#that went splendid
duckysdammspam · 2 years
Me getting into OPM thinking nobody main would actually kick the bucket, and then legit the day after I join the fandom chapter 166 drops on my unaware little self
I’m fine it’s fine it’s completely fine
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azureforreal · 2 months
Can you give us some facts about Splendid and Splendon't?
Didn't expect someone to be interested on them, all right
Do you enjoy reading? Cuz there will be a lot of that, had to draw some things tho QHAUAHUAHUAHAU
Get ready cuz this is a rideeeeeee
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First I need to explain their relationship from the very beginning
Its a big
"I did what I thought was the best for you"
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Growing up Splendid ended being that child who does everything, "the jack of all trades" kid, or being called "the gifted kid". He basically did things using recognition and praise as fuel until hie ended up crashing with a big burnout and a lot of high expectations on his back. Its to a point were he was being taken for granted, "Of course he would do that, he's Splendid after all"
In the end he noticed he had never lived for himself, it was always for the wishes of others.
And he wanted to protect his brother from that. He wanted him to have his own life, free from the gaze of others.
So he decided to take everything to himself so his brother wouldn't face the pressure or constant glares, of course, it came with the price of him growing distant from his brother for being way too busy.
But for Splendont, it ended with him becoming the child who was aways being compared, the "not good enough" one. So he just accepted that becoming his bitter self, becoming the opposite of his brother and not giving a fuck about what others think.
Then the war came and Splendid wanted to enlist with the intention of freeing himself from the weight of expectations for a while and trying to have some time to himself, perhaps follow his dreams of escapism that he had while reading comics.
And to his surprise, his brother wanted to enlist too. Splendid was against it but when Splendont set his mind or something, its too late.
Fast forward to after the war, it still a difficult relationship for both of them
Its not something they can just shake hands and be happy go lucky best brothers, there was a lot of negligence and postponing things for later until it was too late.
And they are too prideful to settle things down first or ask for help, in that aspect, you can see how much they are alike
Splendid is the oldest twin just by a few minutes
They live in the same house and this makes a scene in chapter 3 hilarious, Splendid knew exactly were his brother went after leaving him alone in the street "Bro, I literally live with you"
They have nicknames, Splendid can be called as Did and Splendont can be called as Don (yeah, without the "t" because the amount of puns it was possible doing with it made him soooooo mad XD)
Splendid had a wish of becoming a photographer, the idea of freezing memories eternally console him from his reality, but OH BOI, do we have some news for him
Splendont doesn't like wearing the hat from his uniform, the first chance he gets, he's taking it off, Splendid its not a fan of it too, but he tries to hide it and show he follows the rules.
They do dumb competitions against each other (Splendid wont admit it out loud but he's extremely competitive), like getting to the end of a corridor first, getting in the line first etc
Sometimes they will team up to piss off Flippy, they have many inside jokes about acting like is the end of the world every time Flippy shows any respect
They would look like this in human form. As they are twins, Splendont is basically a red Splendid if he didn't tie his hair, and yes, they have an ahoge, NOBODY IS STOPPING MEEEEEEEEEEEE
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They are conventionally handsome while Flippy is that one analogue horror looking friend, so you can imagine what the three look like together (Flaky has shoujo filters in her eyes, she grew up with him)
Splendid has a bad vision when it comes to reading things up close. He sees it as a weakness someone could use against him, so he tries to hide it, sometimes he forgets his glasses at home
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but somebody dont.
Then he proceeds to throw a chair at him
"NOW you can see it coming" XDDDDDDD
As much as Did tries his best to keeps things civilized, sometimes he has a huge family drama fight at work with his brother while Flippy is in the background asking himself "Could I use this as blackmail?" QHAUHUHAUAHUAHUAHUAHAHA
But why Splendont decided to join the army in the first place? I leave that interpretation to you, what do you think it was? kekekekeke
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theflyingkipper · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Gordon.
(Shortly after Emily took this photo, the banner came untacked from the ceiling and gordon started fussing about people wearing shoes in his house. Thomas was relieved Gordon was more worried about people getting the rug dirty than how they broke in)
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herebecritters · 4 months
HEY!!!!when splendid wound back time in better off bread, did the idols get to keep the blood from the first time everyone died in that episode, or did the blood get, like, slurped back
So I had to think about it a bit and uh…yeah I think because it reversed time the original deaths didn’t count. The trio don’t really mess with time other than prolonging how long everyone lives. They have no idea it even happened.
Nergal though did experience some heavy deja vu as he caused Giggles to fall off the ledge and then threw a whole ass meteor at Toothys face that second time. —Side note, this meteor was probably the size of the chelyabinsk meteor (19 meters in diameter) rather than the Chixulub meteor that Nergal wiped out the dinosaurs with (approximately 15000 meters in diameter); the one he threw at toothy was just enough to destroy toothy and the surrounding forest and cause havoc in the town, but not world ending—
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Bad luck was already in motion before Splendid got there and made it worse.
Thats why Splendid is considered one of the Isles “catalyst” residents. He’s just another bit of bad luck in motion. And Nergal takes advantage of that when it happens. It’s like Nergal sets up the dominoes and the catalyst comes in to knock ‘em over. Flippy is also often used as a catalyst resident and Lumpy’s amazing mental prowess causes him to end up being one from time to time too. Predominantly full time catalysts are fairly rare on the Isles though. Splendid ignoring the cries for help that second time around didn’t save anyone, it just took away his own involvement in their deaths is all.
Also speaking of time travel, Sniffles totally went all the way back to the DinoSore days when the curse was starting. Probably not too long before the meteor hit and set the curse of the Isles in full swing.
Right image I’d say it’s either a type of ichthyornithiformes, toothed flying birds that lived alongside their non avian dinosaur family members, or a Nemicolopterus, a small pterosaur from the Cretaceous. It died out technically before the end of the Cretaceous but I’m just working with what they give me here. To the right…..look….i have to remember that the people who worked on htf were not trying to be accurate and were just throwing around prehistoric looking animals willy nilly, but that thing looks like a drepanosaurus which was a bizarre little reptile from the Triassic period. I’m just gonna take some artistic liberties and say it’s a surviving member of that lineage that may or may not have existed during the Cretaceous and move on.
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And also this guy totally lived in the trios old village and he ends up living in the First Civilization after the meteor impact I’ve decided. He may look like an anteater but he’s actually a gypsonictops. And yep, ants also existed at the time and they probably were eaten by mammals like gypsonictops. Im using Linguamyrmex vladi, the “hell ants”, just as an example cus they are cool.
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beneaththemooon · 6 months
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pr3st0 · 1 month
I'm HTF posting guys....
Flaky - Demeter Splendid - Mistoffelees Petunia - Chiffon ( @realreulbbrband 'c oc !!) Lifty - Mungojerrie Shifty - Rumpleteazer Sniffles - Alonzo Cuddles - Tumblebrutus Pop - Munkustrap Cub - Jemima (my babygirl /p) Flippy - Macavity but good Fliqpy - Macavity Giggles - Bombalurina Lammy - Victoria Nutty - Pouncival Lumpy - Etcetera (she's my stupid /pos) Mime - Tsunar (my oc) Mole - (there are no blind cats that I know of, if anyone has a blind cats oc hmu I'll put the goober here) Toothy - Electra Handy - Clownaire ( @emimiii 's oc [ily btw, you're my fave artist like ever /p /gen]) Disco Bear - Rum Tum Tugger (respectfully) Russell - Skimbleshanks
I have more reasons for Clownaire being Handy than just "oh missing a leg" btw, it's because Handy is a handyman who isn't very good at it, just like Clownaire being, well, a clown who's not very good at it. they're both amputees though, bonus, we love representation <3 btw if you're uncomfortable with me saying ily please PLEASE tell me I'm just used to saying it platonically I'm sorry -
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goodmorningnona · 14 days
ive had a couple breakdowns over not moving, naturally, and was mostly fine with it the last couple days and got myself together until a few mins ago i saw the scene in oitnb where they're playing hey there delilah with poussey and the germans.. and now im totally breaking down again. Yes im living my au. But this isnt how it's supposed to happen
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theradicalace · 5 months
B 1 dplendid?
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shhh he's watching a sad movie
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ne0nfeline · 1 year
Htf ships rating????? Idfk
Sorry if this is a cluster fuck Lmao
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*Stares at you like this*
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ollyollyoxinfree · 1 month
A thousand splendid suns playlist
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sarenhale · 1 year
went to check on curze's wiki page to get some more info on him just because I was curious, I entered the wiki article with curiosity and glee thinking 'hoo hoo i wonder what this edgelord batman dude did his whole life!!' and left just. completely sad for him. society failed this man. nostromo didn't had medical insurance and help for mental illness
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topaziraphale · 11 months
Aziraphale just became a forever favorite character for me. I love, love, LOVE tragedies and this played out so, SO beautifully. Damn near fucking perfect. I daresay almost as or AS good as Arcane handles tragedy. I'm so excited to post my character analysis when I stop being too upset to get out of bed.
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valen-dreth · 4 months
todays featured license plate of the day is HELP
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asksimonghostriley · 5 months
Go ahead. Pressing a kiss to his forehead before laying down
(how'd the car thing go? Get it figured out?)
He nods, slowly sliding down your pants, kissing your inner thigh before he moves to removing your undergarments.
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lieblogger · 8 months
tim drake should get hit with a seasian beam
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heartyearning · 2 years
dating when autistic is like taking a quiz and whenever you’re about to ask a really really easy question it’s like jumping up and down in your seat going “oh! oh! i know this one!”
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