showed up unannounced. 
“Hyung, how do jellyfish function without brains?” Maive immediately burst into laughter. 
“What?” He looked at Jisung in confusion. 
“I’m talking to (Y/n) right now and we’re both wondering how jellyfish work.” Jisung’s explanation does little to wipe the confusion off of Chan’s face. 
“Jisung—I—I don’t know. They just do, okay? The gods made them that way and that’s just how they work.” Jisung nodded at that, deciding that the information from Chan was sufficient before he teleported back to your bedroom. 
“Channie hyung said they just work that way.” 
“Was it even necessary to go and disturb him?” You looked at him with amusement plastered on your face. Jisung shrugged in response as he sat on your bed cross-legged. 
“It’s all in the name of knowledge.” He grinned, patting your head softly. “Get some rest, (Y/n). I’ll be here if you need me.” And with you is where he stuck. You understood it was his job to stick around, but you still appreciated his company no matter when he showed up. It didn’t take long before he started getting more comfortable with you and ended up treating you more like a friend rather than just an assignment. 
“Thank you for being here with me.” You look up at him. Jisung turns down and smiles. 
“Well, you make it worthwhile,” he pinches your cheek lightly. “I like you—even though I can’t love you—you’re a good friend, (Y/n). I like that quality in you.” Jisung’s words make you smile. “You don’t make difficult requests and you’re obedient most of the time.” 
“Most of the time?” you roll your eyes, a small smile tugging on your lips. 
“Well, summoning Changbin was something I was against and you still did it,” he teases. “Don’t worry about him. There’s a few lines he can’t cross that I could easily get him banished for. More often than not, demons are more afraid of being banished because then they’d be working directly under the command of their king. As long as he knows that I can banish him at any time, he won’t do much to harm you.” 
“Thank you, Jisung.” You lean your head against his shoulder, allowing silence to settle between the two of you. He was always comforting. Comforting enough that even if you could never love him, you just hope that you would be good enough to be his friend forever.
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inuykago · 5 years
chance, part 1
ahhh... day 12 of quarantine.... my desire (and time) to write fiction has returned. lemme just say I missed you guys and though not many of you may not remember me -- or still follow me lmfao -- that’s okay cus i’ma be chillin right here so come back and talk to me anytime 🥺
this one goes to @kago-mae <3 but pls excuse me, I'm pretty rusty now T___T 
{high school au. inukag. 1,335 words. suggest a prompt. ff.net, ao3.}
“Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.”
“W-What?” Kagome snapped back into reality. “I-I wasn’t… doing…--” she fiddled with her hair, nervously laughing -- “anything…”
“You were staring at Inuyasha again,” Sango motioned, but Kagome tried to ignore it. “When are you going to tell him?” 
The girl shook her head, continuing her gaze. Sango sighed, and Kagome was in denial. 
This all started during first year.
The weather was hot, but Kagome’s hands were cold and clammy. She was so nervous. It was a new year with new people and the next chapter in her life: high school.
Thank God Miroku is here with me, Kagome thought to herself. Over a hundred of her new soon-to-be classmates were lined up in the gymnasium. Kagome and Miroku stood next to each other -- both eager and uneasy at the same time.
The two met in middle school. She always thought Miroku was conceited with his pierced ears and little ponytail, and Miroku always thought she was an annoying crybaby. But, turns out, their opposite personalities attract and they became best friends, though people always thought they were more than that (which always made them want to throw up, even to this day).
“Psst,” Miroku whispered to his side. “Kagome-”
“Hm?” She answered, leaning to her right.
“See any cute guys?” He nudged her.
Kagome looked left and then right, then left again. “Ehhhh,” she shrugged. “I guess not…,” she put her head down, facing the shiny, waxed floor. “Jeez… what a bust.”
“Well,” Miroku laughed, “I see a cute girl.”
Kagome laughed, shaking her head, “Miroku, should I even be surprised?”
“Now, now, let’s not be feisty,” he grabbed her head, forcing it towards a few feet to the right. “HER.”
It was a girl not much taller than Kagome. Her hair was thick, brown and held tight in a ponytail with her bangs and side pieces of hair left dangling. She wore mascara and black eyeliner with pink eyeshadow topping it all off.
“Now, I see that makeup on any other girl, it’s awful,” Miroku snickered. “But, with her, it’s perfect.”
The way he was staring at her, he might as well have gone up and asked her to marry him.
“Miroku,” the boy looked at Kagome. “You’re drooling.”
Miroku fumbled, trying to wipe the saliva with his tan cardigan -- which he thought was a terrible color for school uniforms -- as he reached to scratch his face to play it off. Sango heard the ruckus and shifted her gaze slightly to the left, which made Miroku panic.
“Ahahahha, oh Kagome!” he was fake laughing, horribly. “You and your wittiness,” he pretended to wipe tears from his eyes.
“Young man!”
“E-Eh...y-yes?” Miroku cleared his throat.
“It is 8 in the morning,” the man said, gesturing with papers in his hands. “Do you think we want to hear your laugh?”
“N-No sir.”
“Good,” the class chuckled, including Kagome.
Miroku lightly shoved her, “Yeah, alright, Ms. Kagome,” he blew up towards his bangs. “I’d like to see how you react to a guy you think is cute.”
“Listen, pretty boy-”
“Homeroom 2-2,” the man announced; his piercing red eyes didn’t help with the two’s uneasiness. “Line up and make your way to your homeroom,” he brushed his long, black hair and gave a mischievous grin, “Quietly!”
Miroku and Kagome looked at the piece of paper they were both handed, on the top right it read:
ROOM 305
With a sigh of relief they were in the same class, Kagome gripped the strap of her yellow backpack and made her way to the stairwell. She gripped Miroku’s sleeve, trying to stop him from attacking the cute girl.
“Not yet, you weirdo!!!” she shook her head as he laughed nervously.
She sighed, how did I survive all these years with this guy?
And that’s when she saw him.
His hair was long, white and seemed so perfectly groomed. His fingernails were longer than most guys, but Kagome didn’t mind that at all. Her eyes scanned the side of his face, captivated by his glistening yellow eyes. Woah, she mumbled. Why does everything feel slow motion?
“Uhhhhhh, Kagome?” Miroku’s face now blocked that face of an angel; he was snapping loudly, trying to bring her back to reality. “You’re drooling.”
“Eh?!” she swung her arm towards her mouth, wiping it off with her white long sleeve. She moved her head a few inches to the left, trying to take in one more look.
The boy was already glaring at her.
She shuddered, but her face was flustered. “Ahhhhhh, see,” Miroku teased, taking in a baby voice. “Who’s the weirdo nowwwww?”
“Shut up!” she punched her friend. “I-I wasn’t doing anything.”
Miroku rubbed his arm, laughing, “Whatever you say!”
I hope he’s in our homeroom.
“Kagome-chan, I don’t understand,” Sango plopped her chin onto her hand. “You and Inuyasha are so close. Though you two butt heads sometimes and he can be so cocky-- ” he really is cocky, Kagome thought “-- it’s obvious he cares for you.”
“Ehhhh?!” she was in denial again.
Kagome pouted, unsure of what to do. She never knew how to read the guy. One moment, they’re laughing and joking and the next they’re arguing over something so small, making her want to shave off all of his “luscious” hair.
“Sango-chan, he doesn’t see me like that!” she moved her hand up-and-down, in “shoo” type of motion, trying to dismiss the assumption.
“But you see him like that!” Kagome jumped up to cover her mouth. “S-Say it louder why don’t you?!”
“Yo!” Miroku and Inuyasha walked up from their desks across the room, Kagome’s hand still on Sango’s mouth.
The two reverted back to normal, trying to dissipate any suspicion, “Morning, Inuyasha, houshisama.”
Miroku gripped his chest, keeping his heart in check, “M-Morning!”
“Hey, Kagome,” Inuyasha said.
Kagome felt her hands get cold and clammy again, “Morning, Inuyasha, Miroku!” She smiled it off.
“Say Kagome,” Inuyasha sat in the empty seat beside her, slumping in the chair. “Wanna do my math homework for me??”
“E-Excuse me?!” she looked at him like he had three heads. “Why me??”
“‘Cause!” he leaned in. “You’re the best chance I got,” he looked at the other two as they tried to interject. “Am I wrong??”
“You’re right.”
“Keh,” he brushed his hair back, making Kagome’s heart explode. “So, whaddya say?” he looked back at her, “Uhhhh… I’ll make you a deal.” He rubbed his neck, looking up into her chocolate brown eyes, “I won’t bother you for a whole day!”
Kagome whispered into Sango’s ear, seeing if that was a good trade-off -- plus the possibility of being “alone” with him, even though that’s not what I’m thinking! She tried to erase the thought. The two nodded their heads in agreement.
“Okay, deal,” she shook his hands; his soft, firm hands. She snapped out of her daydream. “Sango-chan, will you be coming too?”
She shook her head, swaying her thick ponytail, “Can’t today, gotta help my little brother with his homework.” Sango winked and Kagome twitched -- liar! She thought silently.
“H-How ‘bout you, Miroku?” she batted her eyes (basically saying please don’t leave me with him). “I can’t either, I have to help,” he glanced at Sango. “M-My niece!”
Kagome widened her eyes, mentally punching him in the face, “You don’t even have-”
“Riiinnngg!” the bell rang.
“Well, ‘gome, guess it’s just you and me,” he nudged her before leaving for his first class. “See ya.”
Kagome dropped her head to her desk in defeat. Yeah, her and Inuyasha butt heads a lot and joke around a lot, but on the inside she is d y i n g, trying to keep her cool. She laughs so much around him so he -- and others -- don’t see how nervous she is around him. And the fights? She kind of loves it. It’s their thing.
“Atta girl!” Miroku patted her back (though it felt like an aggressive you better tell him).
Sango bent her knees to her friend’s level, holding onto her bag strap, “Today’s your chance.”
My chance?
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Sweetest Desire
Pairing: Remy Sanders x Emile Sanders
Mentioned: Roman Sanders x Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders x Logan Sanders
Warnings: Gun violence, blood, arguing
Original author: @petrichor-passions
Remy had never planned on becoming involved with the mob. When he opened Verdant, he never really expected to draw that sort of crowd. But, as the years passed, it became normal. His business typically acted as a safe spot for members to have a drink and listen to some good music. As more time passed, he became more involved. He had done some not good things. But, he was on the good side and even considered a good friend of “The Devil” — Logan Decker. 
He had hired Virgil, his cousin, a few months after opening. He had no idea what that decision would mean for him in the future. 
“Dr. Picani, you really should stop by the bar sometime,” Virgil suggested as they finished his session. “I mean, even counselors go out for drinks, right?”
“First, Virgil, how many times have I told you to call me Emile? Second, I might take you up on that offer soon.”
Virgil gave a small smile as he departed from the office. 
Emile had made this city his home soon after earning a doctorate in psychology. Ever since then, he’s had a small office right by the “bad side of town.” However, he hated that term. People were people. No matter where they came from. He saw people and couples from all walks of life. His only goal was to help people. 
Remy had seen many things when it came to his bar. Shootouts? Sure. Passionate make out sessions? Of course. A man wearing a cardigan, drinking a water and treating this spot like your average social gathering place?  That’s a new one. 
He slid behind the bar and over to his cousin, who was talking to the mystery man. 
“Oh, hey, Remy. This is my friend Dr. Emile Picani.” There was a notion of pride in his tone. 
“Remy?! You’re Virgil’s boss cousin, right? Cousin boss?” He beamed a bright smile in the midst of all this noise. He extended his hand over the tabletop. 
That smile stunned Remy’s closed off heart. How did he do that? He had known this Dr. Emile Picani for less than a minute.  Why did he forget how to breathe for a split second?
He pulled himself from his thoughts and returned the gesture. “Remy, the cousin boss,” he ended with a smirk. “We don’t get a lot of doctors around here.” 
“Well, I’m happy to be one of the first!”
Of course he was. 
Virgil interrupted, “Emile, I can’t wait for you to see Patton perform. He’s amazing.”
Over the next couple of months, Emile became a more common customer. Virgil always made sure Remy knew of his arrival. Virgil, and nearly every regular of Verdant, saw the spark between the two. 
It was always hard to watch this from the mob perspective. Everyone involved in the group had done it at one point or another. That’s why so many refused to admit to it. They had fallen for an “innocent.” One who had no connection to the mob. 
These days, there were rumors even the Devil had fallen for one. 
It most always ended in tragedy. Many settled for loneliness rather than heartbreak. They could have any member they wanted. But, it could never be that easy, could it?
Everyone had seen the change in Remy. He was softer around his new “friend.” No one dared to say anything though. 
They hadn’t gone on any dates and they were far from “official.” But, Remy had taken to walking Emile home from work nearly every day. As it became more of a ritual, so did holding hands. 
Remy was always rather quiet on these walks. He’d take in the sunset, the slight breeze, and finally, everything about Emile. His smile that seemed never faltering. How his hair moved in the breeze. The warmth of his hand. His voice. Oh his voice. The excitement that never left. He’d ramble about his day or Avatar or his favorite Disney movies and it would sound like music to Remy. 
He couldn’t deny the color that rose in his cheeks anymore. His life wasn’t so beautifully mundane, except when he was with him. Maybe his feelings would have to be left unspoken forever but if it kept Emile safe, it was absolutely worth it. 
Sometimes, when Remy felt comfortable enough, he’d let formalities slip away. An “Em” or, his favorite for the most endearing moments, “Pixie” would grace his lips. Emile always giggled when it happened. 
At the end of one of their now regular walks, they reached Emile’s porch. Remy, despite the risks of both danger and rejection, couldn’t just look at his lips anymore. 
Stupid. Idiotic. Dangerous. 
Emile was talking about something, maybe a light going out in his office that he needed to get replaced. It was the only time Remy didn’t care. He couldn’t focus enough to care. 
Emile has turned to unlock his door. 
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
When he didn’t get an answer, he turned back around. “Right, Rem?”
Remy was biting his lip. 
“Are you ok, Remy?”
Remy’s eyes flickered to Emile’s lips. Without thinking, the words fell out of his mouth. “I love you.”
His counterpart gasped in response. 
He had messed up. It was too soon, he had taken things the wrong way. The risk meant nothing. 
Then, Emile’s lips collided with his. Only for a few seconds but, Remy took in everything. The feeling, the warmth, the smell. 
“I love you too, Remy,” he earned back in the form of a whisper. 
They were a few days short of being together for a month (secretly, of course). Remy was planning to talk to Emile. Really. He wanted to give him an out. Emile didn’t have to risk everything and get involved with the mob just for Remy. But, it was so nice. To have something, more accurately, someone normal. So, he selfishly avoided the topic. Until it was too late. 
This was the first time he’d ever seen Emile truly angry. 
“Remy, what the hell?! Y’know the first time there was a shootout, a shootout,” he repeated for emphasis, “at your bar, I let it slide. I thought ‘it’s a bar on the bad side of town, it’s bound to happen once.’ but twice?!”
Remy interrupted him hesitantly, “Eleven,” he revealed with a sigh. 
“Em, I- What happened last night marks the eleventh time a shootout has happened at my bar.”
For the first time since they had met, Emile was speechless. He huffed out a laugh and an “unbelievable...” before turning to his desk. 
“Pix-Em- Emile,” he stammered out as he reached for his boyfriend’s shoulder, the doctor flinched away. “Just, let me explain...”
Emile turned to face him again, there were tears brimming his eyes. Remy wanted to shoot himself for being the person who put them there. 
He earned a gesture that signaled for him to continue. 
“Listen, Emile, I wanted to tell you this for a long time, a really, really long time but, I was selfish and didn’t want to lose you. But, you deserve better-“
“Rem, quit stalling and just tell me.”
The coldness of Emile’s tone shocked Remy but, he knew he deserved it. “I-I’m in league with the mob.” At this point he had stopped looking at the other man. He moved his hand through his hair before continuing, “I have been since a few months after opening Verdant. I work with them and things... shootouts, happen. Bad things happen. That’s why I didn’t tell you, because if you knew, that would put you in danger. And- And I wanted you safe. Em, I’ve done bad things, for what I always pray are good reasons. But,” he bit his lip as he finished, “you deserve to decide if you want to be with me and I’m sorry for taking away your choice for so long.”
Their eyes met. 
Remy could tell Emile was thinking of how to respond. 
Emile looked away, looked down, then looked back at his boyfriend. 
Here it comes. 
“Remy, do you know why I do what I do?” the doctor asked in soft and patient tone.  
Of course he did. They had talked about it on their third walk. 
“To help people.”
“To help people,” he repeated before continuing, “Remy, nearly every patient I see has had their life impacted by the mob. And not in a good way! Innocent people pay the ultimate price for your actions every single day!”
Remy started to cower in shame, “Em, it’s not-“
The other man’s tone reverted to anger, “Are you seriously trying to defend yourself right now?! I know that life isn’t black and white, Rem, but, there is right and there is wrong! You or the mob can’t be the one who decides which is which!”
“We don’t!” Remy finally shouted back. “We don’t decide which is which. The mob is more than just a hoard of criminals. It’s a family! And, without the mob, this city would be hopeless!” He paused for a moment and made himself regain his composure, “We control crime, at least we try to. And, because of what we do, retaliation happens, hence the shootouts. Em,” They were both crying now, thin streams of tears ran down both their faces, “we try our hardest to save innocent lives. The mob wants peace and safety and love... just like everybody else.”
They both looked at their feet. 
Emile wipes his tears away before speaking up, his voice was rough from the yelling and crying, “Rem, I love you, but, I need some time — Some time to figure things out and wrap my head around this.”
“Ok,” Remy returned softly before leaving the office. 
Remy sighed as he looked down at himself. He was wearing a plain white 
t-shirt and black jeans. The mundane ensemble was brought together by his leather jacket. 
Emile always loved when he wore it. Hence the sigh. 
It had been nearly three weeks since... everything. He wanted so badly to see his smile again, hear his laugh, hold his hand. But, he couldn’t decide when Emile was ready. Maybe this was the punishment for his selfishness. 
He was stirred from his thoughts by Virgil knocking on his office door. His cousin was always sure to be at least ten minutes early to his shift. 
“Hey, Virge, what do you need?”
“Um, I don’t know how to say this so I’m just gonna say it, Emile just texted me. He’s gonna be here any minute.”
Remy scrambled out of his chair and down the stairs. 
Virgil couldn’t help but snicker. 
“Shut up!”
“How can I? It’s been three weeks and he’s still got you perfectly wrapped around his finger.”
As they reached the bottom of the staircase and headed towards the main room, Remy gave him a fierce look. 
Virgil jokingly put his hands up in surrender, “Not that I’m judging. It’s just... cute.”
Remy rolled his eyes as he entered through the back of the bar. He spotted Emile almost instantly. 
He was wearing Remy’s favorite tie and cardigan pairing as he walked through the front door. 
Emile made his way through the crowd and landed at the bar after about two minutes. 
“Hi, Virgil!”
There was that smile again. In that moment, Remy didn’t care that it wasn’t directed at him. It was just so nice to see it, him, again. 
“Hi, Emile, I’m guessing you two need a minute?”
The latter mentioned gave Virgil a smile knowing smile. 
Then, everything was a blur. Shots rang out through the building. People had started screaming. There was a yelling of orders. 
Remy had jumped over the bar and grabbed Emile. “Stay here with Virgil!”
The two proceeded to sit down behind the bar. 
Remy ran straight (ha) into the action. He pulled a gun out of his top jacket pocket. Firing strategically, the chaos finished in a few minutes. 
He took a sigh of relief. He made eye contact with Logan, who gave him a nod. It was over. 
At least, he thought it was. 
He made it over to the bar with a little smirk on his face. He had hope that the night would end with him walking Emile home. That hope, however, was crushed when a heartbreaking scene greeted his eyes. 
Virgil had just ended a call and Emile was slumped against the wall of the bar, blood seemingly pouring out of his abdomen. 
How could he not have noticed?
He all but fell to Emile’s side. Virgil then left, Remy would find out later it was to be able to lead the ambulance crew to Emile. 
He put his hand on his boyfriend’s wound. The panic and intensity of the situation set in. 
A soft grunt of pain came from Emile’s lips.
“Hey, Pixie, you just look at me and you’re gonna be fine. I promise.”
Shallow, quick breaths were the response he was given. The look in Emile’s eyes shattered his cold heart into a million pieces. 
He moved his free hand through the doctor’s hair. Tears fell freely. "I’m right here, Em. You just gotta stay right here, with me. Ok?”
“‘m s...,” Emile breathed out. If you weren’t right next to him, you wouldn’t tell he had even made a noise. 
“Don’t-Don’t you dare apologize, baby. You just need to stay awake.”
Emile slowly moved his hand to cover Remy’s. "R’m...”
“I love you, too, Em. Just hold on, please, Pixie, please...”
Remy heard the ambulance team enter through the door. 
The Devil wasn’t one for hospitals. The mob and the hospital didn’t exactly mix. But, Logan Decker wasn’t here for himself. He was here for one of his very few close friends. 
Dr. Emile Picani was currently in surgery. No one knew if he was going to survive or not. But, Logan, his bodyguard, Virgil, and a dozen other mobsters, waited alongside Remy for the answer. 
Remy was sitting alone in the corner of the waiting room, blood still covering his hands. Logan approached him and took the seat next to him. 
They sat in silence for a few minutes. 
“Remy, what do you desire?”
Both of them knew exactly what he was asking. 
“I want them all dead.”
Logan nodded and gestured to a couple of his men. He stood, placed a hand on Remy’s shoulder sympathetically and took his leave.
He had a mission to finish.
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rami-writes-blog · 6 years
Someone like... Me? - Part 2 (Fem reader  x Rami Malek + Gwilym Lee)
You've done make-up for lots of movies and shows but being in charge for the make-up for the guys from Bohemian Rhapsody has been the coolest job ever. You always have a blast with the boys on set and you often stay longer than you actually need to. Romance blooms and shatters but is it the romance you first thought? Or hoped for? Friendship.. Love.. Forgiveness.. Actions often speak louder than words. God works in mysterious ways.. And maybe, you should open up to things your heart tells you, not your mind?
Will Rami take step up in your relationship? Or does he have other plans? You may just have to look closely, because actions sometimes speak louder than words. Is there someone with an hidden agenda? Don't forget, every coin has two sides. And most importantly, will you figure out what happened in that trailer with Rami and Lucy?
Wordcount: + 2,2K.
Warnings: none.
(feel free to DM me or anything - love to hear feedback or just get ideas and everything !)
I just got out of the shower when I hear my doorbell ring. Fuck. I quickly wrap a towel around my hair and put my bathrope on. I open the door, kind of hoping it's Rami but to my surprise it's Gwil already. He's like 45 minutes early. I sarcasticly look on my watch (I don't even have on). ''I'm sorry but – I didn't know you meant English time''. I can't help but laugh and he rolls his eyes .''I was ready already and you know me – I'd rather be on time''. I give him a kiss on his cheek like I always do and let him in, ''don't mind me – I'm still getting ready''.. 
''No problem Amy – take your sweet time. I'll just grab a beer if that's ok''. He knows he doesn't need to ask but still always does. ''Sure - you know where everything is. Just make yourself at home'' . I just picked out an outfit and I'm trying to find the right shoes when I can hear Gwil playing my guitar - how didn't I know he could play guitar? 
Ofcourse. He plays Brian May and knowing Bri he'll surely taught him to do so. The melody he's playing.. – it's like – It's so beautiful and I'm sure I recognize it. I'm completely astonished when I hear his voice, so beautiful and pure.. Hearing the first words I finally recognize the song –
♪ ,We'll do it all, everything, on our own' ♪, I decide to peek through the crack of the door..  
♪  If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?' ♪
When I walk towards him he finally looks up but doesn't stops playing – I sit down next to him. He never takes his eyes off of me and even if I wanted to, I can't stop admiring him, so I just sit there, not breathing, not blinking, nothing – just watching him. He has such an beautiful voice.. When he when he finishes the song I just – I keep staring at him ,,Liked it?'' he asks.
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''Oh my God, Gwil. What the fuck. That was literally the most beautiful thing that has ever blessed my ears''. His cheeks turn a bit red and he just tries to wave it away. He quickly tries to revert the attention from him to me. ''do you play?'' He asks me. ''Hmm. I've been practicing this song I absolutely love but..''.. ''well let's hear it then'' he says genuinely being curious. I really don't want to but he insists. So I take the guitar from him, try to find the right notes and when I finally do, I make myself comfortable on the couch and start playing.
♪ Hey there, Delilah, what's it like in New York city? I'm a thousand miles away, but girl tonight you look so pretty.. Yes, you do.. Times Square can't shine as bright as you..I swear, it's true' ♪
With my eyes closed, enjoying the music. Focussing on playing and singin, he suddenly starts singing along quietly to the chords. Making it a beautiful duet. We were jamming and just sipping wine like this for what felt like only a couple of minutes but when we finally got out of our own world and got track of time again – it already was 11 p.m. It probably was one of the best nights I had in a very long time.
''Are you hu-'' I lift my eyebrow as he says it and he starts laughing ''ofcourse- why do I even bother to ask? You're always hungry''. I'm surprised by how good he knows me - even though we only know each other for a few months now. ''Get your coat on – we're going for your favorite'' he says.  My mouth forms an 'O' as if I can't believe what he just said .. ''MCDONALDS!!!!'' I scream being tipsy and happy at the same time. Before walking out of the door I remember I'm not even wearing make-up, ''wait I-m not even ready I mean I don't even wear make-up or anything I can't walk around like this''. He stands still in his trace ''looking like what?'' I point towards my face and he doesn't seem to care ''well in my opinion you don't even need make-up but.. If you rather put on make-up than eat a burger, it's fine b-''. Before even finishing his sentence I walk past him, ''lets go then!''. He laughs. ''it works every time'''.
Gwil is such a douche and even though we haven't been friends that long – there's something familiar about him. I feel safe with him and I trust him. He's one of the people most close to me in my life. Someone who'd do anything for you and you can just be yourself with.. Sometimes you just find yourself having an instant connection with someone and Gwil definitely one of those people.
After we've eaten something we decide we're both still far from tired in a way too good mood to go back home and to bed, so we go for a beer at the cafetaria two blocks down.  I love these nights out with him. I've never been a girl that has lots of girl-friends. I find dealing with boys much less drama. Also - I'm not a barbie girl like all the other girls so our interest would be way different. Boys are so down to earth and not bitchy (over all then).
As we toast to a fun night out, I see the look in his eyes change. He now looks really serious and.. Sad? Angry? What is it.... ''What's wrong?'' I ask with a sincere tone. ''No nothing I-'' but before he can finish his sentence I look behind me. Gwil tries to stop me but he doesn't succeed.
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I can't believe my eyes when I see Rami standing a few feet away from me. I want to walk towards him to greet him but before I can even make my fifth step I'm pinned to the ground. Lucy is with him and I don't know why but I can't stop staring at them. He leans towards her and  she kisses him– like I exptected it to happen or something. It feels like minutes and at that very moment it was like I lost sence of reality. My glass of beer falls on the ground, I turn around and run away.
 ''AMY'' Gwil yelled, just above talking volume. He stands there for another second until his gaze meets Rami's, so he'd know damn well he fucked up - and then chases after me. Rami behind him. Both yelling my name as we're running down the street, trying to keep up with me. Luckily I used to play soccer so they didn't have an easy time doing so.
But Gwil does marathon, plus he has long legs so after two streets he was able to stop me. I give him an agry look ''you and your long ass legs'' , but he doesn't care, he sees I'm crying so he puts his hands on my shoulder. ''I'm so sorry Amelia'' and the wraps his arms around me and I swear I can feel his pity but I don't want it so I wrestle myself out of his hug. At that moment Rami has caught up too. Totally out of breath. ''Amelia... P. Please... It.. Wasn't....What...It..Looked...Like'' He can't even make a proper sentence, being so out of breath.
A: ''You mean  just like you and her in your trailer won't look 'what it looked' like??'' His gaze now serious. ,,Yeah.. That's right. I came back to say goodbye to you but apparently you were 'busy' I said while making the quotation mark with my fingers.
R: ''You think really I'd ch-'' A: ''That's some balls you have there, asking that while you JUST FUCKING DID'' R: ''Baby she- it really wasn't what it looked like'' A: ''Rami, just.. Just leave'' R: ''Amy- I-'' A: ''RAMI LEAVE''. R: ''Please let me explain'' A: ''Just go.. You clearly have made your choice and I hope you'll be happy. I truly do'' Tears streaming down my face, I can't even look at him. R: ''Baby, no - please..'' ''...Please.. I'm so sorry'' ''.... Amelia, please say something''
When I finally gather the courage to look up, tears still blurring my vision.. He takes a few step towards me and I take one back. Gwil is sharp-eyed – watching Rami's every move. ''Don't e- just don't.' I warn him. I can see tears burning in his eyes, words he wants to say but it's like he's paralyzed - his hands wanting to hold me but holding himself back..  I know he wants to touch me but he also knows I won't let him.
Finally I'm able to bring some words out, ''Rami, I-..'' my gaze focusses down.. ''We're done''.. I turn around and walk away, leaving Rami calling my name - wanting to follow me, chase me, talk to me..  But before he gets the chance, Gwil step towards him, stopping him with his hand. ''You better not mate. Not now''.. Rami wants to get furious at Gwil, but before he lets him, Gwil just says: ''Cant you see you broke her heart.. And the worst thing is - she saw it coming''. Gwil puts his hand down and walks away too.. following me. Chasing me. All the way home.
I don't say a word and when I'm home I immediately go up to my roof – I always go there for some thinking. I take my guitar with me. I smoke a cigarette and drink a beer. It's my best company at times like this. The doorbell rings for a few times and I can hear Gwil arguing with someone. I bet it's Rami. I can't hear what they're saying but to be honest I don't even care.
------------------------ Gwil's POV
''Mate, leave. Now.''.. Rami tries to push me away to speak to her. But compared to him I'm a big guy so tough luck for him.
''AMELIA'' . He keeps yelling her name hoping she'll come to him. ''We have neighbors mate.. She wants to be alone, leave''. Rami tries convincing me he needs to talk to her. ''Just go home man. You fucked up and there's nothing you can do but give her time''. When I'm doing my best to get rid of him I can hear her playing her guitar.
♪ , Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes, but it's the only thing.. that I know ' ♪
I see Rami's look turn to complete sadness. ''I did this to her''. ''You sure did'' I agree with him. I'm not planning on making him feel better than he needs to and I decide he needs to go and if he doesn't want to listen to me, he'll have to find out the hard way. ''Rami, you're leaving. NOW.'' I  push him and shut the door. Locking it. He knocks on it a few times but I leave him be. He'll get tired eventually and leave.
I decide to grab two more beers and get up to the roof too. She stops playing when I sit down next to her. ''Are you okay?.. I know it's a dumb question, I want to know anyway'' I worry about her. ''Can't say I didn't see it coming'' she confesses. I agree with her because I saw it too. I think we all did. ''Sometimes your heart just needs time to realise that very thing that your mind already realised'' I hope she doesn't think it's her fault.  I'm not sure if Rami still loves Lucy at this point, but he sure is still hurting because of her and people who're hurting and had a few drinks can make decisions they come to regret.
We just sit there with the two of us, drinking some more drinks until it's well past 3 am. I go inside to grab her a blanket. Is chilly outside. She lays it over our shoulders, just sitting next to each other, her head on my shoulder. We've had way too much by now but honestly we both don't care. We  talk a bit, sing a bit, laugh a bit..– about everything and nothing but most of all I try taking her mind off of things. She deserves so much better than a douche like Rami – someone who gives her the world and doesn't cheat on her.. Someone like.. me.
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,I'm tired' she says while yawning. Me too, it has been a long day. So we go back inside to get ready for bed. ''You take my bed, I can take the couch'' she says while grabbing her pillow. I can't hide my confusion.  ''You're not driving home when you've had this much to drink'' she explains to me. Well I wasn't planning on doing so but I it's not what I meant by my confused look "I didn't mean driving home – I just don't want you to be alone tonight, so if you're ok with it I'll just stay with you tonight''. She raises an eyebrow ''not like that'' I roll my eyes at her. The corners of her lips curl up a bit, giving me a weak but sweet smile.
I take off my clothes and before going to bed I brush my teeth and wash my face a bit. I'll just take a shower tomorrow morning. I had lots of missed calls, voicemails and texts from the guys, Lucy and Rami – all being worried sick. I'm way too pissed to text Rami – so I decide to text Joe that she's with me. The rest will surely get the message from Joe. I just decide to activate silence-mode and put my phone on her night-cabine.
I close the curtains and check my phone for messages.
[16] Missed calls from 'Rawme'
[4] Missed calls from 'Luce'
[9] Voicemails from 'Rawme'
[13] Texts from 'Rawme'
[1] Text from 'Luce' : ''Amelia- I'm so sorry pl....'
I don't bother reading nor replying to any of it and just shut off my phone. I just sit on the side of my bed for a few moments. I take off my jeans and bra. I don't even bother changing into my PJ's. ''It will be ok, Amy. You deserve someone who gives you the world'' Gwil reassures me. And he's right. I mean it's not really helping but I appreciate him trying. Gwil gets into bed, waiting for me to come in so he can dim the lights. I take out my contact lenses and get in bed. All curled up.
''Goodnight Gwil. Thank you.. this really means so much to me''.. '',Goodnight Amy''. He falls asleep right away, I lay there for a few more hours. I never got an answer on what happened in his trailer. He kissed her. My mind is all over the place, except for with the sleep I really need. eventually I tire myself enough to fall asleep.
The next morning we both get woken up by the doorbell at around 6am. I get out of bed and open the door to avoid it wakes up Gwil. It's Rami and he looks terrible. He starts talking right away but I'm totally not in the mood. ''Did you sleep here or something?''.. he looks a bit guilty, ''I actually did yeah'' he says. The bags under his eyes tell me he probably got as much sleep as me. ''Come back tonight or whatever – we're sleeping'' and I shut the door before he can even say anything to it.
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I crawl into bed and position myself onto my left side. I'm not sure what Gwil's dreaming about but when I'm back in the bed again, he turns around and wraps one arm around me, pulling me close and sniffing my hair. ''Who was it'' he asks. ''Rami'' I say. ''well, tell him to fuck off ''.. I reassure him ''I already did''. ''Good. The douche already stole you once - he'd better not try again'' he says in a really sleepy voice. He's clearly dreaming but boy - what is he talking about? What does he mean? Is he even talking about me? Am I.. Am I like it??? What the hell?
I can't help but smile myself through this shit at this moment, and now I'm dying to know what the story is behind it – so I'll be sure to ask it when we're eating breakfast later. I  know I shouldn't but - for now – I'm enjoying this way too much.
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Yuuri and Yurio compete to see who Victor will coach.
There is one hard truth in competitive figure skating, and that is that anyone who really wants to be taken seriously, to attract a good coach, to interest sponsors, basically to draw in all of the things needed for success, a skater must prove himself or herself. This is sometimes done through a formal audition, but even if an audition is not required, one is always informally auditioning. So, if Yuuri is to be successful, he needs to learn to function well in that kind of high stress environment. Some skaters, myself included, have built up a wall of confidence that lets us do that, almost without thinking about it.
Yuuri is different. I noticed that before I even knew who he was. His reputation as a talented skater who needs to work on his nerves preceded him before I ever met him on the ice as a competitor. Yuuri definitely has what it takes to perform high difficulty programs at a competitive level, but when his nerves act up, he reverts to looking like a beginner. What I have to do is to find ways to push him in stages, to slowly build up his resistance to stress. Along the way, I need to stay close to him, giving him both gentle support and the right pushes, so that he will be motivated to shake off his tense emotions and perform his best in competitions.
Sounds easy enough, right?
But there are plenty of skaters, everywhere you look, who have failed because they could not master that very thing. Yuuri was on the verge of becoming one of those forgotten skaters when I saw his performance and stepped in to stop his fall. There is no way that I can let Yuuri’s talent go to waste, simply because it isn’t easy to help him. As much respect as I have for coaches, and as much as I know the fact that there are so many talented skaters without problems like Yuuri’s that coaches don’t really have to take on troubled talents, I think that the sport gains something from having people like Yuuri succeed. It’s great when someone like me, a person who has grown up with all of the advantages, succeeds. But it is just breathtaking when someone like Yuuri, who has had to struggle with something really hard, shakes off his weakness and rises to the challenge.
I feel a shiver of excitement just thinking about that.
This competition I have dreamed up for Yuuri and Yurio will give me both the chance to give Yurio the program I promised him, and to begin to challenge Yuuri to grow into the competitor I know he can be. I get started right away by announcing the assignments.
“Yuuri, you get Eros,” I say cheerfully, “and Yurio, you get Agape!”
Yuuri looks like he’s ready to faint and Yurio spouts off an objection that’s full of insults.
“You want to do the thing that’s going to surprise the audience most,” I say, smiling, “That’s my motto. The truth is, you’re both rather mediocre. You need to become more self aware. It’s funny you think you can develop your own image. If you want to skate for me, you will learn your routines and use them to surprise the audience, or I won’t continue with either one of you!”
The scolding shakes them, but Yurio snaps back almost immediately with an angry exclamation about how he will skate Agape, but it better get him a win.
“Whether or not you win, is up to you,” I tell him in a purposefully mocking voice I stole from Yakov, “It would be a winning program if I skated it.”
Yurio’s toe pick strikes the ice, firing ice chips in my direction.
“Fine! I’ll skate to Agape, but if I win, then we’ll go back to Russia and you’ll be my coach. Do you agree to that?”
“I do.”
Noting that Yurio looks satisfied, I turn my attention to Yuuri. His hands are clenched and I can feel his fears welling up.
“What about you, Yuuri?” I ask, looking into his eyes, “If you win, what do you want from me?”
Yuuri still looks fearful, but there is a determination that rises up, underneath it, and even though his face goes pale and he starts to shake a little, his voice is full of determination when he answers me. Something warm tickles the inside of my chest with each word.
“I want to…eat with you, Victor. Pork cutlet bowls. I want to keep on winning and eating pork cutlet bowls with you, so I’ll skate to Eros, Victor. I’m going to give it all the Eros I have in me!”
I’m not even sure how I answer. I feel too giddy. Yuuri is so motivated now, there is no way that Yurio is ever going to beat him!
But, there is still the problem of keeping Yuuri occupied for awhile, so that I can teach Yurio his program. I give it some thought as I run Yurio’s program by him for the the first time. It’s composed of a complicated set of moves. I chose them specifically because learning to do them will challenge Yurio to improve his execution of the step sequence in his programs. He wasn’t challenged as a junior, but he’s moving into a much more competitive group now. His jumps and spins are there, but he is lazy about his step sequence. The Agape program should make him aware of this, and force him to work on it extensively as he brings himself to peak at the Grand Prix Final.
Yuuri’s Eros program is one I made to maximize his flawless execution of spins and step sequences. We’ll work on his jumps, but more importantly, we’ll work on ramping up his sex appeal, while making use of his solid foundations.
Yuuri seems a little bit stunned when I finish showing him the Eros program, and for some reason, his friend Yuko has been stricken with a rather serious looking nosebleed that Yurio is trying to help with.
“So,” what did you think?” I ask him.
Yuuri flutters and struggles for a moment to come up with an answer.
“Um, it was very Eros!” he answered diligently.
“I know, right? Now, what quads do you think you can land?”
He’s proud enough of his toe loop to announce it normally, but when he speaks of knowing the salchow, I feel his confidence disappearing.
“Let’s just stick with your fundamentals for now. I’ll teach Yurio first. I don’t want to spend half the day trying to teach you something you can’t do.”
Okay, it’s mean, but he’s not going to get better if I don’t push him, right?
“You’ve shown you have the skill to win,” I remind him as he begins to deflate, “Why can’t you?”
“Well,” he says, looking down, “I guess it’s because I don’t have a lot of confidence.”
“That’s right,” I agree, “So, it’s my job to help you find that confidence.”
I peek through my messy bangs, letting my Eros ooze out. After all, the best way to bring his out is to coax it with mine. His eyes get wide and look up into my narrowed ones, and he starts to quiver and sweat nervously.
“Unleash the Eros that’s inside you, Yuuri,” I tell him, running my thumb over his lower lip and bringing my face close to his, “I know it’s there, maybe somewhere deep down inside you, where no one in the world has ever seen it. Will you show it to me? Can you do that?”
I feel a really strong urge to kiss him, and I’m ready to ignore the million reasons I shouldn’t and just do it, but Yurio is Yurio and chooses that moment to interrupt…loudly.
“HEY! You’re supposed to be training me, not chatting with the little piggy!” he complains.
“Right,” I tell him, keeping my eyes on Yuuri, “Yuuri, while you’re training, I want you to be thinking. I want to know what Eros is to you.”
He looks scared to death, and I’m pretty sure it’ll be awhile before he has any kind of answer. Yuuri is sweetly naïve. He radiates a delicious, innocent sexuality that will win his audience over, but he has to be able to unleash it at will. While he stumbles off to start figuring that out, I turn my attention to Yurio.
I’ve known Yurio for a few years now, and he’s grown a little too comfortable with me for me to be coaching him. While Yuuri is still in awe of me and is intimidated enough to just do what I tell him, Yurio thinks of himself as more of an equal. He’s not, but because he’s been in the junior division and there’s been no serious challenge for him, he has grown cocky and lazy. Almost from the start, he gives me trouble, arguing about everything I say as he struggles with the complicated step sequence that goes with the Agape program. This drags on until neither one of us can stand it anymore.
“Stop! Stop!” I shout at him, “Something’s just not right.”
“I’m doing it just the way you showed me!” Yurio shouts back.
“Your desire to win is too obvious,” I explain, “You’re not projecting the gentleness and innocence of Agape. There’s a place for your kind of confidence, but it isn’t here, in this program. It shouldn’t be front and center.”
“When you skate, your confidence is always front and center. So, why don’t you tell me what Agape means to you!”
“It’s a feeling,” I explain, “It can’t be put into words. When you skate, it’s about how you feel, not what you think. Haven’t you figured that out yet?”
He lets of a string of obscenities in Russian.
“Now, on to the temple.”
He needs a few good smacks…
And while he’s at it, I have time to start working with my little Eros-chan, Yuuri. Almost from the beginning, he has my own Eros out and panting for him. I love the way that Yuuri’s body moves to the music. It’s like the music isn’t outside him at all, but is inside and flowing out, and into my ears. He moves in perfect time to the music, pulling me in and hypnotizing me, teasing me shamelessly. I think if Yuuri had any idea how aroused he makes me, he would probably run away, screaming. But, I treat it like a game we play, and he seems blissfully unaware that he is torturing me to the point of near insanity. I hold out for the rest of the afternoon, but by the time Yurio’s back from the temple, I need a break. I figure they need a good soak, so we all go to the hot spring.
I can see as I sink down into the hot water, that Yuuri is really giving thought to his task. It’s obvious he’s tired, but he runs his fingers through the ends of his hair, giving me a little inward shiver and he sighs in frustration. I try to break the tension by asking him to take a photo of me in the hot spring, but it only seems to make him look more frustrated.
Ah, well, there’s time for that tomorrow.
I soak with them for awhile before stumbling off to my room to curl around Maccachin and sleep for the night. My dreams are filled with tormenting visions of Yuuri, with him dancing on the ice, tempting me with his beautiful body, teasing me until I can barely stand it. In the dream, I don’t bother with restraint. I skate out onto the ice and together, we take things to the next level. I wake the next morning, sore, tired from lack of good sleep, and needing to put a fresh set of linens on the bed.
Yuuri, my little tease…someday.
To my relief, time seems to speed up a little after that, and we work our way towards the Hot Springs on Ice competition. We work hard every day, retiring to the hot spring in the evening, then sitting down to dinner after. Yuuri looks jealously at the pork cutlet bowls that Yurio and I devour, while he eats his vegetables and bean sprouts. He stews on the idea of Eros endlessly, until his head drops onto the table, and he mumbles incoherently. He must be getting close. Any time, now, he’ll…
“I’ve got it!” he yells, sitting up suddenly, “Pork cutlet bowls! That’s what Eros is to me.”
I’m pretty sure I couldn’t have heard right, but Yurio is smirking and rolling his eyes. Yuuri thinks about what he’s just said, then he blushes.
“I’m an idiot!” he shouts, “I take it back.”
“It’s okay,” I assure him, trying not to laugh, “It’s at least original.”
“Seriously?” Yurio taunts him.
Yuuri runs out of the house, groaning to himself.
“Pork cutlet bowls? Really? I’m gonna go crawl under a rock and die!”
But he doesn’t die of embarrassment, or anything else. He continues to train, and we use the pork cutlet bowl as a source of motivation. It’s been awhile since he’s had one, and Yurio and I eat them in front of him daily. It’s not nice, but it makes the point, and it makes Yuuri hungry for them. That’s going to come in handy as the days wind down and we get to the competition day.
“What will you guys be wearing?” Minako asks as we sit at dinner together one night.
“I don’t know,” Yuuri says, glancing at me.
“I didn’t bring anything,” Yurio muses.
“I’ve got you covered,” I assure the two of them, “I’ve had all of my competition costumes flown over from Russia. I’m sure you can each find something useful for your programs.”
The two dive into the stacks of clothes, and Yurio comes up with a lovely silver and white see-through costume from my junior days. It’s perfect for his Agape program, so he stumbles off with that.
I have to say I’m pleased as I see what Yuuri has chosen. He’s smiling beautifully and holding up another costume from my junior days, one that I wore when I had long hair and a more androgynous look. It’s a perfect match for Yuuri and for the program and music he is using. And it looks like it gives him an idea. I see him thinking really hard for the rest of the evening, and as I’m getting ready for bed, I hear him pass my room, heading out, probably to Minako’s place.
I am so curious!
I almost decide to follow him to see what he’s up to, but in the end, I think I want to let myself be surprised by him. What could Yuuri be up to? How is he going to evolve now? Up to this point, he has mastered the building blocks of the program. His step sequence is perfect, his spins flawless, and his jumps have been improving steadily. But what has been missing is the heart of his program. There is something that skaters must bring to a program to make it their own. Yuuri still struggles with his vision of Eros.
Just maybe, his night visit to wherever he is going will help him resolve it.
I’m up early the next morning, first running a final training session with Yuuri and Yurio, then leaving them to prepare while I see to the final preparations with the staff and media at Ice Castle Hasetsu. Newscaster Morooka, in particular, seems to have an interest in how this is going to play out. I’ve known him for a long time, because he’s covered many of my events. He’s supportive of skaters in general, but since even before Yuuri’s disastrous first Grand Prix Final, he has kept Yuuri’s name in the news, and since he learned of my intent to coach Yuuri, he has been to interview us several times. I am not sure how Yuuri got this man in his corner, but it’s an opportunity I’m not planning on wasting. Together, we plan an interview for before the performance, then it’s back into the skating rink for a quick run through. Everything seems to be in place, so I take the two boys aside, out to the beach, where it’s a little quiet. We take a slow jog there and do a few breathing exercises to prepare mentally. Yuuri seems fine during that, but as soon as it’s time to go back to the skating rink, I see him starting to fray around the edges.
I just hope that he keeps his mind focused on the challenge, here. He wants very badly to beat Yurio, so that I will stay with him in Hasetsu. That needs to be enough to help him overcome his fears and skate his best today. We don’t talk about it, but I make sure to look him in the eyes and tell him how much I am looking forward to seeing him skate. The words of encouragement seem to steady him, and he remains quiet, but focused as the minutes count down to the performance. Outside the rink, people gather and come inside. We do a final warm up, then retreat to the preparation room.
After the introductions, Yurio’s program is first. I have to admit, I am surprised that he doesn’t seem perfectly confident when Yuko arrives to call him to the ice. But it is his first performance as a senior male skater, so I suppose it makes sense…or perhaps Yurio is being changed a little bit by this experience.
He skates his routine beautifully through the first half, showing grace and poise, as well as a growing ability to capture his inner Agape. I wonder as he skates if maybe he does have it. His moves are eye-catching, and they tell me that he will be a top contender this year. Yuuri sees this too, and I see the anxiety creep back into his eyes. He watches as Yurio finishes his program, then bows as the audience applauds vigorously. At rinkside, Yuuri stiffens and covers his face with both hands. I move close to him, but he doesn’t see me, and he is clearly startled when I speak to him.
“Yuuri, it’s your turn.”
He sucks in a sharp breath and pales. I continue to look steadily into his eyes. We both know that this is the moment when he has to make his decision. What impulse is going to be stronger…the impulse to panic, or the impulse to keep me close to him. I gaze at him silently, knowing there is nothing more I can give him. He has to make the next move.
“Um…I’m,” he stammers, his voice shaking.
Then, I watch as new strength seems to pour into him and determination fills his eyes.
“I’m going to become a super tasty pork cutlet bowl!” he exclaims.
His arms wrap around me almost desperately.
“You’ll watch, won’t you?” he asks hopefully.
“Of course I will,” I tell him, speaking into his ear, more in the way of a lover than a coach, “I love pork cutlet bowls.”
The words seem to bolster him, and there is more confidence in his body as he takes his place on the ice. I watch closely as the music begins, and almost immediately I see it.
His performance has changed.
The moves are the same, but more sensuous. The crowd sees them, but I know right away that those moves are directed at me. An appreciative whistle escapes me, then I’m too captivated to look away for the rest of his performance.
I was right.
I knew when I saw that video of Yuuri, that all he really needed was a boost to his confidence and a high difficulty program to match his strong foundations. There is no question in anyone’s mind who the stronger skater in this match is. Yurio’s performance was beautiful, engaging, and I know he will be a force to be reckoned with, but no one can look away as Yuuri’s beautiful Eros emerges for the first time, and pulls them all in. By the time Yuuri finishes and takes his bow, Yurio disappears from my side. I escort Yuuri to the stand and Newscaster Morooka asks Yuuri to say a few words. Yuuri tenses, but I curl an arm around him, and he relaxes visibly.
“This is the beginning,” he says with almost startling confidence, “With Victor, I’m going to try to win at the next Grand Prix Final. Thank you all for your support.”
Something releases inside my chest and I feel a moment of relief. I didn’t think, at any point, that Yuuri was going to lose to Yurio, but I guess I was more nervous than I realized. I didn’t want to go back to Russia with Yurio.
Thank you, Yuuri.
I knew that I could count on you to rise to the occasion and win.
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wanna-one-imagine · 7 years
Wanna-One Ong Seongwoo Boyfriend Scenario!
Another boyfriend scenario, set in a school AU. Enjoy! (You + Ong)
Let’s just say we’re in a school/college setting
Ong is the class clown (he wouldn’t tolerate it any other way)
Loves making jokes and making people laugh
Gets jealous when others are funny (lmao his words not mine !)
If even one person doesn’t laugh, he is unsatisfied
And that one person was consistently you
You honestly didn’t get why he was so obsessed with being funny, especially since you didn’t get his jokes
And to you, he seemed needlessly arrogant
You just didn’t like him. It wasn’t that big of a deal
But whatever, it wasn’t really that big of a problem because it’s not like you were never alone or too close with him
One day the professor said that there was going to be a group assignment, in groups of three
You were waiting for your name to be called, not really paying any attention
As long as you weren’t with Ong, it wouldn’t be a problem, you would hard carry either way
So when the professor called out “Ong Seongwoo”, your attention snapped to ready
“Kang Daniel,” the teacher called, the two besties slapping high fives with one another
okay okay Y/N you’re good likelihood is very low you’ll be fi–
And “(Y/N)”.
“nonononONONO” you whisper-screamed, slamming your head on your desk
“(Y/N) is there a problem?” your professor asked
“.. . no.. . .” you meekly replied with your face still on the table, the human equivalent of T_T (oh y/n you krazy kat)
You sulked for the rest of class, and when the bell rang, you picked up your stuff and walked out as fast as possible, trying to delay this (inevitable) meeting with ong for just a little longer at least
You were hurrying through the halls, before you felt a hand grab the clasp on top of your backpack, effectively stopping you from running
“Bro! I got her!” shouted the deep voice of Kang Daniel
Well, shit.
“Jesus christ (Y/N), you should enlist in the olympics for speed walking, we barely caught up to you!” Ong attempted at a joke, making Daniel double down in laughter, and making you blankly stare at Ong’s face
“I wasn’t walking that fast, and that really wasn’t that fun–” you angrily breathed out, before Ong interrupted
“HEY we should all go sit down in the library and discuss our plan for the assignment! Like riGHT NOW!!!!1!!1!11!!” he excitedly commanded, wrapping each of his arms around you and Daniel, dragging you to the library
You three plopped down at a table together, and Ong started spurting ideas for the project, pretty much assuming the leadership position (Daniel nodded along to everything he said and it seems like you didn’t have much of a choice but to go along with it)
You started to zone out, unintentionally staring at Ong’s face as he continued with the ideas: it was the first time he had been serious for so long, and you noticed for the first time that he was an attrACTIVE MAN
But alas, you were unable to snap out of your trance before Ong did it for you, snapping in front of your face and asking you if he was “really that beautiful”, making Daniel crack up
You immediately reverted back to your normal impression of him, scoffing and rolling your eyes
You didn’t say anything, because you thought you would rather say nothing than blow up and insult him or say something mean
You stared at the table now as he continued talking... maybe if you were paying attention or looking at him, you would have noticed that he wasn’t as animated and lively, and instead kind of... sad
After your meeting was over, you left quickly, for real this time, before either of your two partners could get your phone number or contact information
“Why is she so cold... (y/n) didn’t say a word the entire time, she’s making the atmosphere all tensed up now,” Ong sighed to Daniel
“I don’t know, you can’t win over everyone, Ong”, Daniel said, attempting to cheer up his best friend, patting his back
“We don’t even have a way of contacting her, and there won’t be a class with her for another two days, the project is due next week, so how are we supposed to finish this anyway? She should understand that this is her grades too, even if she doesn’t like me,” Ong sulked
“We’ll figure out a way. Don’t worry”
Hours passed, but Seongwoo couldn’t manage to stop thinking about you
He knew that you were normal and happy around other people and your friends, but he had no idea what he had done to irritate you so much for you to treat him like this
Throughout the rest of the day, he tried searching for your phone number by finding your friends and asking them
Partially to contact you about the project, but also because he was worried that you really didn’t like him and he wanted to talk to you and fix that/find out why
Eventually he found a friend of yours who gave him your phone number, and he immediately texted you
From Ong: Hey Y/N, this is Ong, when will you be ready to meet up again to continue on the assignment?
He paced around while staring at his phone, impatiently waiting for a response
He stopped and dropped to a chair when he saw the two checkmarks next to his message, indicating that you had seen the text
He waited for a response,
and waited,
and got nothing.
Angered, he found Daniel and asked him to text you with his own phone
From Daniel: Hey Y/N, Daniel here, when will you be ready to meet again for the project?
Ong peered over Daniel’s shoulder, and gasped when he saw your almost immediate response
From you: Tomorrow afternoon is fine. We can meet in the library
Ong was furious and confused that you had ignored him so blatantly, whining to Daniel and shaking his shoulders, asking what had he ever done so wrong
The next day, Ong arrived in the library, ready to give you death glares until you cracked and revealed the reason for why you hated him so much
He sat at the same table, waiting for you and Daniel, when suddenly he got a text
From Daniel: Sorry bro my dance practice got delayed and I’ll have to meet you there later, good luck with y/n lmaoo
Ong sat back and ran his hand through his hair
Great. Now I have to deal with Y/N on her own... who knows if she’ll even talk to me
You soon arrived, and narrowed your eyes when you only saw Ong at the table where you were meeting up
You sat across from him silently, the both of you literally just staring at each other wtf
Finally Ong broke the silence
“Daniel can’t be here for another hour, so let’s get started, okay?”
You continued staring at him, but automatically nodded in response
Progress, Ong thought, rolling his eyes as he picked up his laptop, out of your field of vision
He started showing you on his computer what he had worked on the previous night
After a couple minutes of talking, he looked at you, finally realizing that you were stretching your neck across the table to see his laptop
“Oh god, sorry, I didn’t know you couldn’t see clearly,” he said, moving around the table to sit in the chair next to you
“You should have said something,” he mumbled, not thinking you would hear, causing you to speak for the first time
“Well, you know what I think? I think some of these ideas are horrible and would earn us very low marks on this assignment, Ong”, you said through your teeth, enunciating his nickname to a point of mockery
Stay calm, at least she’s talking now, be the bigger person, Ong instructed himself
“Oh, well that’s why we’re doing this as a group! So that we can contribute together and bounce ideas off of one another”, Ong said in a tone that was overly positive, earning a magnificent side-eye from you
You shook your head and started giving out proposals of your own, some of which were completely opposite and contrasting to what Ong had suggested, both of you knowing that what you were saying made absolutely no sense
Ong immediately lost all maturity and desire to be the “bigger person”, thinking Oh, so she wants to play this game, ok tRY ME!!!!
“Weeeeell (Y/N), I happen to think that these are horrible ideas that frankly would probably earn us bad marks on the assignment, eh??” smirked Ong, sticking out his tongue at you
And that’s pretty much what happened for an entire hour: both of you giving out your own ideas, purposely making them contrast one another, getting absolutely nothing done
Cue Daniel walking in to the room: “Hey guys what have you accomplished so far, catch me up!”
You and Ong met eyes... and burst into laughter, to the confusion of Daniel
Ong stuck his tongue out at Daniel, you instinctively doing the same, the both of you giggling like little kids
Ever since that moment, the both of you got closer, and your opinion of him slowly started to change
You realized that he was actually pretty funny, once you got over that arrogant impression that you had of him; you didn’t really understand his type of confident humor before but now you were getting used to it
You would still argue and bicker over the course of the project, but grew to appreciate each other’s ideas and... presence
You all gave a successful presentation, but even once the project was over the three of you continued to hang out together
One time you and Ong played that hand game called “tennis”, where you both hold hands and smack the other person’s hand until one of you can’t take it anymore
Ended in tears streaming down your face and a lot of laughing as the both of you desperately tried to hold in your pain for the sake of winning
Lots of fights that turned more and more playful over time, both of you very competitive with one another lmao
When Daniel wasn’t there to laugh at your bickering, the atmosphere between the two of you turned significantly more calm, almost shy even
Definitely not as much fighting, there was way more subtle glancing at one another when the other wasn’t looking
Lots of “umm”s and silences that were sometimes awkward 
oh you GUYSSS...
Ong started to feel more comfortable joking around when it was just you, and when he heard your laugh and saw your smile, it made him indescribably happy, to a point where he got shy and blushy
He felt satisfied just seeing you happy because of him
Like getting your approval was something he wanted so badly, but now that he had it he never wanted to stop making you smile, making you happy
oooooooh someone’s got a cute little crushy wushy
And you couldn’t say you didn’t feel a similar way with him
For a long time, you had never laughed so hard, or been so happy
And now that you did, you felt like something had been filled in you that had never been before
ANYWAY these were feelings that both of you pretty much refused to acknowledge!!! good golly
One day you three were hanging out together in Ong and Daniel’s dorm room, and you and Ong were in the midst of an intense insult battle
“You always had bad ideas during our project!!”
“UH Y/N I could say the same about you”
“Well at least my only talent isn’t folding my goddamn ears”
“At least I have a talent”
“Well I feel sorry that you have that face”
“Well you have a weird laugh anyway so it doesn’t matter if others laugh at you, when you laugh you’re really just insulting yourself”
“Well that’s all your fault because you’re the one that makes me laugh in the first place, so essentially you should take the blame”
“Well that sucks for you because I’m going to keep making you laugh as long as I keep liking you”
“Well– wait, what?”
sldkfjsdlkfj SEONGWOO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, Ong thought, eyes widening as he realized what he had just said 
Suddenly the both of you heard an awkward cough behind you. Daniel.
“Uh yeah, so this just got weird I’m leaving bye”, he mumbled out, awkwardly running out and slamming the door behind him
You and Ong just stood there, alternating between sneaking looks at the other and staring at the floor
Ong scratched the back of his neck, catching you looking, and confessed, “well I guess I can’t really take that back, can I”
You looked at him and quietly responded, “no, don’t take it back”
You felt your cheeks heating up, averting your eyes
“I mean... I’d like it... if you kept making me laugh”
Ong, having gained a sudden surge of confidence thanks to your confession, started teasing you
“HAHA Y/N you like it when I make you laugh?? More like you just plain old like me!!!”
“Did you forget that you’re the one who wants to keep making me laugh because you actually do like me?? HAHA yourself Ong”
Yeah so that confession turned into more fighting LOL
Anyway that was the start of that relationship
The playfulness never stops with you two
But more serious times happened with you both, including you apologizing for being mean to him at first/not understanding him, which he totally got
Brought the two of you even closer
Ong loved the sound of your laugh and treasured it
Thanks to that your tummy was always in pain from his joking
Basically when you were together, there was just a lot of laughing
Sometimes Daniel became your mutual target, as both of you joined forces to torture him LMAO
Just a really happy, free-spirited relationship
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A/N: This ended up much longer than I had anticipated... probably due to the large amount of dialogue lmao. Sorry about that, got carried away LOL
Getting to the rest of your requests! Bit busy right now but I try to update at least once per day :)
and also...
zoo wee mama, thanks for 300 followers!
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loganvanriel-blog · 7 years
Future Worlds - Film Script - Reverie
Here is the script which we came up with over the past few weeks. It is still a work in progress, but it has been great to work with our actors to improve the script. they have been giving us personal tips on what they thinks work and what does not work. This has been a big help as it is already making the acting seem much more natural and at times less forced.
The Script Studio IV: Rough script.
Opening scene
INT - Kitchen/dining room
- Roy, running in from the wet outside “Hey get some clothes on slow coach! We’re going out with your mum remember?”
Emma “well…I was thinking you call her and tell her, I’m sick and we have takeout with Don Draper? She looks at him cheekily
Roy “who’s gonna argue with that, gives her a kiss on the cheek and turns around, knocking a glass of wine onto the floor.
“For gods sake Roy you’re so clumsy, ahh why do I have to put up with this!”
“Woah chill out, it’s all goods, at least I missed the carpet” Roy stoops down and wipes up the mess.  
“You should just be more careful” scolds Emma
“Yes I’m sorry, he stands and smiles at her apologetically “It’s okay” Emma says rolling her shoulders and looking at the ground before smiling back as Roy comes in for a hug.
INT - Lounge
The couple sit on the couch, as the program ends. We see the credits roll. Roy gets up to get another bottle and calls from the kitchen. “Have you seen the cloud got an update, you can simulate ‘people’ now!”
Emma “what like, they make a video game character of someone you know?”
Roy “yeah they just use your memories to conjure a kind of ghost, apparently it’s just like the real thing”
Emma, scoffs into her wine glass “that’s mental, I can’t believe they get away with it”
Roy, “Well Elon predicted it didn’t he, he said that soon there would be more virtual worlds than real worlds and that you won’t be able to tell the difference”
“Yes yes blah blah come back I’m getting cold”
“Righto sorry!”
INT - Car
Roy drives home, runs up the stairs and we see him walk into the same shot of the kitchen. Emma isn’t there, he walks out of frame calling for her, he comes back to pick up the phone. His face turns to that of horror and disbelief. He drops the phone and slumps against the kitchen floor.
Throughout the week a couple of instances lead him to be persuaded to sign up to the cloud initiative
He meets a co-worker in a cafe, he is mournful, distant,
Roy - stares blankly into his perfect flat white
Jenny - you know there’s something that might help… you could join the cloud, my uncle did it after he lost his wife, I Skype him sometimes you know he’s much happier.
Roy- looks up at her, then away, his eyes are intense, he clearly thinks she’s crazy.
Roy- Thanks Jenny, I’ll think about it, he stands up to leave
Jenny - Please let me know if there’s anything I can do
Roy - nods and walks off
He joins the cloud.
Goes to a doctors office type area.
Doctor “You understand the procedure?”
Roy - Yes
Doctor “Well just sign this and then lie down over there when you’re ready”
Roy fumbles with a small document, he scans it briefly before scribbling his signature and resting on the doctors bench.
Doctor “Just found to ten for me”
Roy starts to count
He falls asleep and we see a psychedelic transition. Before he sits up, looking at the mirror in the doctors office.
The doctor is there. “Well everything went splendidly”
Roy walks home from the doctors office. The place seems the same until he arrives home, running up the stairs to find his wife alive and well.
“Emma!” ‘Oh my god!” He rushes towards her and they embrace.
“What is it silly? she beats him away playfully before returning to the dinner
“Nothing, nothing I’m just so happy to see you”
“Well you can be happy and make the salad can’t you, she winks at him
“Yeah of-course”, he rushes past her and knocks over her glass of wine
“shit shit I’m sorry, I’m so sorry”
“It’s okay” she beams at him with a slightly deranged look
“Oh, right, okay” Roy looks confused and walks into the lounge
He listens to her humming away and decides to get some air.
While outside he watches her doing the dishes in a very content and happy manner he can’t help feeling that there is something off.
she is freaky, she finds everything easy going. - The reality he is in is the same one, identical except he knows his wife died and that tortures him.
He goes back inside and sits with her on the couch.
Roy “So how was your day” he asks tentatively
Emma “Perfect, couldn’t possibly be better”
Roy “Right..and what’s so perfect”
Emma “Oh enough about me silly, I want to know about you”
Roy “Well it certainly has been a strange day”
Emma “what do you mean by that?”
Roy “well first you we’re dead, must of been a bad dream”
Emma “ Yeah I did die but that was the old me… i’m a cloud augmentation who is built from memories you uploaded…arent I perfect in every way?! ”
“So does that answer your question how my day was?”
Roy “What the fuck? I didn't ask you that?”
Emma “Ask me what Roy?”
Roy “how was your day”
Emma “ you already asked me and i said my day was good”
Roy “no i didn't ask you that”
Emma “ you asked me 3 minutes ago”
Roy “ have you lost your short term memory”
Emma “ my memory is built on yours”
Roy “What”
Emma “ I aren't I what you remember of me”
Roy “no you sure aren’t"
Emma “you were installed a day ago”
Roy “WHAT aRe YoU TaLkiNg AbOut”
Emma “is this what you wanted”
Roy “I Don't know what you are talking about”
Emma “ this is the cloud”
Roy “no this is reality”
Emma “ this is the cloud program”
Roy “I'm going for a walk”
Emma “ oh goodie I love walks!”
Roy “NO!…back off”
Emma “what’s wrong don’t you want to be with me?”
Roy - takes a look at her then at the door “Yeah I’m out”
Cut to Roy sprinting down the street “This was such a bad idea”
Cross cut to elderly man in a wheelchair coming into the cloud clinic.
Roy turns a corner, still running
The old guy nods at the doctor, who hoists him up onto the bed.
Roy runs into the office and demands to be sent back
The doctor nods at Roy and invites him to lie down. Roy is breathing heavily and crashes onto the bench.
He looks at his reflection on the way down.
He sits back up. Looks in the mirror in horror, he’s staring at a frail old man who clasps his face and gasps.
He tries to get up and rush towards the mirror, but his legs don’t work, looking at the doctor he pleads with his eyes, his mouth agape he stammers out “what happened, how long was I gone’
The doctor with a solemn look points to the contract sitting on the desk “I’m sorry Roy, we brought you out on the condition that you’d revert to the next available body, your body was disposed off when you resigned to the cloud.”
Roy looks at him in utter disbelief.
“You can’t be serious”
Doctor “I’m entirely serious, the world isn’t some playground where you can just pick and choose what you get to do”
Roy “Isn’t it?”
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