#that's as close as i get to any noticeable audience on here 😂😂
stellacendia · 1 year
Just got an ask from some stranger with a brand new blog about signal boosting their fundraiser. And tbh even if the blog, ask, and fundraiser post wasn't giving me mild scammy vibes I probably would've answered with something like "I can reblog it but it wouldn't be much of a boost, I've got like 10 followers" because I'm such a tiny little nobody blog I doubt it'd get them any attention anyway
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deliciouskeys · 4 months
Cozy Corner Domaystic prompts #16: Going through immigration and #24: Identity theft.
Guys. Guys, I’ll be honest. I have no idea what possessed me. I think I found these two prompts as some of the most challenging to imagine as a domestic fic, and
 my thinking got a little bit too outside the box.
This fic will have an intended audience of about 1 (me). But I want to give major major props to @olliveolly who introduced me to this game and was the one who came up with this That’s Not My Neighbor / Boys crossover AU (with a couple lovely art pieces on the theme). The “lore” of this horror game is very simple. Tell me you don’t see it:
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Butchlander. That’s Not My Neighbor crossover/AU. Rated E (why). 3.3k words (why). 2nd person to allegedly reflect the feeling of first-person gameplay (why). Is this domestic fic? Welllllll. It takes place in an apartment complex so it counts, right? Lax interpretation of ‘going through immigration’ but honestly that’s what this game really reminds me of 😂 AO3 link
Another day, another interminable shift working as the concierge in the dreary lobby of this apartment complex. It was exciting at first, sure, what with getting to play the first and last line of defense against the doppelganger monsters that attempt to sneak in every single day. But you’ve just gotten too good at noticing discrepancies. Nothing gets past you anymore. You know every single feature- hell, every single freckle! -of every single resident in the building. By this point you’ve got all their phone numbers memorized, for no better reason than there is simply too much tedium to this job. You find yourself wishing you could actually watch the D.D.D. ‘decontaminate’ the lobby, as they so euphemistically put it, instead of just sitting there twiddling your thumbs behind a pulled down rollup metal shutter after summoning them. You could still make out screams without seeing the brutality, and you knew the D.D.D. employed flame throwers and other serious weapons to deal with these monsters. Sometimes you caught yourself feeling just a little bit of sympathy for the doppelgangers, even though their main goal in life appeared to be to imitate people to blend in and then feed upon human flesh, and your main goal in life was supposed to be to ensure none of them would ever get let in through the locked inner door.
John Gillman comes in through the first door and gives you a tired, nominal wave before fishing around in his pockets for his documents to gain entry. He might be your favorite resident— always polite, always in that clean-cut milkman uniform at least when you happen to see him, because no one really leaves the apartment building outside of work obligations. There’s no nightlife in New York anymore, not with everyone nervous of dark alleys or being alone on the street, especially after dark. When you came over here from London, you certainly didn’t expect to get stuck here during a worldwide apocalyptic event like this that has resulted in curfews and lockdowns. You certainly didn’t expect to get zero action and get a mindnumbing job just to make ends meet. It was probably still more interesting than your gig working as a bouncer back in London, but at least you got fresh air there, and sometimes a date to go home with after closing time. Maybe that’s why you’ve started hyperfixating and daydreaming about one of the residents— the involuntary celibacy is getting to you.
John just always looks uncannily attractive. Maybe it’s that silly uniform that’s easy to fetishize. Maybe it’s because his tired eyes also look like bedroom eyes, or the dark circles function the same way eyeliner would. Why is he always so tired anyway? You know he lives alone up there in F03-02. He never gets any visitors either. How much can a person masturbate, really? There’s a rumor around the building that Becca Saunders’ tyke might be his, but you don’t really see the resemblance, and have your doubts that this didn’t just start as a “sleeping with the milkman” joke that got out of hand. People just like to gossip about single mothers. Things like this shouldn’t be considered scandalous. It’s 1955 for god’s sake!
“Sorry, William,” John says, hurriedly shoving his ID and entry request form underneath the glass so you can take take a look. “Almost thought I left my ID at work.”
“Long day, huh?” you ask without expecting a reply, pretending to scrutinize the documents while making small talk. You know this is John. You’d know him from a mile away. But it doesn’t mean you can’t have a little bit of fun. “Looks okay, and you are on the list of people authorized to come and go today. But can you take off your cap?”
John grabs his milkman cap off his head, exposing a mop of blond hair, looking mussed after being under the hat all day. You really wish you could test him, see how far you’d be able to take things before he refused to cooperate. Take off your shirt, John. Gotta make sure it’s really you. You never know these days. But of course you don’t. All you’ll have is your fantasies about breaching every code of ethics and using your master key to gain entrance into his apartment, seducing him, ravishing him right in the middle of what must be a depressing bachelor pad. Give him much darker undereye circles by keeping him up all night. Give this apartment complex a more interesting rumor to spread about the milkman in their midst.
“You’re good to go,” you say and press the green unlock button to let him in. He gives you a wan smile and walks out of view, and you listen to his footsteps ascending the stairs.
The rest of the afternoon is uneventful, only a few people coming and going, and a couple of doppelgĂ€ngers with laughably strange appearance or bad credentials being dispatched quickly. Or at least it’s uneventful until John walks in, just a little bit past curfew.
“Hey William,” he says, sounding distracted, rummaging in his pockets for his documents as a cold sweat breaks out on your forehead. This better be a doppelganger, you think to yourself. But he has both his ID and the entry request filled out correctly. He looks identical to the John that passed by here a couple of hours earlier. This can’t be.
You start dialing John’s number, not taking your eyes off the man in front of you.
John’s eyes widen with alarm when he sees that you get an answer from the other end of the line.
“Yes, hello? John here. I’m not expecting any visitors.”
You hang up pretty abruptly, staring at the John in front of you, searching his appearance for any subtle defect or inconsistency but finding none. Your finger is hovering over the alarm button.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, you think I’m someone else? It’s me, William! I swear to god it’s me! I don’t know who you let in earlier, and who’s answering the phone now, but it’s not me up there!”
And shit, you believe him. You must have fucked up. Gotten smug and sloppy. Maybe the doppelganger handed you a fake ID but you didn’t notice because you were too busy daydreaming about fucking him.
“William, please believe me, please!” John is pressing up against the glass at this point, clearly scared that you’re going to quarantine him in the lobby and sic the D.D.D. on him. They don’t tend to ask questions. You’ve never had it happen, but you’ve heard of innocent people getting snuffed out on the mere suspicion of being doppelgangers, the D.D.D. rarely admitting to such mistakes even after the fact.
“Alright, alright, I believe you. I just have to think
” you mumble. “I’ll let you in, but don’t go up to your flat. We have to figure this out.”
John nods frantically and slips into your office after you buzz him in.
“What are you going to do?” he asks, and if you weren’t scared shitless at the moment, you’d probably get a kick out of how vulnerable and scared his expression is compared to his usual tired, impassive one.
“I should call the D.D.D. and get them to go up there,” you think out loud.
“Won’t you get reprimanded?” John asks, and oh how sweet of him to worry about your job when you’ve fucked up so royally and almost gotten him killed with your negligence. Maybe already gotten some of his neighbors killed.
“I just don’t want you losing your job over this— you’re the best concierge we have,” he says and then looks down shyly, as if realizing how strange that concern is.
What is this? Are you dreaming? Maybe you’re just out of your mind with adrenaline, but John sounds like he’s got feelings for you.
“Let’s just go up there and see what’s going on,” he says, and damn he’s persuasive as fuck. You want to go and deal with the mess you made, and protect him.
“I’ll go up there and just check,” you say, hardly believing yourself as you grab the fire extinguisher from the wall as a makeshift weapon. Everyone who was scheduled to return to the building has, so you shouldn’t get any more legitimate people coming through, but you still tape up a note that you’ll be back at your post in a few minutes. “Right then. You just stay down here and wait. I don’t want you putting yourself at risk. If I’m not back in five, call the number on the post-it.”
John shakes his head and follows you up the stairs. “I’m not letting you go up there alone,” he says in that quiet irresistible voice and you start to wonder if there’s something strange going on. Why are you going on this potentially suicidal mission to deal with a doppelganger on your own? So what if you get fired? No job is worth your life, right? But you probably wouldn’t see John ever again if you lost this job and that’s clouding all your judgment right now.
Knocking on John’s apartment door is probably not a good idea, and will just give the monster inside time to prepare or hide. So you take out your master key and turn it in the lock as quietly and quickly as you can. The door swings opens with an ominous creak, revealing a dark living room with no sign of anyone there. Did he hear you coming up the stairs? You try to keep John behind you and shield him in case anything sudden happens from within the apartment, but then you feel a strong push from behind and both you and John are in the flat now.
You’re so stupid, so critically, fatally stupid. The John you let in earlier was the real one. You’ve let a doppelganger convince you that you made a mistake, and now you did let one in. You whirl around, try to hit him upside the head with the fire extinguisher you’re brandishing, but he blocks the move with little effort.
“I thought we agreed,” he says, and you realize he’s speaking not to you but past you to someone else in the room.
“Thursdays are my days,” an identical voice answers from behind you and you step back and try to make sense of what you’re seeing. Two John Gillmans, both in the same uniform, neither one looking the least bit spooked, both looking mildly irritated if anything.
“Since when,” the John who came up behind you asks of the other one. “I get to be here every other day, doesn’t matter what day of the week it is.”
“So now what are we going to do about him?” the John who was in the apartment asks, pointing to you. “Why didn’t you just leave once he called me? Are you stupid?”
Your heart may be racing, but your thinking feels as slow as molasses. They’re 
. both doppelgangers?
“What have you done with the real John Gillman?” you whisper hoarsely. The twins turn to look at you and you’re creeped out by the very similar smirk that spreads across both of their faces. They’re really impeccable facsimiles of the real person, but this is an expression you’ve never seen on John.
“You’ve never met the ‘real John Gillman’,” one of them says.
There’s enough cold sweat that’s broken out on your back that it starts to trickle down as drops.
“We like you William. It would be such a shame for our friendship to end.”
You hold up the fire extinguisher in front of yourself defensively, but you’re not sure you can really do anything against two of them. You’ve never noticed before, and maybe the real John’s teeth didn’t look like this, but the two doppelgangers have sharp looking canines when they’re grinning. It’ll serve you right to get devoured in this dark flat for making so many mistakes and bad decisions in a row today.
“So you’re just going to kill me then?” you ask.
“We’d really rather not,” one of the twins says. “A murder would bring a lot of snooping law enforcement if not the D.D.D. Itself.”
“And it’s so hard to find good lodging to spend the night.”
They must be joking. “You really expect me to believe you’re not just here to eat people?”
One of the twins rolls his eyes. “Eat people! Yeah, that’s why we’re here, clearly.”
“Has anyone in this apartment building ever disappeared in all the months you’ve worked here?” the other one asks.
“How should I know?” You’re beginning to feel like this has to be some sick nightmare. You can’t possibly be having a civil conversation with a couple of cannibal monsters. This thought has a strange calming effect on you. “If I didn’t know you lot were masquerading as John Gillman, how am I to know how many other residents are real people?”
The twins turn to each other, still smiling and shrugging.
“We’ve been on a vegetarian diet for a while,” the other says and you can’t help but bark out a laugh.
“Laugh all you want,” the other one says, spreading his hands in concession. “But milk is more than enough to sustain us. We do think people are delicious, but there’s one thing we like much more than eating them.”
“And what’s that?” you ask, emboldened by the possibility that you’re just in a ridiculous, paranoid, bad dream of a worst case scenario at your job.
“We’ve been watching you William. We think you’ve been interested in us.”
“We’ve never fucked anyone from this building, and never fucked together, but there’s a first time for everything, right?”
You just stand there, fire extinguisher still raised up defensively. No question about it, this must be a nightmare that’s slowly but surely twisting itself into a sexual fantasy.
“Come on, William. Let’s make you comfortable.”
You can hardly protest as one gently pulls your makeshift weapon out of your loose grip, and the other one sweeps you off your feet with preternatural superhuman ease and carries you over to the couch in this sparsely furnished apartment.
Gentle but insistent hands undo the buttons on your trousers and then maneuver you so they can pull them off completely and free your legs.
“Humans are such fun creatures,” one of the Johns comments when he sees that despite your fear of the situation unfolding right now, you are sporting a half-hearted hard-on. It somehow only gets harder when you hear them talk about people as another species.
Both Johns are still fully dressed, situating themselves to kneel on the floor on either side of you. It’s wild. You must be dreaming. And as you watch both Johns lean forward, extending their tongues and licking your cock up and down from opposite sides, you realize that if this is a dream, you never want to wake up.
They know what they’re doing. They bring you right up to the edge of orgasm and then pull away, leaving you feeling desperate and even annoyed. You’re not annoyed for long though as they both strip down, and you see that their human-mimicking powers are perfect, down to the most minute details that would never be seen under clothes. Granted, you don’t know what John Gillman looked like naked, so maybe they’ve taken artistic license and embellished. Whatever it is, they’ve compared notes, because they still look indistinguishable to you.
“Like what you see?” one of them asks and you realize you I’ve been staring, maybe even with your mouth hanging open. You never imagined you’d hook up with a doppelganger, let alone two of them at once. But you have imagined foisting yourself on John in this very flat, and you’re about to live that daydream.
You end up doing things with the two of them beyond what you’ve ever dreamed of. You fuck one of them, and at the same time get fucked by the other one from behind, the cheap bed’s metal joints creaking and moaning from the motion of three bodies rocking against each other. You let them suck your cock and rim you to get you back in the mood for another round, trying not to think about how unsettlingly hungry they both look, and who they really are underneath the human-looking exterior. The exterior slips periodically when they’re in the throes of pleasure. You wince when they betray just how strong they really are, whenever they flip you over or change positions, as if you weigh nothing. You try not to pay attention when their eyes start glowing red when they’re particularly turned on, but it’s impossible to ignore in the darkness of the bedroom.
“William, you are fucking delicious,” one of them declares, licking his lips obscenely after swallowing down your cum, and all you can do is emit a short nervous chuckle, and think that even if they do decide to eat you at the end of all of this— either to cover their tracks, or just because they might start feeling peckish after all this is over— it will still have been worth it.
You don’t get eaten. In fact, you’ve had the time of your life, and as you get up from the bed and mumble that you have to get back to your post before your shift is over, the two Johns lie languid, naked on the bed watching you, each enjoying a post coital glass of milk (that’s all they have in the fridge— you saw when they opened it), like perfect mirror images.
“You won’t be making any unnecessary phone calls, right William?”
“We can count on you to be discreet and keep a secret, right?”
Through the combined haze of being scared for your life and then having the time of your life, there’s still one thing that bothers you, and you ask about it, against all your best self-preservation instincts.
“So what have you done with the real John Gillman?”
They turn to look at each other, not exactly conspiratorial but it still makes you uneasy.
“Oh, John Gillman never existed. We’ve been around a lot longer than you humans think. Many of us never tried to replicate and replace real humans.”
“Yeah, and a lot of good that did when some of us started! The ones who are doing it are the reason we’re being hunted now. Unoriginal hacks. And so bad at mimicking too.”
“So many embarrassing ones out there.” They both nod at each other.
You’d like to believe them. You really would. “So why choose this persona?”
“The milkman gets free milk and gets around in your society! And humans seem to like this look,” one of them says, grinning and gesturing with his hand over their naked bodies.
“But we only ever get to enjoy bored housewives.”
“And why are there two of you?” you ask hesitantly, glancing at the clock on the wall to verify that you’re not late yet.
“Oh there’s more than two of us,” one of them says and they laugh in unison in a way that sends a chill down your spine.
You think you’ve got it all worked out. You’re letting the John Gillmans stay in the apartment undisturbed, and you let them through even when it’s obvious that there’s more than one of them coming and going. You figure it’s a win-win. They promise to protect the building from any rogue doppelgangers who infiltrate and intend to harm the residents, and in return get a place to stay the night peacefully. You get to visit apartment F03-02 after your shift ends and have mind-blowing sex. They seem to enjoy the orgies as well. They know your shift hours and try to only come and go during those times. There doesn’t seem to be a problem with this arrangement.
Or at least not a problem that you’re going to make into your problem. When one of the Johns walks in, visibly smeared in blood, you do give him a hard time.
“Come on, John. Just because I’ll let you in, doesn’t mean you can just stop trying to look decent. God forbid I call in sick and someone else is here.”
John shrugs and goes through the formality of pushing his ID and entry request under the glass window.
“And get a new ID
” you tell him when you see bloody fingerprints all over the worn paper.
John shrugs, doing his usual tired act, despite how ridiculous it looks to be so bored and nonchalant when he’s smeared in blood.
“Whose blood is that, anyway?” you ask, wondering why you’re not more disturbed.
“Someone who was of no consequence and who won’t be missed,” John replies, terse and cool as a cucumber.
“I thought you said you were vegetarian?”
“I’ll take a cheat day if I run into a wifebeater,” John says, shrugging.
You buzz him in, telling him to get washed up before someone sees him, wondering if you’re being colossally naive to believe his story, and wondering if you’ve got a death wish because you’re still looking forward to going up there once your shift ends in a few hours.
(What in the world. 💀)
ETA: now with another art piece by @olliveolly
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hunieday · 7 months
Yuki - La'Stiara Rabbit Chat translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: Momo
Yuki: đŸ•ș I saw this emoji and it reminded me of your sleeping posture back when we used to live together 
Momo: !?!? lolololololol
Momo: What the hell this is so embarrassing!! 😂 was I really like this 😂 lololol 
By the way, since you’re sending me such a mischievous rabbichat, you must be free right now!!!!
Yuki: you get it?
Momo: I get it!!! 
The thought of Yuki scrolling through emojis and thinking of me makes my heart race đŸ„șđŸ„ș
Momo: Is it break time over at 'La’Stiara'?
Yuki: Yeah. It's boring without you
Momo: Oh, youuuu~~~ darling ‌ I'm off today, so I’m free as well!
What do you wanna talk about? Let’s take a quiz!
Momo: Is what I would say, but sorry if it sounds childish 😭
Yuki: I’d like to take a quiz
Momo: That's right! That’s the best way to play for someone as handsome as you!!! Alright, here we go!!
Momo: What do I want right now? 😎✹
Yuki: A necklace for everyday wear
Momo: Ding-ding ding-ding đŸ€©đŸ’«
You hit the jackpot! Yuki knows me well, you’re the most handsome...!! (*Ž艞)
You shine brighter than any jewel!!
Yuki: That's right ^^
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Yuki: The other day you sent me a bunch of URLS for necklaces and asked which one looks good
Momo: Hey how do you remember that lololol
Momo: I thought you forgot because you said any of them would look good đŸ„ș
Yuki: That’s because I genuinely thought any of them would look good on you. It wasn’t that I was disinterested or anything
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Momo: I am going to buy all of them.
Yuki: Haha
Yuki: Here's a question
Momo: Bring it on lol
Yuki: What’s the first thing I ate in yesterday’s lunch bento box?
Momo: you always come up with tough questions, yuki đŸ˜łâ€ŒÂ 
Momo: But you know what? I got this one in the bag! The answer is "the Broccoli with Bonito Flakes" that came as a side dish!
Yuki: Correct. You got it right
Momo: Yesterday's lunch was from your favorite restaurant! I know you always eat the broccoli first :pudding cheer:
Yuki: Boiling it to perfection makes it delicious
Yuki: You can see through everything Momo. I can't lie to you
Yuki: From sleeping habits to even food preferences, we know everything about each other don’t we
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Momo: I never thought I'd be so close to you to the point where I’d know everything about you!
Momo: At first I was content with listening to your music from the audience, and then I was content with helping you out and being as useful as possible
Momo: I've become quite greedy...
Momo: Juuust kidding đŸ„Ž sorry for getting sentimental all of a sudden đŸ€—â€Œ good luck with the 'La’Stiara' shoot ‌
Yuki: I'm the greedy one
Yuki: Momo, when you told me you liked my songs, you reminded me of the joy of making music and the purpose of my life
Yuki: I want to continue making music with you forever
Momo: Yuki
Momo: Yukiiiiiiiiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yuki: Yes?
Momo: You’re so handsome,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yuki: I know.
Momo: Is it really my day off today? am I supposed to be normal after being bombarded with your powerful words??? I can't calm down you know???
Yuki: Momo, what are your plans for today?
Momo: Absolutely nothing!!!
Yuki: I think I’m gonna finish work early today as well
Momo: w   which means...!!???? 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Yuki: I'm inviting you to dinner.
Momo: I'm coming!!! I am SO coming!!! Is it okay if I come to your place!?
Yuki: Mhm. I'll buy delicious meat on my way home.Just like that day
Momo: I can’t
Momo: This is not good, Yuki
 I might burst into tears if I see your face today
Yuki: If they’re tears of joy then I’m fine with it
Momo: How in the world can I be anything but happy!!! 
Back then, our house was so small but was so full of hope
Momo: Now we live in a big house, but we haven't changed at all
Yuki: That's right. We are sharing the music we make together with the world as idols
Yuki: Always, and forever, nothing will ever change.
Momo: Thank you, Yuki. Those words bring me so much relief, they’re like a good luck charm for me. I feel like I can do anything.
Momo: I’ll be waiting for you to finish your shoot!!
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Yuki says "just like that day" in reference to a re:member scene where he uses money he gets from Chiba Shizuo during their debut days to buy Momo expensive meat. Yuki cries from happiness on his way home, which is why he tells Momo he's fine with tears of joys.
My god they make me so violent /pos
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unholydeukae · 2 months
Sooo... any omegaverse Alpha dreamcatcher members in rut ideas?👀
I may have gone a little bit crazy on this one, especially with Gahyun, 😂, and ☀ approved of Dami's moment, but without further ado, here are my ideas:
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Jiu is possessive and territorial much, when it gets bad she kicks Siyeon out of the room before she has her way with you and no one can get close to you or she will growl and drag you to her side while glaring at the ïżœïżœïżœcompetition”;
She likes to leave hickeys, licking and nipping at them while they are still fresh;
She always checks on you, even while in rut she can control herself (when it's not that bad and you are tired she employs Siyeon or Yoohyeon's help to give you a break);
Her knot is the biggest of the group (Siyeon's a close second), so she's careful with that and moves you both to a comfortable position before she knots you, so you can cuddle while it takes its sweet time to deflate;
Her post-knot cuddles are the eighth wonder of the world.
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Sua gets clingier/more affectionate on the early stages of her rut, otherwise her behaviour doesn't change too much;
She often pulls you on her lap so you sit snugly on her growing hard on, turning you both on (her hands wander too on your thigh and she doesn't care if the other members see);
Loves to start things with a nice 69, both her hands and mouth need to do something until she's ready;
During sex though she's very into scratching your back or hips, depending if you are on your hands and knees or not;
Enjoys getting creative with positions, but eventually reverts to the classics before she knots so you can cuddle;
(After all is said and done, when she thinks you aren’t seeing, she pulls out a notebook and either crosses the new position out or adds it to the list of fun ones to use again in the future);
Her knot is the smallest of the group but still sizeable and takes a while to deflate, so while you wait she will caress you, kiss you, or simply talk about some new projects or date ideas for when you are both free. (Yep, her quietest is during the post orgasm haze, lol, but you love her for being herself no matter what).
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Siyeon: if Jiu can control herself, Siyeon runs on pure instinct, which got her in very awkward positions in the past since her hormone addled brain wouldn't discriminate any holes (even if it's just done with your hand or a hole in a wall);
Though she has learnt which are the ones she can knot and what aren't supposed to be;
She doesn't speak much, too focused into getting in your pants;
Loves to bite, especially your shoulders;
All her energy is spent fucking you into the mattress (or couch, or floor- sometimes she's too impatient for her own good) and you don't mind it in the least. You love her when she normally makes love to you and you still love her when she uses you as a set of holes to breed;
(Once or twice you might have fantasised about getting pregnant with her baby- that made you cum so hard you swear you saw Jesus);
(You probably just saw Yoohyeon’s photo)
Knotting you once isn't enough, she needs to do so at least twice -her record is four and you passed out after that- then she will finally speak once again and her raw voice turns you on enough to ride her for one last round just to hear more of it, then you cuddle before either showering or falling asleep.
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Handong: sometimes it pisses you off when her rut comes because you can never tell until it’s too late. And it starts with a bang;
You could be watching a movie with the others, cuddled up to her with no cares in the world, her hand caressing your arm and back, then she either gropes your tit or your backside and you gasp so loud everyone notices. Tonight, she decides that you two will be a better form of entertainment;
In fact, compared to the others, Handong in rut likes to have an audience and often lets them join, but your pussy is hers and no one else's.
She will start sweetly enough, dragging you to her lap to make out until she’s the only thing occupying your thoughts (it takes an embarrassingly short time, she’s that good)
Then she will make you grind on her lap, getting her nice and hard while she massages your ass and once she deems you ready enough she will ask you in her mother tongue to undress yourself, smirking when you flush and stand on trembling legs to fulfil her request. You are so weak when she speaks in Chinese.
Meanwhile she simply lowers her pants and pulls her leaking cock out of her boxers, she loves it when you make a mess on her cock that it can’t help but stain her clothes;
(While this is going on the others are getting ready themselves, probably jerking or sucking each other off in various states of undress);
Then you are back on her lap, sat on her cock and feeling all kind of good- you would prefer she took her clothes off, but soon enough she and everyone else will get naked too.
The first to join while you are riding her is -as always- Gahyun, the members must have some kind of agreement because it’s always her, but you don’t mind, you never do. And with that Handong doesn’t mind slowing to a stop because Gahyun’s strength is nothing to joke about, just her thrusts are enough to make you move on Handong’s cock and leave you breathless.
It goes on until she slips out and jerks off to cum on your back, she watches it slide down for a moment before she’s pushed to the side by Yoohyeon, while Sua sits on the back rest and drags your head to suck her off;
You can feel her eyes burning holes in your head as you sloppily take Sua’s cock, then moan loud when Handong starts again fucking you while Yoohyeon jackhammers into you;
She never cums/try to knot you while the others fuck you, when she feels close she slows down, maybe she starts taking off the pieces of clothing she can. Meanwhile you are losing your mind by everything you are feeling at once.
After the last one has came on you (usually Jiu, and she only asks you to suck her off so she can paint your face), Handong picks you up and makes you lay down on the couch, where Dami has spread a towel after she was done fucking your ass, and your senses are all occupied by Handong.
She’s bracing herself with her elbows beside your head, so you just see her, her hair obscuring your vision of the others, whatever cum was on your face is gathered by a long dainty finger which is then pushed into your mouth before Handong kisses you deeply until you can taste only her, her perfume filling your lungs, the craved skin on skin contact... the straw that breaks the camel’s back is when she leans into your ear and, right before she knots you, she tells you to cum. So you do.
Her knot is perfect for you, big enough to give you a delicious stretch without an ounce of pain, and lasts not too long like Jiu nor too short like Gahyun’s, so she rolls you both over and you use her as a human sized pillow while the others go clean up.
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Yoohyeon; You notice because she starts biting you more often. She nips at your neck, your shoulder or, when you are busy talking with a member or are over the phone you give her a finger and she starts nibbling at it while looking at you in search of more attention;
When she gets you alone, be it in her room or even in a semi public space like the company’s bathroom (sometimes you both forget to check when her rut is supposed to arrive, so you have to improvise), she will beg you to let her fuck you;
And who are you to refuse her, when she looks too much like a hopeful puppy? You hate disappointing Pie when you show her you don’t have treats, and you equally hate to let her owner down when you have what she needs/wants.
If you are home, you take your time, sucking her off and getting her ready for you -which doesn’t take long- (if you are in the company you skip to the main event, you love bending over and letting her fuck you from behind in front of the bathroom mirror), then you let her guide you to the position she wants, usually doggy style, and then she sets off;
She’s never been a patient one during her rut, and pairing it with how vocal she gets -even more than usual, that is-, you can’t help but find it adorable. Not during the act, though, you are busy thinking how glad you are she’s also a dancer, with how good she can hit all the right places in your pussy- But later, when you are both sated you’ll think back on these moments and would tease her, if she wasn’t already snoring;
In fact, while her knot is average in both size and lasting time, she is so tired she will fall asleep as soon as she lays beside you;
She’s lucky she’s cute, even when drooling;
(Who are we kidding, you love her no matter what, drool and snoring in your ear included).
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Dami is controlled like Jiu, but gets progressively more flushed the longer she ignores her rut, and begins squirming, for as long as you aren’t around her cock, any position -seated or standing- is uncomfortable;
So you have to take the first step and make her find you naked on her bed;
Then all premises are off and she’s quick to lock the door and undress before joining you;
She enjoys working you both up, even if her cock is begging to be inside you. She likes kissing you all over, leaving hickeys here and there and a little bite mark on your shoulder where you both know Siyeon will be able to see it, then once she’s done worshipping you she manhandles you on your knees, pulling your hips up and starts fucking you like a whore.
There’s name calling, some hair pulling, sometimes she spanks you, but more often than not she loves pushing her fingers in your mouth and have you suck on them as if it were her dick, sometimes sliding them deeper until you gag on them, especially when you are on your back, even better when you are in a mating press so you can’t do anything but simply take it- take her however she wants and you can only look at her with tears in your eyes, only spurring her on;
She makes you cum at least twice before she knots you, and even then she will still try to coax more out of you, rubbing your clit and moving her hips as much as she can until you are an overstimulated mess.
After all is said and done she will pamper you; she will clean you both up, helping you into a clean set of her underwear, then you cuddle, enjoying the skin on skin contact until you eventually fall asleep.
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Gahyun is whiny at the beginning, more needy to feel your touch in any capability, then when it hits her fully she will lock the door of your room and neither of you will come out until she's satisfied (she will give you breaks, dw, she has learnt to not break her toys) or one or both need food/water;
Likes to hold your chest or butt: in public her hands will often gravitate towards your ass, but in private she likes pawing at your chest;
Very rough in bed, to start things off she likes to riles herself up by making you choke on her cock, towering over you while you're kneeling or laying on your back with your head over the edge, listening to you gag and watching you drooling over yourself works wonders on her;
She likes to pull your hair while in doggy, or slapping your ass, or she grabs your tits to twist your nipples.
Her knot is sizeable, not as much as Jiu, and deflates shortly after she has finished filling you up, so to “thank you” for your service she either lovingly cleans you up herself or -if she feels like going for more- calls Siyeon or Sua unnie and watches as on of them makes you come with their tongue (when that happened you are never able to walk the next day and she takes advantage of that by spoiling you rotten and taking care of any need of yours).
Bonus scene:
You are lucky they haven't gotten their rut all together yet, because then you are sure you are bound to get pregnant or meet the creator because while they can't get enough of you, you can't get enough of them, anything else is secondary, especially when you are in heat :)
(Jiu and Dami would never let you see the wrong kind of light, don't worry, you just need to listen to your alphas like the good omega you are)
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usagiverse · 11 months
This is a bit of a strange ask, but I'm still confused over Usagi's last name. Some tell me that is Miyamoto his last name and that Usagi is his first name... but then others tell me that Usagi is the family name 😂
Just wanted to ask.
Gelu. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this ask. I have been preparing for this very moment. I'm ready to answer this and I already know I'm going to fail miserably at explaining. Here goes.
Usagi Yojimbo. In the comics, "Miyamoto" is the surname / family name, we know this because his father is Magistrate Miyamoto. This makes our titular character Usagi, his first name.
Usagi Chronicles. In this animated series, we know that Yuichi is descended from Miyamoto. However, his name isn't "Miyamoto Yuichi", Yuichi is in fact his surname / family name. That means they both share the same first name, Usagi.
In Japanese fashion, the family name comes BEFORE the first / given name. Let's take George Washington for example. To do so properly, it would be "Washington George". So if we see "Miyamoto Usagi" and "Yuichi Usagi", that means their last names are in front of their first names. If you watch any Japanese shows or movies, they introduce themselves with their last name first and given name after, and people will call them by their last name. In TMNT 2003, he specifically introduces himself (and we will ignore the poor pronunciation of Japanese words including his own name) as "Usagi Miyamoto". This is so that the Western audience knows Usagi is his first name, Miyamoto last. (Also told the audience his last name was Miya-ma-to but uh. We're ignoring it, right?) This is not the proper way for him to introduce himself if he were being strictly Japanese
 we say it's fine because it was for an English audience at the time, but this is the only time (that I can recall) his name being introduced in this way.
Typically in Japanese fashion, when you first meet someone or are on acquainted terms, you would only refer to them by their last name and add "-san" to the end, until you become closer and can use a different honorific or use their given name. However, all of the Usagi series have been adapted for western consumption, so they use their first names in all of this familiar media. The western version of "formal" or "polite" in a Japanese setting is taking the first name and adding "-san" to the end instead. So in 2003, Usagi calls Leo "Leonardo-san", and Leo calls him "Usagi-san" back. In 2012, the same thing. When you meet someone who is older than you in the west, you would usually say "Mr./Mrs./Mx. Lastname". That is the English equivalent of what "-san" is, loosely. I'm not sure why western media wants to flip names and add -san to it anyway, since we do use last names sometimes? Mr. Obama
 Miyamoto-san. We can also chalk this up to relationships, as Leo and Usagi have been close in every iteration, perhaps they just went to the "first-name-basis" immediately. (copium)
I don't know if you've noticed, but there are a lot of Usagis! Even just 2 is too many, and I have 4! (Well, one was married in, but still.) In my case, I wanted to be able to have multiple samurai rabbits out in the world of Rise, but I couldn't have them all named "Usagi" unless that was all their last name-- which meant they all also had to be directly or indirectly related to each other. Which posed other problems, like
 what about Magistrate Miyamoto?? Well.. he's still related, just differently. I know some important plot points get washed out when you move characters and their specific roles around, but that's exactly what ROTTMNT does, and excels in. So we do some problem solving, we write every idea down, and then we iron out the edges.
I am not an expert in the naming culture of Japan, though I can understand why people might be confused or spread misinformation as though they are correct. It takes just a little bit of reading and context to understand, which I hope I've been able to provide. TBH I still get confused, but that's because I am actively doing it differently by going against what it normally is.
TL;DR - Usagi is the first name in all published media, with Miyamoto and Yuichi both being family names. The proper way to introduce oneself in Japanese is [Last Name] [Given Name], which Miyamoto Usagi and Yuichi Usagi both follow this rule (and are both Japanese). In my fanon, I have too many Usagis in one time period, so Usagi is the family name and everyone can still keep their original name. Hope this helps!
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hecatesbroom · 3 months
You mentioned the fmk alternatives look fun, so... 6 and 7 with Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose? :) (and maybe also number 4, if you don't feel guilty about hitting someone with a book 😂)
Oo thanks!! These are fun indeed! Let's see 👀
go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with
I think I'd pick Blanche, based on the fact that she really seems to know what she's doing in terms of fashion. I kind of just eyeball it myself, so it'd be fun to get some tips and insight from her! I'm pretty sure she'd land a couple of harsh comments here and there, but I'll survive 😂
I'd 100% go to ikea with Dorothy. I despise ikea (it's a sensory nightmare, but I do love the food) and she seems like the type who would be more than happy to beeline towards the thing we need, rush to the checkout, and grab a bite to eat on our way out. Being stuck in ikea with Rose or Blanche, on the other hand, sounds like the stuff of nightmares to me lmao
Which leaves Blanche to go grocery shopping! I think I'd hang back and watch her try to flirt with every person in the place haha, it sounds like a good time! (And as long as she's distracted by men, it'll leave me with plenty of time to get rid of any extravagant purchases without her noticing ;)
go to a wedding with, go to a party with, go to a museum with
I'd go to a wedding with Dorothy, purely based on the fact that I have no clue what you're supposed to do at weddings, and she seems like the type who would get me through it haha. Rose would be a close second, but I'd feel bad exposing her to a wedding after that one episode, so Dorothy it is 😂
Considering I'd like to take Blanche to a museum, this leaves Rose for a party! Which is perfect, actually, because when I'm at a party I prefer having someone I can circle back to whenever I feel overwhelmed or just a little lost in general, and Rose seems like a great person for that :) I don't think I'd even feel guilty for monopolising her time, because I'm sure she'd be more than happy for the opportunity to tell some St Olaf stories haha
Considering she works as a museum and I'm convinced she knows more about art than we get to see in the show: I'd take Blanche to an art museum! I'd love to hear what she has to say about some of the pieces, it sounds like a fun day!
write a book with, read a book to, hit with a book
You were right about me there: I'd feel terrible hitting someone with a book; I can't even swat a fly! But here goes haha
I'd love to write a book with Dorothy!! She seems like the perfect person to brainstorm with, I'm pretty sure our ideas on what the story should be would align very quickly, and something about her tells me she'd have a great writing style to boot.
I'd read a book to Rose; she'd probably make for a very eager audience, and nothing beats reading a story to someone who's completely enraptured by what you're telling them! I love reading to kids, and Rose seems like she'd react very similarly to them in this respect :)
Which leaves poor Blanche to be hit with a book, but I think considering this is a fmk alternative, "hit with a book" would probably translate to "fuck" for Blanche — so I'll just leave her to pick who should hit her with a book in my place 😂
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I'm pretty new to tumblr and have noticed the popularity of the second person perspective. Do you perhaps have any theories as to why? I'm just trying to understand because sometimes the mention of a "reader" throws me off as it associates the character too closely to me when I just prefer to observe
That makes total sense, second person perspective definitely isn't everyone's cup of tea and that's okay!
I'm not sure if I've been active the Tumblr fanfic community long enough to have an answer for you...I've only been writing here for about 4.5 years (okay maybe that is a long time, but I feel like some people have been around for a decade or more 😂).
My best guess is that a lot of fanfic on Tumblr in particular is what is referred to as "porn with plot," meaning that the primary purpose of the story is for the reader to fantasize about being with a particular character (or characters 😂😂). The Reader character is typically pretty underdeveloped because they're literally supposed to be the reader, so you wouldn't want descriptions to distract from that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with "porn with plot"; it takes talent to do it well and tons of people enjoy those types of stories. But as a result, I think people got so accustomed to the second person perspective that it became the norm here, and stories with OCs (from what I have observed) have difficulty finding an audience.
Second person perspective takes some getting used to, but eventually you adjust and it becomes normal. At this point, I've been writing fanfics in the second person perspective for so long that it would feel weird to write a fic any other way. 😂
Anyway, I hope some of that helps!
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seriouslycromulent · 1 year
Thoughts on the 2nd Season of Leverage: Redemption
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OK. So I finally got around to watching Leverage: Redemption season 2. It was a decent season (or half-season?). I do remember liking more of the episodes from season 1, but that may be because there were more episodes overall (Hence, why I referred to this as a half-season.).
Random Thought #1 --
I can say one of the major pluses of season 2 was the opportunity to see Aldis Hodge more. And of course, that wink at the audience regarding the DC cinematic universe was not lost on me. I’m glad he was able to participate in more episodes this time around, but I am just as happy to see his career flourish on the big screen too.
Any chance to see more of Aldis is always appreciated. But you know who I did miss?
Random Thought #2 --
None of the episodes were directed by Jonathan Frakes this season. I’m not saying I can’t enjoy Leverage without Jonny behind the camera, but when he’s not there, his absence is certainly felt. I can only guess it was because he was off getting his Captain Riker on in the 3rd season of Star Trek: Picard. Sure, I loved seeing him on ST: Pic, but he better direct some eps for the next season of Leverage or I'll ... stew silently like the impetulant child that I am.
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Random Thought #3 --
Moving on. My favorite episode of the 2nd season was the non-Leverage Leverage episode titled “The Belly of the Beast Job.” I liked how our team takes a bit of a backseat to others in this episode, and let a duo of novices attempt to save the world for once. 
It was all very cute watching the Fab 5 help from the sidelines, plus the realistic scenario of the villain and the victim(s) really resonated with me. The storyline was incredibly honest regarding the nature of workplace harassment, even affording the reality that sometimes when there’s a woman in a position to help, she may be more concerned with looking out for herself than protecting others. I really appreciated that honesty in storytelling on such a sensitive issue. 
Also, the actor who played the bad guy, aka the smarmy record executive, was fantastic! I remember him – Jeffrey Vincent Parise – from an episode of Burn Notice where he played a fairly distinctive villain who was similarly flamboyant, but very different in other ways. In this episode of L:R, it seems he has turned up the creeper factor to 11, and delivered an especially realistic performance in a character that you love to hate. Kudos to him and whoever was responsible for casting him on the show!
Random Thought #4 --
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I also have to admit some of my favorite moments of season 2 involved Harry Wilson. Particularly when he had to imitate Eliot in The Walk In The Woods Job. He actually did a pretty good job with the Spencer Growlℱ, but he couldn't get the rest of the voice exactly right. It was still funny as hell though.
As for his first time in the vents in The Museum Makeover Job, oh my goodness. 😂 At first, I felt a bit sorry for him because tight spaces are not my friend either. But then he started acting like a cartoon character and I couldn't help but laugh. I have a feeling that was intentional (by the writers) for us folks who might have felt some residual claustrophobia when watching through our screens. 
So having Harry freak out in an absurdly cartoon-y manner helped keep the situation light, I think. And it just made me adore Noah Wyle's complete lack of ego when it comes to comedy even more.
Random Thought #5 --
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Finally, I know I’m late to the party here, since the season 2 finale aired in January, but I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who was shocked to find out that Eliot Spencer is adopted. And that his adoptive parents are Black! [insert head exploding emoji]
But let me tell you this 
 I don’t hate it. 
Here’s why:
It’s just like Eliot to keep this type of info to himself. He plays everything close to the vest, and this definitely would qualify as info that no one needs to know but him.
It adds a different kind of beat to Christian’s roles where he often plays men (usually from Oklahoma) who have estranged relationships with their father. I wasn’t too interested in seeing him play that same character beat yet again, so adding in a transracial adoption angle actually gave it a fresh twist. 
His dad was played by Keith freakin’ David. Keith. Freakin’. David. If you only know Keith David through his voiceover work in animation, that may not seem like a big deal to you. But for those of us who grew up on this man’s film and TV work onscreen coupled with that very distinctive voice of his, 
 let's just say I fangirled for quite a while when he first appeared on camera. And when it was revealed that he was Eliot’s dad, I had the stupidest jaw-dropping grin on my face for like 5 minutes. 
And on top of that, Christian got to shoot a fight scene with Keith too. Dude! I don’t personally know Chris (although I’ve met him several times), but I am sure he pinched himself more than once while preparing for and shooting that scene. I can only imagine he was trying really hard not to picture himself as a stand-in for the late great Rowdy Roddy Piper in that iconic fight scene in They Live. Heck, a part of me was doing it myself as I was watching it. I genuinely felt incredibly happy for Chris for getting the opportunity to work with Keith in this way. 
With that said, I did make my way over to ao3 to see if anyone has written any fanfic around the whole adoption storyline. So far, I’ve only found two. There may be others, but they’re not too easy to track with the search tool, so it's a slow process.
Anyway, I noticed in the comments section on one of the fanfics I found, the author mentioned that they saw a comment on Facebook stating that the person wished that Eliot’s father had been Native American instead. And the author worked into the story the idea that Eliot’s biological mom was Native due to this comment.
Here’s the thing. I don’t have a problem with the author at all. They just wrote a quick story offering a wee bit of background on how Eliot ended up with the Spencers. 
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But I admit that I find that Facebook comment to be unnecessary and giving off some skanky anti-Black vibes. Yes, Chris has Native ancestry IRL. But how many times has he played characters where both of his parents were white and not Native? Did this person leaving the comment ever lament over his parents not being Native for any of those other roles? And if not, why not? 
Here was an opportunity to allow Chris to be a part of multiracial onscreen family in a way that he hasn’t been able to in the past, and apparently, someone objected to that multiracial family being of African descent instead of Indigenous descent. They apparently didn't care about how it affords Eliot a new layer of complexity that we would rarely see in any other role Chris has played in the past (assuming the writers want to do something with it). It also acknowledges that Black people adopt children of other races and ethnicities too, which typically isn’t shown or discussed on American television. Transracial adoption is often painted as something only white or Asian-American parents do. 
I’m not saying that the Facebook comment was racist, but it definitely seemed to have anti-Black bias that is far too often brushed aside when it comes to non-Black communities of color. And I hope that this person's sentiment is the exception, not the rule in the Leverage fandom.
Ok. That's it. I just wanted to share my thoughts on those aspects of season 2. Feel free to agree or disagree or something else. Thanks for reading my ramblings, and I will now happily sit over here and wait on season 2 of Almost Paradise premiering in July.
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fnrrfygmschnish · 9 months
Just watched the first few episodes of the original Power Rangers and...
It actually holds up surprisingly well!
Like, there's a couple of slightly cheesy lines or awkward deliveries here and there, and the fight with Goldar at the end feels kinda rushed (he just... gives up and teleports out the moment they bring out the Megazord's power sword, even though he was almost overpowering them just before that, without even a comment on seeing something like that before, or even just an "oh crap that's a way bigger sword than mine" -- anything that would give us an idea why he retreated so quick after doing so well beforehand.)
Second episode felt a bit more hacked-together in some ways, but still pretty good overall. I actually don't think I ever saw this one back in the day, I know I don't have any clear memories of the random giant Rita sends down at the end which the Tyrannosaurus zord has a solo fight with rather than the whole team forming the Megazord.
Third episode is mostly morphed fight scenes, so I'm guessing how things go had to follow the Japanese footage closely. The unmorphed/school scenes early on are pretty good aside from a bit of cheese. It feels odd that the minotaur randomly shrunk down to normal size at the end after the Rangers retreat from the giant-size version; I wonder if this happened in the Zyuranger episode too (and if it was explained there, or felt just as random.)
But considering how it's a low budget live action show from the early '90s with a target audience of 7-and-up, that had to rely on footage borrowed from a Japanese show for half the fight scenes on top of that... it really is surprisingly watchable even decades later.
A few odd random things that stand out to me:
I totally forgot (or never noticed before) that Trini is... significantly taller than Kimberly. Looked up the actresses' heights, and apparently there's a four inch gap (5'02" vs. 5'06"), which was right about what I would have guessed after seeing them stand next to each other in the early episodes.
Goldar definitely has a different voice in these early episodes than he did later. Not as deep and grumbly, more crazed sounding rather than being kind of a goofball. I wonder when the change happened.
The background music is great. Does have that '90s kids show "no silence ever" problem, of course... but even aside from the songs everyone remembers (the main theme and various remixes of it, Bulk and Skull's goofy theme, the fight songs with words that start to show up at some point later), there's some nice random background music! So far, I especially liked the creepy theme when the Rangers stumble across weird stuff like when Trini and Kim find the dump site abandoned in the third episode.
It's kind of interesting how gradually their powers get introduced. They don't have their individual weapons until episode 3, just their basic blasters (which I totally forgot could fold up into short sword type weapons, too.) You do get to see the Megazord in the first and third episodes, but it mostly fights with punches or in tank mode at first rather than going for the sword finishing move.
The blonde punk girl hanging out with Bulk and Skull in the third episode reminds me A LOT of someone I know... at the very least appearance wise 😂😂
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storiesforallfandoms · 2 years
opening night ~ aaron tveit
word count: 2001
request?: yes!
@marvelislove10​ “Aaron Tveit. Smut or fluff lol. But if you have time for both I would take both 😂”
description: in which he is front row on the opening night of her first ever musical
pairing: aaron tveit x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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My hands were shaking as I brought the makeup brush up to my face. I had been trying for so long to re-do my face makeup after I had basically sweat it all off in the run of ten minutes, but I was so nervous that my shaky hands resulted in me dropping the brush or almost spilling the powder everywhere.
It was the opening night of my first ever musical where I was playing the lead. I had been a background character on numerous occasions, but that was different. When you’re a background character or part of the ensemble, people aren’t looking at you the way they look at the leads. If you mess up, no one really notices. But when you’re the star, everyone notices every little thing you do.
I had been working towards this for so long. Broadway was always my dream and I pursued it since I was in middle school. I auditioned for the role and got a call from my agent that they wanted me before I even got home. I memorized my lines in the time between my audition and the first day of rehearsals, and I had rehearsed for months. I knew the show forwards and back, but finally doing it in front of an audience had my nerves on high alert. What if I got out on stage and forgot every line? What if I sang off key? What if I sang the wrong lyric, or worse, the wrong song?
I tried to re-apply my powder foundation yet again, only for the brush to shake from my hand and fall to the floor. I cursed under my breath as I reached down for it.
“Need a hand?”
I looked up to see my boyfriend, Aaron, standing in the doorway of my dressing room.
“Hey,” I said. “What are you doing back here?”
“I know your director, remember? I asked if I could come back to wish you luck before the show and he let me.”
Aaron came over next to me and knelt down to pick up the makeup brush. I smiled, grateful for his help. “Thank you.”
“Here.” He pulled over a nearby chair and took my powder foundation. “I have a feeling my hands are a lot steadier than yours.”
“You know how to put this stuff on?”
“Am I not also a Broadway actor?”
I chuckled. “TouchĂ©.”
I closed my eyes as I felt the soft bristles of the brush run over my face. I tried not to think about how much time was left before I had to go on stage. If I started thinking about it, I’d start to sweat again, and I didn’t need to prove twice in one night that I was actually capable of sweating through stage makeup that was supposed to be sweat proof.
Aaron touched my nose with the brush before saying, “Okay, we’re done.”
I opened my eyes to his smiling face. I could feel some of the nervousness washing away as I smiled back at him.
“Thank you,” I said.
“You’re welcome.” He placed the makeup aside and turned back to me. “You nervous?”
I let out a long sigh and nodded. Aaron reached out to take my hands in his. “Don’t stress yourself out too much. You got this! You know this musical better than anyone else at this point I’d say.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just the first time that I’ll be the center of attention for a massive audience of people. I’m worried I’ll get stage fright or something.”
Aaron gave my hands a reassuring squeeze. “You’ll do great, babe. I’ve seen you perform. You own that stage whenever you’re out there.”
“Yeah, as a background character.”
“Even so! You’re fantastic. You’re gonna do great, babe.”
He leaned forward to give me a quick kiss as to not mess up my makeup again. I smiled at him. “I don’t know what I’d do without such amazing moral support.”
“I don’t know either, but you’re not about to find out any time soon.”
I leaned forward to kiss him again, but was cut off by a knock at my door. I looked up to see one of the crew members standing there.
“Sorry to interrupt, but you’re on in five,” he said before turning to leave.
My heart immediately began hammering against my ribs. My chest felt tight, like I couldn’t breathe. I felt like I was going to pass out. Maybe if I did, I could get out of embarrassing myself on stage.
“I guess that’s my cue to go,” Aaron said. He cupped my face in his hands, bringing my full attention to him. “Hey, listen, you’re going to do great. And I’ll be right there in the front row cheering you on the whole time.”
I gave him the best smile I could muster through my nerves. I was reluctant to let him go, but he did have to go back to his seat in order to watch the musical.
I followed my fellow castmates to the backstage area, where we gathered around to say a few words and to do our pre-show ritual that we had come up with during rehearsals. We wished each other luck and those involved in the first number took their places on stage.
When the curtains went up, I made the mistake of peaking out to see how many people were in the audience. Unsurprisingly, it was a sold out show. People filled the seats in the very front row to the very back row, and even the few balcony seats. Dozens upon dozens of eyes were trained to the stage where I was about to be stood for the next two hours.
The tight feeling in my chest returned. My hands were shaking and I felt like I was going to be sick. I wondered if it was too late to get my understudy in my costume and out on stage.
But when my eyes wandered to the front row, through the blinding stage lights, I could make out Aaron sat front and center. He was already smiling a little at the opening song, and I always smiled whenever he did. Just seeing him there made the tight feeling subside just a little bit.
I took a deep breath, trying to steady my rapidly beating heart, and stepped out onto the stage.
The first act passed so quickly I barley noticed it was time for the first intermission. We were all buzzing with excitement as we raced to our dressing rooms to hydrate and to the nearest washrooms to relieve ourselves before the next act.
I was warm and my costume was clinging to me due to sweat, but I felt the happiest I had since I got the role. Everything was going so well. The audience was loving the show, and I hadn’t missed a single beat. Every time I felt myself worrying, I’d just look into the audience and find Aaron. His smile had grown the moment I walked on stage, and knowing he was there made everything go so much smoother.
I quickly went to my dressing room to get another bottle of water after downing the entirety of mine between two songs. As I was walking, one of the background actors came up behind me and threw an arm over my shoulder.
“You’re doing amazing!” she said. “You’re absolutely killing it, girl!”
“Thank you!” I said, feeling my face flush from the compliments. I had been receiving them since the moment I stepped out on stage.
I grabbed two bottles of water (just in case) and glanced quickly at my phone that was resting on the vanity in my dressing room. There was a text from Aaron from mere moments ago, when the intermission started.
“Not a surprise, but you’re doing absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to see you after the show to shower you with compliments and kisses ❀”
I smiled brightly before quickly rushing back to the backstage area. I couldn’t wait for the show to end so I could see Aaron.
The second act, much like the first, went off without a hitch. We received a standing ovation as we did our bows, and the crowd cheered very loudly for me as I took center stage for my solo bow. I may have imagined it, but I could definitely hear Aaron the loudest out of anyone.
Everyone was still running on the adrenaline of the show as we ran off stage to change out of our costumes. If we were performers in a band or something, we’d probably be making plans for an after party or for all of us to go to a bar to celebrate an amazing first show, but we were all tired and worn and just wanted to go to bed.
I expected Aaron to come backstage again as I was getting myself out of costume and was slightly disappointed when he didn’t. I even stayed behind for a while to see if he would come back when everyone else left. When it was evident that he wasn’t coming, I grabbed my things and headed for the back door.
If there were any stragglers hanging around by the door after the show, they were long gone by the time I left. All except for one: my boyfriend holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
“Hi,” he said, that adorable smile on his face.
“Hi,” I responded. “Are these for me?”
“No, they were for one of your costars, but she totally rejected me. I guess I can give them to you, though.”
I playfully shoved him before taking the flowers. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”
He put an arm around my waist and pulled me to him, giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. We started down the street to where his car was parked, his arm still firmly around me as we walked.
“You did amazing,” he said. “Not that I’m surprised. I knew you were going to be great.”
“Thank you,” I said. “I really needed that pep talk you gave me before the show.”
“I don’t think you did,” he said. “I think you would’ve been fine either way. But I’m glad I could’ve helped.”
I leaned into his embrace as we continued to walk. It was a beautiful night outside. Not a cloud in the sky, just stars as far as the eye could see, and a full moon.
“So, how does it feel to officially be a big, hot shot Broadway star?” Aaron asked, a playful tone in his voice.
I giggled. “It feels pretty tiring. Ask me again after I sleep for 12 hours tonight.”
Aaron laughed as well. “Fair enough.”
As we reached the car, he opened the door for me while I got in. The drive home was mainly quiet, but it was a comfortable quiet. Just the music on the radio playing dimly in the background as the soundtrack to the end of one of the best nights of my life.
Our bed had never been as inviting as it was when I walked through the bedroom door and plopped myself down onto it. I didn’t even care that I was still in my clothes from the day. I was just ready to lay down in my soft bed and sleep.
Aaron chuckled at my action and came over to help me shed myself of my pants and shirt. He gave me one of his t-shirts to wear to bed and we both crawled under the covers. I cuddled into his body as he reached over to turn off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness.
My eyes started to fall shut the minute it was dark. My whole body relaxed into the bed, into Aaron’s body, as I let the sleep wash over me.
Before I fell into a deep sleep, I felt Aaron’s lips gently kissing my forehead as he whispered, “I’m so proud of you.”
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alexturne · 3 years
Hi! how are you? hope you're doing well, sorry to bother you...mmm...look I'm new with all of this, all of the tlsp and milex and all and I know probably a few people already did this and I didn't know where else I can do this, but anyways, here are some of my -not so deep- thoughts about the miracle aligner mv: 1. at the beginning we have a conversation in Italian where -according to my interpretation- miles asks «what is this?» and alex's answer is «this is an attempt to get the truth -to light???- approximately» I MEAN you can interpret it however you want but I am a milex shiper and my interpretation is: they are in love 2. AND THE STAGE WHERE THEY SHOW US THIS SCENE. THERE ARE FUCKING ROSE PETALS FALLING ON THEM!! IT ALMOST LOOKS LIKE A WEDDING!! 3. at the beginning of the video after that little conversation they are looking at each other and they are quite close too. it may not be an important detail -and it may even be something accidental or due to the position of the light- but a small rainbow rises above their heads and it looks very pretty. coincidence??Idk but I decide to believe it's not 4. OMFG HOW MILES IS STARRING AT ALEX HE DOESN'T STOP STARING AT ALEX DURING THE ENTIRE VIDEO, HE DOESN'T STOP LOOKING AT HIM AND ALEX IS ACTING SO FLIRTY OMFG -well maybe they're just too high??? lol Idc I love them- 5. plus this really awkward dance, it's almost feel like a conversation between them, it feels like they're realizing their friendship is more than that, wondering what to do with it. -obviously they already know this for a long time but that's what the video makes me feel- 6. and the direction of the camera, surrounding them, watching them , just like the media is, but they're acting like this, like themselves, silly, comfortable, sure of themselves, in love. Idk this is too much for me milex heart 7. conclusion: already kiss in a mv and pls release a new album, look what you're making me do.
that was pretty much of what I wanted to say, sorry if this was a little too awkward idk anyways, have a good day and don't forget to drink water :) lots of love xxx
pd: is this blog still active? because if not, I'm going to look very stupid. anyway, i love your blog.
Hello there!
I'm doing very well, thank you. Hope you are too. And welcome to our little Milex corner 💖
Haha, and thank you for coming into my inbox and sharing your thoughts!! They're very valid and I'm happy to see other people freaking out about these two đŸ„ł
Miracle Aligner, my beloved!!
That is just such an amazing video, and song too. I loooooove it with all my heart so I completely agree. So light and fluffy and romantic, filled with tension and those longing stares! Boys, you've got an audience too, remember? 😂
Aw the rose petals and the RAINBOW, are you kidding me??? Could it be any more romantic? Um, yes, because then they start staring at each other, taking turns to make sure the other one doesn't notice? Averting their eyes?? Looking at each other's lips? GUYS!
And it's gets even worse, because they keep looking even more longingly at each other as they dance around each other and they just can't stop touching each other can they? Soft and lingering touches, those weird dancemoves.. Miles just keeps staring! You're completely right about that! And the arm he tucks around Alex's neck.. I mean.. 👀
They could've blessed us with a kiss at the end! Right after toppling onto the floor completely entangled in each other's limbs.. I mean.. they could've! đŸ„°
I know there are people who've come up with some pretty interesting theories on the trilogy of the music videos with Miracle Aligner and Aviation, and whichever one was supposed to have been the third one. Analysing the entire story in those videos, about the bride and the husband/father (?) who Miles kisses in Aviation. Whether MA is a continuation or some sort of a prequel? Idk!
And I'm sure there are so many other people on here who can put those thoughts and theories into much better words than I can, so please add onto this if you've got ideas! Or links to any of the other posts discussing this!
This video really was a lot, wasn't it? Just perfect! And has inspired many fanfics over, I'm sure 😘
And thank you for sharing your thoughts! I love to hear them, and it's not awkward at all, don't worry, I wholeheartedly welcome them. Once again, welcome to our gathered collective of freaking out about these guys.😂💖
And yes, this blog is still active, don't worry! Thank you đŸ„°
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addictedtostorytelling · 3 years
Hiiii!!! Me again :^) I’ll go crazy if I think too much abt Grissom suffering from land sickness so I’ll change the pace here haha
I know you’re more privy to the little details from the show so I’m curious as to what your thoughts are on the “throwback” ID pictures they showed?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
These bother me so much because the details are simply
 incorrect??? Grissom’s eyes are blue and why does it say Captain? And Sara isn’t 5’7” - she’s 5’10” (well, Jorja is). So now I’m just confused. Is this really just carelessness on the props department’s side or is there something wrong with LVPD’s archive 😂 because even Hodges’ ID was a mess. although if it was faked, you’d think Sara or Grissom would’ve pointed it out already lol
Thank you so much for indulging all of our questions and sharing us your thoughts! <3
hi, @cptn-stvngrntrgrs!
i think the props are just bad, honestly.
like you mentioned, the hodges documents from the premiere were an absolute mess, and then the case files grissom was looking at last week somehow were even worse.
these old badges are just more of the same.
not only is the problem of the bad information basically universal to all prop documents we've seen so far, supposedly doctored or not, but the problem is also not one that's being acknowledged by any characters within the world of the show; that so, i've got to believe it's something that's not actually meant to be part of the narrative.
i mean, grissom straight up tells sara that the fucked up case files are "authentic," mentioning nothing of the fact that just about every detail on them is egregiously wrong, which means that to him, within the universe of the show, they must look okay.
we as the audience are not supposed to have noticed that none of the dates, descriptors, or even simple personal stats on these licenses, badges, case files, newspaper articles, etc. checks out.
clearly, the production crew doesn't either expect or even really want us to be screenshotting this stuff.
they're not intending for it to be read closely.
they just want us to get the gist of "oh, this is a case file!" or "this article is about hodges!" or whatever; they don't mean for us to read past the titles at the top of the documents, much less to try to find clues in the fine print.
as for the badges specifically, grissom's is one that was actually used on the original series back in s1 and sara's was used in s2.
though the version that they use for sara in the reboot also claims that she’s a forensic psychologist, which what the hell is up with that?
they were wrong on grissom's rank and eye color and sara's height back then, too.
yay for consistency, i guess?
why they were so off on what should have been some very straightforward information, i don't know, though i think the answer there is ultimately the same one as above: i.e., they never intended for us to look too closely at that stuff. 
anyway, at the rate they're going with this, we'll probably see a lot more misinformation listed on prop documents before this season is over.
how far will they go to give grissom and sara a height difference they've never actually had?
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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