#that summery took a while wee
randomperson1me · 2 years
Remus lupin x student reader ( platonic )
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TW: mention of cancer, breakdown and agnst.
Summery: reader is a young student of Remus lupins. He notices her run out of the great Hall and goes to check on her
Remus lupin had been keeping an eye on young Y/N L/N for a while now. He noticed how the H/H student had been looking more tird than usual. They had been almost falling asleep in class, not doing homework and being less energetic.
It was a Monday morning and all the owls were flying in with post. Remus sat at the teachers table and watched all the owls with a smile. He looked over at the H/H table and noticed Y/N had a letter. They opened it up and read over it.
Both he and Mc Gonagall looked worriedly as they seemed to tear up and ran out of the messhall, bringing the letter with her. Mc Gonagall stood up but Remus held a hand up " I'll go, you stay here " He said. The professor nodded.
Remus stood up and quickly walked out of the messhall. He walked out to the corridors. He glanced around trying to find the student. After a while of walking around the halls he found himself on the second floor.
He heard small sobs coming from around the corner. He quickly turned it and saw Y/N. The student was on the ground crying their eyes out as they held their knees. The hand holding the letter was shaking.
"Y/N?" He called out softly. The teen looked over hearing the voice. They went to open their mouth to speak but all that came out was a small noise, efforts of them trying to speak through the sobs.
Remus hurried over and sat down beside the student. He wrapped his arms around their shoulder and pulled them into a side hug. Y/N just leaned into his hug as they put their hand over their mouth to muffle the sobs. " May I read the letter? If that's the reason you're upset ?" He asked them.
Y/N shakily handed him the letter. Remus kept his arm around their shoulder and began reading the letter;
Dear Y/N
Hello love! How are you? I got your letter about your mom and I just want you to know that she's doing good! The doctor said that they caught the cancer early so she's going to be good! She started her chemo yesterday aswell. She's just a wee bit too tired to write a letter back. But she says hello and that she loves you. Lots of love from me and your father aswell! Keep your chin up love!
Lots of love. Grandma ♡
Remus felt his heart drop. He felt bad for the young students family. He looked back at the teen who had stopped sobbing but still crying. He gently rubbed their shoulder. " Is this why you were distant in class?" He asked her.
Y/N nodded " I'm sorry " they apologised. " It's not your fault. I understand that your worried for your Mother. But just like your Grandmother said, your Mother will he fine. " He reassured them.
The teen nodded " it's just- still scary " They said quietly. Remus reached into his pocket and took out a candy bar. " If you are ok with it, I can inform the other teachers and anytime you are feeling down, or worried or just having a bad day. We can organise something else for you to do" He Told them softly, while handing them the chocolate.
Y/N nodded and ate the chocolate quietly. Remus smiled and stood up. " I'll go infrom them. You have permission to go back to the common room until your back in fitting form" He said. " thanks sir " The student said as she stood up. " anytime Y/N" He nodded with a smile as he walked back to the mess hall.
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Hey! I have a little idea, inspired by the latest Ineffable Husbands+Adventure Husbands thing: What would you say to Will getting a wee bit jealous because of how naturally close Aziraphale is to Phileas? I could see that happening, with Will not knowing what Aziraphale is and why he knows Phileas so well/why Phileas feels instinctively safe around him and also not realising that there's something between Aziraphale and Crowley, instead of Aziraphale and Phileas.
I think that'd be a fun scenario to wtite for you, provided you like it as a little plot point.
I actually planned on Will being a bit jealous, just like Aziraphale (and Crowley, but he gets over it really quickly, Aziraphale and Will just take a bit longer. Phileas is blissfully unaware of any of this).
Summery: Will watches Phileas and Aziraphale interacting together in a setting more fitting for them, he doesn't like it.
Warning: author is not specific of when this is taking place, jealousy
Ships: pre-Ineffable Husbands, pre-Adventure Husbands
On with the fic!
It shouldn't bother him, really, but Will was angry that it was.
He'd had an attraction to many a person over the years, knowing that they were just flings, or a passing interest, often times they were already with someone. But right now, as he watched from close by in the room, that he was feeling a certain, nasty feeling in his chest in regards to the sight before him.
Phileas and Mr. Fell were conversing quietly with one another, smiling and enjoying their drinks, ignoring everyone else around them. While Ms. Fix, Passerpartout, and Crowley were off doing something else on their own, Will found himself seated at a bar, observing his travel companions.
He could see how relaxed and calm Phileas was around the bookseller, his normal anxious mannerisms not showing in his movements and expressions. He was the calmest Will had seen in days, and he hated that it wasn't him that was doing that for Phileas.
No, it was the man who shared an older, softer face with Will that was doing that. It shouldn't bother him, but it did whenever he witnessed Mr. Fell approach Phileas when he was feeling down or upset, and just had to speak softly to him, or even gently touch his shoulder or arm.
Actually, the touching thing sent a flare of jealousy up Will's spine. Phileas was someone who didn't like to be touched, unless he allowed for it, and that was rare. But while someone like Will would make the poor man jump if he so much as touched his shoulder, Mr. Fell could easily keep him calm, as if Phileas saw him approach.
Will shouldn't be jealous, not really, it's not like he's in love with Phileas or anything. But still... there's a strong attraction towards the man that Will couldn't ignore anymore. His flirting was becoming more honest, even if a lot of it still flew over Phileas' head, and he was more open about himself to the man, when normally he kept a lot of himself locked up, for safety.
But he couldn't get Phileas' calm attention like Mr. Fell could, no, Phileas was still all stuttering and lack of eye contact with him. It was so difficult to talk to him without making the poor man a nervous wreck, what was he doing wrong?!
Hmph, maybe Crowley was right, maybe Mr. Fell really is an angel and that's how he's doing it, working some angelic magic on the guy!
But that's just silly.
He sipped his whiskey with a bitter frown on his lips, then noticed that Mr. Fell was up and had moved to the bar, ordering himself a glass of wine. Glancing back, Will noticed that Phileas had left the table, making his way out of the area.
His attention turned to the blond next to him, who was seated now. "Have a nice conversation?" He found himself saying, not even bothering to cover the hint of annoyance in his voice.
Mr. Fell glanced at him, took a sip of wine, then set down the glass. "I take it you weren't please with me speaking to Phileas?"
"Am I that obvious?" He replied.
"Completely." Mr. Fell sighed, turning to face him completely. "Mr. Charity, really, there is no need for the green monster to be hovering over your head about my and Phileas' relationship. You are not making it hidden that you seem to harbor some more of resentment towards me whenever I am near him."
Will was taken aback by Mr. Fell's snippy attitude. Before he could speak, the blond continued. "Really, it would be better for us all if you just spoke to the man, he clearly likes you, he just doesn't know how to speak with you. He's more used to people like me, but you're rougher, tougher, and he's not sure if he'd cross a line with you quickly."
There was a pause, and Will found himself stunned. "He likes me?" He finally spoke after several moments.
"Yes, everyone knows he does, except you. Now, do not tell him I mentioned that to you, he needs to take the next steps with this, and I wish for him to, it'll make him happy. But you need to ease up, let down your guards more, you keep them up enough that even he notices."
Mr. Fell removed himself from the stool he sat on, taking his glass. "If you'll excuse me, I do believe I promised to entertain Mr. Crowley this evening. Good night, Mr. Charity."
Will watched as the man in beige walked away, still stunned by what he learned.
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
Genre: ??? Fluff I guess, it’s a fun and feel good summery genre and I love it a lot aLSO RETRO THANKS like the 80′s or 90′s (I HAD IT CHANGED TO A 1967 JEEP COMMANDO BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE A CD PLAYER AND CD’S BECAME A THING IN THE 80′S AND I DON’T THINK YOU CAN MOD A COMMANDO TO PLAY CDS UGH I AM)
Warnings/kinks: he get’s a wee bit angy with you but he’s not a bully or mean about it
Length: 2605 applaud me please I’m actually counting the words
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The sun was warm against your legs as Harin’s 1985 Jeep CJ5 cruised down the Pacific Coastal Highway. The sun was beautiful today, the sky was the perfect light blue, and the wind through your hair felt so freeing. Harin took the canvas top off for specific purposes such as this. Harin’s decision to take this bad boy on a drive was a great idea as the weather was perfect. 
As you turned to your boyfriend in the drivers’ seat you can’t help yourself from smiling. Today is a good day, you can feel it. Nothing is gonna stop this day from being perfect. The sun shines on Harin’s beautiful skin, his brows furrowed as he focuses on the road. You’re surprised his jeep ran so smooth despite it not being a car. You had always had bumpy experiences with trucks and other jeeps but this ride felt like floating through the clouds. 
“I can feel you staring.” Harin says. If he was looking at you he’d see your cheeks turn pink with embarrassment. “I was just daydreaming..sorry.” you look away from him and back to the beautiful view of the ocean; the waves gently rolling into the sand, the people down below enjoying the nice weather. “Daydreaming? Don’t you only daydream when you’re bored?” he asked. You glance at him and he’s looking at you. He smiles before checking his rearview mirror. “Sorry I was just distracted I guess.” Harin’s driving slows and he starts laughing. “I’m sorry you’re just so attractive, especially the sun shining on you and the wind blowing your hair everywhere. I can’t help but stare. By the by, why’d you slow down, isn’t the speed like 80?” you asked turning to see if there’s any cars riding your ass. 
“It’s been just us for like the last hour haven’t you noticed? Might as well slow down and enjoy the sights. This is the first time I’ve taken you on this road.” You start laughing. “I’m sorry I was too busy looking at how handsome and stunning my boyfriend is.” Harin joined you laughing, one of his hands reaching for yours. You grab it intertwining your fingers with his. You lean back and hang your feet out the window letting them hang off the side. You’re about to close your eyes when the car suddenly stops fast. Your eyes flash open and Harin’s arm is across your chest holding you from jerking forward too much. Your seatbelt thankfully locks as well. You watch as a seagull walks a few steps on the road before hopping and flying out of sight. Harin turns to you his eyes burning with concern. You expect an ‘are you okay’ but instead he lets out a huge sigh of disappointment. 
“Y/n how many times have I told you not to put your feet up like that?” You always hated when he used this tone of voice, you felt bad that you disappointed him like this as he always told you about the dangers of some of the stuff you did like this while he was driving but he didn’t need to be so upset with you. Harin was back to driving at the pace he was before and you just looked down at your lap. “I’m sorry, you were going slow I thought it would be okay.” You turn to look at Harin again and his expression softens as his eyes meet yours. “I know but it’s not safe, I had to stop fast and you could’ve gotten hurt. Even if we were parked somewhere if someone hit us you could’ve been paralyzed. It’s not safe, not even if you were painting your nails.” 
You laughed, “I can’t paint my nails? “What’s gonna happen, the bottle breaks and nail polish spills all over the floor and the seat.” Harin wasn’t laughing with you. You reached behind your seat and grabbed your backpack and brought it to your lap. “Anything could happen, I don’t want you to get hurt love.” 
“But you’re a safe driver Harin. Even Yonghoon thinks you are and he goes 50 on an 80.” You pull out your camera and a film roll and place it in the back of the camera. “It doesn’t matter how safe I am, someone can still hit me and I could stop fast like back there and one of us could’ve gotten hurt or both of us” Harin reaches over to ruffle your hair before pulling you into him real quick. He plants a kiss on your forehead. He knows you understand, no more words need to be said. “Hey why don’t you play this.” Harin hands you a case with a cd in it from the glove box. You set your camera on your lap and take out the cd placing it in the player. 
“No way!” you say a slight squeak of excitement leaping from your throat. “I didn’t think you were into The Beach Boys! Where’d you go to get this album?” 
“It’s not an album. I asked Giwook to burn a few of your favorite songs on some cd’s prior to this date so we could listen to some music on the drive.” You were shocked and touched that Harin would do this for you. “For real? That’s so sweet of you and Giwook. You’ll have to thank him for me. How many cd’s did he burn for you?” You ask. “So far only five, I picked some songs from your summer playlist and put them on five disks. While doing so I came to love The Beach Boys as well. The boys and I even learned Kokomo and rehearsed it a couple times. Of course, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that as it was a surprise for later but oops it slipped.” 
Your eyes grew wide as you excitedly clapped your hands together like a kid. “God Harin you’re so amazing I love you!” You leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “This day can’t get anymore perfect.” 
For the next few hours you and Harin jammed out to all five cd’s while taking in the beautiful scenery along the highway. Every once in a while you two would stop and take pictures and visit some of the shops when you came to a town, buying snacks and small souvenirs that caught your fancy. 
“Babe wake up we’re here.” You opened your eyes and the car was parked not too far from the road off one of the exits. You saw the beach and all kinds of people out and about. “I fell asleep? I’m sorry, how long was I out?” You asked stretching your limbs. “Maybe 45 minutes. Don’t worry about it, grab your bag I have something to show you. You got out of the jeep feeling happy to finally get on your feet and be able to walk around. Harin pulled the picnic basket out of the back and you grabbed the blanket. “I found this amazing place last week when I was driving down to see you and I thought it would be perfect for our date. I just know you’ll love it.” Harin reached for your hand and you two walked down the beach. When Harin turned away from the shore you got a little confused but trusted him. 
It was at least a ten minute walk from the beach but Harin took you under these beautiful trees that followed the shoreline and you came out in a small area that was cut off from the rest of the beach. You gasped as you looked around, mesmerized at how beautiful this place was. “Oh Harin,” was all you could get out too stunned to speak. The trees sort of leaned into the path made by the sand and it was like a movie set, the ocean was right there and there was a perfect amount of sun and shade and the air felt so clean and the water looked so clear. Even the sand was pretty. You couldn’t believe such a place existed and it was only known to Harin and now you. 
You and Harin set up the blanket a few feet from the water, it was very calm so you weren’t concerned about waves crashing into you but you wanted a good viewing distance. “Harin this place is so cute and gorgeous I love it so much it’s beyond perfect.” you said before taking a bite out of your sandwich. 
“I’m glad you like it.” Harin said. “It’s so calm here it feels like we are in our own little world away from all the chaos of life you know?” Harin took a deep sigh, one of satisfaction. “We definitely need to take pictures here, everything is so gorgeous.” You took out your camera to take a couple shots of the scenery. 
“Oh damn I’m out of film!” you shouted from the shore. Harin laughed as you came back to him. He watched as you dug around in your bag searching for more film. You stopped and looked at Harin. “I think I’ve used all the film I brought.” you pouted. There was still so much of this place you wanted to see. Now it was your turn to let out a disappointed sigh. 
“Good thing I bought some more at that last shop.” Harin pulled a couple film boxes out of his bag and handed them to you smiling. 
“My god Harin you are the best!” you gave him a quick kiss before you ran off to take more pictures. For the rest of the afternoon you and Harin enjoyed the good food and the music from Harin’s small radio and just the atmosphere. The weather stayed perfect and you couldn’t be more happier and at ease. After playing in the water for a bit and finding a few shells along the beach you and Harin came back to your blanket. 
“What are you doing with all those flowers?” Harin asked you scooting a bit closer to you. You found the most exotic looking flowers and decided to make a crown for Harin. “You’ll see.” You and Harin sat quietly while you finished his crown, the noises of the waves and the gentle breeze and birds filled the air. You felt like you and Harin went on a cruise to some tropical island. “Done!” you said placing the crown on your boyfriend’s head. While you were styling his hair a bit you couldn’t help but laugh. “What are you smiling about babe?” 
“Nothing. Just this whole day has been so wonderful..and you’re so gorgeous.” Harin’s eyes are so so pretty all the time and you always get butterflies in your stomach when he looks at you with so much love and amazement. It takes your breath away with how much he cherishes you. You avert your gaze and twiddle your thumbs, your heartbeat speeding up ever so slightly. When you look back he has one of the extra flowers that you didn’t use in his hand and he gently places it in your hair the same way you placed his crown in his hair. His hand tucks some of your hair behind your ear and slowly swipes down to your cheek. You stare back into his eyes and this time you can’t look away. His thumb lightly grazes your cheek. “You’re so gorgeous y/n. I love you.” Harin swipes his thumb over your bottom lip before he leans in to kiss you. It’s a gentle kiss, his lips are soft and fit so nicely against yours it makes you smile. You get a small shiver throughout your body like a little jolt of electricity. 
“I love you too Harin.” you lean into him and he welcomes you with an open arm. You lay your head against his chest and you two watch as the sun slowly sets. The beautiful shades of pink and orange and yellow make you truly feel like you are in a movie. 
“Thank you for today Harin, it was the best date I’ve ever been on.” you and Harin are now laying down looking up at the night sky through the hole that the trees have naturally made. Everything about today felt magical and straight out of a movie. “I’m still sorry about earlier.” You talked a bit quieter as you snuggled into Harin’s side more. “Don’t worry about it love, it didn’t ruin our date in the slightest. I had a wonderful time.” You raised up to kiss Harin again giggling because it was hard to find his lips in the dark. “I wish you didn’t have to go again. I’m going to miss you and I feel like you just came back and now you’re leaving again.” 
“I was hoping you’d forget that I had to leave if I packed our date with hours and hours of fun.” You giggled at Harin’s response. “I have to admit there were times when I did forget, like when we went into that one store and you accidently bumped into the gumball machine and all the gumballs came out.” you started laughing. 
“I didn’t think they would hurt so bad falling on them. Not to mention I had to pick them all up.” 
“I love that the clerk acted like it happened way too often and she didn’t even make you pay for the mess.” 
“That’s cause I offered to come back and repair it, it was clearly broken there’s no way that maybe gumballs could come out from just bumping against it. Now we have like months worth of gumballs to chew on.” Harin chuckled. 
“Well I’m sure the boys will help you with that, you know how much Giwook and Kanghyun love blowing bubbles.” After another minute of peaceful silence you heard Harin rustling around in his bag. “We should probably head back to the jeep, I need to find us a rest stop or hotel to sleep in til morning and then I have to pack my things and head to the airport.” Harin clicked on the flashlight he stood up and you and him cleaned up your stuff and walked back to the jeep. The beach was nice and bright as the moon was out and illuminating off of the water and sand. The stars shone so bright and you didn’t need the flashlight on the way back to the jeep. 
“I really meant it Harin,” you said as he pulled back on the highway. “Today was absolutely perfect and I loved every second of it. Even now because the night sky is so pretty and I know our date is basically over but I get to spend more time with you under the stars and I couldn’t have asked for anything else. Thank you so much baby.” 
“You’re welcome.” you and Harin shared another quick kiss before his attention was to the road once more. The moonlight shone down on your boyfriend just like the sun did and he was even more stunning. You could never get enough of him. The night breeze felt different. It was not super chilly and driving under the stars, with little to no cars around, the headlights to Harin’s 1985 Jeep CJ5 shining on the road was all so perfect. So perfect that you were shocked when tears started welling up overcome with sadness. You didn’t know when your Harin would come back to you and you were going to miss him so much. Your heart hurt and what was a perfectly happy day became bittersweet this night knowing it was the last that you would spend with Harin. 
I wasn’t going to post this until later in the summer but I needed it? Also I’m proud of it and I think people should read this and see it and like it cause is cute! Boyfrien Harin 🥺💕
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Everything Will Be Okay
Set in: right after the end of season 1
Warnings: slight mentiones of wounds and blood
Summery: Stede has decided to go back to the Revenge and fix things between Ed and him, but will Ed take him back after everything?
Stede wasn't sailing for long before he saw an island. When he got to the island he stopped his boat and got out. 'what was his crew doing in here?' he thought to himself.
When the crew saw Stede they immediately told him everything.
"I can't believe Ed left you here?!" Stede said
"it's Blackbeard now" Olu corrected him
"Really?" Stede asked
"He changed his name back. Put on makeup. Threw us from the ship" Buttons said
But Stede didn't really hear what Buttons said, he was busy thinking that he hurt Ed so much that he did all that.
"We need to get back to the ship" Stede said. He has to go back to Ed, to fix what he ruined when he left.
"Yes! We'll take our ship back" said Black Pete
"We'll throw Blackbeard to the sharks!" Said Wee John
"Death to Blackbeard!" Said Roach
"Death to Blackbeard" said a couple of the pirates together.
"There will be zero deaths" Stede replied, "I'll talk with Ed and everything will be okay". Sounds of disappointment were heard around him, but they'll just have to deal with it, Stede wasn't going to kill anyone, especially not Ed.
"There isn't enough space for everybody on the boat" Stede said "Olu and Buttons come with me. And for the rest, we will be back for you later, try to stay alive please"
The three pirates got on the ship and started sailing
Stede stared at the water, he was scared from the upcoming meeting, he hurt Ed and now he doesn't know how he'll react to seeing him there. Will he be mad at him? Will he be happy to see him?
After a couple of hours, a lot of sailing, and endless sad looks from Stede to the water, they finally arrived at Blackbeard's ship.
Stede's heart was pounding, he was excited to meet Ed again, but he was also scared. What if he's really mad? What if Ed doesn't like him anymore?
Stede climbed the ladder first, right after him climbed Olu and Buttons.
When he got on the revenge Stede saw Blackbeard, but his back was turned to him. "Ed! Ed it's me, Stede" Stede called to him.
Ed turned around, anger in his eyes. "Stede?!" He yelled, drawing his sword and running towards Stede.
Before Stede could realize what's going on he was stabbed in his abdomen.
Ed looked at his hand that held the sword, his eyes drifted to his sword, and then to the wound he just caused with it. He saw Stede's blood gushing out of the wound, and he realized what he had done. "I'm sorry" he said, his eyes frantically moving, from the wound to Stede's pale face and back to the wound. "Stede, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this, I'm so sorry" Ed said, tearing up.
"You" Stede said with a struggle. "You taught me well"
Ed looked at Stede's face.
"No vital organs harmed" they said at the same time.
Ed hugged Stede and Stede hugged him back.
"You're okay, you're okay!" Ed yelled in excitement.
"I'm sorry I left you" Stede said
"We'll talk about it later" Ed replied, the important thing now is that Stede is okay.
They parted their hug and looked at each other.
"I like your makeup" Stede said
"Shut up"
"Make me"
"No problem"  Ed said and kissed Stede
Stede kissed him back and they shared a long kiss, the one they both wished for since that day on the beach.
They broke off the kiss and rested their foreheads on each-others'
"We have a long conversation before us don't we?" Ed said
"We sure do, but before that I suppose we have something else a bit more urgent to do" Stede said and gestured to his wound and the sword that was still stuck in it
"Oh right" Ed said, reaching his hand to hold the handle of his sword. "In three"
Stede nodded
"One" Ed started counting
Stede took a deep breath
Stede relaxed his muscles
"Three" Ed pulled his sword out and Stede yelled in pain
"you're okay?" Ed asked while helping Stede walk to his bed
"yes. Actually, I think I'm more then okay. A lot more."
"I'm happy you're back"
"me too"
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grumpytrashpanda · 6 years
Requested by anonymous as a featured one-shot and featuring the likeness of @taikothecat as a guest character.
Summery: During what was supposed to be a normal breakfast, Rocket is once again duped by his fiancés continuous pranks. Growing tired of being on the receiving end of these petty gags he goes out of his way to plan some sweet revenge on the Star-Lord that he'll remember for weeks to come after this, with some inside help of course.
Word Count: 5,343
It was just another day in the galaxy within the early hours of morning. Now of course there wasn’t a normal cycle like you’d expect but there was a schedule everyone would try to fix themselves to for the coming days, some of the crew aboard the Quadrant still asleep in the wee hours of waking up early at seven’ in the morning.
As his normal routine schedule played out Rocket would always get another hour or so of shut eye after his partner would be up and about for the day ahead, usually attracted out of his makeshift blanket fort in the bed shared by two by the smells of pancakes and other scrumptious delicacies he’d never known before joining the Guardians.
For years alone with Groot trying to make ends meet as a bounty hunter, the raccoon would always be living off protein bars. They were easy to transport when living on the run and didn’t break his bank since his other option was rummaging through the trash for scraps.
They didn’t taste great but he managed and didn’t care, they were all he knew of when it came to feeding himself. These days he couldn’t stomach them since the bars tasted like cardboard compared to the simple pleasures he’d indulge in almost every morning, guess you could say he was pretty happy and easy to please.
The raccoon was curled up in the bed, always shifting his body into this little ball under the beige covers with nothing but his nose sticking outside to be seen. He’d always shift his sleeping position throughout the night with the warm inviting body beside him, sometimes clung to it like a child to their favorite stuffed animal during the late hours but his favorite pose was to be held by those arms from his lover.
For the most part he still hated being touched, prodded, or anything else involving his personal space but he was better about affection from others after he learned it didn’t have to be bad.
One night during their first week sleeping together Quill absently while dreaming wrapped his arm around the raccoon. Rocket’s first instinct was he was he was in danger, his small body tensing and the rational side of his mind telling him he needed to get out of there.
His tired copper-colored eyes darted around the dark bedroom nestled under the blankets and like a deer in headlights, he was completely frozen in place and unsure of what to do right there.
He’s never done anything to hurt me, so why am I afraid? if I wanted him to stop I could just say so right?
Rocket had never been given a single reason to be scared of the Star-Lord in their history together. Your average betting man would’ve known if he didn’t like what was being done right here, being cuddled with a loose arm, he could’ve easily gotten away from it and left everything there where it stood.
But he didn’t, he liked it that way...
That night he learned two important things, the first one was that touched and comforted like this was something he secretly always wanted but never knew how to ask for.
Secondly if this was going to become a routine thing for them, Peter needed to get himself some better soap or Rocket was going to take over the bedroom and kick him out into the hallway.
Rocket’s nose twitched under the thick covers when he woke up to the familiar scents of pancakes being served with his favorite marmalade, yawning with a high drag and crawling out from the sloppy mess of the large bed and onto the floor.
His feet clicked across the metal floor, the raccoon wearing some casual cloths consisting a grey shirt and black shorts he had tossed on when entering the hallway being further drawn in by the scents of pancakes and other side dishes to come.
When rounding the corner into the common room he heard a couple mixed laughs among the crew talking amongst themselves, still not having noticed him walking in yet until he yawned again catching the attention of them all with his presence. Everyone aside from Gamora and Kraglin were there for breakfast, the other two off still in slumber for the early morning today.
“Morning, Rock’.” A voice greeted him from the room’s worn out couch, the body laying on it with a single knuckle resting under his chin watching everyone go about their business and occasionally throwing in a few chats with them.
Rocket tensed up from hearing the voice, part of wished it was still waking up and misheard it coming from within his reach. The first thing to catch his eye after noticing Quill over in the ship’s kitchen still in his blue pajamas and preparing a delicious banquet for the group was their guest sprawled out like a stereotypical feline would he was sitting here among the group.
Rocket turned his head to where it came from and sure enough, the guy was still here today, his face tensing up slightly. “Go home Taiko…”
“Rocket?” Peter voiced over to him from the stovetop, the man’s informal tone sounding almost parental telling him to behave.
“Well good morning to you too, grouchy head.” Their feline guest peeped back to the raccoon, sounding even more enthused if his grinning face wasn’t already a give-away.
In a short answer Taiko was a humanoid calico cat and a guest staying with the Guardians for the time being, the black and white spotted feline had a similar skeletal structure to Rocket’s but weirdly enough without the need for cybernetics or any other enhancements.
His overall character was much more upbeat compared to the ringtail he’d often playfully tease when around him noting here that in some instances Taiko was a polar opposite with his behavior.
Rocket paused where he stood before he spoke up lowly to the cat idly staring back at him. “Look, about last night-“
“Last night? Last night was a blast…” The cat replied back to him, those eyes watching Drax as the muscular man walked back into the room not paying much attention to their conversation.
Rocket was cautious with his words mentioning the discreet topic he was talking about since nobody besides his fiance knew about their new trials as a couple, having an undisclosed third partner in the action as something they both agreed to have for the week.
That image of them all was the last thing he wanted any of their friends knowing was going on aboard the ship beyond the next room.
It was Quill’s idea first and foremost and it all was about trying new things to keep his and Rocket’s relationship together exciting, though maybe having a threesome with another guy in the basket was a mistake looking back but there was a first for everything with him.
“Yeah, ya’ can knock it with the jokes…” The groggy ringtail turned away still unsure of the whole thing. Anytime you introduce someone new into the fold there’s bound to be questions asked, many of them that couldn’t be answered without spilling the whole picture to everyone.
Rocket climbed up the steel counter and reached up to one of the cabinets containing his fruit spread, standing on his toes to grab the circular glass jar containing the marmalade and trotting back over to the table already set up.
He never asked for help with anything because yes almost everything in the ship wasn’t accustomed for his stature but he still held quite the ego when it came down to what he was physically capable of doing.
Unless on rare instances like when he was injured, Rocket would often feel insulted if something out of his reach was handed to him as if he couldn’t retrieve it himself without assistance. Instead Peter among some of the others in the group would leave things within his reach, which he always appreciated of them.
“Coming in hot, who’s hungry?” Peter announced putting dishes down for every seat at the table, a couple stacks of flapjacks on each plate with a side of vyloo eggs, which the man claimed had a sweet aftertaste compared to what he grew up on at home with but nobody else would’ve known to compare.
Everyone was busy eating and casually chatting while Rocket was fiddling with his marmalade jar, trying to get the damn thing open after he could’ve sworn it’d been popped already.
“Ok, I’ve got a good one for you.” Peter took a drink of his coffee, trying to recall the events of last night when him and Rocket were having their usual date of shared drinks. “So we went out last night and Rocket over there tries to wave down the tender to get our drinks. Only thing was that the guy serving everyone was this old guy, grey haired and wearing an eyepatch over his left side and he didn’t hear us so we were getting tired of waiting around…”
The small crowd at the table was listening onto the words while Rocket still continued to struggle with the tightly sealed jar, cursing the item a few times as the man went on with the joke.
“So anyway, Rocket climbed on the countertop after that and yelled at the server from the top of his lungs…‘ay’ does a guy gotta wait till’ his friggin’ bar mitzvah to get a drink around here?”
Peter took another bite of the flapjacks, thinking he’d done a pretty good job on them today. “After that the bartender looked over at him from across the room and with the most serious face I’ve ever seen, asked Rocket how old he was.”
“I loved that story very much.” Mantis chirped, though it was questionable if she understood everything. She wasn’t dumb but there were certainly things that’d fly right over her head at times.
“Good joke, Quill.” Rocket muttered sarcastically while everyone else laughed off the story, it sounded like something that would’ve happened. “Guy was being a real dick holding back like he did.”
“I still thought it funny how he backhanded you like that.” Peter laughed thinking about it. In all seriousness he wanted to believe the elderly man in his seventies serving them their drinks was that sly, maybe he wasn’t but it was funny to think so.
“I did not know you were one of holding beliefs such as that.” Drax stated when he looked down at his furred companion in the seat next to him at the table. “I am interested in knowing more…”
“I don’t have any beliefs ok?!” Rocket retorted to the comment.
“Hey if he does it’s fine.” Taiko had to give his two cents across the table finishing a glass of milk, knowing already Rocket wasn’t into that stuff or believed in it but he liked teasing him nonetheless. “We can have a party right here, though we might be a little old for that sort of thing yeah?”
“Can you people just shut up?! I haven’t even had my coffee yet and everyone’s on my ass already.” Rocket pointed his ears back to all of them ganging up on him.
Drax looked down at the jar, the raccoon still fiddling with it for the past couple minutes be nobody bothered to say anything. “I think our friend here is feeling insecure…”
“Drax you’re going to feeling something too if ya’ don’t shut that trap of yours on the topic, I ain’t like that.” Rocket argued back to which the muscular brute didn’t answer and continued staring at the glass.
“Do you require assistance opening that?”
“No Drax I don’t, I can open my own jar of fruit so thanks.” Rocket didn’t look him in the eyes telling him so, he’d never had this much trouble opening it before. It was as if someone deliberately tampered with it beforehand without his knowledge.
“Got it!!” The raccoon exclaimed when the jar clicked and he was finally able to slide it open, hoping to get some food in him. His excitement was short lived however, the mashed fruity contents bubbling up from the exposed air within a matter of seconds.
“What the-“ He slowly gawked peering into the container when the homemade concoction overlapped and exploded in his face with all the sticky and sweet residue.
“What the flarg’ was in that?!” He hollered aloud at everyone, hearing someone giggle while he was trying to wipe the sticky residue off himself to little avail with his hands.
“Got you again Rocky’, that’s two in a row.” Peter told him, unable to hold back his laughter any longer from being known as the one responsible for this.
“I’m going to kill you Pete, you know how hard it is to get this stuff out of ma’ fur?! Thought that was a ground rule?”
“I thought we agreed that rule wasn’t in play anymore.” Peter grinned widely leaning back in his seat, taking another tally for himself.
This little game between the couple was an ongoing thing and it came to the point these days it was like a competition between teenagers, seeing who could prank the other the most and there never was a truce because the moment it’d be called someone who hit the other again.
The only rules of the prank war were that you couldn’t physically hurt the other or at least not too bad, tamper with that person’s gear on a job since it could very well end badly for them and finally there was always a grace period during mealtimes for them both.
Simple enough rules to follow but it seemed the Star-Lord had either forgotten or disregarded that last one when compromising the raccoon’s fruit preserves right here.
“You’re an asshole.” Rocket told the man, his brows lowered and expression seethed when hopping out of his chair at the table, the raccoon stalking his way into the cockpit.
“Ah come on, it wasn’t that bad….Rocket-“
“I can’t hear ya’ I’m already gone, enjoy staring at my backside.” Rocket hollered aloud climbing up the stairs into the helm. “Hope ya’ll enjoy the rest of breakfast.”
“Rocket- “ The metal door into the cockpit slid shut leaving them out as Peter tried to talk to him, knowing if it was a real hinged door it would’ve been slammed for them all to hear downstairs.
“Shit…” Peter breathed with a sigh, looking at everyone’s reactions around the table. “Was it really that bad?”
“I Am Groot.” The teenage tree shrugged at him, still not understood by the bunch around him but his body language was uncertain.
“I believe you gave the mammal a false hope…” Drax noted from his table, having already finished his food before everyone else had.
Peter cocked his head at the brute’s words. “What’s that supposed to mean, you saying I did something wrong?”
“Yes.” Drax told him as bluntly as he always would, looking up at the man resting his palms on the table. “In this game you both play, there are rules and from I have learned watching so-called this game is you broke one of those rules here at our meal here.”
“On my planet, we would hold ceremonies for the coming of age for our children to be tested in ritual combat, to know who’d eventually become the next Destroyer. It was seen as disgraceful to attack an opponent after the fight was over, when that person had lost.”
“I can’t believe I’m hearing this.” Peter lowered his head at the table before lifting back up to the face the brute. “He’s done way worse to me with his schemes right?”
“I mean- I’ve only known you folks for a month but isn’t the point of the game to do exactly just that?” Taiko concerned with a raised fork making his point, a mouthful of spongy hotcake gargling his speech.
“May I ask who this other mammal is again, he is shaped like our furred friend but is different...” Drax leaned across the table, his arms crossed when the cat’s emerald colored eyes darted up to the brute’s nose hovering over him from his plate. “He smells different too.”
“Please don’t do that-“ Taiko paused looking up the brute.
“He’s an exchange student Drax.” Peter couldn’t believe that was the first thing he thought of, it sounded so stereotypical to say but maybe Drax wouldn’t understand and thus wouldn’t question it. ”The guy’s been tagging around with us to get some experience from the best advisers those people can give him.”
“Very well…” Drax sat back down in his seat, the man breathing a sigh after feeling like he dodged a bullet with nobody still knowing. “I do not know what he expects to learn from you though?”
“I’ve been learning plenty, from him and Rocket.” Taiko chucked finishing up his plate and pushing it to the side.
“Yeah…” Peter mumbled looking not talking much either, partly because he did feel like he went a little overboard in that Rocket didn’t even get to eat before storming off in a heap.
“Hey Taiko?” Peter called out to the cat about to stroll off from the table with an outreached hand. “You mind talking to Rocket, maybe get him to come down and eat something?”
“Yeah sure thing.” Taiko replied turning on his heel and walking the short distance up the stairs into the cockpit.
“Asshole…” Rocket was in his pilot’s seat looking over the galaxy, his orange ball in hand and tossing in against the ship’s windshield.
He was beyond pissed, still pissed at Quill for being the stupid idiot he was sometimes just like when they met back all those nights ago.
I mean- I know I’m crazy but he’s supposed to be better then that.
I’m so friggin’ hungry right now, damn it Quill.
His tension on the stress ball tightened, a few holes from his claws in the worn-out object he’d been given for these situations chucking it off the glass for his waiting hand to catch again.
Before he could toss the ball again his ears perked to the sound of someone knocking on the locked door from behind, the raccoon leaning his head past his seat to the noise and clicking his teeth.
“Who is it?” He raised his voice to the whoever it might’ve been.
“It’s me, I wanted to talk to you.” Taiko stared at the metal wall for a few seconds, a tense pressure he wasn’t sure he was meant to carry but would still give his best shot. Fingers were crossed that Rocket liked him in their short time together to even let him through the doorway.
The locked door buzzed and swooshed open, the cat quickly making his way inside when it closed behind him. He noticed Rocket was down the few steps leading to the helm in his usual seat, his backside facing before the chair swiveled to face the cat.
“Let me guess, you’re supposed to be the negotiation party that wants me back down there?” Rocket looked at him as the cat walked up beside him in the quiet cockpit.
“I just wanted to check in, that’s all.” He meant it staring out the window with the ringtail but wondered if Rocket would believe it.
“Don’t you have somewhere else to go?” Rocket questioned him with a raised eyebrow, the cat turning his own head to his attention. “Or are you just out of the bag and into the bunch with the rest of us?”
“Well my ship still isn’t fixed.” Taiko replied, leaning an arm on the pilot’s seat. “I’ve been trying to see about that.”
“Don’t tell me that’s the excuse ur’ going with right?” Rocket cracked a smile at him, catching that there wasn’t much truth in it. “I could’ve fixed it right up and sent your hide off and away from here.”
His dimple grew further into a smirk looking at the cat leaning over him on the chair. “Don’t tell me you stick around and put up with all this just to check in on little ol’ me up here all day?”
“Ah come on…” Taiko nudged him playfully with a small jab. “yeah I like everyone else but I’ve got favorites, those I like more then others around here too.”
“You know what?” Rocket reached under the ship's dashboard for a brown box containing his usual bunch of trinkets and gadgets he’d mess with when up here for long periods of time. “Since you want ta’ stick around so badly, maybe it’s about time you help me out with something on Quill.”
“Ok…what do you need?” From the look on Rocket’s cunning face and the atmosphere of the room, the cat couldn’t help but be hesitant since he didn’t know what he was agreeing to here with the raccoon.
“Someone here tainted my shampoo, shouldn’t need to remind you what I looked like when you came here.” He didn’t want to go in detail on that when meeting Taiko for the first time, the conversation turning into one of those awkward introductions where the infuriated pink trash panda was scrubbing for days after his shampoo was filled with pink hair dye as a prank.
“Anyway, I don’t got any doubt it was Quill, guy couldn’t keep from snickering whenever my back was to him so I thought I’d do the same.” He pulled a small homemade device wrapped in black tape that could be hidden in the palm of his hand, giving it to Taiko to take.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” Taiko curiously looked over the crude device. Whatever it was, it didn’t look very impressive compared to everything else he’d seen made by the raccoon’s hands.
There was a short black fuse tied in and it smelled of fresh gunpowder, it’s appearance looking more like a small makeshift firecracker if he knew any better.
“That’s a dye bomb.” Rocket said, still holding the orange ball in his lap when continuing. “Never made one before but thought it’d be kind of funny ya’ know, for what’s I’ve got planned for him?”
“So…what do you want me to do with this?”
“How about you shove it up somewhere for starters for asking that.” Rocket swished his mouth and his ear twitched for a moment. “I’m joking....”
“Next time he’s in the john, go ahead and toss that thingy in there with him in there. Think it’s about time he’s get his fair share of color, idiot should be grateful I didn’t choose a worse color then pink.”
Taiko nodded in response. “You share what you get right?”
“Dang right I do.” Rocket replied, sounding enthused with this plan of his he had put together over the last couple days. “It’s part of eh- what’s that thing called again? Personal growth yeah, that’s it!! I’m going to be the best future hubby for this one.”
“Ok I’ll do it on one condition.” Taiko couldn’t help but have this idea of why the raccoon had these type products around the ship it wasn’t for him personally to use. “If you tell me why someone like you would have hair products and dye just sitting around here.”
Rocket stared blankly at the cat for his words. “Dun’ know what you’re implying, I just told you it’s for-“
“You know what I’m talking about Rocket, the ride might be cheap for but it’s not free and you know that.” He hoped bartering like this would get an answer either it be with booze, a favor, or anything else he learned was the only way to get a confession from the raccoon.
Rocket growled lowly before lowering himself in the seat. “Fine, I was thinking of dying my tail purple a while back, is that what you wanted ta’ hear from me? Now get out of here…”
“That’s rich.” Taiko laughed it up, not in a mocking manner but he couldn’t imagine getting himself dyed ever crossed Rocket’s mind. It sounded so offbeat for someone of his character to care much about his appearance. “You should let me do it sometime, I’ve done it to myself before so you’d get a good job back there.”
“You ain’t gonna be doing much of nothin’ if you don’t get out of here and handle that thing first.” Rocket tried to sound threatening but it fell on deaf ears to the humored cat, nothing but hot air coming from the raccoon's muzzle.
Taiko chuckled at him, him and Quill were certainly one of the craziest couples he’d ever seen but it was sweet how those two guys would reconcile over these pranks. Sibling rivalry at its finest.
“Anyway imma’ go take a shower in the meantime, I feel gamey right now and it’s making me sick.” The raccoon huffed from his slouched position in the seat, picking a piece of black hair off himself.
“So I guess I’ll get to it…” Taiko tossed the device in the air, catching it back in his palm when leaving the cockpit before turning back. “Hey I’ve been meaning to ask you where you get those awesome jumpsuits made, do you have a personal tailor for those things or what?”
“Why do you ask?”
“No particular reason, just when I tried it on last night I loved how it felt on me.” He grinned widely when Rocket crooked his head over the chair, his face frozen there. “I might get one for myself in green.”
“You tried on my suit?!”
“Yep and I’ve got to say, I think I wear it better then you do.” Taiko winked at him flirtatiously and strolled out of there before the other could properly respond to his comment.
So while Rocket was off washing himself down Taiko was tasked with delivering the package to its rightful place but needed to wait until it was a good time. The  cat decided to go back to go back to his earlier place on the common room’s couch and wait, lazily sprawled and looking over a few things on his own holo-tablet.
He was wondering why Rocket didn’t just go ahead and do this himself but the truth was he didn’t need too and he wanted to see if Taiko would actually go through with this request of his.
It wasn’t too long before he was approached by the Star-Lord strolling through the ship, his face looking rather mixed of guilt.
“Hey Taiko…” Peter gestured with a waved hand when walking by, the man kneeling down to speak to at the cat’s level. “How’d your talk with Rocket go up there?”
“It went fine, a bit crabby but yeah.” Taiko said passively. He didn’t want it sounding like things went exceptionally well or anything, even that was in question still but he didn’t want to ramble too much out of fear of what he might say here.
Peter nodded. “That’s good. So where’d he head off too, I went into the cockpit earlier and he wasn’t in there anymore.”
“Think he said he was going to take a shower or something, maybe that’ll help him cool off from happened…”
“Yeah.” Peter rubbed a hand over his chin with a drag. “Can’t help but feel like I was a bit of a dick back there right, like more than twelve’ percent and the usual bit.”
“It happens and yeah you were kind of a dick to him.” Taiko typed in a few things on the tablet and scrolled across a few pictures. “He’ll be fine though, just needs to chill in his own time."
“Well when you see him again can you let him know I wanted to talk? Maybe I need to make him something to eat since that’s my fault too...”
“Yeah sure, I’ll tell him…” Taiko perked to which Peter smiled and walked off to his own things again to attend too, the cat watching his backside like a hawk with those green eyes from afar.
Meanwhile away in the captain’s room away from everyone, Rocket was showering and getting all the sticky jam and grime of yesterday out of his fur under the steamy water, reaching for his usual shampoo and lathering it everywhere he could reach.
“Duh duh duh, da da. Duh duh duh, da da.” He hoped nobody could hear him through the thick walls when singing along to an old tune he’d heard before once, a timeless classic he had fallen for and would argued he had the swagger to pull off if he wanted too.
Part of his mind, the really cynical part that is, was snickering at whatever awaited his partner when he’d be finishing up here. Somewhere deep down he felt kind of bad about doing this because it was that the cute kind of romance with them where’d he’d sometimes do something outlandish and act like he didn’t care if it hurt them when that couldn’t been have been further from the truth.
He trusted Taiko, well as much as anyone you’d trust enough bedding together with someone else but it went further than just that, it was always going to be awkward because his commitment wasn’t to this new guy and it was repressing when they were alone.
Still when thinking about it, maybe when everything settled and the nightly adventures under the stars shared y three stopped here or later there’d still be a place for Taiko around here.
It didn’t mean they’d stop being a thing but just maybe something a bit of themselves for here on out, their own special thing that didn’t have to result in just being here for each other’s pleasure and company.
It was complicated when he rested his head under the rushing water, letting it drown him out into his thoughts. They’d taken in so many people over the past and came across many more in their adventures of helping those abroad and far, most coming and going without a second glance but something stuck out with that spotted feline back there.
It’s something Rocket never believed he’d be having to think about, something with how this tugged at his heart in a way that was sweet and endearing to have around. It wasn’t even about sexual tension, just how he felt here about going forward.
I still can’t believe that hairball’ was in my clothes.
Eventually the man did come back into the hallways, his footsteps heard across the grated floor as the cat listened with a raised ear to a metal door being opened and closed again when captain entered it.
Being very subtle, he crawled off the couch and slinked to the corner of the room that lead into the ships corridor and sure enough, he was in the bathroom and right where this needed to take place.
“Ok well here goes nothing…” Taiko breathed seeing there was nobody around to see what he was doing when, striking the small fuse and opening the bathroom door just enough to chuck the explosive into the room with the man sitting on the toilet.
“Hey Taiko.” Rocket came down the hallway with a white towel wrapped around his waist, his fur still damp and spiked in places on his head with water from his shower, his feet clicking when walking by the cat standing outside the bathroom “You get that thing taken care of we talked about?”
“Just one second alright…” Taiko raised his hand to the raccoon.
With that the tiny explosive went off, covering the entire bathroom and the Star-Lord in a flurry of bright pink dye that’s be in his hair for the weeks to come.
“And see…” Rocket grinned holding back his laughter, leaning over Taiko’s shoulder and whispering into his ear. “that’s why I like ya’.”
14 notes · View notes
21st December 2017
The alarm went off. I was sad. This is it. Our East Coast trip had come to an end. What an experience.
We didn't have time to reminisce. We had to have breakfast and get packing. The entire van needed cleaning and we needed to try and fit everything that we had accumulated into our backpacks again. The next hour or so was going to be dreadful.
Steve sat and chilled whilst I went on a mad one emptying the van as good as I could. Steve started to help and eventually we finished. We had bags and bags full of rubbish. I was leaving so many clothes and shoes behind. We wanted our bags to be as light as possible. I struggled to get everything into my bag, like I do every time we try and pack... I had a lot of clothes that I didn't want to throw away and wanted sending home. I put them into a cardboard box that I kept from Melbourne where Mum had sent me stuff over. My plan was to go into the post office in Sydney to send it home. Fingers crossed.
Steve eventually squished everything in, our bags were packed, the van was back to it's original state. The table was up and it was time to leave Canberra. We were showered and ready to go. I started the drive. We were off to Sydney which was another few hours away.
We drive back up was a bit weird. We were quiet. It was strange. I don't think we realised what was going on. We were really excited to get back to Sydney mind you, we loved Sydney a lot. We were also booked into our favourite hostel – Mad Monkey Kings Cross. We started our journey there and we were ending our journey there too... How lovely.
After 2 hours worth of driving, I had to pull over. I was busting for a wee. Steve checked on the maps where the next services were and we pulled over. I ran into a KFC to wee. You know when you're busting so much you're not even sure you're going to make it to the toilet... That's how I was feeling!
I come out of the toilet and noticed Steve ordering food. I laughed a lot but I wasn't surprised. Only Steve... I didn't feel hungry at all but I asked him to grab me some popcorn chicken just in case. I asked Steve if he could drive now as I didn't want to do anymore. He had 3 hours to do now. He laughed at me and said that I did hardly any of the driving this trip. I did agree to half and half today but what is the point in driving another 30 minutes for us to pull over and swap? No point whatsoever!
We eventually pulled up to Sydney. We were in the area where we had to give the camper van back so we looked at how far away the post office was... 3 roads away. Perfect! We drove there first and we jumped out. I sent my box off and it cost $50. A lot less than I thought it would be. It was going to take around 3 months to get home which was fine. It was summery stuff and it's winter at home. I wasn't going to need it.
Next, I was going to wet myself. Steve had to rush over the road to get me to a McDonald’s before I did actually wee in the camper van which would've been typical for us as we were about to give it back... I ran in fully expecting to find Steve in queue as I got out.. I didn't, he was still in the van.
We pulled up at the camper van place and started to empty the van. I think we were really sad, tired and a bit stressed. We were arguing like cat and dog. I took all the food and drink into the reception area to put in the 'free bin'. Hopefully other people will find use of our old rubbish. We also left our table and chairs. We bought them separately as it was cheaper than hiring it with the van. Top tips!
That was it, all done... Our van was given back and our East Coast trip was over. 5 incredible weeks, 4306 kilometres and 23 amazing places. I was so sad. We both were. But I was so excited to get to our hostel. I had been messaging Sam for a while and she sorted our room out for us.
Steve and I were walking to the bus stop with our bags on our backs again. Steve hated having his bag on, it gave him the hump. To be fair, the first ten minutes are fine. After that, you question why you pack anything other than underwear! It really does hurt your entire body.
We got to the bus stop after about 10 minutes walking and trying to run across a main road... I hoped more than anything that I wasn't going to trip over. I wouldn't have been able to get up, I would've been like a turtle stuck in a shell!
We got on the bus and it was 1430. We had about 30 minutes worth of travel on that. After that, it was the tube. It was pretty straight forward for us, but I guess that's because we knew where we were going. We knew Sydney so well. I sat on the train with the biggest smile on my face. We were going to our favourite hostel, in our favourite place!
I pretty much rain from the tube station to our hostel. I even ran up the 3 flights of stairs. I jumped at Sam as we checked in! How exciting! We had our catch up and I noticed someone we had seen before... The two girls from our Fraser Island trip! We weren't friendly enough to say hi but they definitely recognised us. They were the girls that stayed at the same campsite as us afterwards. How strange. Small world as they say.
We checked into our room. We were in 2C. It was a 12 bed. We went inside a there were loads of empty beds. We picked the two closest to the door. It wasn't right under the aircon and it wasn't next to the toilet. Perfect. I just hoped that the door wasn't going to be opened and shut constantly but you can't have everything, especially in hostels.
We chucked our stuff away and headed out. We had to go to Westfield’s to pick up Steve's sunglasses before the store shut. We walked to the tube station and jumped on 2 stops to Town Hall. We luckily still had our Opal cards with money on. Ca-ching!
We went to the Specsavers we were told to go to. We explained the situation to the staff member and gave her the card. She went away to collect his glasses. We sat and waited. She came back over and said that we must have the wrong store because they didn't have them. Steve just went 'bang' and went mental. He asked whether the number on the card was correct for this store and she said 'I don't know'. Steve said “How do you not know the number of your place of work?!”. Eventually, she went to look again after realising that it had to be the correct store.
She found his glasses and Steve walked out. I apologised on Steve's behalf for going crazy at her. She said it was okay. I bet she was fuming though. It wasn't her fault but she did act slightly stupid.
It was late so we grabbed a bite to eat in the food hall. I took loads of photos of the Christmas decorations on our travels home. Sydney at Christmas was beautiful, and hot. There were thousands of people around! It was so busy. I'm even sure it's busier than London at Christmas.
We got back to the hostel and chatted to Sam for a while before heading up to our room. There was nobody else in our room when we checked in but I'm sure that's going to be different when we head up now...
It was full of girls. Steve was the only male. I'm sure he liked those odds until they all started getting ready to go out! We had two American girls next to us. They were on their 'vacation' – not backpackers. They were really nice. We told them what we thought was worth visiting here and what to skip. They ended up going out, like everyone else. Steve and I had one plan and one plan only.
Sleep! I was on the top bunk. Oh how I don’t and won’t miss you!
Goodnight world.
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