#that would require curiosity about how the site works
laylajeffany · 5 months
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Crying at the Texas Roadhouse | Wenclair One-Shot for @cruciokilljoy
Rating: G WC: 4,500 Summary: Enid’s feelings are hurt and Wednesday tries to resolve them, requiring her to find her soft spot (in public) when Enid starts sobbing in the middle of a chain restaurant in Jericho. Enid's POV, established relationship, unrelated to any of my multi-chapter work TW: Esther Sinclair being herself
@cruciokilljoy You were probably looking for more physical hurt/comfort but both my multi-chap fics have explored that pretty throughly and I am tired of writing the girls in physical pain so I put them through emotional pain instead. Certainly not based on actual, recent conversations with my own hateful mother not at all ☠️
“You were crying.”
“Like, an hour ago,” Enid clarified, looking at Wednesday as she stepped into their room with her jacket draped over her arm, sleeves rolled up, hands filthy. She could only imagine what her girlfriend had gotten into (literally, looking at the caked-on mud on her Oxfords that ran up to her stocking-covered knees). “I hardly think that’s the most pressing thing we need to talk about. Why are you covered in dirt?”
“Mud wrestling,” Wednesday replied dryly.
“Not enough on you for that.” Enid rolled her eyes and crossed her sweater-covered arms. She almost didn’t want to know but would certainly rather discuss Wednesday's potentially illegal antics than herself after the challenging evening that she’d already had.
She wasn’t in the mood for bickering, either way - so maybe quiet time would be best.
“Why were you upset?” Clearly, she wasn't going to drop it with her own deflection. Wednesday draped her jacket over the side of her desk chair and toed off her muddy shoes, forcing her to lose the small boost of lift they gave her, putting her squarely two inches beneath Enid. She stood directly in front of her, a kiss away – bearing into Enid with her eyes and forcing truth out of her.
Knowing her lower lip trembled a little, hating her tells and trying to frown the feelings away, Enid looked at her own feet. There was no use lying to Wednesday about an actually serious subject when the evidence was still in the bloodshot veins of her eyes. “My mother called. It was…it’s just always upsetting,” She glanced back up with a forced, sad smile. Wednesday’s eyes lost their intensity from curiosity, but gained something that was largely new for her – sympathy.
How Enid hated it. Deciding to dangle a tantalizing offer in front of her, she forced her pitch to remain neutral as she stated, “I don’t want to dwell on it. Can we skip the part where I rehash how my mom is a miserable person and…just go to dinner? You could edit my lycan paper after, I could use the help…”
Wednesday’s stare continued to be gentle and Enid was about ready to march out of the room if she didn’t quit. She couldn’t stand that. “Stop, please? Wednesday, honestly. I don’t want to talk about it. And I don’t want you to pacify me this evening. My mother always manages to upset me. And even if I stand up to her on the phone, I sometimes need to cry it out after. It’s like…” Deciding to use a weapon analogy, Enid expressed, “Like a fuse. She lit it, I detonated on her, and now there’s some debris to clean up, but I’m actually fine. I want to move on.”
Obviously a little put out by the way her jaw shifted just slightly, Wednesday disappeared wordlessly, returning from the community washroom down the hall with clean hands and sans her stockings, which Enid assumed she’d tossed rather than get any more flak from the on-site laundry service about soiling other people’s clothing.
She disappeared into her closet, coming out in a pair of wide-legged pants and an oversized black sweatshirt that fell nearly to her knees. If Enid could hide her emotions, she supposed she couldn’t comment on Wednesday hiding her body.
To her surprise, Wednesday actually let her not speak about her feelings and folded a hand into hers as she waved to Thing, nonverbally communicating that she wanted to be alone with Enid. Thing had been quite helpful to the whole affair – had heard her mother’s hurtful words, passed her tissues after she finished crying into her pillow, patted her back sweetly…
Wednesday led her to the foyer but didn’t turn to the right to take them to the cafeteria. Enid blinked a few times when Wednesday tugged her right out the front door and down the front steps. Confused, and really not in the mood to go investigating anything, particularly to discover whatever had Wednesday so dirty, Enid whined a little, “Can’t we just eat?”
“It’s Monday,” Her voice was just a touch darker than it had been in their room. “Nevermore’s infamous attempt at cowering to the vegetarians is tonight, and I don’t think their imitation beef is going to help you feel any better. We’re heading into town – I’m getting you a steak.” Well, that certainly perked her up just a little bit. “Withdrawing red meat once a week in an effort to be more environmentally friendly when ten percent of the student campus requires it as part of their metabolic diet is cruel, performative activism and we don’t need to be part of it. It makes as much sense as banning plastic straws. You don’t create systems change by following trends. Meatless Monday is going to meet my full-meat fist one of these days. But tonight, we’re going to crush peanut shells underfoot at a chain restaurant instead.”
More than okay with getting that salty coating in between the grooves of her furry, pink boots, Enid pulled Wednesday to her in a hug when they arrived to the edge of the forest trail that would take them into Jericho. Wednesday sucked in a breath of surprise at being forced into her hold but returned it after just a second of processing what was happening to her. “I don’t mean to take my bad mood out on you,” Enid apologized.
“I do it to you all the time,” Wednesday mumbled into her shoulder, sighing as she hooked her arms around her middle, hanging on just as tightly. “Usually for far-less valid reasons.” She pulled away to put her palms on Enid’s shoulders and met her eyes without that sympathy…instead…
Wednesday’s brown gaze in the setting sun was highly empathetic and made Enid drop half the tension in her shoulders. “I might also be a little hangry,” She confessed as her stomach roared suddenly between them.
There was a flirtation of a smirk on Wednesday’s lips at the noise and she said nothing, merely took her hand again, leading them boldly through the woods for a twenty-minute walk into town.
Enid swore she felt better just at the sight of the neon lights outlining the state of Texas with a cowboy hat perched on top of it when the restaurant was in view. Inside promised at least a feeling of satisfaction for the wolf within her, and that could often soften the meltdown of her personhood, too.
“Two, please,” Wednesday politely replied when the hostess, a too-cool Jericho High student with rapidly growing roots sticking out of her bleach blonde hair snapped her gum and looked irritated to have to ask how many were in their party.
Holding back her own growl of irritation, Enid would admit, she was relatively surprised by how well-behaved Wednesday could be in spaces like public restaurants. She often claimed that staff were simply victims of the State or something about labor rights, and generally tipped far more than Enid would’ve thought that they had earned.
Enid watched a basket of rolls be taken into a waitress’ hands and swallowed the saliva that threatened to slip out of her lips, thinking Wednesday was about to drop her hand as she often did in public – but not that day. She must’ve sensed some of her mother’s conversation had been about, willing to take on any bigot that might’ve had something to say about the two of them in a relationship. Vermont might’ve been one of the more progressive states in the country, but – certainly, so was California, and her mother had a whole lot to say from there that evening…
Once they were seated, Enid took a roll without waiting even a beat for the young woman who would be taking care of them to go through her required spiel, while Wednesday simply gave a curt nod at her before giving all of her attention to Enid as she went to return with water. (Enid could hardly wait for the day she could down one of those massive margaritas in the advertisements all over the establishment.)
She was halfway through with her first roll when Wednesday’s harsh stare asked the question before she needed to confirm, “You missed lunch with that extra dance practice today.”
“I’m sorry,” Enid said, just about ready to own up to anything – even things she hadn’t done, in an effort to just keep everyone from blowing up at her anymore that day. She really couldn’t handle Wednesday being frustrated with her, too -  
“Next time, tell me,” Wednesday ordered, her voice clipped; Enid stared hard at the rings on the wooden, lacquered tabletop, willing her next round of sadness to stay internal. “I’ll bring you something to class. Don’t apologize to me.”
About to say ‘sorry’ again, Enid just bit her lip, seeing the tears that were threatening to well up in her gaze. She tried to blink them away, and was grateful when the waitress asked if they needed more time with the menu when she brought their water over. Enid just shook her head, while Wednesday started, then said her name in a very gentle tone – and all the up and down of soft and hard was really –
“Um, the twelve-ounce New York strip, please – rare.”
“You know that means pink, possibly bloo-”
Wednesday was quick to defend her. “She knows what her body requires.”
Enid let out a shuddered breath, quietly asking for her sides before the waitress left. Wednesday reached across the table and took both of Enid’s hands, clearly needing to understand more about what was making her act so small and miserable. “Tell me what your mother said.”
“I don’t want to think about it,” Enid argued, feeling her tone rising as hysteria was pouring out of each vein, flooding her body.
“You obviously already are. It’s weighing on you. Release the burden, and you’ll feel relief.”
As the first tear fell, Wednesday’s face contorted from intensity and certainty to overwhelmed and near helplessness as she obviously hadn't thought through the fact that Enid was going to cry in public. She squeezed Enid’s hands, but the gesture only caused the second one to dribble, then the third, and the fourth, and Enid brought her sweater up over her face to keep from letting out an audible sob in the restaurant.
Thankfully, Wednesday had some sort of awareness about what to do – they’d been dating for months and friends for so long, she’d seen her fair share of Enid’s breakdowns and generally knew what did and didn’t help. When the preventative measures clearly weren’t working that Monday, she stood up and rounded to the space beside her, putting an arm around her and letting Enid fold herself into her chest. The unexpected display of affection was actually bringing out even more of her release. God – that hug to soothe her emotions into was exactly what Enid needed, and the fact that Wednesday had it in her to be soft enough around her to let her break down, in a half-full restaurant, into her arms? She loved her more than anything, and Enid knew that, she just wished, maybe – well, Wednesday was probably right. She did just need to talk about it to work through it.
When she met the black strings of her hoodie, Enid knew she let out a cry of a sniffly sound. It was embarrassing, devastating, really, to be having a full breakdown at the Texas Roadhouse. But Wednesday had been determined to try and make her feel better that evening and was going to have to finish what she started, even if that meant snuggling her in a vinyl-covered booth while the waitress awkwardly put their salads down on the same side of the table a few minutes after the crying began.
Wednesday unrolled one of the fabric napkins, shaking out a knife and the forks. For a brief, split-second, Enid thought she really might eat one-handed while she continued to snivel all over her chest, but Wednesday instead used the square to dab Enid’s cheeks, soaking up the tears that hadn’t been absorbed into her sweatshirt. She adjusted her hold on her girlfriend and looked at her with something new –
Almost blubbering again, Enid just nodded, knowing it would do well to admit what Esther had said to her on the phone. “My…mother – she was …on her weekly rampage, about…everything. Nevermore, administration refusing to split us up – you not receiving any consequences from last semester…the usual. Then…it shifted,” She sniffed. “She brought up my late blooming, how I’d been so privileged to have been even have parents who cared enough to offer to send me to lycanthropy conversion camp…”
Wednesday’s hand curled on her upper thigh at that.
“And when she wasn’t getting a rise out of me for that, she dug deeper – the normal line of inane ramblings of how she couldn’t believe after all that time, ‘that Addams girl’ was what got me to shift for the first time…and, when I reminded her, ‘that Addams girl’ is Wednesday, my girlfriend, she…she…just said, ‘we don’t talk about that,’ and started bitching about the value of a Nevermore education not matching up to the price tag, not that it mattered – since none of her pack were scoring above a 3.5 on the ‘mediocre’ grading system, moved on to my scar tissue and wanting me to come home to have a consultation with a plastic surgeon for a revision procedure, and I said that wasn’t going to happen and hung up on her. Then I cried.”
Watching Wednesday respond to the entirety of the call was like discovering something new hidden in a sensory tube every other second. While she was short for words, Wednesday’s eyes always spoke volumes about what she would say if she dared to put her thoughts out verbally. Mr. Addams had described her tongue as that of a viper to Enid more than once when telling stories about her, so she was pretty sure it was often for the best that Wednesday focused on taking in all the information before reacting. She knew that Wednesday tended to get into it with administrators and authority, but at least with Enid – she was far more even-tempered in how she responded to hearing words she didn’t like.
Enid let out a long breath and picked up one of the forks that Wednesday had shaken out of the napkin, needing to channel her energy into anything but crying again. She speared leafy greens onto the tines, trying not to visualize doing the same to any of her mother’s more vulnerable body parts, for that matter – wondering which Wednesday would fantasize about ripping out first in her defense.
“I’m sorry, Enid,” Wednesday spoke through a near whisper of a tone.
Hearing those words come out of Wednesday was like hearing foreign language that she needed to interpret. Her fork fell out of her hand. Not wanting to startle her anymore, Enid brought her longing, hopeful sort of gaze to Wednesday’s. “Why are you apologizing now?”
Wednesday drew her hands into her lap, staring straight ahead. It took her some time to form her response, likely, if Enid had to guess, because of the emotion that was pooling in her own eyes. She knew her damn well enough that she wouldn’t shed anything close to a tear in public, but Wednesday was very much on the edge. It didn’t make sense – she’d done nothing wrong, aside from maybe push her into talking about it when Enid knew what that would unleash, but even then – it’s not like she had been the one to say all those hurtful things…
“I suppose I am not apologizing with my sorry. But I am sorry that I contributed to enough of your mother’s ire that she took it out on you. I’m sorry that she continues to refuse to acknowledge that you are in a non-traditional relationship, let alone demonstrate any sort of positive feeling about it. I’m sorry that she continues to bring up painful events of the past, and attempt to shame you for them, or think you should have been grateful for her wanting to send you to an abusive situation. I’m sorry that she thinks your grades aren’t good enough – you’ve got a 3.87 right now, which is Magna cum laude and I’m really proud of you for working diligently at increasing your grade point average. I’m sorry that she thinks you need plastic surgery. If you wanted to, that would be your choice. But I love your scars, and I think they’re beautiful.”
Enid could barely breathe. She wasn’t sure if Wednesday had ever said so many words consecutively, let alone that indicated her true feelings on any subject matter…that she was harboring so many about her, in particular. Trying not to let herself curl up into the faux-wooden logs that made up the side wall of their booth, Enid finally found the ability to expand her lungs and release the last of the tension she’d been harboring. “I don’t want you to feel sorry for me.”
“It’s not in pity,” Wednesday clarified. “It’s not. It’s…perhaps a feeling that I don’t have a schema for.” She gave a rare blink as she seemed to be trying to find the emotional vocabulary within her to better explain herself, staring at Enid, who was pretty sure she was going to need an inhaler by the end of dinner at the rate Wednesday was taking her breath away. Finally, she gave a nearly-invisible shrug as she further clarified, “I just know, that I love you. And I despise that anyone would attempt to make you feel small, or anything else negative, especially someone who is also supposed to love you unconditionally. And I am sorry, that you were forced to endure that. All your life. So…I’m sorry, and I hope to make it up to you.”
Tilting her head, sniffing just a little, finding the shiest hint of a smile, Enid promised in a watery whisper, “You are. Right now. You…knew that I needed to take care of myself, and that school wasn’t going to cut it, and you brought me to the Texas Roadhouse,” She let out a small bubble of a laugh. “Here, I’ll get what I need to sustain me, but while we’re waiting,” She paused, reaching over for one of Wednesday’s clasped hands, forcing them apart so they could squeeze one another’s. “You’re giving me the opportunity to release what doesn’t. Thank you, Wednesday.”
There was a new wave on Wednesday’s features – a distinct mark of relief in her gaze as she swept it, unblinking onto Enid again. “It is hardly my forte to make someone who was sad return to baseline, let alone anything akin to happiness…”
“You’ve done a pretty remarkable job for me,” Enid assured her when the waitress brought out their main courses, looking a little awkward as she put them near their still-full salad plates.
“Uh…anything else I can bring you girls?”
“A total end to the heteronormative, compulsory, traditional society we continue to find ourselves existing in,” Wednesday said without hesitating.
The waitress blinked.
Enid shook her head. “I think we’ve got anything we need, right here.”
The woman left with wide, confused eyes and Enid sighed, cutting into her steak without thinking twice, watching the red ooze out onto her plate. The sight grossed her out, but she knew it would do her body good.
Sure enough – halfway into the steak, she was feeling remarkably better already. “Try to finish it,” Wednesday prompted her. “The full moon is on Thursday, you should be nearly doubling your caloric intake.”
Kissing her cheek, earning the slightest twinge of red to her cheeks, Enid thanked her and followed through, polishing off the meat, picking at her vegetables while Wednesday ate with a distinct sort of raised-higher-class slowness that she usually did.
After finishing and watching Wednesday tip the waitress almost double what the bill had been, Enid took her hand and made it her turn to lead them – the yellow glow of a Dollar General sign across the street tempting her. “I feel like properly finishing up my breakdown by making a frivolous, five-dollar purchase.”
Wednesday’s eyes rolled but she didn’t fight her. Mid 2000s soft-pop radio was playing as they stepped into the nearly desolate discount store, one that Enid liked because of the deadstock that featured some of her favorite comfort characters from her childhood. Knowing exactly what she wanted, she led Wednesday through precariously stacked makeshift aisles of cardboard boxes filled with inventory that would be put out by the one employee working there over the course of several weeks. She hummed along to the music, singing along softly with Colbie Caillat, feeling a little bubbly herself as Wednesday refrained from spewing out comments on late-stage capitalism or some such true, but nonsensical arguing that would accomplish nothing between them. “Here they are,” She said, gesturing to a host of children’s coloring books. Wondering if Wednesday's limited access to traditional children's media would kick in, Enid playfully wondered, “Anybody look familiar to you?”
“Even someone who spent a significant portion of her childhood exploring the caves below the house like myself can recognize the ultimate example of corporate greed, the mouse that is Mickey.”
“Yikes,” Enid commented, “I’ll steer clear of the Disney characters.” Mentally retracting her statement to herself about Wednesday being able to hold back full-punch societal comments, she smirked, spotting what she wanted pretty much right away, taking a pink, Strawberry Shortcake book into her hold. “Will you color with me?”
“I cannot promise that I won’t be giving the fruitcake a makeover. And a knife.”
Giggling, then singing along a little more as she took Wednesday’s hand and wove her through the maze of mess before checking out – spending a whopping two dollars and twelve cents to achieve the final release in neurotransmitters that would complete her night.
After a walk back to Ophelia Hall that included a great production of sneaking back into the campus as they’d left without permission, Enid and Wednesday both found themselves in their pajamas and ready for bed before Enid took her art supplies out from a basket, revealing about three hundred colored pencils in different shades.
Wednesday flipped through the coloring book with a touch of a nose wrinkle, staring at the smiley, fruit-themed girls. She was going out of her way, clearly setting every intention of getting through the moment to make her girlfriend happy as she'd claimed. Finally letting out a real, whole laugh, Enid earned her perplexed stare. “You did it,” She promised. Wednesday waited and Enid winked. “You didn’t just reset me to factory settings, but you made me happy. I promise. You totally do not have to color with me. You can read or edit papers or whatever else is going to make you happy, too. So long as you’re not out solving mysteries, but here with me.”
There was a beat of relief as Wednesday took out a book she’d been reading through, curling up beside Enid, who took some creative liberties as Wednesday would have, forcing a picture of Lemon Meringue, the pigtailed character, and Strawberry Shortcake to look as close to herself and Wednesday as possible, even adding a little knife into Lemon’s hand. Wednesday let Enid pick the music, but she went with one of her playlists of cello covers as a compromise for both of them.
When she finished and flashed the coloring sheet to her girlfriend, Wednesday almost smiled, amusement evident in her eyes as she took a knife out of her pajama pocket (naturally – everyone needed a bedtime knife), evenly slicing it out of the book. She tacked it up on Enid’s bulletin board before putting all the coloring supplies away while Enid watched. Finally, she turned off all the lights except the strand of twinkling ones she’d magically learned to tolerate once they started dating.
She brought Enid to the floor-bed they’d made with a roll-away mattress that was more comfortable than cramming into either of their twin beds, lying on her back as usual, and inviting Enid to curl up with her with silence, just vague gestures – a pat of her own chest, a small nod…
“Wednesday, I love you. Thank you, for making me feel one hundred percent better. I feel even better than before my mom called,” Enid said softly, nuzzling into her.
Wednesday’s fingers instinctively wove into her hair. “I’m tempted to block her number on your phone so she can’t get a hold of you. I can’t promise that if I’m in the room the next time she calls, I won’t make her feel something about herself that is more than true.”
“Good,” Enid encouraged with a contented huff. “She deserves that.”
“You didn’t deserve what she said or attempted to do to you in the past. And I hope that…her comments about…us, don’t make you second guess things. I am always here – to repair and comfort what she has hurt or damaged, as long as you want me to.”
Enid squeezed her affectionately. “You are excellent at comforting my hurts.”
There was a small breath of alleviation she felt from Wednesday. Wanting her to really understand that, she added, “You went out of your way for me tonight. You could’ve just given me a hug, taken me down to the dining hall, and come up to edit my paper. But you didn’t. You knew what very specific things would make me physically feel better, then opened yourself up emotionally for me, too. You’re the best. I love you.”
Wednesday clutched her tightly with one palm wrapped around her back, the other gently tracing the skin near Enid’s scars. Her words felt a little surprising when she added, “I would like to apologize for forcing you to talk about what happened before you were ready. I’m sure you would have liked to not cry in public at the Texas Roadhouse.”
“I think it’s a perfectly lovely public place to have a breakdown,” Enid said with a giggle at her own expense.
Wednesday said nothing other than a quiet, “I love you. Go to sleep.”
Closing her eyes so she could follow the direction, Enid sighed very contently, reflecting on the evening as she drifted off to have the chance to start over in a new day.
Layla is working through prompts and determined to write the Black Menagerie epilogue for the weekend - stay tuned for more ✌🏼
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thegildedbee · 4 months
Jealousy/Empty: May 27 & 28 Prompts from @calaisreno
This latest chapter and the previous ones are here at ao3. ...............................................................................................
On only rare occasions did Mycroft Holmes’s body register qualms about a plan of action. Long ago he had decided not to second-guess well-studied plans at their point of execution; to do so was to invite potentially disastrous distractions, with the deployment of second guessing performing as does Hercules’s sword when it slashes at the neck of the mythical hydra, only for it to grow two more, and so on ad infinitum. The meeting about to take place that he had arranged by subterfuge is one of those rare occasions.
Watson’s visit the preceding week had been exceedingly unwelcome for a number of reasons, but mostly as it left him with having to decide how to resolve the dilemma it presented of his brother’s instruction that Dr. Watson was not to be given any indication that Sherlock had survived the fall from Bart’s roof. However, the stable door was no longer shut, and the horse had bolted.
After failing his brother in the Moriarty affair, Mycroft had felt honor-bound to accept Sherlock’s outline of his plans to go underground and undercover, after he had been summoned to the morgue by Miss Hooper. He had indeed acquiesced to Sherlock’s strategies at the launching of his mission; once a mission is underway, needs must as to corrections and improvisations that have to be made based on changed circumstances. Such was his conclusion.
In consequence, there was one matter that he had decided could no longer remain hidden. The remedy required summoning Watson, Mrs. Hudson, and Detective Inspector Lestrade. He refused to undergo the required machinations three times as a concession to his own disquiet about the matter. He had made a reservation for Watson to take Mrs. Hudson to tea at St. Ermin’s Hotel, and he had made an arrangement for the Detective Inspector to meet with one of his MI5 case officers off-site from their respective government offices at the Caxton Bar at the hotel. At the conclusion of these two events, preparations had been made to take all three of them through an underground tunnel that ran from the hotel to a secure location nearby, which held only three chairs and a table. It was now time for him to join them.
As he opens the door to the room, all three faces greet him – as he had expected – with various mixtures of surprise, resignation, resentment, and curiosity.
“I want to thank you all for being here,” he begins, with all three of them rolling their eyes. He grimaces, and continues, saying, “you will understand the need for secrecy directly.” He places in front of each of them a stapled stack of papers with a blank cover that contains only a series of numbers at the top right.
“I know from Dr. Watson that the three of you have divined that Sherlock is alive, and that he has been at work since his presumed death in espionage activities against the Moriarty enterprise. What you do not know is why, and I believe that, going forward, you must be read into that area of the case.”
“And what is it that we have come here to read?” Watson asks, his voice hard, with a challenging edge.
“My brother tossed his mobile on the roof before he fell. He had made such preparations as he could, expecting that the odds were that he would survive the fall, but he knew that there were substantial odds that he would not be successful. The public information about the mobile that was given was that it was empty of any relevant information. However, Sherlock had recorded the last conversation he had with Moriarty using the voice memo app on the mobile."
It is now Lestrade who speaks, his voice tinged with disbelief. “So what we have here is evidence that was withheld from the investigation.”
“Yes, Detective Inspector. On national security grounds. What I am going to share with you is, in fact, beyond your authorized levels. I have granted clearances for each of you for the next 20 minutes. My brother did not intend for you to learn of this conversation, so I have not brought the actual recording; to hear about this event in his own voice is – either through this means or directly – I believe, a decision for him alone. I cannot ask him for that permission, because Dr. Watson has told me that Sherlock is not to be told that you know the truth about his death. What you have before you is an unredacted written transcript of the conversation.”
“Mycroft Holmes!” Mrs. Hudson begins, addressing him with some asperity. “I am quite sure I do not know what to do with you!"
“For now, nothing. What is to be done immediately is for you to read the transcript, if that is your wish. You do not, of course, have to do so.”
He notes that all three look stunned; but there it is, there’s nothing that can be done to mitigate that circumstance. As difficult as reading through the record of Sherlock’s “last” conversation may be, they do all have each other, the closeness amongst them having become even more so over the last month of their shared investigations. He tamps down a flare of jealousy. They will be fine.
“I shall leave you to it then,” he says, with a slight bow. Taking one last glance at them as they each turn to the first page, he quits the room, softly closing the door behind him.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @friday411 @peanitbear @original-welovethebeekeeper
@helloliriels @a-victorian-girl @keirgreeneyes @starrla89 @naefelldaurk
@topsyturvy-turtely @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @jobooksncoffee @meetinginsamarra
@solarmama-plantsareneat @bluebellofbakerstreet @dragonnan @safedistancefrombeingsmart @jolieblack
@msladysmith @ninasnakie @riversong912 @dapetty
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molagboop · 5 months
The Mawkin believe in learning by doing, which is why they have little rooms with which to bestow upgrades upon fledgling warriors. Some of the morph ball paths Samus goes through in Dread are defunct + repurposed maintenance chutes, and a few locations (particularly in Ghavoran and Artaria) were set up with the express purpose of serving as testing grounds. The statue rooms are pilgrimage sites whose stone guardians serve as an emissary of the ancestors, bestowing the gifts their people and the Chozo collectively have long developed unto promising warriors.
The process of earning an arm cannon is a whole thing in and of itself: special firearms training is required for certification if a warrior intends on using it in any official military capacity or seeks an upgrade. The power suit as a whole requires its own post because there's a whole culture around it: today I'll just talk about how youngsters earn their first set of basic upgrades.
Let's set the scene. You're a freshly minted warrior between 10 and 30 years of age: you sit on the character spectrum between a kid who wants to make this power suit the focus of your education and someone who has just decided they want to get serious about the whole power suit thing. Maybe it's a cultural curiosity for you: maybe you want to do it for the sake of tradition, maybe you want to put yourself through this to build character. Perhaps you're just seeking a new experience, or looking to supplement your actual area of study with something different. Some warriors, especially those whose family tree includes storied wielders or scientists who developed advancements in power suit technology, are heavily encouraged by their families to take on their own power suit. If you're heading into the military, you're going to be put through a similar series of tests anyways: you might as well get ahead of the game.
So you've passed the knowledge tests on theology, the technology surrounding the suits, and the history of the technology's advancement. The first and third of these are not strictly a prerequisite for the bestowal of a suit: your uncle snagged their suit first and dove head-first into the philosophy and history once they had a grip on how to work it. You wear the suit for two hours a day to start, familiarizing yourself with the mind-to-matter components and getting a feel for your new bio-metallic exoskeleton.
The suit's basic functions are useful, but you want a little more. You go in for your bi-weekly check-in with the team of suit architects and physicians who eased you into the tech, and you get a tip about an old research outpost by the geothermal processing plant in Artaria. It'll take a bit of effort (hope you've figured out how to land on your feet comfortably from a high distance), but it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to reach.
By this point, more people were working their jobs in and around what we people of real life would designate an "EMMI Zone". Artaria's EMMi Zone was originally a hub for power and environmental control infrastructure overseen by a pair of biological computers. The robots take care of the place, but the touch of a living soul was still tantamount: you'd pass technicians keeping tabs on heating and cooling systems, sanitation agents, civilian personnel and the odd researcher working a project down here in the sticks.
After a fair stroll and perhaps a bit of jumping, you'd find yourself in a compact, contemplative, temperature-controlled room with none but a statue for company. It's eerily quiet, bit the statue looks friendly: it's obviously offering you a gift. Shoot the casing off your present, which is emitting an energy signature your suit bristles almost eagerly at upon approach, and you've found yourself the grapple beam.
The trial doesn't lie in simply acquiring to the beam: it's getting out of the hole the technicians who invented the damn thing put it in. The spider magnet is a standard-issue upgrade that most people acquire through basic testing rather than a statue trial, so grabbing the magnetized walls isn't an issue. Your job is to get a grip on your new toy: figure out how it works so you can get out of the hole.
Most of the "fun" upgrades are locked behind minor tests like this which everyone with a suit has some knowledge of. For some upgrades, warriors are told outright where they are after a certain point in their education. Others are just sitting in the wilderness waiting for the enterprising individual to seek them out. You are guaranteed to collect them all if you fully immerse yourself in the study of the history of power suit development. Upgrade locations are extensively documented: you just have to either find them or be granted access by some means. Some upgrades were designed to be taken freely by whoever's clever enough to find them, but your basic education in suit tech is enough to nab you all the important stuff. In fact, warriors are routinely assigned an upgrade trial to complete by their technicians or professors as part of their education.
Not every upgrade is locked behind a scavenger hunt or a unit test: others require specialized training to receive, and some are granted out of necessity for one's chosen career path. An engineer with a power suit who specializes in underwater infrastructure requires the gravity suit. The varia installation is standard for those working in high-temperature environments.
The reason people aren't granted everything right off the bat has to do with the way the suit and flesh interact: you don't want to overwhelm a new powersuit user with a bunch of new powers while they're just getting accustomed to the way the suit interfaces with their central nervous system. If you botch suit-flesh-mind integration, you can seriously injured the receiving party. Samus has been wearing her suit for decades at this point: she doesn't need to be eased into earning new toys. Having everything snatched away from her on a dime is physically taxing in a uniquely awful way, but she's a seasoned warrior: she can adjust to traumatic change on the fly.
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zukadiary · 1 year
Hi!! I'll be in Tokyo this December to (hopefully) experience one of Kiki's ohirome performances live and I was wondering what the best alternatives to buying tickets as a foreigner might be! I watched the Tokyo performance of Flügel sell completely out on the international ticket site in three minutes and I'm now mildly worried about my own odds next month. It also seems like Skype requires you to live in Japan to get a number, so I'm not sure where to go for that. (Sorry for the essay 😭)
Hi!! (This is absolutely not an essay XD)
The international site is definitely your best bet, so I'll start with my tips for success:
Set an alarm, know what day you want, and make a beeline for it (have a few backups). You will likely have less competition for a weekday during non-working hours
Look up the Japanese holiday calendar ahead of time so you don't inadvertently choose a day that people have off work
Tokyo is worse so this might be useless advice, but I noticed when I bought my Kiki ohirome tickets for Takarazuka that the normal seats sold out before the seats with merch included, despite the price being the same. Try selecting a merch-included seat first maybe??
I am VERY curious about these new Skype number requirements (I have one, but I see that the requirements are new). Out of curiosity, did you try to purchase one? It says "a form of ID" including passport, so I wonder if passport upload and any Japanese address (hotel/friend's address) would suffice? Many legitimate residents have a foreign passport with a foreign address on it, and would presumably be eligible for a Skype number.
If that works, and you're able to get a Takarazuka ID, I would highly recommend, as slim as the chances are, trying your luck at the Japanese general sale as well, since that happens before the international sale (if you have any friends in Japan, you can also ask them to help you verify with their phone number and get a Takarazuka ID that way)
Other options:
How's your Japanese? If it's functional, you can try okepi.net
Have a travel agent get you tickets before you leave
I have no idea of she is still offering this service, but My Favorite Things Japan has handled many ticket purchases for me in the past, in the days before the launch of the first international site. There was a 20% service fee at the time, but the yen is awfully weak right now so it might not be too bad. It's worth emailing to ask.
Good luck, and have fun in Tokyo!
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sparky-is-spiders · 1 year
If I may be weird and petty for a moment, I don't get AUs where Martin is the Archivist when Melanie and Sasha are right there?? I mean I get why: roleswaps are popular AUs and martin is a popular character. And maybe its just my specific headcanons re: archivist requirements but I feel like the other two would be so much better?
Yes, Martin reads statements and yes, he gets marked, but I really don't think those are the Only Requirements to do the big ritual? Cause at that point Elias could've chosen any web-marked dude off the street, especially if they have the mark of another entity as well already.
Melanie and Sasha shared several important traits with Jon, most notably a burning curiosity, a willingness to put themselves in trouble for information, and (in Melanie's case (and Sasha's too, arguably) an ability to antagonize extremely dangerous fear avatars. Sasha's whole statement is her putting herself in a dangerous situation without telling anyone or acquiring any help (remind you of any main characters?) and running face first into supernatural dangers (sometimes to protect her friends, sometimes out of curiosity). Useful for collecting marks, but also useful for collecting information and developing her own powers as the Archivist. Considering her seemingly unrepentant willingness to look through her friends' and coworkers' personal files via accessing their accounts, I'd argue that her curiosity and boundary crossing could easily get stronger when investigating supernatural entities. Obviously, this never happened because of how early on she died, but I think you could make a strong case for Sasha's strong curiosity making some avatars incredibly mad. Not to mention how incredibly Beholding it is of her. None of this is criticism btw, I think Sasha should have access to whatever personal info she wants and I love it when characters are so obviously Eye-aligned. I know "Sasha wasn't promoted because she'd solve all the problems and find a way to kill Jonah" is also a popular headcanon but please think for a MOMENT about her appearances in podcast. There weren't many, but there's a very obvious through-line in almost all of them. She's curious, she takes risks in the face of the supernatural, she wants to Know. It's literally what caused the circumstances of her statement. Those traits are arguably the ones that got her KILLED. I'm sorry this went off on a tangent. I just love Sasha very much and I'm constantly filled with Thoughts of Sasha.
Melanie also has curiosity about the supernatural AND a much more obviously antagonistic personality!! Her first appearance is being a total asshole to Jon, mocking him, the place he works at, the equipment they use, and what they do. But she also dedicated basically her entire career into uncovering the supernatural? She ran a Youtube channel about it, and when she discovered that everyone was sticking to the same "safe" sites, she started looking off the beaten path for the real stuff. And she found it! She went looking for ghosts of war and violence and even without access to statements, probably working alone and sifting through bunk on the internet, she found them! She got stabbed by a ghost and instead of trying to avoid ghosts in the future, she decided to look for more violent ghosts. The slaughter tendencies might be a drawback for her becoming the Archivist, yes, but by that point Jon had already survived multiple marks and was developing his powers. If he failed by that point, Elias might've wanted an Archivist who'd be better able to defend themselves. By S4 Melanie was probably far enough gone to the Slaughter (and hated the Eye enough) that she was probably off the table as a candidate. By that point, however, Jon was expected to fully Become and only needed a few more marks.
I understand that Sasha was approved for a transfer to the Archives because Elias let Jon choose who take with him and Jon chose Sasha. And Melanie was almost certainly chosen to keep Jon in close proximity of a Slaughter-aligned person who'd be likely to mark him but unlikely to kill him. But I think that they served a secondary purpose of being backup Archivists in case something happened to Jon.
Obviously this is more headcanon than theory (not to mention it relies on other headcanons to fully stand) but I'm very fond of it. I guess I think that, even if Elias wasn't really looking for another Archivist when Jon seems like the perfect candidate in every way (and I'm not saying this JUST because I love him), I think that if something did happen to Jon, they'd be Elias' next candidates.
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astral-decaf · 1 year
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Hackers and Nyte Blade
Warnings: sfw, all characters aged up, post-SR3 Matt, canon divergence, privacy invasion, illegal hacking
Characters: Matt Miller, gn reader
Author's Note: This is for the slice of life collab but boy. I struggled so much with this and I don't actually like it but dhdnkdd. Its here, it's eh, but writers block.
Word Count: 1.1k
Curiosity drove you. A morbid curiosity about the place you once called home. Now, of course, you had found your home in a small town just west of Stilwater and farther still was Steelport itself but your home and loyalties still lay with Steelport. Even if it had been engulfed by a gang war when you had moved away. You, of course, kept an eye on it. You noticed a few details, but something wasn't adding up and hadn't in the two years since. Sure, the Luchodores died. You understood why.The Morningstar, led by Viola DeWynter, merged with the Saints. Yet… Why had the Deckers simply vanished? More specifically, why was there no word on their leader? You tapped your foot in the break room, reading article after article. Interviews with Killbane, the DeWynter sisters and Loren had extensive business ventures all signed under their specific names, alongside the prostitute game that required a more personal touch, the Saint's boss was around too. All documented. Normally by one Jane Valderamma. Yet it frustrated you. There was not a single mention as to who the Deckers ever listened to. Nothing!
"Can you work the closing shift again?" 
You perked up, hearing your boss speak. The kind old lady had picked you up out of the street, comforted you when gang life took over your life, and would lament you going back. 
"Ah… I can, yes." Responded your coworker. 
You looked over, he seemed less than fond of the bright green work shirt every time. You liked him. Matt Miller. A fine employee, a lackluster conservationist (unless you count the topic of Nyte Blade), and a generally reserved man. You always wondered why he seemed so… Odd. Yet, he wasn't your type. You had caught yourself drifting towards harsher types. People like Loren, Viola, and Killbane. Those with skewed morality and something to lord over. Fighting rings, hookers, even other gangs all joined together under one flag. Something. Matt, of course, was kind and while he was hot… Something was off. 
If only you knew how wrong you were. 
You wanted to look him up too, look into his past. Yet… wasn't that crossing lines you promised you wouldn't again after surviving a city takeover, two actually, back in the day. It was an invasion of privacy too! Yet you were stuck on your research and… He didn't have to know what you would find. First, you needed to find out where he was from. Matt Miller, after all, was quite close lipped regarding anything and everything about where he came from. There had to be something there! A reason. So, you began. In that little coffee shop, growing steadily more defensive as you went from harmlessly looking up just his name to pulling up his records. That was the first thing you thought of and it brought forth interesting results. 
"... Expunged?" You softly muttered to yourself, "Lets get that unsealed." 
You really did just want to know! You weren't going to do a thing with what inevitably boring thing Matt cared so much about as to seek out it getting expunged. Yet when you got access, the list of crimes made your eyes widen. 
".... What the-" 
And then it crashed. The site, a remarkably secure government site, had crashed. In fact, your entire computer's screen went black. You jumped up, startled with your blood running cold. After a few seconds, one symbol sat in the center of your screen. It had been one you grew quite familiar with in your research. The Decker logo, a blue skull with a pink star in an eye socket. You whipped around, Matt stood a little too close for comfort, black bangs in his face as he stared down at you. 
"You really didn't seem like much before." He remarked, his accent thick. 
You stepped back, "You…" 
"That all got sealed, expunged, yet you found a way. Well, where there's a will." Matt tilted his head, "I really didn't think much of you. Perhaps I should've learned my lesson from before as to underestimating people. Especially those who also have expunged records." 
"How'd you even get that expunged!" You huffed. 
Matt shrugged, "Where there's a will." He repeated, narrowing his eyes, "Although… What to do now? You could tell either one of them. You could be working for either of them." 
"Wh- you paranoid little-" you cleared your throat, "I'm not working for anyone, Miller." You raised a brow, "Yet clearly you have someone working for you. I mean it, how did you get all your crimes from being in a gang all expunged as if it were nothing!" 
"I don't have to answer the likes of you." Matt scoffed. 
You pushed him back, "I'm still your supervisor!" You hissed, "I've been here longer, I've-" 
"You're a has been." Matt simply retorted. 
"I'm a- excuse me!" You grabbed that bright green shirt, dragging him forward.
"You're excused." Matt smirked. 
It was a game of cat and mouse, whoever stopped was the loser and to the victor go the spoils. You groaned, pushing him back with all your strength, the taller hacker fell on his ass with nothing but a perked brow, as if asking if that was all you could do. With him no longer pretending to be a meek, reserved and polite worker, he was just sassing you and frustrating you with every word that left his mouth. 
"Listen here, you little-" You began. 
"You should get your eyes checked. I'm bigger than you are." 
You wanted to rip your own hair out but settled for groaning and kicking his leg as you stormed past him. Yet, you froze when he hummed, "Wouldn't it be terrible if your bank lost all your money, love? Maybe hacking to know who I am was a mistake, no?" He chuckled, "How about you do something for me and we'll forget this."  
And that's how you got here. A simple bout of curiosity, evidently you both had regrets and mistakes under your belts. You just couldn't imagine this was the favor. Your eyes laid on the TV before you in the hacker's living room. He sat beside you, leaning forward and his entire posture was absolute hell yet Matt didn't seem to care. 
"I think you'll like this! Just watch!" He promised. 
".... You threatened me so I'd watch…. Nyte Blade with you?" You asked, lifting an eyebrow. 
"Of course!" He seemed almost insulted that you'd ask, "Its one of the best things created for God's sake!" 
"Its sure… Something, alright." You sighed yet it was charming. 
You didn't know when that realization hit. That in all his awkward, gawk nerd-ness, Matt Miller was charming. Endearing, even. You sighed, leaning back and letting your eyes focus on whatever Nyte Blade was doing, mourning his wife you think. You paid some attention, it seemed to make Matt happier. Asking him about Steelport could wait. You just wanted to exist here for a moment, let your curiosity die out for just a little while. 
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jcmarchi · 2 months
The art of the enzyme
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-art-of-the-enzyme/
The art of the enzyme
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As the mountains and trees of California’s Napa Valley drift past the car window, 6-year-old David Kastner is deep in conversation with his father. The conversation is a familiar one, shifting naturally from gravity to electromagnetism. For as long as he can remember, scientific curiosity has been a key part of his conversations on these drives.
“I remember being fascinated by how complex the universe is and how little people know about it,” recalls Kastner, now a fourth-year PhD student in bioengineering. “I always wanted to uncover new truths about the universe.”
Nearly two decades later, Kastner is now at MIT studying a challenging subset of proteins known as metalloenzymes, in the lab of Heather Kulik, a professor of chemical engineering, and Forest White, a professor of biological engineering. With the same curiosity that sparked those on-the-road discussions with his father, Kastner is motivated by a desire to harness the chemical and medical potential of enzymes through computational and mechanistic approaches.
Kastner’s research aims to uncover the fundamental blueprints of reactivity for enzymes using state-of-the-art computational methods. However, his approach to research involves not just physics, chemistry, and biology, but also art, which has been an integral part of his life since childhood. Kastner produces beautiful 3D illustrations of molecular systems that help make his research more accessible to a wider audience.
“Seeing the science in a way that looks so real that you feel like you can touch it can be more impactful than a bar plot or a histogram,” he says. “If scientists were more invested in showing their work in engaging and interesting ways, then we would have more people involved in science.”
Form and function in equal measure
Kastner’s research has spanned quantum chemistry calculations, protein engineering, bioinformatics, synthetic organic chemistry, and mammalian tissue models. He earned his bachelor’s degree in biophysics at Brigham Young University, and once he began his PhD program at MIT, he decided to zero in on metalloenzymes.
Among metalloenzymes, Kastner has chosen to focus on high-valent metalloenzymes, which contain a highly reactive metal atom that has lost many of its electrons and eagerly reacts to regain them. His personal favorites are non-heme iron enzymes, due to their vast repertoire of chemical reactions, direct applicability to human health, and the tunability of their active sites for engineering novel reactivities.
Giving old enzymes new reactivities isn’t easy, however. His first published paper, authored alongside former members of the Kulik Research Group, showed why.
Kastner’s research explores the mechanistic differences between non-heme iron halogenases and hydroxylases, two classes of high-valent enzymes that activate normally unreactive C–H bonds. By investigating trends across structural databases and molecular dynamics simulations, he identified key interactions that result in subtle differences in the substrate positioning angle, influencing reactivity. Kastner’s computational findings suggest new ways of converting between halogenases and hydroxylases.
While an intuition of an enzyme’s structure can go a long way, sometimes you need to move beyond structure. “As soon as you add a metal into the core of an enzyme, it becomes much more challenging to model,” he says. “It requires unique and cutting-edge tools in order to understand reactivity. That’s why we need quantum chemistry calculations so much in our research.”
Trying to unlock the secrets of nature’s most efficient catalysts requires observations at the sharpest level possible. A given enzyme’s structure and reactivity is determined by the interactions between the electrons it contains, hence the reliance on quantum computing methods.
The importance of viewing the entire enzyme from a quantum mechanical lens came to the forefront of Kastner’s research in his most recent publication. Kastner and his collaborators discovered that the reactivity of a class of miniature artificial metalloenzymes was controlled by changes in dynamic charge distributions, which can be thought of as a way of seeing how electrons and charges fluctuate throughout an enzyme’s structure.
“If you’re interested in how life functions, then it only makes sense to look at enzymes and proteins,” he says. “Enzymes are the machinery that evolution came up with to harness physics and chemistry.”
“I’ve always been interested in that question,” he continues. “How do you get from these purely mathematical underlying physical laws to living, breathing organisms with feelings?”
The art of science
In addition to research, Kastner can be found using 3D graphics programs like Blender and VMD to visualize macromolecular systems and their interactions. His work can be seen on the covers of scientific journals published by Nature and the American Chemical Society, but his initial forays into art were far simpler.
“I would draw everything,” he says. “It was the game I would play. I would draw; I would ask my parents to draw for me; I would ask people I would meet, ‘Can you draw this for me?’”
His mother made hyperrealistic art inspired by nature and was the biggest artistic influence on him early on. Kastner described a photorealistic lynx his mother drew with a scratch board hanging at his grandparents’ home that he found particularly inspiring as a child.
He took traditional art quite seriously in high school. He worked with charcoal and oils, winning multiple competitions, but he wasn’t sure how he might apply these skills to his academic interests.
“At that time, I hadn’t realized how to reconcile art and my love of science,” he says. “They still felt so different and no one I talked to tried to combine them at all.”
If he had come of age in late-15th-century Italy, however, that might not have been the case. The Renaissance was defined by figures who didn’t see boundaries between various disciplines, and perhaps none are more enduring than Kastner’s favorite scientist of all time: Leonardo da Vinci.
“It’s pretty incredible that the man who is universally credited as being the grandfather of modern anatomy and physiology is also the same man who painted the ‘Mona Lisa,’” he says. “I feel like the world would be a better place if we had more people like da Vinci who could reconcile the sciences and art.”
In fact, he thinks the erosion of trust in scientists could be eased if that were the case. Peer-reviewed papers are dense and technical because they need to describe complex experiments in a way that makes their results reproducible, but that means the average person probably won’t understand it. That’s where art can help bridge the gap.
“If we communicate our science in ways that connect to ordinary people, I think it will automatically get rid of some of that distrust,” he says. “We need to keep writing papers the way we do; there’s no way around that. However, scientific art can help make this information more accessible. By converting esoteric data into familiar and relatable visuals, researchers can extend an invitation to people of all ages and backgrounds to interact with their science through the universally shared language of art.”
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The End of Promotion...going on independently - in a bulleted list.
Continuation of visiting exhibits - apart from the fact that i am constantly learning about how others promote themselves and to meet other people to build connections with, i always love to see other peoples work! Will be aiming for launch/open nights in particular
Cross-Promoting - this will work hand-in-hand with visiting exhibits and open nights, by sharing the works of that artist they are likely to follow back or express gratitude in another way. any response is a win.
seeking a residency/membership of sorts - in either Glass or Ceramics, and deciding on how i will get funding. This is something i want to research more as big decisions will be made
Entering more open calls/competitions - as some come with their own briefs, this also encourages me. One thing i have enjoyed over my higher education years is responding to a briefs set requirements and criteria. it is a chance for me to amaze myself to how i respond with what i create. a personal curiosity that guarantees flexibility and growth.
Keeping in touch with classmates - there had been talk between myself and some others regarding forming a group to enter into studio and exhibit spaces that would enable us a good start as well as spreading the costs. We also want to keep practicing curation as there is a harmony to be kept and not just simply picking a space and installing work.
keep referring back to "who's afraid of contemporary art?" - addresses all areas in plain and easily understandable language, this will be my bible for the foreseeable.
continue with my exploration of Automatism - i began my CAP with trying things out and working through the motions of briefs with no niche, until the discovery of automatism near end of 3rd year and it is something i am glad to have dived into. It is something that fascinates me, yet remains an enigma as i try to explore it in contemporary art making. it is now a life practice as an independent artist.
overall - i would say the module was well needed to gain the understanding of the artworld beyond the studio. The artists job is not done when a work is completed. To get exposure of the work and to put things in motion is where the real efforts come in. The test site and round table discussion earlier in the module was a good ice breaker that would provide future thinking of how i would display works should i get a solo or group exhibit.
going onwards i feel more confident than before the module to make moves and use appropriate social media and in person networking to promote myself as an artist.
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alexander-clifford · 8 months
Virtual Reality (VR) in education: Reshaping the learning landscape
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In our increasingly digital world, both businesses and institutions are considering how to embrace technology to enhance their services. Virtual Reality (VR) in education is unlocking incredible experiences for students that weren’t possible before. We’re moving past reciting textbooks and endless PowerPoint presentations. The integration of advanced technology into teacher’s lesson plans truly brings learning to life, expands the capabilities of the classroom and helps to keep engagement levels high. This article will provide use cases of technological learning experiences and define the advantages of VR in education.
Understanding Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment that simulates a three-dimensional, interactive experience, often using specialised hardware like VR headsets. It immerses users in a three-dimensional virtual world, allowing them to interact with and navigate through the digital environment. These experiences can be abstract and fantastical but also very realistic such as exploring a city in another country.
Use of VR in education
When we inject technology into the curriculum, teachers are not limited to traditional resources to provide a breakthrough in learning in students with maintained engagement. They can use Virtual Reality to achieve and support:
Collaborative learning environments
Collaborative VR environments facilitate teamwork by allowing students to work together on projects, simulations, and problem-solving activities in a shared virtual space, enhancing interpersonal and collaborative skills. This is achievable on a global scale through VR, helping with language speaking. Classes can join up with students from any country, generating a growing cultural awareness.
Accessible school trips
School trips can put parents in a challenging financial situation leading to certain students being isolated from incredible educational opportunities. Through VR in the classroom, students can attend museums and ecosystems without long coach journeys and parent payment plans. VR goes further than bringing students to various cities, it can place them in key moments of time. Students can virtually visit historical sites, outer space, or microscopic realms, transcending physical constraints and providing access to environments that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to reach. Imagine how much it can help students understand the significance of historic events if they could immerse themselves in key locations from the past, seeing how people dressed at the time and interacted. This dynamic way of learning sparks curiosity and helps information retention.
Remote learning
It was the COVID-19 pandemic that suddenly made online learning the norm and many schools weren’t prepared for this. It was a challenging time for teachers, parents, and students. Statistics have shown that eLearning during the pandemic caused a decrease in mental health for students in primary, secondary, and higher education. This opportunity invites the use of VR not only for teaching materials but also for replicating the social classroom experience. Remote learning opens doors for students residing far away who aspire to attend a specific university. It is also valuable when school infrastructure requires improvement, necessitating closures, during hazardous weather conditions, or in the face of any future pandemics.
Streamlined professional training
There are frequent news articles about teaching recruitment and retention struggles which ultimately impact students' learning. This is faced both in the UK and internationally. With gaps in teaching, we need to ensure trainee teachers are fully supported and prepared to be in the classroom ready to deliver quality teaching to students. That’s where VR can help. Virtual Reality can generate virtual classrooms, allowing teachers to practise various scenarios that will arise throughout their careers. This training helps them to be equipped to take a full-time position, ready to help students. 
For students in higher education, VR can be used to enhance the skills needed for their future job roles. For example, medical students can practise surgeries in a safe and controlled environment.
Special education learning
VR can be tailored to accommodate different learning styles and support special education needs, providing personalised and adaptive learning experiences to meet the diverse requirements of individual students. Using technology helps us to keep schools inclusive while offering a personalised approach to teaching.
The benefits of VR in education
From the above use cases, it’s clear that VR is truly revolutionising the educational sector and inviting us to think about how else we can enhance learning experiences. There are numerous benefits of VR in education, including:
Boosts engagement levels
VR provides students with realistic and immersive simulations, enhancing engagement and understanding of complex concepts. There is a direct correlation between engagement levels and successful learning. It sparks creativity in a way that traditional reading and writing can’t do. This three-dimensional understanding helps students grasp complex subjects across various disciplines. Virtual Reality can assist in showing students how the learning is relevant to their lives. We’ll see higher attendance levels and better results in exams.
Simplified customisation
One of the reasons why VR boosts engagement levels is because teachers can use the technology to provide personalised learning experiences. Education doesn’t need a one-size-fits-all solution because we all learn in different ways. Teachers can gauge how best to share educational content and can tailor VR content to meet student needs.
Soft skills development
Virtual simulations offer a platform for students to practise and enhance soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving in realistic scenarios.
Greater accessibility for all
VR can be adapted to meet the needs of students with diverse learning abilities, providing inclusive and accessible educational experiences for everyone.
Examples of VR in education
The ways we can implement VR into the curriculum are endless to elevate learning experiences. In subjects like anatomy and biology, VR facilitates interactive simulations, enabling students to explore the intricacies of the human body. Physics and chemistry experiments come to life through virtual simulations, providing a safe and controlled environment for hands-on learning. VR also enables language students to engage in realistic conversations with virtual native speakers to enhance language skills.
Our predictions for the future of education
Anticipated advancements in education point toward technology playing an increasingly integral role, emphasising personalised and adaptive learning experiences. We will learn from the experience of remote learning during the pandemic to ensure that when we integrate technology into the classroom, we don’t neglect mental health and the vital social aspect of educational institutions. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are expected to play a significant role in tailoring education to individual student needs. Moreover, the rise of remote and hybrid learning models, coupled with the continued evolution of virtual reality and augmented reality applications, is likely to redefine the traditional classroom, making education more accessible, flexible, and engaging.
Final thoughts
In conclusion, the future of education holds exciting prospects driven by the relentless integration of technology and the commitment to personalised learning. As we embrace artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and adaptable learning models, the educational landscape is poised for a transformative shift. This evolution not only promises enhanced accessibility and flexibility but also underscores the dynamic potential of education to empower students with tailored, immersive, and future-ready learning experiences. 
In simple terms, VR in education is transforming the act of learning from a passive experience into an active, immersive, and personalised journey, redefining how students interact with and absorb information.
Are you using technology to improve education?
If you are involved in improving education through a new or adapted solution or process, you could be eligible for R&D tax credits. The government actively encourages risk-taking for innovation with its R&D tax credit incentive. Through the tax benefit, you can offset the costs of your innovation project such as software costs, PAYE, National Insurance contributions, testing costs and more. We can create your R&D claim in under 2 weeks, maximising your entitlement and streamlining the entire process. Speak to our team today to check if you’re eligible for the unmissable growth opportunity.
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sdcuevas16 · 9 months
Implementation of the Distribution Strategy
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We have moved into the crucial implementation phase with our strategies in place. This section delves into the hard work and dedication required during this stage, emphasizing the importance of a well-executed distribution plan.
We adopted a serialized video release approach, in forms of teasers and reaction videos, to build anticipation and maintain audience engagement over an extended period. This segment discusses the rationale behind this decision and its impact on sustained interest.
Platform Selection and Utilization
Exploring our choice of platforms, this section highlights the strategic use of Facebook and TikTok. It outlines how each platform caters to specific demographics and the methods employed to maximize engagement.
Aside from the website, the most important platform in this project, we decided to propagate clickbait content on social media to entice the audience to visit the site. This social media integration, through Tiktok and Facebook, is crucial because we think this is the most effective way to gain traffic—or website visits.
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Teaser Video and Social Media Outreach
Details of the teaser video's creation and distribution on TikTok and Facebook are covered here. Emphasis is placed on the comprehensive use of digital channels to ensure broad visibility.
We agreed that we would incorporate an advertising strategy, such as creating a social media presence, wherein we decided to produce a teaser video that we posted on TikTok only. Also, we shared the links of these videos through Messenger and by linking the video to our story during the release day.
I played a role in the teaser video as someone about to encounter analog horror.
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Reaction Videos for Audience Engagement
This section discusses incorporating reaction videos from diverse audiences to generate excitement and curiosity. The strategy involves leveraging social connections to drive traffic to the dedicated website.
We also intended time to produce a video compiling the audience's reactions while watching the videotapes on our website. The struggle was real, especially in encouraging people to watch the video, and there were students that we invited who were hesitant. However, they found it interesting after finishing the video because of the message it brought. We posted the compilation video on Tiktok, which also serves as a hook for the audience and to stay on air the excitement.
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Encouraging Click-throughs
An overview of efforts to drive traffic to the dedicated website through accessible links in social media posts is provided. The importance of captivating captions, relevant hashtags, and appealing thumbnails is highlighted.
We also incorporated content writing strategies in our social media posts on Facebook. We write captions that hook the readers to explore the site. The hashtags also add to the optimization of the content as they elevate the content on the search rankings, especially on Facebook.
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Audience Engagement and Community Building
Emphasizing the focus on audience engagement, this section details how interactions with comments, questions, and feedback contribute to community building. The positive impact on platform algorithms is also discussed.
We put a prime on engaging with people, especially on our Facebook profiles wherein we edited a frame that seems to indicate "Registered Filipino," there, we encourage others to be one of us. For the record, we indicated there was a disclaimer that it was just satire because we also recognized that our FB friends might be thinking weird about it— which is the total point of what we are doing or our strategy. With this weirdness, we hope to solicit engagement and clicks through the website.
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Hence, in this aspect, monitoring analytics, including views, likes, shares, and click-through rates, is essential. These metrics determine the engagement and efficacy of our social media strategies.
We remained prepared to adapt the distribution strategy based on analytics and audience feedback. This flexibility allowed us to make improvements and adjustments to enhance overall performance and maximize the reach and impact of our content within the target audience.
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michel-tanguy · 10 months
New Post has been published on Michel Tanguy
New Post has been published on http://micheltanguy.com/12-mail-order-brides-sites-comparability-find-mail-order-wives/
12 Mail Order Brides Sites Comparability: Find Mail Order Wives
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Can easily You Buy A Mail Purchase Bride?
Russian Brides By Metropolis
No doubt you may have heard of OKCupid, and that is as a result of it is one other longtime player in the online relationship world. Not solely that, however, like Tinder, OKCupid is also owned by Match Group. This string to the Match bow revolves around a neat persona quiz, which isn’t obligatory to finish however is certainly advisory. When you have completed said quiz, you can see different customers that align most highly with yours. If you had been a fan of that name-generating proportion web site in school, this is the platform for you, as a outcome of it does the identical factor however — crucially — truly works. I appreciate the women-first messaging approach with Bumble.
The internet site I’ve chosen possesses was capable of develop an awesome technique. It works and as such, It worth to cover superior membership. Electronic process can be clean, No errors and lots of responds after I e mail. Besides, this internet dating provider has a charm. Receptive and pleasing neighborhood, snug order, no stress to spotlight sure interaction.
To further help your possibilities to find the proper person, Zoosk employs its SmartPick feature which evaluates the compatibility between its members.
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She takes part in national conferences and has publications within the top media on psychology, relationships, and self-presentation.
The 12-month bundle prices $27.95 a month, the six-month bundle is $37.ninety five a month, and the three-month option is $49.ninety five a month.
They wish to just bear in mind to are the one who is really thinking about them and do not wish to spend one night collectively. That is why it is your mission to make your bride feel your pure curiosity. Vietnamese and Uzbek mail order brides have gone to Taiwan for marriage. Domestic violence and other problems that Vietnamese women confronted through the marriages in Taiwan.
The profiles are a combination of photographs with cheeky captions and query prompts. You can swipe via potential matches and in addition try Standouts, that are in style profiles that fit into your criteria. There are a number of methods to match with others on the relationship site, like using the app, which looks like Tinder, or the website, which helps you to browse and search like on OkCupid. There are additionally several sorts of matching features to help you meet new individuals, such as the reverse matching characteristic, which exhibits people who are on the lookout for your standards.
Cambodian women also journey to China as mail order brides for rural males. Despite prohibition, unlawful border crossing and de facto marriage are common and uncontrollable. As you’ll have the ability to see, nowadays, courting a woman from another nation cannot be thought of immoral.
A wife ought to prioritize self-care to hold up her well-being and emotional health. Suppose your husband likes trekking when you like being indoors; it might make it onerous for you to spend your free time together. But a half of understanding tips on how to be an excellent wife is to share a couple of hobbies along with your spouse and bond simultaneously. Supporting your husband’s goals would possibly typically involve pushing them, and generally, it would require you to listen to them. Sometimes, you might also have to give them a pep speak when they’re feeling demotivated.
May You Buy A Mail Order Bride?
All your conferences are superb, and she makes your life much happier. Being soulmates doesn’t mean that she will turn out to be your excellent life partner. Especially if she doesn’t prioritize household life and marriage. That’s why discussing your courting targets will help to avoid any painful experiences and to discover a good lady to marry. A single woman from Poland is a perfect selection for a critical relationship.
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Although you don’t have to be painfully tolerant either, understanding https://countrywaybridalboutique.com/ is an basically desirable characteristic. But, it is also totally different in a single crucial aspect, which is your proper to have the identical type of support and curiosity out of your husband. Marriage, after all, is the cooperation on shared targets and visions of the longer term and never a relationship of servitude. There is plenty of outdated wisdom about what a woman needs to do to be an ideal wife.
Grabbing coffee is the low-pressure date thought that allows you to skip trying to decide on a dressy-but-not-too-extra outfit for a concert or a restaurant. Coffee Meets Bagel is like the « grabbing coffee » model of courting apps, aiming to deliver an easy-going ambiance to of us who would possibly just be a little rusty. The web site’s declare to fame is that eighty two % of members are faculty grads . This is the place for people who’ve hit a cushty stride professionally and are actually pursuing a associate who’s at the similar point of their life. OkCupid is designed for individuals who prioritize social justice, equality, and progressive ideals in their seek for love and meaningful connections.
There is the only approach to discover one of the best matches for a shopper. The powerful search algorithms use the solutions given by members to search out potential partners who’ve similar pursuits, hobbies, and relationship targets. If it accommodates questions that do not even make sense, we never recommend this web site. Some mature girls find themselves displaced because of life circumstances, (divorce, widowhood, etc.) and they don’t have any extra obligations.
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fritsch56596 · 1 year
Creative Lead info Examples Sourced from selling Legends
Lead generation is that the favorite challenge for marketers nowadays. And it’s solely getting to get tougher currently that the majority Google search results pages became saturated with promotional lead magnets masquerading as “great” content.
There square measure countless free resources out there already competitive for attention. And customers square measure quickly catching on to the actual fact that the majority of those “Ultimate Guides to Dog Grooming” aren’t very price jettisoning their personal info for.
To stand out, you would like over quality content. you would like to suppose outside the box.perhaps even a bit bit experimental.
For inspiration, we tend to talked to a number of the foremost legendary marketers operating nowadays and asked them to share their most artistic lead info examples. And believe me—some of those people required quite an little bit of convincing to spill their most helpful and attention-grabbing ideas.
But we tend to got ‘em here for you: ten distinctive examples raised straight from the non-public swipe files and secret selling playbooks of the execs. Use these ideas as inspiration for your next lead info campaign. Or, simply keep them handy for successive time you wish to do one thing additional attention-grabbing than making another ebook or webinar. Buy Google Reviews
1. produce associate degree Interactive Tool There’s an honest reason why such a big amount of brands—including HubSpot, Moz, and, yes, even Unbounce—have invested with time and energy to form free tools. Tool-based selling is well-liked as a result of even straightforward interactive ideas will generate boatloads of qualified leads.
For example, Larry Kim, CEO of MobileMonkey, says they developed a Free Keyword Tool for the Wordstream web site. Marketers may use it to analysis and rate new keywords in exactly a number of minutes.
And whereas developing associate degree interactive tool might sound sort of a ton additional work (you may want somebody UN agency is aware of the way to code), Larry says they were ready to generate an enormous variety of leads as a result.
Here’s however the tool works: you begin out by getting into a keyword or web site URL that you’re fascinated by analyzing. To hone the results, you'll conjointly select the business and country you wish to specialise in.
What makes this tool significantly clever is that the method it displays the results. Hit the “Search” button, and you’ll instantly be ready to see a number of the connected keywords. however all the opposite information? It’s hidden, blurred out, or obscured in how.
This well creates a curiosity gap for guests, UN agency want they’ve already started the method of doing analysis on their keyword. All they have to try and do is take one teeny-tiny further step to urge their results.
2. engraft Your Lead info Forms in Videos
I believe it absolutely was recent Billy dramatist UN agency once wrote: “To gate or to not gate? that's the question. whether or not ’tis nobler within the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous web site traffic, or enkindle associate degree email address against a ocean of troubles…”
At some purpose, each vendor faces this perplexity. you have got an incredible piece of content—now square measure you getting to provides it away for gratis as how to draw in organic traffic? Or does one gate the content and use it as a lead info magnet?
Cara Hogan, Content strategian for Zaius, thought-about these choices and asked—why not both?
For their selling Unboxed series, Cara says they took a hybrid approach to gating every video. instead of lock up their content entirely behind a lead info kind, they really embedded forms into every video in order that they showed up as you watch.
3. Interview a Third-Party skilled For many brands, consistent blogging is one in every of their main sources of lead generation. anytime you place out a writing, it’s a chance for somebody unaccustomed visit your web site, discover your whole, and choose certain additional communications.
And there’s nothing wrong with trying outside of your own organization and team for content, either. Stepping outside of your temperature and providing a contemporary perspective will truly be an amazing thanks to herald new audiences.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Questions swirl around who is eying a large industrial plot of land in Eastern Passage, N.S.
There’s a lot of curiosity swirling around who may buy a large plot of land in Eastern Passage, N.S., and what may be developed on it.
Across the street from the site of a former refinery at 1350 Main Road, people have their own views and vision for its future.
“I think the best thing to go there is a development agreement to put apartments, condos, malls,” said Rick Osborne, noting the Halifax Regional Municipality needs more housing.
Valero Energy’s 475-acre site — which includes a wharf, large industrial plots and wetlands — is for sale. It’s unclear who may buy it or what may developed on the land, but what is clear is the land is significant.
“It’s on the water, it’s in the water, it’s in a natural harbour that’s accessible year-round,” said Tom Carpenter, a commercial real estate broker with Royal LePage Atlantic who is not associated with the sale.
It also sits along a major road, near an existing CN rail line and the Royal Canadian Airforce air strip.
“And it’s privately owned,” Carpenter said, who notes the availability of industrial land in Halifax is limited and, for the most part, controlled by government.
He points out how Burnside Industrial Park and Aerotech Business Park are being expanded, but the process takes time -- about one to two years.
Carpenter expects interested groups will need a lot of resources to not only purchase the plot, but also develop it. Carpenter believes the government could be eyeing it, but with waterfront access, so could many other groups.
“That would be attractive to many industries. Anything from fishing to industrial to energy to shipping, logistics,” Carpenter said.
Crews have been cleaning the land up ever since the province authorized reclamation work last year so environmental remediation can begin.
A brochure for potential buyers notes significant work has already been done, including removing storage tanks.
“I think it’s a little bigger project than perhaps they thought because I anticipated they might be finished by now, but who knows,” said HRM-area councillor Becky Kent.
Kent believes the greater public would like to see community space, which would require rezoning the industrial land and community engagement. For now, people are left with their own questions and curiosity.
“There’s land on the harbour, there’s rail, it’s near the air strip and it’s a great location for potentially some industrial, commercial and who knows what else,” Kent said.
CTV News reached out to the land owner Valero Energy whose spokesperson said the company will not be commenting at this time.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/KZ1vYDQ
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phantomtutor · 2 years
Resumés and cover letters are 2 ways writing is used in the professional world. These documents are often a potential employee’s introduction to a prospective employer and can be key in career advancement. For this assignment, you will identify an employment opportunity you are interested in. This might be a job you are currently considering or a job you hope to obtain in the future. You will create both a cover letter responding to your desired job opportunity and a reflection about the process you used to gather information about that job and the company.  This assignment shows how effectively you are able to construct a piece of writing appropriate for a career- or discipline-specific situation. Locate a job opportunity that interests you.   Research key information about your chosen job opportunity and the company (e.g., mission statement, hiring manager, past accomplishments, etc.). You may find this information by visiting the company’s website and searching social networking sites (e.g., LinkedIn®) or job boards.  Before you complete your cover letter, consider these questions:   What duties might this position require?  What education or experience is expected of applicants?  What is the company’s reputation, goal, or mission? How would hiring you help the company achieve that goal or mission?  What salary might you expect? Is it comparable to the same position within other companies?  Is there a possibility to grow or advance within this organization? Before you complete your letter, consider these questions about your unique qualifications and work history: What makes you an effective employee and person that others want to work with?  What qualities, habits, and career skills make you a good candidate for this position?  How might your cover letter reflect any of the following traits: curiosity, openness, engagement, creativity, or metacognition (self-awareness)? Complete a minimum 350-word cover letter for your identified job opportunity that incorporates the suggestions, format, and tone from the Cover Letter Guide you reviewed at the beginning of this assignment.  When your cover letter is complete, use 1 of the following methods to create space at the end of your cover letter: Insert a page break at the end of your cover letter. Use the keyboard’s enter/return button to create several spaces at the end of your cover letter. Complete a reflection addressing the following questions in at least 1 sentence each: What was your research process? What did you find and how did you find it?  How did you determine the credibility of your sources?  How did your research influence the cover letter? When you looked at websites, job postings, and other resources related to this career field, what did you notice about how people in this profession communicate? Were any words, ideas, or phrases prominent?  To whom did you address your letter? Why did you select this person?  What are some examples from your letter that demonstrate a respectful and professional tone? ORDER THIS PAPER NOW. 100% CUSTOM PAPER CategoriesNursing homework help Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post navigation Previous PostPrevious Writing a training plan for my staff for a 5yr old transgenderNext PostNext write a response to the following post. I believe that what goes on in another p
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pannimanagementteam · 2 years
Inventory Management Software: Sage Erp X3 Vs Sage
Fleet data & analytics Use our Big Data service to realize extra perception and make knowledgeable decisions based on business developments and world visitors patterns. Become a associate Join our associate program to develop or distribute solutions to our prospects and reap the advantages of our in depth community. Better predict content and advertising offers that may curiosity you, which includes sending promotional communications, targeting promoting, and presenting you with relevant provides. Deliver and preserve our products and services and associated infrastructure.
As you presumably can see, Odoo holds leverage by being cheaper than its counterpart. When it involves Odoo vs sage feature and value comparison, Odoo is much better. Additionally, Odoo offers options similar to a free trial, free updates, upgrades to future versions, hosting and upkeep in addition to buyer support . While Sage does provide those same features, it doesn’t permit sage x3 comparison customers to embark on a free trial. Whether you want to enhance your gross sales, combine your providers, streamline your operations, manage your finances, amplify your marketing, build a net site, and so forth – you can see what you need. You may even find apps based mostly on the division of your business as well.
Boomi’s privateness practices for these situations of processing shall be governed by the contract that we now have in place with our clients, and never by this Privacy Statement. Even although Sage 500 is a wonderful ERP, the fact is that it won’t meet the needs of each business. Other firms may have grown past what Sage 500 has to offer and need an ERP with enterprise management capabilities. Read on to study the ten signs that you’ve outgrown Sage 500 ERP.
But then in this forum there are time once we see comparison between apples and oranges. If deep manufacturing functionalities is your requirement than I would counsel you take an excellent take a look sage x3 comparison at Sage X3 or if you're into process then X3/Process. For more manufacturing functionality you will want third party add-on software program.
Sage 300cloud manages finance and accounting, operations, inventory , and distribution. Sage 300 CRE, which is focused to building and real property, is very popular software in that trade. Sage and SAP are two of the closest rivals within the Enterprise Resource Management software program mid-market; however, Sage and Microsoft have a few of the most similar ERP solutions in phrases of functionality and software. Sage X3and the Microsoft Dynamics 365 product line are two of the closest competing ERP techniques for mid-market businesses and enterprises.
Every business has specific wants and challenges and contemplating an ERP solution; you have to think about whether or not the software is versatile enough to face these challenges. Gartner Peer Insights evaluations constitute the subjective opinions of particular person finish users based on their own experiences, and don't characterize the views of Gartner or its associates. As properly sage x3 comparison as licensing, you will need to pay for Sage X3 to be implemented. ERP implementation prices can vary depending on the complexity of your processes, the amount of legal entities, any customizations required plus the geographies you have to roll out in. In 2005, Adonix was acquired by British software vendor, Sage and the product was renamed to Sage X3. Sage X3 ERP is well adopted in industries the place high quality is key.
The key differences that decide which is the best ERP on your needs are also those who define how your small business operates. SAP B1 was designed for small-medium-sized companies and works very well for particular verticals. However, if your organization grows too massive, in phrases of data and/or customers you would expertise some growing pains when you do not contemplating including on SAP's HANA database. SAP B1 isn't scalable enough to handle enterprise-level processes. What they don’t notice is that SAP presents solutions designed particularly for small to midsize companies like ours. NetSuite ERP is a whole cloud ERP solution, which automates entrance and back-office processes like financial management, income management, fastened assets, order administration, billing, and stock administration and more.
I don’t know if I wish to anticipate the M2 Pro or get the current 14 inch M1 Pro 10 core CPU with 16 core GPU. Reach your most relevant audiences throughout their shopping for journeys with intent-led concentrating on. Tailor and optimize your promoting efforts, so each marketing dollar goes further. Pick a good time in your 30-minute session to get pricing.
Sage X3 customer evaluations cite native reporting isn't used and requires the use a third celebration BI instruments or crystal stories. SAP Business One has extra licensing choices for smaller sized organizations. SAP Business One offers licensing options for companies with revenues in the $5-10M range and scale up. I would recommend that corporations guarantee to include it in their RFP course of.
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