#that was clearly a lovely little malec highlight
androgymagnus · 6 years
part of me: alec saying "i would have done the same thing" is a scene about him and clary, not about malec or j*lec. and anyway, even if it was, alec doesn't have to rank his loved ones or choose "who he loves more" and that's bullshit. he loves both of them, and it's not a competition. honestly, he probably meant he would have done that for ANYONE he loves, not even necessarily just "jace or magnus". he would have done it for magnus, for izzy, for maryse, for jace, etc. because that's the kind of person alec is
also me: alec was CLEARLY TALKING ABOUT MAGNUS it even panned over to show magnus's reaction and ANYWAY you CRUSTY ASS BITCHES alec loves magnus WAY MORE THAN JACE "AWFUL FRIEND AND PARABATAI" ONE-MILLION-LAST-NAMES. PLUS alec would NEVER LOVE HIS BROTHER ROMANTICALLY so don't even TRY to make this about your GROSS RACIST INCEST SHIP
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embooks · 4 years
So I just finished Lost Book Of The White and I feel... conflicted?
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the book I mean, it's Magnus and Alec Lightwood-Bane who we are talking about here, there was really not other option but to love it. And yet, it didn't feel enough? I had so many expectations for this book, almost two years of wondering about how great it would be, having the whole gang together again in Shanghai of all places dealing with demons and their crazy shenanigans but in the end, the whole thing fell a little bit off.
This book, was IT.
It had so much potential to become the greatest but instead, I feel that the authors only brushed the surface of it, only grasped the minimal of all that it could be. Even as things happened, it all felt muffled out, everything seemed like a thousand miles away. The whole gang was supposed to be there but most of the time, I even forgot about them for how little participation they had. Even Magnus and Alec, THE PROTAGONISTS of this story felt like they lacked of screen time. After I finished Red Scrolls Of Magic, I was so excited to get all this Malec content given how in this book they would be more stable as a couple and not in the eve of their break up but ultimately, I was wrong. I feel that I missed a the Malec scenes in this book.
However, there are things that I do highlight about this book that I think were very interesting.
First of all, RAGNOR FELL what a great character, we were given explanations that we were owed a long time ago already, specially one that I have been waiting for since the end of City Of Heavenly Fire (yes, you know the one 🧛‍♂️). Then, it was pretty fun to visit the Chinese culture and how Asian culture in general impacts in the Shadow world. Once again, we get to see Cassandra Clare's exceptional world building that only knows to become more complex at every turn. This and with Wesley Chu, it can be clearly seen that both of them did their research before writing this book, they didn't just throw some pretty Chinese names and left it there. They actually appealed to old stories and fables, myths, religion, customs... it really did feel like a trip to China.
And finally, I wanted to remark just how utterly hilarious this book is, I had nearly forgotten how sassy Magnus can be (his boyfriend not getting far behind though) even the villains managed to make me laugh out loud, Shinyun was so ridiculous that most of the times, I couldn't help myself.
For a further comment about the plot and characters, I will upload an article on the blog soon so, stay tuned!
Blog: www.sarascrive.com
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This week in Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
“From poodle to werewolf.” Video of Isaiah discussing previous Halloween costumes.
Shadowhunters In The News
BSS (article): Ranked: Magnus Bane Fashion Statements That Had Us Shook.
BSS (article): The Slow Burn of Sizzy: Why It Is Necessary.
Wonderland Magazine (interview): Will Tudor Catching up with TV’s most versatile sci-fi star. [1]
Twitter & Social Media Stuff
Kat (Clary) took over the official Shadowhunters TV social media accounts. Highlights from Kat’s takeover: behind the scenes photo of Kat on set, another photo of Kat on set, "No matter how dead tired you are, a little Exorcising never hurt a soul!” photo of Kat training for season three, “Just hanging around, I’ve clearly been caught in the web…” photo of Kat behind the scenes of a stunt, behind the scenes photo of Kat and Alberto (Simon) [2],  on set video of Kat announcing her livechat, facebook livechat with Kat part one, facebook livechat with Kat part two, photo of Kat and Emeraude (Izzy) from on set of season three, short video of Kat on set, behind the scenes photo of Kat’s hand covered in blood, gif of Kat and Dom (Jace) on set, behind the scenes photo of Kat and Matt (Alec) with the camera crew, photos of Kat with the crew, gif of Kat on set.
“The blessing it is to work w/ this incredible & beautiful human being.” Javier (Lorenzo) shares a behind the scenes photo of himself and Kat (Clary) on set of season three.
Javier (Lorenzo) shares an onset photo of himself.
Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo applying makeup on Kat (Clary).
Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of himself with Kat (Clary) and another member of the makeup team.
Nancy Warren (hair & makeup) shares behind the scenes photos of herself with Kat (Clary) and Dom (Jace). [3]
“The smallest little peek at Lorenzo & Magnus.“ Javier (Loreno) shares a behind the scenes photo of himself and Harry (Magnus).
“Ollie’s got a new hairdo.” Alexandra (Ollie) shares a photo on set in her trailer.
“Typical night on set.” Harry (Magnus) shares a behind the scenes video of himself, Matt (Alec), and Isaiah (Luke) from season three.
“Green screen in greyscale“ Alisha (Maia) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself on set of season three. [4]
Claire Hupy (writer) tweets: a thread about how the costuming process works.
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweets: “Living, loving, cooking, battling, pondering, sacrificing #newbeginnings #sandalwood #malec”, “Magnus’ Indonesian roots on full display in season 3 #nasigoreng #billiards #asmodeusknowsbest“.
In Other News
Kat released a new single. Proceeds to benefit GirlUp campaign.
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magnuslightwoodbane · 7 years
(you are) rarer than diamonds
written for day 4 of malec appreciation week: alternate universe
(it’s 4:50am on day 5 where i am, but better late than never right?)
3.1k words, alec is a jeweller, magnus is a ceo and Certified Most Beautiful Man In The World™
ao3 link
If you’d told Alec Lightwood at 18 that he would drop out of law school and open a shop, he wouldn’t have laughed in your face, because he was too subtle for that. He would, however, have given you a Look that made it clear what a fool he thought you were.
Well, more fool him, he thought.
Adamant that he’d support himself through school, he’d by some miracle gotten a part time job at a jewellers near campus his first year. Originally hired to lend a hand around the shop, his boss had like his drive so much he’d sent him on course after course. Despite the mountain of work school gave him, he lapped up knowledge in all forms and soon was legally and officially qualified to be a full-fledged jeweller.
His second year was full of conflict, indecisive about whether to pursue his dream (read: parents dream) of graduating, starting a law firm, jacking it all in to become another stone faced politician and dying with a brood of spoiled kids left behind to squabble over his riches, or to pursue the whole jewellery thing. He’d grown to like work more than school; in some way, he was impacting people’s lives in a real, tangible way to him. A necklace to woo someone and help them realise possibilities; a ring bound to catch the eye at the next fashion show and set the wearer on the track to stardom; wedding rings to give each other forever…
If you’d told Alec Lightwood at 18 that he’d still be consistently single at 25, he’d believe that one.
In what would have been his third year, when he was able to access his trust fund, he used the money meant for a law firm to purchase a middling-sized shop with a one room apartment above it. His parents’ money had to be good for something, right? (It wasn’t that he wasn’t grateful. He knew how lucky he was to have rich parents and a kick start in life). And he took it on board.
Not a fan of how jewellery was so often the plaything of the rich, he deliberately sought out more affordable jewellery and advertised it alongside the precious gems and metals that cost far too much. It helped that his brother’s girlfriend was an incredibly creative craftsman herself; and that her mother was an artist, which meant his decor and stock was sorted out in one fell swoop. All in all, he was content. Five years of running his own business, going from strength to strength and getting a name for himself. His parents had even grown to accept his drastic career change, even if they continually bugged him about his perpetual singledom. He was fine with it.
Until the most beautiful man in the world walked into his shop. Obviously. He was tall and muscular, burgundy henley clinging to his arms and necklaces draped around his neck, hanging various pendants at various lengths on his chest. He was obviously in the right place, adorned with various pieces, of which Alec could see were expensive and very well made. His black hair was carefully styled back and up, with short sides and red streaks at the front. His eyes were a warm brown, with dark and precise wings and champagne glitter smudged under his waterline. And his lips, oh his lips - Alec had never wanted to kiss anyone at a first glance quite as much as he wanted to right now.
It took a minute for Alec to realise that he’d been staring, and what’s more, the beautiful man had been staring back at him. They both came to the realisation at the same time, and Alec blushed as the other man chuckled nervously and rubbed his ear, the one with the silver cuff.
“Hi! Uhh what can I, uh, do for you today?” Alec stammered out.
“Hi,” he said, and Alec nearly melted at the sound of his voice.
“Hey.” They both blushed this time.
“So,” the man blinked a couple of times, shaking his head a little as if he were righting his thoughts, “a little bird told me that you stock Clary Fairchild’s work?”
“You know Clary?” Alec asked.
The man smiled wistfully. “I’m an old family friend of theirs, known her since she was 8. She wanted to give me some pieces, but I’d rather buy it and support her, and Luke told me about this little palace of wonders. I’m Magnus, by the way. I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.”
“Alec,” he grinned. “This, uh, “palace of wonders” is mine.”
“You stock it?”
Magnus looked around the place, impressed look on his face. “You clearly have good taste.”
“Clearly,” he whispered. Magnus raised an eyebrow questioningly, and he stammered “Uh we should, you know, get back to uh-“
“Shopping, right!” Magnus smiled.
Magnus kept coming back, every week.
One week he bought a ring, and he told Alec about the media conglomerate he’d built up here in New York. Alec told him about how he moved from law to retail. He didn’t know why, but he found himself telling Magnus about the college party that made up his mind; about how he’d overheard some rich stuck up dick being homophobic, all his drone buddies laughing, and how Alec had punched the guy in the face and could only be talked down from rage by his best friend Lydia.
(He did know why, but he didn’t want to think about how much he really, really wanted Magnus to know he was gay.)
The next week, Magnus bought a necklace, and told Alec about how he’d inherited a lot of money from his mother and stepfather; they’d made an absolute fortune in importing cut flowers from the Netherlands. He told him about how he met his real father once, and automatically decided he didn’t have one. The way he said it was so Magnus that Alec found it hilarious; he definitely didn’t think that at their third meeting he could already tell what was particularly… Magnus-y about Magnus. Alec told him about Maryse and Robert; he more animatedly told him about Jace and Izzy and Max.
“It’s amazing how much you love your siblings, I’m a little jealous,” Magnus smiled.
“Jealous?” Alec asked.
“Well, on second thought, I don’t think we should be siblings…” he smirked, leaving the shop with an “Until next time, Alexander” and the chime of the bell.
The week after, Alec couldn’t even remember what Magnus bought, only that he offhandedly mentioned an ex-boyfriend and Alec’s heart soared.  After Magnus had left that day, he dug out the little rainbow flag on a stick he’d gotten at the first Pride he went to, and stuck it to the register. The only other employees there were Clary’s friend Simon and his friend Maia, neither of whom were straight either, so even if Alec cared for their opinion about it he knew it would be a non-issue. Maybe he’d even let Simon put little pan and bi flags with it, he was having that good of a day.
Magnus came in at least once a week, and always bought something, but Alec found he couldn’t care less about the money. He got to spend roughly an hour every time talking freely about everything and nothing with him, and Magnus’s visits quickly became the highlight of his week. He’d never been so comfortable with someone that wasn’t his family.
After a couple of months of regular visits, on an exceptionally quiet Tuesday, Magnus came in as usual, but with his right arm in a sling. Alec dropped the watch he was carefully fixing on the counter, not for a second considering the delicate workings, and rushed over to him.
“Magnus! What happened?” he asked, concerned.
“I got into a fight with Dwayne “The Rock Johnson,” he said, completely deadpan. Alec just gave him a look.
“Fell off the dinosaur I was riding through Times Square?” he pouted.
Alec tried to keep a straight face, he really did.
“Oh come on Magnus,” he laughed quietly. Magnus grinned.
“Okay fine, I was drunk and messing around by my pool with friends. I slipped, fell in, and sprained my wrist. And my pride. And my watch. Which is why I’ve come to see you today, Alexander!”
“Well, I can’t fix your wrist, but I can fix your watch if you need?”
“I’m sure you could kiss it better,” Magnus winked. “But to be honest, I was after a new watch anyway. And also, to see your pretty face.”
Alec blushed, but kept smiling anyway. “This way for watches,” he beckoned.
It turned out Magnus was quite particular about watches, in a way Alec could appreciate. It also turned out that with a hand down, it was up to Alec to put them on and take them off, and it took all he had to keep breathing every time he touched Magnus’s impossibly soft skin. He pretended not to notice that his own hand lingered on Magnus’s skin far longer than necessary. He definitely couldn’t help but notice Magnus did the same to him.
“What about that one?” Magnus said after trying on the ninth watch so far. Alec looked to where he was pointing, to see the one he’d hastily forgotten about as soon as Magnus walked in.
“Well, that one is being repaired right now, but if you don’t mind waiting, it can be yours?” he said.
“One of your own that broke?” Magnus asked.
“No, uh. I have this thing where people bring in their old broken watches, and if I think I can get them good as new, I’ll buy them off them. Sometimes I’ll buy them for parts. I mentioned Jace?” Magnus nodded. “Well, he runs a charity dedicated to bringing music into schools, you should hear him play piano, it’s incredible. I sell the fixed watches and donate the profits to him,” Alec said, looking embarrassed.
“Does he know it’s you? Donating the money?��� Magnus asked. Alec shook his head, still looking at the floor and scuffing his feet on it. Magnus scoffed, and caught Alec’s cheek with his palm. Shocked, Alec looked up to see Magnus smiling, warm eyes searching his own.
“Why are you embarrassed?” Magnus whispered.
“I guess, I just don’t… I don’t like playing myself up. If it’s right, I just… do stuff. I don’t really think about it,” Alec whispered back.
Magnus’s thumb skirted Alec’s cheekbone, and his breath hitched. “Alexander, you never cease to amaze me.” There was something electric in the air between them, exacerbated by the contact of both hand and eyes, and the last words whispered hung in the empty space. Alec’s eyes dropped to Magnus’s parted lips, and Magnus’s did the same. It would be so easy to…
Alec groaned, very quietly, as Magnus’s hand dropped from his face and their heads turned to see Simon walking in for his afternoon shift.
“Hey, bos- oh hey, Mr Bane!” he greeted them both enthusiastically.
“Oh, Sherwin, I didn’t realise you worked here,” Magnus said. Alec snorted.
“Uh, yes sir. Clary got me the job.”
“I hope you thanked her properly, Samuel.”
“Bought her new brushes with my first pay check!” Simon grinned. “Good to see you Mr Bane!” he called as he made his way into the back.
Alec laughed. “Do you actually know his name, or-?”
“Oh yes, but it’s much more fun pretending not to. Sooo, how much for that watch when it’s repaired, then?”
“I got it for fifty, so let’s say… a hundred dollars?”
“Make it $200, and you’ve got a deal,” Magnus said very matter-of-factly.
“Magnus! That’s-“
“A small amount for a good cause,” he said, counting out ten twenty-dollar bills. “When will I see you next for it?”
“I bet I can get it done by Thursday, for you,” Alec grinned, still bowled over.
“It’s a date,” Magnus grinned back. Alec choked a little, but Magnus was already on his way out and mercifully didn’t see. Regaining his composure, Alec poked his head round the back to see Simon coming out in his work clothes.
“I need to concentrate on fixing this, do you think you can handle the place?” he asked.
“You got it boss! Anything for love, right?” Simon grinned. Alec spluttered.
“Watch it, Sherman.”
Simon mimed being shot in the heart. “Ouch. Well anyways, I’ve got it. You go literally… watch it.” and he headed into the shop. Alec shook his head at the stupid joke, but laughed anyway, as he went to get to work.
Thursday came, the watch was finished, and Magnus didn’t show.
He didn’t show Friday, either.
Or Saturday.
Or Sunday.
He didn’t show for three whole weeks.
Alec kept the watch by, of course, but he knew that it wasn’t about the watch. He missed Magnus, wanted to see him. He prayed to the god he didn’t believe in that if Magnus came back, if he got another chance, he’d ask him out, ask him to dinner, he’d tell Magnus that he was beautiful every day if he could.
On the Thursday three weeks after Magnus was meant to come in, Alec found himself particularly miserable about it. Maybe he wasn’t meant to have a beautiful, generous, funny boyfriend. Maybe he was being dumb as hell. Magnus was a customer, for Christ’s sake. A man with business interests like Magnus, and hell, fashion sense like Magnus, probably went to a bunch of different places. Variety, and all that.
“Hey, Alec?”
Simon was leaning on the counter, with an uncharacteristically serious look on his face, and Alec had been so wrapped up in his thoughts he hadn’t even noticed him come in. “Yeah, Simon?”
“Can I ask you something personal?” Alec shrugged, as if to say Go ahead. This day can’t get worse.
“Do you uh, like Mr Ba- ah, Magnus? Like, as in like like?”
Alec didn’t even have the salt or energy in him to act annoyed. He merely sighed and nodded. He guessed it was obvious; the last three weeks he’d barely spoken a word, leaving Simon or Maia to handle the actual customer service.
“I thought so. I uh, spoke to Clary, and-“ he held out a piece of paper. “I can handle the shop tonight.”
Alec frowned, and stood up straight. “What?” he said, taking the paper.
“I got the address of Magnus’s office from Clary, who got it from Jocelyn, and I think maybe you could… go to him instead?” Simon grinned nervously. A slow smile spread across Alec’s face, reaching his eyes for the first time in weeks.
“You’re the best, Samson.” Alec grabbed his jacket.
“I’m not even mad!” Simon called after him, as he left.
Alec gave the address to the first taxi he saw, spending the whole journey nervously bouncing his leg. It only took ten minutes, but he felt like time had slowed, keenly aware of everything around and how damn reckless this was. What if Magnus hadn’t come back for a reason? What if he didn’t feel the same?
Could Alec live with not knowing?
No, he thought. Better to be rejected than to wonder what if.
He arrived in front of a large glass building, several storeys high and somewhat imposing. It had a large revolving door, which he stepped through into an equally large lobby. The floor here was black marble, gold accents everywhere and the decorations minimal yet quirky. He felt Magnus’s influence all about this place. He approached the reception, where a bored looking young man sat, name badge simply stating “Elias”.
“Uhm, hi. I’d like to see Magnus Bane?” he said.
“You and hundreds of thousands of others, sir. Did you have an appointment?” Elias asked.
“Um, no. He knows me. Can you tell him it’s Alexander here to see him?” he asked (he did not plead. Alec absolutely did not plead.)
Elias seemed to struggle to contain an eye roll – Alec was very familiar with the gesture. “Unfortunately, Mr Bane has-“
“You’re that jeweller, aren’t you?”
Alec turned to find the source of the voice, a scowling young man in a black suit. “I’m A jeweller, yeah. Alec Lightwood.”
“Well now I see why Magnus keeps going back there,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Magnus! Is he okay? I haven’t seen him in a couple weeks, and I was worried, and-” Alec stuttered to a halt, suddenly keenly aware that he was being overly panicky.
“He’s fine, the idiota. He should be here any sec-“
“Alexander!” He knew that voice. He’d know that voice anywhere.
“Magnus,” he breathed, seeing the man come through the revolving door with luggage in tow.
“I am so, so sorry Alexander, truly. You remember my birth father, I mentioned him once? He finally died the day after I last saw you, but being his only living relative, I had to fly to England and sort out his affairs, and I just got back-“
“It’s okay, Magnus,” Alec said.
“No, it’s not, I tried to find your number online, but I couldn’t, and I feel awful about leaving you hanging Alexander, I really do. And I – well, it’s probably weird but I really quite missed you, and-“
“Magnus, it’s okay!” Alec cut him off, voice happier than it had been in a while. “It’s okay, really, it’s not your fault. These things happen. And uh, there is something good about it, because over those three weeks I realised- I realised that when I saw you again, I,” Alec paused and swallowed, looking up at the sky, mustering his courage. “What I really, really wanted, was to, um. Ask you on a date?” Alec chanced a look at Magnus’s face, unsure what to expect. Magnus’s features were still, but his eyes twinkled, and Alec hoped-
“Oh, that is good. Because I was going to ask you out when I got back.” Magnus smiled.
Alec cleared his throat, utter relief coursing through his veins. “Well then, uh, Magnus, do you want to go on a date with me?
“I’d love to. Alexander, would you like to go to dinner with me?”
He grinned, happier than he’d ever been before. “I’d love to.”
If you’d told Alec Lightwood at 25 that in three years’ time, the most beautiful man in the world would give him one of his own wedding rings and the rest of his life, he wouldn’t have laughed in your face, because he was too subtle for that. He would, however, have given you a Look that made it clear what a fool he thought you were.
More fool him.
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notcrypticbutcoy · 7 years
When in London
For day 1 of Malec Week 2017, which really crept up on me out of nowhere – Future Scene!
(In which Malec inspire young love in London, and then cuddle and talk about it)
Julian hated Tube trains.
Alright, London was a busy city, with a population of ten million, but it felt like, at rush hour, all ten million people crammed themselves onto the London Underground. Commuting into the city was a horribly unpleasant affair, crammed into a corner with someone’s rucksack digging into his calf and someone else’s unpleasant body odour permeating the air and making him gag.
Forcing his way through the uptight businessmen and women with their smart briefcases and the significantly more rowdy and more cheerful people with toolboxes and sweatpants was almost a relief, if only because it meant he could final step onto the platform and get the hell off the train.
Both escalators up from the platform to the exit of the station had been set to move upwards, to quicker get the impatient commuters out of the station. Julian stood on one, tapping his fingers absent-mindedly against the rubber hand grip that moved faster than the escalator itself.
Something - or rather, someone - on the escalator to his right caught his eye. He glanced over, and saw two men standing together, one clearly on the step above the other, grinning at each other. Both looked tall, from what Julian could tell. The taller of the two had hair styled up high, shot through with magenta highlights. He was wearing navy skinny jeans and a stylish, fitted leather jacket that did everything for his shoulders and biceps, with a multitude of necklaces hanging around his neck, drawing Julian’s gaze unwillingly to where he had the top three buttons of his shirt undone.
The other man, in contrast, was more muted, his clothing somewhat unremarkable, although, Julian couldn’t help but notice, he was incredibly handsome.
But, irrespective of their attire (because frankly, it was London—everyone had seen far stranger things than a man with pink highlights and painted nails) Julian couldn’t help but notice the other glaringly obvious thing about them.
They were a couple.
One of those awful, gooey, sickeningly in love couples. The taller of the two had his arms around his boyfriend (boyfriend? partner? husband?), and they were both smiling at each other, laughing a little, watching each other with shining eyes, smiling so wide it made the skin around their eyes crinkle. The man with highlights leant forwards and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend’s nose, before turning around to step of the escalator, and—
Oh. Okay. The man with highlights was actually slightly shorter than his partner, although he was still plenty tall enough to see over the gaggle of people in front of the couple to find whichever exist they were looking for.
Julian broke himself out of his staring just long enough to get off the escalator, feeling a little embarrassed. What was he doing, staring after random couples like that?
It was just… Well. They were so open, and so obvious, and they so very clearly didn’t care if anybody was going to give them a hard time, for being a same-sex couple or for being an interracial couple, and—
Well. It was sort of beautiful. And Julian wished he could be that fearless.
Working in a coffee shop, admittedly, hadn’t been his plan for when he’d left school. He’d been aiming for—
Well. He’d been aiming for having a blast at a university in London. Which he was. He just hadn’t factored in the need for a job, nor had he realised that for students, his options would be limited to three or four coffee shop chains, or McDonald’s.
But, still, he didn’t really mind. Especially not when his shift coincided with Alex’s.
It was almost two o'clock, just after the lunchtime rush of city workers coming in to grab their midday caffeine fix and a sandwich before they hurried off back to their next offices, when the door opened, and two people fell in, laughing.
Julian looked up from where he was standing washing up some of the blenders, because Alex was across the room, cleaning up the crap people had left on their tables, and did a double-take when he saw the pair.
It was the couple he’d seen this morning, at the station. They were hand-in-hand, the taller of the two carrying a silky scarf that Julian would have bet his entire day’s wages belonged to his boyfriend. It wasn’t that cold outside, considering it was only March, but there was a healthy glow to the both of them.
Julian wondered whether it was because they’d been walking around the city for a few hours, or because they’d been here together.
“Well, hello,” the man with highlights said, blinking at Julian. American, Julian thought, although there was a hint of something else. He tugged his boyfriend forwards, and leant an arm against the countertop, a smile on his face. Julian had to swallow down his nervous embarrassment.
“Magnus,” the other man chastised him, rolling his eyes. “You’re shameless.”
“I’m not being serious,” the man - Magnus - said, assuring Julian or his boyfriend, Julian didn’t know.
Then he caught sight of Magnus’ hand, and felt his chest tighten. Not boyfriend. Husband. That was unmistakably a wedding band on his finger.
“Although I might be,” he added, appraising Julian with slightly narrowed eyes, as though he could see right through to his soul. “If you weren’t sixteen, and I wasn’t married.”
“Oh my god,” his husband muttered, closing his eyes and letting out a long-suffering sigh. “I’m never going wine-tasting with you again. I’m so sorry,” he added, to Julian.
Julian was about to make a somewhat-bewildered dismissal, because the whole situation was a little odd, but not at all unpleasant, when Alex cut in from across the shop.
“He’s eighteen, and he really doesn’t mind!”
Magnus’ lips twitched upwards. “Could we get a vanilla latte and a black americano, please?”
Julian rang up their order for them, and Magnus swiped a sleek black credit card, and then he set about making their drinks. The other customers in the shop seemed utterly unfazed by Magnus’ unusual - although very tasteful - sense of style, nor by the fact that the two had their arms around each other.
Come to think of it, he hadn’t noticed anybody at the station paying them the time of day, either.
Julian tried not to listen to their conversation as he made their drinks, but it was a little hard not to be curious when Magnus sighed, loudly, and said, “Alec.”
“Don’t Alec me.”
“I’m just saying. I’m right.”
“How can you possibly know that?” Alec demanded.
Julian cut their conversation short, when he handed them their drinks, and tried not to catch their eyes for too long. He was simultaneously too awed and too embarrassed for any more eye contact than was necessary.
The couple spent the duration of the visit sitting drinking their coffee at one of the tables in the corner perfectly innocuously, chatting intermittently and scrolling through their phones, turning the screens to each other and reacting to whatever was on the screen.
They had their fingers intertwined across the table the entire time.
When they left, Magnus dropped him a smile that was oddly sympathetic, and Alec nodded to him, tossing out a “thanks” over his shoulder as they walked out.
It wasn’t until the end of their shift, when he and Alex were closing up the shop for the day and finishing up to make sure things were set for the following morning, when Alex brought the couple - and Julian’s affectedness - up.
“You could do that, you know,” Alex told him, leaning against the counter with his sleeves rolled up and his phone in hand. His eyes, though, were on Julian, who was in the process of putting away the last mugs.
“What are you talking about?” Julian asked, although he was perfectly aware.
“That couple, today. You could do that. Nobody would care.”
Julian paused, and straightened, glancing over to meet Alex’s gaze. “Yeah. I– I don’t think I realised how little people really do care. I’m just not that brave, I guess.”
“They looked pretty seasoned,” Alex said, flicking his bangs back with a nonchalant toss of his head. “You could be that brave. You just need some practise.”
Julian bit his lip. “With you?”
Alex, for once, looked momentarily surprised. He blinked. “Pardon?”
Julian’s heart was hammering in his chest, but something about seeing two men - two married men - holding hands and giggling together and flirting and being so blatantly out and proud in public made him want to do something reckless. Something… Well. Something brave.
“Practise. With you?”
One side of Alex’s mouth curled up. “Yeah, alright. Why not? Practise with me.”
Julian exhaled in relief, and Alex let out a little laugh.
“You done, there?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Well.” Alex smiled. “If you want practise, there’s no time like the present. I’ve always wanted to actually go in the Chinese place at the end of the street, rather than just walk past and salivate.”
Alex held out and hand, wiggling his fingers, and Julian stared at it for a moment, glancing between the proffered hand and Alex’s face a little doubtfully.
“Really?” he asked, because god, it seemed to good to be true.
“Really,” Alex said, and Julian took his hand.
Across the city, in a hotel room seven floors up, Alec lay sprawled across Magnus’ chest in bed, the sheets tangled around their legs, while fingers raked through his hair.
“I know I’m right, darling, there’s really no good in arguing,” Magnus said, and Alec could hear the smirk in his voice without turning his head to check.
“I’m not arguing,” Alec replied. He was tracing random patterns over the hard planes of Magnus’s stomach, basking in the pleasant afterglow of beautiful, phenomenal sex. “I just don’t get how you can possibly know that he was gay.”
“I don’t. I just know he was attracted to boys.”
“Magnus, you know what I mean,” Alec said, rolling his eyes. “Stop being so pernickety.”
“I know, Alexander, because he kept staring at us, and he was embarrassed, and he couldn’t stop looking at these.”
A finger ran over Alec’s wedding ring, and, unbidden, a smile passed over Alec’s face. Yeah. That had happened. He was officially married to Magnus, as of three days ago, and fuck, if that wasn’t beautiful. God, he was so in love with Magnus Bane that he didn’t know how he could contain it all.
“He was embarrassed because you’re hot,” Alec said, bluntly. “And— Shit, you’re right.”
Magnus laughed, the sound vibrating through his chest. Alec could feel it rumbling through his torso, and he thought that the sound of Magnus Bane laughing was possibly the most beautiful sound in the universe.
“Of course I’m right. And my hotness–” Magnus was smirking again “–was, of course, a contributing factor, but so was the fact that we’re together. Think about how you’d have felt if you were eighteen and saw two married men wandering around the Institute holding hands.”
“I’d have had an aneurism,” Alec said, and, sad as it was, it was probably true.
“That’s a rather alarming admission,” Magnus said, and when Alec tilted his head up to look at him, he did look a little bothered.
“I think we should go back to that coffee shop,” Magnus announced.
“You’re interfering,” Alec warned him. “Don’t start interfering.”
Magnus scoffed. “Give me some credit. I’m subtle. I just mean we should…expose a young man who loves men to the world of loving men. And how beautiful it is.”
Alec rolled his eyes, but he felt a smile tugging at his lips, because really, he’d married the snappiest, most gorgeous man alive, and he couldn’t have been happier.
“I love you,” he said, because he did, and because Magnus deserved to hear it, and because if he didn’t say it, he felt like he might burst with how much he felt it in his every cell.
Magnus’ eyes softened, and his fingers curled into the hair at the nape of Alec’s neck.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
Alec pushed himself up on his elbow as Magnus leant forwards, and their lips met, softly, the world around them fading away and disappearing until it was only them, skin pressed together and hair brushing forehead, hands mapping across bodies.
Because love was beautiful. Loving someone, and being loved, was beautiful.
And every young person in the world, self-hating and in denial and terrified of who they wanted to love, deserved to know that.
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outofcertainty-blog · 7 years
as certain dark things are to be loved
[After the announcement of S3 yesterday, I wanted to write Malec fluff. Today, @irethinglorion93 tried to kill me with Jace feelings so I said screw it, everyone gets to be happy. The drabble is a little emotional because it’s me, but everyone gets to be okay and happy.
Clizzy, Malec, Jimon. Title from this poem.]
Another touch of red and there.
Isabelle looked at herself in the mirror, turning this way and that, nodding once she was satisfied with the result. Not that this was a particularly fancy party, just a get together between friends. No, it was more than that now, it was family, in a way that she’d never thought about before. Back in Idris, there was a suffocating ceremonial aspect to everything. There were rules and codes of conduct wrapped around their throats to keep them from speaking out of turn, wrapped around their shoulders to keep their backs straight. A warrior procession, not a family reunion.
There was none of that now. There is none of that need to watch herself, to be perfect. Izzy knew she could make a complete fool out of herself and it wouldn’t bother her much. More than that, it would carry no consequences to anyone. No one would be judging. They could just be themselves. She could be herself. Clary could be herself.
The thought brought a smile to her lips. She put the lipstick back in her purse, placed it over one shoulder and walked over to the adjacent room. The sight of her made Izzy pause immediately, breath caught in her throat.
Clary was leaning over, forearms braced against the wooden frame, legs crossed. White sneakers splashed with bright colors, jeans, a checked shirt over a white tank top, sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Casual and practical with a touch of the whimsical, a touch of the dreamer, enhanced by the song she was humming, bright and clear. It brought her back to a childhood she never had, one filled with happiness and laughter and colorful handprints on the walls. It made happiness flutter across her chest, unrestricted and unbound.
Isabelle smiled softly, swallowing the hope threatening to burst out – could they do that, could they have that, the family picnics, the finger painting? – and walked inside, steps quick but quiet, only betraying her presence once she was close enough by wrapping both arms around Clary and kissing her cheek.
“What are you singing?”
“It’s a Disney song,” Clary replied, laughing softly, glancing up at the ceiling. “Mom and I used to sing them all the time when I was a kid. It made me happy.”
“Disney are the cartoons you showed me, right?” Izzy asked, hold tightening a little. “With the singing teapot?”
“Don’t let Simon hear you or you’ll have to sit through all of them so many times the songs will never leave your head.”
“I could think of worse things,” she replied with a chuckle, kissing Clary’s shoulder this time.
A comfortable silence fell over them. Isabelle breathed it in – the lingering scent of fresh paint on the walls, the fruity perfume clinging to Clary’s skin, the last hint of warmth from the overly hot day – and let it flow into the cracked edges and deep scars she normally kept from sight, a soothing balm for a life of struggle and duty.
“I feel like dancing,” she said, suddenly giddy, not yet used to the idea that this, that them, wasn’t temporary, that it wasn’t going to be stripped away. That she could have this happiness. It made her feel dizzy, hopeful, like a revival, like a rebirth.
“We’ll wake her,” Clary protested, unconvincingly.
Izzy propped her chin on Clary’s shoulder so she could look inside the cradle. She seemed so small lying there, curled up into herself, thumb stuck in her mouth, dressed in that ridiculous onesie Simon had given them, the one with the white-starred blue bottom and red top and golden W.
“No she won’t, she could sleep through a demon invasion,” Izzy countered, stepping back before dragging Clary away a little so they wouldn’t bump into anything. A smirk tugged at her mouth as she linked their fingers together and raised them, placing a single kiss at the wedded union rune gracing the top of Clary’s hand.
Few things were able to completely take her breath away now, seeing as much as she had throughout the years, but one thing that managed to do it every single time was the look being sent her way. Isabelle had been loved before, she had been adored before, but not like this, not like she was the most precious thing in the world, not like someone was thankful for having her in their life, like she was the best thing that had ever happened to them or could ever happen to them.
Clary took a step closer, eyes turning mischievous, and grinned at her.
“If we’re going to dance, I have another Disney song in mind.”
Izzy raised a brow, still smirking.
“Oh? What’s that?”
“In Upendi!”
She barely had time to raise her brow higher before Clary was grabbing her other hand and circling them around – only years of training kept her from stumbling or tripping over herself and their lack of grace and coordination made her laugh unexpectedly.
“Where the passionfruit grows sweet, and it's so divine that you lose your mind as it sweeps you off your feet,” it was ridiculous, the way she was singing it, off-key and slightly breathless with their spinning.
They stopped, suddenly, and then Clary twirled her around, Izzy landing on her back-to-chest, feeling an arm wrap around her waist. They had done this before, roles reversed, when things were still new and Isabelle was showing her how to dance, leading as they swayed and dipped. Clary wasn’t as graceful or as practiced, but she was heartfelt and honest and bright, and it felt perfect.
“Without a worry or a care, it just takes two to make it true,” her voice lowered to a whisper, mouth brushing slightly over the shell of Izzy’s ear – breathless again, she leaned her head back slightly, eyes half-lidded. “Your heart will lead you there.”
Isabelle had never been the type to second-guess her heart. The few regrets she did have came from doing the exact opposite, from ignoring it entirely, from trying not to be more rational but entirely rational. It had taken her a while to find that balance, between duty and love and happiness, between a reality that demanded pragmatism and a hope for the future that demanded idealism.
She could never bring herself to regret anywhere her heart had taken her, though, because in the end it had led her here, to the pastel yellow walls and the music box on top of the dresser and the warmth of kisses pressed behind her ear, her wife smiling wider and wider with each one.
It suddenly seemed very tempting to stay in, to tell the others they couldn’t go, to call Luke and tell him he needn’t come babysit after all, to keep dancing and laughing and kissing the night away, but it was precisely when she decided to suggest it that Dot started crying.
Clary didn’t step back, just leaned far enough to the right so that she could stare at her, brow raised in a perfect I-told-you-so expression. Izzy stared back, eyes wide open and serious, managing to hold it in for a second before they both started laughing, still tangled together and swaying lightly.
 * * * * *
 “So I need you to take care of your brothers, sweetpea.”
Madzie rolled her eyes, gills flaring for a moment, but nodded anyway.
“I know, ayah. We talk about this every time you and dad go out.”
Magnus chuckled, putting the final touches on her braid, strategically kept in place by shell-adorned scrunchies. Blue and green highlights ran throughout the dark strands, courtesy of the mermaid phase she was currently going through. Given her warlock mark, it seemed appropriate, although perhaps he should be concerned with the fact she leaned more towards the will-lure-you-to-the-depths-and-kill-you kind of mermaid than the singing-Disney-protagonist kind, despite Simon and Clary’s best efforts.
“That is because I trust you with this, Madzie.”
She turned around once he was done and stared at him with narrowed eyes for a second before deflating a little. He opened his arms in invitation and she stepped in, hugging him with no hesitation.
“Okay. I’ll help.”
“Thank you,” he hugged her tightly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. After a moment, Magnus released her with a smile and nodded towards the door, watching her go – head high and shoulders straight like she was on a mission, so reminiscent of her father that he had to chuckle fondly.
The thought reminded him that they should leave relatively soon. He turned around on the spot and made his way back to the foyer, stopping right before reaching it to see if they were still arguing back and forth.
“This isn’t the first time I’ve done this.”
“I know. I’m just reminding you that they have to be in bed by nine.”
“I know.”
Ah. So they were.
“And don’t let them have more than one scoop of ice cream.”
“I know.”
“And if they ask to talk to us-“
“Lightwood, if you repeat that one more time-“
“It’s been Lightwood-Bane for years now.”
Magnus stepped in, clasping his hands together and walking gracefully but swiftly towards them.
They both turned towards him, Alec with his arms crossed, brow raised and the slight smirk he always wore whenever he was purposefully antagonizing someone, Raphael with tense shoulders and a slight tick to his jaw that betrayed annoyance, not anger. It wasn’t really a matter of trust, he knew. Once, Alec wouldn’t have trusted the vampire with anything, much less his family, but those days were long gone.
It was merely that his dear Alexander was ever the worrying parent. Not to the point of being overprotective or overbearing, both of them knew that children had to make some mistakes and occasionally get hurt to grow, as much as they hated to see it – usually. He quite clearly recalled when Madzie had broken a meddlesome boy’s nose with her fist and how absolutely thrilled Alec had been about it.
Not that they hadn’t sat her down and explained that violence wasn’t the best solution, but Magnus hadn’t been particularly upset either, given that they had spoken to the boy’s parents several times and they refused to do anything to stop him from physically starting fights with the other children, especially the Downworlder ones. It was a testament to how far they’d come in the last few years that this was an isolated case and that most other Shadowhunter parents considered that behavior inexcusable.
What also made it remarkably difficult to be upset about the entire incident was the fact that Alec practically puffed his chest out whenever he was discussing it with their friends, talking so proudly of their little girl. We break noses and accept the consequences, he had said, and Isabelle and Jace had smiled with such pride that Magnus had decided to let it go.
“You wouldn’t happen to be antagonizing our babysitter, would you?”
His fingers brushed over the breast of Alec’s deep green button-down. Getting him to wear anything other than black while working was a lost cause – no matter how often Magnus pointed out that he was the Head of the New York Institute, not of a funeral home – but it had been surprisingly easy to encourage him to try new things when off-duty. Especially if he happened to mention that they brought out his lovely eyes.
From the corner of his eye, he could see Raphael muttering under his breath – “maldito lengua larga” – as he made his way out of the room, presumably to go look for the kids. He had intended on telling him where they were, but a hand curled around his hip abruptly sent those thoughts out the window, forcing him to focus on Alec and the fingers gently brushing the edge of his bangs.
“You look great.”
“Why, thank you, Alexander,” his fingertips brushed along Alec’s jaw. “So do you.”
And he did. It wasn’t merely the clothes that suited him well, although that certainly helped and Magnus was nothing if not appreciative of his efforts. Confidence and determination suited him. Leadership suited him. Family life suited him. And, above all, love and happiness suited him.
Alec just stared at him for a moment, silent. His smile was a soft thing, all gentle curves and fond edges, but his eyes were sharp, focused and firm with trust and affection and intention, the gaze of a man who had found his place in the world and wouldn’t let even the hounds of Hell drag him away from it.
Magnus tilted his head up slightly, leaned in, and Alec met him halfway in a featherlight kiss: a mere brushing of lips, warm and open-mouthed, unhurried and unrushed, breathtaking in its simplicity. The fingers around his hip pressed in slightly, his own curled around his husband’s neck – only for Alec to pull away at the sound of squealing and running footsteps, grinning far too widely but saying nothing.
“Aren’t you going to tell the children to behave?”
“I’m sure Raphael can handle them,” Alec replied, grin widening even further. Magnus rolled his eyes, tapping a painted fingernail against Alec’s jaw in a half-hearted attempt at a reprimand.
“Children,” he called, twisting in the direction of the door. “Please spare your uncle the gray hairs! He would not be able to pull those off.”
The footsteps stopped long enough to hear Raphael’s protest before starting up again, followed by laughter and the tell-tale signs of a chase.
Alec dropped his forehead to rest on Magnus’ shoulder, shaking a little with silent laughter.
 * * * * *
 “Hey. Are you happy?”
Jace looked up from the menu to stare at him. Simon was trying to smile – only half succeeding – but the fingers tapping nervously against the table gave him away. Momentarily putting aside any thoughts about coffee drinks with ridiculous amounts of sugar, Jace reached for the tapping hand and held it firmly.
“Is this about yesterday?” “No,” Simon replied and then continued. “Maybe? Yes. I mean- I’m not doubting you, I’m really not. I just- you’re you and I’m me and- I know things are different now and everything, but I still- you know there are plenty of people who could-“
Jace released his hand just so he could cup Simon’s face, gently tugging him closer. Simon went obligingly, blinking at him, quiet now.
“Simon,” he started, voice firm and sure. At one point, Jace had thought that he would never be certain of anything ever again, but now that certainty came to him surprisingly easy. It wasn’t the same type of cock-sureness he’d had when he was younger, it was something quieter but stronger. “I don’t care. The world’s changed and even if it hadn’t, I still wouldn’t care. You’ve never looked at me differently, despite-“
Despite what he’d done. Not at the beginning, not after going with Valentine to spare them, not after the Soul-Sword, not after the war or the civil war that followed. Simon had looked at him no differently. They had stopped fighting and arguing as much, but if anything between them had changed, it was only due to a shared sense of understanding.
Everyone else looked at him like they could only see the broken pieces, the marks and the scars and the shattered remains of who Jace Wayland used to be, but Simon had just stared back – not blindly, not ignoring anything, but standing face to face, almost as if offering a hand.
Broken, too, piecing himself together from something no one could recover from, facing the stranger in the mirror, knowing the person everyone else was begging to return could never come back. When everything and everyone were too much, they found themselves gravitating towards one another, not willing to be alone but not wishing to speak either.
Slightly awkward silences gave way to comfortable ones. One day, Simon found out he could still sing, that he still liked to. One day, Jace found out that he could still smile, despite everything. Small things, made huge by what happened to them. They shared them knowing the other would understand, no matter how many times Jace made fun of Simon’s nerdiness while pretending not to cry at sad, romantic movies, or how many times Simon grumbled about Jace’s taste in coffee but still bought him the sugar-laden monstrosities.
Simon smiled at him, tension visibly seeping out of his shoulders as he turned his head to kiss Jace’s palm.
“Thanks. I meant it- I don’t doubt you- I just…”
“It’s okay,” Jace replied. “You don’t have to explain.”
He dropped one hand, the other staying in place due to Simon linking their fingers together. The noise and bustle seemed to fade to the background, Simon’s grateful smile the sole focus of his attention.
“You’re not getting out of watching Ten Things I Hate About You later.”
“Don’t ruin the moment.”
“What? At least it’s not A Walk to Remember! That one makes me cry every time- remember when we watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- you started crying and then I started crying and then-“
A couple of years ago, Jace would have scoffed at the notion of crying at mundane movies or even vehemently protested the mere idea of doing that. It would have seemed stupid and ridiculous. Even later, he would have put up at least a token amount of protest. Now, it didn’t even matter. Right here, right now, Jace Wayland didn’t matter – who he had been didn’t matter, who he was supposed to be or supposed to have been didn’t matter.
What mattered was who he was and what made him happy. Listening to Simon go on and on about which sad, romantic, mundane movie Jace would like best in the middle of a coffee shop selling caffeinated sugary drinks while waiting for their friends – for their family – to arrive made him happy. Calm. Content. Like everything was going to turn out alright. If it didn’t make up for what he had done, then at least it allowed him to live with himself despite that.
“There they are!”
Jace blinked, watching Simon get up and walk towards the entrance, turning around himself so he could see the others approaching.
Clary was in the lead, taking quick strides, arms already open in invitation when she stopped abruptly, eyes widening for a moment. Her stare remained fixed on Simon’s hand and Jace felt himself smile, maybe a little smugly. Then, she let out an actual squeal and ran towards her childhood friend, not so much hugging him as jumping him – leaving two confused friends and one annoyed-looking Alec staring after her.
Simon stumbled back with a laugh, arms wrapping around her, mindless of the attention drawn their way. “Hey, hey- easy- no more vampire, remember? No really cool, awesome strength- I guess the fighting training counts but you know, there’s no like, How To Resist Hugs From Best Friends 101 or anything like-“ “Simon!” Clary said, squeezing his shoulders and jumping in excitement. The others caught up to them, brows clearly raised in confusion. “Did he- oh my God- when-“
“Yesterday,” Jace called out.
There was a moment’s pause, Simon ducking his head slightly. Clary picked up his hand, waving it so the others could see the ring on his finger – Jace promptly picked up the phone, snapping a quick picture of their faces – before dragging him back to their table.
“This is so great, guys! Congratulations!”
She hugged Jace as soon as he stood up and he held her for a moment, squeezing lightly in thanks. Maybe this should be weirder, for all of them, with all their history, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He’s had enough complications for a lifetime.
“Thanks, Clary.”
She stepped back, smiling at him with suspiciously wet eyes, and then stood to the side to let the others have their turn. Alec was the first, patting Simon on the shoulder, before pulling Jace into a hug, too. He sagged a little bit, a dark memory of his return from Valentine flashing across his mind just for a moment. It wasn’t that he had expected anything different, but having the reassurance meant everything.
“I’m proud of you, parabatai,” Alec muttered, quietly. Jace blinked back tears, swallowing against the knot in his throat. A quick glance around revealed nothing but smiles and understanding and after a few moments, he was able to pry himself away. There was too much he wanted to say and not enough words to say it properly, but he didn’t have to voice anything. His gratitude sparked between them, bright and clear – Alec smiled at him, nodded and stepped back.
“You’ll have to deal with me now. Permanently, I mean,” Simon quipped up, grinning.
“You can’t be worse than Fray.”
“What are you saying about my wife, big brother?”
“Nothing, Izzy.”
It was so easy, this kind of banter. Jace listened to it, let him soothe him, releasing a wet, slightly-choked chuckle.
“Well, I’d say it was about time.”
He glanced away from them to focus on Magnus, now standing by his side. Jace rubbed the back of his neck with a muttered agreement, but laughed a little and stepped into the hug once the arms were open in invitation. It didn’t last as long as Alec’s, but it was solid and comforting and genuine, too.
Magnus tapped him on the temple after they parted. There was happiness and pride in his gaze. He had helped them both through much but especially Simon, and through the most trying time of his life too. Jace opened his mouth to thank him but closed it at the wink directed his way.
“If you need any help with arrangements for the ceremony or the honeymoon, do let me know. It’s a joyous occasion and you two, my friends, deserve nothing but love,” and then, lower, while the others were still pretending to argue. “It’s alright, Jace. I’m happy to have helped, but don’t sell yourself short. You’re the one who saved you.”
Then, with a wave of his hand and a comment about Alexander’s excellent, hands-on teaching methods, Magnus stepped aside.
Jace didn’t even have time to understand what they were talking about or how the conversation had shifted to that particular topic before Isabelle was stepping up to him. She was smiling and it took him by surprise – he had expected something wide and bright but it was soft and gentle instead. Izzy cupped one of his cheeks with her hand and stared at him, eyes bright with pride and tears.
“You deserve to be happy, brother.”
For a moment, he couldn’t breathe. A part of him still wanted to argue – about deserving anything, much less happiness, about redemption having to be earned, about deeds that could never be undone. Carefully, mindfully, Jace exhaled. Instead of arguing about any of it, he stared at his sister and let himself say it, let himself feel it:
“Yeah. I… I think I do.”
There was a stunned silence and then the smile he was expecting showed up: wide, full of joy and excitement as she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. He thanked her quietly before they turned towards the rest of the group.
Simon and Alec were actually agreeing on something – and if that wasn’t a sign of the times, he didn’t know what was – and trying to convince a skeptical-looking Magnus and Clary about the virtues of black coffee.
Isabelle let out an exaggerated sigh.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say immortality has made you pretentious, big brother,” she said, joking and teasing. “Be careful, a few more decades and Magnus will have you wearing Gucci.”
“I wish, my dear. Hermes had some great pieces in the spring fashion show, Alexander would look positively ravishing in some of them.”
Jace stayed quiet for a few moments, just watching. All of them had been through so much. Through too much. They were still here. Not how they imagined that they would be, but they had survived, they were still here. Despite everything, they were alive and together. They were a family.
His hands shook slightly as he took a few steps closer to Simon, grabbed him in the middle of whatever argument he was making in favor of that dark sludge he liked to drink, and pulled him into a kiss.
The conversation stopped, followed immediately by cheers and catcalls and laughter.
Simon smiled into the kiss, prompting him to run a thumb back and forth over his cheek. Jace held it until his lungs burned, lips pressed firmly against each other, slightly parted, firm and solid and sure and hopeful.
Someone made another comment, prompting the others to laugh again. Jace raised his free hand and flipped them; the laughter grew louder. Simon chuckled, placing a hand on top of the one resting against his jaw and when they linked their fingers, their rings brushed together.
Yes, Jace thought, and truly believed for the first time in a long while, he was happy.
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antthonystark · 8 years
that clip of the lightwoods is so interesting to me? Like, even though Alec is hella done with maryse, for a split second he reverts back to his submissive posture in front of her. I also loved the way he tried to warn Izzy to tone down what she was saying in front of max. And maryse's reaction to Izz dragging her was fascinating. She seemed... not regretful but more embressed? Idk if I'm making sense. I just really hope we see more of the lightwood dynimacs in future episodes.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES I love talking about the Lightwoods’ dynamic!! Idefinitely want to see more of it because it’s so damn interesting, and I also want to see more of the Lightwoodkids and Robert, too (and I wonder if they’re going to do the whole Anna MarieHighsmith thing in the show, but it doesn’t seem like it).
I like how they show how rebelliousness of any kind does not come easily to Alec. There are way too many protagonistcharacters in general and in the show(each of Clary, Jace, and Izzy, to name a few) that are just “fuck the rules I’mgonna do the right thing/what my heart says!” but that they still depict that as a bit of astruggle for Alec is really interesting to me and I hope they explore thatfurther (and how he eventually overcomes it). Like his most “rebellious” actwas far and away the kiss at the wedding, and for the first time in his life,he does do what his heart says – and then,right after – “What did I just do?” So it’s still a conflict for him, even ifhis heart does win out in the end (as we see now with Malec), and that’s one ofthe things I find most interesting about his character.
So like, even though he is indeed hella done with Maryse, you can seehow he kind of shifts as soon as he sees her, becomes a little moresoldier-like in his countenance and his stance, the obedience coming naturallyto him through years of conditioning himself to be like that (if he can be theperfect soldier and the dutiful son, it can compensate for his otherself-perceived shortcomings and they at least won’t hate him for never beinggood enough).
Also, another detail I loved from that clip was Alec and Izzy’sdifferent reaction to Robert’s absence. Like, Alec was hardly surprised butIzzy really was, and I think it highlights the different ways that Roberttreats Alec vs. Izzy. Like, Robert dotes on Izzy and it’s pretty clear that she’shis favourite, and he’s seen as the Good™ parent compared to Maryse, but otherthan the scene after the kiss in 1x12, he hasn’t really treated Alec very welleither – in fact, blaming him directly for Jace’s insubordinations in1x06-1x07, and Alec’s allusion to past mistreatment in 1x09 (“You drilled intome that I was never good enough”). So I really want to see more of Robert andAlec’s dynamic and how it’s different from Robert and Izzy’s. I think both Maryseand Robert basically got used to Alec being more of a soldier than a son andtreated him accordingly (and tried to do the same with Izzy, but she was moreresilient in that sense).
(And I think Maryse is sort of the inverse, in that Alec is her “favourite”(after the Jace/demon blood thing, because before it was pretty clearly Jace),even though she doesn’t exactly treat any of them very well, but she has amassive and clear disdain for Izzy that’s not as much there for Alec, likelybecause of Alec’s soldier-like obedience more than anything else – although wehaven’t seen them interact too much about his coming-out and Magnus, so I’mreally really really excited to see how they portray that in 2x08.)
Also I talked at length about the Lightwood parent/child dynamics inthis post and go over some of these thoughts in greater detail! 
FINALLY, yes! I really liked how they showed some dimension to Maryse,because after 1x12-13, people were so so so quick to completely villainize her and so many Malec fics actually made herout to be the villain of the story.Like, between her treatment of her kids and her being in the Circle, she’s nota good person by any stretch of the imagination – but here in this clip you cansee that despite everything, she does careabout her children and their relationship with her, and she can feel how frostythey are towards her, and I’m sure no mother – no matter how convinced of herown toxic ideologies – really likes that feeling. Plus, if you recall, Jocelynwas in the Circle with Maryse and Robert (Maryse was a very prominent memberaccording to the books), so you can only imagine that Jocelyn and Maryse kneweach other and probably quite well. So I like that she mentioned Jocelyn andlooked genuinely sad about her passing.
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harryshmjr · 8 years
so i’ve just finished rewatching the episode after sleeping for like maybe 3 hours i still have very mixed feelings about this episode because it was full of amazing moments that i loved a lot, it was also horrible in very moments and i am still bitter about this but i tried to limit my complaining at this point... i’ve been ranting for like 3 or 4 hours on tumblr with people and i’m just so tired about this
- alec complaining about the name of the sushi was so adorable i love matt and harry for including this little interaction between alec and magnus. malec is so domestic
- magnus looked so surprised when alec bought him a present. it actually broke my heart. i've been suspecting nobody really cared enough to buy him anything for too long. magnus deserves everything that is good in this world and i am so happy that he found alec who is making effort and fighting for their relationship
- ‘you continue to surprise me’ is such a lovely parallel to the scene from 01x12. magnus is genuinly surprised that someone is doing so much just for him (oh is that my heart in pieces again)
- magnus casually name dropping casanova gave me life. alec's reaction was adorable 'seriously magnus... i'm trying here don't be like this let me live' haha
- malec's makeout session on the balcony was just so casual and so soft and i am in love with this (and i am not gonna complain again about the fact that they cut out SO MUCH from this scene ugh) and when alec gets a message, magnus is touching his lips... again. it's like he can still taste alec's lips on his own. it's like he just wants to remind himself that yes, it is actually happening and when alec is leaving, magnus looks so smitten? he's already falling so hard for alec. it's beautiful
- magnus and maia interacting together were the highlight of this episode. i didn't know much i wanted to see them together. they were absolutely perfect magnus telling her that he got a gift and that yes, it was from someone special this scene was just so pure
  - magnus was such a badass when he was throwing out that rufus guy. we finally got a chance to see him actually being a high warlock of brooklyn and it was amazing
- i loved magnus speaking spanish to izzy
- magnus was trying to save isabelle, to help her and warn her. and she just used him like that... this is so not izzy?
- the scene where alec is talking about sex with izzy was one of the best scenes. she was so excited for him. and i love that alec finally felt sure enough to discuss his personal life with someone
- also... a fake girlfriend only proves how gay alec actually is. i love my gay son
- alec is so thirsty af, just going for it, grabbing magnus' face to kiss him. he's finally going for what he's always wanted and it was beautiful
- magnus feeling so vulnerable and trying to stop alec magnus' feelings are important and he should've got a chance to talk about them. to say that he was okay with this because he was really worried about this alec means so much to him and he's scared to rush things, losing alec would be too heart-breaking for him and i absolutely hate that he didn't get a chance to say 'yes' out loud. if alec being ready made him change his mind, it'd be absolutely okay. but they didn't allow him to say this. kissing back doesn't always means 'yes'. i'm still very bitter about this and alec would never do anything against magnus' will. their relationship is based on trust and communication. they deserved better than this
- and yes, i am still very bitter that they showed us literally nothing magnus and alec decided to take a very important step in their relationship and it should've been shown with respect but no, showing two men together is just too gay, isn't it because clearly they don't have problems with showing up scenes before or after sex (like jace's random hook-up or izzy with meliorn in s1)
- jace seriously needs to stop cockblocking alec, this is getting ridiculous
- the amount of unnecessary heterostraight drama in this episode was just... wow why did we need that makeout session with some random girl that lasted for SO LONG when the only canon couple was barely shown? what was the point again? yes, we needed to see the scene where alec is talking to jace (and the girl could be leaving at that moment) but everything else was literally taking screentime and adding more heterostraight bullshit that we have enough of yes, we totally we needed to see her boobs more than an actual couple that decided to take a very important step in their relationship
- please don't make jace this cocky dude again... cause i literally couldn't care less about that version of jace in s1. he's so much better than this
- jace loves clary so much... as soon as he thinks she's in trouble, he leaves everything. caring jace is why i liked him later, this is the real jace. not that cocky idiot who pretends he doesn't care about anything
- also, jimon was on a date. yes, fight me on this bye
- simon trying to show jace how he flirts... simon is the most precious bean and he needs to be protected
- simon is such a good guy. he's always ready to give up on his plans for clary. but it's good that he was trying to finally move on, even if that didn’t exactly work out
- simon and maia were so cute and adorable. i really love their interactions together when she helped him clean the blood, this was such a lovely moment between them
- ‘i spit in one’ the sass master. her whole interaction with jace was just the best. she doesn’t let him feel superior to her. good.
- maia is the smartest woman ever and i love her with all my heart. i'm glad she let simon know that he was acting like an idiot and that she didn't deserve to be treated like this but she handled the situation with him in such a great way. she wasn't angry, she always knew anyway. maia is an amazing friend and she gives the best advice to people who actually deserve any of her time
- i'm so worried about izzy. her scenes are breaking my heart, she doesn't deserve this plot line. it's just so hard to look at her shaking because she didn't have yin fen for a while
- and the way she got angry with clary... sure, maybe clary should've told her. but this is all because of yin fen. izzy would never act like this before
- and going through victor's office just to find more of it... this is really bad
- izzy trying to score... seriously, this plot line... izzy deserves better. i'm gonna keep repeating it until someone finally realises this and stops doing this to her
- and while i’m at it... LUKE DESERVES BETTER TOO when he listed all the names he was called by his own sister... and then she just came to him, trying to betray him yet again? i can't even imagine how he must've felt
- when valentine called luke parabatai... i was actually in tears. the pain on luke's face... he really loved valentine in the past, considered him his brother and valentine betrayed him in the most horrible way. and now he's using that word just to hurt him more... i hate valentine so much
- valentines pretends he wants to 'help the world to be safe again'. but really... it's all about power for him, nothing else
- clary's reaction to simon's abs... yep, i feel ya girl same although it kinda sucks that she finally saw him as a guy and not her best friend only after this... oh well
- i like that clary and alec are slooowly becoming friends, they could work really great as buddies
- i was actually very impressed that clary didn't let cleophas manipulate her. and luke was also so impressed. he is such a proud father and i love him
- i can't believe clary tased luke just to get her way... this is seriously clary from s1 and i wasn't a big fan of that clary yeah, it might've all worked out but she shouldn't always do what she wants just because she thinks it's right
- but i did love badass clary on the roof. she is really becoming a great shadowhunter and in that moment, i was very proud of her
- the plot with an angel was VERY intersting. i was waiting for it to happen. it broke my heart when valentine kept him captive but him helping clary and actually stopping the whole thing was played out really great
- the way he communicated with clary and he just knew clary would do everything to help him. that's why he showed her that vision. even if neither she nor jace understood it yet
- seeing and hearing the angel cry for help... this was so sad and moving. a real angel, treated so horribly by a person who was supposed to love him. valentine is such an evil person
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