#that you guys don't even know who Raisi is
magnetothemagnificent · 4 months
Hey remember when Queen Elizabeth died and all of Tumblr had a collective crab rave and the tags were trending because fuck imperialism and colonialism? Yeah where's the same energy for President Raisi......
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
I've seen non Iranians admiring the Islamic Republic national football team for not singing the national anthem. And then they were confused as to why iranians were happy that the team lost. Yes not singing the anthem might have consequences for them, but it won't change the fact that these people went to visit Raisi, the Islamic Republic president and bowed to him, posed happily for pictures while we were dealing with Kiam Pirfalak news, and said they don't care about politics and what's going on Iran in an interview, stating that they will focus on the game only. Not singing the anthem is nothing in comparison. And you might think they were under pressure. So were other athletes in Iran, let's see what they did:
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Picture on the right is Elnaz Rekabi, an Iranian rock climber who was the first athlete to take off her hijab during Mahsa Amini protests to show her solidarity with people. She's currently under house arrest. she wasn't the first Iranian woman ever doing that. On the left, that's Shohreh Bayat, her story is so sad.
In many interviews I've seen of her, she always cries when she says her story. She was to referee the final of the Women's World Chess Championship a couple of years ago. While in another country she decided to wear her hijab loosely in an act of rebellion. She got warning from Islamic Republic twice and everytime she made it worse. She was asked to apologize but she refused, saying that she wouldn't apologize for what she believes in. At last, even though she wasn't ready to leave everything behind and start from scratch in a foreign country, she decided to ditch the compulsory hijab completely and never come back to Iran, because her life would be in danger if she did. Because of her choice she can't come back to visit her family anymore. her family supported her which made the authorities to force her father to resign (her father was the president of chess association in Gilan, Iran).
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Then we had Iranian national beach soccer team. I think they were the first group who refused to sing Islamic republic national anthem. And after they got threatened to sing the anthem, they did something even more iconic. One of the players cut his imaginary hair after he scored.
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Then we had these two scenes after scoring. They were recreating an inhuman thing Islamic republic did. The guy on the right is Khodanoor Lajei. He was murdered on bloody Friday in Zahedan. He was a Baloch guy. I'm going to post about Balochs and the thing that's been done to them by Islamic republic in details. For now know that this guy got killed in protests but this picture of him is for a couple of months back. He insulted a Basiji guy or something, Islamic republic police chained him to a pole in the middle of the city to make him an example for others, after beating him. When he asked for water they brought him a cup but they put it out of his reach in front of him and laughed at his thirst. (You see why we hate Islamic Republic, IRGC and Basij?!) The picture got out only after his death because Baloch people didn't think the rest of Iran would care about them enough to react. That broke my heart unspeakably much.
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With so much bravery, our national girl's basketball team has been posting photos without mandatory hijab ever since the protests have begun.
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Last but not least, Parmida Ghasemi, iranian archer ditching mandatory hijab inside of iran. She took it out for receiving the prize and while she was being photographed.
(Btw, non of these women "forgot" their hijab accidentally. If you're iranian you learn to never forget your hijab since you're 7, the age you start school. Without a formal head wearing you won't be allowed to attend school classes. When you grow up with it, you'll get used to it. You have no idea how weird it feels to not wear a veil in public, I'm still getting used to it.)
we've witnessed many iconic brave moves by our athletes but non of them said we don't give a shit about what's happening in Iran before the game. I'm not saying they won't be redeemed one day, I'm just saying they should work to win their respect back.
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mercerislandbooks · 3 months
The Mystery of the Vintage Bookshelf
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There's been a new addition back in the kids' section -- a lovely collection of vintage Nancy Drew books. Many of us (myself included) read the yellow spine ones at some point in our childhood, and it's been fun hearing people reminisce. The most knowledgeable person at Island Books for all things Nancy Drew, to the point of having a tire cover on her car featuring the famous silhouette of the girl detective, is our very own Cindy. 
Cindy: First off, I have to start by saying that Island Books is kind of a weirdly random and magical place. If you take time while shopping here to look around, you'll notice some stuff that has been incorporated into our decor over the last bunch of years that was bequeathed to us by customers and former employees and friends who just wanted a home for some thing that they loved but no longer had space for or need for but couldn’t quite cast out into the unknown universe. We have a weird huge vase and a strange statue, a beautiful old set of World Book Encyclopedias above the travel section, a bunch of typewriters, an ancient mysterious machine, a ceramic Kleenex tissue dispenser that’s supposed to look like a leather bound classic and I don't even know what else without wandering around the store and admiring it all. But my personal favorite donation of late has been this: Donna Murphy, of Issaquah (There are two other Donna Murphys not-from-Issaquah who shop here), donated her entire Nancy Drew Collection to Island Books.
We promised we would keep them and care for them and Laurie Raisys had the ingenious idea to display them like an art installation on a dining room hutch topper three-shelf bookshelf thing with spindles (also a donation) and it looks fantastic! I encourage everyone, EVERYONE, to come and appreciate this new addition and have a look at this beautiful collection.
Thank you so much Donna-Murphy-of-Issaquah!!! I REALLY want to call you to tell you we’ve done this but I’ve misplaced your phone number!
I’ve been a fan of Nancy Drew for many years as many of you know and it was fun looking through this collection and hearing Lori’s perspective on her year of reading Drewishly. We both read the Nancys in 4th grade (me in 1968 and Lori in 1986).
Neither of us remember the plots very well but we remember the experience. I remember the blue books, Lori remembers the yellow ones. And we both remember that we admired Nancy Drew and kind of wanted to be like her, even if for different reasons.
Lori: It’s definitely been a talking point at the kids' desk since it’s been put up! I haven’t revisited Nancy Drew since those early reads. My general recollection was that she had an outfit for every occasion and was able to handle anything. How did Nancy Drew come into your life?
Cindy: I met Nancy Drew when I was in 4th grade. In a new neighborhood in a new town with a new teacher in a new school. It would have been in 1968.
I never owned a Nancy Drew book until I was well out of college. My family didn't really have much of a bookcase at all. We had a collection of World Book Encyclopedias, the Childcraft How and Why Series, The American Heritage Illustrated History of the U.S., a handful of leather-bound classics, a few Readers Digest Condensed Versions of some popular novels of the time and the biggest dictionary money could buy. We were mainly a library family--My mother called it "America's best idea--” always following that up with: “And best yet, it’s free!”
Our tiny town library had what seemed like a massive collection of the blue tweed Nancy Drew books with the famous silhouette of the girl sleuth herself. I delved into each mystery eagerly and escapistly. Nancy thought fast, moved fast and was cool as a cucumber under pressure. She was afraid of no one and no thing. She scuffled and scuttled with mottled-skinned, scar-faced scoundrels and ill-tempered robbers (it was so easy to identify the bad guys in those days) and drove a cool roadster as expertly as she could jump on a sailboat and navigate it through a squall. She could hop on a plane and into a taxi to follow a suspect whenever detective duty called. She had plenty of money, her dad was always out of town, and Nancy had no real guidelines PLUS a good-natured housekeeper who made waffles for breakfast. Nancy Drew was my dream self...or at least lived my dream life.
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I don’t remember her having the perfect outfit for every occasion, Lori, but that’s just me.
Lori: I think it's likely we were focused on different things. I wonder what I would make of her now. How did the character of Nancy Drew even come to be? 
Cindy: Nancy Drew began as yet another “plotline” conceived by Edward Stratemeyer, a prolific writer of childrens’ books who began hiring a team of writers to bring his many plot ideas to life, thus creating “The Stratemeyer Syndicate.” Those manuscripts found a publisher in Grosset and Dunlap and his massive collection of serialized stories for kids and young adults became a huge commercial success--even throughout the Depression Era. He created The Rover Boys, The Bobbsey Twins, Tom Swift, Tom Swift Jr. and The Hardy Boys.
In 1929 Stratemeyer thought he'd expand his success with The Hardy Boys detective series to create a new series starring a teenage girl detective. Her name would be Nancy Drew (almost "Diana Drew," almost "Nancy Dare" and, most cringingly, almost “Stella Strong”). He then wrote three two-page outlines for the first three books and hired a young woman writer to flesh out the character and create three novels around his three plots. The novels were to be 25 chapters, 200 pages long, and each page (if possible) and every chapter (absolutely) should end “mid-situation” which is, I guess, what they called “a cliff hanger” in the olden days.
That young writer was Mildred Wirt Benson and she, like all the other writers in the Stratemeyer Syndicate, was contractually sworn to secrecy over her authorship. The books would be attributed to “Carolyn Keene” a pseudonym that would be shared by many writers over the course of the Nancy Drew mystery series, including a few men, most notably, Walter Karig, who wrote three in a row (#s 8,9 and 10, when Mildred was in a depression-era pay dispute). Walter Karig was the first Syndicate author to attempt to break the contractual vow-of-secrecy secret authorship thing.
But back to Mildred Wirt Benson, the first Carolyn Keene, and the one most responsible for the character and kick ass cultural icon Nancy Drew became—
The Nancy Drew Books began outselling The Hardy Boys Books in no time flat. Stratemeyer had already hired his oldest daughter, Harriet, as an editor (ironically not wanting her to work outside of the home after college) and she ended up playing the second most influential part in the ongoing creation of Nancy Drew—she started by outlining plots for Mildred and over time would end up writing 25 of the novels herself between 1959 and 1979 long after Mildred Wirt Benson’s 23 book tenure. Harriet also (starting in 1959) took charge of some hefty revisions of the first 34 books to remove outdated language and ethnic stereotypes (to her credit) and to her uncredit, removed a lot the ethnic stereotypes by removing a lot of the ethnic characters.
Also, under Harriet’s revisionist handiwork, Nancy Drew became a little less independent and conformed more to the societal ideal of girls and women in the fifties as being more pleasant, domestic and docile than Mildred Benson’s Nancy Drew: Nancy started following the police rather than leading them to the scene of the crime, would ask her father for permission rather than doing whatever she pleased and would offer to help wash the dishes after lunch before rushing off to solve her latest mystery.
I’m glad I grew up with the unrevised versions.
Lori: So, I guess it's not surprising that the outfits are what made the biggest impression on me. Thank you, Cindy -- I loved learning all this fascinating information!
Stop by and chat Nancy Drew with us and ask Cindy for further reading--she can point you to some real experts on Nancy Drew who have books and websites dedicated to the Girl Sleuth.
-- Lori
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vannybarber · 3 years
Let Me Teach You
Summary: Jake hasn't had any sexual experiences before, so you decide to take the next step in your relationship and start him off.
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Virgin¡Jake Jensen x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, virgin Mary Jake, oral (m to f & f to m), cum play, cursing, MAJOR fluff, Jake being so innocent 🥺, you corrupting him 😏.
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"If it gets too much or overwhelming, just tell me and we'll stop okay?" You turn to Jake, closing the bedroom door.
He looks at you and nods his head nervously.
It was obvious as soon as the subject was brought up the first time, he was uncomfortable about it until he finally told you he was a virgin.
You thought it was sweet and you even got a little cocky knowing you're the farthest he's gone in a relationship and would be his first. You constantly let him know that your relationship was based off of love and he didn't have to do this yet, but he insisted, also adding on that he didn't know how he resisted you this long anyway.
And here you guys were, about to do something so life changing for him. It was an honor that he trusted you with his body and you were gonna take care of him.
You walk to the bed and sit on it, him following your movements. His face is red and he's smiling so nervously. You giggle at his state and rub his ram tatted arm.
"You don't need to be nervous, honey. I'm gonna make this the best experience for you. I won't hurt you, I promise," you calm him, giggling at the last sentence.
"I know, it's just so weird that this is literally happening. I didn't think it would come honestly."
And he had a point. When he first asked you out, it was a complete mess. You were searching for a new keyboard for your PC and he was trying with much difficulty to get your number. He ended up knocking an entire row of keyboards on the floor. It was the most adorable thing ever. He ended up coming over and setting up your tech.
"Well you trust me, don't you?" You wiggle a little closer till your thighs are touching.
"Yes, I do." He wraps his arm around your waist and smiles at you. You cup his face and kiss the side of his mouth.
"Well then you don't have to worry." You plant your lips on his and move in sync with his. You pull him back to the headboard, mouths still connected.
You lie back on the bed and Jake climbs over on you. One thing he was really good at was kissing, which you also taught him as well. He almost enjoys it more than computers.
Your hands slide up his shirt and he disconnects to get it off. You admire his toned torso. He goes red again when he sees you staring.
"You're so perfect, sweetheart," you tell him, then continuing to kiss him again. He takes his own lead and trails his lips down your neck, concluding a soft moan from you.
"Can I take your shirt off, babe?" He looks at you for approval. Your heart jumps at his need for consent, although you've made it aware that he could do whatever he feels with you when he was ready. But he's such a gentleman and you loved it.
"Of course, baby", you get out, before he scrambles to remove your top. You sit up on your hands, completely bare on top and it legitimately took his breath away.
"Jake, breathe." You laugh, but cautiously wait for him to get himself together. He shakes his head before looking at you again.
"You wanna touch them? You can. Their just for you." You're getting really aroused by his shyness to seeing you in such a vulnerable state. He reaches his hands out and starts squeezing your boobs and playing with your nipples.
You bite your lip and give him a smirk with your eyes.
"Taste them if you want. Do whatever you like," you challenge him. He surprisingly, but quickly latched his mouth on them and starts flicking his tongue on the buds. You lean your head to the side and exhale. He switches over and does the same to the other one, biting it a tiny bit.
You squeal in shock and he pulls back fast.
"Did I hurt you? Was that too much? I'm sorry, I just got a little carried away! I didn't mean to-"
"Jake!" You cut him rambling, something he tends to do often. He stops and looks up at you hesitantly.
"It's alright, honey. It just caught me by suprise. I liked it, don't worry." You caress his cheek and kiss the corner of his mouth. He lets out a deep breathe.
"You wanna try something else?" you suggest.
"Yeah there is something- I well...I wanted to try. I...um saw it in a -a video?" He struggles to form a sentence.
"Jake, look at me. Just relax okay? This is safe place. Tell me whatever you need okay? Don't be nervous."
"Okay..well I wanted to try uh...or-al." He scrunched up his face, scared at your reaction. But you're overjoyed. You haven't received oral in you don't know how long. You grin at him, making his expression soften.
"You really want to?" He nods his head. "Well alright then!" You unbutton your pants and Jake yanks them down and off your feet. Heat is radiating off his body as he grabs the waistband of your panties.
"Go ahead, love." He drags them down effortlessly, with your help of lifting your lower half up. He chucks them behind him and runs his hands up and down his jean covered thighs.
You slowly open your legs and allow him to bathe in the glory that lies between your hips. He made a very audible gasp, which worried you for a second, but passed when you remembered the circumstances; he's never seen a pussy in real life.
"Its..so beautiful, oh gosh." You laugh and he chuckles with you.
"Thank you, but it would look so much better with your mouth on it." He meets your eyes, taken aback and you just wink at him. "Do you know how to do it?"
He gets all shy and looks down. "No, not exactly." You lift his chin up.
"Its super easy, Jakey. All you have to do it lick on my clit for a while and then I'll have my orgasm."
"Okay but where's the...um...clit?" You grab his right hand and hover it over your sopping pussy.
"You feel that little bud right there?" You take his index finger and plant it right on your clit. He nods his head.
"That's the clit, okay? Just keep licking there and don't stop."
"So right here?" He rubs a tiny bit on it and you throw your head back with a low "shit".
"Yes baby, exactly right there." He wastes no time laying on his stomach, face directly above your heat. You look at him once more.
"Whenever you're ready," you say, giving him the okay. He give you a smooth wink and licks a long strip to the top of your pussy. You suck in massive breath, completely thrown off. But he doesn't stop.
He maneuvers his tongue to find the bud that you helped him locate, which was now quicker to find. He flicks it 3 times and sucks on it, making a wet noise and a popping sound.
"Jake, what the actual FUUUCK!" You moan out, the top of your head literally in the mattress and he lifts his head in confusion. You jerk your head back up, with wide eyes.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"Nonononono! Baby, you're doing so good for me, just keep going. I love it. It's perfect."
He grins at your desperation before diving his head back in. This time his flicks his tongue faster and raisies his eyes up to you, just like he learned in the video.
You catch his eyes and arch your back in response. Out of nowhere, he sticks two of his fingers inside you, throwing you off once again. You sit up on your forearms trying to process everything.
He raises his head and bites his lips.
"Does that feel good, baby?" You nod your head and groan, words not coming so easily to you.
"Jake, oh my goodness, I'm gonna cum all over your face! Please don't stop baby, fuck!"
This motivates him ten times harder knowing he's going to make a girl come for the first time in his life. He picks up the speed of his tongue and moans, pumping his thick fingers quicker and even deeper.
Your abdomen heats up and prepares for the huge wave of an orgasm. You grip the sheets as it consumes your entire body, all the way to your toes.
"Jake, I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming !" Your body slowly dies down from the intensity and your lower half starts feeling the sensitivity. Jake stops his movements and proceeds to lick up the mess he caused. You grab his face and force your lips on his, wanting to taste yourself, but mostly express how he just made you feel.
You moan in his mouth, chasing his tongue then pulling back after a few seconds.
"So I'm guessing I did pretty good, huh?" His face is absolutely tomato red and he's cheesing so hard.
"Pretty good ?! You did fucking amazing baby! And the fingers? I didn't expect that at all." You breathlessly laughed. "That was the best oral I've ever gotten. I am so damn serious. That was amazing for it to be your first time."
He can't even form words to express himself, but you can certainly feel it.
"You deserve something for that. Can I suck you, honey?" As you ask, you grab him through his shorts, palming him. He makes a tiny groan before nodding his head. You move from your position and he lies in your place.
Unbuttoning his khakis, you watch him and he watches you. Giving him a reassuring smile, you remove his shorts and rubs both hands on his hard on over his briefs. He balls his fists up and moans slightly.
You finally pull down his briefs to a suprise. His length hits his lower abdomen and you just freeze. One thing he also knew was that he was big. Especially in width.
You try to speak, but nothing comes out.
"Like the angle of the dangle?" You look up at him and he wiggles his eyebrows. You just shake your head laughing. For someone who has a small presence, he has an big present.
"I'm just hoping I can take all of it." And you were being completely straight up. He was really big. Not that you were complaining though.
"I guess we're gonna find out, aren't we?" He was getting really bold after his little performance on you and you were living for it.
"We sure are. Get comfy, baby." He wiggles his back and places his hands behind his head, waiting for your move.
You take the head of him and suck on it with a pop. It was your favorite part. Just swirling your tongue on it's surface got you off. You look up at him and he's already gone.
"Geez, Y/N." His head is thrown back and his toes are curled. You move down on him till his shaft is three quarters in your mouth. You gag on him, which makes you moan. This causes him to jerk his hips up, pushing himself further in you. You quickly bob your head and twist it around all while keeping eye contact.
"Baby, that feels wicked!" You almost laugh at his choice of words, even with tears forming in the bed of your eyelids. He grabs your hair and thrusts himself up in your mouth.
"I think I'm gonna come! Y/N, I'm gonna come! HELP ME!" You pull away from him and pump him while trying to calm him down.
"Jake, baby, it's okay. Just let go for me. Just let it happen. It'll feel so good, I promise." You go back down on him and move your head faster. Not a minture later, do you feel him twitch in your mouth. He let's out a long strain of what sounds like a groan/moan/scream. You feel his warm cum hit the back of your throat and slide down.
You release him from your mouth and get a good look at him, licking your fingers. He's completely disheveled and is clearly not in reality at the moment. You give him a second to come back down and straddle him.
"Oh my fucking goodness." You smile at his adorable reaction. "That," he jerks his head up at you, "was absolutely amazing! Did you swallow it?" He genuinely wonders and its so funny.
"Every last drop," you say, licking the palm of your hand.
"That is just so hot. What the actual shit." You lean down and devour him, desperate to have him inside you now. He grabs your ass and squeezes it, kissing you back.
"Want me to ride you, honey? I can ride you so good. You don't have to do anything. Just lay there and show me you like it, okay?" Again, he just nods, probably still shocked this all is even happening to him.
You rub your pussy, getting it wet all over and grab him, lining it up with your entrance. You slide down, wincing a bit as it stretches your pussy to adjust to his size. Once you're good you set your hands on his broad chest and start moving on him.
"Fuck, Y/N. You're literally squeezing me right now."
"You're so big, baby. I'm trying to take it as best as I can," you moan out, looking back and watch your ass jiggle on his pelvis. He grips your hips and slaps your right cheek, which encourages you to move faster.
"Oh my gosh, you're stretching me so good, Jake. Damn."
"I know that tight little pussy can take me. C'mon babe." You have no idea where he got this talk from, but he's doing it very well. You move so you're bouncing on his lap, skin slapping against his, making large echoes in the room.
"Shit, you're gonna make me cum, Daddy." You were so into it, you didn't realize you let it slip. But he didn't mind not one bit.
"Keep riding Daddy just like that. Want me to fill you up? Want Daddy to cum inside with pretty little pussy?" All you can do it let out a lengthy whine. You bounce harder at his words.
"Daddy, I'm gonna cumm" You let bliss take over you for a moment as you cum all over him. Just as you come down from your climax, Jake starts thrusting in you, chasing his own. You bend down and capture his lips, helping him out. You move down next to his ear, breathing into it.
"Cum for me, honey. I wanna feel you cum inside me. Take what you want." Holding on to his shoulders, Jake adds a few more hard thrusts at your 'encouraging' words.
"That's it, Daddy. Do it just like that for me. Fill my pussy up." And that does it for him. He squeezes your ass one more time before he shoots his load deep inside you. You moan at the feeling of his warm load filling you up. He goes limp, attempting to catch his breath.
You sit up and look at him, smiling proudly.
"Jakey, you did so amazing for me." You kiss his swollen cherry lips. He just sheepishly smiles. You can tell he's impressed with himself.
"I always knew you had it in you. Now it's inside me."
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Let's just give a round of applause for Jakey. He learned so fast and so good. 🥺 I love him so much.
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