#that would make the reading experience so clunky and unenjoyable
vvh0adie · 6 months
can i tell yall something i hate when reading?
explaining real world culture too much
if i’m reading a book set in the south and the main character is african american and the author starts explaining bottle trees, miming in the church, or why you don’t put yo purse on the floor for a whole page, i close it
what is already understood doesn’t need to be explained…
unless you wrote this book tryna capture a whole nother demographic
that’s why i hate blackish cuz almost every episode we explaining shit
don’t market to black people then give us a book with a bunch of filler info😭 i know all this shit now just tell me how you finna use it to progress the story
if you must, put a glossary in the back for the non-AAs
like not once have i opened a piece of classic black literature and been preached to about my own culture
but honestly i think this is a symptom of trad publishing cuz we’re starting to get contemporary and modern black literature but a lot of it feels like they’re tryna get nonblack people into the book by explaining every little detail
and i can’t place all the blame cuz a lot of people won’t even pick up our writing if it doesn’t somehow cater to them a tiny bit
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autisticreviews · 6 years
‘Grading Scale In Terms of X-Men Films’
So I haven’t exactly made any reviews recently, and part of that has been because I want to sort of have a solid understanding of what my ‘grading range’ would be. What I mean by this, is before I start pumping out more regular reviews, I want to have a solid understanding of what score means what ‘quality of movie’. For example, if you take YourMovie Sucks, to him, a score of a 5 out of 10 is an average movie, but in a lot of americans minds that immediately reads to them a ‘bad movie’, because the way many of us see these scores is that we relate it immediately to our grading scale, where anything under a 6 out of 10, is typically an ‘F’ or failure. C’s are from 7 to 8, and are supposed to institute a ‘passing grade’ but in reality many people still see this as a ‘should have been better grade range’. I myself have always been disappointed with a C, and still wasn’t quite satisfied with an 8. So the I plan on grading movies or games or anime from now on, is I’m going to simply assign it, a ‘letter’ grade, where a C is truly the ‘average’ movie, Passable, nice solid action or fun story. B will be an above average, highly recommended movie, better than most and worthy of spending your time watching. A, however should be reserved for ‘must sees’. For more Details:
Examples and Details, using explicitly movies from the X-Men franchise for the hell of it, follows. F is a movie that either fails what it’s attempting so bad, has such a blatant plothole that the rest of the movie is unenjoyable, or something in the movie is just so wrong it has left me groaning.  An example would be X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Originally the first of a series of X-Men Origins style movies, the movie has perhaps some semi-redeeming moments in the relationship between Wolverine and his half-brother Sabretooth, with some nice hand to hand combat but the rest of the movie is just so poorly thrown together and had the most disgusting excuse for a Deadpool representation that a comic fan could barely even recognize it as an ‘easter egg’ let alone an actual depiction of the character. The movie alone seemed to exist to make a little bit of dough and money  and in the long term brought nothing to the franchise.
D is a movie that all in all, is just bad but might have SOME redeeming quality, whether it’s a great performance by a specific actor, or a good attention to detail, but all in all nothing else manages to save it. An example of a film that would be on the D-tier might be say... In my personal opinion, X-Men the Last Stand. It has a nice artsy metaphor going on with the mutants and civil rights and the argument of whether or not to ‘cure’ the mutant powers. Sadly, it suffers from very generic action sequences that aren’t super easy to ‘follow’ once the all out ‘war’ begins the fight scenes become  incredibly generic and the passable dispute between the two factions comes down to who can beat the other down better, and their use of Dark Phoenix was kind of limited. Another example might be X-Men Apokalypse, with tons of fun action but just being really forgettable in general while bringing little to the franchise, to the point the only portion I remember enjoying was the Wolverine teaser which in the end, didn’t really serve any purpose in the film.
C is a movie that is a passable watch of a movie, though it likely has a series of flaws throughout it, but they’re not big enough to completely destroy the enjoyment of the movie as a whole. In my personal opinion or experience, I would leave the theater thinking ‘... hm. Alright’   It is not explicitly a movie that I would actually ‘recommend’ but I wouldn’t explicitly call it a ‘bad film either’. An example of this type movie, would be X-Men, Days of Future Past. The movie has solid action, solid stakes, and some genuine emotional moments going on throughout the movie. However it also suffers from some flaws of an unclear ‘time travel’ catch-up dynamic, and in the end is earnestly kind of forgettable. While for The Last Stand, I remember the ending as feeling sort of clumsy, for Days of Future Past, I can’t exactly remember the solid ending only that it was sort of enjoyable. As a result, it’s a movie type I remember enjoying but likely can’t remember all the details about. This is again, my personal opinion which might be an issue since most consider Days of Future Past the best of the X-Men films, but it just felt really clunky to me. Another example to me for this, would be the very First X-Men Film. It was just starting out, had some solid fun going on and was one of the first comic book films to really give things a shot, but was just really notable ‘average’. B, is a movie that is a solid above average and I would recommend if, if only because there are parts of the film that I think are really worthwhile or worthy of watching, a notable film in their respective genre, (Most Horror Movies or Comedies aren’t super good in my personal opinion, to the point even the best comedies or horror movies will likely end up in this B category.) For a B- Movie, if Days of Future Past wasn’t in the C category it probably would have just edged out into the B category. A more solid entry to me, would be X-Men First Class, a prequel in the X-Men Franchise, it was one of the first of the films to not heavily feature Wolverine which has always been a complaint of the films, that the X-Men films felt more like ‘Wolverine and Friends’, and frankly, it holds up pretty damn well. You get to see the Magneto, Xavier friend dynamic and really get to see some of the mutants develop their powers and the relationship between Xavier and Mystique as well becomes notably tragic. All in all, it’s just a surprisingly engaging movie which works really well as a prequel, and sort of builds a bigger appreciation for the other movies which is exactly what a prequel should do. A second B-Movie example, would be The Wolverine. From the one X-Men film with very little Wolverine, to one literally named for the man, this movie was a great experience in theaters. The movie does an amazing job showing a glimpse into Logan’s past and does a better job at making him feel like a person than any of the X-Men films before, and the plot of the film with Logan’s healing factor limited leads to fight scenes that actually have some stakes, and do a great job at limiting Logan’s typically overpowering presence. It also brings one of the absolute best Train Fight Sequences I’ve ever seen in a movie. The only reason I wouldn’t put this movie any higher, is because the movie gets all the way to the end, and then it feels just like another super generic superhero film in its final fight and loses all the build-up that made me enjoy the movie up to that point. This one is close to being a C, but I just remember enjoying the beginning so much that I still feel like watching that is worthy of giving it a shot. A Movie tier, should be explicitly reserved for films that I personally feel are masterpieces in some way or form. Example, previously I gave What We Do in the Shadows was a 9.1, which would just edge it into the ‘A’ Category for me. It was just a fun watch all in all, to the point I’ve rewatched it 2 times since then just to have friends watch it and I never really was bored. It’s self-contained, and just so easy to watch and enjoy that I think most people should give it a watch. These movies are either just amazing, instant classic, great beacons in their respective genres, or possibly a movie that I personally, just though was absolutely amazing. For me, the X-Men example of an A movie, and the only one from the X-Men films, would be Logan. The pinnacle of what an R-Rated film should be for a Superhero film, it’s not excessive or overly ‘in your face’, but it simply brings the darkness and serious that its hero and universe suggests. It’s every grunt kill leaves a moment of amazement in me, and the whole movie is just all in all pretty damn satisfying, minus a little bit of irritation I have at the end of the film regarding some characters that felt like they weren’t properly used, from beginning to end the movie continues to hit amazing points, and when it hits weak points it picks back up and I remember just leaving the theater going ‘goddamn’. So yeah, I’m going to try and use this from now on, and the good thing is for bad movies, I don’t have to think about ‘how-bad’ these movies are. Where if 5 is an average movie, I don’t have to think how bad is a 4, or a 3, or a 1. If we’re using a scale that represents more its placement on a distribution chart of quality, that’s fine but since I personally have the engrained classroom grading scale in my head, giving any movie that people have spent time editing and pouring their heart into even a 5 kind of feels rude or hurtful, and I don’t have to give anything lower than a simple F this way. So yeah, I’ll try and use this from now on. Expect an Infinity War and Ready Player One Review soon.
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