#that’s probably somewhere close to the Dark Cacao Kingdom
quibbs126 · 1 year
I really want Captain Ice to be put in Kingdom
I mean, she already has an easy option for her class, that being Bomber, considering she uses them in her skill
She seems like a summer release to me. Maybe after this update, if they choose to let off on the Super Epics/Legendaries/etc for a bit, we could have her and Pirate join. But I suppose we just have to wait and see
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sadly-in-active · 4 months
Not sure if you're taking requests right now so just ignore this if they're closed
Hey can I request a headcannon of the ancient heroes reactions and feelings towards a new hero in the neighborhood with the powers and identity of Spider-Man. (it doesn't have to be full on Spider-Man it can just be a parody of them if you like)
if you want to, can you add some references towards spidey villains.
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Ancient Cookie hcs: Is that a…SPIDER?!
Summary: The Ancient Cookies are seemingly minding their business when the noise of a…spider-cookie thing fighting a bad guy happened? What? Overall it’s just how they’re going to react to this newfound info
TW: None???
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Pure Vanilla
He was mildly shocked when he saw someone suddenly shoot a web at some kind of…cyborg octopus kind of thing?
Take mildly and put it as EXTREMELY shocked
Dude felt like he was having a heart attack smh
All he wanted to do was feed the birds
After the incident happened and the evildoer was apprehended by your webs, Pure Vanilla approached with both caution and confusion
Because how tf are you supposed to register that normally
After chatting with you for a little bit and realizing what you did, he hesitantly decided to allow you to keep doing this kind of thing
Of course, the public would know not to be afraid of this web-slinging hero after he assured everyone about how you were actually a good guy
He still gets a bit of a jumpscare whenever he sees you swinging around the kingdom
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Golden Cheese Cookie
She was also surprised, but not as much
Besides, if there were robots that looked so much like cookies, why wouldn’t there be someone as some sort of spider helper?
Golden Cheese met you one when you were fighting a particularly tough bad guy, helping you out by using her spears
She often calls you the “Desert Spider”
Or a dusty arachnid for fun
Because you certainly leave some public damage and dust
But the marzipan cookies handle that while you handle any evildoers out there in the kingdom
You can probably trust her with your identity tbh it’s not like she’ll tell anyone
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Dark Cacao Cookie
Bro was NOT having this
All he was doing was praying at the Altar of the Fallen
And then he almost had a heart attack at the roar of another snow lion
But then it ended as quickly as it began
He didn’t even know how your webs managed to shut their jaw
Dark Cacao is the kind of guy who’s very suspicious of you but then just lets it happen
Because there’s too much work on the citadel walls and not on the predators within the kingdom’s boundaries
He prefers if you work at night, nicknaming you the “Dark Web”
Hahaha see what I did there 😏
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White Lily Cookie
(Btw this is during her time in Beast-Yeast and before the Night of the Witches)
She was just going on a walk with Elder Faerie, but was interrupted at the noise of a strange…black ooze creature with large teeth and white eyes
It was about to attack both of them, but then your web slinging managed to beat the enemy before her or Elder Faerie could even raise their weapons
White Lily was hesitant to chat with you, but she did thank you for saving them.
After a while of this crime-fighting spider cookie deal
She was really accepting of you
And so were the faeries
But some were hesitant after noticing you glance at the Silver Tree from time to time…
Did you know what was inside?
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Hollyberry Cookie
She deadass laughed when she saw you
But not even in a rude way Hollyberry was just amazed at how agile you were when saving a group of Hollyberrians from some jungle animals
You and her quickly became friends
Because c’mon. Look at her and tell me she isn’t friend material. Go and lie to me 😞
You could definitely trust her with your identity
She’d probably give you a place to stay in the palace
Hollyberry also asked a lot of questions
Because honestly??? You were like a superhero! (you were)
She’d probably take you to Dragon City a few times, maybe you two would fight some monsters as a team
Most started to call you a Huntsman Spider
But she just called you Berry
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Random Affogato Cookie and Cookie run headcanons.
Okay so today me and my friend were talking on Discord about Affogato and this is what went done. Enjoy our headcanons, thoughts, and other stuff. This legit went from talking about his parentage to the religions and possibly cookie racism but we're having fun.
Affogato has to be the hybrid child of a Coffee tribe Cookie and someone from the Vanilla kingdom. The vanilla kingdom has the ice cream thing going with the Waffle bots and aesthetic, literally Pure vanilla himself is vanilla ice cream with a chocolate drizzle. You make Affogato with Espresso and Vanilla Galetto or Ice cream. Parent from the Vanilla kingdom was probably dead so he grew up in the Coffee tribe. Idk if was just Espresso being a jerk but they seem to have a thing against those who aren't pure coffee (I.E his interactions with Latte). Could be why Affogato says the best medicine tastes sweet. Enduring the bitterness of the tribe (and probably couldn't even stand bitter tasting medicine) was hell. The ingredients really show the personality of the cookie.
Lattes are a Sit and Chill drink which is very much Latte cookie
Espresso is more refined and stronger than regular coffee which checks out for Espresso cookie.
Affogato is cold ice cream topped with hot coffee and you gotta drink/eat it before it all melts together, checks out for Affogato cookie as he is very much on the calmer side but since Espresso is specifically used he has the more refined and strong side of that coffee type while still having the sweetness of a vanilla cookie. Which all mixes together for a powerful and manipulative magic user who uses sweetness to get others good side. He wants to belong somewhere. He couldn't go to the vanilla kingdom cause the other parent wouldn't be around to care for him, the Coffee tribe probably didn't want him but was stuck with him and he resents Dark cacao. Either doesn't know Latte or like many cases in trauma and abuse was too shy and quiet to interact because his mind associated hatred and fear with everyone in the tribe.
Everywhere you go cookies just kinda...stick to their own kind. Kingdoms are given set names and only have citizens of that ingredient or similar ingredients, Dark cacao, Golden cheese, Vanilla, etc etc.
So there does seem to be a type of subconscious racism or something but over time like with many things this is naturally being mending. Like in the Magic city and Parfaidian institute cookies of all kinds and not just Parfait cookies are gathering and living in the same area without issues. The players own kingdom is the same way.
That could be where the tales of The Baker come and set religious divides. Cookies were so use to the old way that it's hard to believe some powerful mythical entity from beyond their world is commanding cookies to make a kingdom that is home for all kinds. Gingerbrave and co's kingdom could be seen as so incredibly strange to other cookies, talking to someone who can't be seen, doing tasks for them, building things in a set pattern that changes based on player preference and more cookies find themselves naturally gravitating to The Baker's area of control.
Affogato I could see probably secretly clinging to this idea of The Baker. It's...so bizarre, based on everything he's faced that's made him who he is. To hear that this powerful being loves them....just because they do. And they don't care what their flavors are or what makes them, it's just an out there concept that he keeps close in private
(Friends words)
A special secret all to himself. Is it selfish? Maybe but he can't help it
Makes him so very jovial to have such knowledge
Helps his previous devious demeanor improve since he feels welcomed
(Back to me)
In fact, his words when you tap him could quite possibly be sincere, just sinister and manipulative is a tone of voice he naturally has now since he's used it so much and has only down that. I mean he can't overthrow a god.
Like Saying that he'll prepare the finest sweets just for you and refers to you as a formidable and powerful ally. He calls your style blunt cause let's face it, it is. He wants to be spared flattery cause he actually doesn't want anything insincere said to him (hypocrite). But he does show awareness the power of the Cookie kingdom isn't coming from the cookies...it's...coming from something else
"Where the source of all power in this kingdom lies. I wonder..."
He knows you're there, powering the kingdom and making the cookies stronger. But he doesn't WHERE you are.
Who knows, maybe Fortuna is his own name for The Baker since it sounds more refined. After all you bring fortune to the kingdom you watch over. Fortuna itself could be an alternate name for The Baker that other cookie cultures have since in real mythos there are multiple names for the same deity it's just different depending on the region or other specifics.
I can TOTALLY see Affogato becoming more attached to The Baker than any other cookie, those who do seek a place to belong would, rather secretly or publicly, cling to someone who accepts and loves them. (I'm one of them) So hearing that a being loves him just because they love him and his character (bonus if he learns he's your favorite among the cookies) would make him go crazy for The Baker/Fortuna.
The coins and crystals the cookies give you when you tap the ones with speech bubbles over their heads are their offerings to the baker. I can view Affogato becoming a heavy worshipper of The Baker to the point of even being in love because he secretly craves that genuine love and wants it so badly. Takes interest in cookies who have a more perceptive ability to see and hear their god, if he follows that road, uses that power, perhaps he can meet Fortuna himself. To be together.
Idk how we ended up here but we just did, if you wanna know what other headcanons I might have about certain things just ask.
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quibbs126 · 9 months
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I made Blueberry Ice Cream a new ref
I’m noticing that I tend to give BBIC basically the same pose each time. I need to stop that
Anyways so the description here is basically just me trying to describe him because someone asked me to, and I thought this info paired better with the new ref, so I copy/pasted it here
What I have is that he’s a magic blacksmith, who makes weapons and then enchants them with his magical know how. He’s around his mid 20s, so still pretty young and a bit naïve, and well as headstrong and reckless. He has a habit of not thinking things through, just going with his gut and what he thinks is the right decision, even when sometimes it’s really not, and he tends to underestimate potential consequences (and in other versions of him, these are what cause his ultimate downfall). He means well, it’s just that he doesn’t always think
In this new continuity where he exists in present day, he comes from a line of magic users, with one of his ancestors being the Cookie that founded the Blueberry Yogurt Academy. He became interested in being a blacksmith because he learned one of his other ancestors (the one right before the founder in fact), created a legendary magic sword, that being the Strawberry Jam Sword, but doesn’t really understand its malicious nature (as it seems this isn’t common knowledge) and saw this ancestor purely as someone to look up to, and so he aspired to be just like him, hoping to one day make something as great as he did. Unfortunately he doesn’t know the actual truth of the things that happened
And meanwhile there’s his son, Blueberry Yogurt. In my previous version of BBIC’s story, his son was that aforementioned founder, but now they just happen to share a name. As I’ve stated previously, Blueberry Ice Cream is around his mid 20s or so, and his son is around 4-5, so BBIC’s a relatively young dad; not the youngest, he wasn’t a teen parent or anything, but still. Blueberry Ice Cream’s handling things I’d say relatively well. He loves his son and tries to always be supportive of him, wanting him to live the best he can. I mean it’s not like these two are the most well off, since this is a single income household and BBIC’s still working mostly small time, but they’re doing fine. Having Blueberry Yogurt is something that generally grounds Blueberry Ice Cream, as he can’t just go and chase wild ideas, he has to think about his kid, so it helps him from being too impulsive, not that he isn’t still
I should probably talk about Blueberry Yogurt too. So as stated above, he’s a young boy, around 4-5, he’s very timid and also a bit of a crybaby, very much the opposite of his father. He generally prefers being around adults rather than kids his age, and seems to be more relaxed around them. But he has his strengths, being very perceptive and can sometimes have a better understanding of things than his dad (he’s also got some idea that the story his dad likes so much has more going on than he thinks). He’s interested in solely magic instead of blacksmithing, getting his hands on whatever magic books he can find to learn. Blueberry Ice Cream often buys him whatever magic books he can find since he knows it makes his son happy. He’d also like for his son to maybe toughen up a little, since he always gets scared by other kids, but he more considers it something for later, since he’s still little, maybe it’ll happen on its own
I’m not sure I have much else to say. Though to be honest, I’m coming back and writing the rest of this a couple days after I started, so I may have forgotten things. If I have, I’ll go and write them in here
Edit: I remembered some other stuff
So I’m not entirely sure where they’re living. Originally it was somewhere close to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, since BBIC would use the nearby dragons’ scales in his weapons, but now he’s in modern day and we’re not sure if the twin dragons are still around, I’m not sure where to put him. I suppose he could be living in Dragon City, though he certainly doesn’t fit in color wise
Another thing that relates to his character, I’m not entirely sure how to describe this, but he’s smart and dumb at the same time. Like he can be intelligent, and he’s very knowledgeable on magical things (since his family line’s all about magic), as well as probably weapons among other things, but he can be unaware and just generally and idiot at times. Again I don’t really know how to describe it. I don’t think “high intelligence, low wisdom” really applies to him
But yeah, that’s Blueberry Ice Cream
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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So uh yeah, Hazelnut Cookie
I’ll be honest, I wanted to draw more, but I couldn’t think of what else to draw, and I kind of just wanted to talk about her, but I wanted visuals too, so I just cropped the image and put the things I did draw there. Which is just two things
I think I had other ideas but they were at lunch and I’ve forgotten them
*sigh* I’m lazy
Anyways, let’s just talk about her
Oh right, I should probably give a bit of a refresher for people who don’t know who this is or have forgotten, since I only talked about her like one time in March
I’ll show you the original version as well
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So basically she’s this kid Dark Choco finds on his journey post-CoD. He finds her in trouble out in the woods somewhere or something and helps her, and since she has nowhere to go, he lets her stay with him, and she basically becomes like his adopted daughter. Though I should mention I have changed it so that she currently does not call him “dad”, just “Mister Dark Choco”
So as you can see, I gave Hazelnut a redesign from her original. I put her hood down, since I showed her to my friend one time, and she said she looked better with the hood down, and specifically with the second hairstyle I had made
So I drew her with that second hair style, but I didn’t like how it looked, so I changed it up and I quite like how it looks. Though it’s a bit of a pain to draw and make symmetrical if I’m being honest, like I was struggling with the second drawing and her hair, and I think in turn her eyes ended up looking weird
Also part of the redesign came from me realizing maybe I was trying to emulate a hazelnut a bit too much, and she didn’t need to look like one
But other than that, really the only other change is giving her a pouch on her belt, and that’s because I’ve now decided to give her a slingshot as a weapon (I don’t recall if she had any offensive capabilities before). It was mostly because she’s a little kid and slingshots are seen as like a kid thing, plus she can use nuts for ammo, just like what she is
I don’t know, I thought it was clever
Going back to that post I made a bit ago where I said “Dark Choco would teach a child to fight”, yeah he probably decided she needed some form of weapon and she chose a slingshot. Then he showed her how to effectively use one
He probably made a bunch of makeshift targets for her to practice with. I imagine if she were in Ovenbreak, her Skill would be some mix of Beet and Captain Ice, in which she’s shooting at targets like Beet, but it’s more an aiming system like Captain Ice. And if she were in Kingdom, she’d be a Ranged Middle
I just imagine a scene in which Dark Cacao (and with either the other Ancients or just other people he’s traveling with like other Dark Cacao Warriors I dunno. But I don’t imagine him just by himself for some reason) encounters Hazelnut on her own, and she thinks he looks like some sort of threat, and so draws her slingshot on him, and I don’t know what happens next, but it leads to her shooting him in the eye (Dark Choco told her to aim for the eye if she can), and he’s just in shock, like “di-did you just shoot me in the eye?!” Granted he doesn’t do anything against her, considering she’s a small child that has no idea who he is, and honestly he can respect her for having the audacity to do that, considering he knows he can seem intimidating. And then later Dark Choco appears (probably Hazelnut mentioning him and then her leading Dark Cacao to where he’s supposed to be) and he sees Dark Cacao with one eye closed, and he looks at Hazelnut and goes, “you-you didn’t shoot him in the eye…did you??” To which she eagerly affirms she did, still unaware who Dark Cacao is
Other than that yeah, I think that was about it
Oh yeah, I remember one thing I was going to draw, it was an older version of Hazelnut, in which she lives in the Dark Cacao Kingdom now and has upgraded to a bow
Maybe I’ll draw that later and edit it in
Or I could just save this in drafts and do that now before posting so it’s easier for people reading the post and for them to not miss it after reading it now
But that’s too much effort. Eh
But yeah, hope you enjoy this
Edit: so I added in her future design. I talked about it in another post, which l’ll link
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Hmmm.. What if, Dark Cacao x Second Watcher? I think they're cute :>
Meanwhile, Dark Choco and Caramel Arrow in background: ...
*yea, it's fankid request*
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Alright, this time I ain’t fooling around, I will make sure these drafts save!
So Carrow and Dark Choco probably already know who this is (this guy’s from like an alternate timeline instead of a hypothetical future and here watchercao has always been a thing for them. I may have somewhat misunderstood the prompt so sorry), this guy is Panela Cookie
I called him that because panela is essentially just unfiltered cane sugar, like kokuto (also I’m making Second Watcher’s new name Black Sugar Cookie). Granted, his name worked better when I called Second Watcher Toffee Cookie, since panela is like brown sugar and that’s one of the main things toffee is made of. But oh well, I still like the name. Also it’s a potential name I’ve heard for Second Watcher Cookie
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So I know Panela’s hair is quite a bit lighter than his fathers’, but that’s closer to the color of panela, so I just went with it. Though it is supposed to be a slightly darker shade of Second Watcher’s highlights. Then I added the white both to reference his other father and the sugar on the panela. I wanted his outfit to be relatively simple because this isn’t his formal wear, rather what he wears out in the wilderness. Though also I feel like the colors are a bit too dark. I’m considering redesigning it
I wasn’t sure which weapon to go with, sword or bow, since while I first envisioned him with a bow, but he’s also part of the Dark Cacao family, and they all seem to use swords, and you’d think his father and brother would teach him. So I decided, “why not both?” so yeah. He switches between them depending on the scenario
But anyways, on to Panela himself. So he’s the second prince of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, and younger brother of Dark Choco Cookie and Caramel Arrow Cookie (for those who don’t know, I like the headcanon of SW being Carrow’s dad. The age order goes Dark Choco > Caramel Arrow > Panela, though Carrow and Panela have a much smaller age gap). So Dark Cacao and Second Watcher have been together since close to the time Dark Choco was baked, though Dark Choco and Caramel Arrow were each baked separately (basically I say that Dark Cacao is Dark Choco’s only parent and Second Watcher is Caramel Arrow’s). Panela however belongs to both of them. Now unlike with Dark Cheese, Panela had a very close relationship with his siblings, particularly his brother. He looked up to him and wanted to be just like him one day. But then, Dark Choco betrayed the kingdom. Panela refused to believe that Dark Choco would ever do this willingly, and tried to learn as much as he could about what happened (which wasn’t easy as many didn’t want to speak of it), so try and find any proof of foul play.
He eventually is led to the topic of the Strawberry Jam Sword, the thing his brother had gone in search of when last they saw him before all this, and the biggest unknown in the equation. So, he starts to research everything he can about the sword, in hopes he can find some explanation in there for what Dark Choco did. However, he has to do it in secret, as he’s looking into the very same thing the elder prince did before he betrayed them, and to make this public knowledge, particularly to his father the king, could lead to him getting exiled just like his brother, or at the very least, all his research taken and destroyed, and him likely never being able to find out the truth. As such, Panela keeps his research somewhere outside of the Citadel, away from prying eyes. Second Watcher might know of his research, but he also knows the reason for it. In recent years, with Affogato gaining more and more power in the kingdom, Panela’s had to be extra careful, especially after Caramel Arrow’s exile for seeming crimes, as if Affogato ever knew the subject of his research and its significance to the kingdom, Affogato could easily implicate him for treason of the highest order, plotting to assassinate his own father just like his traitorous brother, and he’d be banished at the very least, if not worse. Not to mention, were his father to believe this, he’d probably be devastated at the the thought that even his youngest would betray him, and Panela doesn’t want that, he just wants his family to be together again like they used to. However, Panela is also aware that with Affogato, he is walking on very thin ice, and it’s likely only a matter of time before it breaks
Now, Panela is currently the crown prince of the kingdom, however in recent years, he’s spent less and less time at the Citadel and more time out in the wilds. Part of it is that he simply likes being out in the wilderness—he’s an expert survivalist and could stay in the wilderness for months and be perfectly fine—but the more prominent reason is that he can’t stand to stay in the Citadel as he sees the kingdom fall while he’s powerless to do anything. And worst of all, his father, Dark Cacao Cookie. Ever since Dark Choco’s betrayal, he hasn’t been the same and has been falling into some sort of deep depression, and now Affogato Cookie’s practically running the kingdom and puppeteering Dark Cacao’s every move, and Panela can’t stand to see it. So he holes himself up in his hovel, burying himself in his work despite so few leads, hoping that something good will come of it
After the events of Episodes 13-14 however, his family has been starting to mend and heal, being closer once again, though not yet to the level things once were. The only missing piece is Dark Choco, but even that is looking like a potential possibility. Since then he’s been spending more time back at the Citadel, and while he’s still doing his work, he’s been going at it at an easier pace, and has even been considering telling his father about his work
I think that’s about it for Panela (at least as far as I can remember), I hope you like him!
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quibbs126 · 1 year
For some reason I’m now convinced in my mind that in Kingdom at least, the ice village that Captain Ice, Ice Candy and Ice Juggler are all from is somewhere up north of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Like, close enough that the climate isn’t too different (though it’s probably even colder considering the amount of ice), but far enough that it’s not considered part of the country
And also Snowfall Village is somewhere in the middle of the two areas, being technically within the boundaries of the Dark Cacao Kingdom and thus under its protection, but on the outskirts and probably closer to the ice village
I don’t know why I’m making this post, it’s just that for some reason I believe this to be canon. And that if we get a Dark Cacao centered Special Episode update like we did for Hollyberry, we would visit this town
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Alright, so about Frost Queen, so we know that Gingerbrave and co seem to be going around to try and recruit the elemental Legendaries, like they did with Moonlight, so I’d imagine Frost Queen would be on that list too
My question is, how would they do that? Because I doubt they’ll do the same thing as with Moonlight, and I imagine the other elementals will follow something similar to Moonlight, considering that in Kingdom, we haven’t gotten much on them other than what we saw in the Sherbet storyline in December (I mean yes we already have Sea Fairy, but to my knowledge, outside of her relationship with Moonlight, we don’t have much story on her yet, so it’s still fair game for her)
But with Frost Queen, we’ve already been introduced to her and know her general background, not to mention she’s probably aware from Sherbet of something going down in Beast-Yeast and it having to do with dark forces. And also given her whole thing about the balance of Life Energy needing to be maintained, she probably doesn’t need any convincing to join the fight against Dark Enchantress, so it’s gonna be a bit difficult to get as much story out of her. So what are they going to do? I mean sure, they could make up something she has to deal with for a story, but that doesn’t really feel like it could make up a whole two episodes about that. To me it seems more like what should happen is the group gets to whatever snowy place she’s around, and then she shows up and she’s like “I know there’s dark forces at play and Sherbet told me you were creating a force to stop this. I wish to join”, and they’d be like, “…well okay then!” And they just leave, no problem
Am I making sense? I mean that because she’s already an established character, plus we know she’s likely already going to join against Dark Enchantress’s forces, it feels like it’d be unnecessary to get a whole story mode or special episode revolving around recruiting her, so I’m not sure what they’ll do instead
The best solution I can think up is that Frost Queen joins another story about recruiting someone, with the specific scenario I’m coming up with being that Dark Cacao is going to recruit the North and South Dragons, since we know Snowfall Village (and by proxy, likely Frost Queen’s castle) are somewhere in or close to the Dark Cacao Kingdom
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